HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-29, Page 1• R01%. t GAZETTE THIRTY-SECOND YEAR—NO 9 EXETUR, ONT., CANADA, THt7RSD, .Y MORNING, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1904 44444+♦444444+4+++44+,+4•.,e+,••+sq•+M••.•+•••.' *+•• Uensalt +, Chi elhurst Zuriglr yam, `='�'� -� 1 Anniversary services Bill be held ® el, J. Sutherland, Notary Fugue, Conveyers lids. and Mrs, C. large, spent Sun at Chiselhurst, Sunday, October 9th t '��{�' .rJ't ► ter, Commiseloaer, Fico ineuraace e¢entr and �� i `=t`� "?y_ • Sssuit> or miloag-Srceneoe. nceAgdoenizeaite, d,ay. in Dashweed `pit), €treads, Rea. A„ g.. T3irks, j3, A., of'Seaforth •:ar ♦ carefnlY dry li at reasonable rates Money '41 Mabel 1 will le • ✓ ends church.Free-will offerings:and h ll • me home this neck exerting her parents 1' E. Copeland, and Mr'a- • —Mr. Alex, McMorran of Pa t, Marge, spent Thursday P •• •• • ♦. • • •••• •• • • • ••• • 4•• • +4•+♦•••••••R+++4444.4.44•fir••+444 �p --Miss abe lard of Exeter P ' ash •morning sand evening, at toteanon real estate atlorvratasof tuteresiiv. spent a vvee'k in town visiting tri.. 10.30 and sevten in the • letliodist Oates at the Pest office Mann .wa —Miss Ida Peart, of Sarnia, ie collections at `both services. —M• G. Pais- veil'of S to be on the look out for a good range or cook stove, Woad or coal as we have a large number to choose from of the leading makers of Can- ada, namely FAMOUS IMPERIAL OXFORD TREASURE SOUVENIR And either one of theta will maker your wife's face wreath in a per- petual millennial glow. HEATERS We also carry a large stock of base burners, blasts to choose from, 4. ley, is her visiting his sister Mrs in toren, Centralia • White Mr. Geiger and Mr. Huston, of Rev Mr. Ilendcrson, of Crediton • • • • • 1, Earl and,. Miss Jennie hardy. upon h duties • Bank Here, falx, is the guest of her aunt, .'dr, with rrrends --The friends of Mrs. Jazxaes`�Vhitc Dashwood ettended the fair on preached two very able and Le-. place where witl regret to learn that she is very Thursday, teresting sermons here. an Sunday t • A r furniture; can be purchased with so little: JOHN 'kaxxv 4•••+444+4;+.44++if1+••••••ir••••••••••••••••# 46++4 «i-1-1.4+ • •'a•£•++++ •++d++-eiaelef:44+3»f»l+++++'i b4 - i Has Any Body Z •..:. .. Found in Huron Co.+ ' ♦ monMy as at our store? No! such is Impossible. last. poorly. —'Ir, ti, M', Contin was at ,lois • —Local fairs are now the order' of home in•St. Joseph for to few days —The Gs Centralia. Epworth l ea}It+ae •.; da this week, gave a social on Tuesday eveninee J. C. kiortorr rle;ts entered —M 1J 1 — h was a grand snows*. vvhic p n is u zee in the Sovereign of Exeter, pent Sundae in town Miss Florence Sohrart}, of Illi. • —Mrs, John Elder is in Loudon , this week in the intonate of her —Ravi henry elided, of art. -agile Cillo tented on relatives anal €ztcnds --`fr, .lames Iiasaatfz r+t ytt here this k daughter, Hattie visited. in t e leerth sidetably improved and we h f "Ur and Mrs R 1 1 3ames lodgine, zs wee , , r Mr. Win, Chapman sr,, is con- a few days last, week. his full recovery in the neo • • --Mr. Robert McLaren, of the te London road, recently accompanied a his lto 4 Mr, T. 3. Berry With a shipment of S , t • home .to the old country, • • c c rare 0 1 0l p ext of F. . lessee, Davie r uture. i se�er, visited with friends in the. vrs & Pentane ere village on $unday, putting a foundation under their We make a specialty of Eave Troughing, Furnace Work, Double and single acting force pump, bath rooter, and plumbing of all kinds on the shortest notice, We also carry of a fulllisle of shelf hardware. Cement the two leading brande, National and S brand. 444+4+•••••• • • • • POPOLAR SUITI N R OVERCOATINGS AND PANTINGS DS For Fall and Winter Wear Popular goods must be made to meat the requirements and demands of the times, we can't stand still we must either move forward or back - d. 