HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-22, Page 7ABSOLUTE YE Cedtline C rx, e r s Little Liver Pills. Must Sear Signature or 41.0.22 sled. See Feeeelieelle Wrapper Below., Teter amen cue ae owe to *Wee as =tow. CARTERS MILE IVER FOR liEafiellE. rali WHINES& SiLlOOSKEtt. Felt WRNS FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKilf. FOR TOE SONIPLEHON I en:atir ledeinhlineeddeoente4 CURE SICK HEADACHE. SIMPLE FAITH IN GOD thou, the line's of the field." for illei"1444+1440444+4,4444÷} they tench of Geel'S love and care, of the beauty and success of humble faith, wed willing obedience aed, Pa- tient waiting, of tlie fruitage of Christian character which can come Abiding Trust Which Brings That Peace and Joy only as the soul is found in hrist C and Christ is foUnd within the soul. 'Which Passeth Ali Understanding. ----*-*m"•"-•^m.M"* (Mitered according to Ast of the Par- liament el Oetrada, in the year oxie "nhousand Nine. Ilundred And ifocr, by "Win. J3aily, of Storeeteat tlme IDepartuen oL Agricultures'ottewo-) A clespeteh from Los A/age:ICS says Rev. Frank De Vitt Talmage Preach- ed from the following text: "Consid- er the lilies of the flelde" Xatt, vi. 28. Jesue points us to the cornrow), flowerS of tbe field and urges we to consider them, tor they bove a mes- sage for the seta of man, Through- out the ages since Jest's spoke these words, God has been planting tits garden in the fields, and the fragrant. bloes011as,ns they lift their bright faces upward toreceive the sureltine and the rain, have been in their own sweet, way bringing to man God, s message and helping to interpret His w 'it Word What a Pidtore our exi. brings before en, jesee enoted ri the green-earteited elopee of the inside, the group et faithful dis- ciples wheel Ile bee hat Piet fermate ly chosen to follow Him io Ills min- istry, standing behind Him, while be- fore Him end on either side the eager, Attentive, expectant multi- tudes pro's to near Hine Awl Jes- te looking out upon that intiltitede, sees tbe anitioue, careworn and bungrenlooking faces bebind which the starving, imeatisfied souls were keepiug their vigil. Be feels tl ie throb ot that restless life; Iie lenows the anximes tbought and trouble witich follow relentlesely at t he heels of those people Bice evil Nemesis; Ile understands the work and straggle which go ort de after dey-the anxiety for the n seitien of We and the fretting to e plea- sureS and luxuries. Anil th dew- Ish mu1UtuIQMitered ab�,t the Saviour in the Galilean Iu11 WE no diderent front the multitudes ot, to- day. There are the sue anxious and careworn faces; there aro the same hungry, nose -Hated looks brCf forth from the starving soul; there aro the sanie worry, the Same dISCOaltellt, lila MAIO fever s pursuit for the perishable things of this life -for food and raiment, for pleesurcs, and or worldly place and power. 'Jesus as ne looks out over the world to -day from Ills throne in glory sees IllthiAN IdATURE THE SAME. Ile can point us back to that scene which our text brings before us, and 'italt us to see there the faithful por- trayal in minature Of the condition of loonau heart and life to -tiny. But Jesus saw more than that, fev- erish and anxious inultiteile. He enee more than "diet humall sea of faces, over which the furrowing renrks of care and trouble and un- wholesome pleasures and indulgences had traced their indelible lines. Yes, if He had not, r verily believe His heart would have broken.. In that human need and soul -hunger before Slim there was naught to •cheer His heart or bring gladness to the Di- vine eyes, But that was not all Ile saw, The grass and the lilies of the field Were there. ITe saw them, and they spoke their sweet message of God's faithful care as the Creator and of their glad and humble faith and trust as the dependent ereature. But the