HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-29, Page 4The Exeter Times
'aleridar foar SepteroDer 1904
4 if
5 12 19 26
6 18 20' 27
1 14 21 23
1 12220
Ae.-„..... 2 9 16 23 50
SATUADAY......, 3 10 17 24
aRCDSDAY,SE PTEel BB it 20k 100
lecomot ive engineer has heen see
iteneett at. Winnipeg to two years
imprisenutent for being intoxioated
:014110 in Ctlgitld, The oertalty,
severe an it IS, W43 deseeved,
:When the poeeihle OollseellelteeS am
notasidered the pueishmeot seems to
die offence
1,?osti Forecasts,Frof. W. T.
roster, of „Washingten, D. 0.. says
neat disturbance. will cross west
pfethe Rockies by close of 20 great
eentralvalleys. 21 to 23, eastern
atatos 23, CoolWaltewUl or west
.1)f UOVkiCS about 22, great central
valleys 24, eaeteen states 26. Clusa
tering areund September 23, the
plenek.,r,e infltieneeS will so great
see to eauso general and severe
oternot both on land and sea,
By "eluetering tound 1 Wan
:within 'two day.% These predoos
ere net for the purpeee of sensation,
hilt *are legItimato worniogs to put
people no their guard, Great storms
have oecurred dorling tills au last -
month, and' greater storms will 0C.•
kW* during the It:auto(' of ties and
next mon( it,
A speeinaeo 8ryl ot
land seekers reeently pa
:throng% Edmonton. Two real
-tate ..ivnts \chose headqUarters are
'At Gladbrooke. Iowa, brought from
the 'vicinity or that town, seventeen
farmers. /each a representative oE
Zratals of Trtenda. to inspect land
ili the Vermilion Valley. near Vogre
vine. The party dreve from Etituon-
Ion le Vegrevill4 by way or Beaver
Lake: then wt ou to Birch Lake,
-incl" returned by way Jot Star, The
labers Or the part.y are described
elighted with OW Country. Aud
ermined to havesLeerily in
Nort Alberta lands. Most of the
Olt re well-to-do, and their
plAr4 rule seem to am to sell
raoir high-priced Iowan lands. buY
itoProved 13rot,s in Western Cana-
da. anti SQleot homesteads for &heir
T is b'in aqui1d
thousandso CnaaGjns trough
uTng so-called cues for Cttarri,
ing au excessive uuowit
1Other dangerous gs.
,ointhere is only one sato
•ou1 c for Catarrh. a-
aiMiifl Cat arehozone,
:which clime dicated 'vapor
otinet, ie brea q.t.\ eirect te the seat
At Ult. diiean. The balsamic vapor
'of Calarrbozone kills the gerros.
:heals tore spotS, Steps' droppmg in
ate throat, keeps the twee clear and
asermanently orradicetes every trace
a catarrh from the system. Coter-
rhozone Clln't fail; it's go:alit:Aced.
Two months' treatment $1,00; trial
size 250.
Mr. .krtemus Warren, of Si.
enarye, •is very low at his 'home,
ie suffering from an. attack of
tetanus, (look jaw)
Josiah Webb, a young man who
, lives on the 4th concession orlrest
Nissouri, had part of his right hand
eta off in a 'threshing machine oue
day lagi week, was picking sorao
bootee F4raw s from about the etraw
cutting aitaciarnen.t knives when his
hand was drawn in. The second,
ahird end little finger and part of
his hand‘was cut off by the rapidly
revolving knives.
Them died in Brandon, Mane on
So-turd:1y. September 17th Miss Mary
Cameron, daughter a the late Ewan
Cameron. of Blanshard. Miss Care-
er= went out to .the West at the
'beginning oE the year to teach
a school in Alberta. Some time ago
she was taken ill, and her sister,
Bell, who is a nurse at Louisville,
Kentucky, went to see her enclaves
bringing her home, when word. was
received of her death. She suffered
from a aevere attack of typhoid fo-
yer. It seems that she and Miss
'Alice Wilson, St. Marys, were lost
ott ithe prairies. They wandered
about for 'about eight or ten hours
before ?they found their way out.
During this time Miss Cameron drank
of some .prairie water anl it is
thought this may have been the
cauee of her illness.
For coughs, colds, bronchitis,
asthrna, weak throats, weak
lungs, consumption, take
Ayer's Cherry Pectot*al,
Always keep a bottle of it in
the houge. • We have been
saying this for 60 years, and
so have ,the doctors.
"Illaye used iter', Cherry Peetetal rny
family tor 40,yeer5. 10 le the beet medicine
in the world, 2 know, tor all throat and lung
troublr, "
M. 3..x011..C.BOSS, Waltham, Sdass.
2,., 5O., CAC. AYBU CO.
All drugLow
gi.xe. mum
The un
Amon ,these called to the bar last
Friday at Osgoode Hall was W.
