HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-15, Page 5Akers ....' .4 ' .cr• '-.2,...„ R .ia .. a,�.zr.+am nv,x+ Mr. '1', ,�t4ltltarn, 'Of AGtOn.. is t'151€;-. ' { @. # +y _._. p�. yip } 1'2S iC' ,x,, ksj dr v llis,l Mg his sen, Mr, ' J. Statham is f tti?” fault ttft!t1tt! tflttifl ,r/ Ayer' pills. beep Sa/ti11 iiti�{''" Mr. 3cizn 1:'latch`ortl, of 1lurotil,tila �t f1215 over talc over again.' left this week en a, trip to the -North �'�" The hest laxative. 'ow:i:etc4+: arest r E P .}. .. 8, 8 E PT f B E; I6th 1904,. or Ale, dull firs. '. ti; i,uxto,,,o€ South Bona,, Ind.,wt'r,•.e called hies, uwtug to 1}'O therunning brook, the the death or the lattez•s mother, :vara, `red blood that flows through ...- "Thoanzas Li'illis,,O▪ P- nDr, Entl:oritt, of don, will be at ilio somewhere, to come from a the- veins has on �, cdncs� eip, f$tlt, nor l�,yo',1*ax', Noss data The Springs of red blond are 'Assets sRtpplied, found in the soft core Of the E bones called the I@ marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen, Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen Airs, (Rev,) Cranston, nee Nettie' are full of fat. Markin, will receive Willi her moth , er, Mfrs, Vfartin, at tare Vlansr, on Scott s Emulsloll makes nosy avetlrtr� ,1 nal Tllurrrlay mint. 21,st blood by feeding the bone to 4?l. E Millinery e,riteninr,^^•8/tiss '11,1'Dtlack Inarrow and the spleen with y. Want your -moustache or beard I ! 0! E *beautiful brown orrickblack? Use ;•ErY era,ormsRcararaOAn.r,atm;*co..nt.nas,te.ss, MEDIOAL The Exeter Times '�'' �Y. BROWNING, M. D„ M. 0.1 t . P. S„ Oreduate Victoria, Uni- l varsity, piece and residenextce. Dornielen 1 T111 t%SI3A , SEPTEMBER ,5th 1904 Lla natetore, E,x"eter. DENTAL I INC Ali=. D. S, AND D.8.», D S $o d to DR. A.R. 3 SIvfAN, L,' nor Grad upa eToronto University, poi st• Teeth extracted without Rain or badafter eifeets, O.8ie4 rid I••an soa'8 block. West side of 1llain treat,°Erceter• .A. Alt3rRSQNe (0,8.. 8. / M.S. DENTIST. Honor Graduate of tate Toronto Unireraity Arid Bo al College of Dental eurgevne of Vntario,with honors Also Postgeeduatv,ot C`#Icago School of 1?r'osfl ettc Dentistry (with bon_ Prattle mention, Tverythingkuown to the Meatal Profession. ft:mote this office. ftridgo work. crowns, al. Aareiman,gold and vulcanite platestt_h donefrt tle iragrmlneatestsd ssreturner us possible. oim esseextra e e c p c- �piece olio door soprth of Carling Bros store E etcr,Oar. pti,zite funds to loan eau F' and ono half per cont, ANEW TO E( OA property at Vow tNEST FI,LTQTT wt}Itaveualit<ritc4 prirate fenda to invest - on upon farm or vwagQl?ropertyui loaves sten et. Int4nat. Mater. ONEY' TO ;li o have alargo amount of private funds to vut gen farut outs eillegeeroperttes aftlRwr;ates lnteres4 010,-BMt1,N l SUNBURN' Barristers Solicitors, Mitt 8t. Exete DICKS c N & CARLING* ill rel ors Solid Commtssioncrd, fioltc Bank..Etc1, Mauer tea atlowost Qk'.Flos:-., T4I Sr Y. rt• CA TNa ftenve anseTaa, the notions Iatcr St. E T Locals Subscribe for tate Times, Miss Lilly Willis, -of Marlette, Mie is visitingfriends in holy', :alas, Powell and bliss ?owell ba returned. from Grand Rend,, Miss Lillian Blatchford is confi e t e Oa }� house with' ed 1 s a Irl grippe. 8 pp Mr, Russell Frayne, .of Drantfor< is visiting under the parental roof, Miss K. Norton, evangelist, of To- ronto, is the guest ,of hiss Cora Pri- or. or. Mrs. McTavish attain children, of Detroit are guests. of bee father, Mr. Join Ilawksbaw. Miss 3tilary Sanders, of Stephen, left on Tuesday for an extended visit with friends in -Manitoba, [aster W ge Bissett Iras accept-. d a position with Messrs. Snell •tyt•e, Hiss Stella Coast', of Sarnia is e: t of Mr. and Mfrs. T. Ai. Cam Thames Road. Mrs. Richard Yellow and son. Ed.. ward, 'silo have been visiting iii Lan- t?on lies returned home, Rev, Cs W . Brawn, of Mitchell, liars been incited to Atymer :Methodist church at a salary of $1000. Air, .vtd Mrs, 1�'orsell arca in To - week this week ,;and Miss Rita, is visit„ in 1 eter,--Goch+ruff Signal.: DETER llfARltE' at per bushel, (old) .