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Exeter Times, 1904-9-15, Page 1
THIRTY-SECOND YEAR No '7 H rn o &-MI ,.. L ESEX G AZETT Et EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMB H.,.R 15th 1904 ,4*000*4444+444444 **44.4040 4444444444444444404440+•,4 a• •! • _ • • Now • • • • • - - atqok he time out, for& the look a be an h to t 0 ole good range or cook stove, , Wootleor coal tie we .have a large number to choose from er the leading makers, of Can- ada. namely 'FAMOUS IMPERIAL OXFORD TREASURE soUYENIR • of m will make your wife's faee wreath in a per- petual either one them And a R nal !! ni'y 1 w ��y p. yy y.t . t .all en W � p HEATERS • We also carry a large stock or 'base burners, air tights, hot bleats to choose from, We retake retakearia specialty of bare Trougbin, Plumage Work, .• Double and single actiag ogee pump bath roomatd plumbing of • all kids on the shortest notice, ' We also ilalrry or fall line of shelf hardware. Cement the taws leading bands, National and Star brand Am-_• • I• �a.• ti.AVV:KIN.S SON : at , 4 • • • • • - • • Hensel* Centralia --- -Myer of our citizens are taking a . J. Sutherland, Notarry 1'ulrltc, Couveyaf 111 the Lend= Fair, this week. ger, Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and -Miss Mabelle goNaul hton has Usurer etMarriage Licenses. Legaldeeutnenis returned] from :1 r;wo weeks' visit' carefully drawn at reasonable rates.interest. with' friends in St. ]Mai ys. toloadon real estate at tow ratesof nteres QRtee at the PostOffice'leasall ,..gr. W. J. Clark has reterned from the west, -Mr. Jas. Crawford left this week for the 'Northwest. fir. Gee. MaEwen, ?1. .P. left for the west last week. -Large numbers from here ;re attending flyer, London fair. -Miss Sutton, of Trowbridge has accepted as position as milliner wall1 ionto, firs. Andrews s twill ytstt In Mr,J liretsmiller. i l;apance and other places in Eastern u • -Miss Bell, of Blyth, ret rued last Ontario. Miss LLuey goes. to at- • week, and has taken her old place tend the Toronto Normal School, • • • • 4 • -141r. Fred Ilagaath left on Ines day morning for a two Months` trip trip to Edmonton, Iced Deer and other places in the west,. -Building operations are in full :swing in the village at present. The Mr, 1 use is ro+ ot M„lo. work tp in ,. • .tit •e, ori ' t and is the work - .= rapid y, also. l .ori lfr, Austin's 'house and stable, --Mrs. (Rev((.) aAlidrews and 'dau- ghter Ltlev .t .fl' o;1 'Monday fox, To - as milliner for BEI*. E. Rennie. —lir. and errs. A. :1turdock ;•lid family spent SundaS in Lu ca1 visit - ig Mr. ebairduek'4 motenr. -Mss Mary Carlisle returned from a pleasant visit with relative • i;and friend;, in Xitrcaidine and Rip. • to -Tarr and isle's. Ituaanmersen ;and daughter, :hiss 11uniniarson, and erre. Glass left for the retest this week. —Messrs. T. J. berry, ,and Robt. • :McLaren left this week for the Old • Country, where Mr. Berry, intends purchasing r1 . numilcr of beer O .fraught entire hornets, -OnMonday next our sateia 3eril i swill vote ou a. by-law to loan Mr • Wm. Kelehon, of Kings.on;gehlQ.W1 i for ten years to start a foundry w 7e G when e . li agreeing ti i • Ir Ale qn re t, l . Is, g h g • , O gets � teatl' rr tai r u nIiiIi g fih ait e tQ • employ not less than 20 hands. • •• 'fir. Airani. Chapman sr . who has --• been confined to his room over since the accident )ie •net Witt as^Iri1Q engaged in assisting bis