HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-29, Page 6Fashion
. _
Ia tha matter of coats, a is al-
ready pretty evident that a, change
has eonee o'er the spirit a tho ore.=
for whereaS we have been accuetome
ed to s.ee none but tbe shortest and
loosest a coats now for many seas-
enS past, we shall he reteuired in the
immediate future to transfer our afe
feetiens to coats that are moulded
closely to the figure both back and
front, and that measure, a, long
three-quarter length. Many very
etuart traveling gowns have beeri
made already with these, long coats,
while one of the most striking inocks
included in the trouesean. of a, recent
bride was made entirely in white
broderie angleise„, with a plain skirt
Anithed At the here, with a nerrow
ounce o broderies aud a, tightelit.te
Mg coat of the same, material, in a.
three-epearter Ieng,th, with on revers
ani gaun tl et cuffs of white Irish
covered with XriS1-1. *crochet
111 IODE1111 DAYS,
No Brach of Science Has Made
Greater Advancement Than That
of Nedicine—Thousands of Lives
Prolonged by Nodera Discover-
Prow things have developed as
rapidly during the past quarter of a
century as the scienee et medieine,"
said a well known practitioner re-
cently'. "And undoubtedly the most
striking please in its peogeess is in
the treatment of the blood. In the
old days it was thought that opening
vein and letting the blood out was
cure for most dieenees. Tee utter
fallacy a that theOry WaS discovered
after o while. Then the symptomshe of
tdisease were treated and the
blood disregarded. That also has
been showe to be a wrong practice,
' though driven. assay for a time,
rthe sreiptotes always return if the
cause is not removed, and the dis-
ease is worse. than before. It M the
root of the disease that must be at-
tacked, and the most importaat de-
velopreerats ef modern raedical science,
bee 'been filSeoVering that, in nese'
Feeltley babies are always happy
babies. if the stomach and bowels
are kept right the little ones will be
healthy and happy. Baby's Own
Tablets are the best thing M the
world to accomplish this purpose.
The Tablets axe the favorite pre-
scriptioo of doctor who for years
made the ailments of little ones a
specialty, They are used in thou-
sands of horaes, bringing health te
little ones and comfort to mothers,
The Taelets reduce eeVer; break, up
colds, expel worms, cheek diarrhoea,
cure constipation, promote in,diges-
tion, allay the irriteetiott a teething,
and bring sound healthy sleep. Ask
ony mother who has used these tab -
'eta and .slie will tell you there is no
other medicine so safe and eftectis-e.
Good for the new born baby or the
tvell grciwn and guaranteed to
contain no opiate or harmful ding.,
litedleine dealers everywhere sell the
Tablets or you cart get them by mail
at 25 cents a box by writing The
Dr. 'Williams Medicine Co.. Brock-
ville, Ont.
out of a force of 25,000 to 30,000,
while those of the Boers were proba-
bly far less.
Compare sech a casualty list with
the eleaghter at Ag•intourt
there was 4011 etesch lid -to -hand,
fighting, or, although artillery ead
taken its place in the battlefield the
infantry firearm was poseeseed qf
little range or accuracy. According-
ly, at Bleeheirn and Malplaquet two.
of the 11105t bes loody strugglof later
times, althIl
ough the slain show a e-
creasMg ratio, the lesses Ors both.
sides, out a a total qf °bout 150,-
000 combatants, were, M the former
engagemeet, 14,000 killed wounded
and prisoners. while the cost of ctriv,
ing the French from a strong posi-
tion at "Sfalplaquet was 20.000 killed
ane wouoded out of a force of 90,-
Altihough in the larger armies of
more modern times losses have reach-
ed in many instances a high figure,
et the perccutage of slaeghter, ee-
pecially of killed to wounded com-
batants, has shown a remarkable de-
erease from tbe horrible figures of
ancient battles and sieges, before the
dis‘ overy of gun -powder and the in-
creasing perfection of firearms as it
may appear—hcgan to diminish* the
buttherY whieh invariably atteuded
the encounter of armed battles be
Olden times,
Tl ie explanation is that fighting is
now carried on at sueb distauce
and in separate badies of iniinittelY
great, manoeuvrieg that the IeaSt.