$1,04 t sti (new) .., Dia feeds' „ 3t2 JOU Eggs », , rk lir weigi1>P' * ;> r 1404. ea 40 X2,14 fl $7,00 A. C. TAMSAY, V, S. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinery (.l• lege ;Hooray Fellow in Ontario 'ti"eterinery Association. 41l disc a sof domestic animals <eci 1 Ca Day treateth la rover treated by the a oxygen treatment. OFFICE : One floor south of Town Hail BE$IPENOE : Sewed house north at Pres- byterian church. The Usborne and Hilbert farmer's Mutual Fire laser-. ansa bola lanu, �. -�sa7'"#to, Farquhar, Unt. DIRECITORS President: --T, RYAN', ALB= l P. U. k AssMoR1, FAngvn<tIR P, O. F. ll1OEL•1Y, wilAzr;;v P. 0. J. A., Noiu xs, ORO:WA RTY P. U. W t..ROY, Batman= P. O. �. L.Brs$ELL, BUS8ELDALE P. 0. AGENTS. 1. CA RMICHAEL, Sxs.rr.�. ONT. A, DIxz�C11.A� F�Lltctus n, ONT, WILsox, FULLARTON, ONT. 7, S. GILFILLA`e LUc s , ONT. 8, W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. Buggies v . _ Buggies! Ds you Want a fuggy We have the finest stock in town ail 'the latest styles, in the nerves olors. Our prices o0 arelow was can be fouls., for first-class material and workman- ship. - B1tFORE YOU BUY tysfilL /IND SEE US. J F -Russell Two Dpors South Town Hall. CREDIT'ON Roller Mills Gristing and Chopping Prornptly Dolce. We are giving excellent ,sa- tisfaction in lour since r'e- ---_..ate Bdellin our mil] • tip H. Swei.tzer ARM FOR,SALE,-Lots 20, 10 con. and lith con., of Stephen, 6 1-4 miles west of Exeter, being composed of 100 acres on the 'Ilttt eon, and, 120'acres' on ; the 10th "These farms are under -•good state of cultivation e l drained- with - well good house •bu'1 in s' s disci out_ t d 13 , thereon al- so fra' orchards t tt bearing � o Never' g fails theyear oun , n,4 well p' r d : For further particulars apply to T. B. 'Martg�n, gxete'z•. EYE I' Liar T P. SMITH nF x\T T111 t&QMMERCIAt HOUSE, EXETEO Two Days Onlyicx, Friday and Saturday, Septem. fast 30th and October 1 0 a tobait r.. Call early and :trail yourself of .,}}p�is vablah1e service, as this is a rare lap- portunity to have your eyes properly Meted free of charge. No guess work but a scientific certainty. Difficult cases accurately fitted, AI.L Wong GUARANTEED. A full line of Artificial Eyes aaded:,to Our Stock. Township of Usborne Court U of Revision Notice is hereby given t.1,et a Court, will be bold p�pnrstiant to rent; ONTARIO vOTlvjIS' LISTS ACT, by� His Honor the Judge of the 1 Count Court of the Countyef Huron. at the Town y_a11 II Dylixnvilla AI a on and y*, the Twouty- sr li C 1 xtdayof September, t e tnbrA, p D,1Jc1at10e'cloe- a is in the forenoon,. to bear and determine the sev- eral compplaints of errors anti ommissiona in' the Voters' Listof the municipality of the Town- shipof s r Osborne a U r for 001. A a Al 0 oma h p rs nviu boar a nes R the Court are t; required to attend at the said time and place. Dilated at }vh5Ien this 7th day -a September 1.90.1: FRANCIS 14iOZiLT,<Y, Clerk. VI OR SALE. -On Main street, Ex- eter, a 7 roomed storey and half, brick dwelling. including bath and pantry, excellent cellar. Good saldif- ferent e, and small garden with dif ferent kinds' of fruit. For terms and particulars apply on premises to Mrs. E. Elliott, Exeter. }?,1F SALE. -In >` FoR U•s r bo ne su township, being parts of lots 17 18- the 13th co containing 