HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-22, Page 5./-
VTL 5MiEtlari
Flair Kenewer
A higla-class preparation for the hair. Keeps the hair soft and
glossy and prevents splitting at the ends. Cures dandruff and
always restores color to gray hair. ”7-4-malvizoLaa,724'4'
W. BROWNING-, M. D., M. C.
saf S„ Gradnate Victoria Uni-
versity, °Mee and resideneoce Dominic,
Lsnsteatory, Exeter.
D.R. ,A..R.
D. 6. D. D. S„.Honor Graduate
a Toronto Untverstty, Dentist.
Teeth extracted ;without pein or
bad after effeets. Office In Fen -
eines motet, West side of nfeio
D.A. ANDERSON, (I). D. 8.1..04,
Honor Graduate of the Toronto lanivereite
and Royal College et Dental $1.1 eons ot
OntArto, with honors Also oaU ot
Chicago School ot Prostbetie Pet:nary (with
Everything kuown to the Dental Profess!
deisetntliie ofiee. Bridge work, erowm.
-lenfinum,gold and. valcaalte plates all done
- this -neatest manner passible. A perfect
berodess anaesthetic wed for paiiness ex
Office one deer eolith <A Carliog Hetes sto
paoto hulas to loan op Farm property at Etur
atat 080 baltporceot,
We Isom ouumtwa Ri-ivato funds for toyes
cot upoo fern: or ',allege preporty 4lowe
ates 1,14t4=St.
We have a !ergo =aunt ot private fon $ te
can ea farm foul village properties atlowrate
of Interest,
Barrister$ Solleitsate, Tilato St, It(ete.
In the matter of the Estate of John
Ford: lete of the Township of.
Stephen, in the County of Herm:
Farmer deceaedd,
Notice Is hereby given pursuant to
Tlio avirisett statues of Ontario
1897..4that all creditors and others
having elairos against the estate of
the said John Eord, who died on or
about the 30411 day of July, A. D,,
1904, are required, on or before the
15th day of October 1904, to send by
ipost prepaid or &Aver to Kenneth
Goodman of the town of Parkhill, in
Um county of Middlesex, solicitor
,for the administrator of the said es-
tate their obristian and surnames,
eddresses and descriptions the foil
particulars of their claims the state
Mont of their aceount and the na-
tUre of the securit,y, if any, held b
them. And, further take notice that
after such last mentioned date, the
said administrator will proeeed to
distribute the 'assets or the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto.
having regard only to the Plaints or
Odell he shall then have notice and
at tho said administrator will not
to iable for the saisi assets or any
part thereof to Any persons or per-
sons, of whose claim notice shall ttot
have be received by him at the time
of such distribution at Parkhill.
Dated the 15t1I day ef Sept,. 1904,
rfe; Adroinist rat or,
• his Solicitor,
the 0ttor tb t estate of David
Dougail tat of the 'rowriShial
of Usborne, in the County of
Huron, Yeoman. deettased,
'Lattice is Ittareby given pnrsuant to
0., 1897, gimp. 129: 'that all
editors and others having claims
alnst the 4. state of the said David
gall. who died on or about the
daY •of September, 1904, are •re-
ed, on or before the 15(11 day
tober, 1901 to send by post, pre-
paid or deliver to Messrs. Gladotala
Stanbury. of the village of Exeter
Solicitors for lite Executors of the
said deceased their christ Ian
and surnames, addresses avid
dose i iptions, the full p irticul-
of their claims, the statement
heir accounts and the nature of
secutities, if any, held by them.
And further take notice that after
such last mentioned date the said
Executers wiil proceed to tits-
ributo the assets of the deceased
among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have notice
and t hat the said Executors
wilt not be liable for the said assetS
r any part thereof to any person
or persons of whose claims notice
shall not have been received by them
at the Unto of such distribution.
Solicitors for said Executors.
Dated at Exeter, t he 17 t
day of September, 1901.
Township of Usborun
Court of Revision
iar1ate1e Noteries. Cone vartee
Commisaieuers.folicitore or thellloato
Benin Eta,
Mazer toLoaa at lowest rates of Interest.
ornoz;--AS.A.D1 STrIEF,T, ENETF.R.
r. A.X.1WKS0N
Uouoi' Graduate Ontario Votednery Con
Honorary Fellow in Ontario Veterinery
4soelMl01l. 101 diseeses of demotic aulnials
senhlUYtXC6t1. Milk fever treated by
thelatest oargen treatment.
OFFICE:One door south ot novo Holt
RESIDENCE: Second 110890 north ot Pre5'
byterian church.
