HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-15, Page 7ft......:.4-7,:-.1....T,..x.....,..x...."-:.,..:..:„0,0.04,..?, tif.. 1 0 .4 04 0? 1:0 0:0 0 * 0 :f• .Talk,... 0:0 0:11 1010" *4:0 0:4 0,10 0:0 0:00,10 40 4:41 4:0 0:0440 Or.* 0:0 01) 0:4110:•0)70,00111 Fashion FOR EARLY AUTUMN. Rich fabrics, 'Me laces, exquisite neelleworis and, above all, the skill of the tirtist in catting alai fonstainS are required for the uew anodes, which are clevelopmeots of the Direc- toire models, says Tile !Delineator for September. Self trimmings are very leech iri evidence in all fashionable 17104rolies. Tucks, plaits, shirrings, and puffs are introduced on waists, alsirts end sleeves in scenting con- fusion, and very effective, too, are these orearneotal feature's ixt tbe soft, Pliable Inaterials thet are SO urea. used'. Skirts are extremely varied as to style. width and lerigth. Their width "vows, especially around the bottom.*Little wraps made of every materiel that is modish are worn. The ewest wrap is at uovel affair showing a seraiefftted cape forming sleeves .not unlike the kimono, The blouse continues to hold its own, in spite of chaegieg styles eed con- tinual prophecies that its. day le evauieg. Tb e dressieet of these ger- ments are termed 'luncheon" or "matinee" blouees end are particul- arly suited to semi -formal oceeeions. The softest silks are fashionebie for these 'dressy bloeses, 811„Ch ea taffeta. havieg A. silvery elmere an4. soft weave, or erepe-finielied silks in pale eelors, the dark slides being need for blouees to accompany the street costume, of voile, cloth or milted stuffs, ror between -season hate, those 01 straw braide, and also those of tulle and lam are seasonable as to the eliapes„ Aithou,gli there are Melvin- erable large bats, the small one is, perhaps, smarter. There are Many veriations upon the trieorne and Ole turben with the projeetiag front, but there are oleo any number of email - brine, lints. 1,Ints ef mixed braid. eliewing svel aniong the dull shades of blue, areeo or brown, and eVen black., 114Ve a sieggystion of autumn. These tare usually ut the tarban or entall eailor siape and are rather simply trimmed, The Directoire hat •with Lt e moping bird of paradise feather has returned to favor. Fruit trimmings will inforn the late einuiner at, anti among these there is 110110 more effective than ber- ries, which are frequently seen in many elweles of light bluemauves atid green eluvered together uport one hat. Flowers, too, will trim the betweeneieasoe bat. Eesiecielly smart . are the loses and other blossoms lirir..r .that, shade from the deep broWit tlfrough tans, orange and yellow. Os- trieli plinnee in white, black and green and in shaded effecte are a populaer though expensive trimming Olathe dressy' hate while for the se- iil4 vero Qr tailored headgear there „ are quills, wings and cockades to be used in tiesoelation with ribbon and velvet. Among the new millinery ornaments are those that show iridescent et- ferta-buckles, pins and eabochoes and beetles' Wings. A13001' GIRDLES. With the passing of the baggy blouse, and the taming of the smaller waist, the high girdle is inevitable. The girdle has been desigeed to give good lines to the slender figure. It is a higli crushed girdle, narrow at the sides, and graduating to a,point back and front. The girdle, for Which a pattern can be obtained, may be made of either soft silk, satin, or velvet. It - is dra,ped over a fitted foundation of crinoline, each seam of which is stif- fened with featherbone. In the direct front the girdle mea- sures seven inclies-five inches above the waist, and two inches below it. In the back it is six inches 1de-five inches above and one inch below the waist. A long buckle may decorate Ike front of the girdle, covering where it fastens, or it may be trim- med in front with little graduated bows. Girdles of plaited lace are also .a • /ad with the fashionable girl. They _leek charming indeed with an even- ing gown of soft silk or chiffon. A , lace like Cluny is generally used, and the painting is done with water col- ors. After the lace is painted, the colors are fixed with a solution of ammonia and the white of egg, which will prevent them from Fading. Of course, when the painted lace is tised for the liigh girdle, the foundation of the girdle is first covered with silk, and then the lace tightly drawn over it so that the painted design win -plainly show. " THE MATTER. OF FURS. Sable is first. Peesian lamb is f.ine. Big sleeves are SCCT1. T'ine rnink is a1wa3rs good. Snug sleeves are in tailory coats. Ermine tri.ms black baby lamb per- fectly. With the vogue of brown, scal will be "it'. Jaunty little, coats are witli or Without basques. Sable tails falling over yellow lace -a are beautiful. Either two or four buttons tee. eath side is enough on most coats. As a rule, trimming fur 'wit1i vel- vet of the same shade is a failure. Lace frills are in the big sleeves of one just arrived bolero of sable. la russet leather gilet is planned for the renovation of one F, ealskin. A coat sleeve in one seal' coat shows two gilt buttons on each plain Tight, or rather sting, .cuffs to the elbow distinguish the pull' sleeves of one fur blouse. Taupe is being made into pretty garments. It combines 7.vel1 ith iv- ory -White baby Iamb. ' A narrow band of ernbroiered white cloth xe need to bpseer the collar arse ravesse aeat. How Good Health Carae to lifira,1 0011111UNISfil IN CANADA YOUNG LADIES SliEtP ARE FEB ON .GOLD A. LUCKY WOMAN , STARTLING T.A.LZ TOL]) BY Desche A LONDON PAPER, sne After Menai Safferere'g, 1 C)S331;),ERRsil'n,TY 0;.11;13:1,-'%Ds°T13.1C17°- Death of Sheep Front the Anti podes Said to be Coated With Gold. The Loncloo Daily Mail poblislied the following remarkable storyi- Sornewleere ou the vast grazing piain of Australia er New Zealand farmers are feeding their flocks of sheep an pasture so auriferous that the very animals show traces of the outcrop of gold in their teeth. That, at least, seems to be the inference to be derived from evidence which comes not from the Antipodes in the noses of a, fresh "strike" of gold, but from that vast centre of teeming popula- tion in the East End of London known as Bethnal Green, In Ilethnal Oren sheep's heads are a luxury, even though they invariably are froze en imports from Australia. and New Zealand. To a loetlical an, Mr, R. G, Style, practising in the Romeo road, Beth, ual Green, is due the credit of mak- ing the discevery. A few 'days ago he was in the house of a friend, a member of the local Comma, evbee Fee picked lap the jaWb011e of a elteeP wiucla bad been picked eleen by the Councillor's dog. it Wee, only an idle net to tease the slog, but the doeter noticed a dull gleam of a bronze color on the teeth. ASSAITED AS GOLD. "Why, that looks like gold," he said, after examining tlie teeth close- ly, They glisteraed dully with a coat - Mg of metallic, substance which SI1000 411070 1.110 blackening caused by the saliva., The Ceencillor, who had enjoyed the sheep's bead for sup- per the previous naglit, was genially sceptical. But the doctor removed the teeth, which had been loosened by the dog, took them to his sur- gery and tested the deposit of coat- ing with aqua fortis. That gave the result AO Pare gClia• Next the teeth were taken to a jeweler. who scraped off the metal and submitted it to all tests knowu. The substance Was then guaranteed to be pure, fine gold. The place of origin of the Sheep's heed was easily traced -to a contin- ent, at any rate. ift was purelmeed C41 a 10Cal hatther, W110 bought it with many others in Smithfield Mar - Let. They bad come in a froeen state, from Austrella or New Zen - land. Even in Smithfield it is (M- oat to trace the exact country of origin, for the bends come over sep- arately from the frozen carcases and are collected team vast areas. • Other