125. o 1 n, acres. Buildings are a storey and a half brink house, bank barn and low barn. Two orchards, 10 acres- of bush and is'situated 2 1-2 miles from Kirkton, 7 miles 'from Exeter, and '1-4 mile •from school. Must be 1 close estate. Fax fur- ther' to to an ata Fo ther particulars apply to Wm. Prid- ham, Russeldale, Wm, Baker, Ful- lerton, Executors• ADIA1N PACIPIC ST EXGUI.SlONS $�>�ftVE Winnipeg $30.00 Regina — 833.75 Mowbray Deloraine Moose -Jaw 31.50 is IC 31.00 It;an ae -Myer. ]3 • ndon Swan I3 e • Saskatoon — 35.25 Pr. Albert — 36.00 Macleod ` 38,00 Souris Lyleton Lenore Miniota Itllgln Wawanesa J Rinscartlt 32,25 sfoosorjn Arcola — 35.5) Estevan } 33.00 Yorkton 3:.00. Ca'gary — 38.50 Red Deer —_ 30.60 Stratheona ;10.50 Going Sept. 13th and l 7th. Returning until Nov. 111h and 23;.h. Pamphlets and full particulars from any Canadian Pacific Agent, or A. 73. t�OT,MAN,. TOron�o IIORTIIORN DURHAM PULLS KO fax sale -The undersigned, has for sale a number of up-to-date tltoz- ouglt [bro'd Short Rom Bulls. They are : of the low, set, thick blocky type and thole", breeding;; Will be sold reasonable, inspection invit;eel. Ap- ply ion lit 16,'con. '2, lila , o r John Y Eider,, ,lrensall, P. 0. locals . et consultitlion eyes tested and asS Wlieat Advance.-..l3Zi,ghtcrxw' frosts over late Canadian northwest. added fresh zest to the bull campaign in wheat. forcing prices up to $1,27 per laushel, in Chicago, vales the laidlt'd i,f Exeter nand vicini. the richest of all fats, the pure St::�,- ty to vial . her millinery pallor; "op cod jiver oil. Monday Anal Tnesdaay September Ittb a I 11.8(1 24th, AU the fattest tzt„t'rls °aa For )le s : gi :Cud nate"tutu ell rttilliti : l GiIQQI ,,alis arld e trimr 1 d cry invalids and for ' Is() new lines of fancy good alt SV32Q5 :apt tvitleshiiidin, the wet a blood is Haifa and pale Scott's nd , Ots ny condition of the ntornin•;, on E1nt1lsiQzl is a peat S "etlnesday, upwards a;20.0 tickets pleasant an d rieh were sold at Exeter station for the I3iQod food, It Ii0t Only feeds Western Fair. The rain cleared or the blood-makllla organs but 1'owever qt noon. 1 h'i Sun Fannin Oute warmly ar,d britt Ely during- the g1VeS them S4I't"1t ill to CIU a.ftaraaoart. Mrs. McI+wee, aC Barri... ri... Provincial Secret try .al' t la- 11`, G. T, i'„ will acct. dress tt 'mars aalreting In the 'rain*St., t.. 4000 ;titetimlist church, on Sunday, Sept, 18tH, at 3,45 11, in,, V1r's. Dlcl .le is a talented and gifted streaker. A. rare treat Is promised those alto NNW at- tend. Collections, their .proper r,TQ2l, Serie far bee saniete,' $Coll..fi ;Rowel?, ersccrlsts„ Sec, and ernei all cirnr,^iats. (sofas i `t'laa� pinee t o buy your ver . 114:1,11jLip -' llt"sti au is at L. J. C Spaokotnn's state, Ther ltalndle + .1. rntpt.hin but 1"rit'siley'ti. Tlty 4. are -t.he best. lteneouber the 4. •:• date of the mtllin`ary opcti,tth, Dominion Permanent Stock -,q }or sale, Stook now realizin' 0 p'`r cent.. tall`yearly. good specula t lon.-SoiS 'reign reign Ranh stock, • forse1' stool; •tilaing a per cent. per annum.unt. �- r f t)ttt lt,1uat 'Cement StAaStook.:tle,,.-,-11. Mr, , . T �Ipiai a4•. out o V1r opened' up in Tracethi' with :t well selected groceries sard flour and lovas, Mr, O'Brien is no etranger to the people of Exeter, and surrounding country and we ;tresp oak • for hila the sand, liberal patronage afforded frim in 1h„, }past. oily solea bas Alts s*atntl, -Some ware; person enterr'altin pasture field of Wan. Kerniok, Tut of Ray last weak and cut tate tetlocl�, of the at►l:h front foot of Iris 2, year old heavy draught mare which fie was fitting up far the London anti local fairs. .Any one i;uilty et at crime like this