HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-22, Page 1icier U ,O.MIDDLESEXGAZETTE T$IRTY-S1aCt) 1D YEA 2—No 8 407444********************** ************************+.' • 14 •• 1k: 4101.11111. EXETER, ONT., CANADA., TUURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1904 Dashwood, N • • IF von ARE 01ePUTTING IN ailarn:aeG come 44 anal sect what, we' have � got: to ptfen If Ftroutltc to idrrnistt you wtrlbli O• au est6titato, Tn I�, t?atrtg Ai itai,a, Stoves, Paints ere e Subscribe for the Times. it O Mr, 1Teney Kraft, has #in cider tline •. ruin in full: swing again, e --Misses Lizzie and Jennie Bet,. the e oil, n ar o • t. to be on the look out for a good range or cook stove, Wood or coal as we leave a large number to choose from of the leading makers of Can - oda, namely FAMOUS IMPERIAL OXFORD TREASURE SOUVENIR t Anal either one of diem will make'wreath per- petual in r. 1na..k,your wife's face wv a pears] n dIennial glow, :eN HEATERS SVe also harry* a large stook of base burners, air tights, h blasts to choose fro.). Q _-Thr, Misses Taylor. spent SAP- * day under the parental roof on the o Sauble line. _ q. -Mrs. Paulin is attending the Creclitoa -Geo. Essory spent Suitt. nig at Mr. C. Beaver's -Miss Calvin, Brown's former milliner is back for this season. --air. Sans, Tremnen` and his sis- ter, of Dsuhit, are.' skiing at Chrism' Beaver s -.Itev, G. 1). Damm, 13, D., conduct ed quarterly services at Dashwood, Sunday. -113114 rs, Ganser. of Buffalo. X. Y., is visitint; her relatives and friends in this. vicinity, • county W. C, T, V. convention at -Mr. Orel). of Zurich, ltexit tun, . -Mr, stmt arra. J. Itieltbeil« were Godericlz. day visiting at his brother-in-law's the guests .of air, and ire. S. Hands!+.r. --airs. lbl, Birk, a former residaenie Mr. August Ilii]. ]]:aster, East Sunday. , ` • of the village, is renewing, old] „\l=e not" II44*. r)iderson It se t t -Mr: Alex. Cliariesworth'. Of Eg- ,O..y acquaintaaiFes here, l)Ce a not" ing lzaiwses lzc n(ntt mandvlllee h,ta purchased the bard- •..• --Shavers bras held in both the L . n g' re businesx of Mr. C •,�, dr'rd)s a re�trlar .wised spltat.Cz, Charles Uteri). ? 3Ir. Swartz. of Milverton, c Id t ...-:hives,. Ella and Lizzie- RanilL, ••1. iOBS ,IIl 'l Zurkh ,r r rat _Iz , a 11 . t �•? •i` a . t ol) , \iiilliams sllenc I.€- •,." �^ 'i' �.. « r, � S"fi•^�•1,•;,c.�'i �:«;,,y•i<3��•i••r•'t'r'fiw.;,�.`�••£.'r.��«+:`3` d y and Saturday u London, • -tr, .Elntoxe bagel, of P uoit, •, visited Iiia parents ,sere da few oar; ;: last week, -fixe. Fred Witwwer, and family, vis' • sided J"ziends in Ea:+ster, on Sunday, • .` ---Miss Amy Johns of Exeter, has 0 organized a vocal and musical class • . in town , • — 4iz, 13uswt•ell, of Centralia, visit- 4,, ea at Mr. 1), Steinbach's Saturday $=a, • • • • therein end Evangelical oburcbes. Saturday afternoon. -Rev, T necte1 leek] quarterly Con- ference bere a1n the Evangelical. Thursday evening. In rdsh I ra av inti d e --;firs. (Rev.) Clemens left Ines-. • t day inoniing to attend lino X. P. A. • { Convention, he'll.' field at Caunpden. Cco. Snider will leave this ♦• ww•eok for Columbus, Ohio., where be will resume 1113 studies at the den- .• tial Collel;oa We make ik specialty of ave T,rooghing Furnace 'York, t, Double and single acting force pump, bath room, and plumbing of , a A all kinds on the shortest notice: 4 a e • • 0.O�t4044a?