inctleal advardega becomes instant,
lace. dieettsee, this lies in. the condition oir a battle which lasted
for net n*ueli
Another long' coat 0l ttle same de- blood. If the blooe is tein and loeger than tlivee hours between, an ',Y„ nband`llanent
eCriOtion wes made to wear with a Poor, the nerves and IRO, organs English force Of 1.4,000 men mules o nel,awr n,lld tile Ponderous lve,IP°11'
Very ehic gown in dark. brown tage. t receive 'their proper nourish- Henry V. and 50,000 F"l
rench led by el e lnelee las endowed lledies`el
tas mousseline shot With heether reent, the stern I:sect:Owe run down their Constable. It wes the long.. troops with superior mobility, both
parole, The skirt of this gown was and in eOnditiOrt tO invite dieeeee. bow and the eletlivard slula which. Advatre and retreat.
trimmed near the hem -with three Bead up the !-''-'-"-•restore the wore- broke the Terence army and was the In old days, when the effective
geekel•ed hounjoenee ne the same, out r.erveS and you remove the cautv. lest potent agent of destructioa on r°114e tile longbow wan not aore
silk. The coat was Made with leng 'When the cause is gone the disease • T than 1$ to 20 score yard$, battle
bast -ries, fitting SUMOthly round the wn1 vanish,"
figure below the • •st, bot lies ing An instance ef the truth of this is
the bedise part Iy gathered Oven by Miss A.. Tuekey, Oxdrift,
down the centre slant, and Ont., who says s-sos do not snow.
lastetted there w geld but- what would have become of me bad
tors. The sleeves of his coat were it not been for Dr. Williams' Pink
also noteworthy, as they were made Pills. My blood seemed to have
turned to water. and was troubled
with elyriuess, headaches and genetal
prostration. I tried several ruedi- Zotliet tenth w" mmiern weaPnus Moreover, it, wPallsQuinetleb. moose dillicelt'
but instead of getting better positiou was taken after -
In the old leg of enutton shape, and
arranged with a conselereble amount
of fullness between the shooWer and
the elbow, while .from the elbow to
the wrist, they were wrin'sle,d Ughti
round the arm. in (Maint but very
becoming fusbiou.
In the ease of the cloth eo
wearing with tailor gee.
eleeves will be smaller, on
entscl •
g .y In
onnittisrigh7iveaPnr'01,001?0"rnetiiii ,,,74era cQeomilliung citlloI'Velosbee cttletleeciv a tb reTri )C3Sr
tliat nuMber were wounded. stage of the combat. The conse-
with the result of this three hours' ttliieieyy beoceuoitreweitoliiiittilier.,
battle it is interestiag to contrast thllt
ma„, ficulty be se wetted and indeed the
the sixteen. hours' struggle in
thou between the Ruseitins" and Jas victor TV S often quite unable to feel
peewee, where beih sides were arineti 1170;10re-40lus i lalt1;ilstheslia°11undlitc7
er work, and it vas wliile in this hea'YY a'rtillerY ant magazine' 1.1 M" i prone position
for ‘conditioo I was advised to try Pr. At the' elld ibt$ Pr°1Qag"/ ecmttel a-idsollevteaelQi; hIrs tsteessor, the
the ;Willianis* Pink. Pills. After using theiltbe 1(3"e ill° Tlythrs' eamia4--
i more simple iorin—a fast hielti strength; my appetite reisisaeo. isone in front of Nanslian, were no
argues that, of neceesity, the sleeves', headaches and dimness vatalShed, and
or the bodices will also be consider-1,before long was enjoyiug good
Ws- less voluminous as time goes health as ever I bad done in my life.
on. With these longer coats. many id cannot thank you enough for the
of which will be made with full ;good the pills have done me, and I
bastpies, smeller sleeves will be a hope they nell long continue to help
foregone coneluelon, if any kind of other sufferers."
