HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-22, Page 41.HE
Tlie Exeter Times
aen fser Eepfernber 1904
Weenoelestove •
4 11 18 25
5 12 19 213
0 13 20 27
7 14 21 28
S: 15 22 29
0 In 23 SO
10 17 24-
SEPI‘EISIBER 22n1 19t14
At the enuoal meeting or the On-
ari VArita re rArKSQCiat las
;week in Toronto, the nenanying see_
Ses of eteolutions were Adopted a •
erabodying tne re-effirming tire pol-
lee' Of the Assoeintion;
onetsat. the Gpvernment and people
-of Vaueda be congratulatod upen the
effective work accomplisited by tbe
gailway Coraraissien.
"nThet we form greattr commerela
ierocity with ether nations as
stray desire it.
"That tate existing elloolt1
improve:I nto <afford -benefit to the
"Tire, e are er
atte inexerese
"That representa
o a cc (runt
le nt.
e jurisdiction •or
aised from
'ts;# rho
tend othernvat na
"TIM we a a
loom, IItlo.; com1nh,
sailevey f3t
"That the Departmon row
etangr:itniated uP
forestr,,, policy they love adopted.
aleit ne re.iffiem onr adhersion to
the prieelpal of equalization of toe.
"TIM. all water oower be mairieJ
AS the property of the peoples,
"Tlort legislation be applied flr
to give the farmers control of snip
; nienis of farm produee till th sam
i5 for."
The folipw<ng Lt of west:tans
domed to 1);;' S %tea tova-
r at the opPrerle oloction •
ou floor to a1i-
•be Gov amt, of the in.
d referendum t casez-
1ae ndiur o inzk
2 -mould you port
ing, of ertieus of theespu &mai
or nUt-lie ellOneY in the form of Iva -
ones. rebates, subsidies, etc., to
priv.ne partite.' or corporations.!
1.1 -Do you approve of naembers o
Parliamen$, acenotiing free paSeeS
then rOtlecting mileage allow -
once from the Governmentt 'Would
YOU accept a pass and then collect
4 -Are you iu feror of, or oppoted
to, an equitable reciprocity arrane•e-
ment between Canada and tbe 'Cran-
ed Stases:
r#-.A.ce you in tervor of the Senate
as it now is, or its reform or aboli-
tion? Winch?
0 -Are you opposed to tbs. giving
or selling of public lends to any par-
ties except bona fide settlers, and
espeeielly to the granting of large
blocks of land to private parties or
companies for speculative purposes?
7 -Are you in favor oT public own-
ership of public utilities? e
elscsed will you regard yottes
Selt st4a representative of the peo-
ple and the -country, or of the party
Vint has put you forward)
9 -Will you absolutely refuse to
accept UR' assistance o( any eine-
'reign fund secured from sources oui -
side your -constituency?
umbers e 'and 0 of the questions
gaye rise io some discussion but
the ethole set was finally adopted,
The following. officers were re-
eleceed; Honer's( president, C. M.
Mallony ; president, J. L. Wilson;
treasurer, W. L. Smith; vice-presi-
dent, L. E. fermis.
ably oppose
present tari
rn t
Id to
A Success -,Good Exhibits
in all Classes.
Tito south lluroo Agricult ural
/fair held hero. on Moodey and Tries
day was a fair stieceee. The weatit-
er on Menday was eleer and fine,
bin g out a numbee or exhibitors
for the indoor department which
with lonely new exhibit Cer-5* made com-
petition keen, every department be-
g well represented. Tnesdao
snorning rain commenced to fall
about 10 o'clook uhich reevented
larger crowd being in attendance,
the g•tete receiots falling short of
previous years and souse $100, less
than last sear. TLC exhibitions nl's
lasses were good. The norses and
attle were suporior; the soots and
egetables excellent, tiro very fine
xhibit of vegetables snown by Mr,
eorge Anderson dtsracting neuelt
entiote. All other depaettnerant
yore sequel if at superior te lsst
rear. The. folloning is the 'wiz:-
ist ;
Dreught.-Iircent mar
companted by ftaal„ W. li:ernick.
Creery. John Caldwell : foal. Jed
ist and 2nd ; filly or gelds
Inge three years old. W. J. Elder
McAllister, Dixon & Son: filly or
gelding, MO :years old. Wm. Kern
nick, Rolicliff Pres., Simms Hunter;
filly or gelding, one year. old, Simon
Ilenter„ Dixon Son, J. Ca/dwell;
3M. E. V. Robing, V. E. 'Hackney,
R. Potter.
Agricultural.-Broml ntare
anted by foal, Simon limner, John
rave J. Moir; foal, John Row-
Joha Craveo, J, Watson ; 3
ear oid filly or gelding,. JO Caldwell,
1r1 L 11, Robinson: two year
or geldine‘, W. R, SmUe
Morloels, jeolin Delbredgee
or old filly or gelatin, J. .11.
)iflSflWm. Eery. Strap -
r; team, A. Robinson, jas.s1L Bean
n, Alex, Sind:tie;
General Purpoen-llrood mare ac -
Pitied be' foul. Jahn Row -
W. Hen, ist and 2nd ; pen consisting
of ewe, sewe lamb anti ram lamb, •W
(lee, A. Duncan.