multitudes did not see. Ruthlessly and thoughtlessly they crushed the grass and the scarlet - robed lilies under tbeir restless feet. They were pressing forward for they hardly knew what. Earthly care and snot:ariai wants made their hearts hard and their souls insensible to the IN-thispered message of the fair, &ad flowers at their feet, An& oh how that is true to -day! How this ineterialistic age is crowding out all sense and thought of God, and yet how the lilies of the field, how the I birds of the air, how. all abounding nature would bring their niessa,ges to the heart of man' and have him learn of God through them, and find in them the clear interpretation of Ills Word! The fields bring their perennial message. It is old and yet -'ever new. Jesus says to you and me as we toirn our anxious, troubled, unsat- isfied hearts towards Him.: Consider the lilies of the fiehl." Why? Not alone to drink in their beauty and to fill the passing moment with fra- grance andbrightness. Not just simply to admire them and raptur- ously gusli over -.,their gracethl out- lines and their exquisite colerings. Not to examine item with the scien- tific eye and regard them as so many more specimens ,for the collection. Not to regard them as the beautiful model to be painted into the land, scene and lend their beautiful color to brighten and GLORIFY' THE PICT„ItRE, Not any of these. Jesus ,was noi talking to ,the gushing and sentimen- tal and esthetic., not to the botanist. not to tlie artist. Jesus loved na- ture for more than her superficial self. He saw deeper than the exqui- site colorings arid the picturesque and beautifuL combil tat 1 on s . He heard the spiritual message which natal re whivered . He saw under- neath the beauty, and the fragrance the. lessons which could reveal God ana God's Word. And so He said "Consider the lilies of the field " Have you considered them? Oh, yes, you, say. How I love to wander Are just what every weak, nervous, eun. down woman needs to make her streng and, well, They cure those. feel. iugs of stnOthering and sinking that conic on at times make the heart beat streng and regular, give sweet, refresh- Sng. sleep and banish head. eel= and ner- vousnese. They infuse new life and energy into dispirited,bealth. shattered women nee who have come to think there is no cure for them. They mire Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervus Prostration, Brain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Listlessness, After Effects of La Grippe and Fever, Anomie, General Debility and all troubles arising from e rundown system. lerxect 500. par box or 3 for $1.23 11 dru$disto or mailed by THZ T. MILBURN Go.. LIMITED. Toronto. Ont. • 3IF, WAS FORGIVEN. Ile kissed eor bold:'y in the opea street. "Sirl" she slirielted, "you are an utter stranger to me. \That means this famillaritn?" "Madam," he replied, bowing low, "though we never met before, you must excuse ine. I bet my friend that I would kiss the prettiest girl raw in the wbole street." A soft, forgiving smile replaced her wrathful glance. "You are forgiven this time," she raid sweetly, "but please Octet let it otter again." To the Weary Dyspeptic, We Ask This Question: Why don't you remove that weight at the pit a the Stomach? Why don't you regulate that variable appetite, and condition the digeStive organs so that it will not be necessary to starve the stomach to avoid distress after eating? The first step is to regulate the bowels. For this purpose Burdock Blood Bitters Has No Equal. It acts promptly and effectually and permanently cures all derangements al digestion. Kidney Disordero Are no respecter Of persons. People in every walk OP life are troubled. Have you a. Bacicacho? If you have it is the first sign that the kidneys are not working properly. A neglected Backache leads to serious Kidney Trouble. Check it in time