greeeful propertiou is to be PreServ- Indigestion, tieureigia, heart treat-
ed to the figure. anaemia, kidney and liver com-
plaints, rheumatism, the functional
ents nf women, and a, host of
MODES F011 eityrumx. troubles are all a disea,se of
Jealously guarded as the secrets ot blood, anif that Is why they are
the coming fashions always are, cer- always eured by the use of Dr. Wil-
taM lines have been already laid Barris' Pink Pills which actually
down for the 1=1(AB:de futures by make new, rich, red blood, thus
the great ecuturies in London and in reaching the root of the disease and
Pa1is. and it is scarcely likely that driving it from the system. The
any great deviations will be made great success of this medioine has in -
from these during tbe next few ducted eorne unserupuleus dealers to
Months. Walking skirts will remain offer pink colored inutetions, You
ehort and very full, and there are eart protect yourself against these by
those evea am000, the oriteles who seeing that the full mune "Dr. Wij-
hint at a lining' of buckram in the Hams' Pink rills for Pale People" Is
hem at first, to be succeeded after- printed on the wrapper around ever
wards by whalebone, with possibly box. Sold by all medicine dealers
Steel, As a last resource, Between or may be had direct from the Dr,
A Steel -stiffened skirt and a crinoline Williams* Medicine, Co., Ilroeleville,
there is little more than a 'Verbal Ont.. at 50 cents a box or six boxes
difference, although one can but hope for $2.50.
gredually but Surely growing' xialplrxte,":1.1iNtTy, 'aleneirt$d,,Iraeutsii°44:0 °LAIR tilQuinVoQw„efialdthl7liellbscetvotifm7107 Alsghi(;1-
. I became so M'ealt I could no fl icourt waS debarred from. the use of
1Pills for a few weetS began to gain 'it° "van" through the 61v -swept al" Dr to-tb,Y.
triton+ than 4.000 rim, a %own., only
M-50 were killed, 014 of a total force
of about 60,000.
1 How ballaitely more terrible Again
i was the worle of the bow and the
1 Itinattoleraloant our
re mi,,,rwt.trieLl grifiC:ragcnyd hi;
son, the Black Prince, routed the
, great army of Philip of France. The
'irnknFri army numbered 30,000 men,
;that of I'hilip 120,000. Again the
;longbow proved its terrible effective-
eness. 'Tho French were utterly =-
labia to sustaiu the heavy Ore of its
Iyard -long projectiles. against which
armor was but an indifferent pro-
tection, and were routed with the
loss of 1,200 knights, 1,400 esquires
and 34,000 men, of whore. zo less
than ao,000 were killed outright.
rinie same cesualty lists were notice -
:able at the battle of Poitiers, -where
12,000 Fearalisli defeated 60,000
1 , FctrIteinoenhe uanodnesobvtetrirlieblie.:117ussbtlicsbeoxvie:
men tliet 11,000 of their enemy were
slain outright. Both Hastings and
Barineckhurn bear additional testi-
mony to the formidable and deadly
character ot these old battles. At
the former 30,000 men fell on both
sides, while the latter resulted in
total losses a 33,000 in both eases
a heavy percentage of the combat,.
As we gra1e/311y approach our own
time we shall find not only that the
proportion of those actually slain
in battle to the number of those who
are wounded shows a sensible de-
crease, but the total casualty lists
are almost ievaria,bler smaller, in
proportion to the numbers engaged,
that if we are to have erinoline at
all, it will remain in a modified form
eneteepeeted by the majority. and so
cleverely insinuated that its existence
will be rather hinted tie than empha-
tically expressed.
Full skirts will be worn ale° in the
ease of those gowns that are intend-
ed for smart occasions, although the
pleats and gathers will be more sim-
ply arranged than has hitherto been
the case, while the flounces anci frills
Comparison of Casualties Sag-
gests That Guxtpowder is
a Beneficence.
wili be fewer in number than they Tbe horror of war increases pari
have been lately. In many cases, passe with the advanee a civilize -
where soft fabrics like crepe de chine tion, and the "Value set upon life has
and celours mousseline are being used arisen proportionately with otu• abil-
the skirts will be allowed to fall in ity to appreciate its pleasures., its in spite of the fact that the wea-
long, straight folds from waist to mutuality and associations, says The Pons of war are always described as
feet, the bodices being also veranti more deadly.
simply but picturesquely arranged timezitalism ofdate' 1.
Y Pall Mall Gavette. Partly tree sen- growing More
-up-to- journa ism In the Campaign of Marlborough
with M11 'folds coming from, the partly our own sensibility of nature,
shoulders mad crossing in front, line has 'disposed us to reg-ard any battle
der a deep waist -belt of soft silk or losses over 1 000 as "terrible." I3ut
A large collar of the very Dne Irish stranee truth is that as we go
crochet lace or Venetian guipure will back in the history of war we shall
y in
be worn with a bodice of this kindnotice an extraordinarincreaSe
while the full sleeves, drooping ofg the proportion of losses to the num-
the shoulders, Win be drawn into bei s erigaged, uneil tve begin to roe -
Vandyke cuffs of lace to correspond_ live that the longboiv and clotliyard
ehe tendency of all the newsest bocl- shaft of our ancestors were much
ices will be toward fitting closely to more deadly Weapons than the mod -
the figure, many of thenti being ar_ ern magazine rifle, with its small
ranged with long points in front, bAllet and high velocity.
