HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-15, Page 44A
M 1-0" S, SEPTEMBER 15th 190t
The E
Calendar far August / 904
Stonnex -1 8 15 22 20
Tugsrair . • „.2 9 10 23 SO
WEBealearove.. — 3 10 17 21 31
4 11 18 2:5
12 IP 2e
Saereteceseeee„, 6 13 20 27
DA,Y. SEPTEMBER. 15t it Ieet
Loatlott Sept. 8 --The Premier of
Cteetmoawealt h of Ansi cilia, et
lining 'the policy of the Government
soid, oith regard to the preferential
system, the Governmem would wait
pistil aortic* clefinine propoeals ever
otibraitted by the Imperial Govern -
it eml receive them in a fair and
)oresirit. The Brsh Govero-
anent, itowever ltas officatily declared
it would ool accept any s,ystent or
afrefereaco that would entail the tax-,
ing of the focal a the Brittsh peo-
ple, Tbe premier believed that from
!the Strieish point a view this
juse end statesmartilleo attitude, The
Daily Newsreferring to the Alta
trettitte. Prentier'et approval o Op
ottituele of the 13ritcsli Governinent
not to eoneenr to a tax on food, says
iewilt be sad reading forMr.Chana-
berloin to firal the greatest colonial
oreraier, opOoly following Sir. Wile
frid Laurier in pouring scern upon
ble pr000aole.
aro Clomberlaitt ha$ eV:arks-point,.
1 one 'that the tax he'proposed
g. on bread stuffo, would not lleee
rile increase the price of the at. -
de. it Nt7as rertainly going to
•Irmo:. the emulition of the home
'Vera, end give brother Joriethast
ttI5 lds OW4
the largeat exporter o
r ' eat Britain.
Tun EAT sTRucti tYuCLA
s 1Ia 3rth
meal p
he I eeed
utont be
1 following year they take afivaniooe.
or this reputation to contisact foe
large quentities of fruit but do not
pay for it, potting the erowers oti
with one excuse or another. Where
ome growere ttfe SUS0115 anti ile-
'Ind payment, they pay immediate -
v, bot in ibe majority of eftSeS they
r oe to ship the frue out of the
aection without paybee fel* it, Later
takey tell growera, tales of losses and
say they are unable to ply the fell
eine ef theic fruit, and offer to
settle at 211 to 30 cents on the donor.
Growere, are advised by Ole Ear-
eulturist when dealing with buyers
boy are Dot thoroughly acquainted
with, to demand security for their
fruit, or only deal with local buyers
who have property or otakein the
eamMUnity. One of the best mes
hods of avoiding dauger of this kind.
been for growers to cooperate
MI deal directly with large whole --
ale buyers. The ettae, of the °attar -
buyer who two years ago dfrtuU-
Ni fruit growers a ale Annapo-
lis Valley in N. S., out of $30,006 to
40,O00 werth or fruit is 4nenI1onecl,
u erwearineas ore doe
helod being wea.kenea through
action of thee kielneya and Ike-
a surplus of energy, lots
I vitollzing blood you
he acquired tellieklY hy
ing rozone, the gnats e string
theinnat ionic toade. No took etnials
Ferrozone," writes II. E. Jennings.
Westport, "Last spring I was tetra
et and depressed, had beekielte tool
eked etrength, Ferrozone aeon
te to good Imollb and made
Priee fete. adrugolst,„
Report, of an imIiug
lettoti for the Donuuwu aro ere
le from the fact tbt camta1t
vier is ready to roll out fron
thee of Liberal piloting offices
ughout the country. in addition
tons of such matter sent ont
.awn during the paee sessioo
'r dissolution ceilles, the
Id One:trio wLI,e found
t. Hodgert evith ais sone
Bert, visited in Tisborite on Suuday.
-Mrs, Dao Hart, of:Chicago is
visiting relatives and friends here
at present.
-Lr. Frank Williams, of Mit-
chell, is spending- a taw does nodee
the parental root_
Rev. Me. and Mrs. Ortioston are
expeoted to arrive at their hero> on
Friday wlipu e grand reception will
he given them by the members oE
beth eletrohes.
