HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-15, Page 8,ILX ET EA
'Just a word
llt o.
to write
much oan
add this eek—Fall stock all oomplote, we are ready for the
"g s1 kind of big. fall fair business. New Dress Goads,
new' Mantles, New Millinery, new Rails. Goats, new Ready -
to Wear Suits for men and boys, }, new Boots & Shoes for
xi -ten and womein, all its and ready for you. Come in and sea>
the splendid values we#die offering.
sh. Litaoleurn 4 yards wide floral, block or scroll de -
latest effects,regular value 2 5o, our bargain price
at a t„reg
Ladies' ti•ds new plaid laid lined Rain Coat dark grey' cloth, fancy WV,
tary cape only 3*$O
Ladies' new nail
bargain $4.00*
Ladies Dark Grey Cravenette Rain Coats, rtes'
swell double capes, new sleeves, very sYe $5x"
in •Coa
plaid lin
double cape
SEPTEMBER lath 1904.
is taking a course ha the Millinery ega-t Fall
Dress Goods
rooms o€ Snell Bowe.
Miss Alda' t In ,
insect our stock of black and colored fabrics and
Come n P ,
\ ve import-
edsome idea of the immense range of elegant cloths vc P
ed for fall. Few stores can show you anything like the variety and
e;ertainly few stores can offer you anythine like as good values,
+c q Rt
y / } to
f ' i { Dross Goods ^ dClf3
Miss Mary lielaburix, of Ceutralia,
.. l sdale of feippen,
visited Mende in Exeter enol Eden,.
the fore part of this week.
Miss Pearl Levitt, of Grand }lend
was the guest of Miss .Flossie Jecl;-
ell. a few days of last week.
Miss Aurelia Oke,. who lies siseot
= ,.,.
n n
' 11 f
vitt 5"• 1 t
9 month. h nest iln
oxk,, returns horse titre wwa't'k
Caere in and see on • b• auti:ell hand'
1,Unted Uoheinlan Water sets.
Chariton's Pair
Mr. R. Snell. Of the firm 'af Sna•ll
we evaa Off ,duty this weak. being
confined to lois room through Aloes*.
Geo, J. Sutherland, of Boise%
visited Exeter 'Thursday, in Gormally
with Mr. Woe. Bonthron, of Chicano.
Miss . • Elsie '-_1feGailU U left on
Tuesday for London where she will
attend the Normal School for the
present term,
Miss Anne'Sandeis. after a week's
visit Frith friends in Hamilton, Eur•-
iington rand Toronto, retwnrnrd item'
S;tturday evening..
Mr. Neilson, tt•lao has been on as
rlillitary Gut aAa;tent!'d visit iv tris old home in
]tart]] gip: nt part e of task
h his friend .firs. S. Thorne.
Two very special fnes in new black Dress Go
Pebble Voiles, bright hard finish the choicest and most effee
grinds we have ever shown for the price, 8,5e and St .00.
is lined underwear, the snal t ,of tle
fluffy lining, the s
s whispered hi polttical circles
el etion• for the Dominion
ateel foe Noy' -caber nsext, The
nei11.else, oire coming off ia.
ebruwry 19e5.
'Mrs. E. Elliott having
enseheld property anti
Titeedey morning for 'retread
her daugher. Miss Olive, wi
the :study of Music.
T.'.itega-twit awl Miss A3inie
li. of Philadelphia, 1'. S.. ae
icdby t week art re, ;uests1Q
White. alld family:
`at dour. 'Note is the tim
. a. aa. stir of choice lieu
tla best 1eroatrxawheat.
Star Flour.
To relieve tiret7, sore and perspir'M
ing feet we 11ave iu stock Food Flan,
FootoEasee.^Foottait Ciomfort.. are ah,a ein eG
utz. Central Drug• Store. Exotex'.