by taking through the fields, how I delight to DOAN'S :Effigy pin search through -1.1.1e., woods for the mosses' and the ferns, and the tender "THE GREAT KIDNEY SPE.CIFIC ' They nine all kinds of Kidrioy Troubles from I3a.ckache to Bright's•Disease. Stlei a hos or 5 for $1.2,5 ell dealers ' THE DOAN-KIDNEY PILL CM. Temente, Ont. ' violets ninth blighten the cool, s ac cc nooksHoW I rejoice in the song of the bird, in the ripple.of the stream, in the murmur of the trees as the hurrying breezes skips from leaf to leaf and sets them all to whispering of his visit and his hasty in the Ituzz and hunt of the insect world! Oh, 1 love nature, 1 love to be with, tier, I love to come mune with her. She brings rest and pence and quiet to say heart. Ali, yC8, $o she does. How eagerly and faithfully nature ministers to roan, irrespective of his moral or religious condition. But Jeeus does not pleed with us to "Consider the lilies of tilield" for Vile superficial and Material gratification of man, He wants us to coneider them for the deeper spiriteal lessons which they rimy teach tte "Consider the lilies of the field," because they speak of Geel'e faithful zzre, because they reveal P. Sweet faith, hinntile trust, A Willing' obe- dience and a. glorious mission. God the Creator on His part giving to the little point all it needs. And the created thing on 85 part Pa- tiently, trontfully, hembly waiting within the circle of the Divine will, there to be nutele glorious and beau., Wel; evnether it is sunshine or storm. whether Jt is the chill tlaul dtudtnees of the night, or the ecorch- Mg heat of the day. ,And 91 Clod cloth So clothe the grass of tho field, which to -day is, and to -marrow is east into the oven, shall He not. much more clothe you, 0 yo ef littl faith?" Micro is vital and intimat relationship between God and the lilies of the field, but between Ood nnd num there in the barrier et one Oelief, of disobedience, of turit-T1-.7N013. Between God end nature there is cordial fellowship, but between Go 11 Man that fellowebip bas new sevema through maida forgetfulnes. f God and his mad, eager rush the things of this life. And d think the Mien ereakiog to heurt God's message as you heautiftil and sentimental tho of God and nature and prate Abou God's care and love universel. The Mien Alvah hearteeearching 11105 - sage. It is one mart does not litot to beer, it is one which hie heart is not frenentive to untleretand. Think you that yon have heard the mes- sage when you rush back to the city and plunge with greater eagerness than before elter the material thirigs of this life, and worry and fret be - cruise they do not come faster. or become discouraged and morose be- cause of the misfortunes and priva. thins of life? Think you that you have heard the menage when, the fields liehind you and the pavement of the citede atreets beneath your fool. Yolt forge, God and the lilies and seek first man and mammon, tool care not so much about method as that the coveted goal is reachea? A STRAIGHT TALK TO YOU. Wh3r Your Poet Life Has Been a Failure. 4-7:4-1-14-7-144+4+4-14444-14 sELE.cTED nr,oIPES. For an invalid's dinner tray, re- move the skin frone a ripe Peeteh, If you are the victim of failure, shed end force through 4 sieve with and are wondering why yoti have ea a eilver spoon. Drain if there see= succeeded es well as Many of your too much tuice, Beat up the white aenneintances, et might be well for of an egg, adding the peach pulp you to east a. retrespeetive ere over when the egg i light„ a little m4 a your past. 'time, beating steadily with a fork. of course, more agreeable to Sweeten 'with powdered sugar. heap lay the blame of all, your misforttnieS light/7 on a i1ass sasieer, and serve upon. Fate; but your future will with cream, etand a. better chance of being brigh-I Pineapple Shorteake.