HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-15, Page 3King Solo OD Says, "He Hat Made Everythin
Beautiful in His Time.'
(Detered accortling to Act et the 'VeteA: -
line:met or veneete, in the veer tine lifenettle.' colors! Froni t1xbrilliant
Th'euseed Nine Ilundred enti leper,
apictorils of en autu leaf let us
bY Wm, liene, of Toronte, 1.1 7.
Popertment Agriceltere. Ottewe cake the spiritual lesson eel- mon
=tie axid loving glenee, 4 neat and
tidy table, and eentpting supper-
tbee are what every guidwife knows
e her husband likes ii,„ ,at,,,,,, home to
M the evening, and 1 3 loath, lo leave.
0 ztrong decoction of camomile iI9w-
For earaehe, bathe the ear in e
eee . the drop a few drops of warm
A sweet oil unto the ear, and keep it
4. there with e little coitot-on001 and a
tf4444+44+144+14444+44+rSatit Oticetlilnean31,. 1V4r .°d
DowisIste guelwv.i.„ For gooseberry jeny7tda1 tlels
Deemed epaut,,,_,Take 4,440. bodieti a pinta of gooseberries tilt terale,
ham, chop it very one, season with with sugar to taste, and a few drops
'ea and black pePPer and 0, Mae al' /Mari 31tiee; PASS it through a
Litt gi„ „ Liver Evils A desPOtch trona Los Anneles Swers: everYthing beautiful in its time , : a t Press *wildly int() a pa,O, SiaVa and add an ounce of gelatine
„ e,,,,leht .,nel lea.va oeer night, slice dissolved in half a 1.)01, Of Water;
oe. Pi11s --elev. Inrank De. Wiet Talmage . " ha -Mc' will en'; -;‘..-ttoted. Nwe eor leech, color with a little eel -none awl pear
preached, front the following text ; 11-WPRESSED
11'iced. Salt, -A spiced fait that into a mould.
1:U15T, Bear Wgnature or 1 eeceteeiastes iii, le, "lie lean made The symmetries of sCralglit lines ie en toe:talent ee soiling for soups , 'To n'arra cold potatoes 'Put a des -
everything beautiful in 111,6 time." and curvee in seulpture and Preilit0C,', stoning 'and evei laoaf, e'e'tinnire; onie. ,ert-sPoordid of hutter M a saucee
The Soloinie writings aro often eu-e el et fe, -. 1 • • . - "
ne,,, ....„_, .. • , , Lu,44 Io,o,,_. , - - es- --I° Alla ogles tor men s quarter ounce each of theene Lay' Para and let it melt' then put in the
jewels cut mui vuusbea by ' ".07-,, teriirlitnial bettinty: .-neetneerine, among leaf anti pepper; one-eiglah ' ounce •cold potatoes, keep 'the lid on, and
tee amenecre in s,e• A e.
reep„tive of eize or eelor, his v,n'ses bt:Illhitili"t` ar1.ea1171' a great PWrItr• awl 4 ball eb41*.e 4-aell o"ng tl Pqtatfle5` ill'en lirg4('‘i
Jia o symmetrical unity, cloves ane nutmeg, Grote the nut- ,through put in a vegetable dielt and
es verbal gems are clustered into -u--etg
powder end sift the other eprinhle with chopped parsley.
chapters, with but, lietle ;Attempt. at list as a Perk I" Wcathe Is chiseled '1313eg' 417'
coneetottpro o,.4.444,goaloat, indeed, atter the jibys1eal formations of a eagredients, loix thoroughly end Ada nefore using new China, glass,
Kiog f.3,010maa, for the ntost, part pet inan. llfenny e.ears ago tliere °Ile 01111e of salt to e‘er:v fttor 01111res 1 411111 dibeneYs, w.caP each arilel
.5,eetwi to ate to he 112,41 4 writer of wee eenurned from the eerie(' ruins, Oi tha raiXtaraA Keep tightly hot- looeely hut entirely In a cloth. place
notebooks, IR the kingos judgmeat 1 of old llome a lharhh3 leg. broken 0 Ocj• An olun'e n1U n'eateon •three them in 0 kettle and cover with cola ' Text 9
hall or on tine etreet or out upon the frolu 011 One at the statues of old, ti'°,,°43s 1117 4itlraing. water. Wing to a boil; continue the
. 'mat broken fragment is etill pre- '-x0o•FeheorY wee.. -Five euerte of beet ten or Afteen minutes anti then f
sk.,,,,.. whea a great tiajoaht is tosinae,eerved in tine Vatican, 31ieheel An- g°°•sebernes' fuar rulavls of 411`4"13'."'c')Q1 'Ili' ll'Y ""3 telnPerzng. theY °3'11 SeeIc ye efe, and -
1Y in1i1,414-11 within his htetha. he jot8 gei°t as a se111111 0r, us'.'d to 't,;1(1..v "` Pi" °I vineg"r "Ild two table-Ir°41rtettld..rings con be made to run Feel,: the Lord, war Ye
that thought down in metoortundont, that leg by the day, the twek., the . sPoonf,als each of chenee, cienumon
"hen at the end it tin, day or eliee mouth ord the year,„ "beealoi.,,,,. said r and ellsPitv. I'lit egar ;Ina epicee easilY bY rubbing the pole velth pare seel. good and uet„ evil Oa