� 04444404•'►••44r9• b•44.4.4• We also curry of a full line of shelf hardware. Content the two leading brands, National and S brand, SON • • Owing tda the construction of a new iron bridge at Sodom, the email. leaves half an hour earlier, 6.30 a. in., /instead] of 7 a, in. -•Rev. Geo. Dauuu, of Crediton, ,two very able and. profitable addresses in English last Sunday in the Evangelical church here. •--Miss Gibson, milliner of lllyth returned to ilia village, and le charge of :lir, : acob l el•. millinery department. asst to Y -Coining events cast their shad- ows before, if so, we should expect an early election,. judging 4iy the Riles of political literature that is arriving Isere at present, to rzna n • *4444 4.4411,41,40.4,4e0 POPULAR SWINGS Or dere i�6�1 1 IIE�1�7 Qur Aim Perfection inDYERCQ�,TINGS AND PANTINGS clnfli;ii` �i and C%7: �.`ar Wear is For Pall Wint..l Wear o made � sin�ti�e al, POI)ttIEL1, good must t and demands rtnenst meet the requirements � of the times, we can't stand still we back, Mist eithcn move forward, or k Ward. Our goods: contain distinct fee,- tures that claim the attention of every teas', One constant aim is to a .ChlaraC-' produce garments that have a ter, a personality of their own, to leave the old beaten track and rise above the cat+liveutiona; and common 'place. . amara YY Merchant Tailor. 1:� li as tt, n liftingIt V110111 ing out of the well on Gerge Iei- lermaxn's farm where lac. Incl last his well which r c 'sc d �� 1 la 1 i9'& a second drill. , Tln a U o i does e a, sunk, butt>. Flinn, o s have ]. 3i 1 , they la n .r intend, iv' dot, of an u 1i y' a n Mr. Nino. Snider, who lives east o% the village is cementing Ms barn Hoot, 'lis has just completed the raising of the barn wall and ill and _ wind int n the erection the z h r of o i have vc allis t e will 1 • o completed, ed It When n am a most up-to-date barn. Ono day last weak whit :Nrr. n. year n hi3 , v„ Guenther and five Chas, n Itvrequires� ,. skill and�," patience* nt:a were t r 4 �.w r comin tort In an t.z . Gt . i n � Y At 1 son ow a . and. time to give o th d a sleeve vthisLine, It which It o � ora CBronsons the co Ino li llxon u IIs tl proper i 1 a , 4 awing, the ell w h collar the p , a car- at a horse p frightened. b x t became n 1 z' '`v 1 r li driving b earn sect sbody etand the h4 right i t littowards its c 1 al Cattle In !a ~dirt tom ra g bang. f anti Over V ft UOill111 T.be new materials for fall an414 d rvir en t are here andyoucan place' n ,0 your order and secure your over* •, coat without delay,; O •*••*•o@•• ;e•••••a••a•oO• ♦ y a sti pipe a �wabQ Accident and Disease Policy', good for one year with the Ontario Accident Insurance Co. of Toronto, with every order amount- ing to Sit) or over. Baby Carriages The Prince of Wales Carriages and Go -Carts are always in it for style and finish. a nicely as- sorted stoc'ec just arrived. icyctes We are again showing the cele- brated Cleveland Bicycles which are the best value in the: market to -day for the money. Reoairing Bring in your old wheel and have it.repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, PRICES MODERATE 2i,r$111. 