Stnart Lane, son oe County Clerk
Tema QC Godetiele
After an illness of only obout
wvk john. tie seven-year-old sou
of Mr, and etre. j, Aitken,. Huron
road passed aWay QD, at da- morn-
ing last.
Aliss Minnie Beattie and Mies Lois,
Jointsan, are eaking ,C0UVSe. 4v-•
mestie science at the Maedooald In-
stitute in couneetiou With the Ag-
rioult are I. College.
Messrs, A.rchibald end Codmore,
t afert to purchased the mare that
on the farmers" tot ot the Exetee
show on Tuesday, She was owned by
gentleman near Kirkton.
To get relief from iodigestioo, bit-
soess, maxistipetion or torpid liver
tAIGUt distUrbing the stemach or
rging the, halve's, take a few doses
Carmr's Little Liver Pills tlaey
will please you.
Miss Leila, Bost, of Seafortit, met
with a nasty accident on Saturday
last, She was getting off the ver-
andah, when she etruok her hand on
pieee of crockery, cutting 0. C;l1Sh
itk ixat required several etieches,
J. lere Stewart, 13 .A „of Goderich,
vlao groduated last spring in 0,IIS at
MCI1ridversity, Moral lett laac
tveek for eilcCormiele Theologieol
Seminary, Chicago. for the purpose
el enteling Upon the three years'
.for OW ministry
The thoutty inspector or insuranee
ampules has mede his manual in-
ion of the MeKillop ceropany.
le expressed himself highly pleased
lth the manner in whielt Mr, Hays
t secrotery keeps his books. Ile
aleo examined the boaks or Us-
bortie cannel -lay the tame day,
Rev. Nvil McPherson, Pascee ot
Pattl's churo. Harolltom, and son -
w, or Rev. Mr, Barr, Ilarporiaey.
ecelved a call from, a emagrega-
tion n Iodianapolis, Indiana. Mr.
terson has asked for a .fewdaYs
wider the coil, but the probe -
tittles ate that ho will accept. The
glary is a large one.
The many friends or Zr. Robert
oyd. Se ort will regret IV laorn
be is in poor health, ond in the
e or •teeeiving benefit, he leaves
week for the Gravenhurst San -
'mu for treatment, As a token
heir esteem a number of his
Mends presented Iiint with a well
ed purse.
t despair a owing Font
ada e wino* you, can so easily oh-
ain Carter's Little Liver Pills, They
effect a prompt and perman-
ent cure. Their actiou mild and
In I he action ogainst joseph Twin
ley for the theft of a horso and
0' from light. Warrener. wfor-
,1. Bruse Clinton. His Honor,
I Doyle found ti" prisoner
the trial, and remanded the
111 '.141onday, October 3rd,
• order to have the
o v last record looked in -
'eft. John Galbrait, of :NUMMI),
has sold Ids term on the llth con.
tession, to Mr. Tboutas Beattie. of
MAROC The farm tont:tine one hun-
dred acres and is ano of the best in
the township. There is not a root
of waste land, it is in good condition
nd there are good buildintts. Tito
Paid eteeefeelfiti and 'possession
wftl Le glven otsea. Atr. Gaibreit
Intent:le moving to the tad, homestead
to live.
Mr. IL McGregor, has sold his
handsome pair ol two year old gen-
eral purpose fillies te Mr. S. Laidlaw
of Tuckersraith, for which he reedy
NI, the snug sum of $350. This is a
good price for two year old oats,
and Mr, Talon iw has got good value
For his money ns they aro of the
best. quality and are perfectly mat-
ched. They ate bright chestants, are
halt sisters and stred by the wall
known horse, Balbogie.
wont one Man has dons
T lieraarkable Achievement of a
fteraarkaele nean-A Splendid
Example of What iTntiring De-
votion can do.
Poe years Dr. J. S. Leonbardt, of
Lincoln, Neb., stndied problem
of how best to prevent and two, els_
He was not satisfied with the me-
thods and treatments in generaluse
and after long study and much ex-
periment, he declared that;
"Tbe poisonous products of the
fermeti tat on and decomposition of
undigested foods absorbed by the
system are the first cause of al-
raost every disease." .
Re, knew that all the mediclnes
prescribed for the stomach and bow
els contained rognotis properties
Which lea 'behind them a dried up
condition of the numous membrane
lining of .the stomach and bowels -
this after effect invariably resulting
an Chronic Complaints.
Dr. Leonhardt therefore determin-
ed. that to correct disorders of tbe
stomach and; bowels he must pro-
duce an effectiee medicine contain-
ing' absolutely no resinous substanc-
es eueh as are found in the ordinary
He succeeded and the result ho
canted Anti -Pill., .
Dr. Leonharde.e Anti -Pill wilt
cure permanently any CD.S3, of ,Dys-
pepsta or any case Of. Stomach' Tro-
uble 13illiousnees, or Conetipation.