1Week or tile month or the e -ear be' the greet Iteiaten a:meter, -I eone a nr* 1 r• 1 1 a boil, pue in rathn until tholroug' tile' ernooth. live. aati .$0 he Lora, the', God of otteu the hook of Revelation, for it
collects there different thoughts, ire, sider :bat pewee of stene the post . the fruit- ;Ind cook one hour. Bot -r• To heeP rites Out of the larder. 'hosts, sinalt he eeith. you, for tbeis its the only one of eli the books that
sPonge the windows daily with a:saain. tine Lord unto the house of "Llias a N'OrY sPezial bleseing for tine
respeet i-tv of their logieel seniugure, ' rel feet format ion Gf physical ana- °a 4"141 '51.'411. N we for re'eat s'
into a cinefiter Or e :wee; ond hos tee taray erer earryo by the ei i I , Fried Ovstere.--1,'or nine deem. erre NN'enk solentiou of carbolic odd ond Iereen (verses e. e„ eel Tilts seems ;reader ano hearer (reeve i 0)
, n se , , e. .,
eon. It tembals us •of Fatialt's 0.1i
- that Clod bath made anti can nialre roust rd. • •
See Pao -Simile Wrativer B"?..
Teee areati 4N497
10 tr•ke as satgar.
Fon EnummEts.
OR TliEcord
17vegetwisze. *'41v4c"
lapidaries end celieceed in easeets, ir- ''' nous buildings of l':"IroPe- 1 44011 of sweet. marzorton and cayenne 'Place over the ftre, frequently toes-,
workici:s Hokt to cora
most foram a hoof trouble.
7110 only fre4114V4 t f -Of ilaViC44
Meecle by the Durtiop, The
Limited. Tweet° e
Salc' Yin biare
he I,ess6n, Amos vo
To=„t, Amos
v., 6.
et . Pet. I, 10), But,
tllere are many teoelers in our day
who, though wiee to their own esti-
mation, are foolish in the Lord'e es--
ilieve What the Lord has spoken by theation, h.eCallER they will not bee
His servants the prophets {Luke xxiy
No matter what the wiee
varlet man- think of us, let os by all
eaes give ea.rnest ineed to tine suro
iiece: word of prophecy, for "the testimonY
hee;, of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy".
ve may (neve e 10). By ell alealla read
-eon stenographer write tent ,rOnt ineu,`* So
aln, felle otieer words, King mey the ii/POR
411tMasS verses leer tine nnost rt grat gou ts
o like freight ears that Cell vli z ;vote Wok at $
11e leeched •or tintempled from ere examples of ‘,0 apt circe
ietcleally petite -
he enrves of o
arid attaehed to other ears. Each ,tbe vatieon or the 'blush
rse stands out as a aiStiaet entityfig-ores ;Omelet Henn: a
. 'pewee vereo ae lAPProPrlate 41° their lumeede
n are Inrecalning
the eixth chapter or Pronerbs as „r„ rey to peao
, , • , e ,
rift int They are often 4tS aneaari.Ct...1j/;° "P"tt'' t"2113." 4.14 IVQ:41nIP'''tg.'r sine1437°I7 !La hetiona) ereenieinalon dist-Mee. ehe node. tetiee 4:re onto E fCr 110 is II -1Y NW' 3.equp.1 the bearte4ekening suepenSe
as the deeuitions of Webster's pieet Abbey. As we listen the sW(Tt, and 1'1 110,1.".9 1:11-11 Lk, Cag4t for held in an easy, talFtrainel, upriebt 19' ,211./... W.I4‘4th13.; i"4ch i.,‘" the lot of wotnert ti1/29 ot
They change thele ,subjectslardt; of the leleglish lenguage evern 'ono Ininuto tout hult ;Ind eerve poeitIon, so that the chest will have'Pe 454aet or tn4 "'nom° or 'ai° war -
'They are nugg,ets ci(1.0 lift their heads from their free play.
half of oysters beat two eggs aoet water. You will 'never he trouble& to be the central -thought of our le( -
'0n with salt- and Pe/Tee wkd two'n with Mee if you do this.
bleepoonfuls of tompaQ. qa1,3/41) it; Va.FEr`t 0,r4d oreaments, 1 for :the Lord he Gore, follow '
flevoe of the tomato le desiree. 0 few naltunee in water 0 , Kenge eviii, '134 and of Joshua's i
, - •
will layer:tit es, hOrtat Oa* ''ClWase .....°4 i
thii, day wboin we will serve" f.Joeh.
ree Nene , le) end 411 the %Tonle of mos- 1:2- 11115$10, awl, Japan Th
ad* ' " ' -
es: "I haee set before yon bee anal Peay-izere for Peace,
14est', lh'oin the nelnerS aud eeeeon with 12 tile soap powder Is addle
salt and pepper. Inp them in bread, ;need Very little washing.
laFono4,1 crumbs, then into the beaten eggs, Ile°111° with weak kingS
1,3,14(4„430 antl again in the brearl crumbs. Iteaye"rorsonewled by medical men
I tac4r olive oil about four iitehen time) in aloud, as this etreegthees
the Irvin,' heale, and whet -1 1.1.1T hat / longs and rheq Muscles ;dike.
