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Exeter Times, 1904-9-22, Page 8
ST -- T • taJilst"a word or two*" two busy to write much of an. t.ltis wa~ek,._.Falt stock all complete, we are ready for the biggest kind of a big fall fail' business. New Dress Goods. d. new Mantles, , -r Millinery, sill e . �' l� r�', newRain Coats, new Reaclp:°, to Wear Suits for mens. and boys, new Boots & Shoes f, uteri, and women, all in and ready for you, Come in and ;ee the splendid r'alue6 we are offering. English LinoleitLna 4 .yards wide fl. ral, bla;, or scroll de- stens, all the latest effects. re ula value > : bargain only r. � x �, t34 ., ,hep, ilnlY' bat'�,aEn piece 9 Ladies' new plaid lined Rain Coat dar Lary cape only $3.$o. ey cloth, fancy 'sails Ladies' new military Raid Coat, plaid lining, double cape bargain $4,go Ladies Dark rle ^ Cravenette double canes, new sleeves, very sive latest millitary 5 Two very ;special lines in new black Dress Good's, heavy 'Voiles. bright hard finish the choicest and most effective the haV ever shown for the price, Sic and $i,00, to :stoc' Yes Wo want your !,utter & ERg .. atthe very top price tl the snap of the season,. uit for 95c. .lam. EI b , `i' M ` , SEPT E4 M B E R 22nd I004 Miss M. Strong, who hes .been in ucte cl' n aucc dorso;; the illnessof her uncle, the late David I?ougall, o llurondale, bas returned home. Mise Violet Treble, after an ex- tended visit with her sister, Min. A, Loadm;1n, at Winnipeg, and with frt.- ends in Dokete, returned home last week, • How about floure Now is tha time to lay in a etoek oe flour, made from old 'wheat You want:' the best therefore use Iarvey' ' Star st Flour, ur tt �,. Rev, , 13 N. llaeanius, of ;nrlclz,�i is celp,ed Ore invitation of tilde Metho lisfi.elturele Listewel to become ifs; lrastor'At the e,xpiratiatt o% Rev, J, 1l, f?liver's terra. next July. Want to Comet :• California-- 1<"rite, for ottr !tiara whereby you dan do ;this at leo coat. t'v yoursere s]t. Hamilton Lancs and; Oil Co„ 119 Porter Building, San,Jos°, Cal,. U. , Mrs. (Rev.) Creestore of Croanarty, who is the guest this week of for Ip,arents, Rev, W. Iaf. •and Mrs. Mar-- t;ta, at the meeise is receiving the best ei'lies or a host of rands. `l r, C. N, Stilith, Liberal M. P. 1'.. for Sault Sae, . thus r eMarie, was uns:mt• d last leria.ait reducing the n majority of the Roes Government in. t iegielatet to chit, ineluclint; ier. Speaker. frs, Nettop* dace laeses;a ; 1TI Iuney, a native, ttf l anri;laill, z, a .summer bride shotale by her11us6and Milwatnitee n' a quarrel •ov.�r a i oker g,•tiltr parents Bee in ilexreait. Tltrought the instreiintxttalityof parr. KKxitpuips the stree%s in 1?ul.T 1arttl4 are beautifully lighted up.The village has purchased a 000 Candie' power light, and placed it In a posi- tion that the s ieole pillage i lit up.. ranted, --Four thousand five faun- cd dollars at 1-2 per cont, on se�i' sty of Mertgago cart !:spat -class; operty,, valued at $8.0Q0, for of years, For further pnr, xeppl.y< at tlki i office. #rail Business College,* Tat 'sass a good class from Lis ' e torus, the fallonsin„ trend, nee Jessie (: ar%ellar, Janet M zr,, on't Lest Elegant Fall Dress00 s Come in and inspect our stock of;black and colored fabrics and get sortie idea of the immense range of elegant cloths we've import- edfor Few fall I"e av stores.. can show you anything like the variety and certainly few stores can offer you anythiue like as good Mantes. 