Aeolis" heads were purchased at random from Bethnal Green per- VqorS, Mal tome of them exhibited traces of gold deposit on the teeth in just the same way. They haul all arrived from the Antipodes. English' and Scottish sheens' heeds were ob- tained, but there Was no trace of any auriferous deposit, Dr. Style's theory is that smite - where in the Antipodes sheep are being graved on soil so rich in al- luvial gold that in. sheet -cropping the grates their teeth, by constantly coming in contatet with the outcrop, gradually receive a deposit of pare gold. EVER1.713013V 1301101IT. In its issue of the 1.0th inst. The Deily Mail says that as a result of its ammencement of the previous deer Bethnal Green woke to e, desperate longing- for Stamps' heads. It would have them at almost any price. The btetchers were astonished at ibis sud- 'den development of taste. "What's it all mean?" asked one petplexed meat purveyor, who, it turned out, shares with Mr. Balfour Ulm distinc- tion of not reading the papers. "I've clohe netliing but serve 'jimmies' all the morning," this being the affec- tionate diminutive of the sheep's head in circles where it is appreciat- ed. Another butcher waxed humorous. "Now, ladies." he shouted, "who says one of my gold-plated jimmies, guaranteed 18 -carat, and check -full of it?" Not only in I3ettinal Green. but in Old Ford, Hackney, Shore- ditch and Victoria Park there eves such a run on sheeps' heads that the Central Meat Market was rung up for new supplies. Round the stalls there, and in the cold -storage, groups could be seen all the morning. peer- ing anxiously into tree mouths of sheep for signs of a gold mine. Not all the teetlj showed traces of arty metallic • deposit, which, it is suggested by a mining expert from Australia, cotild not be gold, but is probably a discoloration of the en- amel, such as is sometimes seen in pearls. ASSAYER'S REPORT. • The gold' found in the teeth of the sbeep does not seem to be in paying quantities. It will not work out at anything like an ounce to the sheep, for instance, and the wool and the mutton will remain the most profit-. able parts of the animal. So much may be judged from the following letter from Messrs. Johnson, Mat- they & Co., Limited; of lietton Garden, the eminent assayers and melters to the Royal Mint and the Bank of England:-- , "Dear Sir, -Referring to the sheep's jaw which you left with us this morning, we have taken the teeth (weighing • 1961- grains) from the same, and Slave crushed and recluCed theni. "We find as a result that they con- tain traces of geld, but not in suf- ficient quantity to be weiglia.ble. "Yours etc • ".Tolinson, Matthey & Co., Ltd" This particular portion of jaw contained live or six teeth. and had, been picked clean by a dog, after which: for seeeral days it was in- spected and chipped at with knives by cUrfous people. The Emperor of Japan can trace riliS pedigree back in an unbroken line to the time of Nebuelitednezeer, 666 BO., esne, w e of a well known farmer at St. Loon le Taking to Modern. Ways -Trans- act Rosiness -Without Money. rand, Que., considers herself a lueky woman. And sbe has good cause as the following interview will she w: I was badly run, down and A speeial froin Winnipeg to the very nervous. Each day brought its Glebe draws attentioe to the pro - share cif household dutiesibut v ath s greea and prosperity of e Donklio- too weak to parte tera bors settled in the North-west. Their nerves were in 4 terrible con:MO.011.1care better ana further advauce I could not sleeP and pit zsts,s,o.e-Tisf ed auy is the same region. They ld woustartle me. medicines and tonic wines, but none are buying the most improved in- alT thepiemates and machinery. They now m helped me, In fact .1 was a 25 uorse-power „team pa,ego, continually growing eveM, and be- els engines „gawp treetion and four agglianin:to 0(laesePdgairy °al efrvie.41beca'ing" eltoll less then four saw mille, tiff of