0,, ath: tlieeefore ctiootie life. LOve Terrible as the zoleeries of the bat-.
144V 1C4 .,q 41
Lon -d, thy -Clod; obey His Voice, tle-field and the liospitel, they de not
eeke, 'The eeapter is tee freight, I let loitor for a little idle place the oystee's iu the fr,;n leg hee. recoiling ehmild be deliberate coul he
4 liaainal, there is no life (limit The Pain which must lie borne in
;from iiim win. ii .lie, NV.110 Faiti, "I Inaction is t:f itself paralyzia44* t11
o tho
1104 flAata. 1.W the Auetreeo loos (4- duet and begin to eiur, end Ilea Soup -One Net split peas, 4
_ or in the tett belle, entirely oualogies 0: poetry As, Nwil As in a liandput f -hayed eabhage ,! coo . • •
treeweeee are' sots without overboard in uniti-ocean„. for example,
en vatort Dloo Fur tier and ,Fe tea f
" 40111 n 1 . ' ipture ground reanuts„, fadt, e 2,,71 11 is haRalliat'City 11140 that nia--"Goil and aithout, hope, is the condi,. ,saffers a fear beside which that a
, are lific groat round liowh:ers of and earebilt etitre, For p, 1" -' 4-1 1- tl
an trig ts ee, oa .„. no peas .to n•,
V Pit I t ni" joritv of leen ,ziacal,e end when 'we titen of all ()there kii,;pit. 1, 12). the battte-geld Is a trifle. The bray-
Is a, purely vegetable Systern lien miners In the dust Inv the ronolek we fled in -Ian's spiritual beenity in the 'Onions, heltds celere. tureips, v.TATErt, AND '1'0
:',a1n1 the We" (John xl., 25; sive 6). , will and to high resolve. malt
-id 's • of
A medicin ha cts direct y at ealTiej. by the e front?, one and itirc 1,:vr-lbui h.,11 torn.„,,, so 1,10,..u.y top, ow ad 4 1,0 watin,„ wash ;lye, anti espe.eielly how it taneatinnil, cove feeety freer) nzod gift of life, Wee' mut practneal certainty ot
the same tint him omit prammi,, iv,r12.1, ender pretense, of wore ejlotes. uvt,11,,lurti,0101yenv,.11`cea;bt,,,i,,Nsviletyllibrfc°ifilt‘ht
imbedded ill the Sanas, Theee howl- herythet tether awe musie is ebvi,,b4 plentv of water, In 0, , Fe° bow Muth collt•ellnent anti Phone.- In ties days ot 4'103. itS POW. men 'est Of Men, olooe ttio %vawes
der V4-'4•I'X'S in a gh1cial age have len 'in sound end sculpture gua'1,trclateln.,, V01410110 0,11 *1 4, pees tliot 1,Qi! 41r4' a Plea gets out of lois cigar or W011iti (10 allFtitit 1,1 ralhOr ,thkin mord, ulthough tnay ilavo
"the Stomach, t'outut revling Place amid ea-ls itytion4 In. word- thr°11141t ire
itth.t,00/. 4`1.
Lt. r Bowels an J3oo.L tiro n el Wants flon% th‘tae tl•au levee thetbee, 1,:eee, Ilre in .saittul welter. sinnuer for two , Feen4 3/(444°S11 csil:3`"IS tealleeerese Bettwl
ftirCeS tlatItre 13,1(0.1"11.' re.
i '4r
°1 theY weir° creal'el• writor owe tc'ell said. opeetiie tours and re balf., atitlieg water us) to 11"e _holnit, and drives her husliancr gall end et te.o„eote a .01.1 their Fun • • ,
511 Wetee nud put (Veer the. n
It cure.; Dyspe
reed& elt the tent ei this time °IT 41"" t°"" -la 14-""ailn° 01'4 '411 Pat 1•11fittes ter thenlisgiving were full of May rise to splendid
Biliousness, nnitulean crit ice tell that in tee. :newel, geeden hemen
44!ang Seionnon gird tie* write 'Ile he'd' 411. I
hinnenn lzrenwhelge, Loma 4 W140 rIgAIT Nada a word about • vonnleu be always
10 , edd the ye-T.:wiles trove erd melee, Perltat him to loth4liee 141 fa'4°r31 4" evil- ther,efore the I,ord said, "'Offer l'
age 44, 114,4 li/o44-,oin and the flog -ranee - ''' •" * * ' vire at home A. geol maitre girls- • -- ' '
Coostipation, Pimples, El *I', .(.1 of Lecie,A,-4,F,ber., tlatt, !its sty.o :Mai t ' tli °Id the .'rallnd IVV""45" 144' 4 4 4 ' ''. " 'at.t.414;:41 'Qf l'Iar.'"IIVIng "t 1 Q4' . ' .
