HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-22, Page 2Fashion
And Whipped While ot Work 'Until
They and Their Persecutors
Are Exhausted.
enneeenenteeeeeneeleseenenee. The men axe cottle. ;Lan the caln
- • -• • • • - • 0-* • •„,;•04.1‘. -Ns
cers brutes So spoke teaes a writer
nip LINEN cosTumn
to tbe Loaden Daily DeSpatch)
- 'Among the cbarealeg coetumes of lieutenant in tho 110,1'7 to -1143
linen seen, lately was One of light the other day. Ile lied been. teUISg
'browee of Eton coat and round eltirt„ the an, awful story; awiel not eo
Ulm enirt was laid in wide eieleplates much from the intrinsic facts as from.
xeleaseel about tho Imees. and tne what those tette euggest, He had
Coat WaS belted in at the waist been with our China squadron arid in
and bloused a little all aroural abOtre ore poet had eeen Ileis.elan man -of -
it. Tem frourn came together at thel war coaling. Tile whole time the
&lotto/en but rounded una-with 0,
. gliglitly sq.:lame et -it -oat tee top, 4t.
'the °Opel- Portions, xual the sleeves
=all at the top, were gathered in
wide culls. A etiteben nan1 of the
lieen formed he finish to the limn
and fronts. Teem wan no trimming on the shoulders ox the Cowa,rd1.1.",
1 Any sort used. Tile round straw !tweet -like sailons, ,you might bear
hat, a trifle lighter than the linen, nthe echo of all the cruelty. tbe 3,
tad a brim that was bent thieve, ir- tnorance and the public dishonesty
regularly all round, and from the ,• winch ere making it poseible for da -
1 "
)0W Crowla stray cherries, enaded red, Pan to Win each *ilia in the Far
owung at intervals. East. ...Every oation," says tbe.
An odd witite liven frock, made A provere. "has tile got ernraent it do,
with an almost tight bodice and au ceie-es.' Russia will Some day
equally tight skirt„ which hugged the awahen to it oll, and a revolution
figure to the knees, was covered as ,: as bloody os the French win wipe
to bodice end the upper portion of oot the 'tenants end bureattcrocies„
the eltirt with beavy white been loco., the lylog„ thieving relates and offi-
"that on the skirt formed a desigu tiale. Meanwhile, the whip, fails; and
eAtilln 19 Pointi liisn roXS ubcve the , the Peasant's bac% \singes, and "Xiug
wide ciretder blouse and the blouse, gnout" is lord ot all.
although it Wee tirawn. no tightly as The knout is One Of the most terri-
to be practically a tioso bodice was hie insirninents of punishment ever
noroPletelY cevereil with it, as were invented ley itian, arid to be eentenced
the slenees, wiliele eloee Pear the toit, as aelinininistered by Reseien
eleoulders. saggen above the }ince stlee," is eften equivalent te
lace culle. Tne weenae wearing this the maximum eeMeuce of 101
also wore a, round wlti kles is inflecd regarded by tho Th.
$a1' het, ttie crown et which had a3 lbunale ii,S.
igt,W1 Wreath of white roees with a A CA:Pr:VAL ONE.
loose black velvet. bow across the
toP of the brim at the front, and Knot ( form 'just
another at the back. but under the „. "ea ' a i s I•.norland; but
brim and attached to a bar4eau. i the 1lenel one i beavy leether
etlioeg gone) six feet loeig. Inee leele
,4s gat end hard, and ends in a bean-
WNS PREDOMINANT, like book. It is eonietlines bound
i ,, o . . ,
w4th we titr"d 411144°°' Ito, ekes but sltrugtt of the shoulders and Quo
n't Abroa u b
cut irao thooNoletilli 5 VOUleZ-VOUKS irnia the Mait's cora- Jospositions ever held. Wexler of the for the moniii
be uSed, anti ,e5sie 11 na long .tetly. all deuticacy related btote. znivtatenegbearclooinu-laltia4r:xerer:44teurrreee'ilre,iat\siletVtrvizisCthi:aailttleit:,t, the end of October the Suprem
Aoaeoutive antieipates tbot the avou-
ided if not big
et g" is reS'z4rue4 as reties, until at last
tee ids iS the eat ,
ens, and lilac% 1E0
p tiee, and 'ecutioeers bavn to timisly etild ; "What a sheltie to!,,,e„.,;0 ei. the ;year is unbearable And :1.??;%-flai:41_a_flole!..111,01=101),0.8'.'erkr,..1"1;lr':81
aplire 014 befOrd being
that the mercury reaches .o, high ureti t8inil r ,5,7 , v U fid'aelve i.e.8
milk ;nth sw*ug- ;,, te so Paley roubles on the Little •""
bugles - ken tion- n in1 . n merle*.