should be given a taste of the law'. This coltnow weighs 15.10 lbs and took first prize «,l to 'yearling last fall wherever shown . On Thursday morning last rvltila Ir. John Taylor, Exeter I�'ortlt, ryas driving to his form an. the Lake road his Horse took fright and ran away 'throwing Mr. Taylor from, tar, 1 wagon. He was conveyed hada and en •l medical attendance called in, r] it was found are iiad suffered a se- vere Sracture of his hip. The limb was set and Mr. Taylor is doing as well Its can be expected. Death of ,Firs. Moore. --•After .t painful illness, Elizabeth NMI lreott,, beloved wife ,of Mr. James Moore Thames Road, fussed away on Tues- day last, at the age of 68 years, '7 months mall 18 days. Deceutsod, soma. few weeks ,ago underwent an opera tion in the London hospital for that dread disease cancer,- r et utnnq home she gradually trewworse and was r past w her ed for th £c confinedto mr b I weeks, until death relieved afar of'' her sufferings. Mrs. bTooac was held. circle 'rcla: ' "t: largo in high esteem b Y a very i d s ath • ,r.: of friends, z kind and Y ym pt neighbor, and• her deeds of kindn ss will long ba remembered by th'^ re with whom she aramc in contact.E.r1 was a 'faithful and consistent mem- ber of theTrivitt Memorial church and her life was in swi'r;tl aecot'd with her profedsion. There remains to mourn •leer loss a loving husband and one daughter, Mrs. Fred Bart- lett, f Arkona, besides three broth- ers, o A oat Messrs. Wm. John end Roger Mr, Borden's Tour.. .Norflex 3vest twill ,iddre• rn p;tr'1 of rate ravine o Itis rtrncaaay brie ; sti;Itt r cltaa fi«d ltortx thzt at fire* von. nplated and Brill afar ts follown,.-, t, 15, aflerxaooaa. Aytn'tt'r z e'Ve11ilt141, 8t, Thomas; Sept. 16, I,ortdoar, uteet. ing workers but .not to hold 1 a meet. in, -g , which milk calms latter : Sept. 17, afternoon, ''11ingsville i •venitr{ia Windsor , Sept.. 13, Sarnia ; Sept.. eat Chatham, Sept, 21, Stratford ; Sept. .2. Brampton; S. pt. 23, Guelph. Fur- * ban ur-titan that the dttz•a :tr.., not lard, but be will prrp;t.tbbiy to, 1?rrtli t on S, pt'.. 20.. The Times: and the Family Uern, and Weekly Star will be sent to a address itt Canada or the t.'nited States 'till Dec. 31„ 1901 for 74c, To take advantage of this offer you must :subscribe at once.. DATES OF FALL PAIRS EST DREd GOODS We have been fortunate .rocut°iog for early dei'very the latest makes of imported Dress Goods, We have always bad the reputation o showing from ourNew a -- .stock the o date fabrics of the day, So far our Dress �' Goods Trade has. increased as season succeeded season and to.day splendid trade, This Autumn we fullyanticipateale the Zenit of our ambition and expect i € o culminate with es Good's Stock at a reduction. ut Ir Ifuron, Exeter.....,.•.Sapi .19-2!? II°trtan and Loan ltilitchasli,,, S4,t.20.21 Y, 'Zurich , ..Sept 1 Tuckeramit 11, Seztfarth .. Sept, 23.23 Northwestern, txotiericlt Sept. 27-28 Stanley, Bayfield .,Sept. 20-30 '1'urarberr•y, Wingliani ,Sept. 29-30 Alerris, Blyth .. ...Oct, 11-12 Western , London ». Sept. 9-17 Canter Canada, na do tattoos t ,S p .lc - 0 Ham i1ton. , Sept. 3D-17 South Perth, Stratford ..,Sept, 27-28 Nor ti western, Wingbstnt.,,sept. 29-30 Central, 'Guelph .,,Sept 20-22 W. Middlesex, Strathroy...Sopl;.23-2a tr. 1T Great t., Gotlericlt e Q Northern, Atka Craig .., l;opt..7-..8 Glencoe ... Sept 27-28 West Bent, Chetitam •... Sept 27 '8 VITEN ALL OT.ILERS V AIL Tar relic constipated headache ,just .try Dr. IlaYnition's Pills of Man- drake and liuttcrnut. Wonderful- ly prompt, and never oausa griping pains. 