Thomas Park. After spend-
ing the last four years in Manitoba
has returned home to epeed the win-
ter owing to having had it severe. at-
tack a ‘typboid fever.
--Russeldale Council, No. 100, C.
re wilt hold their allo\lel
Thanksgiving services ea Sundae*,
the 18th, (it Sept, at the hour of 10
c'elock nlien the. Rev, Mr. Knowles
of Fulhoton, will preach.
leshorne Cou '
The rshoree Alunicipal Council
at town hell. on Saturday. Sept.
rd. All the members were preseut
The minutes of the last meet-
ing mere read and approved.
The following rates were levied to
Ise the toecessary amount of money
to tet ,expeuses for the eurrend
5 mills on the *, for county
3.5 mills on tbe * for
1iett2tS pUrpOSeS ; .8 mills for gen-
eral acitool rate; and special rates
on the various behool seetiona 10
raise the ant000ts aaked •for by the
.4e; No. 5 eu Ito,i le lug. t
1:vymg or above rates wao read and
passed, aigued be the reeve arid the
rperate seal affixed.
The St. aIarys, Kirkton and Exe-
Tel *piton:* Association was
rantell the right and privilege to
*ea peele and stretch wires oil the
limays, under the eontrot of the
e 41,PeaelrItteY'• autrit8o1rltizeclz rAto's%Tg'n ad
eSS ti'S agreements and ;ail\ 11317
poration seal.
resolurion was uoanintously
d that the counl„y council be
omposed or the reevee of townships
and village,. and the mayors of
tons net separat ed from t
iristend of representatives of
eounty council divisielue ns at pre-
sent ttin ab:(11Pi d"w ;title t 11;s°elelluthIlY1
Or.401er3. s
n17r. u'1
gaunt s 3
ed, with t is a. le.
1'15113 L
bit rs, 1
(i31j7 own. 131$ 15 380t 11133' t'ir
:where labor 14L 8 sUp1717zu ,tt
Lo 'dictate to or
sorry it has proved a dismel laltar
Whoa efiroe trade organizations ta
:tntth qtrIrr171 Or other rieseciellone
having no grievance thernseiVes and
time demorailze business, they are
perlaienly not entitled to any sym-
fiathy, and Odic •defeat is a jUSt
trlibliticati and WC hOpe it ma• y prove
rning which will deter similar
tizations (rein making alike
Of course labor has RS
S. but when i he are excluded
ley a17flr811y meet whit defeat,
tai s he creation of brains,
(ntertr17.. end business acumen.
Whw would labor be if it were rt
18r lis emplo,ymeta in all the great
avenues of industrial life-. Is it then
•eittiog thing that the source*, nr
living comfort and bappinees 1 0the
masses should be controlled by those
who know nothing about its in-
ternal econo3fly. and perhaps very
little to do with its creation:anoth-
er thing to be oonsidered is the very
important one, thet if labor is to
control capital the result must prove
moat disneirous, first in preventing
the investment of capital; and see-
ondly in the lose oe. that which is
elready invest ed. In such an event
whore eould labor be? Eeho answers
rirt6171 801 18
4 4'41
3111,5 LP8 38
nal :e 13:30f1
',fest indications are o
c.leiti of the potato and *1 a
f yellow in the leaf. corn,
34131y ties' reys t1e pot t o. Tbe
s been Round 18 (WO or 1 liree
Pir Guelph, but lova not been
.1 nvhere else as yet, Prof,
OW at work on the case
of discovering' oo
A st rougIy worded warning 10
faith growers and farmers will ap-
pear in elle September issue of Tho
Canadian Ifor I icult mist , which is
e official organ of the Onterio
Fruit Growers' Association, agoinst
selling their fruit crcps to irrespon-
sible buyers. Thaso buyers are those
who do not livo or own any property
in sections where they buy' their crop
Tite Iforticulcurist claims that tens
or thousands of dollars are lost an -
;loftily throughout Caneda through
fra udu elm t met hods practised by
these buyers.
The first year they buy a few
thouaand barrels in one section and
pay cash •for tbent, thereby estab-
lishing their 'reputation with many
growers es responsible buyers. The
Sometimes the hair is not
properly nourished. It suffers
.for food, starves. Then it
falls ont, turns prematurely
gray. tiSret's Hair Vigor is a
Hair Vigor
hair food. It feeds, nourishes.