6I46It Dross flood 1f1� ck a Mohair tar Gor de e•C.h'ne d i u rich Week with glossy lustrous pure i, awl sepereate skirts. does not crease Mut of the pret` eet materiels for ,suits 41 in. wide, per ;card,15e, 1,00, i1,•.?$. Black all wool Satin Cloth. silky Retell, bright smooth weave superior suea>'ing clod!, 'l t tn.wide, per yard '75e, $5e, $1,00. Black Canvas £loth, coarse or reed" iu E mesh, fashlonabie fabric for shirt a waist slits, 41 in wide, per yard 7,55.0, 1.91) $I,2o. 13laok, Imperial Serge, nave fa Dot, guaranteed not to shring or spot, good wearer and stylish, i in, wide/ per yard, $1.00. Slack Cloth, extra line. dull :f;ti- isln very stylish suiting aS in. wide, 1 !ter ya Black flop Sack. fine finish, sup. erior dye, heavy weight, 41 in wide' special per yard Dile, F Cheviot Fancy C ..via iNovelty• t rvi;• ' yve soft .pure Per l a t n brown., in p n. navy and green, i 41 ate wide pep yard S5e,: $100. Raney Suiting, Site aveeve, smooth fi.nisd, worsted yarn, pretty for. tailor- ed gown s, assorted danrl; colors, 44 in, wide, lac xt yard. 1 Franey Tweed Suiting For .fall and , winter with mohair knopp in brown, grey, blue and green very pretty, 44 in wide, venial lar. a yard i Valley .Hon Sack Suiting mixed colorings stylish for tailored shits, dark shades dl and 54 in wide, special per yard. +0e. lac, Platin Canvas Sniings splendid P t a eor sag ixr'a,terianls in lclxt;£n pay' sand green, very popular, SIO inn. ,,wide, per 1 yard Sae, .Fancy Ktiistures. two tined, rough and smooth weave, !Wade from pure worsted yarn, assorted colorings in dant eltadee. 40 in wide, per yard 5e. likely to be e Ictly u7hat -tau make do now in the way of SAV - probably teal!, deter- ASAVi11'tGS ACCOUNT ifi giving the result of five year St oo a week the . l 2.00 a week alae neon *oul.d be ... - 4.40 , 40 a week the third year would be ...... ,. 6 ilia week o e a k the fourth year r: would � be.. a doa week the lith year would be , . Total ct! And this does not include the ac Watsonmof interest. If �o tela to take advantage of the above ea ll and o en an } u fs account with ,. 3 ^• 104.Cet . =os.c0 312.00 • 416.40' 41,09240 rI Bank. a. rs Not What You Earn but What You Save that Makes You Rich. We arealways lies glad Y5 toexplain and make all transt=.c to o urat rri Ci , ion clear ar The Sovereign n Ban f Canada Branches in Boron County' at Exeter Credit in Dashwood Hensail Zurich Clinton GLAD -VAX & ST,4NBURY, ', 1J K soueliece Manager, ARN 1 ger, P xetdr,. flameh. Fsr *triage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watchers. Clocko Jewelry, Spectesc3os ttc CLL ON YR HICKS Wretch Repairing a Specialty. DR. OVENSisnrogon a �ov, seccfatt t. Deseases, , Eye, Ear, Nose and ThroatThroatvisits Ib' eete,.. morales, Glasses Properly Fitted Nasal Catarrh arrfi and Deafness t treated. Office COMMERCIALDDAV ,Jaly.2 Dstea of visits NE=SDAY .Tal S, ..z Nov -, Nov. 3J. London office 25 Qu ens Ave. 1 R.E. PIOK 440 �FOS+W►444444040444044444 4 •b �► LOC ♦ ALs .4.14404 ` ]*4+144444 Read Popplestone .rc Gardiners ad. on page 5. We make a. specially of watab lock repairing. D. Bartleib, and Zurich Fair on Wednesdayant Thursday this week, It Thanksgiving day has bee for November17t]I, n fixed 31r. A. Q. Dobler left on S turda for - y o: two 'VI5' • xtt 'Q tha; Soo he. ds Cider Barrels for Sale. --Ranging In•s'' -17. of from Jrgallons, to 50. all Fer- nier h ons at I , ax - mer . Br os Come in and see our beautiful hand painted Bohemian water sets, Charlton's Fair Mr. Grover