-Beat. three ter if you dlecover what part of it; eggs light, add one end one-half cup THE S. S. LESSONii INTERNATIONAL LESSON, SEPT. 25. Text of the Leeson, A. Comprehen- sive quarterly Review. Lessoe 1.-Tbe kingdom divided (T. -Kings 12-20) Golden, Text, Prov, xvi, 18, "Pride goeth, before destruc- tion and a boughtY sPirit before ^ Itow often one is led • think of the word, Surely tho wrat of 1A411 ehall oranse Theo, the re- mainder of wrath shalt Thou re- Otrairi" (Ps. lxxvi, 17). Ilectiuse of Solomon's sin God said Ife would take the kimechero from him, leaving brihj000hnrswe'sb.tha:ea•litycle'''‘,,,Seals's'akttber.oalug'in'illi'thl isPaabiroetusieent7nRactethl,r_a ure, but God overruling for His Pure overcome circUillStanCes, And Change a lemon: edliesoutgaLitohethl'uiln"oonfeehhaallit :ategrasssosx:111111::75-1;341;c9.1):Gmell'Isids(Lod:11:etx.PrYtle,as- IRS an „'cout.. „ n w der doweer 1. environment. eup of colt' water and beet again. John, v, 14; *Keep yourselves itrora Perhaps Son have begun ten things. sift two cups of dens with throe idols." .tereboani knew that God and never finished one. and have for- level teaspoons of baking rowder. actioo, tebich are tbe real cause of sti • n, " e. ''.41"14 411'4(411;1./1i itiardust Uo taliitee.l4sotbr. bad given him the hingdoun but he Ided dutoded meteods of thought and add to the other ingr 1111dnet ,01d the failuree. You can do tweotY batter should iott be over half an wrouJISU ght out a lit& plan of his Own things otter a fusid°11, 4rul nat,iding inch e. Bake IA 4 moderate oven. that the kingdom might not get well, Yet ,tseu wonder Woyd'on nay° Peel a plueopple, toke cot the eyes, away from him. arid thin plan was never found yOlir 'lave in the world, add cot id ddon piedes from dile, dred ddijodoe und didobodl0000 441 and why your Many earabilitleS eore. sweeten, well and use for 4 to (uoth Or, still worse, You tuoY be a "ricd filling to the enIce. Leeeon goo4 reign Citron, xvi. 1-42). Goldee T 31 L'Ilr031. 11, "Help us, 0 Lord our God for we rest on Thee?' met with such poor reward. im of the "By and by and "lime- enoupia lig,to" 1::,Q•ettaiale:.4.6A1.4.:oiTnogr.,„aiteo Pet. dings! Tr rut have an ambition or mix tborotighly. Sift eriough deur purpose in your mind, ea epee it in theis mixture to Inake it etill at once. There is not an beer to enough to roll out. Line large edtette Doe eoneeteing toweres begin- round pan with the dough. as for a ning. Rouse yourself from the lethe 'rove and not juleY apples in rgy of dreams, and eaahe a start on about 8 piecee, and place ilatly 05 the dough, 55 near as possible Isis wonderful wbat power comes gether. Press them in to keep them zI that beginning. The road to suc-.in position. Sprinkle Wieldy with s lies along the path Deelehre. arteligranulated sugar end a litto, German Apple Cake is made b mixing 1 lerge tablespoon butt with 2 of sugar. Add el eggs a 9 s retreating to turn fretn SUCli el:oboe:11 and Jerolmant to ooe wh however imperfectly, bad faith (lod. Tbe notener of his life was do good and right in the eyes of ietod, end that ia everything. No the words feline ing tile golden ten Thy name we go." eSSOU IV,--elehoshapbat's reform Chroth nin. 3-11). Goldeo. Text, eleOliresi. NOS . .1014,01111SPIPS Taking Life's journey Easy A walk that's as ood as a DUNLOP COMFORT BBER IIERLS ake walkmg" more of a comfort than those 11110 are used to W *Allard Iteelefiane anyiclea of. Tae all that Jar off 11105piro ancl remove the cause of =Ilya weary headache - 11114 DuniopTire il Toronto, Ootaito le by s ee dealers rywilere in Canada. p the hill of EmIcavor, and across num, and baken ia rather quick i I ran" 11 ' "Peal aurems"' ag ly, and bridge or raiiencv, yen oro quite dodo. tthe Lord, eliall be with the " road to defeat lies tkrou Cold Cateed„...ophie tett:client roodoo good." Yeree 0 might, have been a Bey of Pretty Sons, and th catsup rerptiren no cooking,. To Paths of Atheit-a-while. quarts of tipe tomatoes chopped Whatever you lotend to do ft add one-half a teacupful each of by, begin now. et -d. rult rinks are often ick Mien no food N. valuable for their and phosphates. metho is se uhnplo in prepri these juices that anyone with fruit at their command can have a. e supply, on bowl, 1 one ono a pound of suger, two ten- *II that were before them. 