' g1%.Wan 1 ute-4liS P111'; MO' , • a . . Mr emehe before linev were nearrie-ef - - - -I
um/ Fen indulgence 30 soiamos 1,41 wain eine higinist ot.alt of the Monitt !" a ''' retiucince. Pettier nolt litairrY al.Pnnof z- imr, !this' pres,ent age. the mystery of Tel4rt1141). c4-2,4,1°,are.a.oatnaiLkt:Ttui:/d )1a'%bistttray.
arising from an impoverished or .. --‘ i or Asemi,ion fo,31,10,,I. Or it IS°I 1.":„11v4411 "„''14" t“ l' et' Males', yoll earl '5 anl
and, that at the end of it satiated
Fee Salo by all Druggiatt, bat vfmorthlitintt‘ Ni1;-'°toe'iltiPrec(0.117;n1,Sentel,lien Iiiillics,' *heindlin'; t il,o'v1;114115 a 4 irtallreS'S' l'ITI.Ifehtt:191:: 4:114:1:11triltaltwo%)t4t1„1414,-)sPentneninit':1 'I ehatItter. 70"14)17°14:11:isianreit; ec‘vi'l.() illvi'91il'Itl:•!4°I'Pli:111 14):;etae41.01141114.11slaanw rgietr:111.4:i-Incte)wl(111(18 thiol"let- illo11-4giili;s11:„ 4tAllndv1.4olt:nttli:navrre4(1117%esseat °;)lInP7,41)4:111,r
n, and the eonedusions uttered in or Ile Is rclu'reneti to Join So Ill° lcwoonfubi (g.:f -413asilt,'e',i'11/11)." their wives can Foy or do. 'ilfereover
clad aplead 00 aarrm, mrips of 31111° an ever was the frorounpi t gietilionnto, lut),,ivne. 4,1,,ittecaowineurtdivenellahnde ene:)ounrdtkeig-oo,ldornaliouNgelinogi
stale lava& 5priame with the erit„,„,tariLes lum more obstbratt•
,i, ,,,,7 or aoitx. ed was, and crb,i, in o hot oven.'" It isn't very pleasaut to Kayo theIll'r'll
. , Iliore
smoke, and it •When neart3; every fundatnental truth country and hatred of war, that tho
, end in tne meantime apple lent, definite knowledge 1 shall aesimle,paAritl' di1zettl tlicairietfit;iiii tQt. rbe'avt(1).,?:.; ' ite1:11::.h tsbin:oN:''iv;1-:aree;i:1,' -:iiet"risInt(117ftnel 14:::::1:1(1:18:4:11: Will°. "LAIra jeSUS lit'"Pif IS e4Itutt°11 wings °ver the earth.
cilly mad dog let him eau a physiet_ life, In the absence, therefore, of of hotter mith the sante ottartfity of ;Feeroo to linger lin melte of or,eo doors is ("pilled by many p4 -u and our ortgel of peace may again fold his
nei,ioct to tho wound, This 'is, tote that the first NerFe of the book in. 'Am WO ready to beeonie becoitifel in which a. lea -Mewl lump of Inakinn• p''r 4 verY "14'enve sv13`7 el g`‘ll'llig rid n r'lfk. tP4eXiQr* 1111141i less 1140 !1;4111 1)1
en the PAU' a hat-
• Nen,. for this linetn eon ON. qt.- lea- the unt -wall 1 ..
anile, Salt Rheum, Running SOres, ' Alirliint LelCulg to a later date. lit . lti - 2 . 1 „ . - ' . i coon le or t'wo /IOM'S /WV:1,AT, ull4
I n di,cees tion E.-,,sinehs Cancer ' 41 1' 4 4 10 ale' 1°1' " er4 li14"S •'' VOUS " it. - - . t t - • • f 1130 1-ea'alung " F'1)4 ‘ e' '111411 fr" fleelop an ant tinathy "to it artery:0ra Nw't,;nerle1e. i.ning s1g1111,111rant
.. of ell ti evel."4" 10112,01;,:v,itris,ti,rpatc4;4;gh, todmi:„44211liliesothtehrs;
, 40 1 '4'. t" * .0 1 &pressing refrain are einaracterietie' - -" - ' '-' bread or torait,
is num R 34110.S, 1 tn%teal• *
' 1 le. r 1 e \ - • .
