HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-29, Page 2EtIC-400tOoreOfttt 4.41KOK42.444-44444.411•0410.4K4tKettlet
Or, Ktilhlp Between, Ilan and
eTaApTER XXXV, eft at a good emeirt, trot for Itorni-
• Iltturode met elie foliowieg eTay at NOW Wood, some three males distont•agein, but settled down to work. io grey elev. Olureiy Reyoard woad('
:twelve o.cioett, Jeeeitte leteeez too ifrom 'which place the Atagter ,reol earnest; indee(1 the etoce wes seek refuge latTe among its frieetily
drowsy end languid, utter the dissie!liopod to be able to ehow the host ko great ouly the ueost fragmentary nottergrowth, eud peretzede eorrie
Tel strangers loot stnee pretter rairlejacula.tions wero ae nret fresh fox to te,ke his place while he
CeTonel Clinker had neVer spoken disappoeraoce of a neighbor le borne
wOrd to her that moreiog.„ 'hut with 411rPrieing equetoimity, scarcely
perhaps, if she rode ver,y, very well, indeed, in nine east.* 014 Of ten,
or even it eite got another bed 1411, causing any regret. tlifos, Forrester
Ie might unberd a little and ,give glaneed at her watch. They
0°4. an °11/10rtuOttY'-of what? ' 11141, beeu galloptree exactly tive•and-
asking hie torgiveneee„ tellbag him twenty azioutes, akt•e, trace that bad
his love was retitrued, mid that elm Already Old me the horoeo, end mode
wos miserable at Oeselpg olleaded their riders begin to think a .4 -tort
Oita?. She laterdly itnewe she eves only cheek, Oast 41101cl:eat to enable them
exanseioue, as side bt: side she and to recover their wind. would be (le -
Mrs. Forrester galloped on, of a strahle. Crote's etralgtit
feverteei hope that semething miteht front, et:leading* up telt ;led dork,
urn lip TO alter the eituatton The with its naked black trees sharply
ledles never epole to each other oletlined against the "uniform notate
e nsweris
It is not Oolored
Form, Wilatever,
Pg,v0IV4L ron-vEcag,,..
ruteresting Notee About S
roorninent reopi,
r Doctor d, in any 0 ‘hi I' and ceriottioete 4re Qo
Atexondre's ravorite f.loevero,
The Ozar xeceives Rea -0Y fir0
Uaucloilare per Annum. • trea
is paid ia monthly heettoineente
Od00,000 ench, which e -Oe sent
hiro, by cheque on, the ltiAtimeel
of Roesia,
Oaptaie (lay, C0131430.1ore
the London and liorth-Westero net
way Companyte fleet pt steamers r
uino betweeu, 03ralylle,,941 and, Irvin,
who laas just retired, has croseeett
ority Irish :tea upwards of -0,00!) tanes
0 •
e es commonder. And 13AS 11AI-1ga:tea
1: lb. railwey coroPanro vesels ah°nt• 1
fire),(100 miles, and carried upw-
oe--e-e or 1,250,000 pessengers.
petion of t•lie preetieoe Pight to tern 6
Pe • • 0.„L'71.01,1' NAT1;IRAZ. 431-ta tea, shows en, Areaoino super&
11 t• his welleknown h - stz trlion lee we 7° b 11 ever all en a tea 1)et i4htsteh. Seld'" in the $41." fern
' 'out at on earlier hetir. The meet Isl.'°It• ° ' 1 45 were nuw In a ege Ie4" III/ "SA/A33.14,' Bleeeit tee., ssaled prtekets only, 25c and 46o Pe
vas at a village neneod. tetovieius.teo. roznetry. The laggards b1111 ncaml)lo-crie ftelil, with tile white lumnels length, or bide himself enogly away
.iteate,./ within a couple of miles of reached their dostination, ntollY of •Otealing noitelyeib: the distance. `fil13y c.roeere.
