HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-29, Page 5;TN
g T
Sugar-cocted, easy tre wtig,
yeVs? sirQ, I s mild in action. . They cure
1 AO A sick -headache. '1,:,=10;*
constipation, billousness,
Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE
gbeautitalbrownorriablac U
k? se r1371 QM 40 MOIR= OSP IL r.stusecoaxn/PS.11148.
. P. Se Graduate Victoria Uni-
vossity, °ince and. residenence. Dominion
Laboratory, ENeses,
1-1 DIIN..21.1.4e
D. s. 1). InS„Tionor titraduate
of Terouto Cnivet'sitY. Dentist
Teeth extracted wittiont pain or
hadafter arrests, °Mee in Fans
sen's block. West side of Main
D.A. ANDERSON, (0, D. 5,10,S,
'Donor Graduate, of tho Teronts. University
tario,with lioeore Also Post- oat° of
cago D
anAl Royal Cottage of Dental Ryeons of
GlOamn ot Prosthetio Dennis (with
EvcrYtinsig known to the Dental Progessien
done in thi., oflice. Dridge work, crowoo.
JurninuM, gold and, vulcanite plates an done in
LIZ e neatest, metiner possiele. A nerfeetis,
Itarmiesa anaestnetic osed for painless CUM -
Office one door south of Darling 13res store
)nxeWr. Ont.
ierirEtte funds to loan oil Fano property
And one Wilt per cent,
WQ bAve unlimited private, foods for brve4
' °aquae farm or village Property al IONPOA
WS et interose
SoranonN nuituAm nuLLs
for isalm-The uodoneignedbas for
sale a ntsreher of up-to-date thor-
ough bred Short 1-lorn Bnils. 'rimy
arc of the low $et thi,ck blocky tYPe
and choice breeding. Wii1 be sold
reasonable, inspection invited. Ap-
PIY 'on lit 16, PPD. '144 'gay, or jolio
Elder, klensail, P. 0,
We have ahoctss usenet of Prtvate funds to
osu co farm au yillsgelgePertaeiat1pwate4
0.1.A.DMAN $4 =NUBBY
arrieteri eolicitors, hialeSt, Nee
Vearlatereeolteltone Note* v
Commissioners. Rolietten: or t
Sleety toLoan, at lowest rat ara otinterost.
Reaor Graduate Ontario vowelise
lege ; elonorarKe'enow ta Ontario reter1
°MOE ne door south of Town Bail
=Sink:NUE tiece04 house north oi Pres-
beterian chureb,
In the matter of the Estate of John
Ford, tete of the Township of
Stephen, in tee County of lfurou
Farmer decesedd.
NoJ4o s herolay given pursuant to
"The xevised statues of Ontarie"'
1.07, at all crediters and others
beetiag claims against the estate of
the said John Fords, who died on or
aboet the 30th day of jnly, A, D.,
1904, ere required, en or before tbe
15th day of Cletolaer, 1904, le seed bY
Post prepaid or deliver to Kerinetb
Goodman oi the town of rarkbut.in
tins county of iliriddiesex, solicitor
for the administrator of tbe said. es -
tato tbeir Vitristian aod surnamee,
tttleressee end deecriptious, the full
ertioulars of their ohtims, tbe stato
t of their account and the n*'.
of tee security, if any 4 beld, by
cm. Alla further take nOtoo teat
ter such leer meritioned date. tbe
said a4minietrotor will preceed to
distributo the as3ats of the deceased
ong the partice entitled thereto,
tavirig regard only to tbe claims of
which he 0411 tben have notice end
that the said administrator net
bo liable for OA tiaid assota or any
part tbereof to any peewee or per-
sons of whose cleim notice shall net
have been received by Wm at the time
of atoll, distribution at Parltbill.
Dated ate 10th day of Sept., 1901.
alb solicitor.
The Exeter Times
Thirty.,Five Years Ago
From on 014 Resident of
Editor zcetm-BeinPeople are learning that eon,
er Timg iA . , 4,
Exeter after an absence Of is a curable disease.
P El B It 29th 1904,
:444•40***014.4,40+4,4,4,44444,444440•••••••.:4404444440•••••••••••••••••************* 4
CO 11tt 11 m p" 01111
' : 004404100000404404444.400040044444444044444444444444444" 44444444.44400044000400
1 0 40
.4 : r*.*.4P*4.04V:04:04V*.0+:04:074>404V40.4:4p4t>470.4474. i ^ I
The only kind of consump.. t 3 .'')