San, 11in0ipirnced ing in hay. is some - d�s, John Willisreceiver' word A this week t11at her sou Edgar. who lead so much illness during the past inthe hospital cal '9 now h • two, t• t10 P •ot t ai t he west suffering r from, t S ©vert tack at typhoid id tcvc r. - 5p 4 4 • *444$4+44 +1 + 4a«ray*44#44 a 4** r��wt•4 4 r4,►44444 ' POPULAR IT1NS OVERCOATINGS AND For Fall and Winter Wear Popular goody unlit, be made to 313x3Rt the requirements and demands ' sall we qOftthettimes, we can't sttlntl t must either move forward or back- ward. Our goods contain distinct,fea- tures that claim the attention of y aim is to r customer. nue constant . ra,;dueegarment} that' ee , ch r c ter, �i personality or; thr . o leave the old banters track and vise common dcom ttn above e the conventional a ,place. Taman. T �X Tailor, Mcr0laarasaRtt,'I` ••••1.40000••44444040400•• Baby marriages Our Aim Perfection ordered Clothing The Prince of Wales Carriages t and Go•Carts are always in it I 'e1 .::as- for style and finish. a nu Y �' • •ed. �.rriti 'u t• sorted. stock } a X BicydeS We are again showing the eele- brated Cleveland Bicycles which are the best value in the market to -day for the money, aS e�satro ■ �f Bring in your old wheel and have it -repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, CES MODERATE PRIG 8. IYIartin. It requires skill and patience wind time to give` -the sleeve the, proper swing. the collar the cor- rect set and the body the right' hang. Pantings, Stings antl O116r6Oatiffi9s f The new materials for fall and and you partplace 'r a are here wi tr your order and securecur e yourover . coat without delay. „ f We .alsoiye a. WSW Accident and Disease Policy, flood for one year with the Ontario Accident insurance Co. -On Tuesday evening last he- tween falx and seven o'clock, Mr. d, ;4Mousso, of the township of Hay,'11 £e miles went of I{enhail, had the i it ' 4 111'11 x l all Ms dd r �110 to lose lis , misfa t t1 barasri together with . large, x r part of contents, consisting of part of last year's grain and. all this years that had been harvested and many °tiler articles. 'With the help of n g110 4, . r. � r :4I0u8(i0 F11aC ceded in a of h saving Ms fine stock and a large part or his implements and vehicles, eta will he as hear loser. He had 44.0000400004444.004440*4Q q ,•!lube y openings at Spack- -G ,.Monday• .A ,t :sit Tuesd s i i • a1 ty 1n , 4t we ex- end .1111 and s e Jt n , 1 .. a n a 1 1 n "stip . •. s 4 d'•,1 v a io a iced ttt Yea a cot a, in ti t • • to attend, 4 0+044•.444 4 •• O • •0 tr la. i1 -Ttia property known as the Dui,. in mouse was sole by auotiali' ri- arterneon by A. M. hunt, for London fi: Western Trusts Co, itt d, who aro+ actinfi ag adlm nial- Satnrday aii;*ht lly clad+ rigging' of tlae M1 n s 'at of xla Y '.4. r! t, ct fo 1 rG ]:all, c •. ` e i r- f It a a fi a & aC a 1 Q a qIn Ill I I4irs, Annet#. TIw. praferty sus boys to have a. little fun, set t;ht the yam. 0l' S#,3d0, alul ryas a tarn in au cid frame ]louse awl then . �.� -... sent in 1 Sim alarm. eni.ralia, .-Surati>xy� Sept.18111 lacing the tiny{ ].infant el na' t 1 @ f e5 r iia h f t cs < ua 0r v te>r� - o and t f t e cn od r t eh •s'ar ter swill tie h nacre)? rte •1 • I' -Quite Dashwood Iscx,rices n't e German ia *ports were • F: PETTING i:1G T !t slot R THE 7 ki rtiri n EPURt Qa a line of Coati church both morning and evening.. Day and relay � � weaned aabG .. � ort largest anal -Mr. doh We C ;;,1 -S n<• 1 1 iia 1 R. S lie a Fil Coal ccs teat a Iia 1t 1 �', E. and hey , [o conn atad ' Wood. k 1 :ties Annie IT � I - ri G aur a ica.