e:ender the ground, Ire nmde a bold,
Foxi . c time, ebela aindeed being left behind alto- going. in part, tees very swampy aed bid, but e.las: for Lis sake, jiast AS
• ' • 1 '
wlieu the Ilunt 13411 bad grown 4 igetla
Or, 'oaten. os if to ietword , 1•10 17eaeey, so that it became elesireble . ho began to ecale the grassy heitebts tleteteeeketeleeetwee.1„„*„4„.,e+kiee+,14, ing,
elwaYs born the draw on the next ia dog-tox, brooe covert onteediately ,tlimoselves so early in the iTay. gave one or two uneasy twiets, try -
he cirrti put
Of the malty presents that the Ein
others would eot mere, Setae of peiemaro has received tiering hi
recoreteed tustiteeteen of vase one ltnotoonan $ Patience that had ..hee tO Otoodo the horses in coder to pree before bim, a goet of huddling sheeP de will PerhoPs; saY You canucat feed n• 10. -ng life there is not elle oebielt
anti se odinirebly exercised, vet their taltino too much out a cheeked bis onward• career. Then he
poi -mace, Stopplugton Covert heel j,s0 long -tt cow a, bush I of turnine a day with--
- piece more then a crewn of gold
rioritiug, althoogli. ewiree to the iand wet 0(1 straight as a We for
tainting ber lank. I have fed eteoco, was given to him on the- oet
, Irrs. Ferrester profited by the op- ing 41 still dodge bie pureuere, tin, e olluch as that wititent the sli'44- -
close oroxiielter of 4 railwA,y /ine, tt Crow's ITM. between. which Point' °'• porturaity to say in a burricO voice.- illudiug himcelf too l'iard in'eme11, he te. e casnora of his golden weddin" by the
wae not always a, certain And, on ir refuge mid Itornitilow Wood lay al •oyou follow rote xis, Drewseri itoo lt a stoldeo fresh resolutien. and off •"-vor i4 ilolk °''' hut , school, oludreo a Denmark*. The
pidelle, who oriented by this etc,: of icentre role, fitnio opea the bantogate to my eost„ tinelia,,. once remained in
te-ezience arel pleaeure of the general 'Steadall came galloining ;down_ 1-°° aloug the cod of this field, as I lotow on.,
SOIrre raeesere sacred to the .m., •. • • t• t
eon.. l' tIV W1191e Of the erktalleY tttTlt• MOP doe oe doing, romance 411,1014 liall. good throe miles further llovion:411;c:sfosi:me:cf:01eit:Ifte.n.sditi,:einon:::ittil:nfelsilt1:501;evroficlati ciavty'ortswttonetaxvin:ttsi::::oatrivtom.sep..zpl;reviedeop:0:019,4t.e.1,1:1, ta. a ,
only a small entount juset before or it ie intereeti t „let was
kact, the interests et oport were in •.$trettl3. of Ito finest grass-couutrY „in tlaere's a very Pasty bottom, t•equir- eset hie brave fare straight for man-,
graee 011 the Port of tbe 211•AOter lay pgt it.4' eilli, steoa u» IA his 'tirri•T' 'its ma4 fer (leaf AR hoor, since which
mato, tte stepieenton in vast nem, lot round, and . blew his hOrn; I teve teken the Peeeaution ilf In- l`Vbe7chlttfeese4:3114er tgrer•V"Q?et .,!)::Itrt:re.a. arienft/t istrisilprie.n8t14;41,e;irclItti-W7A171(70111-60,713°4'11.T4I-
(To be continued.)
gITA9rx.,.4117 TRirs,
ber,e. it happened 'Met the tben, when he bad gathered 'the lead- epeeeitte tbe avalieble el -eats at Thy ataltin". a APek of sheep writ boleti huttermakieet That winter I
* es , . „, homing After ma stet:erne eue ut
xPeet was, A 1110aster One, represont- in tee. ;t73.1%. e.,IAT Tlie other day I was walk- a l• Ifill, 1 ohouid bey. good Wit- exhihiUtd a Paaage of "tturtull' Warsaw' . Ilia /woe* is Ailed with
., . .
1 " b's first lob'
ing all clus'es atul gracleo of societY. t° ht'Ing 'en '"ne Ilt"erS'. 14 L4I''''"4".4 VIM Monti this woy looking At mane 'i'V'F'3144" be Ee°n°Inleal.' viduelS Of One of the leading breede. butter at the volointion awl failed te trooles of tree obetee, eltee he ie 4.
intO for the Traveller Who
llnished perrminers to the urchins
Irmo tita btoiitues on their forweeo in perseee, a.oeme ..._away,_1 beasts shortly to be pot op for e4iet Tbe apparent. ejfeepness of sob StiefO oboop represent the koowiedge, Will on a Ag•Or0 Of 89t peints. The eaneetor of all eines of eurieeitiee
111 1 d
berk torrent awatoey!" sloortee, tee wbee. / saw a capital veee. where in Jeerer() w, ...ret -ea.- one Ilan experience ond judfpnent of y $ neXt year Z
e r , made ony exhibitien tub The neoee $ieettiox obieet, in hiet
„it)). grineenz eat„es tette •tatteree edelighted field 40 they pre' after .tbern was n bit of ti gap tto,,louneeeesery eietravagauce, whi4:11 OAP. They svill cose hoe to oeep, booing sevet,a toe oeoryneen ,
roees beet,rielieg longetatiteI, shaggy- him. And liQW enSitVd, SACli 0 gal"' hedgo on fee take -ort Floo And p, eastlY avoidea, 1.11 everY lrge been bred to get the best resultee, will convened, while WAs yet feeding /- " - • • -
, WO is a lau carved chest with nil-
Leeled and hair•Yeeoafect Cart-Iicrses, loPing and chattering. snoli P•uShing fairjv eouree lemmas, leounee ree i City and Many SIDAller oiee little
• prochwe a uniform cli w 1 man ehi a i.41 89
p unt g ga 6COre
eome in trizoia were aromas 4 Saddle and shoung. ttustituga nign.ig. flIss"'ibeueling a trifle to the right; lee. ,;. baud -books of the trantwAy lilies can a good eoce of lambs, cieeoee , points,
' ited
rind britlie a bit or old eacking and LW, throwing ewuy id half-time eever mime.
a iv -A' t ef ootto :Ming their rosneee etarst and thrwning 4>n 1)1 iii-fittinFi(lopM1 upon it tve eimii goin a• gOod 1Daere-cle `14'' etifetri „:•`.1eiter type., long, deep bodied, strong 0Y0.1* QvCr
Yall stlel; to Ine, and be Ira; +rat ;.-.114,1e 7131;:pre i70. '441,",'Y f,tropg. 1°4'4'0 bodied owes of milking I/010re Molting my entry, leohing
nie ofilcial program, I Nov
. .
