HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-15, Page 2TO
Cleanliness Mos Siaown =exited.
It is gratifying to I:110W that the
good results following the Ieetrac-
tion atork in, cheese factories and
creameries throughout the province
W•11 be Reorganized With Two Dts. are becoming more and more evident.
Practleally all the factories which
tinct Comnianders have Asked for iestreetton leave
A ,despatcli fromSt Potersburg,,
awe's: Betide the itiroottieo of two
freeh army corps t.ts the tirst, aoswer
to Site Japaticse sureess tie Liao -
Yong, -the Iteettialt az'rey at the* front
wilt be re-organinalt probably ii the;
forta ot t'1170 arittieS, in etamearet es
Gen. ./..intwiteh anti, Goo titteeon
leSaulbars resetretivele, With Gen.
Ntonrottatitia as tteorrnan,leretateloite.
Gen. lestullears will go teat with elle
ItIC0 ante; Cerps oow orgontziog la
Ise ttoveriratents litreazir (Idea -ea.
Vilne anti Kieft. Oen. 3:ran Itent hoe
bwait •ordered by telegraph Wets,. Vlia
dovestock. to Makatea. This deeittion
doe in part, donbtless, to the
wing amotieldenatts of the Itiet
4 areler Gen. Ittourosettitiotte cot -
and Valid% Will be 14.410,y ie -
ed tty co:esteem reirefetreeztarot.
Ova, leotirtteatten ewtotore hos
hetidlee every ftha vast or -ti
goniernii)o. The work le toe Inut:11
torso taut Ize 110:‘ o4latie
;Savo Tender 1:le etretn.
tie; Irelperor is
ti it is itteught
iirolaability zee;
u two Arlie,"
ice 1 t, 14111,441 „as
bisw seristroly eritictotta by Foote of '
the Vtisteror's tentse teilit,try eeteete_
ers, and it is enseible that lie tone'
evtettualis autiereteleti.
1,1"Alt PICTU-RES.
eeady recta -Neel lour visits, and i
=Ally every e0,R13 cleaulirtees io,
f .poototote, one ies inore closely' observed
weemell• t"""' ""'"" and there is a deettle(1 improventen
mon will he needed for transporta- .
• - for the pro t et ion. ,to the style and natish. of the cheese
SerViee ala C.: 4. 0
Ihies cometeoteoeloee, Tbe good work of rernoviog mil
tssites ratty may be wiped tem stamis to desirable loeattons fa
;Nlet.1);.t4ltrItestsatt7t/x1111;ttryt 11,:e1\1;trhittlierti 1,1.telzelYe driTeittrItlansg 1107 rtut:ty"elal;;e1).,„letl°•fecWsrsui1.1)11131-
until etu$te eastern fronteer steeds hag' of Pure water. etc,. contilanin
' 1Ittereln; Itesitia. may thee helve as anti the reports from the Chief..iu
ample lighting line against which ttraetors show that the reteno ts
TRADE oEhrraEs.
rzio ,r,f cattle, tc4rain, Cheese,
and Other 79airy Produce
at Moine and Abroad.
Torooto, Sept. 18.t-Wheate- Old
a No. S white and red Winter quoted,
O at. $104 to 31.05 east or west, and
Um No, 2 at $1.02; No, 2 goose,
t 8Se east, and No. 2 Spring, 91 'to
,e196e cast, Maoitoba wheat steady;
r N.e3tre eloorrtthheern; $(11.111.3e4. et4litcl $NIOM., 68;
O Northern at $1, Georgian Day ports,
.„ Grinding in 'transit prices are 6c
a obove those quoted.
_ Oats -No. 2 oid white Is gpoteel
o 33e west, and At 833 to 34c low
'ding was oat'. active, $4.1.5 bein
aSked, liat.tbe highest libzis were fro
$4.60 to
Ilutchere-Local butchers appear t
bp pretty well supplied rot the Exit
betacto .trade, ond there is •to ext
donand for butchers* meat, excep
perhaps, among the principal Tow
ra sots-,
'1'elegraphie Briefs Prone CI= OV7130
and Other Countries of Be-
e- '
cent Eveotst
towo hotels. Trade to -day, ther
fore, was, on the whole, a :little so
except for V0143044 choice butther ea
" There is talk ot kilted regiment
tie, and the lain ef this particul
. quality being, light, prices Were
anStiiing a little Boner than ti
early part el the week, extra elioi
at deaths.
ped itutelittre' cattle sellieg
$4.40 to $4,50. The overoge run,
butchers' prices were, however, fro
$3,90 to $1- for fair to good eattl
end from $2,80 to $3:50 for orell
arty mizted ones and heifers.
Stoelterst-There is a steady ro
of common light stockers, and pee
are On a low range, running, ero
$2.50 op to $3.
Feederst-Althougb it is ft. little eat
leofor the regular run of feedbag ea
tie, there are quite a few earning it
and: prices run from 33.60 to $3.90
Tor steers, about 1,000 lbs., told 32.-
60 to 83 for bulls, 1,100 to 1,3
Sheep and Lainent-There was quit
a heavy rum and the market wa
about a quarter off for knobs« Fovea.
exPort, were steady to firm.