50e. a bottle. All druggists, or
The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Nia-
gara Falls, Ont. ,Sole agent for,
• Subscribe for tbe Times.
The board of works, of SL. Matys,
has closed Wellington street bridge,
across Troia Creek, 'against traffic.
A.rchitect Humphries has inspected
the bridge nntl conrlemned it as Un-
safe for eraffic. It is the only wood-
en bricteee now left over this stream.
No Ole knows better than those
who have used Carter's Little- Liver
Fills what relief they have 'een
, -.hen '
• Ire •
itscoly not.an of the bovveis 10 21000$. Fen
Aran/.4ddnature with Avor's Pills, disordered. stom• ach.
The aential coovention of Huron f
county W. C. T. t.T, was held the {
loMperanco Goderioh, on Tu-
esday and Wednesday of this week.
Several ,delegates were prevented
from attending through sickoess or
other untoward circumstances, but
good interest was taken in the, meet
log The following delegates were
in ettendatice Heyrock, elm
Morrow, Miss E. Rennie, and Mise
Ethel Williams, Zurich; Mrs. Pao-
:41:T1:14g:14:rvto.ocill exl\lis:,s1,1,D1111°11741 lter
hfr. Gmene, Clinton; Hooper,
Exeter; Mrs. Soell, Beyfield; Mrs.
Tuesday morniug was token 11P
with devotional eaercises end tho
billeting of deleoetes The Alto:neon
sesaion opened with a mouseeretten
ser vi led by Mrs. McKee, the Pro-
vineial President, on the parable of
the !ten talents the thought sbe
beoUght 014 being that through faith
by prayer, CQIUCS lin', result of or
labors, The neeeeiug wes then palled
till order by the county president, xrs
Paulin, who made seine °Pelting' re -
Marks, aftor whioh t roll was called
and a couple of little girls wore:intro-
duced as pages. The minutes of
the merning session were adopted.
Mrs. Brown :addressed D. few words of
WalColDe tit) 'ClIC COX1V0riti011, ellpT0,5S,
ing her pleasure at weleoroing mem-
bers who had been in the work a long,
time, and her still greater pleasure in
welcomiog new 00070T.S. W1100 ale
'avork as lett te o few the responsi-
bility 1;ecatoo very heavy on tbem.
het reSponsibility brought with it
earoestness mad strepgth, ond no
one shout' feel Oiscouraged if results
failed to reach expeetetions. Mrs.
'Hooper. of Exeter. Ow recerding ee-
eretary, responaed, She, was glad to
to, able to attend the -convention and
felt encouraged And inspired to go
on .f.vooking and working, and ormaid
coot:moo the work tilt the flag of
hibition waved from ocelot to
It reports of the corresponding
er 511$8 St einbaob. of Zerich,
and of t treesurer, Miss Seale, of
Clinton. were cousidered satigfactory
end WfT0 adoptee,
The colltaty presidcot's address fol-
lowed. $1to asked the workers to be
patient with Iter lts, owing to extra
work her home, and to baring to
assist the eorresponding secretary,
she had -found it bard to ottend
e &Dots. She would endeever to do
witat was possible in educational
work during the turning year, This
'tear two new unions bed been formed
e at VaYffeld and tho other at ma -
1 thrall* her instrUmentelitY.
had =Wen seventy letters and
f -two post -cards, end -given in-
t to <all the ;unions. she
God would bless the society
it routing ,year and hoped they
would meet next Year in larger num-
bers, Altar a hymn the superintend -
nes of parlor meetings, work Among
sailors, the press and ovatogelistie de-
partments reported.
WoOttesdayO: session was opened by
a Bible reading bY Miss Davidnam
from Acte if, which she ably explain
and 3rd; Leifer telt, la. Haug L.
SEPTEMBEE 29th 1904,
Zurich Fair
le iiay Branch Agricultural So-
eiety',s annual exhibition was held at
Zurich. ,ou Wednesday and Thursday
of last week. The weather 'vas all
that could 'be \vialted for and the
ettendartee was larger than that of
the past fee, years. The gate re-
ceipts amounting ;to about ' $250.
The outside classes were well fill-
ed, horses cattle, pigs and sheep be-
ing Ivell represented, while the in-
side dopartments were good. The
Zurich Bras.s Band was in 0.t.,
tendance and furnished eaDelleot
init5ut,!ic. The bellowing -a is the prize
Heavy Dratight.-Breod reeve and
foal. J. Caldwell. lst and 2nd ; foal,
J. Caldwell, lst; and 2nd; 1 year old
geldior or filly. J. Caldwell, Duncan
Taylor; 2-Year-01d"gelding Or fill -Y., D
D. Taylor, C. McAllister ; 3 -year
old. gelding or filly, C. AloAllister,
. Agricultnral.-Brood mare and f011
J. Roweiiffe, IL elgArtbur ; foal, J.
Roweliffe. 11. Roeder, C. MeAllister ;
leyear-oha gelding or filly, R. Mc-
Arthur. 11, Roeder, C. McAllister •
2-yeareold geldinor filly, E. Cies,
T. Robinson; 3 -year -o11 P•eldio..", or
fitly, G. E. Troyer, E, Gies, Snowden
Bro.; teem, Alonzo Foster.