'The proof that the message lans been heard and understood is found in the seening first the idingdone of God and His righteousness, and Proving the truth of God's assertion that all else needed for this life sball be added. .And as the beautiful dress and fragrance of the lily which Gad so freely gives it make it a creation of exquisite perfection, so man an charecter and life would be as bettutifully clothed and provided for as the 113y if he put God and Ilis righteousness first ond man's de- sires and Foaming interests second. Man robs himself day after clay be- cause he does not learn the message of the lilies of the lielcl. Our lily of the field might, if her will anti purpose were not so firmly rooted in the place where God had planted lier, roam the world over seeking the softest of silks and satins, choosing the daintiest of colors which man eould obtain, living to gratify every selfish wish and ambition, and she would fail, miserably fail. There would be no admiring glances at her beauty, there would be better golden text, "Thus enail ye do in the fear eif the Lord, faith - folio and with a perfect heart." Je» lionaPhat's heart was lilted up m the horseraelloh, whole niustord heads or the Lord (Ned. (id and be ninus and nasturtium seeds had a great and wonilerftil victory chopped tine. two stallte of celery and over ens enemies (chapter 20). but One rdd PePPor eboPlied. one-fourth in this lees= lie is rebuked for help - 1 eg a cupful of salt and sugar, half a ng the ungodly. tableepoonful each of black pepper. V.-Omri and Ahab a Marc and cinnamon, and one xvI, 23-33). Golden Text, phzt - 64, "Righteousnees ex - re 1 i IiLuxzz1 C.vaiItLesglip4‘r.-. Stew phents till ten- der suifielent water to prevent t ri, but sin is a reproach , .horning: theu strain and weigh, al- ple." In eontrast with no, lowing to every two pounds of pulp, ious tenons we bave in wo Men who did more Prepare 1 gt, of strawberries or rSIT°11t11114 of vIllaaawa' 4)/W teasPa°4- N; . w very will'ifed' but Ahab Waa ouier berries, as respberries, bie odd ot, each or doves and pepper and worFe. 13_!r_rrie_s....___11,t_i.ch‘k_TeffLes_..,..0_1(1e_r_1:10,;;;s.;Sg41%-.10ttmta tolr(r.welTi lloellSleideeSbosiobr‘°!11frtL)eo JaLlieFirla.nrd\l'riTg-s0VintaIR-11ng6)c.nradlnielidli; ilonnig"s;•oNcVlularrs7:duet:Fleilnelu'v7ra71Lncii*ile'tnIctee":111;40tilel:e4111.tilall4Pit i rv'elollielle41?4trIiiielre7Not'et:til\s/lIdt'lb:_...11riri,,aeli are Peeuieeta.08:thuete :5711,1i:e:'retiNet:d4 aln\l‘lte'eti.lnev-Isil4gi 171iro"lufeTeht, clItily.ettrtav:onrs not think ttiat boiler witli half their bulk in sugar. eel_ 1 that requires no cooking. Af- und water from the broole was very Ihott for 30 inimitea. turn into a jet- - -1.4t-' fore; twiner might we be in ly bag 'tvith a draw string at the tter Pe(41nr' largP. ri" cacimlbP"' rP" gaud n who w geti world will All front helping ck, and often, when empeots proves dr it, the tenor of it lenguage harbored up against him. Rather should men and women le to uee the purest Englieli. than t to defile it with forbidden cede he least anOvo the eeeds, grate fete end put love whit emIst*Ilt. ratilans uleal ' over night IMO a howl- Po n_ not_ 1 two top, tie up the bag, anti let it drip 1 ijii,aina ettlii,reryfititieuearirt minutes to widow's humble home. but to euch at, from it. rfeat the Juice to i use only the juice that hasus(tirroVt i .nraclish, one teaspoonful of .sattedhalf loliijael.cl,oiadr jtialioni ittlelamBotIP/Oisotd 0wrold)aa" el/the...dote-ales of groafti4lulpho,amee_o tent lifu ke the brook nor even the press the bag when removing it, b t 1 pint of cider elnegar aim anti a juice is cooking, prepare zeotir bottles or erh,,c minor matter. or booing point, anti Iteep at this otoodpoontul of cayenne e seal. This catsup is epecially cone- (r. li.:ings xviii., 1-26). Golden by carefully sterilizing them. To remodel tor fee, eed demo, Text. X , Kings xviii., 12, "I, tby do tIlis proper)y, they slionld be Pine htuotord Pieldes.