> Cam a nd c r. a 7 c r ar , of I erv' eg as r a i evaar n had. � z tar both s is , emu n llasdtr.at•-, 'tcvus. l'aarnacea, etc. ,,. Tat i4talati+r oxii WI xT &SONS son, James, ol° Muskoka,: are visiting *44440•**44.4••444•**•444•*•44♦••4•*•••••*••+a*••+•* • °v z .,. >� ,�o ,*, . , , ,a ...x. .,.s. * 'r • •II' :.,,✓. .•.,; . •'.•d''i' i : •) i l.d+,:. I' t,"i' relatives .end friends. , .. , --Mrs, E. A, llaist returned to her •.,. ]some 'Tuesday itiglit. after spending as AnyBody nearly two sweets visiting friend`Y in her old home,. Toronto, Augur, dill. Charles '\ V1,e, Wm, ' England and Fronk Taylor, took in •;t s Co,e excursion to Port ♦4 Found in uron o the `taccabe�* Huron. last week, -A .grta•r 1n'ny of outs citizens 443: are s4pefdin�; a fc,w da -s at the Ames- ` • ;, e fair.Black tern The act Watch Band is • the great attraction. • :' -Mr, antl lirS. Joseph Heist, are • :• n..• .._ nlakliit, a tour'of the country round ,•;. rtbout Stratford and Berlin, inanity, • relatives and friatids for a week or *•::,- 4.i. more. -It is generally understood that ; th'* llcrsesltoCiiat Pitching Club, a •t.* of wiaic]a John W'R'i.ld i* 1? si Tea. ill,-, 4,,;i S tend "con to challenge tla. ., o .t. rely � •._ team. We all wish them success. •,.. 1 • "e <*I:ca:ti:e t4lrtcr, sr„ returned il,oxz►e • . from Sebewaing, Miele, last geek. 4- where he attended the funeral of •? two of his a�tiiis. children aha. c,.+o 4; of lois daughter's children, all with- 41; in one week, We alt sympathize , .• with lain in his sorrows. r' •'i The peaceful; slumbers of crit iey %. village eilizens were disturbed 1 sr •,; •e. .. 4. • >• ? . t,ti t 4*44444.4444.44***44444+4**31 rehast'.41 by 13r,; Wrn. Moffatt. or place where furniture can be purahased with sc little a r nlrtn,.y as at�our stare? No! such is ltrtpossible. We have an endless variety of Furniture of eyez y description which is going at a Toru figure house-cieaning time. if you;are interested don't fail to call on us, WE WANT YOUR TRA And if 11 L1lC' awe &Atkinsons , zu u c House us e tied^ arta Quality eoitute we shots] .�tiirers :a,11d Funeral •ret fryer, i.' 11 at k few er'rt pare windier of our local in Bayfielt4 ala: Labor having a. good time. r rniece, '4 and ncc e o.lk r ss, visitt•d relatives in x t for taa tis,, muting and English in then a fent days last week "Wile „a. iti ltalY+ - 4i•. G i s. flreb axact sort 1.r'...an, .-, ,,asot'r Atelier I etc•n;it I va!rsllady is eelcotrie. 1 ay* g 1l London l , MMus Ida Gaet4 iti visitilu; Ira i ietlde :at Bertin, -Mae Dice List slupil:•d ;wear wecek flour,la 1e spin tion :wl3ztla 1"invtbzGy tout* .t sl 11 s 1,1ileel Sunday Ailorninf. Mr. V. Venn. of Parklhill s~.-• 1t,village Monday t l afi t.. ` 4 Snell a a'n Ir �,i 11 d ,-.1iI. and luiidtay with friends at Crediton. -.Miss Bila Ronnie, at Zurich, iia t.#, iixg tie books at the llartlwar:. —Mr. R. Pickard paid our vttlaae t att ; p. lu, lir, l. I1. 110/by, 0. I,ti- d'a tri last, evert. I ran mill : be. 5tlperintendent, Mr. Il. trip, zti ash usi arc I,i �" P R Bibles. '; . 