tiee pleeee. Dig, men on smell poll. harts, os only those who have exPeri."Iiit in the long run, There will be ,"ttet.„.,',17,1.,:e's,,:`,,Ittet, tite'te",,„e't: beak, plenty of heart ao.1 lung ionon, sPeclal PeizeO of SZi and kifi fOr but -
tee. t i morons hot ardent; soperi or etwed the elitneulty and in1PQrtanee some dirt.y coats/ 400n, i'll wager -"'' "7 '''' ''''''; ." "' *1 '''' ''''' '''''''' ' comed With 4 close dense fleece of ter In printa or small peeltuges, I
eradeemen with, uneasy :wets and of securing a good etart in the emyebing... until you have Atudie3 both at dom. I 1 , '
goot Map e. 'lbe rota ahould be entered a five-pounil pee tage, tae.ec -
range an. the street cato; you are
st1:1 reore ticeasy bends; tanners' crowded shirr's. eau fullY• t•caliZe• Vesr° eaying, tors. Forrester, who, too far away from them en a cab, inaeculine and At leest one year old cif it from my week's realm "tur-
o-reloeee blue habits and gold Ituriatere„ lIornildow Wantl WAS thaohs ber remarototie btoep efeee4ms, ganeries and leaves are when itip" butter,0 and woo first prize on
eaerhitie• leemoolent Aorieultoriets on, covert 'aadela accommodated itself t° looalliv enew oNwy. inch of tbto 1 , . a t least - 1 In eariog for the sheep etrivo to a :teary of 3 points. 3fy winniogs
recet. 1.zey (eV.% A Teen oewspaper ythe uceeesteies, ot ilaIng 411"' Gauntry in Wili0b, 010 11Olitfia. macle,,, week free of clam -gee To arrange e Y oug
e.et,oefer fan-if/Me attire -a bu;t, ienoothed by NO nurrow britiletgetel streloht for a given point where thei a visit on thiS 41A;,* will ki4V0 quite 4 "° °W0 tu0t 33 Thriving nt g
wad etroPlet of houleneen or toromus lanes. but eurrowede
oleo, stragoly. overgrowo fenre 'lady slat entrance fees when the time und continues to thrive Willat the NOV Yoe; State fair whi/e
lot mai 1•Tet eyZestrieM7 While grAu'r--1414.150 rhose rted"nt hue did eieltlitag than it did ou either , To same $2 a day is a liberal her lAullito winter give thent a A little Fait soatteroti over the
%tees °eta one ay a111 VAS 1 iln1„0 Ivthe 11,, on that peehotge of butter were $7.-
fro:a 1 oiehtiOritto trete. ell lielped on an Oldes by gentlY Multelating front of tbem looted somewhat mere' 1 F '1'1 r V tinted 11p at leet. rarolY lieee any trouble in raising feediog heavily of Oeld tOrolps.
. , t ra • • 1 Vi'dpQ1 a e 0
!;1'bOr men, 111144mo:et stoithet ron- tho tOve good to re$t ill'en• 1....e;:te onlow," see, raid, oleo racx go fovt i' allowaneat for lirluot expellees, for tiro'. well ventilated piece lo ri I in,. 'gilt tnriii 9 lt etc! koala I' 1
sitee21tttiers. tron7ps. smart BI W'- ,titcr haelolg erent
,.!7" s2,1titi, , fold 2112 11 1 ant Vicki' take your home they will not rlee to this som in with A Chance for exereiee on pleas. ' eNeesSive 100selle:S a tbe ilowoo is
ereantoineitts tonntilinet pett1rabolotors 1eo3 night. waes out ritlIng ettr 4,".. , by the beeel and send idol at it, It's cities ‘Nilore n long eajunrit is utaile„ Alit days. ,Ireve salt where Alley can Ototieed the Oalt lo omitted fOr one
-their 'sleeping cbarges, arid, but ehe 1001;01 a 1.1"na' Ink•f7r la wsh plaee. even hero, hot noth- ,,, and So the greater cost of $4eit get it ot ony time, and pleuty of or Virg (111:*'$ as tlie case may acquira.
ond eiteelinet pirle, still ferther ott- ,thalt otoal. Ond did net aftRe"Ir 4n ing to e free ping animal who ,'standa will be equalized to this One good looter. Be reviler in yoor
pricelcos bielorical oelice, inclirdieg,
'Or 11101111 Inge, le a
lamoogst other tillogs, rioge mad
SOirela t',4 10111000 ROyal 1/0:80110.p0.
Dr. JOBQ1,11111, g'0Nerted hie mai.41cal
gifts alintot no a baby. 'When (July
/1V0 year,/ Old he was asked by his
• ne 1 ' . .t, A .07
ire Play' withs--they were. at the time
wandering thrOngh a German villaeo
where a taw teas liciog held. lite
alriVer was "A violin," Mid nothing
' Would melte Lam alter 1113 irliatd. ,i)
it wae bought for hire. Ito eve,
never happy without Unit vieltu, ou
night it lied to be placeed ins -A
1711 little vet before he would go
If ex-PresiOent Cievelzind di
the pains to keep down hiO n
Le would he olio ot ti -$e tooet be
men in •the Uoited States. M pre,
...sent be turns the Vale at .2r,2 Ito.
vno is :mincrolot Of an epicure. but
in order 3101 to wan nosh lie (1.4114
sparinely. With a view to redwing
Lis evoirdupiae, lie oelopted Roane
ecars ago a .",eyetern which inverted
the constant liftiog of his •lege as if
Ile were going upetaire. Title eeer-
eise lie perfoimes for seine rotreitee
.(14.3tirb;: diedice Wright, of 111.1.11
whose retirement le announced,
been a tele -tidy- hued worker 1
an equelly herd emoker. S
tObOCCO Wa5 bls delight, and tan
4,41 to toe gostdiv multiturieeeo noel- ilar olistOotorY fral'ats; 1001° $1119' takes off weli„,* she gave „teiteett,tte average. Allinott• all /•,:oroPean Cniln" reeding end hind in yuor treatment.