uoutern wee U C ation -when the peoPle
are. ,sianwina„... awl .the point. nts Impression Is quite er- commend the order tett thalr ft ns
eved, rui then buIlOr- . . It is siveria. we roneous and the average for the past,
Week shows 72 degrees. The daye , 51"0 It 15 tberieg a Sitlancial
in the. . .. 41 I''1
stcd Deeds of garge a enema to t
re view...let and, the evenings yaw ,streugth soch s no other Society
models, and. Apr sk for twelve years Ivree again," Balt
Alai brira ornament
". others, who learn -e hate of embroiderz, rows so Ruany feet have trod, and :Walla c°1311billtble' • 111°,14`tain45
is may reading the road of oor.
now reaching o to Louis from.
mil are trimmed, among l tile art on a 1V ho stumbles the lash falls brutolly on i ije are
it tau1a With aigrettes of ber- i his tiocln and bernin 111°11108 Sagba- an Pracortisoaf filtilelellefe°uonftrZiel'mlexilitiutli3olgu itipropooetill.‘165itY-tr;;Ndfl'hanrndd,oNsiot;liento
stretehed on an in-
ev oats o wheat. A bundle of the c inen fr hauds and feet Pen aiudi tite.vka°at' mai be 2221(1
bial mutter 1st) huudredS or thou-pliixo rean ony encouragement In
upright at one side of tbe bat. Pon- i timed to le e oh and las, Peop-o .asaeo into it SnlIgn apathy.
moth undertaking. To avoid the 8, "Ahl 7 suppose be could road be -
is tied as a sheaf, are: placed. nee onto at Sands will have visite4 this mam-^ face, but Ito did." Aliss PepPerY
the extremi- 1.17-4-----0.34.Ezaatiallial,
ties of the fratue. rowds that will undoubtedly tottweeu toe unesol
ries end other field nowere aro some- etiraes the
times USed With the grain head is tied up in such a way as t re leter all those wishing to me
any inovemeat or cry of su - 7 G overnra Supp by Exposition to Vie best talvarie ...
The foundation for some lhce liras t „women
las the black 1°.en threaded With for-tog-toescape him. Different pris- e slould pm now before the en. -1 r.a.4.1tY 81:071a. Yrcael";iro,s,,w, 110 , our
gold or other metellic tiircads. otters we kuouted in different. degrees, tho Birroingh.rorn Sant.
itioually hIrge crowds are in evi-i uenta 11°
On rod hate, whiell are not so /ash- - irenam, England, hos a min
headaches? Ilene .you felYtignag treciisquioann2t
ctecording to their crimes, tee pea- t (101200. The attendaoce iie increasing.' ihr38/1 Teel Innwn? I -Uwe
5°11°1‘le this Feas°n its VitcrkatS1Yr t' liniment varying from a revere ieh in addition to turning out mil- flay owl last Monday nearly
blackberries, yore ing from pale green thrashing to certain death. Immo- lions of :English coins does more la Lo ), 0 poopie passed through the Ilave you dizzy feeling? Are you de..
pressed? Li your Oda dry? /rave you
to Inane anil interepersed with straw diate death navy be caused by aukeeenn the wan' or supplying foreign (-301."-ogates, Another erroneous idea. which .., ,,,„ „ ,. „ ..o
riments witli coin than any other •seems to have gained ground is the ''" n`e("ee"nen AzIY °t the" wags
Mc white flowers, nre us-zil• eller- the victim dis/ocate his own neck in
ries shading tmea rink to red and the agony of bis strugglee egainst ramleynnalting establishment in the peke charged for accommodotion at ' pro" 111'1M* i
prove.' that nouth Axnerieen Kidney
nneerce Exnerienee bas
lit. Louis, the rumor of which is un- eine Lever fails. -0
Week are always used more or ices. the iron ring securing Ins head. Or world.