1 is of 't, .May Class "'' 4 , t? ,a Ta t IL �' -�1. nunabar oC our ci > ti- te•ia er 'errs. Humphries, Park - 1 . . � I,o , t . rl I R 0 • • ,1t 1 fuiu t1r f ;akin•','° in flit. Western is I ;ul , ` hill, Primary Teacher, Miss Gerry, of tar•, T Blake, Mitchell aiid Mr, T. i5. Wren,. of Lu- -•lir. Stitt, Mrs. Holt, tt `un diyed `i tl t lc `ir d lt s11ttt, M r s.,c111 Intermediate. Teachers Th t <e r 1af%r. 1u11 Work a ill be in charge of Miss -Mr, Jonas liartleib 1.1 having hisMaud Willis, a� L t tiw iht Mr. barn raised an d ..rtanlfoundation •citQ brrtc r of Mit c [ll, will conduct put unilvr. some insuranco in he Hay Mutual. -]Miss �f. tens ant eater. t to Kirkton;, Mabel (iilfillau, alley For y ea A had n ett _ tad- M1atr Ladies' Cell i1 Toronto itas returned Ibis s' resume her studies.. Under the auspices or the Blau - sherd and Iidduirti trs atdou a 4r qdel Sunday ach Q1 Session swill Ra held in tit;' Methodist Church, ii:rlrion, en Sunday, September 18th af,er :a pelasant visit with flricnds. iti Detroit returned horny Tuesday. -..Mae, Samuel Holtzman returned t1 rC�ieg ley,en T1VSda r 1111011141g tf a ftt'r sant G F^k With lPre, c Moser, the 14th cows. ,1wr., Mo ,f o spent 'thaw fast steel: in TWA visiting her father, Mr• M. H aereta- •:917.1', reit The cause of the flee berm" t be un - 4. clay and Sued ty ail her home on the known. Salable able Line, --Arthur leli<rrintlti left Monday Eden morning for Naperville, \rliero he re- studies. cs Ins th a •-_lir. and :ll;s. ] Iattl, Coats 813 nt . _`Ir. Geiger principal of our pub - Sunday with friends in Thddulph. iia school, spent Saturday and San- -1 's9 lliusdaic, of mimeo, spent the village. It day out at g srLuta I ` • � • . Clara h � i \Ie• c• • i insroll g t rout witht a n` a I Sunday 1 I Y . Hamilton our former -Mr. It. J , teacher paid a visit to the 8011001 on Friday afttyrnoon. -Fall wheat sending is :the order of: the day and this week will finish it :up pretty well, of Toronto, with every order amount- -A number et people in this vie e contemplating taking an oin%t sax i g Y log to $YQ or over. the rest len Fair at "London, this woekr church shed. We Lope it will soon OIEI ,e �+! i up th Thera is roll,, dC fixing Merchant Tailor AMIN MI O�I CE be done a.s it will add much to the appearance of the corner, :a gat sisititafi i1[•r o•intr. C t• t t . t a d D i t;fiD..I1 4 r. o t 11 ll x14 . •-: dr. Edgar ';'t1 t,n tachy last . a' - action with rt!lalives to t 'ft'i"1it3ta 741 emit and and other lrl;art -. iti ' called t 11, " 5Appelwas ; 11 d i1 -Mrs, Ed.sa e "41. Axe, Mich. in nnection scith it evil]. the ,review. At the chose of the Res. probate of the lata Jacob Ruby, who sion a conference will be held of Su -died there some time ago. Porin endo'tits, Teachers and Officers -:411 business Owe will Itn e.10 cd of the township. This 1+hould be a crt fair cusiness 3too O'e1erk itt 1)10 very pleasant and profitable gather- i'ta'rncon. This will gIVI' .111 heads :4rottr~1 Sunday'Sctlool sessions si noon, to stir the big show. are often features of large convcn- -Mr. ,incl 'Mrs. E. Zellar spree a ' •4 atthe Toronto a v;•b. ,T 1C • afew (lays � t;f last take an i diviaual r� I cion , to 1. l.e gii0 to Individual is a nraiseworth°y,azld hein�ul under- Toronto Exhibition and Niagara Fa taking :brit might b,+ undertit- tlra Pali•. They returned on Wed - It lu•[['ir in otIa.'r cliurchcs. utrday' _ v ss Ilan• Heidi - and s � ll Iw C1 Andrew > -Me. 1 lt`r and Mike M; idingt r. returned S,1.tu'da evening after laking in the sights at Toronto eihibition, Niagara. falls and Buffalo. --Miss Nellie \•tell at 1 ender] t hr. millinery openings in London