Getteral Purpeee,-Broott mare and
foal, 3, Roweliffe„ Wend?' Smith- E.
Roeder ; foal, J. Roweliffe. R. bod-
er; E. Roeder ; leyear-old geed -
or filly Wendel Smith.
P. Ilartmen; 2 -year-old geld-
ing or 'filly; joint Gellman, Fer-
dinand Soltnell, H. Roeder: 3 -year-
old gelding or filly. John Galintao, 3.
Iley jr.: zteam, T, Ilandford, J. Da -
cher. 0. Fuss,'
-carriag.0,-.-13rood mare and foa/p,
W, Klopp, Wendel Smith ; 1 -year-old
gelding 'or filly, W. Witzei, VT,
Klopp: 2-year-o1d geldine, or till)!
Wht, Thiel, A, Rennie, W. it, Bong
all; team, Geo, Sober; buggy
horse. W, witzea, W. a.f., weed,
Roadsters. -J. Lawsoo, Wm. Me-
Allistor, John Gellman; real, W.
\Mut, W, McAllister, 3. Lawson;
1-yeer-old gelding or filly, Dav. Sell-
nell, W. Witzol, A.. Ronnie : 2 -year-
old gelding or filly, 3. Decher, D.
Schoen, J. Lawson: 3 -year-old geld-
ing or filly, W, Witzel ; team, J.
SParrow, A. Bye/moan, Elliott 13ros,
buggy horse, J. D. Mertor, A. Dun-
can, J, 3, Merner ; lady driver, 3.
Becher, W, Witzel, W. 11. Woed,
• Judges, --Jas. Connolly. t3odorich*
0. Wolfe, Crediton.
fiqoady j),..11 owned b,„ 3.0bn Elea
My, lst..; "'Amber Fr'.!" owned by A,
rMooriAiss.as,.e0Y1,v4XectiOttylisryL,w2snoild: sTeirleity.
en, 3rd,
Duritam.-,Miloh cows, P.
rk, E. Raeder 2nd and ard; 2 -year-
old heifer, S. Ronnie yearling hell -
J. Chambers, E. Ilved,•ar, P. Dei -
t ; bull calf, E. Reader, 3. Chem
; heifer calf, Alonzo Foster, 3.
blathers, E. Klopp.
Otbor Than Troroughbred Durham
filch cow P. Harimart, '3. Praff,2nd
ed, The hymn, "Sweet Hour ot 14
" was sung and a short ses-
sion of prayer followed. The re-- i
ports of the superinttndents of work •
among lumbermen, prison re-
form And police. anti -mantles, ju- s
vealle tnd temperance in Sisneay
SehOols, purity and mothers' meet-
ings apartments were prosented.
The deperiment of purity and moth-
era' 'meetings is to be outdo a prom- le
13'4nitto ,4)enleP•cllilenief
year's work.
Ta. '53
inflows: President, Mrs, Fe P., Pau -
Un, Dashwood; vice-president, s
Acheson, Godorich ; correspoudlng
secretary, Miss Elle Rennie, Zurich; 't
recording secretary, Mrs. Hooper,
Exeter ; treasures, Mrs, Holland,
The plan of work for the corning 1
year, -drawn -up by Mts. Achesoo, nod
resolutions for the coming year, 3,
drawn up M
by rs. Brown were '
adOpted. Rev. Mr. Greene, a cuntoD, s
an honorary meanbcr of the W. C. T.
LL, gave an address telling of the
steps being taken to seeure local s
option iu Clinton.
The'afternoon session opened with,
a prayer and testimony mooting,
aver which the reports of committees s
.and general business were taken up,
MrseeleKee also gave a brief addrese,
Roeder, Cionebers ; 2-y ea r- oiti bee
fer, .1. MIT, G. Penhale, W. Mott.1-
ister; yearling heifer, 1'. H
M . artman
3.eninley, E. Roeder ; 2-year-o1d
teer, Y. McKinley, 3. Pfaff 2o0
3rd; Tat eow or heifer, S. Ran -
de, W. McAllister, E. Roeder ; Year -
jog steer, L. Roeder, W. McAllist-
r, E. Roeder; jersey -cow D. S.
asst, F. Witwer, S. Ratuaie ;
teer.!.T.• McKinley, lst, 2nd and
rd; .steer calf, J. Klopp, Wendel
ralth, W. McAllister, yearling ;Ter-
er heifer, W. II, Hoffman.