Stamped cut out velvee for liat death may be deloyen a day or two A. few days ago it shipped the first warranted. There Aro hotels and
by making tho lash wind around the installment of a huge Egyptian or- private boarding houses which cater
trimmings and facings DX e another $21 000
Solicitor.- non t you think
4 4 ..., * •
novelty in hat triunehigs., bod,y, cutting into the breast and der for 10,000,000 piasters. Tho to the pockets of all 4:lasses and a nee,000 cash would be panieliment
inflicting mortal injury. A. skilled tonf.,ignment weighed five tons; was letter to the Information Ilttlieneganz., enough for his breach of promisor'
FUR BANDS ON GOWNS. "knouter" could smash a brick into conveyed in sixty cases and -valued "World's Fair" will rea.dily It ' The Aggrived One --No, hideedi
As previously mentioned, bands of ust at a single blow, so wonderful at n1,1,000,000. For well over list of tbeee Paces. Without a per- .
want hint to marry mel"
Tur will be use(' on gowns for au- became tbe perfection of aira with century Birmingham has taken the sonal visit no one has any conceit-
tumn and winter wear. Already late the hideous weapon. lead in this literal kind of money' tion of the magnitude, grandele, or..
autumn 'wanting and carriage gowns Ilie records of the lash in Russia, malting. As far back es 1707 one tintic beauty and greatness embodied
are beleg offered M Paris having are terrible enough. Beginning with firm coined limier contract Mr the in the 1210 acres that contain the
the fearful history of Peter the l3ritieb. Coverement 4,000 tons of dtspleys from entire- tiountry in the
their coats trimmed witli inch wide Great, olio is accused by history a copper coin, valued at about ne,000,- eine erse and embrace the acme of
bands of fur, ti on certain a these having knoutecl his own son to death GOO. Among the countries Inc Cove perfection, end evolution at liberal
etare.ed, said Mis-s May Yntes to tho
coats the seams are outlined with. the seerot story, of mis-governed Res- arts and Valence up to Cie twentieth
otrips a fur, a style of trimming sia is erements which bave gone time after
eentury. To seo this with one's °ten British, inonien's Temperantie Associ-
rather odd than axtistie. Dark furs time, to Birmingham for their money on ebeese„ fried fisb, -tinned
are given the preference Mr trimming A STOItY OF VIE LASH. • are India, Tunis, Canada, Turkey, eyes is worth ears of steely and is
salmon, piekles, gin mid beer.
costumes. One of the most terrible accounts is China, Hong Kong, Hayti. Sarawak, an education in itself.
These fur trimmed coats are eta Tuszany, Veneeuela and Chile. Band from England and renowned A modern weapon in tha battle
His Majesty's raviolis Grenadier --
f seven. tartars condemned to the
. anout in 1823. Their sentence was he some instances, notably in that
tiirougliout the British Empire open- for health,- It disease has taken
with narrow backs showing no center ,
that they were to be knoute.d in each of China, the coins were not made e
weeles," eneneenterit ;It the your citadel of health, the store
seam, -wide under arm sections, and
marrow . ori piece.. o o In ' I A matter of en °' six - n 0
town la which their crimes of rob- -
M irneng lane s a Ina is torturhig you with indiges-
are collarless, and when collars are fact uo Cluneee coin has so far as Fair on August filltli and crowds sur- nth, and
bery had been committed. Each was . , ' . ' ' ' ' . iounded tbe stand applauding lustily tion, dyspepsia And nervous prostra-
bound irt turn with hands, feet and enown, over been made outside One
iety. The sleeves are coat shaped it? every atiraber. The nighteiffect en time South American Nervine is the
used they are the turned down var-
and not at all tig-ht. knout as thick as a mains wrist. juilice of the Chinese Ireve to be hu-
einetial Empire. The pride and pre -
/inflated with myriads of electrie
t0 grounds with the buildings into Iv X'012 to drxve the enemy from his
seteennignole "at the point ef the bayou -
h d fia tened, end beaten with a
but swift aud
must be seen to be fully appreciate
lights is beyond deseriptiOn, and sie, vte".h, bY i'l'elich•
Not one of the men survived to reaeh r ti, 'ei the firm sent out A cone -
i always wins. -1
the last few towns; they were all - -
plete Inuit with men to operate it,
beaten to death. ,They were erirein- ,„„e ,
and the coins were struok ia China. nine's employed. by the railwnY
ale, but the knout is no inspector of no lewor than eight separate plants ed. One noticeable feature of the
company now, I 'understand?" "Yes.