The hair stops falling, grows
long and heavy, and all dan-
druff disappears.'
" bair vms coming out ternbly. It•was
almost afraid to ,COrali it. But Ayer' s nair
prouiptly stopped tbe faillng,and also
tsstorod the natural eoto,"
Xis& B. li,..WAnn, Landing, N..7.
51.00 bottle. J. C. ATElt CO.,'
drn lats. • Lowell, Ness,
Ofr eran
The ft lul ,eked "Ar
the Ilet living eon-
tentedle and pr under Brit -
Via ruh*.? The sere aliens all
point lo the,faet v are. At
a recent meeting o larmers in the
District or Senekal. Creme:, 'River
Colony, demonstrated this. as the
speeehes made at Ulla meeting were
fevorable to British ailininistrations
and highly compliment:aro to the
courteous end fair treatment exer-
oaed by the South /deicer. Cenete-
Cptain II. 1. Pousset t. who is a on
nr 11, NI. Poussett, General agent of
teoeida Line. it Ss only an other
it si nee:(3f t wise policy England
has ever pursued. viz.. to build the
foemdet ions of her Empire on jus-
t iee t cOorane e and kindly treatment,
There is very Wile doubt the Doers
et no distant date are bound to be-
come uohle sons of it great empire.
• In looking over the report of the
Suporintendant el Insurance for tho
Dominion of Cana&for the year
1903, we find thar 'American Life
33 3117 able to send lle-
mks the lines the respectable sum
of $2.572,030. This was in excess of
oll expenditures. During the past
12 ,years this comonny in -like mariner
has eetene out no less a sum than
$20,000,600. to go into circulation
emongst out' neighbors. Is this a
wise policy on general principles?
when :the same article can be se-
cured, and equally*as good. if not
better in InStitUtions of our country.
Is ,111., most useful product or med-
ium for carrying on the 'corainerce
th? 'Dominion so plentiful that we
can efford to send it to the rnited
8, nt fcr illVPStment. If people
would only think bef.ore acting, Um
chaircc,s are they would extend their
parr3*ng 10 home Companies. and
thus keep rnillions in circulation hero
insteod of amongst our neighbors
803638 .1 he I in e.. In giving ut terance
to these viaws we believe WC are fol-
lowiog in strict accord with the
sentiments Lisp r es 5:4 :and acted up-
on by the insuring public oE the
White: foreign life companic:s se. -
cur:: irb the neighboring republic is
obtained to o Very alrge extent from
theeforeign element. The exemplifi-
ed Sentiment in the U. S., is "build
up the institution; of our etlal Cann -
try." "Keep your ,money at h ODD
..and gec as mtich as you can outof
the other fellow." One of the 're -
suds ci,E this principle is that the .Lr
S:, is porhaps the wealthiest cone -
in (1.1117 world. Should it " not be
"up To Canadians" to follow so vviSe
and p tri le. tt 'Wine/pie. In other
words, Canada for Canadians.
The dead body ,of a man was found
about half a mile f,norn Watford on
Septembe,r 2nd by Mr. T, Fortune,
a farmer. The dead man appears to
be 'about 75 years of age, weighs
about 175 pounds, and .ivore a full
gray heard. Ile was poorly dressed
and had probably been tramping. A
guar; of paper reading, "Please give
Lather my mail," and signed Mary
Jane McCNrtby ; a C. I'. 'R. ticket
W,roxe t er 10 a , date3I July
anotbeir tickPi strb. Sarnia to
Brucefield,.4:,1e4 July 25; a Lyceum
Theaiew check, hild , el -lc rail-
1,urc13o13 ‘12;;.y.,..1 le, Mi-
chigan, were foun4 on him. His in-
ja;ries pppeor hr, bead,
and he hod evi n ('•ea d same
hours ,before t1113 i)o...y
h adjourne
lot, 1st.. at '0
There are only twenty-two stu-
dents at the Stratford Model School,
and only three of those aro geotle-
men. The attendance is the Mail-
cAst in the sohool's history,
MY Wood, look here! you know
how weak and itervous your wife is
and you koow that Carter's Iron
Pills will relieve her, new why not
be fair about it auy buy her a
The Horse Shoe. quory syndicate
ef St. Marys, have ;laid off most of
their etaff for a few days. The
strike at Toronto, is the primary
cauee, the order fox' stone, -which the
firm wore supplying, being cancelled
II. M. Moir, or St. :Marys, eharged
with the embezzlement of $200, has,
been ,unable to obtain ball. lie has
been 1U jeil awaitiug trial by
jury, but now eldected front jail t
be tiled by Judge, Barron without it
,A very pretty house weding was
eelebraeed at- Stratford, ou Sept. 83)t
wbert MISS Ilelan Beynett, beeame
the bride of Mr, W al, Vanstooe, of
Galt, formerly of St, Marys, The
ezromony waa performed by Rev, Mr
Sellery, 'of Betides.