Lincoln -Aged ram, Geo. Pen -
hate, Thos. Shantou; Shearling ram
Geo. Penbalo; eam lamb, Geo. Pea -
hale, 1st and 2nd; ewe having raised
lorohs in 1904, Thos. Shapton, Geo.
Peonale ; shearliug ewe, Geo. Peo-
hale. Shapton; -ewe lamb, Geo.
Pesthole, 1st and Zed; pm consist -
Of l'Otnx shearring, ewe, ewe lamb
end, a ram lamb. Gee. Penhale, 1st
a lid 2nal,
Leicester. - Bobt. Bell, toels all
letat Sheep. -Fat ewe, Wm. Ilan-. A.
Sou t halos% Telfer t ook all
Jedges.-F. 11. hOOI, J. Sltephord,
rnsliirte-Boar, Iwo years old,
over, Ed. Birch; Bon-, one year els).
elms. Harvey; boar, littered in 1904;
R. Birch, It. Deibri.nze ; saw two
years old and over, B. Birch, O. Bar-
-cy 20d. and Pad; sow ono year old,
R. nircit, 1st and 2na1, O. Harvey ;
sow littered in 1904, B. Delbridge, fl
Birch, 2nd end 3rd.
Berkshirte-P,o-tr. one year old.. R.
Hirch, H. SanAers ; Sow two year 414
and OVVr. Hall'N'ff, lst and 2nd;
w, one yeer old, S. Outwore; SQW
ittered in 1,104. R. Sanders, Geo
Tamar ort le -D. Douglas &, Sen
ook all prizes.
Pigs for Paeleing.„-Pigs for pack -
no pnrposee 11, Birch, T. -Prier, I),
Diplera3.-Pca onLaifling boar
hree sews, It, C 11arvy,
oughts • Son,
Judges, -GeO. Orem, Fairview ;
Ligh. attunes, Carling Bros, G.
; PlYrinaulla rooks, "Al.
llise ist and end; Buff Cochlos,
(iete.1rwh. isI and. 2nd ; Partridge
obine, Geo. Irwin, Alex. with ;
Lazsha»s,, Alex. -Reit - Silver Grey
rkine„ Geo. Irwin; Bi ick Breasted
e Games, Carling Bros,; any other
variety. Game, Carling liree,; Black
Red Game. Alex, Reitb; Bantams,
Wm. Carter, Geo, Irwin; Silver
leNonles: ji):/ittsofs°,se"ill-k.,"/Zhzi/r jtypor''', Sprinkel liamburgs, \\ In. Carter,
Anew. sar old filly Alex. Iteith; Golden Singled 1XIGn-
• os
Sliould know now quickly Nervi -
line euree."I can recommend Ner-
viline very highly for sore throat,"
wrises Mr.R. McKenzinof St. George
"I once had a very sore throat
and ray chest was full of cold and
soreness. Every cough hurt me.
I, cured myself quickly by rubbing
my chest and throat vigorously with
Nerviline and -using it also as a
gargle. I believe Nerviline Lo be the
best general remedy for emergent
sickness tint ene can get. We have
used it for werily years in our
house." Price 25.
Tee Dominion Parliament has been
prorogued to forma until Monday,
Osi ober 31.
; The Ceriadian steamer Arabian has
been fortidden to carry passengers
from Cericogo.
Impure blood always shows
somewhere. If the skin, then
boils, pimples, rashes. If the _I
nerves, then neuralgia ntnr-
ousness, depression. 'If the r
Sarsa aril!
stomach, then dyspepsia,
biliousness, loss of appetite.
Your doctor knows the
remedy, used for 60 years.
nettomIng yew the Cuban war, I Traa a
_ r
SPX ceraip1,:r
. 0. oo-co.tx,nst •S,.tanton
, ,
M(n; a 'battle. .1.0. AlriSt 00.,
All drug late. M Lowell, 2,Tasi..
mpure it(o)
#tir, by keeping the
'•stela re&unar wieil Ayer's -Pills.
John Iley ero kother-
on t t no year old MIT or
411 Iles- jr.; one year old
ring, John Ratefe. Z.
id Richard,: loam. Thos.
'Ilandford. J. Decker. W, 3. Pyta
Jdge.Ww. '..1Tos-411, S. Marys;
tobson.. Ilderton : John Gour-
Ito (1s ers.-1hs t mare accennearns
ied by foal, . 11. Elliott. ;hid! J.
Lawson, iirel; feel, J. Laweson. Chas,
aysnan, R. Sanders ; t byes yeor
ow any or gelding, Alex. Buchanan,
John Delbridge, 1. Armstrong; two
year old filly or gelding, Js Decker,
D. Schnell, P. NleKee; one year old
filly or oelalinr, E. Jou, Dixon 84
Son, al, J, Watts: Voir roedstersin
harness and bugge, John Sparrow',
E. Built ; single Moister in harness
and buggy. J. D. elerner, Theo. Ilis-
sett sr,, T, Shipley: laxly driver, R.
Charters & Son, Wm. \Naze', John
Carriage. -Brood mare accompan-
d by foal. R. Charters & Son:foal
W. 11. Elliott, It. Charters & SonV
V. Madge: three year old filly or
elating, Dixon & Son; two year old
ly or gelding*R. Charters & Son,
John Kent, D. 'new on; year old
filly or gelding. Dew IlroS.: pair car-
riage liorses, Ron • & Atkinson, J.