IIIG Usborne and Ribber
Farmer's Mutual Fire illStir
•allte 60111Daillf,
-AOad Office, Farquhar, Ont
Presideiatl—T. R. palliate P. 0.
ri. PAssiitona,
EAturan.va P. 0.
Diont.ET, Wt./4=x P. 0.
Z. A, Noun's, cnowany 0,
3*, L. IirssELT., itteSSELDALE P. 0,
37. OEuxIcEATiL, STArr..k. ONT.
A. Datle,A.$ Flauonx.tiat, OsT.
• 13. W. F. BEAVERS,
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
De yeu Want a luggy
We have the finest stock in town
ail the latest styles, in the newts
• olors.
Onr prices are low as can be &am .
for first-class material and workman
GALL fifilD BEE US. •
Two Doors South Town Hall.
Roller ills
Gristing and Chopping
Pro m ptiy Done.
We are giving excellent s
tisfaction in flour since r
°dolling our mill
H. Svveitze
FAR."11 FOR SALE, --Lots 20,
con. and llth con., of Stephe
6 1-4 miles West of Exeter, bein
eonaposed of 190 acres on the lit
con. and 120 acres on the 10t
These farms are under good state
eultivatine well drained with go
house atd .outebuildings, thereon a
tiO fruit bearing orehardse. Nev
failing well the year round. F
further particulars apply to T.
tartyn, Exeter.
Nottee is hereby given that a Court will he
hold isureuant to TBE ONTARIO 'VOTERS"
LISTS ACT, by His Honor the Judge of the
County Court of the County of Huronat the
Town Han, Elinaville. on Monday, tbit Twenty-
sixth day of September, A. D. MI, at leseclook
111 tbo forenoon, to near and &nominee thasev-
oral complaints of errora and oimnissions in the
VotersList of the municipality of the Town-
ship of Osborne for 1901.
AW.Mersons 'having business at the Court are
required to attend at the said time and place.
Dated at Whalen this 7th day of September
Feter, a 7 roomed storey and
OR SALE.—On Main street, Ex -
half, brick dwelling, including, bath
and pantry, excellent 'cellar. Good
stable, and small garden with dif-
ferent kinds of fruit. For terms and
partitsulara apply on premises to
Mrs. E. Elliott, Exeter.
FARM FoR SALE.—In Usborne
41.; township, being pails of lots 17
18, on the 13th con., containing 125
acres. Buildings are a storey and a
half brick house, bank barn and low
barn. Two orchards, 10 acres of
bush and is situated 2 1-2 miles
from Kirkton, '7 miles from Exeter,
and 1-4 mile from school. Must be
sold to close an estate. For fur-
ther particulogs apply to Wm. Prid-
ham, Resseldale, Wm. Baker, Ful-
la.rton, Executors.
S1.1011THORN DURHAM 131.1141.7S
for salo—The undeesigned, has for
sale a number of up -to -data thor-
ough bred Short Elora Bulls. They
are of the low set, thick blocky type
and choice breeding. Will be sold
rea.sonable, inspection invited. Ap-
ply on lit 16, con. 2, Hay, ot John
Elder, Hensall, P. 0.
locals .
tJ T1MJS, SEPTEMBETI )2nd 1904.
The Exeter Times
The mi,Lit Overt min et IN 111 short-
ly issue an order setting forth the
terms and, conditions on \Odell
creased pay xs granted to tile militut
A newly enlisted militiaman who
turns out tO camp will start at 50
cents a day and by good conduct at
the end of three years will be entitl-
ed .to 41I. a day. A volunteer at pre-
sent in the force who lees a record of
two yeers' good service will start at
90o and by continued good co/Ad/act
will soon earn l a day. Orficers
get their Toy increased as well as
the men. The pay for the several
ranks will be raised as /ollows ; Col-
onel, from $1.86 to $a per diem:
major fi•oin $3,90 to $1; ceptein from
S.2.80 to $3; lieutenant Seem $1.53 ;
to $2; provisional lieutenent from
$1,25 to
Thon,n s of pel1p1e throughout
couotry know that the ordinary
ethos for piles—ointments, sup -
ries and appliances -swill not
Te best ot them only bring
•g relief.
Dr, Leonlordt's Hem-Rol:1 1
ablet taken internolly tihat renew
ha cause of piles, tence the eure
rroanent. Every )lackageokI
les a guarantee with it,
perfeetly harmless to ib
TIOSt delicate constitution
month's treatment in eaelt paek,
old at A1.00. At any drug store,
, The Wilson -FYI P o.. Litui: ed.
agora Rolls, 011t,
X tors of the Will of the late Da-
vid Lougall will on Saturday, the lst.
of October next, at 2 o'clock, p .111
offer for sale on the premises his
farm containing about 98 1-2 acres
and being lot 35 in the 2nd conces-
sion of Usborne. There is about 60
acres of this farm in grass suitable
for either grazing or grain; a siring
creek runs through the 'farm; there
are also about 20 acres of first class
harawood besh mostly maple. The
bush ,ahlone is Vcry valuable to oily
;person buying the farm. These is
also about 1 1-2 acres of. orchard.