Black Mohair Gorde.de (pine, ]sure 4 Fancy Cheviot Novelty weave soft
rich to aek with glossy lustrous ;inieh pure yawl, in brown, navy and green.
one of the prettiest materials foe ]suits " 44 in wide per yard &le, $1 00,
and eeperaate skirts. does not crease. a l~ ariey Suiting, fiaie wret ve, .sllwgoth'
d u, wade, per Yard' . ;?r, l,ilE3 *l,aa. a
i , p d fxiirsd. woa:^;tel ,yarn, l}> etty^ tot' tan.iror-
i}laek all wool Satin Cloth. snllrg; ed gown s, assorted dark colors, 44 in.
finish, bright, sweetie weave superior ; wide, 75e, a yard,
wearing cloth, 44 ru. wide, per yard Valle)? Tweed Suiting km fall and75c, Vic: ma, Valle)? with mohair knopp iri browvra.
Black Canvas cloth, i:oa se oe n ed-, grey, bine and green very pretty-, 41
mesh. fashionable fabric for shirt? in wide, special 75e, a Yard.
waist suits, 41 in wide, per yard ego, a ,fancy Hop Sack Suiting mixed
UodS1I31ae:k ,2h Iinnpei ]colorings stylist► for tailored suits.
last Serge, are wool, t, dark shades d« and :rl in wide, special
guaranteed not to shyi
, 1'ng or spot, per yard. 50e, 75e,
good wearer and seylisln, gS iii. wide l plain Canvas Suit.inge. splendid
:1;17Iva:it '$1.f30, sr i{tiring r#at "er a1s in Drage n, it wy, attd
('.loll], cxtr. 11th. dant tin r'gr'ean; eery' popnlali , -td in. wide, 'pet
f o
x,r =` JQ'
S ill
i rd. l?
"s . trrtan
,A tl r.
style 1n ,
per yard $l,rii}. Fancy mixtures. two oared, rough
Mack Rep Sack. Sate finish, sup. and .smooth weave, made from pure
erior dye, heavy weight, t• ht, 4t in wide Worsted battle. assortr'fl colorings iu
spedalal per yard 4'9e. a dart: slt,e'c'lee, 46 in wide, per yard Tae,
4*04t?*040004•440404004404N 444400004004440440444044•♦
p4Q eg4rDp44d e0ilN444P4404,, 44444040+44404444044440044
likely to be exactly what
hat you do now ill the way of SAV -
ay, and very probably will, deter-
mine %visa] bring
tltt* fazf nzre mall ' you. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT is
a great helper, as tiro f"allozving table, giv1zag the result of five years
wing, will s3o1v ;
would be
•..,.. •,
. the y
ear first '
i rag a week.
.qza a week the second year would be .. ,
4.03 a week the third• year would be, ..... ,
.lass zi week the fourth year would be
32oo a week thefifthyear would be
Total.... .. .. . f . y ,
. 52.00
.., SI1092000
And this does not include
: the accumulation of interest.
-wish to take adva.nta a of the above call and open an account with
this Bank.
It's Not What You Earn but What You Save tha
Makes You Rich.
We are ahs glad to explain and make all trans>4ct rtes clear
t o our patrons.
Thi Sovoroign Bank of Canada
Want to Corea to Californiaa*-
t'rritc for our plans wlloreby you,
de this at no cost tc1 )youtrsei't
ltt. Hamilton Land and Oil Co.. 110
Porter Building. San 3ase, Carl.. G.
S. A.
a'lrle t
Branches iu Duron County at
Crediton Dashwood Hensel! Zurich Clinton
F. E. Ii;ARN
efanagor, Exeter, Tr neh
For Marriage Menses,
'Wedding Rings,
Watches, Clock*
SpestrtC14aas to
Watch Repairing a Specialty'.
. nrgeop, t3aulis
'.? .,1 alis •ta
and That
a13t Ear, Nose
visits Exeter :monthly.
Glasses Properly Fitted
Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Office
COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Dates ot Oct. 5.
Nov 2, Nov. 53. London office 225 Queens Ave.