..‘1.cNoi; ; ingleearriege horse, P.M.
Chestriy. John limiter, Wm, Witzel;
Judges. -11. Wilson, Seatortla; B.
Aubrey, Montreal;
Special. -The Sovsreign Bank of
Canada. Exeter, special prize for
the Lest heavy horse, filly or gelding
Wm. Kernick.
SpeciaL-The Soverojgn Bank of
Canada, Exeter, special prize for
the best light horse, any age, road -
ler or carriage, I'. M. Chesney.
2.25 Claos.-"Col Hunter' orvnedby
J. Larmer, Ilene:111. ".3oo Stan -
tee" owned by T. Murdock. Ilensalt
2nd; "Mollie 11." owned by A. Dav-
idson, 'Mitchell, :3r1.
2.40 Cias„ - "Single D." S. J.
Dunseiah, S. alarys. 1st ; "learl's
Pride ' A. Meclien, Mitchell 2n,l;
Wm. Carter: $11vvr enedied
rgs, Wm. Carter; Golden
d Ilamburgs„ Wm. Carter :
burgs, Wm. Carter; Hen-
don% Carter. Alex. Reith;
N'hite Crested Block Polands, Wu,
'arter ; Orphingtons, Ben 1,‘Ialtins;
Golden Polands, Geo. Irwin lst and
2nt1; any other variety Polands,
-in, lse and. 2nd; White Leghorn%
J. Bowden, Alex, Reith; Brown
Owns, Alex, Reith; White Leg-.
rose comb, Wm, Carter;
t Java, Geo. Irwin ist and 2nd;
ndulusinas, Thos. Brock. jr. ist. and
1 lack Spanish. Thos. Brock jr., W.
Bowden ; Bile% Minorcas, Geo. Ir-
dwin lst and 2nd Silver Lace Wyan
(101 1(5, ,Wm. Carter:i-White Wyan-
k t es, J. Senior; Golden Wyandot-
tec Geo hamin• Buff Wyandottes
Carter, E, Haulier -11 : Brack WY-
nulettes, (leo, Irwin; Red Caps, W.
. Bowden; Bronze Turlwys,
win, 0. Douglas & Son; White Tur-
keys William Carter any all-
variety turkeys, W. J.
Bowden: Toulouse Geese, D. Doug-
las & Son: fireman Greese, W. Car-
ter; any other varioty geesQ, A. Bis-
sett l'ekin Ducks, Geo. Irwin; Row
en Duck, Geo. Irwin; any other var
iety Ducks. Geo. Irwin; collection
pigeons', A. Hooper; Belgian Rob-
hi,s, L. E, Day jr, Thos. Brock jr.;
any other variety Rabbits, Thos.
Brock jr.; Guinea Pigs, A. Hooper:
phaeton or ralkado, McLaughlin Car- ery butter, Winclielsea Creamery, A.
eioge Co., W. Gray & Co.; top buggy Q. Dobler; private made cheese, j,
lens. Gray & Co. lst and 2n0; single
Plasm box cutter, McLaughlin Co.,
ist and 2nd; Portland cutters Mc-
Laughlin Co., lst and 2nd; set heavy
bobsleighs, Ed. Treble; iron beam
Plow. J. Mnrray, Cockshutt Plows;
Light Brahamas, Geo. Ire in; Dark
Brabanuts, Geo. Irwin: Barred Ply-
mouth Rooks, Carling Bros., ist and
2nd; White Plymouth Rooks, Thos.
White, Ben Makins ; Buff Rooks,
Esli Heywood, D. Ilartleib ; Bute Co -
chins, Alex. Reith; Silver Grey
Dorkins, Geo. Irwin, lst and 2nd;
game% Carling Bros.; Bantams, Alex
Meth; any other variety bantams,
Geo. Irwin, lst and 2nd, Silver
Spangled Ilamburess, Varne. Carter;
Silver Pencilled Homburgs, Wm.
Carter; Hoidens, E. Bonham,
Fish; White Crested Black Polands
Wm. Carter, Thos. White; Orpiting-
tons, Ben Making, D. Hartleib ;
Bros. lst
"Armlet" Frank %Into, Stafortn, Wime Leghoens, Carling
wheelbarrow J. idurrey, lst and 2nd
gang- plow, iteerry & 'Soo, Coeleshutt
Plow CO.; manore spreader, R. Mur -
Pity, Paris Plow Co.; pair iron har-
rows. Penne & Son; turnip pulper,
1), Maxwell & Sere lst sled 2nd:
horse hoe, IL Maxwell &Soo, lst and
2nd; wooden pump, G. O. Sonalla-
combe, Isi; and 2nd; cream separa-
tor, David Cobbledick.
Judges. -Fred Hess sr., Zurich;
John, Stewart, Winclielsee ; 1). Mc-
Larty, St, Marys.
Vali wheat, white. J. In Wise. el,
Brethour ; fall wheat, red,J.K. Wiso
Alex. 111eFavers; any variety epriog
wheat, M. Brethour, 3. K. Wise;
0 rowed barley, M, Brothour, J. K.
Wise; 2 sowed barley, 3. K. Wise,
13, Bretnonr. large oats, 3. K. Wise,
Brethour common oats, M.