Tloge-The market is weak, end the
prospeCts are for lower price* next
Week, There was ro change in to-
day's cpotatIone. Seket nt
37e and lights aud fats at. $.-.).121.
It in Wiroopege
I° Italians are leaving employment
ee with the railways„ fearing violent
greatly rettueed but still inteepia sae cheese is superior to that made it
panto, meaty may tone Jewett. eapatt the earlier months. The considerahl
matt STPitt• Ittissia hip and thigh, but falling o� in the saitPlYt togethe
it es titiposstbleto gaore the probe-. with the improved quality n
bility that Russia will still buse, doubt result in Unproved prieest late
freights to New York; No. 1 white
340 east nod No. 2 at 334/e east.
N. 2 new mixed oats, 313e, and
White at 82 to gt"c lowOviehts.
Dariey-No. 2 quoted at 44 to 45c
,„ middle freights; No. 3 extra, 4•3e,
and No, 3 at 41,e middle freights,'
Veas---Tbe marnet is firm at 63 to
64,4 at outside points.
Cora -No. 3 Ameriean yellow gao-
1 ted nt teleo oa track, 1Piarorito, and
t No. 3 mixed at 601e. Canadia» corn
. seams and firm at 53e west.
Rye -The merket, Arra with prie-
es mains at 59 to 60e east or west.
11 Mow -Ninety per Cent, patents are
quieten et 34.80 to 34.85 n buyers'
-le:asks. oast or west. Straight, roll-
,ers of elweial brands for Somestie
trade, in lees,. 34.75 to $4.80- Ms111-
t !tette flows are firm; No. 1 patentai
Senste No, 2 patents, $5.10, and
-letrong bakers', $5, on track, Te -
1 rot te,
teriofese-Al otitside points bran is
(Meted at 8111.50 to, $14. and short*
• 4at $17.50. Manitoba bran. in seeks,
e2313, and :Smile at $20.em
COUNTRY ritucm.
hire and thighs when Jaren, destroy- in the Si'aS0110, Copies of 1be ft:00v
ed by steccess, will no longer possess mg card bare been furnish...el to all
a 54g1iting fOlVe, instructors, and the effeets fellowin
their use are most gratifying.
1.67NTS FOR, rATitoNa-L,
Th,(4 E7„;thargt,t, leltegraph Company ro. Pood.--Supply abundonce
The Tattiamge Tategraph Company e- whelesom4sofoV.4ppineso ! Po it
lot flrapeteeree tiewtetch from It ) ,•l
Thersday, stotiog that the Jopau- low cows to have iteeeSS to ragweed
est, took. et Clatoglzottposto airway- levee, or otter weeds whit% evil
• f.kyvon fAi:d W.5, 111(1St •Ftsrvieetti40 taint the, milk.
sonultant. Itts ustgens loaded NI 311 Water Supply.-Fornish pure Wa
' provisieost met 83 loctuo with ant- ter in clean trot -was. Io not anat
vow:, to Oroilt from a eta/Plant Pont
hare aetstse to soakage from barn
Tr Wit() $aYS ilth of Cows. -Solt should al
dener be .evety of •the recent Ways be uotessible. Stables sliooll
bgliting in front afLiao-Yong is fur- be well vent Soted, lighted and
Dished in the feet that ow: regiment ;drained; should have tight floors and
et Gen. Nodaa's Mew lost, ell of it and be plainly constructed
highar officers. One 4:or/malty lost Whitewash the stades °See or twir
of its V24terS. and a e Ovate bad a year. Do not compel cows to go
to tette cemmaral of his rifteen sur- 'faster titan a colufortable walk.
\eying cetorades. Private Yasawa's Wteteils.-Da not tote wooden pails,
uriform was pierced by eight bullets, iDiseard all rustv pails, caos or
eteriott tn of
weente-totte At. end his toll) bY orte, eine. utensils. Wiley should beentit-
aie riSe in three places, mai Ms tied es talon as ft Arrives at the
m, MW cans and pails should
weelusi witit a brutth auu
nd Isite-
trio water, in width a little Sal
.steeea. soda has been Mee tit then sealit
ettown lterstitin
* dealt's s0:ewe-iv:41
e . the stale:atria volor ,
t1y' lee ? bi sides, Tat. Inees
e:ers nose 1.7restte1' two Oa.;
11;itr"ktt.:1°1 . s Itti7014811, t:'i. lat:tol-
tzt't,Iiiti ," .