General Selling Agent for
0.P. R. Lands
Any persons, farmers or others,
who contemplate purchasing lands
in Manitoba or the North-west Ter-
ritories will find it to their ad-
-vantage to call on me, as I have
recently been appointed general sel-
ling agent for all C. 1'. R. and C. N.
W. Land Co's lands. Prices range
from $8.50 per acre and upwards.
Persons who settle on C. P. R.
44440444 ►040Q44♦
Read Popplestone .& Gardiners ad.
an page 5.
Scarletfever has again broken out
n several homes.
See the north window, any article
foam 25o, Chariton's Fair.
We make a specialty of watch and
clock repairing. D. Hartleib.
Mrs, Moore, Exeter North, is still
very low suffering from cancer.
Mrs, (Rev.) Godwin is• spending a
few days in London this -week.
Miss Bessie Welsh, of London, is
home on a few weeks visit.
]Yir. Jackson spent a few days of
s e
last week wvithn London.
riends i n.
f o
See how the Sovereign Bank can
assist you, in their ad. last page:
David. Wynn returned Saturday
from a week's visit to Toronto.
W. P. Sanders spent last week in.
Toronto, combining business with
Mr. W. T. H awkshaw spent Mon-
day with his father, Mr. Sohn hawk,
Miss Vera Hawkshaw resumes her
millinery position at Milverton this
being made in tlrs
]works which wa
Aer to turn out 15+
without neer+
n, The presen
es 1,024 barrels a day,
n ear) Y t3;ite will in all prt}babit-
see ak lrrtnriob of the ,Soverlon'
established at GodcrrehThe
direotors have it nnulnerone rem
guests for the -est•eblishnanent of .t
1rr. sit there and it will likely come
Wanted: -l' our eltousnnd five Wan-
ed dollars at 4 14 per cent. mese,
Gurity of Mortgage
tarnn property}, valuer] at $$,OOQ',tor
a term of years. Per further par -
'cellars apply alt this office.
assn►oaeeaa+ 000 +x4.44.4.
While Millet- '►
I' the
attending .rte iti
11, ilii g'
ery openings at Spacknitin's Mon
day and Tuesday next, don't 4.
e foil to see their stook of 3aaeke
4 ets and ready -mad; Skirts.
Mr, harry Dillon las purchased a
fine young Short -Horn .Bull call
from Jolinn • Elder. This young buil
ie but nine months old and bids ' fair
to be something good, as he is of the
low set, thick blocky type and el -
of good breeding.
Miss Julia Smith while visiting her
sister at Mensal], lost week, had
the misfortune to trip over a era-
quet hoop on the lawn and in fall-
alling sustained at painful fracture of
her arm.. TIM inured member is
now doing faavarabl7
Ilev. IL W. Locke, of Leamnington,
a former pastor of the Main street
Methodist church called on old fri-
ends here on Saturday last. Mr.
Locke took the Sundey services in
connection with the Empress Ave.
Methodist church, London .
Mrs. J. .G. Stanbury returned home
on Monday from a pleasvisit
'with friends in Whitby .and Toronto
She was aecompanied home by her
mother 1.trs. (Dr.) Eastwood, of
Whitby, who will remain here for
some time.
Mr. Robert Knight, who ,has been
Suffering for some weeks past from.
stomach trouble left on Tuesday
morning for Toronto, accompanied
.by• r
himself under the
care of a. specialist
in hopes that co cure may he effected.
The heaviest attendance• recorded
any month since the World's. Fair.
opened will be recorded for August,
2,702,772 havi sed the
turnstiles in 24 goyas
s. The three.
other days to be computed will make
the record for the nl.onth about
three million.
Alex. Marshall, of Hamilton, is on
a few day -'s visit with friends in and
around Exeter.
Mr. A. E .Stewart, of the Seaforth
lands; within one year .after puj- t Milling Co., was in Exeter, on Sat-
chase have ten years in wvhioh to urday last.
pap -for such lauds. Rev, E. Searles, preached in Caven
For further particulars appy; to Presbyterian church, on Sunday
morning last.