Brethour: black oats, AL Bretbotar,
a. K. 'wise ; timothy seed, M. Bre-
atone, j. N. Wise. flax seed, Alex,
MeEwen, Brothers:so, white beans
LOU FOrgUSOU. Bretnour; clone
r seed, :a. Brothour, JO K. Wise;
collection grain in ear., 3, No. Wise,
13. Brethour; 'ensilage corn stoeks
and oars, John Itowe, W. Kernick;
speltz, A. MeEwen. Bret:hour ;
large peas, 3, af, Wallow;
small peas, 3. R. Wise, M. Brothonr ;
Seeeial prize by Molson's Bank, Ex-
eter. for largest end best display of
grain polower by a farmer in South
uron, j. K, Wise,
Judges. -john Me1iiveie Nippeni;
Wm, Harding, Exeter.
erg, and 2nd.; Brown Leghorns, Alex.
Farmers' ltece.-J. Beattie. Kirk -
ton, lst; Geo. Joynt, Hensall, 2n0;
Wm. Witzel, Kiliva, 3rd; Jos. Law-
son, Crediton, 4th.
Thoroughbred Durham. - Aged.
cow, John Hunter, 3. & W. Allison,
John Hunter ; tbree year, old cow, C.
E. Hackney, ,Ino. Bootee, William
Dunsford; two year old heifer, O. E.
Hackney, H. Smith, J. & W. =lion;
one year old heifer, Jam. Hunter,
Herbert Crich, C. E. Hackney; heifer
calf, If. Smith, 1st, 2nd and 3rd; b11
emu It. Smith ,11. Crich, H. Smith:
herd consisting of 4 females and a
bull, II. Smith, John Hunter.
Grades. -Aged cow, P. linnines IL
Elosorthy, A. Hoclgert ; three year
old cow, P. Bunter, Viem. Westcott,
IL smith; two year old heifer, Thos.
Shapton; 11. Elwortby, T. Shapton &
Son; one year old heifer, W. West-
cott, Ellworthy 2nd arid 3rd; hei-
fer calf, T. Shapton & Son, lst and
?ends steer calf, A. Hooper, T. Shop -
ton & Son.
Jerseys. -Bost cow, T. Prior, T.
Brock jr.; two year old beiter, T.
Brook jr., I. Armstrong; one year
old heifer, T. Brock jr.'I. Arm-
strong; heifer calf, T. Prior, T.
Brock, jr.; bull nett, T. Brock Jr., T.
Brock sr.
Polled Annus. -Two year old heif-
er, WT11. Ford.
13utchers Cattle. -S. & W. Alli-
son, T. SbapLon & Son, W. West -
colt ; one year old steer, 'T. Shapton
& Son, Paul Madge, 3 & W. Allison;
fat cow or 'leiter, Wm. Ford T.
Shapton &- Son; :best export steer,
/I. Smith, lst and 2nd.
Judges. -Joseph Atkinson, Keith
Lee, Wm. Pridham.
Speciel.-The Sovereign Donk oE
Canada, Exeter, special prize for
the hest cow ox heifer, II. Smith.
Shropshiredowns.-Aged ram, A.
Duncan; shearling ram, Wm. Hey,
A. Duncan; rain lamb, A. Telfer, W.
Hey; ewe having raised Lamb in 1904
A. Duncan, Wm. Hay; shearliees ewe
Wra. Hey, lea end 2rad; ewe lamb,
Beith; Black lava, Goo, Irwin;
duluhians, Thos. Brock, lst and 2nd;
Black Spanish, Thos. Brock jr.;
Black Idinorcas, Alex. Reith; White
Minorca% Alex. Reith ; Golden Wy-
andottes, Eslie Heywood; 13uff Wy-
andottes, Wen, Carter, E. II. Fisb ;
Red Caps, W. J. Bowden 1s1 and 2nd
Bronze Turkeys, Wm. Carter; any
othor variety turkeys, W. 3. Bow-
den ist and 2n0; Bremen Geese, Wm
Carter; any ether variety Geese. A.
Bissett ; Pekin Ducks, Geo. Irwin
T. Brock jr.; Rouen Ducks, Wm.
Carter, W. J. Bowden; Aylesbury
Ducks, Wm. Carter.
, Farm wagon, Chatham Mfg. CO.;
Speaks for itself
Cures Sick Headache
likt.ecrLet, Cures Nervous Headache
%kat Cures Neuralgic Ileadaehe
• Cures Summer Headache
Vskt....Theikt, Cures Bilious Headache
Cures any Headache
*tkekts%. Is Pleasant to Take
"414„treAt. Is Absolutely Safe
Gives Speedy Relief
Sells for 250 a box
Ikt.t.......,kton Sample box sent free
Chicago, Montreal
Winter apples Frank Triebe
ner. julia Triehnor; fall oppl
es" Triebner. Prank Triebner ;
winter apples any variety, ,Tames
Ford, Julia Triebner; fall 'apples, any
earietys Richard Yellow, Wen. Wood
greeningS, G. A. K. MeLood, 5 San-
ders; Northern spies, 111, F. Salter,
E. MeGnire; Roxboro Russets, 5,
Sanders, Mrs, N. D. Uurdon; Spitzen
inlrge, Alex. Monks -sort; Baldwin,
Frank Triebner, Riehard Yellow;
snow apples. J. Fisher, P. Triehner
Gravensteins, L. E. Day; Fall Pi) -
phis 3, Triebner, Dr. Amo': Col-
verts. Mrs, N.D. Ilurdon. Alex,
Illssett Ring of Tompkins, 5. Cudo
More, WM. Wood: Alexander's, Jas.