which monable maeldries„ and ne see me and etrengly attv sed me try Br' Will1"1 Pillk Fills" I arTobrer genus and energy is not etae Doukhobor engineers. eided to do BO, and it was not long betoro they began to bop me. er,itvici,txboluitt astityruelctuuorViedgeond inventive, gained in etrength from day to day; Without. of political my nerves becamescience whatever, and with nothing strong aiid quiet, and after using about a half 'dozen their "r41:4 baXeS of the pills I was fully nester- out a eYeesw. alTe‘s'sag,a, "e4ssa._ ed to nay old time bealth and cheer- HOW TUre)f fulness. I now' think Dr, Williams There are 45 villages, eacli village pink Dille an ideal ntediciae for, with a population of about 200 and weak women." !with 40 homesteads of land; that is, Dr, Williams Pink Pills feed the there are between 8,000 and 10,000 eerees with Ue'w, rich red blood, thees,,Doulehobors Altogether, settled on a strcrigtherii4g wad soothing4' solid blank noti and curing such nerve troubles as' rt. F-r4V1/ sillege is a perfect community by neuralgia, St, Vitus dance. P4rtial itself. It has itS hiaell8Mith, it0 paralysis arid locerootor atessia.6 carpenter, its stables, its benuery, its Thee() pills ewe) also all treublee due to poor and watery blood. ineluding "4" et, If a 1.1".4.11°1)ar /Nis/1m t.° the special eilments of women 'Get go" srune eggs he snuPtv qies to go the genuine with thfull name, epr,,to the woman wboee duty it is to e Willie -me Pink rills for Pale people", the chiekene, and she will -give on the wrapper around efieli box.,hirehis eggs far nothing. If lic rel° re ()Yee atipl ea igr' hoednla11'e inan sires te h oo ts, 11:er te1/ nhgeTt /t13age eill e De, egmeame Medi.. for nothing. If be wants a new eine Co, 1$11101071110, Ont. house, he merely has to call in the 4. 'village eaxpentere aed they will build Too GooseTO Bie Tirtge. it for hini free. Money has no NelUe in the Doukhobor settlements. "1 tide% your daughter intends to ope." C031240N PURSE, The old man looked at the neigh.- Tele peoete from the year's crepe, or who was elweYe interfering In and even the individual earnings of matters that did not concern him, poounobors wormag011 the railways all'414Isc-.111Qftallii•dsiyhebatieve it." he se urn, And With this money the sup-. unci eleewliere, go into 0, COMMOTI "I have every reaeon to believe--* prio,e foe the ybole commurtity are "But that won't dot" interrupted bought wholesale. The Donklialsors ilia old inert. "You forget tbat this aiwuss boy whoireale ategiaalpeg. Is a serious matter that ought not coesidering the middleman's profit to be allowed to rest upon hearsay "d to be Mere rabbet,. The oversight ' - an. VQ1ne$ Q of the year's business is annually de- 111"ther and tells "II that Ids patted to four comanissionere, who do parental roof under cover of s datagbter is about to forsake 4.t.eliee was in Accord antwith tee wishes all the buying and selling and Organ - e night, lie eliould be absolutely sure or ifie aeserablye Them contral„;,ion„ ar "at Ile 6`1Y1" 114" V°11 1513Mcl- ers are no higher than the plough- seialyt eivsidternueeerto show that what. you • boys or ona ainenemithee •milieu thole term of Ofilee ceases they return to "Wen> no, X can't say • tliat I the plough or the carrtenfees bench, have," replied the officious neighbor. begienlog to feel that perhaps he had Wber° they • no success -with whioi the system came from. gone too far. i i is Wt Wight Is due to Peter Veregin, Just as I feared," returned . es r me ,„„„., e le sa.aate area.:ne. old man "This Is tl thi d tl th° the TIonishobor leader, who spent 16 I've bad my hopes needlessly raised 4--;- " .