R. E. PICKARD, Exeter.
Or at. theI'IVIES" office.
tae copy for changes must be Deft
not later than Tuesday noon, Casual
advostisementp accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week.
Time' man who thinksand iete is
master of the than who only, thinks.
So ,think and act and order Harvey's
Star ;flog• beforeyob. lose all your
oast diners.
Miss Flora Petty, of Hensall spent
Sa.turda.y in town, the guest of Miss
Dora Trott
Moirday and Tuesday next in the
date of the South Huron Fall Fair
in Exeter, -
Miss Eva Godwin returned on Tu-
esday, to resurne her studies at Alma
College, St. Thomas.
Miss Westland, of Wyoming, is vis-
iting friends in town, the .guest of
Miss Edith.Ilyndinan.
Miss Gertie Sheers spent a few
days of this week wvieh the Misses
•Ilepburn, at Centralia.
Mr. W. C Huston 'returned last
week from 'Toronto where lie has
been attending the school of em
Rens to the fail are cordially invited to call and inspect rslri'
itvritdisplay of Dress. Goods:,. Fancy Div Goods, Reaady. 5la4i
nuirra. Boots, Shoes, pure, Alillinory. DtaantJe - Our Ftore is foil or good.
cgs to €ee and we will.lae pleased to show yen through, whether yon
ttfinery opening, Friday and
aturday, September 16th and 17th
ereign Shoes
are the standard of 'd
Comfort and
Grenite Cloths llopsacking
n black, blue, green and bbrownBiue, brown and black
ac g
Tweed Effects
all the leading mixed colors Ilack,blue,brown,green and fawn
Ne have a v. seil nice...
range tsf good
asslrtmett to 'choose e
French ser eshrenclT,llffen, made ot good Broadcloths
cheviots ts and
ith same or silk strappings and
buttons and beautiful cording
d stitching.
ids Ready=to=Wear Skirts
French Flannels, Lustrea# arid.
De Cheney all in very' natty pat.
terns and the tat we$$t colors.
We p,ay.
;guest price
awl (igg
+ •a640604♦40000G•0+44000► 40,444 ,4.444+44.*oo**1*I0
444,4,44iet4!a0044444404l44004 *0004**4400444m04Q00N4444
S'uliscribe for
Mrs, Fred Hart
t the bedside of
,Imes Moore. s
Mr. heat. 'Microns lsas ta;
osition.:as tairtender ani fire (Jo
ial Hotel.
s EvelynGill, nurse aat Toledo,
spending a vacaation under
ntat root,
Ft' eio 1a
rt co
,s x
1or rite
cr duties at the ]tarsi]-
1 much itupro d i
oetanl, The puri]]
itton' the auspice
1 ahcnded
11, oeoupaed
0eoti,ens were
uratic a1 iw Telles '1,anv :TOW. Miss
d Miss Eva
n,l?iaina .:ateelotions w res
try ltlis iiva Godwin, reading
Murray alrd
wing Susi
ng featurs
1 very RI-
, Louis'
World's pair, given by Rev. W. it
Cooper of Fdimvllle, who in as
brief time as possible carried his
teams ibroil git -ill, different ex
Wills as be %den ed them, while on a
scent visit o that city. Several
dons were rendered by Mr
Earl Browning on his Edison
gramaphone, ,After the pr;ogr iru a
bountiful supply* of pumpkin pie
and other refreshment
weree served
Proceeds amounting to ,$13.00.
Death of. ;1Lrs. Willis,—Tint mews of
the death on Tuesday night last of
Mrs. Thos. Willis, was learned with
en Dos
Visitors tta tli a fair on Monday and
Tuesday next should not fail to see
Hawkins & Sons fine display of stav-
A Tear's Advertising. — Entirely
through advertising' in the leading
newspapers, a 'real estate company
of Chicago, sold in one year 25,000
lots at a Michigan summer , resort,
The manager says ; "We found that
every class of buyers, including the
men of larges` means, can be rea-
checl through the newspaper better
than by any 'other means.°' Isyour
ad. in the Times?