. *
tion to fear is neglected
where about 35 years, and $eeing the it is neglected constimption
treinendons changes since then. I
fi- bl
tboogb,t I would write yoo a letter ito,34 is SO 0 .ert anoura e.
letting the preetsot-day Exeterttea
know something of these 4ays, I#
At the faintest susnicion of
wed to nye vrancw.val, was, 4' Consumption get a bottle of
knew .almost everyettnn,orailti stgeancis! SCOtt'S EII11.161011 and begin
clerk in Logie's g
town and Ex.eter then, , Vranols- regular doses.
town W0.4 a brisk little plane, AUs; 4
The use of Scotts Emulsion
IA Qr business waS dene there then.
ere were three gencral stores, Ver -
.'t Brabison's Foundry, two grist
at once, has, in thousands oi
• +
mins, a fino carding mill. to, sew cases, turned the balance la
• ... Men's Raincoat .. 4,
• . 4,4. .. •
4 • .. ...: s
• . .,›,r).
. . 4+ 4* 40
« 4 44 2 • * •
• •
• • ** •
• ••0* •
• •
• ,..,
• • and Waterproofs ...
4* 4
4* •
4* 4
4* *
4 • et* 40
4* 40
. + • .
<0* 40
. G
. • ilk. .
4 * 4. •
4 *
40 40
40 40
4 • $7.50 Water Coat for $5,00
4 4 .
IVien's grey covert cloth Waterproof Coats, impotted English
make, obecked linings sewn SCOILls, full square backs, side pockets,
premier make at only $.00.
mill, two general blatahsoaitli stoma fsvos. a health.
wan 'fac".•
tories, two boot and '- "" 4, •s.,,.
4> 4,4
shoe amps, 61111110 team:Y. One -large Neglected consumption does • • ..
* *4,
hotel 4oing a great busenese. ooc , h s tt, E a 2 **
turning' factory, contractors, end sion is. + ..
Armstrong's tannery. People used 4 4..
ealoost o„ eotoseleary surgeon, elm not emst
w were CO S mu
Emul- 4+4
while it * 4.**:
• -
4 *.
•* •
• *• :4*
• •
to come tett Or fifteen miles from
the East and o -es t Eeerer,
in to tbose two big grist mina and
it 'brought a big bu.einese to Fran-
cistowo, trete the west and nortb
and kast, People ueed to come 10
EzAter from a
on distOnee, there
vas no toWn near Exeter Own. I
Poked. Illy friend where till the people,
weve ebat reelded, hero them 110
told me that Wm. Hoskine and Dun -
an McKee were the only two left. tee
4 I would seppcsee Altera wore two
ndred petiole living hero then. I
walked down 'to Mr. Donell's mill
race end on down to the mill -ail
"OnA,. only st tow stones and bricks
ol wbat was ouce, a hit4 bus -
loess VIACc. I walked up theold
raid, 410:lab'e Itun and Turoing fato
ory-not a sign of it left, fen down
o 41coonnors grist mill-tbere was
not ono thing there I could recoe-
At. 1 walked bee% to whore *otts Temperance batel was -not
k of any thiog left. It was a
e large brick building. 1looked
ae*o's where stood MoVannellie To.
nce-alt gen'. It was a large old
eh!), fine lens. not a bit re.,
coeldn't eeprese the leer as 1 saw
stolen to -dee, still as d
ar I I thought it can't be pose
Ron% tic2 anYthiing to bright -
alt so lonesome. Cricket used
Lo be ti110 un*gathose days end what
determined games Exeter and Fran-
cistown did have. The boys usell to
have me for scorer. and I have al-
ways Iwpt that little book. as I al -
'ars keep n aalry wherever I re-
side. Iwill give you the names of
tile twenty-two young Men and the
garoe and .soore. Iy Criontl told
tuo he didn't think there was one
left. lie was sure 'there was noue
in Vrancistown.
Francistown. - Wellington Beef
5-4; Geo. Webster, 7-0: Bruce Browe
; nob. VvritY• ; Ned Hos
kins, 8-7; Theopolis Broderick, 19-11
Frank Simpson, 111-34 Jim McLeod,
8-'7; Ned Patterson, 4-9.'Wm.
WIrite 0-a; Frank Brown 11.0 Total
Prompt use
n checks the dise
i bechecked.