--'"' 4 - -" by reports of this sort, and it is :S.,LOT EAT MESH, growing monotonous." TlirDesilehobors will not kill *or atroTnrat AND BABY, ear. any enamel, believing that to be the teaching of the Bible: Thou Shal t • I••••••. not kill. Scene of tbem bare gone When baby is well the mother is so far as to preach that it is wrong happy. When baby is arose, fretful, to use horses and cattle for labor, feverash and cannot sleep, the another or to shear sheep, or to wear boots is depressed, worried and unhappy- made of leather. It was in purse - Baby's Own Tablets make both tome of this belief that they turned mother and baby happy, because their horses and cattle loose two they care all the common he ailreel, years ago and ete.rted on their naked of infants and young Children. T Pilg wage. It was this belief that sweeten the stomach. cure colic, ald'ald„leloe thie '-eimo, to harness therra teething children, cure constipation, Saves—to—thep-lo-egli and the men prevent diarrhoea, and promote to draw waggons of floue by band. sound, healthy sleep. And you have/ The Douldiebors have no marriage a solenne guarantee that the Tablets a,„„„ but marry and uninarry at contain no opiate or poisonous:',.'' "soothing" stuff. Kra D. i according to the agree- 1"msure! Blalteeey, Ont.'says: "I have naelt rabl mess of the alliance. One is glad Baby's Own Tablets and have fountlei° say that this license is nOt abused them the best medicine I have ever 1 end most of them live and 'die had for the cure of the ailments the husband of one.wife. They will from, which young children suffer. •inot register births, marriages or shall always keep a box of 'Tablets, deaths, considering that an unwar- in the house." Sold by medicine rentable interference with the Al - dealers everywhere or sent by mail , mighty. They will not "make sol - at 25 cents a box by writing The dier." as they say, believing war to Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- be a machination of the devil. Ont, .A NEW V_IET.,D GUN. England May Adopt Ingenious and Very Mobile Weapon. The British War Office is believed to be casting envious eyes at the new deadly field gun which interested 'the King during hia visit to Den- Inairokth lhis Majesty. and the Prince of Wales, as well as Lord Roberts, have been impressed with the possibilitics of the Danish invention, and now that the gun which the King saw has been acquired by the near Small Arms Company, a British firm, ex- periments are likely to be carried out in this country. Tbe features which commend the gun are its extreme mobility, its rate of fire, 'its lightness for use in the roughest country. and the fact that it ran be adopted by any arm of the service. Cavalry tactics in the Danish army are lacing revolutionized by the adop- tion of •tbe gun. •The rate of fire is two Irendred rounds per minute, and the weapoa is so light that it can be taken anywhere over a man's shoulder or across a hoese. rt is a multiple single -barrelled gun with an outer rifle tube, encased in a jaeleet. Its weight is under 15 pounds, end 600 rounds can be fired before the barrel becomes heated. The Denish cavalry have a gun de- tachment of three Men to every squadron, One !horseman carries the gun in a leather socket attached to the saddle. Each man of the gun deta.climent carries anunenition, ancl leads a horse loaded with a reserve sapply. Wherever a horse can go the gen can go. UNABLE TO COMPARE. Ile-'`Oliss Kitty, I've 'heard it said that a kiss without a mous- tache is like an egg without salt. Is that so?" She -'`Well, really, T don't know - 1 can't tell -for in my life 1 revee-" "Now, now, Miss Easy!" "Never ate an egg without salt." Imitation may be either flattery or ' stupidity. BUILDING FOOD. To Bring the Babies Around. 