444 O000409.0•4.00044Q04••O >!l� sat i� HN Merchant Tailor NOTICE through a field, the colt mbdo for o and r>: e: upsetting thea. thefetich • throwing theocc )ats out. For- tunately 1 It followed e •i u•I results 9 to 1;unatcly no s z a r save a shaking up to Mr.: Guenther. -While returning from the Lon- don last, anincl- ' Wednesday s on Tail In d , Y dent occurred whiclr caused consid- erableoccupants t ho eamusement o er,•ib1 of the Dashwood buss, but not quite so much fun for the ladies concerned Two ladies bot into the btis at the station with the intention'ot going down •town, but as the buss slid not stop May began to make enquiries, when Ahoy learned that they wore about two miles from Exeter. Mcrae -"People who have tongues should use thein at the right- time. I Cirkton -Mr. John Moore, of Graxtton• spent Sunday at his home in the•vil- a e. 1 1z g , -Largo numbers from the village attended the Western Exhibition last *cob. n and Mr, Milne 11ann:o . rna'wx.:a• i 1•e - few days s in owan last week, calf- oa:hibi io at 'Y 1": ing upon friends and ao(liairttan es, t n London on r� iii y •o, ,.., u,gnst Kuhn of tine Sovtxrei,Tu' --D1' ce of Is sidencvlanf; rise it Garntrco f '4 • o it is �� �• a�s- M , A . q, t 's having ^• iii livalda sial is lank x 1 a t n� zing z cement v iU7. *tndt n, ares. reuse, 4" ut trying to shoot ducats, lie iaandu ;1)ixnit in (rout at it. d, ants mind hen., Greybiel of Ireidleberg and Mrs, Tremner, of 1'e.••'�..,�..,,, ea, are visiting at Mrs. Stahl's Mrs, Trexunov'i mother. -Communion services were held in the Evangelical Church last San- day, un day, Rev. Mr, 1`'ztechtel, preached two 1)dnwsarful. 'sermons. t T Zv(zrt rca hir, .and Llirr . t k. rusted XIQmC .front li,lkxou, aitch., where they spent several months' s- ztixn;;. their sons and daughters. -Qur: town was gertainly well re- presented at the Enter Vali., this week, for nearly everybody was pre- ;tent. l.Tite Nieves. 'Vexing returned ham fromLondon, \- C & rid, n w rs+ the • o In h:n •a visiting their brother far tai been, month. -.-Thee Credit on qurate a to frit Corbett, Tuesday evening to isi an entertainment as 1 C >< xta,ita r kv fix the ',rest m i z tt,t e• ata church nttrd; l In -The z n re, td eat oaf t la tolling club .says *limit i will supply the funds tin€'i• ' ttAchallenge other e ata t :n ole. 'qrYm . and Mrs. Eli 'ww e , • F er r e t :aid ,at Mrs. Sweet, who have been in Manitoba lung friends returned hemi. Fart:- ly, We arca all glad .t o ww elconndr tlacnn back. - Geo, l'ahxner, who lots hw•en 101 .e\ ry, Zoxtll-wvcyt on to buslne trip a, turned home Monday. 1]:' speaksir losing terms of the prospects ae great North-west, -Rev, Wm. Owen, of lla)•esvll:le; sent of tltcs Upper Canada alible So- public will give an, address at the Y. public meeting -of the Groditon ]Branch to be held in the Uetitodist church, Thursday evening. Honesty is the bast policy~ under butespecially 1 s a ce oir u , t n s. all F nit should those in high authority prac ., t'icc ilio ' golden rule, "Do unto n dao ill have ' har • g ye ww Ul F rat others +.. h unto.". moral -"Do onto others as •n unto 0 others do would Jiazt, of n ed 9 but do the other fellow first," -On account of t ht• unfavor- able heather his week N. L. Standish, •of the Merchants' Bank: was 'unable to pay his accustomed visit to elle "Maple Grove tart., where he is taking lessons in the art of playing croquer from the local champions. ]ic thinks ct few liter:. t defeat lassoes w\•111 Triable hint o even his instructors. 