'Chir goods contain distinct fea- tures that claim the attention of every _ustomer. One constant aim is to produce garments that have it charac- ter, a personality of their own, to Leave the old beaten track and rise above the conventional and common ,place, W. W Taman. Mercbiatet`Talior. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Baby Carriages The Prince of Wales Carriages and Go -Carts are always in it for style and finish. e, nicely as- sorted stock just arrived. Bicycles We are again showing the cele- brated Cleveland Bicycles which are the best value in the market to -day for the money. Renairing Bring in your old wheel and have it repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, PRICES MODERATE S. Martin 14444444••44••+4••4•••44••• Our r Aim is Perfection in Ordered Clothing It requires akill and patience and time to give the sleeve the proper swing. the collar the cor- rect set and the body the right hang. Fanmings, suiaangs • and OvGrGoatings The n materials m terials for fall ander winter are here and you can place isyour order and secure your over-; coat without delay. We also give a $500 Accident and Disease Policy, good for one year with the Ontario Accident Insurance Co. of Toronto, with every order, amount- ing to $10 or over. �i JOHNS Merchant Tailor NOTICE —Mr.—r. 11i, Bill left Saturday, for a store, which will improve it greatly visit with his nephew. Mr. F. Bene» w11en completed: dict, .of Toledo. Ohio. —Mr. Lorne Scott, who has beep —brise Youngblut, of Auburn, is in the Sovereign Bank here for some spending;a row chue with her broth - time is tsow• holding a good position er. Der. H. Youngblut. in the Sovereign Bank at Zurich, —arses Etta Ruby, of Daahweod, -Ml. 11, J, D. Cooke, az hie to spending a few days withher sisters-in-law the Misses Shirrs cousin, Miss Vercy Witwer, returned 'home last weektrout a —Miss Annie Bess, who has been pleasant .fhree month»' trip to the visiting relatives in Detroit. return - old country. ed borne Thursday evening, . Mr,. Elam Butt, who was so well, --Sir, and Mrs, Drown, and child and 'favorably known in this neigb- ref hof Crediton, visited with eir. borbood and who has been an invalid en Mrs. I,reeler, on Sunday. for quite a length .of time, passel!, --Mr. add Mrs. Sohn Prang, of away on Tuesday morning last.. --Mr. John 11. Clarke lantana ly known os 'The Boot Black Qra.i tor" delivered a. lecture in the Me. thadist church on Monday evening the 20th inst. There was a good at- tendance, —The oti ofthe voting by-law w to em- power the °council to give Mr. litho - Ion a loan of $5,000 without interest fora:term r =c m of ten years upon condi- tion n o his c P i purchasing or eregtrn,, a machine al shop carrying on the business of a foundry here, on Mon.' day last. 'resulted in the by-law be. ing carried by the substantial ma- jority .of 92. Mr. liehelon has pur- cbased.the Fine brick buildings form eel owned and Y by.lar. x . 1t } oi l e,ike I3 11 tied has already strl;rd to get the premises in shape. Crediton —Mrs. Bd. Moriook, left for Ohio her former .horny to visit her moth- er. —Miss Martin, of 1%nmilton. a 1 nurse,,is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Either. —Miss Kate Zwioker, of London, is helping her brother, Chas. during the .busy season. —We are glad to coo harry Hlotz who has been so ver ill Around again. —Mr. Chas. Zaicker is installing it new aeeteyline gas Platt in his store. Ho will soon have bis store modern in every respeot. —Mr. William Moriook, of Aurora ID, is visiting under ,the parental roof. He visited the German Sunday, school, on Sunday afternoon and treated them to a tattling address. —Now that the weather is again settled and line and warm. we hope our junior pupil will again resume his lessons in croquet, that he may soon -be able to meet the champions in a contest —Rev. Mr. Owen, agent of the Upper Canada Bible Society, address- ed the local branch last Thvirsday. Preparations were nade for en active fall campaign. and for celebrtiag the centennial of the sooiete some suit - Constantly on hand at Ex- able Sunday ,vert manta. eter and Centralia the Best —Mr. and Mrs. Hoist took . a Cement in Canada. drive to Fullerton, on Sunday, where . 