1"or l.radaolte and billious- 2)09s use only Dr. ilnrnilton'.s Pills. Price 25c. Train Robbers Made a Big Haul f A dalrn traxn robbery took e on Saturday last about Iteven utiles west 01 Mission Station, 13. C. . Footprints indicate that the train robbers bad taken a row boat near the village of Warnock, end rowed noross the Frazer river and thence proceeded' to the American boundary bine 11 miles distant, and half a doz- en milts fr,om Blaine n.Wash: Besides S7,000 in gold dus t tr'hiGi1 they secured from the express omes- sengers,Thfunerall there are known to be sev- Northcatt, ,of %sayt:akes place to -day, . T..xa l packages of bank notes con - (Thursday.) Signed to :local batiks an the resist- 1 crud letters. - 25c. pays for the Times till the The railway officials are working end of 1904 -for new subscribers on taro false telegram sent to the ex - only, press messenger et Mission to have the sate capon, giving him the idea that the express agent in Vancouver Who alone had the combination was absent. The :robbery was the work of four masked men who suddenly crawled onto Hie engine in a densely wooded district .and at the point of revolvers forced •the engineer to stop. They b t conductor, e co uardod the cab a d h nd o r th n uncoupled the train and took the en- gine and express car several miles west. Express Messenger Mitchell, who refused to open the door of bis ear slid so” when informedthat it would bo blown open with dyne Mr. 1I. •S. Scott, for many years commercial editor of the ' ,Toronto. Y1obe, has been appointed by the Do- aninioa government as its New 'York agent,ent in connection with tho nen anti-dumping provision of the tariff law. This is ,one of the cases where an appointment goes by merit. Mr, Scott's wide knowledge and exper- ience in om etcial affairs being exactly the, qualifications required for :this- important position. White he will by congretulated on this re- catnit oa of hit ati:ity, ;his departure will be regretted, not only by his colleagues on the press, but by the business men of Toronto, whose fri- endship and esteem he enjoyed to a high degree. BORN LORD. -On 'September 8th, 1904, to Mr. and Mrs.•-Joahn. Ford, a son. 13]FTSCULU.-In Dashwood, 'C,o Mi•. and Mrs. David Bethcheu, a son, WOODI3RI"DGE.-In Ilay, ,on August 31s1., to Mr. and Mrs. William W.00dbiidg" *, a son. DIED WILLIS.-In Exeter, on Sept. 6th., 1004, Sarah Ann Smith, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas Willis, aged 61 years and 2 'months. LTNDER.-In Exeter, on Sunclay, Sept. llth. John Charles, infant sort ,of. Mr. and Mrs. Metrics Linder, of Cleveland, Ohio, aged 6 weeks. MOORE.-In Exeter North, on Tues- day. Sept. 13th, 1904, Elizabeth Northcott, beloved tviTh of Mr. Jas. Moore, aged 68 years :7 months end 18 days. , The gold dust was taken from the safe ,and the mail bags rifled.' 'Tate robbers ;then rode on the engine to near Mann•oaoh and escaped in tho woods. None -of the passengers were molested,' • . This is the first robbery of a Can- adian Pacific train in 20 years. 'Detectives have trailed three of the men t.o the town of Lyndon, about 12 miles from Bellingham. The tizrce .mon on horseback,crossed the river near Mission, and' made their way ,down the guide meridian Iine to Lydon, where they arrived early in the morning, 1 heir horses plainly showing 'L -he hard travel, A special -committee of the Ontario Lord's Day Alliance is to investigate the ,running ,of steam 'boats on Sun- day in Muskoka, G,eargian ]3ay ana e. Sundayr the Ray or Quintpa odes•. in Troto th,e opening of post offi- ces and the running of excursions will also be reparted [upon. wr- IN* E .►,..,'.._. 