oraped slightly as they reach the re-. Such fariS would doubtless have
gion of the waist so that they give confounded Me Bloeli, whose favorite
the effect of a belt, and worn, of contention it, was that, owing to the
course, outside the sicirt. For tailor deadliness of modern weapons, war
-gowns and coats plain srnooth mat- was rapidly becoming impossible. A
eriaIs will be Worn, some of the closer study of history would have
newest bodices being made to fasten taught hen that the discovery of
like a riding habit, straight down gunpowder was in reality a beneeeent
tee centre of the front. invention, which has enabled an
armed struggle to be decided
out the former necessity for pro-
, JUST WHAT HE'D LIME. longed close -quarter fighting and the
Sarea.stic Father--Ielia, that deadly weapons of the melee.
young .man Smily has been here three It cannot be charged that men are
nights in succession, and it has been less courageous now-allaYs when
nearly midnight when he loft. Hadn't" they are called -upon to ace much
you better invite him to bring his more terrifying instriiments of war-
-trunk and make his horae with us?" fare. But - the fat 'rem airis that ethe
Innocent . Daughter—' oh papai Lee -Enfield the '4a,user; quick -firing
nlay 1? It is -just what he wanted: artillerV and higliexplOsive shells are
but he was too bashful." to ask you. productive. oi netlieg secli
be delighted when I tell him slaegliter as the long -bow, the .bat -
this evening.",
thii,1=0 and` the sN,Pard in the' hands of
eseetreletieg arictee-teree -"
ME•BAirri,Eqs- :COMPA.
S 0110 Ole `G,A.IIDENS.
eeee take battlee' Coenso and
It is said that no fewer than. 7,769 Kfai,hati since tile ereple-emeet of
school ganidens exist in. A,ustria, not
including the sister kingclem of Illti-igeray7,ineendr..iefloensipaenrde Ilenr7-
gary They are connected with both
Private sand public eehools, end are g,,age, ments such as CrecY, 'Poitiers or
used for purposes of practical in- nc u
t o .11 we, cannot fair.to be
struction in horticulture and tree-
grotvi ng.
Tee State' of treat has established
pressed with the astonithing dig
A crtitin resta*r*tat has berouso
famous for *ts high prices. 'At the
entrance e man Just leaving Pahl his
bill, was recently overheard to est;
the waiter, "I say—do you thargo
anything for goiog out?"
Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigo skims
and kindred ailments, take wines
before the healing qualities of
South American Nerving. Thomas Hos-
kins, of Davit:on, Ont., took his preach-
er's advice, followed directions. and Wae
cured permimently of the worst forte et
NerVeUd Prostration and Dyspepsia. Ile
has recommended It to others with
•atifying result. Ws a great nerve
• S'S.Iullo, uncle," exelaime,l the nen-
hew, ao he war.mly grasped the old
man's Seand. "Glad to see you look-
ing so well. Ilew is my dem- aunt
and all My charming little CoUSinS--"
"Here, My boy," illterrUPted the
wiso old gentleman, as he pulled out
his purse, "how much do you want
this time?"
Some Very Fine Results Follow.
The wrong hind of food will Init.
the body in such a -diseaSed condi-
tion that no inedichtes will cure it.
There is no way but to change food.
A man in Mo.. says: '
"Por 2 years I was 'troubled so
with my nerves that -'sometimes I
was prostrated and could hardly
ever get in a full month at my
My stomach, back and heed would
throb so I could get no. rest„ at
night except by fits and starts, and
always had distressing pains.
"I was quite certain the trouble
came from my omach, but two
physicians coulli not heip me and
all the tonics fai ed and so finally 1
turned to food.