'National Brand Prices low everybody. enough to suit J. Cobbledick Order Your Coal Now.—Up goes t11e 'price of hogs and down goes the price of coal. Having bought a few cars of bard coal at a price on the dollar, I am prepared to till all orders While it lasts at $6.25 per ton. First come, first served. Place your order at once for as soon an as this supply is done you will have to pay more money. Orders left at the °trice of A. Q. Bobier will - be promptly attended to. -H. Parsons. THE reading entitled "Tialem Oxen,'" the hu mr o ua va n giv - MechsBanko Canada neyionM.ihGeodsnwcione,oddedehaopnilaieoiIn they, were the guests of our forme: pastor, Rev. R. W. Knowles. They report having found Mr. and Mrs Knowles both well and •happy. add also listened to him preach two elo- et:ent sermons. —The anniversary servioes held in the Methodist church last Sunday fvere very largely attended. Rev G. W. Andrews. 13. A., of Centralia was the preacher for the occasion and gave two very instruotivo and inspiring sermons. which were high- ly appreciated by everyone present. The usual entertainment was given on Monday night, It was a tine treat and hughly enjoyed by every- body present. The 'following gentle- men gave interesting and splay ad- dresses ;—Rev. Suttoliffe, S. T. D.; Rev. G. D. Damm, B: •D., and Rev. a Andrews, B. A. The music fur nished by the church ohoir was of a very high order and well represent- ed their capabilities. Mrs. SGtolifte,i of Grand Bend and Mee Godwin of Exeter, fairlycaptivated the aud- ience by itheir fine readings.. : The —Mr, Richard Sande tee Ilia - posed of 1}is farm rto Mr. P+trlok Curtin. Mrs. 3. Evans ,alter tt visit of two months in Manitoba, has retttreeil home accompanied by her grind- daughter, Miss Louisa; tarns, of Lon don. Anderson vliss 1,-oak1 Walks isI holid tt•iug in Hensel:, -Miss N. M. Se°iteer, r,f Str:itfurtl . Ooderioh,, *re visiting &rend' in Model Schl Spent nda.} ,it me. and around hd file Village at present.—,4ir�, aoond ;tire, Suiiartin, Sliihocnce _ye. Kern, manager of the Soy- dill spt7nt Sunday: With Mrs, J. John ereign Bank-, Exeter, aril hir, Taman stop, of Ezoter, took in the tail• an Thurs- —,Mi. Cornish, of Stratford was dap. the ,gue.st of Miss F. A. Robins Mrs. on —D1'r. And il_ s i h e .F, Bess. . Mrs. G. Suil, na 3• Iless and h f . r, , G, Axe, loft 74'1'9' _ars. Arthur and }r. J. Arthur some lime. far Indiana, where they will visit forArthurof Nissouri visited Sunday with Will —Mr. Wes.Merrier, of the Bron- , son line, who has been with . John Anderson spent Sim- and1attack t' of typhoid fever, � til 11 d e°r i• .V 1 hC s able tor Yn , erste g r ,3i o r„ Ian he around again. White .of Exeker. —Mrs. II. C. Doan, wlio leas spent Mrs. James 13. Atkinsonsnt last the past summer at Kansas City week with her daughter. Mrs. R. P. and various other American points, Bilyea, horndille. re r z net to 0 h me last. . week. e . —Mrs. . r,.a 1 ne D(' . r ;Joseph ,lz I'car —� i —Mrs. It l V .. ! t , of R. I . � l z .rs' a uc lie and sou. , St. Marrs were )c e. r la nets p. II b f r. Hudson. Quebec, r s Q bee,. arrived Friday at, evening for a visit with her -parents, T. lf. Robinson • Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Williams. —Miss Belie anal Diadgo Gatneroti --Mies Flossie Kibler, who has of Louisville, Iiy. attended ilia (un- spent the past month visiting re- seal of their late .sister, 3iary Cam- latives in this vicinity returned to Bron, wire died in Brandon. her home in Brampton: en.Friday. .Mrs. ENVOI Cameron returned —Mr. George Trott has waved