4. Se
prt 141:n31;4 %PO...a
et, 1000
qrSirt'd 044410011:00, but040'
Vitta'101.• 2.:N 1 'tt,‘• 0 o lt,
littli tiztrot ;On 41,4 It
4. via 13 o,' IL; 311 -t,1r:1 a
1.11411 ill, ti il 1, ‘. !t, in:i
1:;:w..:tots. Atto . tparitett
belletine Viet the 4.
lett I he enemy, 1i't IbeToth,on
anti thea crepttoseit it. by aetteult. On
reaching tile t remit, a rot rev I LI, rg
'toot ttoty have itilleil their owe tont-
itailes, they iell on the yew:err:17e,
bellies in the trettch arid eoverial
tbott witil tease.
The Itnesem frontier guar Is
1 1* tit ir it els led
fnenig to se:To:Mot, lit was tho ti
sit ere,: re t, i tie (neat ire: of ter
regiment, nett trey had epent be
ease Seta night el:lee:our:et the iivent„
einetzto. in:2ittizteseg.oe ;s the t u•
tont of Inst.:or troeps, :n spite,
cousteet ..:ore.s. Tee mei:taint loet
A large- Icaiono 4,1 otheets.
.0.0;;zw,z,". 4040;3.114-a 11%4 1:1V0.15L-I115 and
es, trines :settee at ;trot tin-
Inetelatie nave lately
3. 0.3r be t tt tee at ere ,
neentrote their
Sus zhey bavir gained a
iige over the thweartese
sptr;:5.1-.1iy rew thty have new torieltJ
riring gulls. The lIussiart so:titers 't
twashiet their gess. alai they quote
tlio (-A 4.Ct
raid to theen-sSoldiers, ;lie Stir!
your guns as you would for your
Sags." .
Remarking upon the nunierical su-
periority of size Japanese, M. Pant -
awoke says that` this is aetotarating ,
and ineompreherisibte, They have
lost enough men at Port Arthur andt
elsewhere to forin an army. Ititiver-°
sheless their eineative strength saenis'1
only to increase. They are still con -I
oentrating fresh. troops at the Liao
A despatch from London says
The manner in which the Japanese
commanders have sent their num to
death tied the readiness of the Jap-
anese troops to embark for that des-
tination have been anicat the
striking features of tl-te war in the
Fur East. Reckless disregard of
human life lias been the chief charac-
teristic in Japan's bighting methods.
While this has been built upon a
structure of marvelous fo,resielit on
what George Etennan has so aptly
termed Japanese "prearrangement,"
and upon a most able system of mil-
itary, and naval strategy, both would
have been ef little use without tile
self-sacrifieing bravery of the Japan-
ese soldiers.
'The total casualty list of either
Russia er Japan is as yet int/toss/-
1)1e of statement. 'The losses of both.
• from all causes, love undoubtedly
been very beavy, Japan's casual-
1,1es have certainly run into the tenS
of thousands, cold it 10 open to little
doubt that they rna,y lie numbered by
• scores of With:sands. This raises the
very pertinent question of how long
she can maintala the pace without a
constaet decrease of her chance of
ultimate victory. 'There is no reas-
on to •cloultt the .etubborenees •and
Persistence Of Thiessen eoreee,0. Ase
atinuag•tta• egoality ,of the ResSinet
• and the Jartatiese casualty lists, when
•.Iapan heti sent her last available
man to •a gallant death, •Ressia
would atilt ' have a, numerically foe-
• Theee is tattling it the presort%
• otitiool. to encourage any idea, of
trametari capitulatiore Nor is there
probabilitet of any "decisive battte.".
tvety Ruwelaa retreat brings tier so
nea,eer to her, .,bovi.0 bas, and
ju8t. Se. Much' ,simPlifiee 'ber, eper-
3110310:Evare` Zuluntese 'adttance car -
dos: 'bdr, awaY front. litle 1101710 1Nt0,
t1t1 tnaltes 2#01'e. 0,11n0011 'the suPPlY
er 0 '2,1' the, iild,"atid,the re-
it:Sorel tu tN1704.
'2S est S t
1 twee to ;rattiest
Berinet-Ptinat beans ore quoted at
$1.25 to $1.30 and band -picked at
$1.40 to $1-15.
Ilop5--7 he market s unehnngei nt
23- to 82e, avvording to !today.
, Holley -The market Is ;pilot et
to 7e per lb. Comb honey, 31.75
- to $1.8.4 per dozen.
Ifat.--:Car lots are quoted at $7.-
• 150 to ag.so tin track. Tot•onto, the
'bitter for No. 1 timothy,
Straw --Ile inaritet Is cokes with
'prives of new at $5.S0 to 36 on
traCk. T01'0910.
POtiltOe', •••••• Tite market Is :cadet.
el now at 70 to TSe per
1.11100•1101 Oat Of :tare.
poultry -attiring chithens, in to
1:11.; per lb.; yearlings, 9 to 10c per
Ib.; tfuettst 10 to 12e per M.
spapers ed mai plateal on eideo io the
be etetan, 'sun. ;Setter with it oeettsionally
eitaisn Po not use a clot" either wash
skIlint or wine utensils..