Shingles, Ringworm or any disease of a Man who led &licit a. life of (else ''''411,t 11°P" aall 41°)IliPst ambliti°°?" 4' 4 1, at() ringerseerfednee 1 • imiiing11°114 )1441'e tbl"gs ilatile"."1-"d' le 'ccuil"..eteti. 'le whtehree or 1,,Oe:d7n5r4 els1;411''ttlt):, -a '
impure condition ot the blood, tabitspoonnfule or the to-, the lon,,dotto-that is, the condition them, No woroaa,6 voice can catra
pleasure and study, as Ito must -14- ••11. "- mato paste, pm,' up in ;mall tins, "t" gr°ws " Plan' "CI thcre
, bile the It reolot is re-
book, jaiet emit tie woUle he,Iittetes a mittoros 44paea,dire , iltamt 4 X nogrioil unlv 141rdeas olighlY leaven or corrupt iier Mod. Orange tongues and with. fantastic
A had man is Mali 1.1m su deious to bo reached by a /luta wbo.,•LOStt
of every good nuaie he meets. lowing strayed (MIX VMS tii84 TUN
31, 0. porson is baton 1,v a suppos- appoluttel and 4ihiSatilitiett. With hit;
advite orbe. Lagono, of the Pas-
teur Institute,
Profeesor Ooston says that Mitre
seientiete will piece the evils of su-
gar gluttony on a pedestal as con-
spicuous as the drink question, as
eausing at deterloratiOn of individu,
als and rat•ee.
, 31'4:
dieetes him us the author, "The son oureclvt s by Invent:mg beautiful in eodtt has htl'a atiCedt cook tinlii '
of David. king III anruselem.” )hinn? /Oven tho lowest. erid vileet, smooth. and then east half a cupful tliele°11,1°I;eliute'1.,..1 atillewiltleg4f)0(;10.14m,i'SwIlarisiiilbeti:s11:1(n, i fsLia.,71:17 trocstable,a1°,usbeb41./X0daWthellItiltine:. TA,LXING AT MEAT.. -TIMES.
COLE13.11)(1.M'S 1)1FIFINITION. leaved by his grate. and redeemed by of strained tomato juice, three drops
The old theorz,- that it was rude to
,,,,,,, fail of water in the r"In• 13V morn. 'I'lie word of the Lord through Amos tab: at meal_tirnes, Ntideh, hos. come
Una& bealltY In the Painter's Inrush of Christ's beautiful life. Many yeers sa 4 1 and i I P
WI tillti an analogy foe wan's sole- lire bleod, can become a true Parte of, onion. Joke, and tisste,,.avoin..„101;11,,,.2 log the water win hare ohserhea thre and every tither prophet shall be fel- tiolut to us from otir Imet.storv.
and the artist's easel. According to ago when the ,Nellow fever plague quarters Q1 t1 pint 04 COM 14(11,,e0
e 'e-.1 etr. 'a'.'" on" ,;"-;"., smone (if VOtt don't believe it taste 'filled. "I will plant thent upon their
scents to 104 -4-0 z ecot etd 0 SOW,
:Samuel Coleridge, the English Peet Ulla raging in 3setaphiR„ Tenn., a lish, heat thorougbly, and serve on ,..„ , „„. 1
the water), and the air will be free f 11101(1(4 aunpd outtlmoy‘ srsalemull.ttno( more be 1„.hark, aceordin t f. 1
4 i one impel 1 t ies.
This is a good iesron to no not to 'havle given then:c, isalit.1.; tlittel11.1eri,IdlichthyT ,4.11 1 : g o a nle' lea man-
f G`ati• so we know that the age is
aightly .moistened with
and literary critic. the tree definition roogin looking man applied to the zu'lehuch
of "beauty" is "multitude in unity." city relief committee and said, / hot milk,
When standing before a great pie -4 wish to nurse." It was at a time FOr baked tomnitoes. make a dress -
lure like that of Leonardo da Viners \then MOVAto poople who could were Ing Of fine crumbled breath pepper.
HA on Last ,uppei, tio mi s fleeing frora the stricken roic.I ' 4V0lil 1)14? • ' • ' 4l444',04l*
a 30 e, in partaking hospie
drink water that has stood in the, lelen-1" tArnos ix., 14, 15): -Ter- tably,4 he says, 4*tliat, eou ore able
house, all
neer make a. man azi offender for
44,1; 'e*t. xxxvii .„ 111 , 22),
poses. Hunt out convereatioeat coin
to discharge the olnligations it itn-
been smolt. act° of t.he Loaves and Fishes," iiton the crannic4s of your br,aiti.” I
-lately and feel tino "31Tadontia," wo find that 'there
*ng a good deal lb:Wheel's greatest Piet1400. his $1s" seemed to he going everywhere. At bri tile fr•-ing Pan
or ilated homes. 'me Ileath cart e 11414.30' (44 or a trifle of all three. rfeat "1 suppose you ha encountered 3 Word and lay a .ennere for him, that
Mime' a family in which, froze. the
younoest child to the eldest, each.