persons, and, unlike all Other Euro- have been sent out to China in this
economy -of the visitor's time and
Exposition is the fa-iiily for the
lie has charge of the puzzle depart:
171.17' the saving of liis strength that has molt!, werie weave, ono mates
For the new kingdom, of Italy the been
bunkers were being idled the winps
never reased going, The Russian of-
llverS Stoed over the sailors, lashing
them centinuousne Could any feet
be more eloqueut, more suggestive?
In the thud of the wilips as they fell
The following are from. an old
scraP-boolc An independent man is
one Wht) bleelts his own, boots, who
can live aitheet whiskey. and to-
bacco, who earns at least it penny
a day more than he spends, and who
een, won a pinch, shave. himself
with. brown soap ame cold woter
without a mirror. A great malt is
One who can teach Ids children to
oney him %thee. out of his sight. A
Ifospetable maxi is never asbamed of
Ins ilineer when a friend unexpeeted_
ly dreps in to dine with nim. A
eensible wifo loons for her enjoyment
Tablets alwaye seven In their at, borne -a. Silly one xi:breed. A wese
rraise, Iles, A, jonnstoto -Eddy, girl would win, it lover by practising;
stone, Out., says flied Baby's these Tirtnes 'which secure admira-
Owe Tablets all note recommend
them to be. My baby was troubled
witb eezenia, and was very cross and
restless, but since giving her tho
Tablets she has become quite well
and is now a strong bealthy
Sold by all druggists or sent by
mail at 2.5 cents it box by writing
The Dr. Williaras' Mediciee Go.,
Ilroekville, Opt.
.:411. wise mother never attempts to
cure the ailmeets from wheel her
little ouee euner by stupefying*, them
with sleeping draughts, "soothing"
preparatioes and similar Medicines
containiug opiates. 'Phis olass of
medicines ran responeible for -the uu-
tinteln death of thousands of little
Imes, thougle mine motbees may not
realize it., When your little ones are
ailing giVe them 13aby's Own Tab-
lets, a Medicine solel Under a guar-
antee to eoinain no opiate Or harm-
ful drug. Mothers who have used the
bon when personal charms have fad-
ed. A simple girl endeavors to re-
commend herself by the exhibitioo. of
frivolous accomplishmeots and by
mawkish sentiment, -whieh has little
to do with a true heart as the gaudy
dreSS One wears. A good girl always
respects herself, and is thus sure to
he respected by others, Apes remain
apes, though you clothe them with
velvet. Wo oftea pardon. those wlio
wee7 u5,. but we cannot parnon
beep. abolished, or as good, aa abolien- thoee whom we weary,
ed. "1"hat is oil rebbish. Oa paver,
perhaps. but imperial decrees Catint MAN ram TWO II ARTS
fQ0 notleing when you bane a 13010- "' .
kat or a leouropatlein. Arai lashing Another interestnig diecoveler bas
iS 0. eational iestitution, which no been made in counection witn the
deCrees Will end. Insubordniate ser -'
ere Zagged; children are, of
course flogged, zrounted Cossachs
beat street crowds like drovers do
cettle. The greate,:t of ltessien,
poete, PUSIttin, WaS arrested owl
Slogged in the rooms of the prefect of
pellce by order of the eittr, remise
bis "verge was chareeterieed by ft
frank. eritieism witiell was aot wen.
to imperial eirelea.