C nOWIlffis
$10.00 Waterpvoot Coat for $8,00
n's grey Paramatta Waterproof Coat, Premier make sewn
mzed seams, checked linings, square hack side pockets
,s,H5ocuttion, ii4if.cases ot dotaotte antra
DeleutbleanY tteated. Atillt Wee treatc4 b
tbeiatest oxzgen treatment.
Thiit Ilsborne and Hilbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur
aline Gompanu.
seao Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President: -T. Renee; DI= 13, 0.
Vico-Preget-We bI fl.n.ssmo
a. A. Nowa%
NV24. Box,
3', I. Iinssztx;
emcixontar., STAIMA.. ONT.
Fount:11On P. O.
-0a010.11TY 13. 0.
letIesneeeteen P.0.
A. D17140A-11 PAR4UXIA.11, ONT.
J. S. GIraiaLleeee Lee3A1e, ONT.
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
Do you Want a Buggy
We have tbe finest, stock in town
all the latest styles, in the newee
Our -prices are bow as can be foun •
for first-class material and workman,
t t
of thae e
lato of thn To'w
Uwo;;. 1114110 deceased.
Notice Is hereby given pursuaut to
0., 1897, obey. 129, , that all
editora and others haVIDR 411X101,
ainst the estate of the said Devid
ougall, who died on or about tbe
day or September. 1004. are re
(mired, en or before tele 10111 day
of October. 1904 to send by post pre-
paikt or deliver to bliessrs. Glarlmart
& Stonbury, of the village of Exeter
Solicitors for the Executors of the
said deceased their ehristian
and SUrnfilneSs ltddrossea and
deectIptions, the fun particul-
ars of thole claims, the statement
of their account e and tbe nature of
the scent -HIM if any, held by them.
And further take notice that atter
milt last mentioned date tbe said
Exeoutors will proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the deeeased
among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard outy to tbo claims of
whitah they shall then have notice
end t ha t t lie said Exerted o rs
will not beliobia Lae the said assets
or any part thereof to any peeson
or persons of whose olaime :tattoo
shall not have been received by them
at the 'time of such. distribution,
Solieltoes for said Exeoutors.
Dated at Exeter. the 17t1*
day of September, 1901.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and
Jos. White and Harry Brown, will
sell for IVIr. E. 3. Avery, on
Lot 13. Con. to, Usher:se, on
JF RTwo Doors South Towo ussell
Roller Mills
Gristing and Chopping
Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent sa-
tisfaction in flour since • re-
modelling our mill
FARAI FOR SALE, --Lots 20, 10
.40- con. and lith" (toe., at Stephen,
6 1-1 miles west of EXeter. being
composed of 100 acres on the 1.1te
Goa. and 120 acres on the 10111
These farms are under good state of
cultivation well drained with good
house *and outebuildings, thereon al -
Re fruit hearing orchards..., Never
gailing well the year round. For
further particulars apply to T. B.
Marton, Exeter.
e nearly
Permit:1o, sUO
that was on
py band.
The Preeltyterian 'church was
Francistown then. 1 WIIR SOrr$
ce it toted for a barn IsoW. 1 Wen
d loukt4 111$140 the old church
and thought of that sebated
Rev. Wm. Logie. I teouglit of the
days gone by, ell was still as death.
Olen we steed to coogregate there.
1 waikett back to our old farm oil-
ly about a mile and half from
Feancletown. I looked for Mr.
Joey and Simon. little John Audere
son, Jimmy be, Thos. Ohs'. Rein.
Fanson. Wm, Harvey, W. Gibuon,
Jim Earth, W. Earth Jr.. Vito. An.
len, Wm. Simpson. 1,Yea. rtuesell. Geo
Artitstroug, but ales tlae cheuge of
time. I went tarouxid the old home -
ad. I thought of toy poor tette
nd mother, and broth:rs ona
Lers. Wo wore a happy farolly. I
bave often beard 111,V mother speak
ol e kind neighbor% she bad then.
Tbo,y bave long since passed away.
No person 4011 ever nage- my feel -
trigs os I walked around ;be old or-
chard, andetea few apples. I
IttragItt I never . tastiel any tiling
like it in my life. I took one of each
kind ,to let my children taste.
I went up as far asItogervilv,
There was a eke little b'usinese
done ,there then, now. nothing lea,
I don't know anyono there now.
They are all gone :-Clid man Rogers
Willie Case, Hen Caee, Joeoph Cave,
W. MoTaggalt. James 'Brownlee. Da.
vid Wilkie, old Wm. Wilkie. Wm.