-'rhe pro- ervant' jfeeildree tie etienllonellyromplalenesY l)inceti an n 1.nck or hits at waaci in Illota.oroteria.a goi7oaddlyllitlirefirldi Istrntown° egi;e1,11innull IIYA°Udt)(1;;;;Itlitth in tile house of ungodly a kettle of cold water. lad the wa- ter gradually Celtic to a boil. Tbd 11 • I. 1 f 11 1 I )(us, wo guru, s 0 slim si ver_s ao Ahab both feared and served the Lord ccordin r to ability and op - ter. also. When the water reaches r 1 toot PertilnitY, as far as NVO know. The \The-- oParid, soaked over night in ' t lonel NO FRAGBANCE THE AIR, How she would rob time world and God!: And man is doing that very thing. He talks of God's Care and love and :yet hp does not know what it Means, because unlike the lily he is not Willing to abide in Cod's will; he is not willing to 'Jill the place God intended; he is rebellious at conditions and. privations; he is bound to have his own wili and seek his own wet-. The lily sneaks of sweet, simple faith in God, of obe- dient stirrender to all forces which will make fur splendid growth and glorious fruitage, of pntient waiting through . every experience in life, whether it is the heat of temptation or the darkness and chill of priva- tion's hour; whether it is the glad sunshine and refreshing shower of prosperity, ,or the Prostrating wind and hail of adversity. It -IS the sweet, abiding trust in Gee]. which .brings that peace and joy Which passeth tmdeastalecting. • And the lily of the.field in the light of Christ's solemn words declares to: the. soul of man that _if he does. not belong to • Christ, if the regenerating power- of the Son of God is not. felt: if His life is not dowing -through: the human life, that . that life is deed and wi thered a s al' s the eternal and enduring things of god are con- cerned. That flower is the glory of the plant, and God hae -declared that Hp has created mah for Hi S glory. But how could the Illy apart from the plant reveal the. glory of - that Plant, and how eat, timu apart from God and out of fellowship with Ood manifest and revel . the glory of God/ Jesus dhrist came into the World, tO 'reveal god to men, to ,man- ifest forth His g-,lory, and- He accom- plislietr 111 ,miss' ion, only, as e faithfully and persistently. kept His place in the Father's will... He. bore the. beautiful fruitage of a God -like character.: And: the only Ways, for Man to grew' the fruits of a .Christe like character, is for ',him, to abide in the Christ. ThiS,. then, is' one- of the lessons which , Would . teach us. Apart from ,• the plant, aSeless and immatUrc and dead.. Apart from Christ, an .iniperfect Character, inima- ture and useless and finally eternal death beyOnd the grav0,- .1` C oh 8iclor",, temperature for an hour. W11510 the I thoroughly, put in srnallphPopttles and ijcss°11 VII`--(Thadbal and 111441i bottles should be filled with the wa- lotions. two hearls of cauliflower boiling point. remove the bottles, salt water. in the rooming mix one Clirietian who truly desires 10 serve empty them and 1111 annttodmately With 1tiessertepoonful of tumerie ,powder the hot senile. „ Cork and seal iight- and tlIveo-TOUrthS of a potted of best 1Y• '1'o be certain that they are mustard with fet Indent vinegar (from air proof, eland the bottles on the, three quarts) to males a