'121122 the leen the rhailove
lewere otier all, A. friend ol
en, at Moscow jor tee eau. a
00001312t3013. lind an aggitaintitilCo 2% ith
, k A wa o,' who leoked after him. each
no ' niglit at dinner, The fellow was in-
dustrious, intelligent ond goal -tem-
pered. The oay after the ceremony
tri.v friend went to the restaurant for
his Illeia; the waiter WAS. /Mit ill ili$
mare Giuseppe de Meggio, Alessa-
no, Italy, wboso hart, it was an,
nolieced mane time ago, wee site -Med
on the right side. The doctors !moo
gain examined Afoggio, end have
lared that be possesses tWQ bearts-,i
one which beats on the right, the •
othee Mennen:01e and innuolaiie on the
left. la addition to his two hearts.
the man has two rine more than
normally -constituted individual% Ile
bee elwaya enjoe-ed good beeline vied
Wee AZ excellent Cavalry soldier,
And Prom a. 'Used up Man He Be-
caene ae Smart as a laoy.
°dea(1, Ont., Sept. 10'-nSPocial)ne
Mr. Chester Loomis, en pld eed re.
epeeten farmer Iiviug in, this section,
is epreadino broadcast the good
nOWS that Tread's I'irdney Pills ere
a sure eare for the Lame Been and
/nadrieet Dieease go comenoo among
olcl people. Mr, Loomis eayer,
".1 tan 76 years of age and smart
and active as a boy and I give
Doclel's Inidney Pills ell Om orient
for it.
'Before I started to use Dodel'n
Kidney' Pills I was so used up
could hardily ride in a buggy and
enuld xiot do any work of nay
EverXbOdy thought WoUld not live
long. Dieders Inideey Pills ere
onderful remedy."
The Inidneya of the yourig neaer
wrong lout the Xidneys of the old `
innuet be wrong. Dodd's Endow Pille
, Make all Wrong Eldne,vs right,. That,
28 enny they are the old Solna' greet-
teet nriend.
In. eonverse with Mr.
Charlton. of the Grand, Trunk Italie the 1St o
way System, who has just, internal n7,000.086.
frorn, the "World's Fair" at St. for mean
?love, his otquiry brought. nothing I4,°8usisgeleali°:duemit.,,,,n4tie,41reiellgtlutgilis/nife0t7sttWent 458444-417s.is it mos
*el like to IMO
boy. "Well. whet 'wool
to 1410W?" aSked Ills eno
like to knOW why aweethrea
't Any bread in "ent, and
!haven't Arty meat
aoUsz Arri FLOOR
Or/ $ Houroi
wo et an 0.0041-tao
ontreal Toronto, Vancouver.
1.44 balm your consignment of Any of the* Article*
get you good primis.
kt and Calbotho *to T
1,113ARLY $8„000,000.00
'0 Accumulated nniaela in 1,1
Of tlin Independent Order o
the nst of August,
t n7A1.1,5;16.02, Qn
entenfber they stand at
9. Showing as inereaS0
Of aepteulher of nOne,
ell:lector.? mein
Ilers and Users of
Vali every re
Arc interested in Ms question
en ty owl Anythlos Also t lianni,ger
e suhlect1*5
URIII1Ont lielleYes Neuralgia
Babies are often fed, or rather
New blouses in Paris are made of
alternate rows of ribbon and flus
512221 Mee. The ribbon. used is only
half the width of the lace eroployed,
the /atter being of mixed colorings.
These are worn with skirts the color -
of wbich match the ribbon or tile
lace; and are worn over etting silk
unlorbodies or corset covers without
yoltes or sleeves.
pean lands, all sulnects of the Czar
-even the high,born beauties of the
land -are liable to its punishment.
There is the historic case of Afaclame
Caputhin, one of the beauties of tbe to fernish the raw material. Aeam,
Court of Czarina Elizabeth. She had in Marseilles, when the „re -establish -
SMALL IIATS LITTLE SHOWN. been compronneed with a, love affair ment of the empiin unner Napoletm
with an arabaSsador, and some royal III, reodered necessary a new copper
secret had been made public. She coinage 7.50 tons of metal were. in
was at firSt ordered to have her ton-
gue cut out, but the Empress chang-
ed the penalty to knouting. Beauti-
fully dresSed slie appeared on the
maffold and made it pitiful appeal to
the crowd to, save her. But the
Russian is what his long servitude
provided. Gondolas, electric out the time-tablee!"