,Teckell, Wm. Logi.
I -went Out to the cemetery.
reed ehe monuments of lots I know.
I paesed. Collingwood's, all changed.
John William, Thos. Ching. John
Sweet, Wm. Whitlock. Isaac 'Whit-
lock. Chas. Humphrey, John Ching,
James Cliiug, John Carley, John
becelabon W. Green. John Billing.
none left. 1was well ttequainted
with all of them.
Well I could go eta eiving more
details but my lime is short as I
am leaVing in the moreino
1 belie travelted in a good many
places but in no where have 1 seen
a prettier town than Exeter, of to-
day. I was astonished to see, what
a beautiful place it is now. Bach
elegant, business places, and every-
thing so nice end cleqn. I think
around Exeter is the inest country
I ever saw. I wish some of roY Am-
erican friends could see"Canada as
}Ave this last month, they woUld get
an eye-opener and not' keep belittl-
ing the most magnificient eountry
in the -world. 1 am proud thee I Alle
a Canadian, and at heart a Briton.
as 1 ibid good-byo to my erierids that
I will nevcr see again, I couldn't re-
press the tears thinking of the
happy ;days I spent in Exeter, and
on scones .once so familiar. I had
had hoped to have met some (Amy
old chums of those days. but they
are ell gone. I "lope we will "meet
where parting IS nO more. I now
bid adieu for ever to Exbter, glad
.travallod over 800 miles to look
'Upon it once more.
Polo 'Missouri, U. S.
d sae
cisio*.ssr, now
ad, 1 said ca
change, not wielO
h a bright an
Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the
following property
Stock. -One mare 5 years old sired
by jasper. I horse 10 years old, 1
oolt rising 4 years old sired by Re-
volo, 5 cows supposed to be in calf,
2 cows to calve this fall, 4 cows late-
ly calved, I steer rising 2 years old,
2 heifers rising 2 years old, 6 younr,
calves, eight early calves, 10 bogs 5
months old, 2 sows due to pig, 1
Yorkshire boar well bred, 1 store
hog, .about 25 hens,
Implements -One 6 foot Deering
Exeter, -,Edwin Speakman. 14-3;
Bill Broderick, 3-9; 13111 Patch, 4-'7;
Arohy MacDonell, 8-4; Wilber Win -
12 -9; Thos. Roberts, 9-8; Geo.
Glbsou, 9-9; John Brawn, 3-73 Willie
fllkwlL 14; Bill Chrispin, 3-7;
Geo. Powell, 7-11; extras, 0. Totel
159 runs.
Templre,-Andrew McConnell,
chant Ruddy.
ALso have tlie names of a tmon
iliet played St. Marys. I noted as
scorer for Exeter that any, Win.
Trick, John &Indere, Fred Wilkin-
son; John Drew; Jobe. Treblo; Won
Adams, R. A4tunit, Bob Bissett, Jas.
Jobnson, Wm, MeConnell, Rota..
Ioorguson. Exeter won. I bave
seen a good many games played
since, but that was a remarkble
game, but none of that team is in
Exeter to -day, Truly one genera-
tion passeth away after another. Th it
game was played about whece
the foundry stands neur a pretty
little grove where there are a Lew
trees left '
I was acquainted with, mosi of thz.
young ladiesof Francistown, and I
asked My friend where some of them
lived ;-May Hunt, Josephine Brown
lee, Misses Esdales, Blanohe Webb,
Emma Webb, Charlotte Bissett. Eli-
za Bissett, gate Brownlee, Margaret
Brownlee, Ellen Brown, Mary Ann
Verity, Miss Ann. Lessay Patterson.
Mary Brabison, 1Slaggie McDonald,
Miss Morgan, Sonoma l'aLleod
Kale McLeod, Mary Jane Andrews,
Emma, McLeod, Daisy Vine, Maud
binder, Dot five crops. I five foot Max
seellanower, 1 ban foot Maxwell rake
nearly new, 1 Deering cultivator,
nearly new, 1 No. 6 ,LWO furrow
Fleury plow nearly n-eav, 1 Fleury
walking plow, 1 Verity No. 13 walk-
ing plow. Patterson 2 furrow plow.