smooth corks foe a few hours,. rut away I poste. To ddd ditoddde of de dine_ in a cool, dark piece. TO eerve„ mix I der, hoatod, add osc' ported of equal (laantii ies juiet3 and dcadi brown sugar, one-half ounce each ' Blackberry juice has much medicineone teaspoortful each of cinntonon .,., desire when he went forth agarnst Goliath, and Daniel, and his friends it when they went to the furnace and the lion's den. Lesson &i discouraged (L Kings nix., 2-8). Golden Text, Ps. cxx., 1, "to my distress I cried un- to the Lord, and He heard inc. The only way of peace and victory is a mind stayed upon Jehovah, seoe-- ing no one but Jesus only. w ever strong we may be in the L we are utterly weak and helpless ourselves, and the moment we TO - low ourselves to dwell Amon. pettole e or circumstances we sink likFed& when he took his eyes off the Loint. Lesson Xe-Illijahl encoeraged 4(1. Kings xix.'9-18). G olden Text, Ise.. xli., 10, "Fear thou not, for I am will thee." It must not have looked quite as hopeless to Elijah when he learned ft om od Himself that there were 7,000 yet in Israel who bad not bowt d the knee to Bea.1 and that he was not the only wit- ness on whom the Lord could rely. Lesson XL -Elijah taken imp into heaven (IL ICings 1-11). Golden he tLord may fully trust Him to manage all the details of his life. Lesson VIIL-Idlijah on Mount Carmel Kings xvill., 30-46). Golden Text. I. Kings xviii., 23., "If the Lord be God, follow Him." In Elijeli see a man filled with a desire water, e that God may be iline as the liying lorified and that celery seed and whit=steed a, people may know al value in bowel troubles, and the and cloves and five emits' worth, of and tr." 61.°11- ne'vid bad the 8alae mixed spices for pickling. Cord add the notstard paste. and Idt boil well, then add tho mixed v 0 tables with two text peppers fid ly chopped, and after it begins to bilb- Me, allow it to boil well for five minutes. Do riot be persuaded to add tomatoes, green or -ripe, to mustard, pickles. poorest, therriee become nectar:en:hen made into juices: Oranges aned,pine- apples, either singly or conmdeind, make delicious juices prepared the same way. Apples contain iron arid phosplfates in abundance, together with a large amount of pure water, and their jui- ces are excellent also for a beneficial beverage for sick people or invalids. Wash a large juicy apple and slice into a bowl. Add a slice of lenient peel and a bit of cionamon stick, or if preferred, a grating -of nutmeg, filld pour over a cup of freshly boil- ed water. Cover closely, and when suflicien.tly cool, eat, in the ice box to chill. Stettin, sweeten with gran- eilatecl sergar and serve very cold. Another excellent W11 10 prepare the apple juice is to mash a baked apple in a bowl, using a silver fork, and pour over it a cop of boiling water. Cover closely till cold, strain and sweeten to taste. Adding a few drops of lemon juice will develop the flavor. Servo In a pretty glass. For tamarind juice SLOW slowly- .2 ozs. tamarinds with 4 ozs. stoned reisins in 3 pints water for an hour. Strain, cool and serve. If any more nourialiment is needed' than these drinks contain, the white of an egg may be added to each glass. Whip lap the white, stir some of it into the liquid, end top with the re- mainder. This makes a pretty loole- iug drink. Egg lemonade is always relished. Separate the yolk and white of an egg, adding a few grains of salt to each. Beat the yolk light '(it will beat up as light as the white if you add a tablespoon of cold water), and add the juice of 1 lemon and 3 tea- spoons sligar; beat agelie, and fold HINTS TO 310IISEKF,FTERS, Batten:berg pieces that are soiled and yellowed' should be put to soak in suds and in an earthen bowl. Set in the sun, turning over the pieces occasionally, and the yellow will dis- appear. Equal parts of honey, castor