Sanders, R. Sanders; Canada Red,
Alex. McPherson, M. Dreamer; Rib -
sten Pippins, Le E. Day, Thos,
relialee401:VOngrlillget 01.‘„Llsrs'ipiSnasl,t (Jr.' TrAl:
nbner, F. Trie:bner; Maiden's Blush,
R. Sanders, F. Triebner: Golden
Russets, John Deeker, J. Fisher,
Ben Davis, James Ford, P, TriAnter ;
Ontario, Sara Cadmore ; Wealthy,
Fred ilegarth, It. Sanders; Duchess
Oldenburg, F'. Triebner, 3. Triebner ;
Blenheim 'Pippins, Alex. McPherson,
V. Trielmer, Follawarer , Riv-
ers, Thos. Smale;
War.5.-Flemish Beauty, Jos. 13ag-
show, Alex. Melewerr; Duchess or
Anjouline, John Gill, Alex. McPher-
son; Beurs Clairgean, Alex. McPher-
son, jas. Sanders; Olapp's Favorite,
Carling Bros.; Sheldon. Dr, Amos,
Alex. MoEwen; East Ileum, Alex.
leloPher:son: Louis Bonnie de jersey
Thos. Brook jr., Thos.13rock.sr ;Bur
an de Anjou, Carling Bros., Goo. A.
McLeod; Bartlett, Carling Bros.,
John Hunter;
Plums. -Lombards, John Bowden,
Tilos. Brock, sr.; Pond's Seedlings,
Carling' Bros
Grapes. -Concord, Aloxs McPher-
son; Deleware, Rev. W. Martin, Fred
Ifonartb; Rogers' No. 19, Morimac,
Bev, W. ielartin: Rogers' No. 4, Wil-
der, Bev. W. Martin; Rogers' No.
2, Salem, Carling Bros.; any other
variety, Thos. Brock sr., Sohn Bow-
den; special prizo, *Winebell. Alex.
Mol'herson.t Cimmerian, Thomas
$111::`,111:c;ellaneous.-Collection Lonee-,
Ed. McGuire, Jas, Bagshaw ; honey
in comb, Ed. McGuire, Alex. Me -
Pherson; honey in jar, John Oka,
Jas. 33agshaw; Lome made wines,
Mrs. Jas. Tom, Miss N. Tom .
i. \\r5., 3r0;
Wovere boute-raad7 gnat, 3, K.
'Wise, Thos. A. Glendenning; domes-
tio cloth, ).ons E, Day; flannel, all
wool, Miss I. Nott; blarikets all
Wool, Miss P. Nott, L. E. Dos; home
emde borse blankets, C. R. Sanders;
woollen yarn, Muir & CO., Thos. sA.
Glendenning ; oening uractunce
home Manufaeturing ist and
2nd; organ, Dominion Organ Co.;
parlor furniture, Rowe 0, Atkinson,
AVO O. Huston; bedroom, furniture,
W, C. Huston, Rowe Atkinson;
snared birds, Alex, hicPberson; bar-
rel fine salt, not ground, David
Mill; Irarrel of salt for peeking peg -
poses. David Mill; factory made
gulls. Muir & Co,; faotory tweeds,
Muir & Co.; factory flannel, Mesir
Co.; factory blankets, Muir & Coo
eassortment of tweeds, W, W. Tee
man; set single liarnsss, Geo. Bee -
rein lst and 2nd; set double bar-
riess, Geo. Eacrt-tt ; cured ham, Mrs
Jas. Tura, Miss N. Tom; assortment
of cured meats, Then, Prior ist and
1,14; assortment *upholstery, Bowe &
Atkinson, W. 0. Huston: collection
af tallor's goods and furnisbiogs, W.
We Taman; assortment of carpenter
work, Ross 4- Taylor; baker's bread. f,
W.3. Statham.
Judges, -E, Rennie, Beets:tit ; Clem
Zeelekon, Creditors.
ing in oil, figure, Mrs. Jam.
Mrs. -Robt, Stevenson; paint
Itt Oil, frUit Or flowers, Mrs.
in Whites Mrs, ROW, Stevenson;
color, landscape, Mrs. N. 0,
..rdon, Weekes Bros.; water color,
Weekee Pros.; Sepia, paint:
rugs Weekee Bros,, 1st and 2nd; best
pieture, Huron county scenery, 3,
Senior; Pyrography, 'Weekes Bros,
lst ,and 2nd; pencil skeeCir. Weekes
Bros,, Mrs, R. Stevenson; vollection
of photographs, 3. Senior; photo-
graphs, 3. Senior, ist and 2n4;
otion photographie viens, .1.
pen and ink sketele Mrs. R.
*users, 2m1.;
cellartegen - Bair drnseers'
work, F., IL Fish: collection of coins,
. E. Anderson, ist and 2nd; collec-
on, of stamps, G, E, Anderson, ist
and 2nd; special, china painting,Mrs
W, 3. Itenrum, ist and 2nd,
Judge. -R. 11. Samuel.