"twee: Feed intellioentiv tied watch (lowly. ood tfeiremee feeoe, his cows
otet mounted on tier vela:Tooted Bird a 3.enoneer from e" veered tries offer ereeizel OM rat • •
rtitrae, wtmee aet ity. energo owl core. ..
Tteena ilteerntiotition 1 o witureee Olio s•teeplectiaser, . ot„inte, . • heel, and witboee the sem e„tr , ,
fl,,741110r Of A ToN, not fully. as- nein- ,e0 Present, the very incarnation of , tation or ;Illy of tile tintiecitio wave, summer meeehs. intorauttiou as to, may
tele t•O•oe mieute 0nm:ed. tendered bustneno impelled into stirring have a, bater chance hY being' eil Pations, 2 Ad does not toillt lifo
Well°0- r!ering whitii so often pro's es fatal to ;the's i' ,n,ht"hthleeeine,!ileeirlirell Qt 40;13.0'3 la a• different. Pen. If Cho cows' oho, tomtliage le loilate fitif,
• etie rwo.pc„,t• Of 007 re..11 eeort ex- Cori 1:11.,r the watchful elm ef 4 " the nervous, dew the bottom. in gal- '11.31.111"•"°11 ''' et' 'IV' ' 3.7.ra et,ctlY +/look he large, it le beet "to dividel
ietelluelo remote. hot also drove thy and intending pioxilmeer. .111.° lent style, sittiog I11C411While, 111'311 AS ,Iratim. "ill.° ae !t," s reeeitullret,;14et. thew, as to f110 0201 tgr'enft11. or when there is dust and bad Ocloro
11,i711 Steadoll to the von; verge of hot:mile were now tearing eeroro the 4 rce,k in the sitake. xate waited 1 ish eine a Tiers e o n . . par winter. feet), gooki c over hay ,,LtiallIkemetero tillacteel;liat. eilil,aenseed,11.ytobA Till 1
• 'Ile mee 1 t ti" .1.5 et v • 17 tit mere-
lit:penal choeue. engin l'Ot hag- e weer in- elraighter. A cheet wou111 bee e cov. 1 imr Bird, ,...,,
eieeetreorett to follow her la ewe lees than thia uttered .1.,sy the own xneViod the paet Winter haft
tto 4 p4'0V0Iiing Siiel1CO3, Milne ever toed them, theo lay to close together I do pot fall iuto the open. pall. Petry-
, -
• o' Died, WWI al- bei-tfor a, nunitier 01 ialirS during the that may that ArA on In any way regroao.y. on tchoiestnno. ‘ccatilaimace
teeepoir. Vex:time homole Wow ,hin• PaS14treS , a oteIrI„ t!oi,e.e: bite was well in the ilea" thing to be t•VQO 5» the countlY in or silage, Corn fodder is good If brueo th, neon and odder so
latinperine ie covert with 171aintive "Ileado 11P ono oterns. UQ.711. teed then, beviog aid' d eNao
rount 1•111 Let • } et 0 0 • mot seceulent feed of either roots ween be rote; to milk he is careful to "
foot -oiler notes. now' rising to a lees hut 1eeu11e1. evolootlY nuuutoFt how Aire. Forrester had ridden e tine-, can n/F0 'Le covezwi by thew help at
v e r quest ion. stud Internet Iwo el rind CO baliencee wi th grain or other weft,
that 11 %1St. 11;41' 014 deadly beeterie.
1V03 4°111g °i9 milt that a moment later ohe o per than rail but the greet toue
eXientyle as closely AR POF;Fible, 'Oath tourist. agencies: Steamer trneel is 1..beep were teteen from the Inintikre t eani t
gifl ven 211e OX001 lea results,. 11"bei man be clean toiout vour wort% nee!