Bissett, of the Verit y Ploav works, -s k Brantford, , r ntlo ra ' ,ts• 1' lto i da in Y at this home here. Mrs. Stevenson, of Glencoe, tea a n e x to nsi vc exhibitor hlbit here t11 or 1t the fa' Mr. and • 31'rs. 13oavmrtn ...spent. t forepart of the week with fawn at Kingsville.. General Selling Agent for C. P.4 r Sic: Landt g. A n. e Y persons, p iar e who firs or others, er s C n ate 2rx la fe l? purchasi'>r�• lands in; Manitoba or the North-west Ter- ritories c xs will 1 'n £I d ' lt' to their ' 4 Ir ad- vantage e t3 to call 1 1 . on me, as I • recently been a have ling agent for appointed general sel- W 8 o all C. P. R. and 0, range W. Land d C s a lands. Prices x os fron•1 $3.50' per acre and upwards. Persons who settle on C. P. R. landsf within one year after pup- ehese have ten -years in which to l . pay for such lends. t a, i J it ic+ rgaWt 14'atotl• Itis Ilaaicled tel reslgt t tai l?lyxtiouth Cotngre,ga pionol church aaxiel neap# the offer of tlao Slayton 7f yceuvxn 1 ureaau to take ebo leeturo 1 l tl lora pertnaanent.ly. l3is saalaary is eo lass $7.000 for eight mouths. »if'r. Wm. Delancey loft lash week et f afford, where he Is engaged in sa lectin apples kir shipment for Mr n.s , 'Lang. "� I. x* 7lanurn ct+ 'tats l field y !lass respensitale position for soma VI past ,Waal. in his selections takes care no inferior apples get into the barrette, 31r, E. IDiisdlell has sed his Prop- ertc ou Andrew street: to Mr. «'ra. !!,aiding, Mr. illaasdell expects to 0 Wnav his family to Brantford, n' tlo d nx r tv ea las is now engaged as miller, lnhthe toterse of n few weeks. Mr: and Mrs 33iasdell were goon citizens and our boss will be Brarntford's gain, Sate, rin^ i, Oct. 3 1st, (, A i,Q '.w- 1 d lwxaau- t rs o s� e l et farm and chattels, t,t of t s on lot No. 3 i, in the 2nd concession of t sborne, at 2 o'c]oek in the after- noon. ifenry »ougali. Bengali P.0 Henry Strang, Ulurondale P. 0, Ex- cutors John Gill, auctioneer 'Wel 1 man �; Stautrtiry, Barristers, etc, Exeter, Ont. ATr. Wm, Kernieik, of lisborne, who took a two-year-old filly, heavy draught to London, to show, was awarded 1st prize. There .were seven other horses shown in the same class. Mr. i ernick has a good colt and feels justly proud of having taken 1st prize at London. The colt took let !prize is a yearling last year. Clerels ,pastorat Shoes ndaard of art and ility, 1 ROB ighesst eprttc a Rutter and eggs lir. sine Mrs, aluderson stent . day iii Landow. A laea.a'y frost visited this section on T'wsday�,Bibi. Mr, Essery, of Lexington, Mich.. is visiting friends in Exeter and vicinity. 1134. John food shipped a car lot of export cattle .for Landon, Eng. Mai Week. l r Eurrid e, of London. was ;inet of 31rs. naltUeott,1l'uron Sti 'Ttieed, ay. Aubrey, horse -buyer et ,- rout ie tin Exeter' this week on e basing trip. :Ur.% S1 asst; a low days villi xlrre, 1Vr, P,1 e Herbert' Gregory, tsllo. for the pas pears has been stpdy'r*t law in t e Wee of elacllnan & ldtenbury leaves on Friday for Toronto, to complete Lis course, Ilcz will attend lectures d• 44.4`04@40004@dOd4444♦♦4.O©OP4f4044Q•P?i40b444PA44114 410tR"APO, 40�►4044gb1iO4+►4A@040 400444004 ♦+�b.404b4b0444.