O upset Field ' alilkers.;--AlwaS's 1 cows' ode
teemait. to surround 'flet.'s, -11uults. and before milk-
- lteettiart orney they IS:tot ar, 311nre ' 'Wig. :Milk N1010'11 eitlan and '01147 TIMIS.
eatel a lete- 'eS the result awl are Milk quietly, <ode/Sy, eleaoly, awl
eearettees, to tasters. epee Kouropat- :thoroughly. A person szifetring from
• ortotee '11; is now aopaeS'any dis,troe, er who has, been espoStel
Itotano's purpose by press• -;to a Contagious disease, ebottlii re --
4, esIon positinos in front of main oway frnm cows and Milk:
1 wos 1 o ' bold Woneopate i Cent of Mile...saline Shoal:1 always
, kin 13 :Steal ion • while t ho tlaPesetee . be strained • rind cooled liy dipping.,
' sigh
itttesh 1
. -threat aroend the etiering and torrtinedlog by cold
It. to bluets, the Russian water immediately alter milking. It
tine• ut efai+OPL.‘•1114- Sht 010d. :111141:1.5 Ile aired where tiee
at its vers met -talon, had Ins eye op- pare -at leatt 5ti feet tor more if
10t1 Oaf, iliqabing moven:NA and coult- possilile) from any swill barrel, hng
tertel le: verb: witlidra.allig his main , roe hole yaei fool ,
trtuY 1'411 'hank of tho 'rsuue f,yorii, milking yard or dusty read.
• river, cluing:as bis front to alleet Two 03, three thititutst,es ei cheese
1 bold I<:7"kl in eine.'" while cloth make a good strainer. Cloth
“e". -1":. hews should always bet thorough.creest. le:ailing the bri•iges
hehin.1 hint and placing the river be-, e„, lh, ell 1),ulled, hung 18 a
a i'va isito teal Gem Onto Bath the ..1"txrtttIvItli;l14,"14irt•in)1pleIN'N't'altion (n -1571-1z, into a can
Reselan eta/ thipaneee accounts seen
10 agree 311 oz.1,,,s, that until the ,nnil Sate it over tight without
withdrawal of the main Russian straining, aert'llitg and cooling,.
nriny friordo /1.iattj.l.'lloefy bee, anr :lit ilk with
ateaults io front of Liao -Yang and peer -mite Intik is caused be- leavittg
tiott the r11554art CODU yin or koteing it at too high a temper-
Chiere tirst movement against lenuo'iature. '
olti wos alSo measurably successtul. le In warm swatlier tho seaould
ter -Finest 1-1b. rolls. 111 to ,)
• 1(1e; (military to choice large rolls.
• 13 to Ile; IOW to modium'griolk,s, 10
to lt1e; en 011101'y prints, JO to 20c.
-soltds, 13 o t
Eges--Caee lots are soiling at 1.9c
P01 Aeon; SIVOIllaS at 11 to 1rie.
Cheese -The market 1: On inues
strong. witli joltbing lariats 03 to!
9;a per lb., 11:0 latter for twins.
of - •
ext ecar a convention of the
111 teroatioual Senates School Assoola-
0^ tion aill be held at Toronto,
a- It is reported ti t the lot
ta t.
J. J. Long, Collingwood, /eft fti2
eetate veined at front $1,000,000 to
The Imikling in Winnipeg title ;year
attic:mite to $7,325,000 as against
$5,000,000c" for the whole of last
t'" year,
00 T1Se :King has approved the ap-
pointutent of Earl (trey to mooed
0 Lord Minto as Govemor-General ef
What the Stations Are Doing a
Where They are
Seventeen illustration poultry fat-
toning stations are being operate
this year by the Dominion Depart
ment of Aterleulturo under the supe
• a' Me ', , Acti
ehici CA Arse I'oultry Ilivielon. The
following is o list ointhese statioss
the sames of the operators i
Ontaria-Bowinnoville„ A. W. Vol
ey T. P. Poster.
A. P. Tiill
house. Chicoutimi, T. 0. Lathance
La Trappe, Ito,. Father Edward
Stanfield, Fronk Farley. LIslet, tu
guete Farard.
The Building Trades Coum
Pesten passed a resolution de
Ing that conitte be made old
lotion labor,
Sir Alfred ITarmswortli, proprietor
of the Loreloa Daily 1-ciat ond other
English.. twee:papers, is visiting the
'United Stotes for the purpose of in-
vestigating the American paper sup -
e ;464
An investigation bas proved b
the \Midi, destroyell the Ameri-
can sebool for boys at Etrzeroton,
Asiatic Turke,y„ on Aug. 2911i, was
, BreaCh-locic of—Gun on
Gultboat 131ew Ont.
A Portsmouth. Elle -laud. de
- rays :-'1% the IS it 'eh gut
t'ontet. (ter to the gen:tow si
- Excellent) was engaged in.filet
• praetice off Soitheist on gednettlev,
the breech -lock of one of her guns
was blown out, killing threAt Feitiltea.