There is 0. frame house containing
Jour rooms ; a frame ',barn on a stone
foundation and a frame driving shed
on the farm. A number of chattels
will be sold at the same Lime. Any
person !thinking of purchasing
should ati end this sale. For further
particulars apply to, Henry Dougall,
Ilensall P. 0., Henry Strang, Huron -
dale, P. 0., -Executors ; John Gill,
a Uctioneer, Exet er, Ont.; Gladnien
Stanbury, Barristers, etc., Exeter
nhbed $20s000
Ai the s0 of banking hours on
SatUrday, 'man, in the lubay of' the
First Natiend link, of Sun israwase
observed the cage door leading'
behind the gaunter, adjer. pushing 11.
behind the counter, :oar. pushing it
tO a bag contalnina 820.0110 in gold
coin, anade a rapid exit. Ile homed,'
ietely slowed down his pace and
;walked into a side entrance of the
Brooklyn Hotel, which leads to the
dining room, closely followed by C.
K. .1:$11cIutosb, an employe of tlo
bank., who had, witnessed the. theft.
Seeing he was pursued he thief
turned into the hotel office, where
he was overtaken and seized by nu-
Intosh. 'When asked to ilirn over
the money, said it was los own
The bag was taken front hint how-
ever and its contents were found to
have been uudistUrbed. The during
robber, Who is about 35 years of age
and well dressed, then called upon
the people in the hotel office to see
if he had *ot told the truth by no-
companytng him to the bank only a
few feet away. 112 walked to the
corner undisturbed, boarded a street
car which was passing, and S0011 was
out of sight, lie is now beinft
mean:axed for by Oil police.
LI fact It is one Of the most cur-
able diseases, if fragrant healing Ca-
tarrhozone is used. No matiter how
long you have suffered with catarrh
you can be perfectly cured by inhal-
Ingthe antit,optie vapor of Catarrho-
zone, which strikes to the Iolanda, 1 -
tion of the trouble and establishes
such a hearty condition in the sys-
tem that )catorrhal germs sinaply
can't exist. 3 suffered from cm-
tarrb of the nose tind throat for
years," writes S. 11. Downie, of
Plattsville. "My nostrils were al-
ways stuffed up and T had a most
disagrevabls hocking cough. Ca-
tarrhoroee cured me eompletele
Cat a rrh oz one never fa Two
months' t ren t ment . $1,00 ; trial
Gartung Discharged
Ernest Gart wilt., charged with
wrongfully convert,ing $1,680 of
funds of the Canadian Order of Fslr
esters to -his own use, was arraignsot
before Judge Hardy, for trial at 0,,
-court house in Brantford. on Sept.
The prisoner entered a plea of not
Crown attorney Wilkes explained
that he had no facts or evidence on
which to proceed in the case. Pris-
oner had made restitution to the
satisfaction of the order and the high
court officials were desirous that he
be released in view ,of the restitution
and previous long faithful service.
For the prisoner, Mr. Livingaton
said axe had suffered a great deal of
notoriety, but had made satisfactory
explenstlons, subsequently to his ar-
rest, which he might readily have
made previously- had he not lost his
head. While the public were some-
what Soncerned the case after all
affecting only Gartung and the or -
As there was no evidenee, Judge
riardy clischarg,ed the prisoner, who
wept bitterly.
Very often the vital resources are
small at forty-two, but if not then
between fifty-seven and sixty-two
years of age there is a strange slow
ing down tied loss ot vitality. [1 18
important that this transient period
f decay should be checked;
trength must be irtparted to the
ired brain, the weakened nerves
lust be fortified. The wise man
ell ruse Ferrozone whose potency is
erticillarly applicable, to these cri-
• ioal periods. Ferrozone quickerts
he whole being, imparts vigor and
-iowbr, pushes back the ortsbt of sen-
ility in a very irianifest way.be-
cause Ferrozone gives strength, vi-
tality and vigor that it is useful to
old men. Try it. Price 50c.
Provincial Detective Rogers re-
ports that hoboes are very scarce in
the avestern paL of the Province, He
has just; returned from a visit i o the
frontier towns, end finds thet few
are coming over to Canadiau soil
although there are very many at pre
sent in the United States,
(If 21??.?