\Yemen with pale co toeless faces
wha feel weak and diseouraged, wUl
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which
are made for the blood. nerves and
After a lingering illnees the death
occurred on Saturday, Sept, 120. of
Margaret Bellantyne, wife or Mr. T,
11, Itace, editor of the Recorder.
Muolt SYmPatler 1 expreseed tOWard
Ir. Rate and family. The funeral
(tole place on Tuesday aft ornoon.
dent ,or Stratford is dead, aged 72
rs and 10 moaths. Ile formerly
,d in Toronte and St. Marys. Ile
had been thirty-two yyears in the
employ of the Grand Trunk.
And everybody is wondering what
to do. Hero is a simple cure. lese
a. gargle of Nervilino and water as
eeMnInended i'n the directions and
rub your throat and chest vigorous-
ly wall nerviline. This has been
•sted and Rroved successful a thous
tirues.Nerviline in a specific for
'lifts and in feet %1St know of
g half so ROOd for breaking
coxing tight chest and all
etz pains. Try a 'nettle of
N vii 2.5e.
Llt g breakfast or luncheon
k to be )(mg 171738133813817 -
ed, n therefore should present a
mosI 8ttrac(iv3' picture. The details
of plazimug and preparing' the wed-
ding feast are given in an illustrat-
ed article in LIM October Delineator
tithh are very suggestive in this e -
aril. In the same number are 13 -
ted and described, variJus seas -
34)113 fruit confections, and there
ara aslo 273ony choice rzkceipts, includ
log Dainty Novelties in Soup, Delec-
tabel cheese dialies, a detZen Little
Cakes and a number of preparations
from a Southern kitchen. A seriea
nekes en domestic science rounds
out the hout*hold lortion of, the ma-
Aline Col ege, at St. 'Iltomas, haS
opened nr the fall season Three
now toechers take their ploces On
.stafr viz, Miss Maud Riehardson
teacher of drawing foul painting;
;Mies 'Winona M. Ellbeck, teacher or
household science arid art; Miss
Harvey, or London, teacher 03
junior English.
After pounding the night clerk,II.
5. Butler, to death, and leaving him
lying an the floor of the office a
thief Thursday morning' rifled the
safe of it, hotel in Detroit,
eecurinje $250 in cash, and. a quantitY
of valuables, which had beert left
with the clerk for safe -keeping. Soon
After the celrk's body was found, the
pollee sent out a general alarm for
Percy Howard, 23 years old, a bell-
boy, Howard hod been employed ttt
the hotel only about a week, and he
disappeared before Butler's body
117338 found.
Henry It. Rothwell, o former Ca-
nadian, recently dead in a hospital
at Chicago, from blood -poisoning as
the result ,tat dropping a box upon
one or his feet. Several min-
or operations were perforrood and
finally the surgeons Ware obliged to
out off his leg above the knee. Evert
this was without avail. Deceased
was 69 years cf age, and is surviv-
ed by the avIdow and four children
About .forty-five years ago he lived
in Detroit, end, was employed on the
D. G. H. & Railway in various ca-
pacities. Ire had innneeous relativ-
es in Ontario.