;tad itljaring elooe others,
tho cooled by 'setting the pails or
c.,Aita.,0 Alps or \.) .1 leans la e ol d water wit Ile it is 1)4111g
0Iterated. C001 to 65 degrees insole
A ettseatch to ille London DellY of Salt' an hoer.
, ,
Mail ;rein ICuptintse. dated We3nes-1 ;totem:lay night's end Sundae'
'.0'. r.,. r ,. Cal 8 at *110 ratc'morning's milk should be cooled to
of 88 a day, loaded with wounded ea &tame& 0). jest, set, in a cool eel -
ere passing through the station at ,lao, covered with a clean robe or
gukdeu. tilie injuries of those trout-, aomeet, 82141 mot aittatht,d, until
ded by shrapnel are of a frightful i mon
nature. A majorite- of the sufferers: day morning.
I 'Whenever the lid is left off a can
sticezonb on the atay to the hospital.
, for neer leneth of time, a cloth or
Civilians are hastily leaving Muirden, moswaito netting should be used to
which is fell of dejtteted-iooking sol -,ow
t out insects. -
rs, Heavy
north oi Liar -Yang.
diefighting continues i t'''' ""
up in twci titatements:-"Be clean."
Successful deirying con bo emtnned
A despatch from London says t -In • +
consequence of Russian communica-
tions the British and French Govern- SIX THOUSAND KILLED.
molts have made serousrepresenta-
1 tents to China, against permitting
,Gen„ Ma's troors to enter Manclow-
I fa. Ma Ims 5(3,000 soldiers on the
.„ frontier.
It has been saggested that. since
,the Ruseians have retreated, he ,
!should mare into Manchuria, not no-
cessarily to support the Japanese,
Ititit to retake the country for China.
i 'Phis would create the most serious
international positien which has de-
veloped in sears.
OVER 462,000,000.
A despateb from St. Petersburg
rays :-The Minister of Finance said
on Wednestitte• the war up to date
had cost Russia 27,2,000,400 roubles,
and by January next it will have
cost 300,040,000 roubles more, or in
round figures 600,00(1,000 roubles.
The 'Minister said the financial CCM-
ti011 was perfectly satisfactory. 'Re-
venue was increasing, and iiidebted-
ness would be mot.
A rouble is the equivalent of 77
cents in Canadian currency, making
the suna 3462,000,000,
Imports Preis Canada on British
• Market's August.
A London :despatch sae -s :-Priporte
feast; Canada for the month of , Au,
'gust.,evere.as folioeVe, tet• • '•
Cattle ..,. 22,180 zeaett,0e1
Sheep 5 691 9 707
....•• •., , • •
'1-Vheat, etyts. $00,6e6
Wheat,' ,cwt8.811,800 1,48,951
Peas, etvt..,......, .,. 880 88
Banos, etyte. . • ...., 328 281,420
ovtte• -•••••:, 48,15-90 60,413
'But ter, ewts. 57676 • 258,454'
Obeese, elvtar.' , 497,623
l';....h,1"1; tt, )('.1880 •1 133'2952
Ilacon-Long elear, 81 to 81c per
111. 111" eese lots; mess pork; 315 to
$15.50; •tio short cut, $17.50 to 318.
• Smoked ineets,-11euts, light, to 30.0-
15003, 13e; do, heavy, 12e; rolls,
101e; shoulders:, 83t, baclts, 131 to
1140; breakfast 'meet, 123 to 13e.
Lard -We quotet-Tierces, 7e; tubs,
Montreal, Sept. 13,-0raire-0ats
.403 to 410 for No. 2 in store here;
1No. 3, SO to 391c; American yellow,
t No. 2, Ole; No. 3, 59c; white, No.
'2, 59 to, 60c; buckwheat, 59 to '
t51)ee. Moue -Manitoba patents, 35.-1
150, and strong bakers', S5.20; Win -1
• ter wheat patents, 35,25 in barrels; !
$2.3i to 32.40 in bags; rolled oats,1
feed-Onlario bran, in bulk, 317;
$2,30 per bag, $1.00 pet barrel. 11 111
shorts, 319 to $20; Manitoba bran, I
in bags. $13; sacks, short, $39 to 1
320. IlennsS-Choice primes, 31.301
to $1.35 per bushel; $1.20 to $1,25 /
in car lots, Provision:a-Heavy. Can- t
adiae short cut pork, $17.50 to $18;
light short cut $17 to $17.50; Am- t
New Brunswieke-Audover, George
FL Baster. Rogersville, P. Rithard
Nova Scoela.----alst Amherst, Alex
Clegg. North East Margeree, :garbl-
er Smith.
Prince EtIward Island4-Vernon
River Bridge, Robert, Furness. At-
herton, If. .1. Matthews. Eldon
Robert. Loitgard. Glen/mean, Davit
7.1fact1ona1d. Montagne Bridge. Willi
030 ItoViglowttli: Mount Stowart,tagMon
A great, deal of the operator's tint;
is given to showing fanners how th
work of fattening is done, theretort
the salary of the operattor and th
cost of installiug the, plant are con
sidered as experimental and tablet).