same thing was done in I862,,
launches and boats traverse the two
nee tons of "blanks" being shipped
miles of lagoons whitensurround the , , , r
Main buildings and an intramural s Lumen' Tor sale everithere
railway reaches every part of the
grounds. Boning clinirs may be se- "Miss Gracie,, may I have tine M-
ewed for trips through the beildirige
tlo hand----" "Oh, Mr. Spoonamore,
and eiseerbere, and large autorno- this is so----" "This little handful
this way turned into money on
bilee with well informed Guides make of ferns, as a memento of our de -
French soil.
trir.s throughout the nrourals. Meals lightful walk?".
can be sezurecl on the grounds at
"That woman neon door Went and
reasonable rates from twenty-five
got a hat exaCtly like mine," "Did
cents up to any price one likes to
you make a fuss about it?" "No;
pay. The Grand 'Prank Exhibit' of
I gave mine to the cook." the Forestry, Fiat and Carrie Build-
ing, is.attracting much attenti on and
the concensus of opinion is that it
is the finest in the building. The
many "fine pictures of the fishily,
hunting and summer resort districts
in the Provinces of Ontario and Que-
bec appeal to the sportsinan and
tourist and the animated' pickily°
machines showing the "International
Limited" 'and scenic, pictures of dif-
ferent sections of the line bolds the
attention of visitors, bringing Can-
ada ,prprninently before the people
of the American continent.
Those who desire to keep in touclt
with the world's progress and who
wish to spend a most pleasant and
profitable time should not fail to
see the largest and most comprehen-
sive Exposition that lias ever been
known as a "World's Fair" and now
i Ttlite ne (radt
d rf°go.rIinkleave also i nsta il-
ea "exhibits at tile Eastern Canada
Exposition held at Sherbrooke, Que.,
at the Canaiclian National Exhibition,
Toronto, and the Western Pennsyl-
vania Exposition, Pittsburg, Pa.; all
now taking place. The Western Pen-
nsylvania Exposition is one of the
largest annual fairs held in the Unit-
ed, States and lasts 46 days. The
81)1' 18 occupied by the Grand Treent
; 3,000 feet and it is estimated
thet not less than half a million
Will Visie the display.
New aUturon hats, or rather hats to
be offered the, the autumn buyers, are
largely of lace in black or white, or
eVeti in certain colors, the latter, of
course, to matcli the colors of tho
gowns they are to be worn with
Cluny, Venise, and Irish are used
largely for the ployuresque and large
creations. The small hat 18 little in 1
has made him, and they eaw her
evidence, and. the toque is enlarged
stripped to ber waist and scoured
to the dimensions of it small hat.
In veilings the chiffons still lead, till the blood from the wounds in
the back dyed her skirt crimson. In
althauEth certain handsome lace veils
are purchased to drape hats itietead
of the chiffon; the lotter, however,
are far hew expensipe, and for trav-
eling and country- wear are the only
appropriate teiflings lor stunner
backabout wear. In Se.Ptemher the
sale of net veilings 22111 begin t(2 in-
crease and of chiffons to de,crease.
Albert, the young rnan of the fam-
ily, was 'undeniably ill. The doc-
tor was sent for. He pronounced it
a case of janndice, as Mcleod the par-
ents had suspected, from the pa-
tient's yellowieh appearance.
Albert's )tile sister was explain-
ing to a caller.
''[reLot the yaller janderse' she
said. ''The (foetal- ssy, SO
"Blit /IOW tile (10CtOr tell,
Bessie?" asked tlie
'`Inany enough,'' replied Bessie.
'Anyl)ody could tell it by jes' look -
in' into the --the yolks of his eyes.''
`V.hat," says an inquisitive young
211' 5 -is the most popular color for
a brid('?'' maY be a, littie parti-
cular in these matters. 1)131 we
ennui:a en a white or,e.
all grades of society there are stories
of women having been flogged with
terrible seeeriten even ladies of rank,
guilty of small offences, being sent
off to the police station, like ordin-
ary criminals, and subjected to gross-
est indignities and cruelties. A Ger-
mall newspaper is the authority for
an extramelinary instance of this.