room ier 141. 10 Fre, OP 0 roe o
arol .toein the fox !word distrustful- while Will. Stem th
C .011
le. out. fin (MO oeension, ir- 1,"leve1 best"' to teeP,uP witif• the found litereelf also on the right side. demaeded makes the question of in - . • , moo
ritt,ted lor the diregreoable prod- beauties. done:" exclaimed Ittre„ For- meals a serious one, ea there is no sill7g4(11121Ye°w11.‘oliutltre.nlv.4"wf'utt'il 1)1' reQa(r)d•ro*inair
mite, tat fleyled, 110 aetually encteav- °Come Along, zriss rerewoer." 4rieul rester in tones a hottest oetiefootion helping youreelf out with sandwich a Pint' e grain 04°1 in the In°-rninvThiv1 Is g of ilinenee to the huninn bodY. 11/ease
f.rp42 to thr.,ad his way unebserved Mrs, .Forrecder enthuslasticallY. f,for she was too excellent a sports- t ti 21 and clover ha at ni l't• •
i,bougt at a sta on- a g • ‘° °I remember this and wash ooto• laurels ;',1,1le Court he might have !WM
obreugh the eager throng, but bis ,ing Singing Bird to full oPeocr• i woman ever to ritle 3ealous. "You ' tito be able to aeon, orieteelf of all °free times a weeire in Plaee or tile before milking; dean your finger !stroniog along the Strend i•
teretenve v:as. immediately deter -loci "We're in for a run at lest I do be- 'did •Oret capitally. Ifa, ha!" look- thee° possibilities for oaving money haar ther wero given been or oat malts Alld do not rank with wet 'ease loange ouit and a. bard 1
by ahp foot-peet le, who eet up suet liPeta, and half the deld ore left bet ing 3'01111{1 ‘N.11,)i 4 chuckle, and seeing , and really getting the most out. of StVaW RA' O change. `11.10 grain cone herds, i with a darkeutel briar pipe b
• his teeth. Iris hatred of e0nVentiO3
eaten some o t aerie the 6 p at(' Y necessarY•
an $ an )eans )y tn"a- Rus.,..srAX PP.OVERI3S. '111.e-pired hie sturdy itatlipaltazi,
paronve quiet oi the rovert. To =Ake a, bitiog easterly wind as tido, and Lillie thaw, and higher up thez•ee no
withia half roi hone ofe
II deni011100 YOI as quickly drove hind- rye Lnoson houn-le run line oo one in their imenedMte AVa,14., one's trip a good guide -book is abeo- Sittled of four Parts brim, (011r PartS
Lira once again to seek. the 00111-• etorin before now, whiz tust ouch owene.
f Ili 1 1 t rt • 1 '1
- Ihning lambing I adef one part
. . .
s woree. bating northeeast; wIlat's more,
woer between .1faddi»gton !gett ing OV.01' 1130 1)Ott01-0 at ell; it • e •
l‘totisat..keult, TITE ARILS% gluten feed to the ziaixt•ttre ond to A. czar in the desert is may a man, iNVIDCb. expressos iteelf, among elle
'nes 1-1
merreav: in the bones and set toes nor a. patch of gort-e for a fox to' eteiloao, as a riderless horse, his these days, when Army reform. is tueoupt in an. extra feed et night, are aniliappy. 'estate in I1ian4pshire: 4"Prieoratoore
• ar le on
wind ''22' (1 witich ellited the and Crow's 11111 there is met -a drain widens out into a refoilar gene-,
ewes having twins I givo 'the eome lirben the czar is a rhymester poets ,thl te, on e not 1e -b0
nr1-43 fiug.':.rs' aching with Pain' Tr•arse- fall hatic oroo. If lie 01.11Y IceePs forehead plastered witli mod, gel- so much in the air, it 11MY he of in- My ewes are heavy minters a el I L
. • , e 0 A
;'N'On the crown of the ozar cannot alli not he Preseenteue
men kelt patience, sought rbelter in on as he is going now, eve have a ioNd by, "there's eomehodo come terest to recall that it is My years ani coxeful eot to ' I Ion -ti Anglesey wes addicted to SON'.
. crowd with feed, euro headaelie.
a trotnin:v shed, or galloped brislclet good, five -mile point before les, and 10 grief etiro,.‘dy oaptain eieler e ego oince the Permission was granted too mime otter Itanhing, allo ratio An active near puts wings upon ht' ;era' quaint custome. Ile evolitil dine
op erol down, while others agnin when Pug tea:es this direct•ion he do b o • f ' ' * 1. • to all ranks to wear the moustache, Iambs bave a place away from ilia reinieter's feet.
e let e, or et looFs like bes i.
4 fox' instance, 111 (11VSS clothes of very-
okooti still, resolutely striking their nearly alwave p•ov s himself an lin
„ , i e - Week mare." mg colore. Blue and pink were his
wlaicli previously land been forbidden, ewes where tbey ime a a trou it r r,ven the hens of the cearina. can-
eliesit with exteteded arms in the commonly dashing eaustomer, So sets ao T al e e
• •
rn,.(aeoz 10 restore carculatton to come on. Don't lose your place on
their sbivering frames, and their any accounte,
erieeds, animated by the cold marrente 'Kate to ten tile trath had been
oi oar blowing over 'Orem, ptit elowe feeling ue) till now a little what the
their heads, rounded their backs 1131d x 11 ., t f • ,-, •t, Mr to WM 10E1111 to go to it and eat. make some long strides.