Judges, -3, Sheppard, Hensel' ;
V. J. Stinson, BaylleTd.
)rnoeos,aWool,-Geo. Penbale took all
Fine Wool. -A, Duncan took nil
wizee with the exception ed pair
at alteop token by Geo. Penile lc.
Judges, -Thos. Prior, I. Arm-
Berkshire„-Ag,ed Sow,, C. Harvey,
nowdon Bros spring •boar, spring
ow, 1 -year-old sow„ Snowden Bros.
Tamwortle- Aged boar, spring
ow, aged sow, Snowden Bros.
Yorksbire,-Aged boar, aged sow,
pring boar. J. Englend ; spring sow, ca
rtowden Bros. J. England; I -year -
hi boar, 1 -year-old sow, J. England.
Judges.-- Thos. Prior, 1. Arm- Pi
strong, Exeter.
Plymoutli Rocks, W. Caldwell, at
G. Irwin; Wyandoites, G. Irwin, lst
nd 2nd; Silver crested Polands.,G.
rwin, '1st and 2nd; Light Brahmas,
Dark Brahmas, Dorkins, Ganms,
Black Minorcas, White Minorcas, 3"
G. Irwin ; Red -Caps, W. B. Battler,
st and 2nd; White Lcoehorns, D. X
Haug, W. B. Battler; Buff Coch-
/Is, Partridge Cochin% Bantams, cote N
ection cockerels, G. Irwin; Pekin co
him Ducks, Snowden Bros., G, Ir- to
rwin ; Rouen Ducks, Snowdon Bros. la
G. Irwin; ducks, any breed, A. Me -
wen, G. Irwin; geese, Snowden Bros w
E. Molue A. Foster; Apeltz, A. Mc-
Ewen ; collection oC grain in head, re
. 13. Battler, K. Wise; red cloy- G-
r sed, John Gallrnan, A. Foster, H.
S. Phillips; timotby seed, 13. S. Stu
John Hey jr., A. Foster. Co
Judge. -Jas. Moore, Hensall. be
Collection any kind . of apples, E. in
DB. ilaluopgp, ;E. fall Gies;apples, nEt e.rRaope-- kola:
pies, E. Gies, E. Klopp ; King Tomp irn
kins, 13. Wm. 'Hlopp ; snow wr
apples, L. Reader, W. H. Battler; SOn
1\j0172hCIU SpiCS, Hartrnan, G. son
Schroeder ; 13aldwin, D. Haug, H. Coc
Roeder; Greenings, 3. Ilaberer, W.
M. }falterer: Spitzenburg, A. Mc. S
Ewen, W. Smith,: Canada ftcd, E. car
Roeder, 13. phifile ; , Ribson Pippen, Ben
E. Gies, Wm. Klopp ; golden Russet, Ma
Be Roeder, W. B., Eal tler ; Ben Da- , oci
vis, 1.14 -Ag; Wagners, A. DUE
Woo Roeder; Mann, 11. Reeder
Ilaug; Maiden's Blush, L. Roe
E. Plefile; Blenheim Pippirt,
Sehellig, 3, K. Wise Colverts,
Foust , E. Roeder ; Gloria Muncli,
Scheoeder II, Roeder; Itesset,
lelopp, J. 'ilaberer ; fall pears, A,
ter, .1. lIalmrer ; winter pears,
Sehroecler ; pears fall end wlti
13. Battler; Bartlett poara,
llaberer, A. Geiger; peaches,
Schroeder, Win. '<loop; prunes,
lioltzmao, Wm, Klapp; orb ap
red, A, MoEwen, 3, Witmer;
apples, yellow, 13, Phifile, L, Roed
collectiert grapes, le, Gies. J. Bab
er collection grapes, 0. Schroc
J. 'laborer ; plums, A. Geiger; o
elect fruit, la. 11,, Johnston.
Judge. -D. rxonob. °lint on.
Early or tete Rose potato, 0. S
roeder, By, Roeder; Elephant.
tato, A. lvIcEwen. 0, colosky,
Deober ; Colorado Red potatotte.
Sebroeder. John Decher, Wen
Smith; Michigon Blue Potatoee,
Battler; Rural New Yor
Potato, A, Geiger, A. Poster, W
del Smith ; any variety potato,
Witmer, A. Ronnie, G. Sehoellig.
lection potatoes, Wendel Smith,
B. Battler, White Joint potato4s.
Sehrooder, W, Battler Emp
Potatoes, Q. Schroeder, W. 13, Ba
ler; small white beans, A, Watarch
W. 13, 13attler; beans anY varleta
Oswald, A. ICereber; yellow eorn,
Oswald, L. Raeder; corn, W, Klo
r. Hey, jr,; red unions, John Ott
man; yellew onions, AV, II, Battle
Duteh Setts, A, S. Foust, Snalt
gerdeo carrots, P. Hartman.