Foliage plants, tbree varieties. JO
Cottle: Geraniums in flower„ John
Cottle, : collection of flowers in 'pot
:M. Barbara; Dahlias, John Cot -
Mrs. a. A. Stewart; Dahlias, ho-
uet. Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Mrs. A.
stings; pansies, jobn Cottle; Ger-
man Myers, John Cottle, Mrs. jolna
White: ten weeksstock collection,
John Cottle, 11, E. Huston; Verb.;11-
as, John Cottle; Petunias, double,
John Cottle; Phlox Dronartontts, Jno.
Cottle; Gladiolu% Dr. Amos,, Mrs.
Stanbury Zerinias, joint Cottle;
best orreries -eh basket ot cut flowers
Mrs. Geo, Barnwell, Dr. Amos; An-
nuals in bloom, Dr, Antos, John Cot -
tie; special, table briquet, Ed. Treble
Aultges,•-Prank Met calf, BlYt ;
0s A, Cantelon, Rensall,
Rag carpet, woollen warp, 'Miss P.
Nott;rag carpet, cotton warp, 3, 11
Potter rag mat hooked, J. Mine,r
Mrs, Jno. Parsons; rag mar sewed,
Mrs. jas. Tom, Miss N. Tom; Yarn
mat, Miss 1?. Nott, Mrs. II. Creigh-
ton; pair wool rotles, heavy, Miss P.
Not t , J. R. Po.ter pair wool socks,
fine, Mrs, IL Creighton, Mrs. P.
Stevenson: pair fancy cotton stock-
ings, Mrs. lf. Creighton, Laura Fer-
guson; pair ladies' wool mitts, Miss
N. Tom,, Mrs. R. Stevenson; pair la-
dies' silk mitts, E. lianbaro. Mrs. IL
Creighton; pair mons* wool mitts, J.
8. Potter, Mrs, H. Creighton; men's
wool gloves, Mrs. H. Ceeighton, Mrs.
Jas. Tom; counterpanes knit techlArs
N. 0. llurdou, Aliss N. Tom; count-
erpanes, crochet, Cs II. Sanders, Jno,
Decker; count erpan e.s, tuftod, Fred
Ilogartle Mrs, 11, Creighton; Quilt,
prettiest in silk, E. 11. Fish, Laura
Ferguson ; quilt, patchwork cotton.
E. Benham, Laura Ferguson; quilt,
patchwork. <sloth, Mrs. Jas. Tom,
Thos. A. Glendenning: quilt patch-
work, log cabin, Miss N. Tom, Mrs.
Jas. Tons: knitted or crochet wool
shawl, Mrs. II. Creightoo, Mabel
Brook; patchwork, best and neatest.
Mrs. IL Creighton, Mrs. Jno. White
darning on stockings, Mrs. R. Tay-
lor, Mrs. De Creighton; but-
tonholes, Miss N. Tom, Al-
ma Brook '- crochet table mats, Mab-
el Brook, Mrs. John White; doylies,
Mrs. IL Stevenson, Nellie Creighton;
Pillow shams" E. Bonham, Mrs. Ste-
venson, Miss P. Nott ; hand or fancy
bag, Mabel Brook, Mrs. R. Stevenson;
laundry bag, Mabel Brook, Miss P.
Nott ; fancy pin cushion, Mrs. R.
Stevenson, Nellie Creighton; sofa
pillow, 'mounted, Mrs. 11. Stevenson.
Mary Drethour, E. H. Fish; photo
frame Mrs. R. Stove.nson, Nellie
Creigitton; wisk holder, Mrs. 11.
Creighton, Mary Brethour screen,
Mrs. "John White; toilet articles
home manufacture, Miss P. Note,
Mary Brethour; fancy work, not
on list, Mrs. R. Stevenson, E. 11.
Fish ; bed room slippers, -Nellie
Creighton. Mrs. :R. Stevenson;
child's dress, Mrs. R. Stevenson,
Miss Mabel Brook; ladies' under-
clothing, Lome manufacture, E. Ben-
ham, Miss 1Viabe1 Brook; painting in
cil on china, glass, terra cotta, Mrs.
R. Stevenson, Mrs. John White;
men's eancy outing or night shirt
E. Benham, A. Hastings; fancy afg-
han, Mrs. B. Stevenson, E. Bonham ;
tea cosy, A, Hastings, Mrs. John
White; rive o'clock lunch or side
board scarf, Mrs. R. Stevenson, A.
Hastings ; .combroidered hand -made
handkerchief, Nellie Crighton; fancy
case or box for handkerchiefs, Mary
Brothour, Nellie Creighton; embro-
idered center piece, Mrs. R. Steven-
son, Nellie Creighton ; center piece,
Nellie Creig,,Itton, Mrs, R. Stevenson:
Line crochet lace, E. If. Fish, Mrs. R
Stevenson; heavy or Irish point cro-
chet lace, Mrs. rt. Stevenson, Miss
Mabel Brook; crochet work arid
ancy braid combined, Alma Brook,
Mrs. J. G. Stanbury ; crochet work
in silk, Alma Brook, Mrs. R. Steven -
non ; knitted lace or Irimmino cot-
American 'Wonder potatoes, Wm.