-the Jruntsrean and Co/onel ClinOer, then engaged in the Crimean war-
g o
boarniis were now directly In Innovation was introduced °wag to erre eboue , e
teed, Tiffs is wile:et lee•tarat„, noath,elayezagro,:s0;gsgs0.annot have mere ,f,fat'ive0Litesn•unIatreccUilleocytleol.naoftillvouult,k,iunfd:
front (4 them, having once more in- its igmetionugt. bieeoonvs tie:altar bie,neseliciall sometime10 s give -al chanoiI 22140213, ge of wheoe ellen two horns,
clined to the left, Mid tt10 MO 113414022arnon t
le t oats. it • sur -lei hot to t't A ozeir wbo limps coo nevertheless 'zIlliii.1141.)olt.elesrcoolaltuslewnte7 al\ill(o)iteallea1.11"111117;11c):
found ohemselves .reding close behind will be reneembered tbat WO were ' I trg v 0TI dear isean.kin, RusSien sables -»11 eveto
• while otav ilolr a dozen were with
lifted their heels in a highly dis- Forrester's words put lier on her „
ern. an et
e•oncerting fashion, riveryone was mettle, and, giving Sir Itielferd his
g ea 00 00 0
spirit8, so that the joy became gen-
eral Veen at length the hound:, sac-
teetted in chopping Om bewildered
fox in eovert, thee ending his eus-
pen.se mad anxieties for ever. The
rdmd body Was, dragged forth, the
delighted croWd pressed round, giv-
ing vent to roomy naive and original
observations, while Will Steadall
-stood in the midst of the pack and
swung it on high, as his darlings
leapt frantically after their prey, un -
at last it was thrown in. their
Mith-A. and they fought and quarreled
cover the moa.I. 'Then and not till
then, did the crowd in some small
mea.sure begin to disperse, while the
slip was given to the remaining foot
people by the legitimat.e inint setting
head, she let him sweep along lit 01 gee, ojaculated M. For -
rester triumptimntly, "how right I
nill. Beeidee. Opers roan quarters
keep the upper bp eneheven and al-
low the moustache to grow. Toe coo
Tho weather permitting, nay sheep 1.`tie azar knows not misery because rep.resvnted. Ira number over a laura-
are sheared before lambing, or as he dace not live in a cabin, tired, they- hung 112. orderiel rows, the
chowever, contained some cm., soon after as possible. I find if the arm of the 022212' ie long, but special care of !his valets, four in
ielllausiostrictione; it requires that Penta Are ev-arm enough tor t1eiambs, ,it cannot reach to tile sky. number. Hie teste in rnorirtng solto
it will be too warm for tlie mothers The valet of the ezar believes he was eertainly imusoal. He preferred"
Willi their heavy Ileeetes, On {lie past has some right to the crown. striking patterris, and would •otrrier ,e
I have had smile Ios.ses from "crookin,. ukases of the ever are worth top a flaring check with a red tfark-
nothing if Clod says oot Amen. ooslianter or other strange hentlever.
The voice of 1.17» czar has an echo As for his jewels, he was a "creelc
even when there Are no mountains. on pearls." • He had many neeMac-
The lobar can diaturb the earth, but es of seed poar18, which vlere a rave
he cannot move it from its axis: orite Ivor Ono black pearl h
When the czar naaltes yoti a preseot' gave $50,000.
of an egi.; he expects of you a hen. The v&terable S'ir Joseph Dalt°
Isere immediateev ahead, ee„d. she did was. We have pounded, nearly the "A clear epuce of two incites must
not with to di,raco 1).10Estai in the whole fitell!e, ejettoeartiFysinngoicve,g. lecioireLtiojelyd be left between the 001-1101- 0! t,he
eyes of Opal's rider, however much Than=
lip, and at lenet two inches at the tight base of tail, leaving it on.
opinion. Givino lieety glance lioende bad slightly relaxed their
she might aileet to tiespise his good were toiling lin a sticky fuxrow. oeie kers are grown. The th'in, the under .1 no111 w use a small twine drawn
t. .. , - 1,.,„„„„„ r of the throat must be About three nours after tatting -
the scent be.enro:ing colder on 13Pper ila t ,, e -"" alld
hochwertl. oho perceived otrings of ••"t -O -c.", Ckan-sha,Ven. not cutting the tail too -close, A
good titerougli 'clipping of ilie sheep
and Inotbe is neeessary if tlitY have
any lice or ticits. -
011. turning out in the opripg, go. iWlien the czar squints tile ministers Rooker, Roxleys life-liong friend an.
days of extra feed will 'do much to
the most famoes botomist of the age,
riot be in too great a lietr,y• to talte aro one -eyed and the people blind,
from tile sudden c•liange. recently celebrated his eighty-seventh
away their winter ralitins, the few The horse• which bee once been
keep them, from getting, ant of shape
1 wean the lambs at e,beett four
montlis, place on good. feed and give
a. grain ration at' once,. tvliola oats
1 like best. • Muth care is now* neces-
sary that the ewe's tidder does not
become inflamed and influre:cl. Put
them rm. drY• feod or short pasture
for a few days, milking them out
each: day. . czar costs the country a great ma• ny
-..--- ' ' ., handkerchiefs.
- ' 1r oF,IDTIO'G InTOTABArlAS. •- E • '
Ithe heavyarabie land. "There's no
horeemen all hurrying in the same
direction as herself and Ifrs. Forreskeobow long this is going
- ,
ter. The sweet subtle eetasy of the •aeb-'"" So saying sbe.caught .lito
of a loelt of Singing, Zir<rs nume,
hoisted therself up in the stirrups,
and leant far over the animal's neck,
endeavoring to ease his hind -quart-
ers op the ascent. 'The seerns of tlie service, at the diseretioe of tbe gene
rearmost hounds Suet quivered A sec- era]. officer commanding, beeeds maY
end or two, hu,t directly they got on be worn."
to tha grass again, down went their nut whiskers., and beards, too, Have
noses once more, and tv0a,ck7 they in "these days almost entirely, disap-
sped as hist as ever. It was a peered froin the array.
grand 'scenting day evidently-. Will
sthaciall's sober face glowed with ex-
citement,, as every now ard agnin
nizog a word of approbation after his
"Bee-etiful, aint it?" he
remarked to that gentleMen enthusi-
astically. "Did you ever see a pack
hunt better in your life? Lord bless
you, they 271.172 go„, and no iniutoke.