'hen a little human machine (or a large one) goes wrong, nothirig is so iniportant as the selection of food which will always bring it around again. "My little baby by fifteen months old had pneumonia, then came brain fever, and no sooner had he got, over these than he began to cut teeth and, being so weak, he was frequently thrown into convulsions," says a Colorado neother. "I decided a change might help, so took him to Xansas City for a visit. When we got there lee was so very weak when he would cr3r he would sink away and seemed like he would die. • "When I reached my sister's home she said immediately that we must feed him Grape -Nuts and, although I had never use 1 the food, we got some and for a few days gave hisn just the juice of Crape -Nuts and mills. Ile got stronger so quickly we 'Were Soon foe'eug him the Grape - Nuts itself and in a woralerfully short time he fattened right up and became strong and well. "That showed me something worth knowing, and, when later on my girl. ceine, I raised her on G-rape:Nuts and she is a strong, healthy baby and has been. You will See from .the little photograph • I send you what a strong, chubby youngster the boy is now, but he didn't look anything like that before we found this nourishing food. Grape -Nets nourished him back to strength when he was So weak he couldn't keep any other fcod on his stomach." Name given by Postmen Co., Battle Creek, Mich. All children can be built to a more sturdy and healthy colidition upon- Grape -Nuts a nd cream. Tbe food cm] tains the elements nature demands, from. which to make the soft gray filling in the nerve centres and hrain. A well .fed brain and strong, sturdy neri-es, absolutely in- sure a healthy, bodir. I.00l< in each pa .kage for the fam- ous little boon, " e Road to Well- 11ARRIED IVODIEN HRS, JOHN C. ISUFFMAN SPEAES TO YOU Silo Tells of Her Troubles aiid Their are That You. Kay be Benefited. • Napasme, Ont, Sept, 12 -"(Special). --There are many women in Canada who will yet write letters of thanks to Mrs. John C. Huffman of this place. .7.ars. Jiuffrnan suffered as they are suffering now. She dis- covered a, cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills; and ebe is breaking the law of seere:y thet hinds the great ma- jority of wornarekind to let her suf- fering. sisters know wirereetbey may Caul relief. Mrs. Heilman says: "I was troubled for about Fix years with Kidney Disease and the pain was so great I could bardly bear a. I could not eatertatie any comperay. One night when I was feeling very mieerable I, read of some wonderful cures by Dodd's irid- sr rins and resolved to toy theta - "At this time My urine Was 84140- telligrile0galt17t1104°rilAS811 abtuttIllerldvas" ney Pills mien brought me relief from all my troubles and by the time I had taken six boxes I was plet ely cured, hop other young ladies o t:0"e*Impeve:7:entiatildtutge thlodpso s married WARSHIP 0 xperts Surprised at the Admire alty Orders. Dockyard and navairelee nt Piy, =out , England, leave received with astonishment the negiounceMent the Seeretes7 to the 4Wrairlty the Mouse of Commons that Lord Nelson battleships aretG ho of 100500 tons diegilacement.) "'roe big," is the general eines So long c 0 it,ade,11-4,kourv ,7entevas244' 4 ez, o4W, 4,044 evW7/1971, CD., Mo Mete .._101114nlineelliereernewasevegeleWeanelle usr,— `gi SEAN D CITY' HOUSE AND FLoon PAINTS Will Dry in 3 Hours. Ca Sale at AU tiardelfaXis owns real, Toronto, Vancouver, otatoes Poultry Eggs Butter Apple have your oonsignment of any of theae. attic* wei get you good prime, COMMISSION an 8404borso etas.. A" September, after the torpedo trlais in connection, with Portsmouth, it was thought in high naval feireles that the important 10.580110 'taught by them experiments -would Iced to the production of smaller battleships. When the latest leviathan plans were voted, it was known that Mr. Phillip Watts, the Director or Isavol Construction,, had received histruce tions to keep down naval displace - went 48 1017 as possible, consistent with the attainment of the stan- dard of gghting value be was celled upon to realh'e. Among members of the conetruetion staff it is considered that Mr. Philip Watts has not justified increased elm by increased lightIng value. lie has eaerificed hail a knot speed as against the King Edward class, and although he has mounted more inch guns, this luts been