Maxwell disc harrow, 1 Ma.xwel
seuffler, 1 Toot polper, 1 land rolla
1 ,seed drill, I 'turnip sower, 2 lu
her wagons, 1 light wagon wit
springs, 2 sets whiffletrees, 1
reckyoke, set ot diamond harrows,
1 ,three horse eveneT, I set of springs
fortheavy wagon, 1 Clinton Fanning -
mill, 2 pair bobsleighs, 1 buggy.
I 'cutter, I baby carriage, I grind -
1 cutter, 1 baby carriage, 1 grind-
stone, I set of heavy harness near-
ly new, I set of heavy harness near-
ly new, I set of plow harness, 1 set
of single harness, I sling !trip and
trip rope and sling rope, 125 feet
of lay fork rope, 1 hay rack, 1 ordss
cut ,saw 6 foot, 1 scoop shovel, 1
'ditching scoop, 30 gal. milk can, 1
Maxwell churn nearly new. a quan-
tity of milk pans, I dozen cow chains
large iron kettle, cook Stove, large
iron pot, goat robe, a quantity of
grain bags, 2 bay knives between
sixteen a nd twenty tons of good clov-
er hay, besides scythes, forks, hoes
and shovels and otherarticles too
numerous Ito riaention.
,Positively no oeserve as the pro-
prietor is giving up farming.
Terms -$5.00 and under cash; over
that amount 12 months' credit will be,
giveir on furnishing- approved joint
notes or a disnonnt of 5 per cent.
per annum for cash in lieu of notes.
E. 3. Avery, Prop.
WHITE and BROWN. Aucts.
* 444"
* *
* *
• •
* •
• •
• •
11 fuge and Industrial Farm. -Ap-
plications for the position of keeper
and Matron of the House of Refuge
nd Industrial Farm in the County
bif HIITOII* will be received on or be-
fore the first day of December next.
Applications to be in writing and ad-
dressed to W. Lane. County Cler
Goderich.-H. Spackmatt, Chair
of H. of R. Com.
Dated July 18tb, 1904.
Alt 14 FOR SALE. --The Execu-
s8; tors of the Will of the late Da-
vid Dougall will on Saturday, theist.
of October 'text, at 2 o'clock, p .m
offee for sale on the premises his
farm- containing about 98 1-2 acres
and being lot 35 an the 2nd conces-
sion of Vsborne. T,here is about 60
acres of this farm in gross suitable
for either grazing or grain; a Siring
creek runs through the 'farm ; there
are also about 30 acres of first class
hardwood bush inostly maple. The
bush ,ablohe is very valuable to any
person buying the farm. There is
also about 1 1-2 acres of orchard.
There is a frame house containing
four rooms; a frame, Iberia on a sterile
foundation and a frame driving shecs
on the farm. A number ef chattels
will be sold at the same time. Any
person thinking of purchasing
should attend this sale. For .further
particulars apply to, Henry Dougall,
Hensall P. 0. Henry Strang, Huron -
dale, P. 0., 'Executors; John Gill,
auctioneer, Exeter, Ont.; Gladma
Stanbirry, Barristers, etc., Exet
That isn't equalled the world over
is Nerviline, the greatest relief for
cramps and stomach pains ever clis-
tovered. Nerviline acts promptly
• nd is very pleasant to take. "I
'think Nerviline is the finest remedy
in the world for colic and oranaps"
writes W. B. Wilton, of Toledo.
When Ptak° Nerviline 1now it is
going to relieve quickly, and for
that reason I am never without it.
I have ,found Nerviline good for sick
headache and stomach troubles and
recommend it for strength and surei
Siess." Excellent for inward sage ---
good to lath on. Price 25c.
We announce the following low
rates for trial subscriptions from
now until January 1st next;
The Times .. . . . ...25c.
The Weekly Mail and Empire ...25c
he Weekly Suit............25c,
imes and Mail & 'Empire 50c.
imes and Weekly Son .. .,50c.
'roes and Family ITerafd 50c.
Subscribers to the Mail ana
mpire have choice of one
the following pictures; "Min-
's Farewell,"- "On 'the Edge of the
erd," "Contentment," or enlarged
letstre ef R. L. Bardert.
Stanley, Bayfield Sept. 29-311
Turnberry, W in g ham Sc pt. 29-3111
Kirkten . . Oct. 6-7
Northwestern., WingliUm...Sept. 29-30
$12.50 Raincoat to $10.00
u iieuseSnOlter Grey Cravenette Cloth Raincoats,
a, very latest swell coat at $10.00.