+ NEW BALL RI3SS, GOODS G In black, bine, green and brown opsat in Blue, brown and black Tweed Effects In all the leading mixed g t e, rg Broadcloths / ljacl ,Muer! rown,kTmen. and fawn New i ' sit We have a verynice , range cif reach Serge; l� retich `ct°ills, rench l tanuel's, Lustres, itrld Chenea� all in very natty pats rs and the newest colors.. d' at Os¢oocte Mali, s A full stoat. of tea for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, fru Grippe uolt as ]fix 'Treat= int, Chases Lin'. cod and Turpj1entine, 14 i'naa's Cough ,!sari,, lirOCid'S Pima Syrup, 'Wceke!'s i14 Cure, Dix Cold Cure 'aablets,. tive llW'Iexa'xn t IriWdne, Naeai,Raitn sisal Ointment, eta„ For sale Lutz, central !frog Store, Ex.- , Mrs. Sell, of :£,ucktianc*, is vi8iti., tail. her brothers, Messrs. Wm, anal Joh .Tian kshaw, Exeter ool will meet Commercial Tuesday and. ht the let 2nd and .4th Fridays and 3rd Tuesday in Wood's Ilan, for the next three menthe, when Shorthand, Type writing, Book-keeping, Penmanship ;and arithmetic will be taught by en c>xpericnced commercial teacher. For fur titer information communicant with f he Principal, W. d'. O'Erie Order Your Coal Now.—Up goes the price e r at hogs end Edown goes the price 1 lc of coal. Having bought a few cars of_hard coal at a price on the dollar, I am prepared to fill all orders while it lasts at $6.25 per ton. First coma, first served. Place yapir order at once for as soon as thi ' is six rply is done you will have to pay more money. Orders left at the office of A. Q. Bobier will be promptly attended to. -H. Parsons. Gone to China.—Mr. and Mrs. F. Keyes, and 'Wise Johnston, want to g London, . on. Monday, e to their sister, 1t2 e. to E. 0 Searles who ]0 1•' �ltr ] Mrs. Searles, 1 s le ft on •t he evening train for Montreal, enroute for 'England. Mx. and Mrs. Searles have been engaged in missionary work ork in China, coming to Canada about: eleven months ago, on fur- lough and.for the recuperation of their heatt-h. T31e Ngrill visit at Mr, Searlos native home at Portsmouth, Eng., expecting to leave fax their ranch loved o ed work in China, about February next. Trial Trip.—For thirty cents we e sena ,the Times and"•Mail R Em- pire .to any part of Canada, Great Britain or the United States. New subscribers to the Weekly Mail & Empire ,from present date will rd- ceive' oith�er the "Victoria Cross" or an Atlas of Canada and Contin- ents of the World." The Atlas will contain the la test- maps of the World, Dominion of Canada and the arovinces, Europe, Asia, Attica, Un- it ed Ste tee, and South America, with marginal index. The large maps are 22x14 ,inches in size' and printed P on fine n cafe n e e d r d a e P r P , Locals. a alp, FOR O VnEs xTS T EARS AN OLD AND :WELL -TRIED REMEDY.--Ylre Winslow's Soothing Syrup has sother for their over sixty years by millions of mothers for their children; while .teething, :with perfect succ It soothes the child, softens the gums, e,tla s S I pain, cures win colic, and is the' beet remedy all . Sol for Diarrhoea. `Iiia pleasant to the taste. Soli by dru fists •.i gg no 96 part o' the h©'world. bl : cent 25 nbotklc, Ire value is ins;alcu�aaple. Be; euro and take - Mrs Winslow'?. Soothing j 1 yrrxpand ask for ire other kind. s is week. xr Miss Bessie Welsh,` of London, is visiting n her �' mother, Mrs.. Thomes Welsh, Huron' street. , Miss Tillie Yager left on Wednes- day ,to resume e • nes•- milliner •atmBawdon former >position.as Lord Dundonald has purchased 'Crichton Lodge,"Ottawa, and ell!. make it his Canadian liome. Mrs. E. Howard, of London, ie vis - ting ,friends in town, prior to MOV - ng '.vith_ her family i o Sarnia. Miss Jean" Hawksha'.v, after. a onth's pleasant visit with friends n Chicago, has returned home. Cider Barrels for -Sate. -Ranging, in size from 