smaraesitmapf wirsonliteMISO
Speaks for itself
Cures Sick- Headache
liktiSeNt Cures Nervus Headache
Cures Neuralgic Headache
c4Z)kai* Cures Summer. Headache
Cures Bilious Headache
, ekteat Cures any Headache
Pleasant to Take
Absolutely Safe
6.`Neikt. Gives Speedy Relief
ba'Ost. Sells for eac a box
1/414,to,1.tSaMple 1DOX sent free
Chicago Moutseal
gar, while 31 alizing 017-
3328013133e near
ras caught 13 1111? eylin-
e result that one of his
vas raangled and had to be a -
4. Ile will recover.
an's wife .should always 1313
the same especially to her loisband
but if she is weak and nervous, an
ises. Carter's Iron Pills, she canna
, for they make her "feel like ;
different neraon," so they an sa
d their Inisbanda say so too.
Atrs. T. Ballantyne, of near limo
.Manitoba, and formerly of Hay
‘neltip, near Itensall, hod the mist
for tuno break Ilex arm, a short
time ago. She and her husband bare
been rather unfortunate as be `,112o1
his leg broken a few months ago.
A women who is weak nervous and
sieeploss, and wile has cold bands
and feeti, cannot feel and act like
well person. Carteri Iron Pills
equalizdlhe circulation, remove twee
vousness, and give strengthend
Miss Maggie O'Neill, who has been
connected as a teacher, with the
schools of Clinton for about 25 years
and with the aft:del for nt least 20
years has tendered her resignation,
whielt the board has accepted. Her
health has been far from satisfac-
tory for some thne, which is (bo
cause ot lies retirement.
On Tuesday evening last the fine
bank barn below:Ong to Mr. John
Mousseau of .tbe h concession Hay,
was destroyed by fire, together with
the season's crop. The loss to Mr.
fousse,au mill be very beavy al-
though both earn and contents were
irtsured. The lira is supposed to
bave been caused by the heating of
damp grain.
Alexander Kerr, sr., one of
pioneers of McKillop townsbip, pass-
ed away at his home on tbe 7111
con., on 'Monday last at the ago of
69 years. Mr. Kerr has been fail-
ing for sone time, in fact ever
since the demise of his life partner
eoma nine months previous. A large
grown up family is lef t well provid-
ed, for.
A local branch oE the W. C. T. la.
was ,erganized at Hayfield on Aug.
31, by Mrs. Paulin, of Dashwood, and
Mrs. Acheson, oC Goderich. Helpful'
addresses were given by these ladies,
oindethe following officers were el-
ected ; President, Mrs. Snell; corres-
ponding secretary, Mrs. McNeil ; re-
cording secretary, Miss Maggio
Campbell ; treasurer. Miss Chesney.
The prospects for good work DA(3
very encouraging.
A ,rather painful accident happen-
ed Master Bob Brewer, son of the
manager of the lVfolson's I3ank
Clinton, ',oldie at camp a few Trays
ago. HiS ,experience at cooking was
113811134, and thinking he would like
a try at a ticen-clay meal was grant-
ed permission. He bad fried some
beef steak. and was in the act of mak
ing xi -navy -when lie tamed the boil-
ing grease en. Lo Ids bare feet, scald-
ing them severely.
The farmers in Huron County who
subscribed stock for the Huron
Packing and Cold Storage Co., were
surprised to receive a call for six per
cent. as many of them had been
made Ito believe lE tile company did
not float, a call would not be made
nor did they see the copy of. the
a:green:tent. The farmers will keep
out of stock taking and go more in
for live stock in future. A ,
"cold storage" will be needed before
sorae subscribers will pay the call.
The Tinaes and the Penally Herald
and Weekly Star will be sent to any
address in Canada or the 'United
States till Dec. 31., 1904 for 75e.
To take advantage of this offer you
must subscribe at onoot
& sad accident occurred on Sept.
10313, a short diFslanee from Clinton
while Mr. Fletcher McCartney
was engaged itt threshing for Mr.
Padour, and while ot dinner ji is
supposed a spark from the engine
set fire to the straw awl spread to
the barn, It bad gained consider-
able headway before tieing noticed.