4' Centralia --Miss Sarah Weil is visiting fri- ends in London. a visiting Hicks, k -Miss Alla at dais home of ?]ir, Ernes.. he Blind Line, this week. WI]liarrxss. liens, Pfaff. Benticr S# intt?vit attended the tS e' - tent Poir, dtr London, Wednesday and. Thursday. -Mr. Hartman Steirib?ttlt. of "In- troit is spending a few weeks with,-; friends end relatives in title vicinity --Mrs, John Yaeger, .ind sort Al- ex;:nder and daughter, Tillie, -of Ex - e ct err]` risttb C weeg^uke. t , rsts of Rev. W W. ---1►ii's Lydia Faust left xnorantng for Ctl 1ideal, to attenr ming People's s Alliance a xc; Corver _Mrs. Ileyrock, Mrs. Merrier, el \ illi;anxs, Lydia Ronnie. left .tx• (lay to aiu iul ting animal county nvention of 'tin). \4' C.T. V., at god. Iola. ?11A. T. Pfeffer, who Inas aicitet woo uratanat inn. the Sovereign l:ttnh: .re, fair :about dight: aaioat I t le, Iia s lastn, tr;aiabf,'rred to the ;I]lvertou lea a rxth Mr, Pfeffer has made xtta d many • g. durtn� Ilan stay among Iv. Mr o nSeAt#, of the e galb ,ecn t t: s been xiiovedl here. ant ftio -Any • . Pourtforott A place where furniture can be purahased tivith so mon*. as at our store? Not such is impossible. We have an endless varier of Furniture X r tttare of 1eScrs'ption which is going at a low ft re �, ,� gu djtrrite house-cleaning time. If you are interested don't fail to oil on ery rias WANT !! Rowe &Atk i,lsioiAs YOUR 4,, it �"axra�ifvta�� H TRADEHous And if Prices, Variety ain I"ndlertakers ax leesele'+= w re' Ie4siie'esi!'ri , ;36:.x' , +:` s R4• s4444.4404•4d104 l,on. in London and Strathroy, -Miss Dinah Wood, of London, is -Mr. C. Duffield has purchased] the guest of the Misses \Nilson, t n t EX another horse, and is again in the li- -Mr• R. T• Hamilton, of frinsley, Constantly o hanc.. a � very business. visited friends here alt': Sunday l.;lat. eteI' and Centralia the Best -Mr. Wm. Dymond; ~vile. and ram- .Mrs. Clarke, of n cyficld i4 visit - y ily of Strathroy, 'visited at Mr, J• ing.lier daughter, Mt.. Joules NN alk Cement in Canada. -Kirkton had a. large represcn- er' \\* ,. Abbott, of telt both of visitors l anti exhibitors -14Ir, and lir'" u tatLondon are the *u wet:, of Mrs. Win• 'National Brand at the Exeter Fall Fair, on auras- g Parsons. . Taylor's, last week, du Y -A great number from our vil- Yrces low enough t0 suit -Dr, Fergusonhas purchased •n g lege in the exhibition at Exet- Cudinore, of Seatorth, paying a goon u figure. zo round. -Messrs. Roadhouse, Hazelwood, and \4 r, ]crown attended .the funeral of the late 'Benjamin Roadhouse, at Stratford; last week, urday evening for Goderich, where 141r. J. C. Tufts is. bolding an aur she will attend the Model School, tion sale of property and house hold _Mz, aiid Mrs. G. ye. Ilolmau and effects, Thursday, prior to_leaving daughters, of Seaford: visited at for the West Mr:.Thines llandlorri's an Sunday everybody.. 'beautiful driving mare from Mr. W. legotz Tuesday last 1 -.Be', Ms. -Henderson, of Gredtton.'s. will occupy the pulpit, both nsorn'n„' and evening next Sunday. -Miss folly Windsor lift on Sat • le icl c� � d J. � b The petition against the election of Mr. A, A. Mahaffy, M. P. P. for eluskoka was dismissed with costs. The ;trustees of the rural ,school districts of Wolseley, Assa., are call- ing for tenders for the, conveyance of children of that school to• and school intermediate :from the Baldur This is ,the. first step towards the centralization of the schools in the, west and the issue will be watched with considerable interest. •x. t.. ha THE -- ank ofCanada occupied the pulpit of the Metho- church o Sabbath the yn He is also gvip(7 a grand sermon. 