The victims were three noted beau-
ties who were actually seized at an
imperial ball and driven straight
from the palace in their O2"11 car-
riages to the police station, just as
tliey viere, in their superb dresses
and jewels to 'be flogged for an of-
fence which was really nOthing than
'gossiping.'' After the outbreak of
the Crimean war the Russian govern-
ment issued an order for supplies of
lint, rags and other necessities.of the
field hospitals. The Wife of the
governor of Moscow, hearing of the
superior forces of the English and
French, frivolously said that "the
supplies were not likely to be need-
ed.'' The remark was overheard, re.
ported to the police, and she was
linable to deny the chtvge, she was
flogged in so merciless a manner as
to 'break the bone of one ann.
Resnients tell you the knout s
To Keep a "Coffee C omplexi on."
A lady says: "Postum.' has helped
rny complexion so ranch that my
friends nny I am growing young
again. My complexion used to be
coffee colored, muddy and yellow,
but it is .itow clear and rosy as
when I was a girl. I was induced
to try Postum by a friexed who had
suffered just as I had suffered from
terrible indigestion, palpitation of
the heart and sinking spells.
"After I had used Postum a week
I was so inuch better that I was
afraid it would not last. But now
two years have passed and I am
a well woman. I owe it all to leav-
nig off coffee and drinking Postern in
its place.
"I had drank coffee all lily life. I
suspected that it was- the cause of
my trouble, but it was not until I
actually quit coffee and started to
try Postum that I became certain;
then all nay- troubles ceased and I
am now well and strorg -again."
Name furnished, by Postum Co., Bat-
tle Creek,
-rrhere's a reason.
Look in each package for a copy
of the famous little boolc, "The
Road to litellvilnan
Thought it meant death sort:L-
A.4s. James McKim, of Dunnville,
Ont., says of. her almost miracul-
ous cure from heart disease by Dr.
the North Western
liven evory clay Sept. 1511i
ei Oct. 15111, metiers ore way eceoPd
S tieltets at very low rates from
cago to points in Utah, Montano,
eaela, Maim. Oregon, Wnallingtano
Weenie, also to Victoria. Van- $
. 0
0022 (58', New Westminster, Mosoland spode/jets oi European roiling Art
and other peints in the Noottnay et taw highest Academie und prates.
14striet• eQrresronamglY low l'ate4 sional standing in every departtne
from all points in Canadalnill oe workroe booklet apply to MI
particulars from nearest ticket agent ,-,wookopl LocKsoio,
or D. 1!. Bennett, General Agent, 2 'nal; ofooliop: enemoono, -ALA,
Vast 1lngStreet, Toronto, Ont.
al axed
The "hospital" $t
478 pntients are tr
London noepitals
aunually ia
meter (lots Thlacipal Upper Caned
Dominion Lino &tea
Moderato Fiato Service,
cnhia rztv..144.-..r* kerthed In Lea mown1.
d dim on the *trosocr at, the laIr rate el VC 1.2
leiverao*i. or $43,40 to lomfon, Third dna to
•Pferiral, tondo*, W*.t.-„ow 07 nuostnt
Per all yArtietthen away to I nod tgente.
el?i,1gloti)i?! 14248 01721(Ni
, Snot Itiontrol
Gentlemen.-Mbile driving (102013 12
very steep hill last August my horse
stembled and fell, elating hinnenar
fearfelly about the head and body.
I used MINAlirt'S LINIMEN712 freely
on inin and in a few days he as as
'well es ever.
Sherbrooke. '
Agneves Cure" for the Heart: "Until
began taking this retncdy 1 despaired of
my life. I had • heart failure and ex-
treme prostration. One dose gave me
quick relief and one bottle cured 113c.Tim Sufferings of years were dispelled
like magic."; -3
. .
There is no_ soda -water.. Every
pint of sada-water contains two and
a half pints of carbon dioxide, a
gaS. 'Therefore, when you drink one
pint of soda -Water you really drink
three and a half pints.
°-'elesenerefeeninenteene. neeneeetanneen
pe •
Flo -"Do you really believe ignor-
ance is bliss?" She -"t1 don't know.