Sadler; Beauty or Hebron potatoes,
'Wm. Rivers, Wm. Sealer Pearl of
Savoy potatoes, Thos. 13rock sr.,
Thos. Brock, jr.; Empire State, Thos
Brock, sr., Alex. McEwen; Red El-
ephant potatoes, Wm. Rivers, Wm.
Sadler; Carrion No. 1.'potatoes, Win
Sadler; Rural :New Yorkers potato-
es, Thos. Smote, Wm. Sadler; any
other variety potatoes, john Decker,
Wm. Rivers; three new varieties, of
polatoes, Wm. Rivers ; winter cab-
bage, C. Birney, Louis Day sr.; fall
cabbage, Wrn. Sadler; ,blood beets,
Geo, E. Anderson, Robt. Sanders;
globe beets, Jas. Ford, Wm. Sadler
sugar beets, Frank Triebner, Jam-
es Sanders; long mangolds, C. Bien
ney, Louis Day sr., Robt. Sanders;
globe mangolds, Louis Day sr., L. E.
Bay, Wsen Sadler; intermediates, C.
33irney, Wan. Sadler, Robt, Sanders;
early horn carrots, Rev. W. Martin,
John Howden; Nantes carrots, Wm.
Itivers, Louis Day jr.: long orange
0- red. carrots, John Cottle, Thos.
Srrif,le • white or yellow field car-
rots, Win. Rivers, Wm. Sealer;
svoset coin, II. E. Huston, Ms.
Toni : Indian corn, 'Thos. Brock sr.,
Peter Whitlock ; musk melons. Wm,
Rivers ; Sweed -turnips, 1'. Whitlock,
11. Sanders, Wm. Rivers; turnips
any other variety, Louis Day sr.,
Wm. Sadler, L. E. Day; punapkins,
Louis Day, sr., Robt. Sanders; cauli-
flower, Louis Day sr., Louis Day jr;
red onion's, C. b. Birney, Thos. Smola
white or yellow onions,-Wro. Rivers,
Wm. Sadler; tomatoes, Louis Day
sr., Rev. W. Martin; celery, G. 8,
John Cote le ; Hubbard. squash, G. E.
Anderson, Whitlock ; table squ-
ash, L. E. Day, Louis Day sr.; col-
lection of vegetables, GOO. Anderson,
Louis Day sr., L. E. Day; special,
large squash, 'C. Birney.
Judges. -11. Hogarth, Wm. Hazel-
wood, Kirkton.
Five lbs. butter, P. McTaggart, A. to;, Laura Ferguson, Mrs. 44. Crei-
Case, P. Nott, 3. Miners; ,ten lbs. ghton ; point lace, Mrs. R. Stevan -
butter, A. Case, John Decker, R. San; Iloniton and point lace combin-
Kycld, P. McTaggart; pound rolls or I ed, Mrs. R. Stevenson„ Mrs. John
prints, le. Nydd, J. Miners, P. Me- While ; T3attenburg lace, Mrs. Jno.
Taggart, Julia Triebner ; most neat- White, Mrs. R. Stevenson; Brazilian
ly arranged plate of butter for tablis Point lace, E. H. Fish, Mrs. R. Siev-
1The, Fred Ifogarth, R. Kydd; Cream- enson; tatting, Mrs. R. Stevenson,
For Infants and Children;
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
simitaii1tg ilis2Yealatx1 at.4-
flag the Slotetch3 rind P,c;
NATI, ore.
.""^"..,•••••••••••••...." • • ft
4'x/44 4WAT
CkIeraf t
lisT±,:prof.i. "az:Fr::
Olt, Sour StoRIgh.Diaram,
ess and L oss or Starr.
raesilltit$ sigmgf-=
For Ove
Thirty Years
111101AS ON
(Incorporated by Aet of Parlion S;.145) *
Liii.0(41.110:1;9 •
apital (AM PAID „ „ 4#000,000.00
Reserved........... .1 • • • • 2Sb501.0 1.CQ •
4; Bra:echo Ontarie, Ottobee, Arserta,Dritish Columbia std M tultol o •
Open sem Lawful Ala' front IQ M. War. N. except Saturtioy10 a, ;A, to 7 r,M.
Frit-rriors' Sole; Notes cashed, ea' collected. Forms supplied 42,
On application. Dit,W'rS on all points In the Ilerololoo, Great Britain anti. Vo- „qr.
ited kitateg, bougbe and sold aGIONVen rates of excbauge.
Deposits of $11.00 and upwards received. Juiciest cr ra-
Poundedhalirearloseand ridded to principal June eeth and December else pe.
tonne Beeelpts also Issued and bighest, current rates of interest alloyed.
Aolvessicen made to tamers, stock dealers and business nun a
* lowest rates and ea most favorable terns. Agents at Exeter for Dom. Ooveinstont.
Dickson Carling, Solicitors. N. D. litiRDON, birinager.
Ifanbant .• drawn t 'end wort,
.NelUe Creighton, Mrs, R. Stev-
son; drawn thread work, heavy,
Alma Brook, Mrs, It. Stevenson;
work on screen or Jaya canvas, Mrs.