1:I visiting its mother a i '� o vicinity. -The "Model Sunday School Meeting," held in the Metho- dist ohurcle onSundaylast was very Yafincbelsea Winchelsea Creamery rias - .d the first prize a. for their odd - P bki ,of creamery butter, at t'hta',Vc-- n Fair, London. ASO at Exeter, ring to very high Mark over at rempct !tors. Cromarty The death accurrt•,dt Sunday art St. Joseph's hospital, Loudon. of :' rs. .T an ]B' o t ora, or Cromarty, aged 32 years. r, ,a , ilea#li was ti Yduo t YP ii. hit] fever. The remains were taken to her late -home, fronr.'wYhere the in- terment n- ter m e t, t m n look ' place. 1. c. Sexsmith -Mr. R. .Lee. J al is sportiut*, a fine new driving horse. -quite a number :front here at- tended theLondon Fair last week. -Miss Cecelia Geddes, of London is ,at present` visitini her brother, Ite.re, Miss Lucy Toung, of Crediton and Miss 'Pearl bestir, of "Sharon, spent i .-t nd t • inti, with I r w 1 .re 5 t n ads here. Miss ].dna l'inclrarn, who has been visiting at Mr. jaws O'Brien's' returned to Ler home in London,.' a few days ago. ..'\'ire are glad to note that Mrs. John Gould, who had the misfor- tune c f t break her ; r e t m a short Hine. t nrd' ago, is improving,. • -Mr. and Ors. J. friends Walkonr, 0'f ,last. Dungannon, called on. village, talo latter part of last wveek -Miss Lillian Elliott returned while walking along the street, and g see the again. le sed to s m < All were a a n -M1 Herbert Roadhouse, of To- ronto, is visiting his brothel and sis- ter, Mrs. W. Brown, and other fri-, ends in 111e neighborhood during this week. Huron Why don't you.try Carter's Little .1 Liver Pil:l',? They are it positive cure for wick Headache and all the ills pro- duced by disordered ilver, Only one pill a dose. 'The voting on the Electric Light by -lawwl of Se tford), took place on Monday, with the. result •of three of a majority for the purchase of the plant. :d67 votes were polled out of possibly 450, w: ho were entitled to vote. If there ever' was a specific for any one •complaint then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick headache and every woman should know this, Only one p111 a dose. Try them. miss Ella Sproat,,,,the young dau- ghter of Mr, laugh Chcsncy, of E- 1lrondvillc, stelaiilled on a• rusty rail, Moine Thursday evt.11111 _, ,iftcr:a ple- asant VISIt -with friends in Toronto and Hamilton. -Mr. 'John Foster and wife will i leave. on a. there months' .visit to friends in the Old. Country on lila 6th of October. We wish them a safe �anil pleasant voyage. P. Geo. Balfour, of: Ingersoll, Elintville -141.1, Gecr one of �thoc judges oncattleat the Mitchell Pair, .oil Wednesday. —Mrs. Jas, Heywood ]las (he ty- phoid fever, but we are glad to say it is of a. Mild forst and sale is„et- ting along . nioely. '�'C Andrew acted as the nail penetrated the sole of her m ' 'r 11 h her shoe and wen( clear t}1. 0 l ala •an w 1 foot, : inflicting ax very painful wvound. Derangement of the liver with constipation, injures the complexion inclucc pimples, sallow skin Re- move. the cause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. try them. ality Count we should get it. .nerat Directors. t- 444.4 ! •i1` + or n on he Times. her form r last week. 1 h`,l and t+* n ) .euun, spent +tanda; t5'vs Northeou en ir. I Ja aliel :and daughter, lairs. 1 Sate, def llaa batik on. ere visiting $ It d n 1 i•. Josiah Kestle, a i>r l t r .rd^tit xved boas died viisitr'] rte lis f is art d a 1 t'° an S i,atford< Thursday rite.