1iotal expenditures. The
price of the 'dressed thicliens Is, how
ever, expected to exceed. the first cost
of the thickens and the cost of feed-
ing, plueleing and marketing. grie
work of each sto Lion is confined to
fattening enoogli chickens for illus-
traliot purposes. About 200 is the
maximem umnber kept, at one time.
The operator Is not Allowed -to be
acompeting buyer with others who
bave began to fatten thickets as
If the farmers are already getting a
fah' price for their poultry, the sta-
tion will confine its efforts to illus-
tration or experimental work 'with
even less than 200 birds. Those who
are carrying on the work for theme
zanves W111 be considered not rivals,
but friends, end will be offered as-
sistance where possible.
Special attention is being paid
.o ehootong ttao rag tt sort of lewd
for fattening; for instance, the
Amity type of Plymouth Reek or
Wyandotte recommended as suitable
for tlie purpose. The operators are
-equircel to speod as neucli of their
into 115 May be rem:it-ea in assisting
tiros who are engaged in or entering
be business, by gtving instruetion
n buying the proper type for fatten -
ng, ngktilelinj and plucking, packing,
Only birds of the proper type will
be bought this year and .seven ports
per potted will be paid for these at
the station. An extra, good , type
might well be worth eiglit cents,
thile another type of the Ramo breed
vould be too dear at five cents a
Each operator is considered re-
sponsable for the work and success of
is own station. He is expected, as
ar as possible, to find a suitable
tarket for the birds fattened at his
tation. The Department will, how -
yore endeavor to provide a market
or any surplus stock above local
equiroments. Eacb: station will be
onclueted as much like a peivate 011-
erpalse as possible, the Department
ssisting the operator in marketing,
tee as it would a private firm ini-
iatieg a new business.
The demand for chickens fattened
t the Goveentient Stations 18 very
risk this SMS01), and frose the et-
ers alreadY received it is expected'
hat the ruling price still be from
1' to 18 emits per pound. Parties
attening ;thickens according to the
ethodsatecoMmended by the Poultry
ivision, who 'May wieh assistance in
larketiug •can • obtain, on artprica-
on to Mr. Elford, a list of dealers
lie will ,be glad to purchase their
Ended by the Men After Struggle
Lasting Two Months.
A celeago seeleitch seys :-The
strike Of tile butcher worltmen,
whieh has ;It:aim-015'ot the lavat-
peeking ioclustry tbrouglistt the
country for the last two inentbs. Was'
ofneially declared lig on TOursday
night by Pi•esident Micheel Dolt -
:telly of tlie .1,malganiated Mist
Cuttel'S and ltutcher Workmen of
- Soldiers Overpowered and a V;legro
Ilanaed by .1%.ob.
ermari fat backs, 3-1t.o0; American
Uruguayan Government Army
clear fat backs, $20; compound lard
• Routed by Rebel Forces.
63 to 7c; Canadian lard, 61 to 71e;
A Buenos Ayres doweetelt says:- kettle. rendered. 13e to 94c; hams 13
TWO iousand men ^woe kelled and
four thousand wounded in a battle
tasting three days, between the Une-i
guayan 0 overnmen t forces and the;
revolutionists, Ger. Vasquez
ter of lear, who led the Goyerementi
troops, was d t, on has le -1
treated, abandoning. arms and muni-
While Gen. 'Vasquez recently report-
ed to the Government Hort he had
won 811 importont victory over the
revolutioniste, it seerr,s from later
news received from the field that his
own forces were r01.1 tad .
/11 a recent battle the revolotion-
iets were driven back, and Oen. Vas-
quez, while pressing his victory, was
, ,
seuuenty met be- a stebborn resis-1
tante. 'The rebels reaseembled their
Scattered forces and engaged tb
Government troops. For the dawe
the battle raged, with terrible losses
on both sides, Gradually the rebele
drove trisquez back, and, according
to last reports. the Minister of War
was in full retreat.
;to 1.See; bacon, 12 to 18c; ireeli
1 killed abattoir bogs, $7.75 to $8;
live heavy sows, 34.75; netted lots,
35.50; select, $5.75 to 35.85 off
CI 0 t- ' (3,
The • Canadian -bound Emigration.
• Through 13riti.sh Ports.
A London d.estatcli says :-Tho
igration to Canada frOm British
ports for 1.be month 'of August evas as
follows: 5,882; Pipit, 858;
,S cO tch., 1,196; others,
(seas°, of 250 as soul:lased, stftli, Au-
guet of 1903- ' 'The totals. for the'
past eight oltertbs 'ase
fereietietts; 15,994, as teMparea
Pm 31) FA) ; 7,920 foreigners; 30,-
70e, for 'the same parted:of loos. ,
. . , , , e
colored, 92c;*Qiteltee, 8?,: to Oc. Eggs it
--Selest, Ile.W laid, 21c, end straight
gathered candle& 18 to 18.1e; No. 2,
13 to 183e. 33uttee-Fancy erodes,
18e, to 10e; ordinary finest, 1°83 'to
1atle; Western dairy, 14 to 143e, f
:Minneapolis, • Sept. • 18. -Wheat• e
Sept., 1:1 te Dec., $1.101 to 31.301; 1
May, $1.11;c0; Dec., $1.103- to *Sta. r
10g; May, $1.111; No. 1 hard, 31.- c
1-5?4; No. 1 Nortbern, $1.18e; second t
do., 35.05 to $6.05; first (dears, a
$4,10 to $4.20; socond clears, • $3.-
3,0 to 33.20. Bran -,In bulk, 314.50 t
Itultith, Sept. 18e-W3ieat--New No.