his , home, Monday from London where photograph ,gallery to town, and she, has been visiting her mother, cin be found at his old stand, beside who is ill in St. Joseph's Hospital. Dr. Campbell's office. Mr. Trott gill remain some weeks, McGillivray — Mr. James Neil, of Detroit, is visiting friends on the 2nd conces- sion, McGillivray. —Mester P. J'. Glavin, Town line, is attending the Forest City Busi- ness, College, London. —Mr. M. Cronyn, 13iddulph has sold. ,his driving mare, to a gentle- man' from the north for a handsome sum. Eden Subscribe for the Times. -Rev. Mr. Henderson, of Credito , exchanged pulpits with Rev. Dir. —Mr. W. Fletcher and stater Spon'! Sunday with Mrs. 3. Thompson . G. W. Andrews, last Sunday. —Tho Misses Luxton visited trt- ends in Hibbert, Sunday last. - Miss Retta Eesery recur red home last week, after an extended visit with friends in Toronto and 03113-WA. Lucan • -An accident occurred at Fort ' Francis .this week, by which a young man named Warner Hodgins. of Lita can was drowned. Re and a com- panion ;by the name of McKenzie. were coming down• a river ins canoe and when passing through the ra- pids above Fort Francis upset. Mae Kenzie managed to climbon the top of the •canoe, but Hodgins beo.atns entangled and was held under the water. HEAD OF] ICE. MONTREAL. P T'tpaid up). '.. ..... :. . $6 o0 �,;�:,��,._� AL' (all ' RESERVE .:.••• .. ,• •43,20 RES eITS.: ... . .,. i8 PROFITS SURPLIS P B>3; . E. F. GEBDEN, THOS,:FYS Superintendent of Br General Manager inCanada . 95 Branches n mental characteristics it oohtalne. No .small degree of sucooss of the O,00o evening's entertainment was due tlaq chairman, Rev. Godwin, of Ere- O,00P-'ter, who by his graceful teat and un- obstrusive manner made him almost x959 tin ideal chairman Ile succeeded by his .quiet drolleries and .bright wit - metes ticisms in frequently sending I the audienceinto convulsion. of laughter. The services through- out were a ; decided success and reflect great credit up- on the efforts of the pastor. Rev. ,:. and his people. The pro- ceeds Savings Henderson a P P g 't the haltdan amounted o h m'+ Barn of $125.25. -• SAVINGS BANK Interest at most favorable current rates allowed o 'Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. S' serol attention given to the business ss of Farmers P wen '>to whom loans are made on approved name s,; in all ,parts of the Al GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED 'Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable world and Cattle - CREDITQN BRANCH W, S, CH15HOLM, Manager.. CASTOR IA For Infante. and Children. The Kind You 'Nada Always Bought Bears the Signature of Sodom —Mr. Silas Stanlake, sr., is on the sick list at present. —Miss Lizzie Smith, was gone to Sarnia visiting friends. Ir �. ofessor William Pegg has be- tomei Sodom. . a resident o r —M Silas Stan jr.,; lake lost a valuable horse on Friday from acute indigestion. —Mr. Samuel Stanlake is '' still confined to the house without any marked improvement in his condi- tion. -The abutments for the Black` Creek .bridge ,are about completed, those for the Sauble bridge will not be erected until spring as it, is not possible to obtain the.iron work this fall. • Sale Register Friday, October 7th. 1904, Atte- tion sale of farm stock and imple- menis. on Iot 11 concession 12 Hib- bort, Sale lot •one o'clock sharp. T. Cameron, auctioneer, James Camp- bell, proprietor. Tuesday, October 4th. 1904 —Auc- tion sale of Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Sheep end Turnips, on lot 22, North Thames Road, Osborne,. 1 1.4 miles east of Exeter, at one o'clock sharp Andrew Gibson, proprietor. T. Cam- eron ,auctioneer. o u Saturday, Oct. 1st., 1901--Execu- tors 904-Fx c C chattels,on tors sail of farm and lot No. 35, in the 2nd concet?sion of Osborne, at 2 o'clock in the after - Mooresville —Mr. Thomas Sceli, .of the Bauble line had his barn and the season's crop destroyeed by lire last Thur.