They'll take some of the shine and
bounce out of a few of these 'ere
strangers to -day I'll lay a sever-
• Theo were now, eweeping over love-
ly flying fences, in the very cream
of the country, toeing there in rogue
lax steeplechase form, -without time
to be too fastidiousein the choice of
a place, or to take mucIi of a poll
at their horses. It was gloeioue fun
stridiete along over the inige grass -
_Gelds and ignoring gates with pre-
f.:wind contempt. Homes began to
lather aod their coats to shine, but
their lildted" was tap, and they seebeed,
to enjoy the ehaso as 4.11,u,ch 'as their
rieletOn' Down ,S•capely Th11, through
Merivale, Dale, past Sliepetoma
straight for Crow's Heli they
flew,• the conapaner growing more •and
more select, with, \Veil Steadall on
chew began to glow in her veins,
and cliseipate-sarrowe, real or beeag-
inary. Come what might; eh» 'would
not lightly suffer defeat or'Iose: her
pride of place. So she answered witia
a smile -
"All right, Mrs. Forrester, you
give me a lead and I'll do nay very
best to Re11"
DR. 0 kr'E'S I T
"O" • 4
Tiler» is no diOpeting the fA,Gt'that Chase's, Ointment.' -Mr. Thos. J,
Cheev s ()int/neat as the only ace
• ; tea1 nied,00sitive ri.re for piles that
laas ever beereofiered for public soles.
Day iitter. 'day , there appear state -
>238711t5 in iJhe newSpapers from. per-
'• 00119 who have 1 een mare.d. Aoe
,• • your friends and neigh17ors about
• '; ••
, ehle'great olotment • • .
Yt.Fr yrI outieredeindeSetibable
• ' ,nod ,.riend kn'aown renedias with
little or (10 relief and reatrss
• Nvith increased pin. A frmod ad-
„erisand 1 egdtrethially sa•Y it is
ed he tse of Dr. ChesOS olot-
•,• t 4rinitg otelek r-tt oeas
,pertOad agony from itchrg
3gteliefwihout pain
, „1,:eoloefienSioe ;Oerf,tier, and contlieartily
t",--.2"..''..":"•.'ereeL1111t1rteott .f•t, ••••0'''tlie best, tented‘YO.°11
' ; 7 1,61411tg0g, /1ths
tter WIth„ ,tite o'bieitst of belPIng
' het Sufteeire „'•Whoeliirt`te not 125 $6,
eiettee ete pctiet,
wodell, Beaverton, Ont.
"It gives my ver,y great pleasure
to recenerneml Dr. Chase's Ointrnent
I was troubled with itching piles foi
twenty yew's, and tried very Inane
medicines, all to no avail, iutatil I
used ,Dr. `Chatei's Ointlirept: Aftei
the fourth awn eati °the tchieg
I • ,I1M1ett tdiSoPPc.O.tecr; " if h7
Magic, arid I can say to anyone 's'ira
"afflicted • that, if they owilt try
Dr. Cliese's Ornttherit they will la»
cured, There is 210 move, ceitaio
oire •and none SO easily applied;" -
r. F. B. Langan, Oliver, Colchee-
• Dr. t Chase' s ,Ointinent, (50„ Cents
Bolo" AA , 000 ors; '.',or.,„„pdplapsoili
l*tos i'ClosTip'a.,135,',`,1:co.tort,46.- To
.PrO:tleeY011".14,444/1ert,211211:2211201-41" the
. ,
'014:.$1604t*i'e 44
By the current regulations the mo-
dern attitude to this matter is con-
tained in the following few lines ..•-•
"The upper -lip 18 not to lae shaved,
and the chin and under -lip are to be
shaved. lOhlakers, it worn, are to
170 of moderate length. 07i active
ODid X umierstand you. to.say that
this boy voluntarily confessed his
share in the mischief , done to the
schoolhouse?" asked :Lb° Magistrate,
addressing the determined looking
female patent of a small and dirty
"Yes, sir, he did," the woman re-
sponded. 'T just had te persuade
ton a little, and them he told nae the
'Whole thing voluntarily."
' "Holy did you:. persuade him?"
queried his ,Worsitip.
"Well, first.- rigave him a gooa
thrashing," said , the ruen parent,
"and then put'him to bed without
any eupper old took! his• clothes
away and told him. he'd stay in bed"
till ho'd.contessed what he'd does,
if 'teams tbe Test, cif his.days, and 1,
should thrash. hirn again in the morn-
ing, .Ancl in less than an hour he
'told me the whole story N'oluntax-,
41Y.."- • • .
"Do owe think a doetot• ought to
tell a patient exactly what is the,
matter with hini?"- Yes," answer -
birthday. In poriont of- the
mounted by'the rear neighs continuo
talicecoerneepriisheaendnobtyec'tciommee. flYamegenevielne ianttearwlerhlelliifel,),rSguirghtiosePlx1
plish is only . The czar never hurts his finger but ouH.°t'ut)r-kee.clr' tillitlelonna47°01Ali'goin'aovialak/s1jv'eur4.tel°11-11'°''
what everybody carries his arm in a, which .was full of dangers. It is jeob •
ishlitrhgesn tteieceepreor)iieshesdhotuoldeutfurrisolanshe to n tsheeentinlyae;ertsienttoOttlillaSirlictla•wirnane:':'''''''
Ross and the Erebus and Terror, and
their enens. told -the botanical story of that moo
little later he AlldeX't00k mission.',
to unfamiliar regions in India, pane-,
�11 522
'A drop of water in the eye of tlie morable voyage in Mk volumes. A, ie
Sometimes ctur cowe are ready for
lafre, Limoges is vory prepii-e- in her
harvesting our rutabaga crop, writes bi]is-,The other clqv grocei. call -
Oscar R., 1.Videuer; The tops ;left in „d. -
piles in tbe field ere 1)rought in. ' ,,c L
• an I see Mrs. ? e saiO to
every 'day end fed. to the cowe Ina- the servant, - ,
"el,' a. bill here for„sorne gre-,
do you want?'' , •
\\Tinter rations •by -Lhe time finish testae, but is not ready to pay her
mhng 19°d°' ke°P 0.17w bouglA
csIneeially in,winter; „a'nd ,1210$1:: of "'the' uly ';'.inontli'..old?"•;eoli'e'll,
"is taken efrone the. separo.-- ,in surpresee e• • •".