When 1 had studied up ,on food
and learned what might be expected
from leaving off meat and the regu-
lar food Thad been living on, I felt
that a change to Grape -Nuts would
be jest what was required so I went
to eating it. • „,
'`FrOin the stare Tg9t1"'Stronger
and better iintil iwell "again
anCfrerri, that 1 ime.1. 3iavent Used a
bit medicine for I; iliveir't needed
so notch better in ' every
"Way: sleep,. sotnidlv now -a -days and
am free from the ,had dreams,„ ;Indeed
tibia food it;,s mide such a great
change in me that my wife and
daughter have taken it up and we
are.neiver Without Grape -Nuts on our
table ndw-n-davs It is a wonder-
ful „Sustainer. and we frequently have
Aliorld's Unbent Cures BMA Ott
Teacher -1 suppose you know,
Barry. that in keeping you after
school I punish rayself as seell as
you? Barry --Yes, Dales' thAt's why
1 don't mind it;
A Pleasant Duty—"Whan I know any-
thing worthy of recornmeadation,
consider it my duty to tell it," says
Rev. Jas Murdock, of Efamburg, Pa.
"Dr. agnew's Catarrhal Powder has
cured me of Catarrh of five years
standing. It is certainly magical in its
effect. The first application benefited
me in Ave minutes. 50 cts."-9
Mr. Bardup.--"Look hero!' you've
made a mistake with xrty washing.
You sent home four ar five handker-
chiefs that don't belong to me, tied
nothing else." Iliasherwoman.—
"They, a.in't handkerchiefee thtst*s
your last shirt, sr."
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Gives Valuable Advice to These,
Who VSe the Bailroad 'Train
Tomtit°, Ont., Sept. 19.--:(Speelal)
J, Ireland, one of the old-
est and best iviteWn eOrtlmercial tra-
vellers An tlie road, tuts come ou
with a statement lor the benefit of
Ws fellow travellers,
"-It is with pleasure," says Mr. Ire-
land, "that tiodoree Dodd,*.s. Xidney
Pills. While on a trip through the
Maritime Provinces Dodd's Ieidnee
Pills completely cured Die of a see
vere pain in my back that had both-
ered me for some time. The 'first
dose eemned to go right to the spo
and removed the trouble Se eeketuel-
ly that it has not and is not likeler
to return.
"Dedd's Kidney' Pills are just as
advertised," Mr, Ireland concludes..
"They cure to stay cored. -
Travellers, reilroad men end others
who ride on tho railWaY a great deal
re subjeet to EitilleY Treubles, Theer
ill Thad Mr. IrelAturs Statenlent
Mehl() reading.
Sametins—"It is impossible for ue
to see ourselves as other see
Tinikins—"Ever try to get into Par-
The quantity of water used for the
purpose of extinguishing iires ittthe
County of London lost year, accord-
ing to an official rethril, prepared
and issued ley the London Fire Bri-
gade, was 27,0000150 gallons.
nearly 12,510 tons, Of tide about
a, quarter was taken from tbe river,
=ale, aud docks, and the remaiader
Irma the street pipes.
For Over Sixty Years
Mao. Wiltstow'sSOOTIIING SYKUT his baen wad
of soothers for their children while teething.
'nano thee the ohild,,SOf tens the gums. allayspain. cures
wind colic. regulates the stontael and bowels, and ts the
bestromedy for Dinsrlicea. Twenty-five cents a botcle
Sold bydruggiato throughout the world. Be euro and
&littler " JAW. WINFILOW'SSOOTIIING Sitnur." 22-40
Toddy—"Papa, evety now- and then
Dear Sirs.—Your AtINARD'S
I31EN1.` is our remedy for
throat, colds and all °linnet
It never fails to relieve an
Port gra.ve,
I see something in the papers about
the `ruling passion.' . What is
Papa (after a Cautious glance
around)—"It's a disease your ma is
badly afflicted with, -,my sonl"
Itching, Burning, Creeping, Crawling
Skin Diseases reliev0d a few' min-
utes by Dr. Agnew's OintInent. Dr.
Agnew's Ointment relieves instantly and
cures .Tetter. Salt Rheuna, Scald Efead,
'Eczeina, "Ulcers, Motches,, and Erup-
tions of the .Skip. It is , soothing and
onieting mail • acts like magic in. all
Baby I:Tumors, Irritation of the Scalp
Or . Rashes during teething tune. 35'
ents box. -7
' I d' like to see thonsaeterz of the
hotiee," said , the .canvasser. ' "The
baby:s aelape, sort. ' snapped the kit-
ehee-maid, slamming the door in. his
EN01.7G I SMD.
fether object to our en-
gagementwhen you told him
couldn Ve Withola y0O,. darlinerk
"No, he didn't exactly obleCt.
only said he hoped you were prepay
eti to Wei"
.4#1V tnCe, kiCel, At/9
wscsawsomswas.,www.caMv' worracwasav
- Will Dry in 8 Flours,
an We at all Hardwara llosisrs
lontreal Toronto, Vanconvor,
Potatoes Paul
ry, Eggs Butter Apples
ol Arly af thelle extieled tad we Win
get you good price.