and 'Toronto last ',seek, Miss 'ti•'rlls v' 1 where r Ien,al s• fo i ° s next seek , ieac c 11 site has taken a position. ,:'lair•. linest,an, .ii1 tlin Sovereigtn Bank, I):aslanvotld, spent z1 !esti days in town assisting in the bank here in the absence of Mr. Pfeffer, who Bias `Been holidaying n his home in. M111011on. -The regular meeting of the W. C.T.LT. was held. at the home of Mrs. C. 1"1•itz, on Monday evening, Sept. Rennie led the rah. Miss Lizzie I 'all devotional part. Owing to the amount of business to transact the educai lona! Bart WAS dispc'nscd m 4th. hiss Ethel Williams was appointed deelgate to the County convention 10 be ' hent aat. Goderich , The election. •aTIt Teas Sept. _filth and 21. Sugars, 8 Elr"�� of officers was as follows; Pres. '' stilt Carden, Fr; Jx , t in 1. it • , • 444.4441.41. IT You Wait GOOD PICKLE _.buy your Spices at How itis '1sit0 liras 'b'„n: wIrs. B. 1?. Rtauli.i 11 •P,;• ata t” - t �� �h c "t. ,ettA tat 1 ,0.17 , t in. o s , the neighborhood 1 a l III t s x . 1 the h o r 7 I• ll Au tl 4 0 x a lu1 1 ,t Read, t9 visiting cwitlt gr. 01 Ittrkto@, should make an effort to'. at present, btu well re 0('Sented at this session.; —Erwin llati.cr> o>* llcnsall was in 1 ' the village Sunday, visiting Iris mother. —Mr. Dave 13eltschcu is the lt81112 ...;r Scot father of a young . son this week 11attons Dave. Cot I sit ,. i -Mrs. Paulen, County ]'resident of t.ee. W. O. T. T.T, with several ladies from. Gocltrioh snot at Bayfield and ai 11�ii na'illa fi'i°°ads :at Tavistock. organized ra W. C. T.; TT, at that place _Hiss Iiaic Hart teacher, spent Sunday- and Monday last in town. —Mr. Palmer, of Hensall, called on friends in .town on Wednesday even- ing. ven-ing.. —�lisy Pearl \Vurtz left Saturday n ,." IiC tt church. Rev. Dawn, of to spend week with relatives a el 1i: Constantly on hand Lynda , - Crediton iv1! ]assist the pastor Rev. — Ir. T .Pfeffer, of ?the Sovereign tel and Centralia the Best to J •nand last ne=-k. ClcrOOns. , re ct.lfi transfer^red to e ,_ —Mr. and Mrs. ,Tl. Daman ;are M. Ilan] stuff lr -1G. Aaron Musser, is having :t king in London' fail' this week. j u on his barn. E. .t'• Mil vert . Wed - day as, Learner 6c'entlfic •int heel les r against. —i�iiss Lizzie Siititll leaves this being,] with meta are proof —Mr. -Norman Bock, also has been London, c�ltarc. she. bas se- being damaged by1' t ng` ' cured for T,o —The 'Misses Zay1o1 atri e l ut ltetl Il Olite. Cement 114 Canada. taking' Cb L h cr spent Sun :t'aul metal , o.aC put act. 1 •- —d'ty iVela ruiner. spent • t lel in fort i'auhil has the coati e dt, with her sister, fills (Dr.) day last visiting his, b. Oil tell us that buildings Zurich > of 11e1181111, will take iti .cc h place. Filbert visited tri- —Miss aorta 1'il l o J ends in Hensel]. on Monday. —Rev, and Mrs. Sc)nielke. are on —Mr. Aaron Musser left Monday' for the north where he. has about • two months' sawing for Mr. Mclrath Shipka of Ialtpen. nein is ;it ,resent': . oil Sunday 18.t.h'lust, quarterly meet, --qtr, J , L present l s 1t n E 1 a the sllb held li d at EX the sick list, C 4 1 'a i ci 1t n -E. "Tarlton sold a valuable horse National Brand t Garnlpbcll. �Gr•Huron.f f 1 1 enou : h to suit I Prices low g, 1 •everybody ,••114010000044**004000090000 THE— •.m. pies with Tl Tte '411' Couzins lett, this week for a. •env buys visit to '\tier- ork. Bank 1t•LrMerchants r 1V t W nn •tic with a S bi ll Y r ma;rec ign ni•v.d 11010' visiting friends down east,, has re - —gr. ot', Exeter, recently purchased a beautiful buggy from P s & Son. . 