5 to 50 gallons, at Far- mer Bros. For further particulars apply, to m E, PI �[ Iia, Exeter. , Or at the "t IMES"'office. TO ` ADVERTISERS LS copy for'changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual a a',ilvestisementw'accepted up to noon Wednesday da of each ac week. ee k. T uRSDAy, SEPTEMBER 22nd 1901 The man who ho tlairxke and aal'�e-- is master of the man vvho;' only`'tl�nks. So ,Malik and act and ,order, r e. ' Star ' all y u /lour beforeyou 3 o:neterner oSe aI2 ;youz e. Mr. Alex, -Yager left last week for Swift Current, .Asa,; '.vhere he has a very good position with the C. P. Et. A new granolithie pavement is , be- ing laid Lh #� p.l I n Beebe'. t• ox North, r th from i Lake Bead . he a ad to be approach . e bridge, near the Miss .Amelia" Oke," yvlio has spam the Past month with her sister in: Boston, Mass,, returned Saturday Jest.Time on Gide, r Barrels a. p refs 1'or- Salle —Banging in size from 5 .to 50- Viler Bros. gallons, at rar- er ,1 s an a guest� o 14rRoilh ud of Toronto, Has 1• Hazel- wood an Tuesday. ltfrs. G. Griffin. of Loudon, is visit Inag�friends in town the guest of Mr Mrs I), :►1cGCnn s, tis . ,T. SYesteott and children St, Catharines 1 t ;tarinFs are visaing sk id airs. Thomas L )Zeiwood, a Za Mr; Greenwood. as former residen any years ago, of Exeter' was renew acquaintances here !lets week, lir, Vii. M, Stewart. general manager or the Sovereign Bank has been spend- ing Pwd s a f G a this Y week in town. Mr. ChesleyEvaane, Wino bas spent the past tsvo months with relatives in Lindon, returned Lorne on. Tuerdny:. Mr. and ]airs. Fisher, of Chicagn after visit ver lZ� Mrs. Anderson herpawith It etturned borne, Mr, &on Thomas, of St. Marys, was in town a, few days this week, be will attend the Dental College this fall. Joh B the of North Perth has unseated intated for reelection to the Ontario Legis- lature. 1.Tanlon Services,-.-,Tlle Rea-. Godwin will conduct union senvise, t Sunday ; the Main-st Metise t cangregaationl uniting with tla c 'tan congregation in old in the Methodist `church i Irl Worn in the evening. The same ot`dor of service twill follow on Sunday O. October bcx 2nd. Zi 1 Rev. Y. M. Martin r tae ti .s rt i r. c 'a i n awell-earned .1 ><z y >; 1a 1' holiday. t W. C. T L'..-,�li. temperance masa meeting was held on Sunday after. v" noon last and very largely et tend- ed. 'Mrs. xc1�,c�e, of Barrie.. Provi»- ead = . r Skirts - A good assortment to choose from, made til good Broadcloths and cheviots and nicely triumaed. with ♦ same cit silk stt^atapngs and buttons and beautiful cording and stitching. ING t*♦b♦4/►�4144if 4444�441P ♦+440b444444♦44441t*00!lOOR ?040o00otoo.t44.404Q4Q.44 *4441.4440+1►44d.040440*404. Fut nature and Undertakjn, e sural Wer moat • • e will give 5 e p nt. off for cash S Cr liUSTON at I)trector and Practicable Embalmer, Opera p as Sick 01.4 iiany, at the 11'. G. T. Lt., who is O4t04d44444l4f444444..4ltwr a gifted and talented speaker, in: her c e aide s s briefly if u' o tllnc Y dtic>ti•' n conk at the .Union, and the success that crowned many of their •:Worts to en-. list c youth u h t.• P y li rn't1t+ cause r , t :�e I` o . tem- perance, then was strong hopes of saving the nations from. intemper. 