tor to stable enti , tett. to OONV0, an) "Ain't that old etiotiO11?"
'calves: elteti cows add a. -sinall al-; "Igo, .eir, it, is net.,,,Olre. •Limoges,
*1.0WAnce 'graini' _Atter, the • reiTle T'd boere you 'know,. is, a lover' of the
sloia, hay is "fede.'as 'scion es, this is antique,. and should site see a bill
eatell, the cows '•are grootoed, writer= only e Month '01a she evotild have
ed and _given. 'their noon -day ' iition lit of rieriroits
of grain alid, tal'n'iPs• The tuoniPs' "Well,,',that beets all! When shall
evening ration is skim:11,11k, o'raia 012
are run through 4 root cutter. The sothmen iime in tbe., ,fu.turo,, /rho
older the bill gets the ,i7etter; • but
deleppeeinnt;s' 0:41.! d0n11re1v o> 112» woltnht any oefy odsaereyillogocomzeewarebtilaitrts,,
• • 1
1 . "e aim i i•tav s t th stains tnne have revel
pS••.• t
hes famoue mid ceeteei ee ,tbe phyeicien,: opet.,he tehouite „ei,e, near , to im,ring:. i3astore. ns /sag- t9a0hed, Ood she slammed the 'door,
Clinker oo OpOl elating out t,he use such terms as'to Prevent 0 Pos- aepeok y to each n 18. lac • .., .•
wordc 'aiternnt,/y.; witne MO's. k'oroes-''stility. of, ehe petterit toido'etanclinet anieeal• Wilt Iteep tlia digest/Ye • 'pp- , , • oil , ,,, , , , ,
teo and itate lay only a tele lenethe a °t. ° a 11 • • , ,.. para s in Ev lax, ealth-v con efoon, , , AS 1•IE EXPRESS"'"I) IT .
behind. The coulttenames ar tins\ . , • 4..... ' w ,,, 1,V,h.070'0?-,"..!,e, ", 04', t0.r.tr1Ps:, Onough f.`so item don't mind et .' ' 7..
little 'bard fluebed warthio with that • A, DA k.F.LPRENT,I<IXD,. ,,,' ,,,, ;topteeideeach:'cdw a 'bitstiel.,b day I 1 ,ti el, e) r0her,,,, ,.1)1,.'1221 he.•15)..7,
mingled look of elation and 'deter:. t A., POS,t013. pleeeicion ' aerestod ' for shoold, feed Is ,hey ,itt tile Morning next, door. • L`13Tot" tat' all," -, replied
enioation-vtleich each fresb, fenebsaje- ;tiss'illg bad' 111011eY illsists i'VS, all- 4, 22181 follow imettedjat6lyeevitle;.grAtiat oteore,,liee,i „ er.liteet tt, b et ', ,tti • •te•,.
ziogqtia ,oa, .„•eat'h treeh coomede eke. • oc1, •but•-• e, • lot • r„."It. 11"14 "t1terniP,O..',Attaeititg, Out Jae:, nogne. where' you.'re
CilaSe the farooes receipt ' •' th d 4 4" • a -
,}..°4-t.1 left' behind. enereeees., , • FOrt however , 17 1 as 110 ,4111 00 ,1P 0 •ei • mis- aY:feO, , ,enttrelairee. oolne' POWO•miOhe 'coastingt ' illres-0.611, you "O•keep
etnor, axe O2711
n evetot• box; ; •Invi eaeh.- ; sea* 1tee •tOOes ",‘ • ••ztt, etiit "tf • ' Pedal '
trateit the Iiimalapan fastnesees, wale,
;detected "botoefeing on :the Tibet
bolder end was select] impriserne •
and beaten hy an outraged Si
Rajah, -and tame very near 1,0-
121s life. Ito antiO&pltt02tiM
‘`Origin of Spices" in two fasti
ing papers., and made ,sorne deduc
tions frein tri, work in ColoraitIo 2117
"Utah the Rookies and the Celifo•
, ,
Man, ,P11,16tble, 401
:474‘),I'ACJA) 211-111013 throw ACV an
Strahge, light t on Bee•Win's grea
' '1•11•I'DOVV,S I4 JAPM
1)201214 1
inni 14r
• ,
71'!ll 802)71
'bort and :catiMb tttt , bale
:Without 21 perting/:,OinlesS.tn(1eetlittt,,
f42,5223,, in . whith.:CaSe'thett, givo 21 132'049"',
1.12421 • ".i.t", ileug; 'shot.) ▪ hair'
13211 ptaCO&t, ho, )»,lont-111y:ttOi'on,s
.4,Pent,..r.. and ",;" Adere jog "tile O