1+ltssrs. 1. lits., n —Miss Nora ` Schnell is quite ill. from the areal s of poison ivy. She is udder ',the doctor's care. —Miss Eva Stoneman and Miss Su- sie Melville , spent Saturday evening cures .tt situation. —Several from aground ]fere ti- Tuesday' and have th e 'buildint;xfortu- the harvest dinner at Green- 'making 1 dress tended - ]ler jewellery as a n Y store. ce.aay•a:n Wednesday evening last and tidy occupied , J n••e ort a .00cl time.. \'Te Irish thein every success. Good �������� p g dress makers are always in demand J r � held twice in Shpka arcs nada last. At half in. Dashwood. � .-Set vitt: was t. church on Sunday _. as Sum ]3eaver s acct brie] bir. Cllas, O'Dea, of St. Marys, met 11ast two, Rev. Mr. Damm, or Credi- if slim is nearing ttom- h fol accident. on Monday t 1 R gr. Sutcliff, house on the 'Go � 0 4 cd ?up the tree ,La shako its body for the lady of Saris down. While doing this'the branch Woodham a0uldtl't:. he arty lvurn i it few othdrt on which he was standing gave.way -Mr. Frank Garr i tut the. sick young mon 01 our villa„c ~would and'�he fell La the ground. His face list, copy Sam's enterprise and follow lain belonv't;he right eye was badly cut -Miss Ida Copealnld is visiting ce- eiu,nlple. and bruised. The injuries axe pain-Ilatives in the village. ful ,and inconvenient' ones and will , —A largo number took all the be ,a few days in. healing. 'fair at London, this week. —Mr. Wesley Shier took in tha ex- cursion to Port iluron, last week. —Mr. Wm. Edwards is packing ap- ith Mr.John Copeland. , —The v. Idi with a ]rain ac 1 ton. officiated and Rev. t shooting, and in his jour Both were pietion and cvilen finished will'oom- e was 021 s oo , in 'the evening. o' sermons }t .t As the shot •r rad squirrel in a climb instructive and iinpressive. , p ir:: with :,nything on e lie,ane T1s the squirrel did not fall he climb will make a very comfortable choice. Tt HEAD OFTICE, MONTREAL. `.CAPITAL (all paid up) • • . • • RESERVE ,. , ...... . . ... 18 URPLIS PROFITS . ' ' ° ' S E. F. HEBDEN, • 'Pi30S.:FYSHE Superintendent 0 f Bra � 1 Manager $6,000,000 $3,200,000 face ,with great force, inflicting a. ,959 in his brow. Dr. I -er.guson deep cut . l I was suniinaned� and ^ •]tenses the nches wound putting in several stitches. l painful accident on Monday last, He 1 cv,as running the ]1ea,tlin�'• machine, when 0 piece oC the material that he was dressing struck flim in the tines 95 Branchos in' Canada SAVINGS BANK Interest at most favorable current rates allowed Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. Special attention given to the business of Farmers men, to whore loans are made on approved names, Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable' in all parts world. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED on Savings and Cattle - of the CREDITON' E3RANCH W, S. CHISHOLM, Manager: Crediton -Rev. Mr. :Henderson is SI ortil:lg a 11011' driver. —Mr. St.an<lish, of the Merchant' Bank is taking to playing croquet. —Mr. and lens. Jacob lloltzmaila2 look itt the London (air, Wednesday. -Miss Dowswell of :Cu i t on. Chis lwickt is milliner bew an lice season's crock last: week. —Mr. and' MI's• W. S. Chisholm lett ,Tuesday night for London, to do flit; fair. G. LY. 1).alnni, 19 away 111— l his late, LeiidiuF the funeral .of t uncle, john Damm, of Ayton. --Wednesdayof this week the family' o ' Sam Eilber- took i,hcii last Q 7� SCA . I:rl•ro n -di of the Crediton friends. 