oil and lemon juice or Whisky is an ex- cellent remedy for a hoarse cold. Mixed with lemon juice this was tried with good results in iny own family. A large dose was taken at night, and , in morning" the hoarse- ness was entirely gone. In choosing a stove, acm,t, get OM that is too small: Apart from. the limited area offered the cook, when Text, Gen. v., 24, "He was not, for much" cooking is to be done only a God took him." It is not \VISO nor part can be in progress at once, and brave to covet death, even tliongli thus the fire must be kept burning death be a gain. , It is better to the longer. Don't buy a stove elab- lea-ve all to God and be strong in orately 'decoratnn ed th nickel eithm er, Him. We ay never die (L Cor. Secli adornments are itatielsoiee in XV., 58, 52; I. Tliess. iv., 16-18), the ,store, lnet blacken. with use, and matil we leave this mortal body quire much labor to keep bright, and or get a glorified" one we shall never adC1 materially to cost. • have more to bear than He will ea- e dn the treatment of contusions us grace for. where there is extelisive eliscoloration Lesson reproved (.Amo of the skin, if olive oil be freely ap- v., 4-15). Gerclen Text, Amos v., plied without rubbing, the discolor- 6, ''Secle: the Lord, and ye shall ations will quickly disappear. Ab- live." Jehovah had done eve.rything sorbent cottor raa:v be soaked in the for fsrael. Tre, was their 'Redeemer oil and applied. If the akin is bro- from the bondaTee of Egypt, their in the sttiftly whipped white of the ken, a k little boric aeid should' be Latvgiver, their Jeldge, their Ring. egg, itien add ?,- 'glass ice-cold water applied over or instead drop in that ailment of the abrasion. • A black He only asked of them a willing finely chopped ice. more sugar eye thus. treated_ 'can be made normal obedi&ice that He might bless them in the fla,3 rnixing if. desired, and in a few hours, especially if tVe oil and make a bleeSinen but they turn - end worshipped idols. if the, yolk of the egg should make Pc aisPiwgiLdt wn'alornsti. holt eeke ep ers would Bedima7:Thfli'somearnestlY C°1116 the, drink too rich for the delicate A cabinet kitchen work -table at If we,. are in any way turned from. , very much like to have, and the unto me and T will give you res money is really well spent. Next best is a strong, large table, longer Witti wide, and have the top covered with zinc, The snow-white kitthen EVERYTHING. sey dlearr e-•-"Yent o sit timed all s. And wit ;oppose did?" atienre-edCaid tifccoa"Sent bczzws of face povder. wit explair,ing that he taken at leant that r o on lils coat since he knew " stomach, it can be left ou,t, without, in any way spoiling the beverage. They have. called two doctors in for consultation." ''And do the table on which , our graeedinothers doctors agree?"'' "I believe they piqued themeetv,es is -ear should be- have agreed upon.tlie price.'! a thing of the past. , There are two kinds of girls; Ono leads a man heavenward ttnd the other steers him 'up against' a soda fountain, Pain in the Stomach, Diarrhea, Dysentery* Colic, Cholera lltorbus, '44 Cholera, Infanture, Seasickness, and all kinds of Summer Coe. plaint are quickly cured by taking Dr. Fowler's 'Extract of Wild Strawberry • It has been used by thousands for nearly sixty years—and we have yet to hear a complaintabout its action. A few doses have often cured when all other remedies have failed. Its action is Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable and Effectual. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Virild Strawberry is the original Bowel Complaint Cure. West Substituteit, They're DengeroUS. Ail GOOD THINGS must win upon their _merits. The International Dictionary ,has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in 1 the English language. A. 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