$tet and eteitecsno Ota., TO TO. ffnited
Let Us haVe yellr COne471
Der. West M
CAN 13 A 1
Ottsins, Pane;
tans Ortamr Can Zupply V
ft. g prove SO yen that We
riles Izaze:hliPttiik41.:1%fatle
bleadinirend protruding piles
Itesmanufacturers have guaranteed it. eeotee,
1mm:eels in the daily sires.% and Ask your nelele
tors whattbey think of it, You can use it and
Tet your mom' back if not cured. Crae a box, at
.11 dealers or Ent:Asset-01mm CosTeroute
r0Cass 01 trheni
Roads --"When be called you a fool
what dila you say?" Street—"I told
dm that some folks didn't know
nough to keep their opinions to
hemselves. think I had him
Via the, Chicago and NOrtli- 'Western
nothing elSe at all but, 'a saucer of ',13...dils.V4Y,. everY day -from'
Sept. -lSth
crePancY in the casualty listS. Grape -1,i ts:a.nd tire -ern. for brea.kfast .toOet: 15th, settlet's otie'way second
Cm. Buller's attack' on the 130ers or supper:" Name given, lty Postum tiekets at eeryIese'rates'ff70A1
at the battle al Coieseee,, hie men Co ss Beetle' Ceeekelficlie Chicago to• Points in Uteli, Atentena,
presented as fair a' mark:for the ac- 6,,eiod food `and good rest.' , These N6sada, Idaho, Oregoil ,.° Washington,
tion ei the modern firearm a.s our areethe tonics,that'sit- ecedwhereCalifornia also. to VictoriaVan-
all __ '
holidaY honor ef gens. it is ,erlernies could have deSire4.' Yet, 5.3 the' bottled ton,ics and drugs fail. Ten C°11Vert •INew Nest,Tninstelt, Besslend
called aeneral 5Tealtit .Day, and -is a result of several hours' hot fights da ys,' trial 'of 'Grape -Nuts, will sh04, and other Points ,in—the KeotenAy.
the first, AlOn-daY iri"OCtOber. On this ing,, during, which maily brave deeds ene4 hc rogiii to health,strength end District.' CorresPondfnele 10w, rates
day all theatres, chtirches, public were done by officers and 111071.; who Vig01', "There' s a reason," , from all points in Canada. Full
hafls. hotels, boarding --houses, and so recklessly exposed themselves to a taee in. eacli package for the fain- Particulars from nearest ticket agent
forth, niust tee thoroughly clisiolect- storri bullet.s and shell—lire, our 01,,s little book, "Tito Road to Well- or 13' Fi• Bennett, amoral Agent, 2
losses' wereenOt more than 1,100, M4i11
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart
acts directly and quickly, stimulates the
heart's action, stops most acute pain,
dispels all signs of weakness, fluttering,
sinking, smothering, or palpitation. ThiS
wonderful cure is the sturdy ship which -
carries the heart -sick patient into the
haven of radiant and perfect health.
Gives relief in most acute forum of
heart disease in 30 minutes. -11
"My boy, I forgive you for runn-
ing away with my daughter." The
Groom—"But I can never forgive you
for letting met"
ginard's liniment Iletieves Neural
Attributing her long life. to the use
of tobacco, Mrs. Judith Moyer, of
liutztown, Pennsilvania, dedlares, at
the age of ninety-six, **aft slim
smokes twenty-four pipes 01 tobacco
a dey.
Do you catch cold easily?
Does the cold hang on? Try
East King Street, Toronto, Ont..
.c:Dnau ti n
cure 11,:,,.......
It cures the most stubborn kind
of. coughs and colds. If it
doesn't cure you, your money
will be refunded.
. , ,
' • Prices: S. C. WELLS & Co. 203
25c. 50c. Si I..eRoy,N.v.,TorOnto,Can.
yo te
ow who Was.
tilaiU LilliffiCOt ill!' sale veryder.
1, I I:
Amateur gamblers orlon
rt of losing to a science.
rale What You {Jim—Give the disec-
tivo organs genie work to 4o.