Mr. elcCartney rusliod into the barn
to try- and got out his machine -which
was e, new one. Ile succeeded in do-
ing so, but was so badly burnt that
he lived only a few hours, 1Iis
clothing was xtearly all homed off
• his body, lie heel in -the neighbors
hood or one hundred dollars in his
Stet, -which was also burned. He
loaves a wife and fondly to mourn
his ,sad end,
It's the dried sputum floating
around in the air that gets into your
Wogs Arid Oauses consumption A
surz,- preveotive is fragrant, healing,
catarrhezeoe, which is inhaled rigat
into the bulge, kills every germ,
heals the sore membranes, and enres
thoroughly Orery type of eatarth,
broechitis, asthma and lung trouble
"I caught a severe cod], which, de-
veloped into catarrh and finally set-
tled on my lungs," writes Mr. A.
Northrop, of Bedford, Catarrho-
eileved quickly and oured me. I re-
commend Catarrhozone highly," Two
months' treatment $1,00; trial size
labe Globe 8.1.ya a good deal of ell-
thusiasio in Canada on Earl Grey's
behalf, 38 11 refleotion front the great
opularity of Lady Minto,- but Berl
Grey has himself very intimates rel-
ations with nomy eminent Canadians.
It is typical of Earl Greyee interest
that lie lately es:Whited Kipling, See-
ley and Parkin aa the three most
influential huperialists of' rege.
ihe Clrerohman. 'eva 1 t er
Walsh, the author of "A secret Hiss
tory of the Oxford Movement," says;
-"The appointineut of Earl Grey is
not, I 'venture to suggest, likely to
strengthen the Protestant interest
in Caoada. Ills action in tip House
of lords in regord to the King's
Protest ant tieclaration hes tior eal-
euiaied to inspire confidence."
* Nev 8.15317321 Treat roent,
ill, 170 1111328135 to work evonder-
ful Cure.
When Dr. Leenhardt, of Lincoln.
'ab.. gave Anti -Pills to the world be
ed unbounded faith in I he treat.
but he did not foresee the
world-wide find Wondrri 1 results
it iS now achieving, in the cure of
Here is the story of ;mother Anti -
ill victory;
"For many months 1 hav,; been
troubled 1%iIIt dyspepsia, diazinessin
iny head, gold chins, and suffered
most of (ho tint(' from constipation,
and WaS linable to do ney housework
I tried every kind of pill and medi-
hie that eitlor the doetors or MY -
self could think of, and finnlly trietl
Anti -Pill. The treatment has prac-
tically made a now women QC me. I
am able to do all my own work. The
dizziness has all gone, my stomach
feels mnoli better, and I an no long
er troubled with constipation. I
monk praese Anti -Pill too highly."
-Mrs. Thos. Teble„ 287 Emerald St.,
North, Hamilton, Ont.
The prevailing °pillion that the
preseot summer in Coterie has been
more ,than ordinarily cool is at fault,
as _facts and figures will prove, Ta-
kiog June, July and August as stan-
dard inontbs, of tho 15 sunimers
from 1888 to 1903, 11 sumraors have
been warmer tool four have been
cooler than the present, season, al-
though tji3 averetto t omperature for
the summer months of 1904 was G5
degrees. There have been other in-
stances in previous years where the
average itemperature has fallen be-
low 65 degrees. In 1903 the average
temperature was 1.1 degrees below
the normal. The mean temperature
for july of this year was 67 degrees
somewhat lower than that of 1898,
1900 and 1901, when 68.5 degrees
WOS the mean temperature. The
rainfall during ,lune, july and Aug-
ust was excessive, averaging 12.46
incites as against 11 inches for 1903.
The normal rainfall is about 8.48 in-
ches. Winter sees scorns like an
unpleasant dream of the della future,
still it is surely coming, and tbe
weatherman is of the opinion that
Jack Frost will rule with a cold and
despotic hand when he takes over
the reigns oreeovernmene.
The names internal, Ilx.t ernal
Ble.eding, Blind, Itching, Suppurat-
llem,-Boid cures.
The names Internal, Extertal,
Blooding., Piing, itching, Sujlpurat-
ing, are simply natans of the
different stages thr,ough which every
case will pass if it continues long
Piles are caused by congestion or
stagnation of blood in the lower
bowel, and it takes an internal re-
medy to remove the cause.