• very. l London. W ads a ilei: School Board T roceedings Sazltt, 1:ah, meeting held] in town! ]]silt, cthsent J. Evans. TJte following Poi o ni is titin rder o t t t; o E In 1)usinrss duly submitted and aapprov- ],ter chair, mini -lies of regular and .` 2 •stet;" sessions c eti ] d xlx;- , 1 of 11tIa a ..fain tlteports o1 (ontmi tes.-- and Sanitary, thar-t the required painting to outhouses and cleaning oft ws11 ha 1 been tiono satisfactorily Repairs t chimneys had been tiled: anti six etas, cel • irid:d repainted to o , bozu au t d szndl ltl iced in good condition for tine cur - year z-citt d that four loadsof Wood, la fa rafts had been secured at; s1.50 per loaI, also 10 1.2 cords at $e3.(,U , l er lTr, O Brien that two ,w d.�- z 1 t''ri'it!rs and tWO 11181 ruetal's wer ' re - Perf r a tlitvitlt. W. Carling 11.Boston Ten J. C, rl its and u _rota chit Mr, O'Brien procure the in- •truction books desired. Per Jr. Ruston and G. Eacrett, that S. Martin, 'Mr. O'Brien and the Secretory be committee to purch- ase typewriters. Per S. Martin and W. T. Carling, i it the monthly feu for ..alar o t• wliewr.iter be fifty cents. Per 11. Huston and S Martin, that etnzntntencing with the ensuin,; term the regular tuition fees be charged 111 pupils in attendance ovrr one year. Per S. Martin and W. J. Carling, * g t lilt the I;hirci endorse suggestion oZ a suitable motto' and crest for the school but defer action until such motto and crest be voted on by the pre:tident subject to the approval of she teachers.: er $ '4 'lr i and \V .I, t i , ri Carling Jilt on ing to the full a, endance in a he Commercial Department, further applications be reteredl-to the prin- rips]. 1.>er \\. J. Carlin, and S. Martini that tIte following accounts be ap- proved ;--Telephone, 25e; Bengou ;h t and Miller, wood, $31.50; scrubbing, t S, Fanson, $14.00 ; E. Jory, rails, $14 Ise 11. in ze • faliltingan ca o �• , U a s , 1 au 1., rnin�. $5.75, Per \V, J C:irlinr, adjournment. J. G11IGG, Secy. Cli Beirathe The Kind ref MWIys Bought Signature Another young life was closed, mil `.thurstlp1 Sept', t3, in the city of Ilam -I hien. Wer fel to the death of'Lecn- OFb'ICE... MONTREAL, b ih lith ' st:' -The C. 0. C. F. ww•i;l aticud div111e arc1, the youngest: son of Josiah Tr-- ., IihAD � . dls� n S b in. .and. all mC1n1ro1•s: aro requested (ling into res nheee,'bcin 17 Scars, CAPITAL (all paid up) . • 556 coo 000 00 the z ' l,v n. In. is he second son '.Sir. Irwwin has l0 t 1 , , . , • , , I 111.`1• \\'a.ttcr ']tern v. a� c;lected to by deal l;li wit a year, and under • • $,�59 lead circumstances. .About a. stunt h the .office of Recorder of the -C. O. service en Suncbl Oef.. `_11a al 1.0 a. win, o` Clinton, who was justbud- . • • • 1' tl n1 i t there m to mt.et_ at; the Lodge room, at 9.45 .} months ;taut lour -days old. This T FSERVE •• • 4444 . . ; 3,2ao,o SURPLIS PROFITS.. THOS _FYSHE, • General Manager :95 Branches in Canada F. F. $EBDEN, Superintendent _ _._ bydele�'ates .from C. F. on Th tday Cve.l.nrl,� lase, Mr. ago, Loonrtid, who was employed 1es largely l attended, various Sunda Schools through Wm• Mainers having resigned, owing' avith the Stanley :Mills Co., of�lllatee Maio vt1 y •' t and olhcr persons �I.o the inconvoniencc foie ilii. to at- :ilt.on, wvas home on ra visit, and al out the district P { vin t o 'F.; utt I pbilled , t h nl a ds 'n his throat SAVINGS BANK allowed on Savings ble current rates g Interest atmos]: favors I Accounts and Deposit osit Receipts. Bank Accou p f' Farmers and Cattle- men, attention given to the. business o, nen, to whom loans are made on approved names, Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the world, GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED A CREDITON ; BRANCH W. S.