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years. It pays to use the
right stuff.
"Men of oak" are men in
rugged health, men wboSe
bodies are made of the sound-
est materials.
Childhood is tilt time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con-
stitution that will last for year.s.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
Scott's Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy coasti-
Send for free sample,
Toronto, Ontario.
50o. arid 51.00; all druggists,
ItuUa1 leuly Says
dift.r from
I he .fild methods in 110dieint.
day from night,
Mrs. J. II, Reborn, of 160 111,,aulot
St. Buffalo. N. Y., says of Dr. Leon-
hardi's 4n1i-I111,—the Great Systout
*.its ,action is so different to any -
'ng (=Ise 1 ever used—Anti-Pill is
sznild and gentle that 3twv.:,r
thought it wound cure toy chronic
tipation„ but It did.
" Soon after the birth of my fir -t
child„14 years ages OuncuiPation
canto troubleForne. Iused everything
I heard of hut teroverary relief was
all I got. 1 must have used fifty
different medicines in that time.
I finally got very bad and at times
I would have no relish for food, awl
wItIt I 414 eat would distresi nr
afterwards. I had headechen bloat.
lag. beariogr down pains, backache,
could not sleep well, easily tired an
never felt rested.
Prom the very first do-, of Dr,
Leorthordt's Anti -Pill 1 beo to
prove. Now I am wen. It is won-
Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill is sold
by all druggists, or Tip Wilson.Fyks
Go., 1,1nuted. 'Niagara leans, Ont.
Sole agents for Caned,. 'no vie
CO cents,
From the Far East
According to a Tokio despatch the
Japanese are shelling the Russian
110400115 at 'Mulcden and attempting
a wide turning movement to cut off
Kuropatkin's retreat. Official news
front seat of war in the Far EaSt
however le still lacking, but the
War .Offitle at St. retersburgap*
pears not lo anticipate a great bat-
tle in the near future. The officiale
believe that the Japanese will not
hurry on an engagement with Gen-
eral Kuropetkin, owing to the feet
that the latter has had time since
the evactlat ion of Liao -yang to
rengl hen his forces materially, and
that the nexi movement et the Jap-
anese will be direeted against Tie
Pass. The report that the 'Japan-
ese are edvaneing north of Mukden
is therefore, not credited at the Rus -
siert capital. General Sakbaroff re-
ports that there was no fighting in
the vicinity of Muktien Friday or
Saturday, but notes the arrival of
reinforcement for the Japanese
olortg the whole line ot the Japanese
front. The interval or quiet has af-
forded General No.ropatkin oppor-
tunity to strengthen his derences,
and 110 has received large reinforce-
ments since his retreat to Mukden.
Pcblic int crest is apparently being
centered upon Port Arthur. and. the
ports that the Jeprinese are tun-
neling the "fortifications there, are
received in the Ruessan capital with
some credulity. The rumor from
Cho Foo of the blowing up of the
fort ia probably untrue. There are
however, indications of a. revival of
the struggle for the possession of
Port Arthur.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 17—Under
date of Sept. 16, General Nuropetkin
graphed to the Emperor as follows;
"Tho entire Manchurian army re-
joices inexpressibly ,a t your Ma-
jesty's appreciation of its labors and
military deeds. We are all animated
by the one desire to beat the enemy
and justify the confidence reposed
in us by the,supreme chief of the
Russian army, who may feel perfect
ly assured of the army's future self-
denial and devotion. Our departure
from Liao Yang was unavoidable and
was accomplished under conditions
fraught with great difficulty.
From paring corns with razors..
Wise people use Putnam's Painless
Corn and Wart Extractor, the
standard cure of America and Great
Britain, for all sorts of corns, warts
and Bunions. Use only Putnam's.
BEARSS--LANE -- At Toronto, on
Wednesday, Sept. 7, Mr. Edward
Beams, Blanshard and Miss Flo
Lane, of Winnipeg, formerly a St.
BARBER—CARLING— At the resi-
dence of the b ides mother in
Clinton, on September 8th, by
Rev. Dr. Stewart, Maisie, eldest
daughter of Mrs. T. M. Carling,
to J. L. Barber, a Winslow, Ari-
bleDOTJGALL.—In Usborne, on lot
.31, eon. 4,, Mr. Peter McDougall,
aged 60 years, 1 month and 19
We have been fortunate in procuring for early deflvery
the latest makes of imported Dress Goods, We have always
2, had the reputation of showing from our New stock the up,to
date fabrics of the day. So far our Dress Goods Trade has
increased as season succeeded seasort and today we have
splendid trade. This Autumn we fully anticipate the Zenith
of our ambition and expect it to culminate wi h our Dress
E Good's Stock at a reduction.