3. White, Mrs. It. Stevenson; core -
nation braid work, Mrs. U. Steven-
son, Nellie Creighton; etching or
outline work, Afrss It. Stevenson,
Miss P. Nott; head work, Mrs, Into
White, Nellie Creighton; Berlin wept
work, E. II. Fish, jaws Oreecb;
embroidery in silk, satin, or woolsn
goods, Mrs, Pas, Stevenson, B. Ban -
haus; embroidery in white cotton or
linen, E. Benham, Mrs. II. Creissh-
ion Roman or en work, Mrs, IL
Creighton, Mrs. R. Stevenson; ap-
plique embroidery, E. IL Fish, Mrs.
IL Stovenson; ribbon embroidery,
Mrs. R. Stevenson 2nd; Mount Mel -
lick work, Nellie Creighton, Mrs. R.
Stevenson; Bulgarian or Oriental
embroidery, Mrs. IL Creighton, Mrs.
R. Stevenson; netting, Ee H. Fish,
Mrs. Be 'Stevenson; crewel embroid-
ery, E. Benham, Miss P. Nat;
QUeert Ann darning or embroidery
in fancy stitches, Mrs. 11. Creighton,
Mrs, R. Stevenson; braiding, E. Ilan
ham, Miss P. Nott: work done by
womon O'er 70 years of age, Mrs. 3.
White, Geo. E. Anderson; best col-
lection of ladies' Work, Mrs. R.Ste-
venson, Miss N. Tom, Mrs. James
Tom; loaf home made bread. 'Adam
Case, John Allison, Jno. Decker;
worked ottoman or foot stool, Miss
N. Tom, Mrs. J. Tom.
Judges. -Mrs. E. Douglas, ‘I.Strs.
Link, Mrs. J. Ratcliffe.
Hemmed handkerchiefs, Mrs. D.
Mack, Geo. Manson; darned socks or
stockings, Itobt. Kydd, Mrs. D. Mack
croobot work in wool, R. Kydd, Mrs.
D. Meek; crochet work in cotton.
Mrs. D. Mack, lst and 2nd; best
.dressed doll, Farmer Bros; dolls clo-
thes, Farmer Bios; fancy pin fetish -
ion, Mrs. D. Mack. Farmer Bros.;
special, fancy darning. Lily Rowe.
An Alrerrtative
Members 61 A. 0. U. W. t iieoido
About Increasing Rates soon.
The September issue of the Cana-
dian 'Workman, the organ of the A.
0. C. W., contains a letter from
the Grand Master on the subject ol
asssessments. The letter says that
it had ,been found necessary to levy
two extra assessments so far this
year and those extra assesemenis
had produced a' "disastrous and ir-
ritating effect." It asks the officers
of each lodge to secure the opinion
of the 'members whether they do not
-think it advisable to inerease the
rate, and to have a readjustment of
the insurance policy of the order.
October 15 is the date set 'when all
lo* -es must notify the Grand Secre-
tary whether they would rather
leave the rate as it is at present,
and have -special assessments made
on .thein, or pay an increased rate
and avoid 'the obnoxious assessments.
J. AC Pereg,rine,the Grand Master,
when spoken to said that some dis-
tricts ore declared in favor Of the
increased rate and the Government
standard. The object of this move
was to put the A. 0. U. W. on
a sound financial basis. AU frater-
nal societies have been giving insur-
ance too cheaply, and the A. 0. IJ,
. was simply providing against
what may happen in the futuro
financial stringency in the fraternal
Mr. Harold. Jamieson, formorIse
with A. 11, Lofft & C., St. Marys, is.
taking a course at Stratton' Busi-
ness College. On his leaving, the
employees ,at Lofft & Coes present
ed him with a gold locket 111).
initiols engraved on it.
Wheat per bushell com) vi.to t 51.02:
Wheat (new) .... 00 to 95
Oats new . 80 to 32.
Butter ......
Eggs •• •
'ai.1 to 40
Pork live weight .... $5.65
Pork Llressed 57.011'
• *
V*It.44,4, a
severe case of Ov
1,1couble sada terribleepe
airoided. Mrs. Eminons
how she was saved by the use,
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable)
"DE.Ln Mns. Peernicalts:-I an
pleased with the results obtained.
Lydia E. Pirarleanen Yege
Compoundl that 1 feel it a duty
a privilege to write you about it.
"I suffered for more.then
with ovarian troubies, causing,
unpleasant clisehezge, a great
neas, and at times- a faintness wouI
come over me wlaisrh no anaourst;,--
medicine, diet, or exercise seereed.;•
corral. Your Vegetable Coin
faind the -weak spot;.however,
a, felflyeelts -and saved. me
an option.--a11my troublee
clisappeiee-cl, and I found myself'
moreohealthy and well. Words.
describe Ole real, true, grateful
that isin zny heart, and 1 want to,
every siek-and suffering sister. p
(tally with'inedielnes you know se
ing alaint;but take Lydia E.
batairi Vegetable CemPelinCalik
take nay Ivor& tor it, you will be se,d,14
ferent woman in a, short thne."--
LAMA. Diatom, Viraliterville, Ont.
000b iodate If ortinal of above lottor"provirol
POStitt*Sitate to write to I.
PlOcktlint_ - there .1s 'an
alieW, ..$0.filticitoss YOU
tent_o %mama, •
rfed writing her