Properly' Changes.- The brick
house .on Andrew street occupied by
Mr. Jas. 'Russell has been .gold by the
owner, Mrs. J. Abbott, London, to
Mr. Connor, of Chiselhurst. Mr.
Connor expects to move into town
shortly. Mrs, Elliott, on Saturday
last sold bar brick residence on Main
street to Mr. John Pedlar., of "Ste-
phen, price paid being $1500 who af-
terwards leased it to Mr, E. Horne,
of the Sovereign l3annk, who will
move his mother and sister here
from Stratford;
AN Ono Arran Watt.-Txrzan Rzaaany.—Mrs
Winslow'sSoothing Syrep hag been, used for
over sixty; years by millions of mothers for their
children while teething. with perfect success
It soothes the child, softens the gums,allays all
pain. cures wind colic. and is the best remedy
for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents ac bottle. Its value is incalculable. 13e'
sure and take arre Wthiilow's Soothing
Spann and ask for no other kind.
lir. Feet 1 13, 'l'aallamy, : after a
M ig -
R eine r,lr $
i. a►'t31 his co
to r
n'vit i r
s, nt
Wiiisneit atoll Blanche Smith, has
et tune to ti's hone:', . Plainfield,
New jersey.
Rev. Dr. Hannon returned home
n Monday, after a very pleasant vis
of two months through the
Northwest Territories. his principal
point 'feeing prince Albert. Ile will
]tike his osvn pulpit work next Sun-
day, deep regret by : her many friends
Word lras been riroeivea from Mr. Mrs, Willis bad enjoyed her t sinal
Samuel Smith, who was _called to goad 12001112 u1ni it about a w°.'/"' Cleveland last week owing to the 111 vious whenshe complained ,at being
Hass from typhoid fever of his sac, slightly indisposcel. On rrians.
apirlmist`, A re2'y i
the programme n
via description of th
rniture and
g the summer months eve will give
per cert, off +r all cash sales.
eacticable Embnituar. Opera House :Floc
James, that there is now strong px c d * 1 eC a 111?ler dead] :she Waal tour_
hopes held out for his recovery..
Coyne one! Come all? to the Opera.
Ouse on Fair night, Tuesduy,Sept,
;0th, and hear a good concert-
-Tal-ent, Will McLeod, the popular bari-
tone, And comedian, Mrs. nrrravee,
polled to take her bell and the na-
ture 'of the trouble enanifesting it-
Iself more, until slle lapsed into a
state -of unconsciousness from which
d, 'eI she never rallied„ passing peacefully
to her rest at the time above stated`
soprano aole+irik, of Sea -forth, hemorrhage of the brain being the
selections; inelocution by Mise immediate eauso of death. She was
Mildred Godwin, Popular prices. . a native .ot England, coming from
1 W. C, T 11,. Convention.—Tho ariii, Cardiff to Canada, when vory ydung
nual county convention of the W. 0, and setteld with her parents in the
will be held in Temperance Hall township of Stephen, where she
Godcrich ,on Tuesday and Wednes made her home until about sixteen,
day Sept, 20th and 21st. Mesdames tears when she moved with her hus-
Trooper, Murray, Blasdcll, and I3lat- band to Exeter and has evor since
chford have been appointed delegat- resided here. }ler maiden, name was
es from. the branch of the Union Mary Ann Smith. She was born in
.L . C. andbabe,ofCleve-
land, Ohio, arrived here on Tuesday
of last week for a visit at the home
of , her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert. Exeter North, •a sorrowing husband she is survived
A sh'ime after tllax-- 12y a groti<-1i-up fancily of .three :dao
rival: theort }ittle, babe sickoirened ghters—John and James of the town
the year 1843. Mrs. -Willis was
of a kind disposition, a good wife
and mother, whose heart: was in her
household on.d • by her -death many
have been brought to grief. Besides
and ',gradually became worse, until
it passed away on Sunday last at the
age of six 'weeks.