-CHISHOLM, Manager. interested in Sunday Se`hool work. tend since moving -' o e glands n r Some 527 officers, teachers and dale- a being eras.)ged. lie was put under:'. 11(11 irl. :11011 ,aff.t' l�e,turning to the: gates and others ;rithercd y, a>rid after ilcai:iug• for some Hensen the church to bels the best. .method time bis 1n •ilical advisers I ecoln of .conducting a Sunday School; awl, ,4: • 1' f. the G. .T. Sutherland, p mended ithe remov,t o glands, the i:ca.ching of the various elassps stench had �oecolne tuberculous. IIe Legal t 4 NotaryPublic Convu an eec. Commissioner, File encturanco Agent, and Issurer of Marriage Licenses. ego documents carefully drawn••at reasonable rates. Money to loan on seal estate at low rates of interest. submitted to the operation, which rave ]mitt: temporary 1 slier, tee yeeee• CASTOR()13id e at he Post Office Hens;wll man succumbin to the disease ten] •- W Rev. J. . T?ohert'y .teem I+Iz•• clays after. lit wens buried ill Clin For Infants and Children. I.owwre's wvork 1n, Winhll,tim, on aur, -ten .ccalletery. Tlin Kind You Have Aiwa s Bought Bears the Signature of day last. iraarvest Thanksgivtu ti '-000(085Ci A.aa�"d 9L' C) , X ii.. were heli] here hist c�,,unda,l^ in canner The Kind Yen Have Always Bought tion with Si Pas, eltlroh. Rev.]loar1, 0 � 6 Mr. Lowve; 0 - \xlin'•ham, b liver'ea ` „,e ig ofxre ,! Very thouglllful and lrelpfui soirnons l of •,* 1 you want GOOD ?I6KLLS Buy yourSialees at lowers I)ru • teals. Pry3e� I?i ��i"1 it tard Seed black . tr k and ],.]tits. ery Seed, Turmeric, Currie Powder is white,black b cka dr I” and ed Pepper A d: tee, Ginger, Clover:, Mace, Cintxa-' etc. -• y rings and Corks, all stmts. DRAG STORE o South South of ]tier Office W.. S. O Y . d`he a,nist, and tapt1.' .'1, now.a,*am Meriofwa. ween ownwa+g.+porA000" .,,�x a.n. 'Your Steady .n. -e a The supplying a Tour every -day needs -is what we are working for. To get;it we make the best ,,hods using the highest grades of everything --.and then ask for a trial. Then if you are pleased you come again -and if we keep you pleased you keep cominb. Thea you are a steady customer. Then we are glad. Try Statham's Ice Cream and Cool Sparkling drinks ,. W. J. STATHAM Successor to 3. T. O'Brien. O'Brill's Gro6twu 1Prevethick's Old Stand) We have just opened our new Flour Feed and StoYe in W, Trevethick`s Old Stand and one of the principal features about our store is that everything is fresh and clean. Sugars, Teas Coffees eSpices es � In fact everything that goes to make an up -to date grocery store. Flour and Feed. aalu•ays on band. We deliver to any part of the town., eel•Give us a call. O'Brien' s Grocery, Exeter TUINS International Stock - .Food 25 lb. pails 3.50, Packages 25c, 50c,$1.00 Just received rent ofInternational Remedies. big shipment ,.mow azar-errse Hollywood Paint In Paste or Ready Mixed Try a c 'n and be convinced that it isa little better than what you have been using zand c er can Y �, 5, 25 45 P Samson Portland Cement Just received another car of this old reliable Cetnent,our prtees he same asother brands arct,, kIARi3WAR slid§Stove Store P. S, ---Good Scranton Coal at 87.00 is cheaper than. secend grade Coal at $6.25. Don't be, humbug od.