B. Bat tier ; Swedisla turnips,
Liner. Ernest Roeder White ha
nips, 11. Neeb,. W 13. Battler; y
ow glebe tuangaldS, P. Hartman,
1 Battler; long red mangedele,
der, P. Hartmao ; lane' yell
ngolds, P, Hartman, SfsWitme
Ord eabbage, T. Johnston, We
Smith; Du t eh e abbe ge, W.
r, D. 15, Faust; Week Spani
liSI, 13. S, Plellips, W. 11, Bat
r; white Radiate W, 'Harbor
eaulitlower, A, Kaerelter,
Battler ; pumpkins, Wm. Roetle,r.
.Neoh; mammoth pumpkins, ,TAC
Sareras; colery, T. X01321$012, Jot
Hoy jr ; sonash, 11, Roeder, Jul
Denher ; blood beets, G. lioltzma
Wendel Smith; rooted beets, Wi
neer, P. Hartman ; watermelens,
Colosky, Dan Haug; muskmelons,
Hey, jr,. C. Colosity ; red tomatoe
J. G. Forrest. W. Battler ; yellow to
matoes, T. Johnson, W. Battier
biaoksweet corn, D. 8, Faust.
Judges, -.3), A. Cantelon, Itensa
R. 3, Drysdale, Drysdale.
, D.
, 0,
er ;
en -
8. ,
r ;
Wale iron harrows. 3. 'Belcher
41', Son ; carriage, open buggy, cover-
ed buggy, P. lless sr.;; special, mi.
%ado, P. Hess sr.;
Horse filmes finiehed trona lot fuer.
horse shOes arkililtod from file,
Beichert $4 Son.; wool blankets,
bliss P. Nott ;
Judges. -J, Sararas • W, II,
'Wentzet Credit on.
DAut-r raoucrers
Butter in tub, Wendel Smith, A.
R. -aerator, •P. Hammen; huoter • for
table 'use, 'Miss Nott, W. 13, Battler;
P. Hartman Itomenlade cheese, J.
IC Wise, John Geiger, Ellator
collection pies and eakes, R. 11. John
son, Ilaberer, A. Geiger; itertes in
comb, J., Haberer, A. Geiger; ;home-
made bread, T. Berry, A. Geiger;
baker's broad. G. Either; home-
made hurts, IL B. Johnson, W. B.
33attIer ; 5 lbs. extracted, Itoney, A.
Geiger, 3. Hey jr ; maple syietzp, 0,
Sob oeliig, Wendel Smith ; collect ion
honey,' J. Ilaberer,
Judge. -D, A. Cantelon, Hens:111;
It. 3, Drysdale, Drysdale.
Crochet quilt, John Becher, Dr.
Campbell ; crewel work, Miss Nott,;
1st and 2zul; tufted quilt, 3, Wi-
raer, W. B. Battler; knitted quilt
3. 1'. Rau, T. Johnson ; log • cabin
quilt, Miss Nott, Hy. Roeder; patch
quilt, Mise Not t, M. Kaercher ;
quilt sewed on ground work, Ify
Roeder, 13. Mail::: outline quilt
W. 13attler, r. Hartman: home
made coverlet. Dr, Campbell, r
Hartman; home-made mat Miss
eeeee\ NeNeseatiee\,,, \\\Attlee
The Kind You Hove Always Bought, and which has Dena *
la use for over 30 years, has berne *til0 SignottOre or
and bas been made under his per*
., A2! ---A;# soma supervision. since its infancy'.
r'-''''' Allow no one to deceive yen in MS.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or '
Infants and Children--Experienee against -`-xperintiertto
eaStoria is a harmless substitute for Castor coil, pare.
•gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It IS rieasant. It
contains neither Opium, aorphine nor (ather ierarelatie
sllbSttallect ite ,Ige is its guarantee. It destroys worms
allays Veverisliness. ewes 1Glarrhooa and lithull
Cone, relioyes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation.
and IzIatuleney. it assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy otad natural sleep,
The Childrews jennaeen-Tho _Blether's Priend.
ears the Signature of
in Use For Over 30 Years.
/*IC cVNTAVri CONIPANYA 77 MtlgOIRY frrAMM titlAtIontF.C1r6
******** *
• *********
ON S WE 4:
of Parliatneet 1
.. ..- .. • .... .....,%, 14, S41.000.660.60 -4e
011V003000100 411;
._,..„ e_. . 2,850.000.00 ::
t, r ..itlau*volienble and Minitola. 40;
Farmers' Salo .et4a;',:hed. o414rNe71Pitle:t4E441. 411roldr4m.sil.fsitiiolpIplie"d' ,:4P41:.:
Op n Every UMW DAY Iron
, On opplleation. DRAFTS on all pants In' the Dandatiou, Great Brilato alai Via. .T.
tied sootes, bougbt and ecad at lowestretes of exeliange, ae,
Brenebea te
Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received. Irate
pounded half yearley, mu/ gelded to principal Janie Melt anti December
posit% Iteeelpts also issued an dblghest current rates of intereat allowed,
• A,clvarmels Made to farmers, stock dealers and business men at,
* lowest rates ane on most favorable toms, Agents At Exeter for Dom. Government. .4o
• DlOtesora A% Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HLTRDON, Manager. *
*moque, Ili', Neck; honaker
or, john Gellman.