accomplished by suppressing the useful battery of ten Cainth quiek-drers, which the Edward carry. The Armor distribution upon the broadside as about the same in both classes, but the present War haS taught us that armor is futile againet torpedo attack - The belief In Davenport dockyard is that the designs of the ships will be modified to reduce their displacement before they are laid down, Thera Is mare Catarrh in this section of the country than all other cliseasos put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable l'or a great many years doctors pro - pounced it a local. disease and prescrib- ed local remedies,. and by constantly failing to cure with local treatmont, pronounced it incurable. Sience ite.s proven catarrh 1.0 be a, constitutional disease and therefore requires consttzti- Venal treatment. Ball's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitution- al cure on the market. It is taken in- ternally in doses froni 10 dsops to a teaspoonful. It acts divectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of he 1.yit- tem. They offer One hundred dollars tor any case it fails to cure. Send for Circulars and testimonials. Address: P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Ball's Family Pills for consti- pation. "Joh/11W," said the teacher, "a lie can be acted as well as told. Now, if your father was to put sand in his sugar and sell it, he would be acting a lie, and 'doing very wrong." "That's what mother told him," said Johnny, impetuously, "but he said he didn't care." ifinard's Liniment Relieves Ileurad Basyraen-"How's your daughter gettrng 015 . now?" Musicusi-''Oli, fine! She's busy at Beethoven's works." Busyrnane-."Where',s their place? What- do they make?" dinard's Liniment for sale-m[pribeft - MUSIC CHARGED EXTRA. Housewife (to • new domestic)( - "There is one thing I wish to say to you. The last girl had a habit of coming into the drawing -room and playing the piano occasionally. You neves pla.3r the piano, do you?" New Domestic --'`Yes, mum, I plays; but I'll hey to cliarge yer one dollar a week aixtry if I'm to furnish music ler the fanaily." pregle.ct a cough and contract • consunaption. ShfiRoh's CornIsuanzotilort u • re The Lung Sonic i. cures consumption, but clon'e leave it too long. Try it now. Vona- money back if it doesn't ' benefit you. ' Pieces: a. weras &Co. sol SOc l LoRoy, N. L, Toronto, CAr. 11.1003000110 COI ONTO. tad ?? ED • Who k srs ing abets BANNIQE All Buyer, Seilers and Users of Y'S IMPERVIOUS •SHEATHING PAPER Are interested in his gneetiee 7 ' rea4erai tbts enquky "Who NAOMI MAW& Please Mop aline 911 the subjet to DDy COMPANYHULL, CANADA The E. E. Occupied until rerently by two es- ecntrbe brothers, one of whom bus died, while the other's mind has be - entitle 110111glietl, a lieu.% at Brierly Stafford:Alin, England, has been the scene of a veritable treasure hunt. Rooms which bad bees in darkness for thirty years were foreed open. and upwards of £500 was found in old stockings and other cur- ious receptacles. Some time ago the brothers paid off in Ave shillings 'pieces a mortgage of Z220. • I I itavikos ThChelleerc.re 81 rtaterri°tilisTh4 a oarta% , and absolute =re for tack - anti every form at Itehina bieedingandprotrudiimplies, the manufseturera have guaranteed it. Seetea imeniels fai the dailr Press and twit your n etele tors whattbey think Of it YOU can use It and let ever menev back itreet ewe& ale a box, at al dealers or BOM sosi 1s1e Co.`poranta Ors Chase's OintMeni I am ama7ed, sir, tliat you should propose to nly daughter. You have not InoWn her a week." "True. =Vent, but I have nown you for some tinie, arid everybody says your daughter takes after you." He got the girl, Mthard's Liniment Cures Bandruir, Thorverion Church, Devon, Eng- land, was recently used as a store- house for -whisky which lead been taken from -the village inn during a fire. For Over Sixty Years " StriNsr OW'S Soorinso Swore hits besii 5, reiniens of mothers for thei.