The .electerioal storm accompanied
by a heavy.dowvnl:our of rain on Sun-
day ,evening last just at the
hour of the evening service was•the
means of a very slim attendance at.
the several churches
ship of Stephen Thomas, of Contra -
Hee Mrs. James Etherington, of pts -
borne; Miss Lizzie at ]some and Mrs.
C. 1:'. Luxton, • of South bend, Ind.
with The sympathy qf. al the ber-
caved family. The funeral took
place " to theExetercemetery on
Thursday last at 2,30 o'clock.
Order Your Coal Now. -Up goes
hogsdown es
the -price t o
f a h
Price of coal. Having bought afety Wo again 2cmina our 777 readers of
cars •of hard. Gaal at a price on the xeter allow, 10 be held oxide
dollar, I am prepared to fill all the auspices sot the' South Huron and
orders while it lasts at $6.25 Per Stephen
orpdan and and Tusborne esday next,
eon the
ton. First come, first .served. Place splendid ..grounds of the latter so-
your order of once for as soon as cat This show l ros ni'ses to be
this supply is done you will have to 3
pay more money. Orders left 'at the> among the }lest ever held here. The
office of A. Q. Bobier., ,will be prize list is amost liberal and varied'
nronnptly attended to. -33. Parsons. ono ., i here wvmenc for both old and cheap parcel - system through youngind, Al)' entriilles t•o.ber the' indoor
and • ananse
'the postotfice would be a boon to the department ',must be Ina de before 12.
country, and relieve the public from o'clock on Monday, and for telco
1 Diree
mght for the convert ience of those
in town -who 'neje not lie able o t -
tend ih the. day .1 iine, There is al-
ways a large enema at Exeter show
and ,this year it ia lioped the at:tend-
t en clan ce wilt be la;i:t.t r than ever
1a 0440444444444444444,.400
I— 'How is your flour
trade? Goods"
II—`.then you ]oust handle
Harvey's Star Flour."
I -- pct's II sold the country Y
IV—"We don't think there is
anything we handle that
helps our trade like that
Star flour."
. t
llUea good dw
foi the flour and feed trade
of our country when, they
learn to use Harvey Bros.
Star flour entirely.'?
♦0om0ee0 +ooeoso4e o4o
0 '4
• In Western Ontario••
* This popular institution has an
6 excellent reputation for strictly
high grade work. Our` graduates <;-
0 are in great demand. Ester thiS
month if possible, MagniAcent
a. catalogue free. •
W, 3.' ELLIOTT, Ipeineipais
Please examine the date on your
label and if not correct kindly let
us know and m e will make the alter-
The demand for Varierlioof's cele-
brated 3 emedies is rapidly increas-
ing. `thee consist of Rheumatic
Cure, °patine SuplAsit cries, Vigor
of Life, Compound Antiseptic
Powder, Tonic and Vitalizer, ston.-
a ch Tablet s, Cat arrh Cure, Ilea cl-
cite Cure, etc. -0. Lutz, Central
Drug Store, agett, Exeter.
To the
With a tonsignment of short le
Georaia Pine. it makes the
mosj'beautiful interior finish of,
any lumber on the market today.',
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
ever to supply our many custom
-with all they May' require either fr
shop or yards.
Bee Keepers Supplies ready
Place your Orders for Tanks ear
Estimates cheerfully given.
&KIWI in we like to see you.lzt
If You W
Good Pickle
Get Pure Fresh
Pickling Spice
Dim Eyes Made Brig
I can bring back to your eyes, weak-
ened with strain. a clear visiceo.-
natural ease and comfort of twenty
specialty of sight testing, and Use the
latest appliances for this impottant
work. Satisfaction goaranteed.
C-racluate of Canadian College
of Optics.