JudgMrs. WM, Fritz, Credi-
ton; Mrs. Win, Becker, Zurich,
og landscape, 3. Ge Forrest, Dr,
Campbell; oil Dr watercolor flowers,
T. G. r orrost, Dr, Campbell; crayon,
portrait, 3. G. Forrest; pencil draw
Ing, 3. G. Forrest; pen and ink
sketch, 3. G. Forrest; painting in
on belt, 3. G. Forrest, Zat. Cochrane
painting an silk, 3. G. Forrest, bit
and 2n4; painting cin, plaster Paris.
Jas. Cochrone, T. Johnson.
Collection flowere, We M. Harburn
n. R. Johnson; maple leaf, -Thos.
Johnson, R. R. Johnson; baguet ot
flowers, 3. G. Forrest, T. Johnson;
collection geraniums, 'W. 33. Battler,
S. 'Witmer; collection cecti, T. John-
son, 3as. C,ocbrane collection calla
lilies, T. jobrison, R. R. Johnson;
col. pansies, 3. G. Forrest, T. Sohn -
son: col. fat -elites, R. R. Johnson.
" judge. -les. Weekes,. Exeter.
At this season tirednesa tastene
•itself even upon the healtlay and
strong. If not feeling ovell you a
should build up, get more blood into I
your veins, increase your store of
nerve energy. Wbat you need is
that rehuilder and tonic, Ferrozone
which contains the strengthening 3.
elements your system needs. Ver -
rezone makes fleSh nerve and i
muscle; gives you apppetite, abun- 1
dant energy, bnoyant spirits- in C
short Ferrozone assures health and I
costs.50c. at all druggists. Get
Ferrozone to -day.
W. 13. Battler; turkeys, • Snowden
rose 'Wendel Smith.
Judges. -Jacob Sararas, Zurich,
, . K. Wise; home-made rag
rpet, cotton warp, I. K. Wise, itf.
aercher: Berlin wool work, Miss
ott, X. G. Forrest; Berlin wool
llow cushion, T, Johnson; orooliet
ark, 3. G. Forrest, T. Johnson;
air 'wreath, Neeb ; feather wre-
h, T. Johnson ; beading on wreath
as. Cochrane, 3. G. Forrest; bead-
-g on cotton, J. G. Forrest ,lst and
d; beading on dress, 3. G. Forrest.
Coobrane; cardboard work, T.
ohnson; sofa cushion, T. Johnson,
r. Camp'beil; chenille work, Miss
ott, Ja Forest ; honiton lace, T.
ohnson ; kniitted lam curtains, Ile
eeb; straw basket, Jas. Cochrane;
mb work, J. Forrest ; cushion
ilet, Miss Nat, Jas. Cochrane ;
rap mats, W. Battler, S. lefeBride
.; cross work, T. Johnson; bead
ork, Miss Nola. ; ehell work, Henry
oeder ; chemise, Miss Nett, R. R.
hnson ; darned work, Miss bTott,
Forrest ; gents' dross shirt,
R. Johnson,; tat t g, T.
a,\ Dr. Caraphell; era-
& • in silk Miss Nott
Cochrant ; embroidery in muslin,
hnson, Ily. Roeder; woolen stock-
s, hand-mado, W. Battler, Henry
eeb; cotton stockings, hand -made,
iss Nat, T. Johnson; knitted
lets in wool, hand -made W. 13attler
y. Neeb ; knitted socks in syool
nd-made, Miss Nott, Neob ; pa-
r basket, J. Cochrane, J. G. For-
st erase= work, Jas. Cochrane ;
azy work, T. johnson, 3. G. For-
st ; silk patchwork, T. Johnson, 3.
Forrest.; knitte,d pillow shams,
. Nemb ; hair pin work, T. John-
), jos. Coch'rarie ; „netting., Jas.
chrano ; ,battenburg, Dr. Camp-
Wna. Klapp; outline work, T.
hnson, Miss Nott ; Teneriffe lace
T. -Johnson ; en eriff e lace in
ton, T. Johnson; Wm. Klopp ;
itted fascinator, T. Johnson • aut-
o apron, Jas. Cochrane; batton
ea th, Ellrnor "Klopp, R. R. John-
; crochet petticoat, T. John -
John Geiger; crazy doylie, Jas,
2. Johnson chair tidy,
ss Nott, J. G. Forrest.
pecial Prizes -I -throe -made wool'
pet, Miss Nett; sideboard cover,
Phfile ; centre piece, John 'Gali-
n; drawn work, Wm. Kiopp ; tea
1, Miss Nutt ; baby's hood aed
Speaks for itself •
Cures Sick Headache
Colosky, John Gellman, A. McEwen
V. H. Wentzel, Crediton.
White ,fall wheat, A. Rahnie, 7.