- day night. Cause of fire, unknown. —Mr. James Fraser, formerly of Mooresville, has taken the first prize for a collection of flowers at' the Michigan State Pair. Mr. Fraser is an enthusiast in the culture of flow- ers, and has over two hundred dif- ferent varieties in his garden. —Mrs. Wilbert Revington i. vis- iting friends in Detroit this week. —Mr. 3. S. Atkinson, formerly of this place is at present buying wheat in the North -Wrest. He is residing at Delorane. —Mr. William Ilasketl ie in 'To- ronto with a car load of fat cat* Els. —Mr. McRoberts, a resident of Sault Ste, Marie, is visiting old time friends and neighbors in Biddulph, —Mr. William Whalen is preps? - ing to take a trip to the od connate,* and air. Jonathan Atkinson a farm er resident of Biddulph, tee just res turned. From Ireland w?th e neva bride, and intends residing in.''Maani- toba. —Mr. Joseph Bodgine and DtC. Ilaskett, of London, paid Mooresr. s a visit last week in the ilrtet'eate a ► the Woodmen of the World. Thames Road Potatoes .are rotting badly in this section. The fall wheat is all sown and fall plowing has commenced. —The apple packers are again on their rounds giving 75c for fall and $1 for winter fruit. —Mr. 3. Passmore, who has been. engineer in a large summer resort at Niagara on the Lake, is at pres- ent visiting:under'the parental roof prior oto leaving for e sitiation in Toronto.; • • .--Mr. Paul Madge, who was in the old .country for several weeks return ed home last week. He had a very enjoyable ,time although the voyan"_ home was •somewha•t rough. He says the only thing that troubled him was getting enough to eat awhile ou the water. Mr.Madge tookok over a lot of cattle with laim, and had the good ,fortune to strike a favorable market. -The threshing machine purchas- ed-by•the Economical Farmers' Th- reshing Co., from the McDonald Co. of :Stratford, and in charge of Mr. John Westlake, of Farquhar, ,is do- ing some very good work. Last week they 'threshed for .messes.- II. and 3. Anderson,'the geain from53 acres of land in 17 hours. This is considered ,extra good work consid- ering the toughness of the .grain and that •the straw is all cut 'ready for feeding purposes, which means a great saving of labor as the work can be done with four or five men less, than the old way and saves the handling of the straw 5n •order tocut it for feeding. We may say,.that this z 0 f what is be- inga Pretty fair .sample 1e ing done right along by this ma-' chine. noon, Henry Dougall, Tlensell P. 0 A, 1131 Rr R Z -41-; Henry S'tranga Ilurondale P.O..(Ex- Berate, The Kind Yes Hate Always Bought (touters t John Gall, auet,onear ; signature, Gladloaan & Stanbury, Barris" 'is. etc. 8 , Exateri tont.. a. 04 ,a, We have an endless variety of Furniture of every •I• 0t description which is going at a loo figurei •+ house-cleaning time.due ng the �►+ If y ouarei.nterested fail don't to call on us, WE &Atkinsons 40Roweaktionsons WANT 1 TRADE 1 FUZ' uitu '#House: Acid if Prices, Variety and. Quality count,; we should get it.. T,"ndertakers and Funeral Directors. • • 4-1 e++++Sege ieeleH 4.i ++' . , 4 74, Exeter Municipal Council. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town .Rail, Sept. l6ti:, all present. Minutes of previous meet - Jog read and confir.nned. Mr, Il.ick, representing the Bell Telephone Co„ waited on the council in reference .to a telephone service a ,the cemetery. stated that, they would.cornplete a line for the sum, of 0 U zer' rental,e l yeariia,u e -. Zn to run, for iter t a m of three a years, and ind in ease Mr. Smith took a service for 115,00 per sear, it would only cost cost the village $25.00 per year. Taylor—Armstrong.— That t leof- fer of 3e :the Ball i t. Tele glia n Co., to 1 place aphone ant: h in the caretaker's 11, rs rc- sidence at $25.00 per year ,be, accept- ed.