$15O0 Ram o
Men's they Cravenette Cloth Raincoat, golf lined, sitk and linen
ings, Umbrellaskirt, bfNautifolly finished $13.00
0, 44i A .40.40 .40.
o40 4,
444 4 *
10400 440 4 40
** 4
*4 4 40
Men's Cloth Overcoat 0 to
** 40 •
** 4,
•• 4. •
• •* ••
** * *
and Men's Imp° English Black .. . .
n's Plain Oxiord. 40 .
's Oxford. grey Cheviot, all 40* 4„. *
40* • 0,
40 40 40
black cheviot, silk and wri r Cloth at 5.00.
lined with Italian linings at $7,5o 40* •zo, •
o ()hair sleeve linings, best ** . •
Men's dark grey Cheviot, 40* •0 40
wool, lined with Italian linings a ewings at i� 00 ** 0 40..
** 0 •
$8.00. Men's Black Beaver cloth, all 4^4. 0 4.
40+ 0 4*
Boy's Overcoats in I latest wool, highly finished, Mohair *4, * .
.4. . .
styles, best linings, shrunken sleeve linings, Italian body lin-
+0 • *
.4* • •
cloth from 3.00 to $5.o0ings, 2. bargain at $io.00. .4. . •
Men's Black Cheviot, all wool
Young Men's Nobby Over .. 4. *
4040 . I*
*40 0, *
herringbone finish, Mohair sleeve coats in the latest cloths and cuts •. 4. *
.4 • •
linings, excellent make best style all cut from New York patterns **
prices from •
5.00 to $9,00. 40 4,
• * .
••• at 10.00. • • • •
• 4* •• • •
• •• •• •
all new from the
+0- 4.
• ** 4.* •*
41. 4.* 4.* , 4.
4. 4.4. No old ones left, Canadian Rubber Company «i: : «
. .4.- •
of Montreal. The supposed best rubbers made. latest lasts, latest .1.: : «
. 4..
• 4* eleetra finish, latest highs and lows. Buy from us and make sure 40* « :
• 4040
• :.4 404., • *
41 • 4
you have a new pair of rubbers. 'Z., • 1r
.. • •
• 404 40,r • •
• 40* 4 4` •
• 404 • •
4 4.4 4) •
• 4 411 0
•4 **
40 It* •4: • 40-
• • •10•440.404.44404040•1444440.40****41444404•4********4040440440.44404.4040444044404:041440 • 40 •
• 4 44044••••••••••••••••••••••404•40404•4044401444044 44****40+4404°4040404444440404444 To, 4-
40 40
•4° 4°-
*******40444************4040+404044040404,44440**************************404044404040444* + *
Mr. Noririan Ballantene, sort of
gr. W. W. Ballantyne, et Downie,
has ,gono to Guelph to enter on a
four l•ears' coUrst at the Onterio Ag-
ricultural College.
.411. Eirr C:10 MIL
Boars tie
titgaanno Ina Kind You Have Always Bought
of .
* Junk Dealers. *
4. 4.
Main -St. Exeter. *
Occupying J. P. Ross'
* Store, one door south of
Metropolitan Hotel.
Will pay highest cash
price for the following
goods,such as all kinds of
+ Scrap Iron
Horse Hair
Wool Pickings
Old Rubbers
4...gBones and Bottles.
No quantity too large or
* too Small4.. 1.')
Guessing at the heat of an 01,411 spoils
more food than 'inexperienced cooks.
Dainty pastry and delicate mikes are
ruined if the oven is too hot or not
hot enough. The oven thermometer of the Imperial Oxford Range
does away with all guesswork. The least expeneneed can tell to a
certainty when the oven is ready for bakkig or roasting.
Every housekeeper will appreciate this convenience of the
Imperial Oxford
Most cooking failures may be traced to the fact that you don't know
your oven. With the Imperial Oxford Range you. know that the heat
of the oven is evenly distributed and its exact
Write for the Imperial Oxford, booklet. Or better
still, will you call at one of our agencies and see
the stove itself?
The Gurney
Foundry Co.
Toronto, Canada
Montreal, 'Winnipeg
Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter,
Trial Trip. -Now is the time to
secure two good papers foe the price
of one. The Weekly Mail and Em-
pire from now till Jan. lat., 1905
for only 50e. To hew eubscribers
only. '
1 Trial Trip. -Now is tlei time to
secure two good papers for the price
oe ono: The Weekly Melt and Eine
pire from now eiel Sart; 1st., 1905
1 for ertly 50e. To tiew, subscribers
I male.