1 a .ne and r d unka e,s d n y . .Solos were rendered by Miss Anna Martin, grid Mr. Essory, of Lexington, with the chair being occupied by Rev. ))r.. Mannon, The annual lneeting•ot tlx: union Will be held at Mrs. Iooper's 1 this !Thursday) alternoon when eteetion et officers Will take place. The Literary and Scientific Society in connection with the 13igh School Department was reorganized last Fri- day September 10th, when the follow- ing officers were elected:-- President, Miss Dorrington ; Vice President Tom Carlin;: Secretary, Vera Oobhiedick t Treasurer, Mr. O'Brien ; Ed1tress, Edith Moncur ; Pianist, Elmore Sen- ior. A coennunicatiou was received and read from the School Board which welcomed back the former pu- pils as well as the new ones,'and de- sired. that all should make the best use of their advantages. It was also sug- gested that the pupils of the school select a suitable crest and 'motto for it. Considering the riunther and abil- ity of the inerbers this year, 11 is ex- pected there will be some veru enjoy- able and educative meetings, Millinery t3etl'n I a, — P TCI. g e semi -an. nue' Millinery dreplays by our Mer- chants during the past 'Week was a special attraction for the ladies. One would suppose that human ingenuity would fail in time and a season eoule when l.n there woI u b d en° nothing new in the way y of head covering. But it is quite evident from the elegant display you will find by paying a visit to the Millinery parlors that that time is far: distant Each Mrs. Wylie, of Toronto, will be the guest of her slater, airs, J, A, Stewart for a few weeks prior to leaving for her new hone in Minot, N. D. Thera was an unusuallyI. number of fakirs withsips of chance etc, upon our - - gamesa principal reets and thoroughfares on Fair ay. Miss Tillie Balkwill left on Fri last for Niagara!, where she enters the Rospital as probationer for a nurse. be spent a week in. ITamilton before ntering upon her duties. Mrs. H W. Jessey, (nee Kate Itaw- kina) and bet' four boys of Elmira, . Y. are visiting Mrs. M. and Miss Rebecca, Hawkins and other relatives in and about 011 t :Exeter. Mr. i'Gm, Wilson, who recently sold his farm in. Tlsborne and has since 're- sided in Seaforth has again chosen farming, haying bought a farm near Et The hearing i n of Lha g protest) st against the election of Major Hugh ' Clarke, Di, P. P. for Center Bruce on Tuesday occupied only a few minutes. Mr. Clarke being confirmed in his seat. m. ,till vie with each S Millyard other aid'1 er 9' returnedin the he � oere chic l p1L ca productional i Luctons _... __ knp Ol v Tuesday afteram a 3 there yweeks '.,• with Mr. C. h , hioncur. Mr. Millyard i Y g in millinery that is to Exeter ever thin , be ®04�,�4,�4eyP06A4l�Oey004000pA9 will go to Toronto to -study medicinefoetid in any of leading cities, 0 m' /ace 4 enters lar e- 4 � LARGEST y into the makeup of many 0 � BBSrI` 4 at , oat r ea the University ersity about' the first of + Fur with DEALES SAY I-- "Hata is ��yOltr �.Oill. trade? Good? `II_"T11e31you nnu St handle Harvey's Star Flour." III--` It's sold the country ever." IV—"We don't think there is anything we handle Y ar that... hf'lps our trade like that Star flout`," V --"It will bea good day gp flour 10 rth 8 and feed trade e of our countrywhen ell � they learn to use Harvey Bros, Star flour entirely." HARVEY BROS. e40a04o.4�•4ao4rr44....444444 October touches of seasons e 1 aofthe Dignan.I In e er Western , Tt1c 1 1 �F 1 ! or Ontario the re^ r10 cry serious , and Galnsboro, are P illness of typhoid sever in Toronto ` the leading shapes, the crowns show- Cavalier. Word has been received. here l P 1t e LI ti V /. Tr. e b Dlre 1 cop 1G Y ! ie v� Mrs. s o Joh Gae t n tL_ l Hospital, of her son Harvey, Word lig `i tendency to height, being erten- received from clay to day reports his 81vely trimmed with plumes " case , tips, critical.birds of paraaise or wings of endless Itilr, and Mrs. Arthur Rollin variety, Thi outing hatshows tz ten- s of De- troit, are takinga to -foie. to more elaborations tharr dlere- through the country driving$ .pleasant their to -fore, own conveyance. They have visited friends at different points in the way and are at present guests or Dr. and Mrs. Rollins. Mr. W. J. Faison, of T was a hofice las pleasant caller at this office last; . week while here on a visit with his aunt Mrs. R, Davis, Mr, Faison was a former typo in the TIRES Office and is now the very able and prosperous publisher of tare Thornbury Herald, which be has pushed forward' with much success during the past decade. He reports many changes here during the past' few years. r ng On ltl onday Peening as'Miss Ates - ander and her brother, of Devon were returning home from Exeter met with an automobile, t the Call early and avail yourself of his met they when the valuable service, ias•this is a y were: driving ;made a des. portunity to have of pare op- perate attempt to free itselfy pr eyes praper k rigi umifrom the tested free of charge. t became almost un g t guess work Inan- b but was a seeable ut a scientific certainty, at the o^ y eennetet c cases sea=s aLcc;urateiy fitted. ALL Wove' G ac a ' In with escaping h ver liitlP in'u SCIENTIFIC _ EYE $PEGI iLI8 T T. P. SritTirl WILL BE AT-TISE... COMMERCIAL ea' Two Days O l l n y �a Friday a site y Saturday, rda Y, Septum. bar 30th and October 1 et CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. O This popular institution leas an d excellent reputation for strictly p high grade work. Our graduates O are in great,cle'u;and. Enter this ena 4 month if possible, Magnificent, O p catalogue free, O te p W. J. ELLIOTT, 1- D. A. McLACHLAN,,1 I'i'nci.Pals • s 1 u The city ol.` Detroit is equipping its treet cars a s pvbi, a with, o safety 'C t tender. e d r. y Please examine the date on your abel and if not correct kindly let s know and .we will. make the alter- ation . Major Moodie,who > is to coinmaxlrl, 'the expedition to Hudson Bay in the Arctic, has beengiven eu TpowerP.rexn- to e f pr oxce Canada's, ads sa. ut rhop- UA 7 Y. - Lh ItA�r' e TE. FD.' buggy was i • ,t ggy badIyda,na,tged both t £t � ty in the, Far North, although the n .gecraL Plalp for t lie liur1� eine' broken , o la s t pk full line of Artificial n 13ay r petal Eyes Bally' Bay country rs yet, in fa 1Cntativ a ped:to Our Stock. , staee. To the Front gam With a consignment of short leaf Georgia Pine. It ,.makes the most beautiful interior finish of any lumber on the market today. Lumber Lath and Shingles We are in a better position t ever to supply our many' . custome r with all they' may require either from shop or yards. Bee Keepers Supplies ready delivery. PIace yourOrders for Tanks early. Estimates cheerfully given. ea—Catlin we like to, see you.-it ROSS TYLOR EXETER, ONT.:. ifYou Want' w Good Pickles .Get Fresh-, P utar. resp • Pickling Spices Kat" Browni 11 M g s Drug Store Old Eyes ade Young Dirn Eyes Made Bright I can bring back toour eyes, Ye, enc. d with strain. a clear visioon,, the natural ease and comfort of twenty years ago. And why. not ? I e a specialty of sight testing, an mekthn d use e the latest sta appliances an ccs: for this important m organ work. Satisfaction guaranteed, t -Graduate of Canadian College of f Op tics