These *unctions need e'tereihe muCh
ea Any part of OM IIIIMAr4 anaterny
t if they're delicate, give tit the
Id that, Dr. Von Sten'S I', apple
Tablets afford and you can e any-
thing thassa wholesome and pale able -
00 lu a. box, 85 cents. -8
Carried 85 Niles in Basket, But
Returned Safely.
What is probably another record
]!as been created, this time lay a cat,
which. has walked from London to
Overstock, near Rugby, England,
distance of 35 miles,
"duraray," as Vim "tramp" is call-
ed, belongs to Mrs. 111ark 110binSon
of 9 Belsise grove, Hampstead., and
is just an ordinary, modiumrsized
cat. Although 7 years old, "June-
xny" had never before displayed any
nomadic tendeticy, ite previoue ram-
bles having always been confined to
the neigeborliood of its home.
About the beginning of June Mr.
Robinson brought the cat from Over-
slade to, Hampstead, and it was at
once apparent that "JurrunY," like
the Rev. Mr. Spalding, diche't like
London. The climax came when
some furniture was moved irtto tbe
house. This was too mach, and
"Jummy" tookliis departure.
Nothing more was heard of it until
about a fortnight ago, when news
came Vora OVerslade that "elemany"
had returned, its coat a trifle roug,b,
its lim.bs a trifle thinner, but "Jum-
my" nevertheless. As the cat was
brought to London in a closed bas-
ket, its achievement in walking back
Is really remarkable.. -
In ancient times it was the custom
ef the victors in a battle to decor-
ate their doorposts with the skulls
of the•vanquished. With the advance
of civilization, Britone, of course, no
longer carry it out, but the custom
has not been allowed to drop alto-
gether, as is seen by the stone 'balls
which are often set on gateposte—a,
relic of a barbarous idea of long ago.
In certain parts of Africa the SktIls
are still used as decorations; whole
villages may, be seen with the door-
posts of the houses surmounted in
this gruesome fashion.
There was a ,,Policitor in a certain
town who weaved Pretty, dreams all
day instead of looking after the in-
terests of his ellepts,.and he was so
engrossed in this occupation a day
at two ago that he reede no response
to the gi'ufr "Good Deeming" of a:
big man who entered.
"I said 'Good morning,' " repeated
the visitor.
"I heard you," answered the solici-
tor; but ' there are, many different
Ways of sayieg /Good morning.'
'Phere is the cheery 'Good morning'
a,no the depressing `Good morning,'
there is the friendly `Good, morning'
and the churlish one. Yours was
churlish and didn't care to answer
orate Rate Serv
Itfin ewe...es-teem Volute in bee
a tee steamer st the low rale I;
r eel. or 4$2.6,1 to Lenlen, Third deo, b3
oo.01,,Tionlon. tilgagotr Quoin4 .Vre.0.749.0.
Sera riutsseen apo1i to local wets. er
r...ZireMo, at.eacounent Mesita
lesnles sad Caritas pal Kid Glossa cicseed Th
ese he sect bg pen,. lo sir es, the best ohms 14
"Well, miStere' answered the big
Man, deliberately, '''as you're so -very
particular, you shall teach me how
to say 'Good morning' in the right
way. There'll be plenty o/ time to
lea,i.n. I'm tlie bailiff, I am, mid rve
.come to stop with. low,
Old whalebone, which has 'become
bent and useless, ,should be soaked itt
hot water, and then laid On. a table
to dry, In this way it is. straight -
seed out ,and has -a new life •of use-
fulness before it
Made big enough for a big
man to work in with comfort.
Has more material in it than
any other brand -of shirt in
Canada4 Made on the
H.B.K. scale it requires 39%
to 42 yards per dozen, whereas
cominon sts have only 32
to 33 yards.
That's the reason why the
1-1.B.K, "Big" Shirt never
chafes the armpits, is never
tight at the neck or wrist-
bands, is always loose, full
and comfortable and wears
Each shirt bears a tiny book
that tells the whole% history
of , the "Big" Shirt, and
also contains a notarial
declaration " that the H.B.K. -
" Big " Shirt' contains 391
to '42 yards of, material per
S'61d-at'ill dealers but only
with this brand:77
hill the flies end
diseas, germs, too'
Montreal Winnipeg Dawson
, ISSUE NO 39—.04.