first the livsielan deelined the amount of beton., about. a. tnblespoon bapthitive
with a lieernn worse gales 4 3.,ao this?. 114414('C1au reproveth in thei gate and turn aside
noyeenger oe tee same the just for a t long of naught. They
an occasional' tiro many lights and the shadows, i , P , - i 1 Ito three cups of dressing, it ilet man (Turbo; a very, moderate bit of a saY, "PrePliesy not unt0 Us right mendier is required to contribute
c ti ( g 2 t t . something to general CatINL.7$. tt a at
roundyourbearte the, yellow and the blue and the saf- ' 1-0•Juet ri•Olt 1 little on tbe high- tt ' e things Prophesy deceits, cause the meal te ks tri, e . ,.
1 ' - t r m's • Is ' s , 1. •
spondea the salt. . NIthen . Wes ' , ' , " nut • leY a'40 Ili:Tee (wen
I°' • this ratan uas sent o one o , e e, , .,• ,
Are you short of ' Iron and the violet and the purple, -''- -7 "' ' I:, ,P11..0/11 tl Sid( . ..0.11, tn.
. ' (° 1140 t°I) t i tE B , iv. cti.... viier, 4 iv Holy One of isreet to cea$0 from, be- allowed to regard this us a moro
the most filthy ana dangerone wards . . . 011e II 0 , tor o es .y 1 , ,
twinge of Pain 'mold und the silver and the green and roug man s beet cos, bllt as le sure of your seasonings, taste and ) ,nn 05 nre loft a ale re. things; speak unto us smooth
• o
reath, -nerves all blend ht one common purpose e e, , • a
1 1 id Wind bletv all the paint off the bul- 0 etop foe etolting the physleal e
1 L f re us . Sa. XXIX.. t
thoughts unhinged, sense.- Thousands, perhaps 1. V u*lef the °tar' Wherever he went 140 onove tie watery ns ON, and 1111
ens o ao
witlf the dressing. Replace the lids, 'works. It took four on tis to . . to be made as brief as possible Each.
r 11). They kno v e. t the tho
0; treasures up some incident ofngitlit:
tion. of pins and needles sands
going through you; his brush, may' have touched the° net tell
of times, Allehael Angelo, with was a lnesSenger
1110 newel lie soid simply, and bake Nor an hour more or loss, the captain's *at on 'is *ead, rind the of love. He would Lor*; neither understand the
dey: no one forgets that ho has met
wall in the Vatican, where to -day
seen his "Last Judement." But note and after awhile John, whose name
is;"`Call me John," Time passed on, according to the beat of tho oven.
lly baying the dreseing heated it is off *is buttone. That was a blow
even then all the ankers was blotvn cou
full of enrighteousness and oppres-
- netal (Mec . They are on old friend, or even watched tt
engine, and the excitement it
arms and lingers.
Better take a box or Iwo
N of Milbur ' 1-1
Nerve Pills and get cured times when he laid on the paint did. was now famous through the
sickened and died. While his body
City, not the soggy mass osually found In for yet. Why. eeen— But hy
us --eart and one of all of those thousands of i
serious. he do so without having one • ' beingrreenred for an unmarked Coro Vinegar -Take 1,0 gals fresh, Eyed that he was being "guyed,"
meat was • this otherwiee delicious dish. this time the eurions passenger vett-
e:teem before things become too
As a for all idea in his mind. "Perfection is grave, suddenly upon his arm was elean rainwa ter and add to it 10 lbs. and he did not give the imaginative
composed 0 many trifles'," wrote he, found a livid mark, whieh proved brown sugar; meet add 1, gal. hop tar the chance of 1inisb1og his inter -
"but Perfection in art is not a that John WaS an ex -convict. John yeast sponge, wilich has 'been "set"' eating narretive.
trifle." A great picture is always had been one of the most darigerous the mune as tor liread, and let 'get
"multitudes of nifferent colors in criminals of all the south, Once he light. Cut from the cobs 1 gal.
blending unity." That unity is the was a murderer, but now through green corn, put it into an open keg
cause or beauty, when seen upon the the blood of Jesus, be became a. or jar with the- water. yeast and sin -
canvas of the masters of old and the ministering angel. Once he was hor- gar: tie a piece of double chees.ecloth
ine.sters of the present day. Able in his depraved malformatitin. overthe top and let stand in the sun
"A MULTITUDE IN ITNITyet Now lid was made beautiful by or in a warm room for two 00 three
bringing lais life in symnietrical wtents, when you will have, the best
' won. yet tine Lord loved them an
aroused. ""1.`hey lieVe become more
pitied thera and by His prophets
eb,ervant; their sense of humor is
might have mercy upon them. He
urged theta to turn to Him that He sharpened
in little street comedieee
had compassion on Iles people and becatise of the applause of the fa,
itelnisHmisessdewneglelirnsg, bpizatctehtetyndmsoecnkteathtelialo au yf c4ielln.cd,hi,y. inTtieuzstarien o'tlhno,a4,shsidurivbidinuu_r-
umesengers of Old and dperopppisheectls IlInils_ ,,. ,
l in touch with each
al adventures and misadventures.