Dr. Leonbardt's Hem-Roid • is a
tablet taken internally.
tit is a permanent on e and no case
0 piles has ever been found it lolled
to cure. leloney back if it does.
A guarantee with every puck-
a g e. Price $1.00 at any druggist's,
or the Wilson -Pyle Co., Limited,
Niagara Fells, Ont.
Tile l''Cissel, 'You Ifave Always Bought, and which laaS beea
leo else tor ever CO years, has borne the signature or
and has been madennder Ids per.
sena], supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one te deceive yo tt in this.
Counterreits, .Indtations and "Just -as -good" are bdt
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or
infants and Children—Experience against Experimentw
hat is ....cASTORIA •
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Vastor 011, Fare.
.1e, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
eolltnius neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. its age is its guarantee. It 'destroys Worms
112211 ;allays VeverislilleSSe It cures Diarriuna and Wind
Cone. It relieves Teething Troubles,- tsr,es Constipation.
and rlatuleneee. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and e3.1vels, healthy and natural sleep.
The Cfbildaten'S Plenneen.--Tho Mother's Friemi,
e rs the Siguature of
Tlio Kind You aye Always Bough..
In Use For Over 30 Years.
iw:A negr. N oua ci
• Hp. •
(Incorporated by Act of Parliameot 187.)1)
aNIKTAT. ACTIXORIZED,... • • • • • • • • • • . • S5.41001AJOMO
Capital (..u.t, rmn 'Pr). ....... . . -4.000,000.00
Reserved Fu_nd..E...;E-TE,.R.,8- 2;8E0.000.0Q
17 Branches to Ontario, Quebec. Xlitterta.,Biltish'Cofitirade met eftnitteta.
Open xvery htievtal Day Iron 10 A. hr. 30 32'. et. execpt Seturday 304%. to I
Farmers' Salo Notes caSbed or colleeted. Forms supplied
On implication. DRAFTS on oll rotas in the Dominion. Great Bruatened 141.
Red. 81,etes, bougbt and sold at lowest 381130 01 exehauge.
Deposits of 441.00 nod upwards rerQived, lotereet e0M-
Pouudedliolf yearloy, and added to principal June Stab /tad December alba no.
posIteatecelpte also itiatted mad highest current rates ot interest allowed,
Ab.clveseicses usade to faraAers, stock dealers and businees men at
leweet antes 0130.021211003* favorable terms. Agents at Exeter tor Done overe meet. •
DlOicsene ee Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager. 4*
All ifuron was Bitten
Rise and Pall of Huron Packing lee
Cold Storage Co.
• There is something almost pathetic
in the following story told by the
Clinton New Era, but iL should serve
as a 'warning againsl taking up with
visionary projects that (over sanguine
promoters may devise.
In Feby., 1901, the farmers of Col-
borne township started an agitation
Lo erect a co-operative pork packing
factory- in Huron county, owing to
the success with which dile Palmer-
ston and Harriston factories 1VC1'.3
then meeting, The town councils of.:
Goderich. Myth, and Clinton were ap-
pro:toiled and asked to send delegat-
es to Smith's UM, where a large
meeting of formers ond representa-
tives from Goderich, Clinton, and
Myth assembled; It Was finally; de-
cided to hold it meeting at Clinton
in April; at this meeting the Myth
epresentat Ives 'dropped out. It was
decided to go ahead And terra it
joint stock company evith it capital
stook of $150,000, divided into sitar -
es of $20 reel. The town council,
desirous of securing further Indus-
trieS for the town, guaranteed to
print the prospeolus And guctootnteo
'(ho expenses of securing $20,000
worth of' stock providing the said
expenses did tot exceed $200 A
committ ee from town was ppointed
to get up the prospectus, and these
were sent broadcast over the coun-
ty. Canvassers were then put on
the road. Considerable success at-
tended their early efforts .