You mem to be happy."
Tor Over „Sixty Tears
Mr.5. tilrolatew'a SO0TuIsa Sraur 1,,s 11400 ntsiSs
raillionsof ineth«rs tor (hal* ed:41ren while twithtue.
iisantbes the child, soli:ems the sum*, altar pain. turas
windeolie, reaulnins thavtonnos and towels, midis the
bistreinedy far Diarrheas. Twantifrthe 04143 a hotale
130(11)o:drug0ist4 throezhOut the world. Da sure sal
sisfor "Mns.voineowestiOraree ave." 22-.40
In a London 'hospital there is an
innaato who is gradually turning
black. In Ince- York is a negro who
is turning white.
Two Years Abed .-"For eight years.
I suffered as no one ever did with rhea-
matistri; for two years X lay in bed;
could not so nitwit as feed myself. A
friend recommended South American
Rheumatic Cure. After three doses 1
could sit up. To -day I am as strong
as ever 1 was."—Mrs„. John Cook, 287
Clintin street, Torout,o.-2
Sarcastic -'I fairly dote on
our iuo dein pa inters!" Mrs. Ent-
cliener--"I can't see where they are
a bit better than
Ole paperhaXlg-
Is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the 183p10ved.13lower.
Heals filo ulcers, clears the atr
passges, stops drepplegs In the
throat and pettnanrunly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. IMOWar
free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chas,
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo
Chitlins, anti Curilacesal 1114 Olovoi thine& Our
can henna by rot, le per or, ttialgat also it
'ffe's sill/ tooployed by thal big
W11010Sale 1102750, isn't he?" "No;
think bes ill business for Iiimself
low. Ho used to take en boor for
hineli, and ilow be only takes it bare
five minutest"
Some quite new arid simple
otehreaneenits 1,,,f)eF.,r o,b,yaebsi,ee, eliva.evrie tj
aiusst jai.beentt
bags, open doNvn the shouilders a,n'd
and his small kingship buttoned in,-
-to full and coanpletc garbing. The
by inneh lia-ndling arrd turning, the
invented. 'Pliesr are in tlie sliape of
baby, Ike garimaite ere arranged .in
place, ono over the ' other, the front,
laid in -or on -them. ' Then the
child. is ir,esh, unwearied, unirrittated
unobtr-usiVe buttons. To dress the
ltiwttilset,litm113:1 au.:1310-d_fiLeerowto ti:Ixtehtecyll,:wkiiitli.t,'
lie, -"There is a limit to every -
Sleeves, and are fastened with small,
portions turinid down, anki the baby
front portions are turned to place,
thing, you known'. . She (looking at
. ,
can't laet, for evernt
Mugs Liniment tures Baudruft
Ilicksa-"Look at Sniggs flirting
with the girls over there, 1 thought
you said be was it woman -baler,"
"Wiekn-"So lie is, but the woman
he hates is not here."
Catarrh for twenty smarts
cured in a few days
James, of Scranton, P11.,..812)751 "I ha
been a martyr to Catarrh for twenty
years, constant hawking, dropping in
the throat and pain in the head, very
offenSive breath. /tied Dr. Agnew's.
Catarrhal Powder. The Drst
tiOn gave instant relief. After using a.
iew bottles 1 was cured. 50 Cents. -1
lall Ole Crimean -veterans in receipt
of small pensions, who are in nacos'sitous circumstances, are now being
granted special increases, provided
that they were either wounded or
discharged for disability, Or arc
Present suffering from a 'Ilse
clearly due to their militari se
Millilfd'S L11110160 COI -CS Buis, e rA
When the Kaiser promised to in-
scribe on the flags of the Germa,rt
troops, who are fighting the Iicrocs
in Smith Africa, the nameS of the
battles they wor. he probably did
not know that they had. lust wo
eight at Otjihinarnapere,to.
bremait,..moarat. prom wn•cRowma...........airMe*.s......
The harder you cough, the worse
the cough getn,
is guaratteed to cure. If it
doesn't benefit you, the druggist
Will give you your money -back.
Prices:. 5. c.weras & co. 202
2Se. 50c. $1. LeRoy, N. Toronto, Can.
0 uao$I