words and ntisus
a I ° 1- ? e TO thheeYr s '.4 b ' p t er es IP' i t s . Mealtimes are
til the wrath of the Lord
' .t. His eeople till there was no
1.0)- not dull in that family. 'The mind.
remedyat lglaati. nsi
0, there was no remedy or, as
(11. Chron. x -vi 15,
as well as the body-, is refreshectne
in the margin, "bealieg" in anything
that they could do. Yet He cries,
"Deliver from going down to the
pit; 1 have 1 ound a ransom (Job
se-exiii, 21.)
After He had visited upon their
iniquites (Amos iii, 2), and allowed
them to return to thole land from
the captivity in Babylon He in clue
time sent them the Ransom, the De-
liverer, the Lord, their Righteoueness
the long promised nileseiah, but
what is the record? "He was it
the world, and the world was made
by Mill, and the world knene Hine
not. He cattle unto His own, and
His own received ifine nate.". (John
i, 10, 11). Now, is there still any
hope for such. a -petiole, who because
of such great sin and crying- "His
blood be talon us aad upon our child-
ren" leave been scattered a byword
tead a reproach among all nations?
We could not believe alt if He had
not said it, but since He has said
that for Hie own Name's eake - He
will fulfill Bis peoreise to Abraham,
Tsatto and Jacob (Mic, Vit. 18-20;
Ezek xxxvi, C12). He will do it, anti,
WO must beleieve it. "The gilts and
calling of God are without repen-
tance. Oh, the depth ot the riehee
IT,ACTS LIKE A CHARM. both cf the wisdom and knowledge
of God! „1 -low unsearchable are 'His,
FRELEIEF ALMOST liftISTORITAINEOUS. :1612ndirl"°1(11t-lsonn13.14X1712897a31,)Past fin(l'41g
But time° who are ,nwee enotigh to
heart and nerve
not be excelled. • A
true heart tonic, blood
enricher and nerve re-
newer, they cure nervousness sleepless-
•e••e"---neess, nervous prostration, smoker's heart,
palpitation of,thebeart, after effects of la
grippe, etc. "
Price 5oc. per box or 3 boxes for $r.25
at all druggists, or will be sent on receipt
a price by
The T. Hilburn Co.. Limited.
Toronto, Ont.
Right in the of gni) back.
100 Y04:e,V8r ge,t1.a tihere
If so, dO lititOi,;,'-witat it -.gleans?
is a' Ilzkyache.
A sure Seigo'pf,hideey Trouble.
Don't ;neglect it. Stop it inn tithe.
If you don't, ,berions Kidney Troubles
are sere to follow., •
etee..,,Bankache Lime -Sack," ,Diel'ietes
'Ieropsy and', iSidney and %Bladder
. ,
„ , ,
P?'loo 5,904 c?,-,.,9T,•fee•Sli.;5., all deafers3.:"
CiAll:..*ItnetV„yekL.L'cp,i,, •
An artist's beatity is a "multitude
totich with Jeeus' of vineeetr. Shalting or niacin. -
In unity." We know ehat Samuel
Coleridge's definition in reference to ,.,,, ttround -does not injure this vinegar,
My friends. will you not let Christ
the painter's easel is true. We seo - ti,ncl. 4 it is best to pour off the clear
you with his' spirittml beauty?
iyou not only in the future be ''cra'd and reineve the eeyll and other
a - 'multitude of colors in enity" V411
spiritually beautiful, but beautiful dregs from the bottom. of the veseel
when Turner, the most brilliant or- nt tbe end of three weeks. 11 011IY a
tistic colorist England ever produced, nOW in your PeCSent 111e? wilt You .,,,,,i ,,,,,,,,,,,,f• 0 -vinegar is wanted,
not become transformeel as was ---- "----- "l
makes the sea a creature of life. Now it may be made. as follows I Cut
it is a beautiful 13o-ulevard of gold, John, the redeemed nurse, laboring from the cobs 1 pint green corn; put
paving its way to the -throne of a for his 3faster in plague thicken
setting sun; 41010 a perfect pandemon- Memphis? ' into a jar 1 gal„ clean rain water,
Win of furies; now it is a burial.add the eerie stir in 1, pint molasses
S0000, 401)011Sir Devie Wilkie finds a + or sugar and place 1)1 the sun or near
the stove. Vinegar made by either
sepulcher in the mighty deep, whose
waves beat themselves into pieces on of these rules will he found quite as
the Gibraltar crags. We see an ar- good as the best cider vinegar.
test's multitude in unity" in the ek —
Dyck and in the mighty mountaa, n 'TINTS FOR- HOME LIVE.