'C'A"-�-,—Mr. Tidal, of California, former - Bears the 1'he Kind You Nava Always Bouglil lY, of •tIiis. place is visiting old friends don, 1Fcre renewing 1acquainnces tn. iinci relatives, 0120 sash SunlF.y Monday. . Signature �/,�y�7�•/✓ Mrs. Miittie \Viner's 8isrex and ?1,1r. and Mrs. Philip Randall, of of ,04.0000.*** *0®00®66`9* **00,4aaaOaaa* a�'04d0*44``04.0FA11444®efi4 OQ»'s4�444OA®060®04441 abo4m®o0• at; MONDAY , gid TUESDAY t� da, } * Se tetnber 19th & 20th 33rd Regimental Band, of Seaforth, in attendance. 4t,a> 44 2.+•444140**4444444****®404***4a�•d�e�•••••444.4aa�•••• in the village. —gr. and 'Mrs, E, 1'. Paulin and - childl'en visaged at Mr. S. Rannios on Friday evening. —Messrs. Sam Faust and Tom Belly spent Friday evening Avid]: Iensa il. at ]. friendst —Mrs. 'Wispier is very ill .with ,an 3 attack of typhoid fever. We wish her a speedy rcc0gery.. -Miss pearl 'Nicholson and Einem ll:trtlieb spout Saturday and Sundity with friends in 'Henson. —Ni,ss Mary Foster, of Fai:rgiove Mich., spent. Sat urdaY last with her ecusin, ':`Il q .1! . W. 111058: Como one Conic all 1 'to the'.' Town Hall on fair night for agoo'd� concert has been provided. Pe sure and attend our excellent 12111011 (4'11mant which will be , given here fair night, Sept. 22nd. — 1'Ciss Mina Doan, ?Leacher of Hen - sail public Scilcol spent Saturday and Sundry 1t. her home here. —Miss Freda, ]less, left 011 Mon- d,t�- last for Sea ,forth, cohere she will attend: the Collegiate Institute. Mr.Alf and Eddie Pine, of Lon - . NEW U STORE One Door South of Post Adlce 8. �-,WIV P�'i ,. 4. 1 ln,. C cmi t rad t c h P our Steady Patronage Theof your ever •day supplying lu t Y F needs-iswhat we are working for. To tier it we maks the best goods fusing the highest grades of ask fat. a then everything -and triad. 'Then if you are pleased you come again -and if we keep you s coming, Then pleased you keep e 1 t+ • 1 Flee d rustoix ac it ta:sLcA yon are we are latl. g Try Statham's lee Cream and Cool Sparkling drinks W. J. STATHAM J T. O'Brien. Successor to S. O'Briil's 6ro6erll (Trevethick's Old Stand) We have just opened our new i * 1n Grocery, Flour and Feed Store ` a W, Trevethick s Old Stand and one of the principal features about our store is that everything is fresh and clean. Mrs. rleyrock > Vice Pres., Mrs. j Coffees Spices Sala 3rai'nm'. Car. Sea'ry, iieatricef Coffees eieinb'teh` Rec. Secy Lydia Tian -1 p to date grocery store. uie, Treasurer, Mrs, Magel ; Audi- In fact everything that goes to make torr, Mrs. E. Teller. d ' .A.'S 1T Xt. AL Bears tee _,,Ills Kind You Have Always BouR fi1 Siguatiue EXEI 14. an u - Flour and Peed always on hand, 1 We deliver to any part of the town. 1 Give us a call. • - O'Brien's Grocery, Exe err.-- e* Go D "i'N 11�16'i5 international Stock Food 25 11). pails 3.50, Packages 25c, 50o, $I.00 ust received big shiptnent of International Remedies. HollyvVood Paint In Paste of Ready Mixed Try acan and be convinced that it is a little better than ;what you have been using, 15, 25 and 45c per can. Samson Portland Cement Just received another car of this old reliable Cetnent,oiir are the same as other brands and:Stove Stole P. S.—Good Scranton Coal at $7.00 xs cheaper than grade {goal at $6.25. 11 Don't be:lnunbuggecl. "1 sec 1