1000 Worth of Overcoats juC t arrived, made b Co if r Noyes & Randa ll one of the best, biggest and moMt reliable manufacturers in Canada - Overcoats from $5.00 to "$12.50. ens 44 an ye, extra weights and qualities, 50, i:, $1.,00. Wool Mattings, 3�Tateln s, very late fabrics, z to � aI' CS, good finish, French dyes, , .50c, Imported Yicdnnas 54 in. wide, ex - id 1-ral. finish best of weight t andgi ', best we have shown 50, 75,900. lo.; , .fold r Tweeds, S, o 6 in wide, Stark allc ' lit ground colors nothing bettor for ,a, autumn or winter Suit 75 and $1. oN cloths, 56 in wide, alt bed i high finish, French dye, extra weight, LOO, 1,.35, 1.50, 'Fancy Tweed suitings, 5 wide, in black, brown, green, navy grouncls. These goods have very nob- by shads effbet5 and make pretty suits i oc, $1.00, $ l,?a. f 1 ai<in:'ciezths 42 to 46 ill, gide, €Iull'� able f~Inish, extra heavy weight, black,: Tassore, navy, re. is brown, 50, $1,00; y ' 75, Pana I21& Cloths zit hnisb, in black, flay h p>>tigne, 500: Cheviots 44 o vy, green,brown,fa b herringbone 1wi ];l l wide, blae,.,. heavy weights t 50, 75e. iamante Clots, G i1I, Wi new for suiting e. ed &nitings, 45 in. wide light and dark g. en, blue, green and marine prett light and at 75e. Cobour nisi), in t .. 46 in. wide, periie ld dark greys onl •, $1, 'gest of England Suitings,56 in dark navy andwhiter .n.d brown : white, light navy and white at $1,00, Bargains in Shaker Flannels Regulaac Se Flannelette for 15 yards far $Loll. Regular 9c Flannelette for 12 yards for $I.00. Regular 12-e Flannelettes double war heavy p, extra, ea, y Cully 1.0c. Regular 5cTovrelling extra heavy Twill 4 cents. *0- POPPLESTONE I & GARDINER TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE • rl/�l3� i �I�NI�>� i�jj rr iiII tt 11TT tjSi7,� 1�jppII( t�j� �! t�l�!! l�i�i� i•EN� jj !! Ij jj Ii j The exhibition at Toronto this year has been the most successful ever held. The receipts will reach quite i$1I8,000, which will bo 53,000 over last year and a substantial -sur- plus will go to the city, Beare the T{le Kind You HaveAlwaysBough, Sigpatura of ill. JACKSON & SON 1L. Main -St. Exeter. $• 4 - Junk Dealers. Occupying J. P. Ross' Store, one door south of Metropolitan Hotel. Will pay highest cash price for the .following goods,such as all kinds of Scrap Iron Brass Copper . Zinc To get that appetizing, brown appearance and out- side crispyness on roasts of lamb, beef, etc.—to keep their goodness in them they must be basted. In the old style stove this necessitated reaching into the hot oven and moving the hot, heavy pan the oven while it was basted. unsatisfactory results. The d -.4,fesyi �l � .. l%jf 4'f and holding it in the front of A tedious performance with raw -out oven rackf o the Ixrnperial Oxford Range Lead Pewter Horse Hair Wool Pickings ' Rags 4 Old Rubbers 4 I + Bones and Bottles No quantity too large e®r v or a7 VB •Fe i° 1. 34 4•vII••I•:d°4i14•F'•S^+'1•.1'•l'•rb•II•4•'$4 ''3°i$° •I' snakes basting i a sm plc and successful operation. Draw the handle in front of the oven for- ward orward and therack brings thepan and its contents out of the oven where it may be thoroughly basted with the greatest ease. The Imperial Oxford Range lessens the labor of cooking and insures the most successful results. Calla* one of our agencies or write for the Imperial Oxford leaflet. The Gurney - Foundry. Co. $,racked Toronto Mo tattems1, W'flaaesai nfa sxs.lt BYuneoasare,r Sold by T. HWKINS & SoN Exeter, Trial Trip. -Now is the time to secure two 'good papers for the price of one. The Weekly Mail. and Em- pire from now till Jan. 1st., 1905 for only 50o. To new subscribers only. ... 1.4 Trial Trip. -Now is the time to secure twvo good papers' for the price of one. ' The Weekly ;Mail and Eno'- Aire from now till Jan.. 15t., 1905 for only 50o, To ,new: subscribore opals'»