Portraits of a Sir Anthouy 'Van
peaks of a Bierdstadt and in the pas -
"'oral dreams of a Millet. But,
though there may be many different
ints blending in the colors of a
rose, did you (woe stop to 0ealiee
rainbow or in the hectic flush of a 0244080 1.00 - o .n .. it ien placed on the table. AP IN IN THE STOMACH.
that ail colors come from but throe tr"." .theY- be°11-1°' illiliri°11S• Thee Pieces or bread should be- substita-
nee or luracheon party. -
eutture. _A 11 the animal and vegeta_ tine. willeh nennunals,poesess; where- SU-MMER COMPLAINTS
.hre and mineral kingdoms 1.1an-e but. as la birds i' la anneal.' entivelY latchk; co'imf ethe'dliTeloiciloiersed°f ii:uaji>le ttrielist'es wibte-h. °
' . ' in44.. The result was shown in
whieh they are Oil COMP 051,d . SO 111 ,. . ,
111C 1 was c.t. el 4, 1 , ,., I tehen giving a dienea pal ty , 1
ran&,,e that every alternate couree ITS EFFECTS ARE MARVELLOUrit,
the, artistic world, we hnsi Shat ale w t l'er iit at eieliteen• whine
colors originally come feom hut three 111e. ClOOt 01' s parrot, aget „set en ,V, eat, be at elux,- rete, partially pre-
reholary. etoneseetna ted, the :yellow appeared to the audience hale 'end n• , ,- ,- - ,
, ' tiered lieforellanil.
and -the blee. Now, if God colt lively n11.-- stands proyed, ' says th.e ' '' • .
'To cIean bronze ornaments 'take
forrn the artistie beentY of the sky, doctor, "thet Eons,ilily is an Mice 1 0740 ()roam, of sweet; oil, 0110 ounaa
the 'sea the land out of the sim- taus diSease, and it sheand be poesible ein -alcohol aud one ounce end e half
„. ' ' . . . di ' * ; '' ' Pleagant Ralild neliablo Effoutual
. .• . . . • _ .... ,,
Pie 1 ed, the eimple , eoLlow and to ti eat ie 1 1b 0 °that male es to of water. Apply Timely with a sort
i it abeerd to -cure it on 3)00001 -It it." The hope ,,,porica vut 00.1404 rub. 1 t , I k
tile simple violet ,
e" n that.e 1 • -t II i h 11.4 '1,Te chnitorf ' wa 'ambrapis ,houid ba put (...m.
-a. POS9 ,9C.. Cart steel ua y Wa9 expree. o v a., . e ,
in a leeture on "Old Age," deliv-
ered by Dr. Menchnikoff in Paris rec-
ently, the speaker expressed the °pin- Never shah e or rumple the table-it,,Thugur,_ TSENTERL
ion that senility was produced by cloth. Fold every time in the orig- D
certain physiological states which inal creaees.
cause the neeefielent species of mi- See that the plates and ,dishes a.re COLIC CRAMPS
en obcs called "Macrophages" to in- wiped underneath before they are
Primal colors? Juet the same as all parasites 310001011 in the large intes_ ted for the ordinary slices at a dm- AND ALL
etxtyeeix clifferent basic eldnients, of e
. . .
• r 4octoc, own doe • hricetlest and vinegar.
3)0.100 715 llVtjSfjC744flV 114u-H(l1 ac' tlhaf •senutle e.0141(1 eltertl.sr he' .diS"' finch- handles,- te dry rThis ellotes ,
.6.0121. -tee ,74,e17 ern de anti sinfiel ,weeenay covered to cormtel•act the "inattron-, the wrater to run -mit of tlient; .in- EVEiRV'"911§0SH°CILDI-1.,q11'
t:10; :We onlY, ges'' and' prolone human life; enieenn- etCsecT of' into the:part .wheee the' riine'
Y OUR' D1,1.4.1C41:ST' 011 IT, KE 1"I 0 C>TF,4 C14.
* '11.1-3)1accl .1° „ oor,s, to :.,.rtc.1 rpot. nefucee
' t' ne seers the leave,' Ile recent- end rneet, tleue -eaesing ,
5174 33 itnyition of clad r home bright ,
nictrY7,•••1•1-1.1l-, 014 ' t)4 11101 rrhe
• O.,1,)f„t. 411111: ,
, 1.141. sit
, • •
ahd eerful a.
believe what I -1e has said by, the
prophets shall linoett Iris ways , and
IIEIS purposeS, which aro sure to be
per,formecI, for "sin-ely tbe tenni God
Nvill do nothing, 'but He revetnleth.
His secret unto His tervantse the
./trophete- (Amoe ill, , The
Spirit throegle Peter says that prop-,
. hetet is 0. light in a dark olaco
to which we (to ,well to take heed in
Needed in. Every_Home
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