• Wise, D. Haug; red fall wheat, C.
Cures Nervous Headache •s
Cures Neuralgic Headache r
pring, wheat, tilty variety, S. Wise,
.R. Wise; six rowed barley, Wm.
°odor, S. Wise, W. D. Battler;
owed barley, S. Wise, 3. K. Wise;
tack oats, s. Wig. J. K. Wise:
hate. oats, J. K. Wise, S. Wiser 3.
allmen; large peas, W. Caldwell,
. Mealwen, J. K. Wise ; bushel rye
Cures Stumner Headache G
Cures Bilious Headache
6. -at Cures any Headache
Ikkat. Is Pleasant to Take
•1‘..04•XNU. Is Absolutely Safe
Gives Speedy Relief
OVs...syk, Sells for 25C a box
Ihilte:Sa‘t, Sample box sent free.
rrxn unitat,o oEugov.CO.
Chicago Montreal ,
The first package of Dr. Lean-
hardt's Hem-Roid (the infallible Pile
oure) abet was put out went to a
small town in Nebraska.
It .oured a case of piles that was
considered hopeless.
The news spread and although this
was only two yuears ago the demand
prompted Dr. .1. S. Leondardt, of Lin
•coln, Neb„ the discoverer to pre-
pare et for general use. Now it is
being sent to all parts ot the world,
at will cure any caae of Piles.
eTaheehr eboxis. a month's treatment in
Sold for $LOO, with absolute
It is for sale by druggists or by
The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Nia-
gara Falls, Ont.
General News
Nor an Henderson, of Seafertb, by
slippin on the pavement, had the
misfortune to ibreak his ar)n.
Quebec Liberals assert that tho
,goneral elections will be held in the
first week of November.
The double tracking of the Grrana
Trunk between Hamilton and Lon-
don will be completed before winter
sets in. -
The Western •wheat crop is turn -
log, out much better than entacipat-
ed. The rust has apparently done
very little dtanlago in the Canadian
Northwest. ,
It seems probable that the, ina-
mense peat ,beds of Ellice township
contiguous to Stratford will shortly
be worked. Mr. 3. Campbell 'Mos-
riSon, of Chicago. a forraer Stratfore
dite, has invented a ,contrivance for
converting peat into coal, and as
there is practically an inexhaustible
supply ofthe former in Ellice, a
scheme isunder way to have a prac-
tical test made. Many thousand dol-
lars have been expended in recent
years in apparently futile efforts to
make at marketable, It is esti/Etat
edlthat by Elie new invention peat
can be produced at 90 cents a ton:
A most distressing and fatal acci-
dent occurred at Clinton, on Wed-
nesday, of last week, when 3. Nire-
Dermott, a brakeman .011 iliZ" T,
R. was 4nstantly killed. The
fortunate man was coupling care,
viten. tit eome 'wey tliS rill slip -
pea, and he got between, the zooid-
ing of the two cars and the pin went
completely through him killing tiro:
inatontly. Ile was about twentyet
eight years et age, and had been- on
the road about a year, Ile leaves a
wife and one child, who llivo in,
Stratford. The parents or the un-
fortunate fellow Deo in
nzsTnn MARI33T8
Wheat per bosbell .. 00 to $1.05
Oats new -20 to 30
Barley ..,.. 37 to 30
• • •
Pork live weight .
Pork Dressed .... •••O
•=4,100.C.SZ.1104.1t03r1.134.2,0 W2,1,44=431.
Miss Alice Bailey, of
Atlanta, Ga., escaped the sur-
geon's knife, by using Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" DEAR Mns. Pnenreett :-I wish to
express my gratitude for the restored
health and happiness Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound his ,
brought into my life.
"I had suffered for three years with,
terrible pains at the time of menstrute-
ton, and did notknow what the trouble
was until the doctorprortounced it in-.
flammation of the ovaries and
proposed an operation.
"1 felt so -weak and sick that I felt.
sure that 1 could not survive the ordeal,
and sol told him that I would not un-
dergo it. Thofollowhag week I read
an advertisement in the paper of your
Vegetable Compound in such an erner-s
gertcy, and sol decided to try it Great
was any joy to find that I actually im-
proved after taking two bottles, so
kept taking it for ten vveeks, and at the
end of that time I was cured. I had
gained eighteen pounds and was in
excellent health, and am now.
"You surely deserve great success,
and you have any very hestwishes."-
yelaurcts., AAtatiaanntaB,AGI:La.E_Y,;50000Nfootrtheit ,111300igulinea-1
:if aboue letter proving genuineness cannot be pro -
All sick women would be wise
if they would take Lydia E. Pink-
bam's Vegetable Compouna and