1 Northern, $1.14; No. 2 Nort,here,.
$1.11; 'old Nii. 1 Northern, 31.16;
No, 2 Nort,liewt, $1.123; Sept. 31.13;
Doe. $1.081 .
leilwaukee, .1-171s., Sept. 13,,e--.1"V3ueat.
'.-Na, Ner-thern, $1.15; No. 2
11 (>1'1 hern, 31.13. Tto 31.13; • Dec. ,
173 30, Rye -Na. 1, 74c. . liarleyr-•
No. 2, 57 to 58e; sample, 88 • to
fiece . Corn --No. 3, 54 to 54o;Pee,;
51 ett
1 ,
, •. • ,„,
()Ste wadi
;tie gte.forieorairiattatedearfeeiOls „.
ExpOrtnttBereineeS,,""tette',,,Veny, llght
tithe. elitee„.ontering.: • ;:
tint 1381't 1110)112) choke:Bi-
AO ; Eaetelotlittit', artele Cr4331j0 ..frees
legeaS:1"<itigStent.tbis YOtre
.':.11118.StBeitet1eit, Of ::3-e0e50ert.'1110ta waSt
Cattglite,1it'*,,Witititotilltr. '.111tier
1)1110 5G1cL 315' Ibo Wrist1 '4d hi
tern,- rettilnitelYttotti:., •
A despatch from, Huntsville, A.M.,
says: A mob seeking to lynch Horace
Mtpes, colored, chargtel with the
murder of .101111 Seidl -op, an aged
man, on Wednesday night broke
through the lines of soldiere who had
been called out to ,protect the jail in
which Mt:pet: is eontintel, and Is in
polteession of the ground. 'floor. The
eimtries sere disarmed by the nue)
and an attempt is' now being attede
to tonolte mit the soldiers end the
A despateli from Montgomery,
Ala., says: "A 95)00301 to The Adver-
tiser from nontsville says Horace
111iIattigtems was taken froiii tho jail and
3,500 Persons Massacred in Tur-
key and More Expected.
A despatch' from Washington says:
The A111011 Cal: COSISal 41.t Ilarput re-
ports that the survivors of the re -
rent massacre are in a destitute con-
cfition. The consular corps at Billie
esti-mates the number massacred and
:dead from exposure and hunger, etc.,
as 3,500.
In the Moush district in Surgents
have adopted • a guerilla form of
warfare, • asiboscading troops and
bodies of leturde. A number of vin-
tages have been plundered and
burned, mot many persons killed and
maltreated, and another massacre is
daily expected by tlie Armenian po-
pulation, which is in destitute cir-
cumstances. About 15.000 have lost
everything and are starving, many
being ill and wounded.
H C. Rutlan.d. of Winkler Man
•Received. Hearing. •
A- despatch front Winnipeg says:
II. C. Itutlancl, manager of the
Winkler lerancli of •the Bank of Hanle
iltore charged at Morden with. • the
entb,ezelement of $4.•„000 and otber
nioncys of ethe bank, took his pre-
liminary bearing on Wednesday. and
was cononittest for trial at the Fall
Assizes. Tee Attorney -Genoa], Ilan,
C. H. Campbell aptteared for the
1Y1tentited ,Pollee,•te.a,-tie to '"J'einttlic,'
•:::'•Steterneat '
1.1SE OF TM:4 ZNOTJT Raise
:Revolting Frastrieee la Ponies,
merit of Rossians B.
Russia is rejoicing oiter the recent
roanifestO of tho seer granting- mat
tzesoes end tlecreetog certain bertefee-
tions for the oppreseed people. But
more that all it rejoiced t tat coapow
al punishment bas been abolizeted.
the average reader the oupheolistii
term Atcorportil punishment"' is prate
ticelly devoid or rawaniug. But iv
place the sugared plow.* with the
Nvord "tomtit" and a thing at once
horrible and revolting fashioila itself
in the utilises e,ye.