—Carried. Tenders for gravel was received as follows; Geo. Ford, at $3.70 per cord from Ford's pit. and $4.50 per cord d Wood's from \ o ods pit. Muir — Armstrong,— Thal ;,ir. Ford's tender for gravel from Ford's pit at $:3,70 per cord be accepted.— Carried. Taylor.—That the contractor for tank at the corner of Victoria azad Andrew Streets be notified to pro - wed with work at once.—No second - el. Muir- Wood.—That the rate of taxation for 1001 he 22 milia on the $, and that the clerk prepere a by- law con firming .the different rates to be levied.—Carried. Taylor --Armstrong.— That the county council be composed of the Reeve of townships and villages, and the Mayors of towns instead of dir- isional representatives as at present and the clerk be authorized to for- ward a copy of this resolution to the county clerk.—Carried. A petition signed by the majority of the business hien en Main street was presented to the council asking the council to appoint a night. watch man .to patrol the streets from Huron street to Harvey Bros, mill. Wood -- Armstrong—That the foT- council pay the sum on $10 per month towards the salary of a night u-atch.—Carried. Armstrong — Wood That the, fol- lowing accounts be passed and orders drawn on 'treasurer for same ;—J. N. Howard, lunabcr,$31.80 G. E. Crawley, livery, $2.00; T. A. Amos, $1.6.00; F. Gillespie. labor, $22.10; do freight, $4.87.—Ca.rried.. Council adjourned •to Oct. 6th at 8 c'clock p. m. GEORGE H. BISSETT, Clerk. P. S. --The reason the rate is so high this year is explained by the fact that the present council had to face a deficit of nearly $1500.00 \rhicit item they decided to wipe out this year. According to the marine register the name of the Ontario ship of State is the Minnie M. di- fi5 V Mt. X Beare the Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Signature Z�CCPc,%Z: 04 The Season for Coughs and Colds Is at hand and every body is liable to catch them, Of course you may get some horehound candy, a box of cough drops, have mother make some flax seed tea with a stick of licorice in it. rub on co meun sk k of and d tu tine, take a dose of coeloil, andif all thin faint ask your neighbor what he used, etc. These remedies may be all right to use Rsatt fi alse and under cer- tain n ed tai on i tions , But if they h fail to ya give relief, why do you go on e:peri- menting wlzan you can get almost in- stant relief with our Cherry Cordial which ' q 18 scientifically ca 11y prepared, Pared abso- lutely- lutely harmless to even the smallest child. and every bottle of which is guaranteed. Only 25e. UOWEY'S DRUG STORE Your Steady Patronage The supplying of your every -day needs—is what we are working for. To ret it we make the best lgoode using the highest grades of everything—and then ask for a Then ..Chen iif you are pleased you come again—and' if we keep you pleased you keep coming. Then you are a steady customer. Then we are glad., Try Statham's Ice Cream and Cool Sparkling drinks W. J. STATHAM Successor to J. T. O'Brien. O'Brien's ti-r066ru (Trevethick's Old Stand) We have just opened our new Grocery, Flour and Feed Store in W, Trevethick's Old Stand and one off the principal features about our store is that everything is fresh and clean. Sugars, Teas Coffees, Spices - In fact everything that goes to make an up -to date grocery store. Flour and Feed always on hand,, 1We deliver to any part of the town. .1m -Give us a call. O'Brien's Grocery, Exeter STOVES AND RANGES Our Stock is Better ,Than Ever. We have the following lines to select from Garland Stoves and Ranges Huron Stoves and Ranges Perfection Stoves and Ranges Happy Thought Stoves and Ranges Queen Heaters Coal and; Wood We are selling A 4 hole Range with Reservoir $30.00 A 6hole Range withReservoir ir $38,00 0 Thesegoods are satisfactory in every way. Call and Examine EAMAN'S HARDWARE and Stove Store P. S. ---Sampson Brand Portland Cement on hand.