- ethildren obileAeething. Itsoothes the child, softens the gox" elteeseran. etten 'Wind o olio. resul ates the nom oh and ),owels, and le ate bestretnedy for Merriam& Twenty -11,e cente a bottle Sold bstdroggieta throughout, the world. Be sure and raefor "Mite. WiliaLoresSoonmln Britt/tr." 22-40 Jiidge (who is bald-)icaded)-"It what the -witnesses testify against you be true, your conselente must be as blank ae your hair." Prisoner -"If a man's conscience is regulated by his hair, then your honor hasn't got any conscience at all." I was Curea of Rheumatic Gout by MINALIDS LINIMENT. ANDREW 1KIbTG. Halifax. I was- Cored of Acute Bronchitis by KINARD'S LINIMENT. Lt. -Col, 0. CREWE READ.' Sussex. I was Cured of Acute lelieumstism by MINAIID'S LINIMENT. C. S. leTT,T,ING. Marlliarn, Ont. TJNANT<TVIOUS. "Now, boys," said the teacher, "I need not tell you anything further of the duty of cultivating a kindly, dis- position; but I will tell you a little story of two does. "George liad a nice little dog that was as gentle as a latale. He would sit by George's side quietly for an hour at a -time. 1 -le would not bark at peesers-by nor at strange dogs, and would never bite anybody or anything. . • Thomas's dog, on the contrary, was always fighting other dogs, and NV °Tad Sometimes tear ththoenlilecnrsuealliyla. ea:11C; Wienultdhlislocigflifboart.: hood, and on several occasions clea,e, been known to seize a cow byetlane noF,triis , end throw her. lie barked: at all the' strenge men that came' along, and would bite 'them unless soiliObody • interfered. 'Now, bays, which is the dog you would like to own, George's or Thomas's?" Inntantly came the answer in one eager shout: '`Thomas's!,'".- argaret College, Toronto Re -open Sept.112th4 high-elaes reolcifinticil and daY hoot for girls. Modern equipment, eeialists of European training and el the highest academie and profeee alone' standing in every department/ of work. Fee booklet apply to 31I1Se GEORGE D10ESON,, Lady Princi- pal; GEORGE: VICICSON. Di- rector (late Principal Upper Canada College), Dominion Line Steamships MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. vs Moderate Rate Service. 73 Second. relen firg:engers berthed in halt secoennia- dttirao she tkinner at the kno, rato of *la to Liverpool. or:$42.00 to Lou ion. Thira elave 1,iverittiol,tootion. Olsagaw or queeno, mer415,00. for sal penimenrs apply to loeal agents, or DOMINION LIND 0511058, lEingSt. B., T.Ronio,1751.8acrainent tit., Ifontroa, YOUR OVERCOATS. and faded Salta would look bettor drift If no *sem Df owl inyour to -en, write direct Illootrod, Box 15* BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING OM SETTLERS LOW MITES Wrza, Via the Chicago and North Western Railway, every day from Sept. 15tli to Oct. 15th, settlers one way second class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Moho, Oregon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Van- couver, New Westminster, Rossland and other points in the Kootenay District. Correspondingly low rates from all points in Canada. Full particulars from nearest ticket agent or 13. H. Beneett, General Agent, 2 East King Street, Toronto, Out. "So you belong to a glee club?": "Well," answered the youth, witti longish hair, "that's what we call it; but no ono seems very joyous when we sing!" Lifebuoy Soap --disinfectant - strongly recommended by the inedi- eal profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. Wicka-"Your wife doesn't look a minute older than she did ten years ago." Hielcs--"According to her statistics, she isn't!" glincrd's Liniment Cures Burns, etc, The Woman Was 'doing her shop- ping. The assistant headed her a package, and she slowly turned away. "Do I need anything elso?" she • absent-anindedly asked. •"You have just bought some lawn," ven- tured the' facetious sholsnian. "Don't you thinlc you will need some hose?".. ISSUE NO. 37-04