The knout is a. whip of three t
or tails, the end of each thong
fashioned into a koot, and no
frequeetly, particularly alien
weapon was to be toted on hardened
erimitads, tho knot was partly (%11,1,0
pond of a leaden ball. With scour -
of this terrible kind Ituesias
peasants, soldiers, odieiels, sespeete
ed offenders, and evert pers
places bare been whipped,
Not, infreepent.y, too the laying o•n,
oI this hitietme weation has resulted
death, oneridere oftett
fowid sureetose from earthly serieiw
,Under the barbarous pueisinnent of
the knout. ln the centionnes a
'Wilco to be knouted was decreed for
utmost nil kinds of offenses, frma
petty -theft to highwity robbery, the
number of lushes eersing, course,
, with the coormity of the: misilemean-
QrS. But it now appears that this
inhuman ecourging, after centuries of
on end obnert, le to be abolished,
end thus the sObjects of the greet
white (tsar have a foot worse then
death lifted from their minds.
.A little over two years ago 4 book
toualett, ...pri,oners 0t Rust:ea:4 was
written by the lute Dr. Benjuntin
Howartl, It vas the outcome of
visits made by that scientist 1.0 the
410111i/11011S of the ezrar to study c
inology and penology. The book
Willi a reined:able description
punishment by the knout. Tito
tini in the CaSe WAS *lie PerrVaVaa,
$f warty brutal murders, and woo
clewed as a criminal of the lowest.
d itiost dangerous bins.
In the ftillowiteg manner Dr,
ard pen -pictured the terrii
knetaittre oporat ion :
'Beteg ested of his antomeles
the guard, the man laid himself full
loigth dowowerd. By straps jeattel
through perforations la the table, ho
was ietittitevobly eecured to it by the
aukles, legs, chest and arms. About.
eigItt pares in front tif the iodate
etood from right to lett, the eorpi
AI'S guard, the goveroor, the el
horgeon end myself, elite() beset
the culprit, on the left, stood sot
orilinato known ne
Masher.* with a lenateestuanorann'
book in his heroic " -
"All lieing pestered, the escort
ei- entered tont tried Out knout in
air, carefully measuring his t
134)140 thy C011tilland to hegio wit
Mule' out of the governor's mouth
51 wee arownes by tee shrives itne
se o tuljult. I quIcket les
gon to appreciate what bad appear-
ed to roe mere ostentatiotieness in the
prelintinaret etroke Practiee• For,
having oace hoot elarted, exe00-
tieller s Strokes were I.1S SteallY, 11S
I'llVt111111CaL precise es if done by,
a steam engino, and. as unrelentiug.
Such was the precision, of them that
at tile end of the 'fifth stroke there
were exactly fifteen lines on the 001-
prites back, seining as evenly as if
thee- had been marked with a piece.
of (Iliac,
"The force of the blows so com-
pletely expelled the blood from the
sire/ace that with chalk tile linesre
could not be inade 'whiter. Ity -tVe-•
vrist maneuver. the blows were ap-
tiled with such carefully graded force
that at the and of the first stage the
Part already attacked looked as if
covered with an even sheet of white,
paper. Thore was not' a drop of
"The second stage commenced as
the blood lrega,n to flow, and as this
proceeded ,more and more 'freely the
'victim appeared to revive and to
come to life again. As a spectacle,
this was the • most horribt et rt,
the punishment, though for the Vic-
tim it Was notch less painful. At
every- blow each of the three -knotted
thosgs, like the dews and beak of
a vulture, pecked out fragments of
dripping flesh, which . were scattered
in an directions by the. backwarcl
swing of the cruel lash.' To 'avoid
them the officers, who wets in white
uniforms, and myself, had to steP.
back and beak for a consiciettable die-
tariceo• • •
"tinfter the skin or( the side attacked'
had been completely detached and
scattered"' the Screams of the poo
wretch subsided into • groans 111
sobs. The eiecavcition, now abo
the size and depth of a soup Plat
being filled with 'overflowing blo,o
Which: tioured ever ',the edge of the
table,' tho. force, of the execatioterts
blears veaSusech deadened.' •Tile deep-
Or. and. tidette.e the ,plowing the Jess
and the less,WaS the
• Dr.. Hineterd:eaid. that there' was a
pelt after the ,filtietheliteliotatid Ilia
the iphysiciate.,eXtuninetf'thew ttp,„.
Fiw11ng that 1118 ]ii& w$ not 1.p
11,..the ptinishrtiott „ then., Weitt,' oat •iitte,
,a eintreeing:'..nelyt Until., Wittetytnieetot
ittelieentadbeen.atintiniStetteds,', ttflr,,-, • '
pears that • • She, ,Shentlretiten, styteg ,e
,th dwelt -II seettree, always.. ts tt•-••'.tt
,edt,:ae a ti.tetrid once eel' eletee
eri crOtt'le Piet Howard', then can panes
,.'•,;.'tl,have.,tibcad,,Sotrifiles ;,,tlie.'doS
theeig11,, Itthati,':atiietellYt:Ort etthertVi0e,•,',
Witteseed tesery,,11000,./ertriterifeezeteert•
:oiliest except' ttlettebt't,t,,ateettreetty,,,,t1tSe.'f''.
at Oat ,,Paitiftil,and
' .6i0h blide0t01:!t:!:001;pprO.pitinere551118001' bht $icho1 13- 1J10't