'At a meeting in Nov. 1901, it WO„S
found that one canvasser alone had
eeoured $3,000 insinall subscriptions
of $20 each; this was thought to be
encouraging. At ibis meeting the
promotors of *the Petrolett Packing
Co. offered to come in and float tho
11. P. & C. S., and to bring in Eng-
lish capital and other propositions
were raacle, by different perties. Those
were, taken into consideration and
the proposition of W. R. 'telder., of
Palmerston, eves finally accepted itt
Jan, 1902.
His proposition was simply to se-
cure $13.000 worth of subscription
before March 10, 1902, and to sell
$50,000 worth of stock in 10 months
for which he was to secure a com-
mission of 5 per cent. and 150 shares
of paid-up stock' in the cornpany
when the contract was completed.He
started a very vigorous campaign,
secured subscriptions anti the co-
operation of several well-known
gentleinen 124 Goderich, Wi ngham,
Exeter end other poiots. From Jan.
30 3902, until the end oE March,
ever-yote, .will remember the roads
were simply impassable, and any
work in securing the subscrfptions of
farmers WaS impossible. No one
would undertake to solicit stock in
the country, but subscriptions in the
Town were secured in it very gener-
ous manner, as all the citizens re-
sponded loyally 1.0 the appeal to try
and secure further industries for Me
toon. Thci briginal coromitlee was
enlarged by ,the addition of certain
Well known business men of town,
also from Exeter and Winghara. Ef-
forts were made to interest a large
firm in Glasgow; canvassers Were
pia out in (he country in May and
June, when unfortunately at nett
time the pork packing factory com-
menced to collapse ; Haariston,
Pai'mlerston. Tirant,Cord,Pe tarhorou
Ifagersville and' Kincardine practic-
ally went out of the business; Mr
Belden ,the organizer of the com-
pany returned to his farm and notha
ing was done. Early in the follow-
ing sprieg the directors were served
with a writ by ler. R. Belden claim-
ing $840 commissions; this was de-
fended by th,e directors. The case
dragged its weary way through the
courts until -May, when a judgment
by consent was given, and Mr. Bel-
den finally- disposed of for $40and
law costs ,of $166. The directors
ore then ,*tt liberty to wind up tlie
affairs of this tompany. At Ms.
r000tio317 it was decided to melee a
cell of .6 per tient, to defray Ike pre-
liminary expenses of promotion artd
organization, The committee regret
that success did not attend their ef-
forts; they have don o lot of hard
work at considerable loss ot time
and money, and heir tnly :object wet.%
was to :moue further industries or
business for the town, and to secure,.
a good home nmrket for the farm-
ers' hogs.
As considerable time has elapsed
since the inauguration of the enter-
prise and es some, subsoribers feel;
sore at being asked for Money to de-
fray expe,nsea incurred, it is thought
desirable dis publish Ilea brief ac-
count. As one subscriber wrote ha,
paymeht of his allotment, "The poor
child has met an .early ileto 11;",bney
it decently ; I enclose $0 towards-,
funeral expenses."
Miss Nellie Holmes, treasure
of the Young Woman's Temper-
ance Association of Buffalo, N.Y.,.
strongly advises all suffering;
women to rely, as.she did, up-
on Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege-
table Compound.
-DEAR MRS. lemmata :--Your med-
icine is indeed pm idealewoman's medi-
cine, and by far the best I know too
restore lost health and strength.
suffered misery for several yearsebeitage
troubled with menorrhagia. My back
ached, I had bearing -clown pains ina_
frequent headaches. I would often,'
wake from restful sleep, and in ssi',e'lr
pain that I suffered for hours before I
could go to sleep again. I dreaded the
long nights as much as the weary days.
I consulted two different physicians,
hoping to get relief, but, finding that:
their medicine did not seem to cure me.
I tried your 'Vegetable Compound_
on the recommendation of a friend
from the East who was visiting Inc.
"I am glad that I followed her ad-- ;
vice, for every ache and pa,in is gone,
and not only this, but my general
health is much improved. I have a
fine appetite and have gained in flesh.
My earnest advice to sufferingwomen
Is tonut aside all other naedicines and
to take Lydia E. Pialshara's Vege-
table teorepour4."--1VIxss Nerreeene'
goranas, 540 No. Division St., Buff*,
or.V. ;WOO forfeit if origin, ofaboriltiON7170"-
no geraniums cannot 4,r poeltess&