11 wide, Fi
uelities, 5
pe de Cheue 44 and 4
b dye. extr weightstud
'7 $1.00.
Wool httrng, very late fa
good finish, Freneb dyes 5ite.
Importetl Yiemmas S4 m• wide,
tr hard finish, best of weight
quality, best WO liav� shown 50,75,90c.
oLmgford Tweeds,ide,
ind colors, nothing better
for a nutmun 01
high finish, Fr
L00, 1,25, 1.50
5U 7and $1,
vide, bei
Fancy Twel suitins,54. 5 in.
n black, brown, green, uavy
grounds. These goods have verynob-
by shade effeet and make pretty suits
75c, $1.00, ii'L25.
Satin elotbs 42 to 46 in,
.a heavy weig
assore, een brown. 0.
in black, navy best of igaerbelete,
name, Cloths
• 0
ChePvailogtilse:1450teo. 50 in wideWaal
navy, green,brown fawn, heavy weights
with herringbone twill at 60, 75e.
Diaraante Cloths, 61 i
nin." new for suittngs
fancy mixs, 75e:
Carrick Tweed Suitt
pretty mixs of i' 1
light and dark bl
at 76c.
Cobourg Cloths. 46 in. wide, p
"sh, in Ug1it and dark greys only,
West of England Snitings,56 in.wide
in dark navy and white, brown Pnol
white, light navy and white at *1.00,
in piitin and
45 in.
Bargains in Shaker Flaunts
Regular 8cFJanueitte for 15 yards for $1.00.
Regular Oc Flannelette for 12 yards for $1.00
Regular 12e Flannelettes double warp, extra heavy enly 10e.
Regular 5c Towelling extra heavy Twill cente.
$1000 worth of Overcoatsiust arrived made by CoRpley' Noye & Randall,
fai one of the best, biggest and most reliable manufacturers in Canada.
Overcoats from $5.00 to $12.50.
Frank Armstrong, aged 12 years
was Saturday sent to bthe Victoria
Industrial School for five years for
setting fire to a building connected
with the boys' home, of which he
was an inmate.
Clot& Si 1W CO MI. X
Bears the The Kind You Hale Always Bought
of 1144/
. .
+ .
4. ..:.
., Junk Dealers. ÷
..t: +
• Main -St. Exeter
+ . .„.
* Occupying J. P, Ross' *
* Store, one door south of *
+ Metropolitan Hotel- -i-
i• 4-
v 4-
÷ .1.
.1. Will pay highest cash +
t. price for the following *
* goods,such as all_icinds of *
t. +
+ 4.•
+ Scrap Iron +
+ Brass +
+ +
4. ZCionlicper +
+ +
4- Lead +
4. ÷
÷ 4-
4- Pewter +
4. Horse Hair 4.
÷ Wool Pickings 4.
+ +
+ Rags 4°
4. 4-
÷ Old Rubbers +
4. Bones and Bottles +
.,„. No quantity to large or -4.,..
too Small. 1:
4. 4.
rif i .
Lab 0,..
'''' 00 "('-- .., i ;,.....
The oven of an Imperial Oxford Range ancrthe old-
fashioned spit before an open fireplace do better roasting than any other cooking
apparatus Invented.
In the olden days the spit had to be kept turning to get all sides of a roast
cooked. Itis much the same with the ordinary cook -stove. The heat of the
oven is greatest on the fire side—roasts, bread, pies'cakes, etc., have to be
turned and twisted to get them cooked at all. The result is uneven, unsatis' fac-
tory cooking—good food ruined. The diffusive flue construction of the
Imperial Oxford
11,,ange •
draws fresh air into the flue chamber, super -heats it and diffuses it evenly over the
oven, thus heating it quickly, thoroughly and uniformly—back, front and sides
are at the same equal temperature. The result is juicy, tender roasts, light,
dainty pastry, evenly raised bread—successful cooking.
When you buy an rrapsrial Oxford Range you get the result of over sixty years'
thought and experience in scientific construction of cooking apparatus.
The Gurney Foundry Coe, Limited
Toronto, Carb.ada
Montreal "%WI nnipeg
Sold by T. HAWKINS & SON, Exeter,
Trial Trip.—Now is the time to 1 Trial Trip.—Now is the time ter
secure two good papers for the price secure two good papers for the price
of one. The Weekly Mail and Em- of one. The Weekly Mall and Eme
pire from now till Jan. lst., 1905 pire from now till Jan. 1st., 1905,
for only 50o. To new subscribers I for only 50e. To new subscribers