HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-8, Page 8Vika SThW '0U/1g ready for fall, New goods coming in every day., new Dress Goods, new Waistings, new Wrapperettes, Row Bain Coats, new Flannelettes, new Lacer Curtains, new Tap-- stry Curtains, new Boots and Shoes, all ready for you. Come and see what we are doing: "Here are a few res good v alues picked at random from Q1 our big stock," the pair for ladies' blaok Cash- 80c mere Hose, English make seam- less feet and d ou ble leg. T ices..... e are extra value. 't the hair for big boys" real heavy l; Long Hese, Double foot, double l knee, and double leg. The strong- est and lest wearing hose e va have ever sold,. the pair for grey or white Flan- nelette Blankets, fast colored borders, soft downy finish. Rig slue, --%ant any.: 1-2 cents and. 14 cents for two lines of English. Flannelette, im- ported by ourselves direct from the makere. These Flannelettes are guaranteed to b., absolutely with dyes, in fact they improve t la washing. See them. ,d'UST TO ,II,4ND--Ctar fall importation of Ezigliall .Lintrle`um;s, 2 anti 4 yards wide. The largest Io t we have ever elz,own. They come in file enrolland floral deeig,r.s, 4l1 new colorings and new patterns. Every yard gold underguarantee. Our special price for 4 yards wide $1.95, 6.25 for ladies' beat nailitaxy Cray- $a,00 fairMena English Rain Gaut as e est blacl ready - these to b sear suit silos Ceata, The savelleyty Ia a cepa cru water and don;tet hard and *tiff, OurHiatt ays ! own importing, We guarantee them. ver worsted" We believe re std n= stoc}c. af' boys and yotztlrs' reactant at -.year' suits is very large. 'e vara please flits little folk# in value, style and quality,. dalst drop in rand see ue )segs. Ahrens grain calf kin 'Loots for x.ac ia, wQxnen. boys aan heavy anti medium fall We Every pair etild tinder gurt te,r goads cannot be made, 'w 'e ask you. tea try them. The slightly higher •titan the ordilaal<ry ready-naade boots, Ant is infinently bet4ter,. Did you say Boon eY Biscuits? Yes we have them. they are the bind that everybody lilacs. We save yeaz money on bisau,its. trfxi us all your unser and Egga a • > to sxaaes are }ie quality eo eaa ra week.), Form The Saving ilab IT 1.00Opens an. account in our SAVINS � DEPARTMENT Make Your Deposits Regularly .1 ;-X ET 1 R Miss Edith Sanders who. bas been attending tile milliner 3 . a eaiings at Toronto ''oro t o p n o re ...turned. home Monday, ISIr, George Jewel and Air, Hon, w 4 wan •Tleaazlaza, of London, *spent Mon- � ry day in town visiting friends and roles (1 i� es, LIZ].V,,C,;S, 'SEPTEIII,I3EI 8th 19Q4 i#Kiftirs t lE wftisTs L' t Mrs, John Woods and daughter n " Miss may Wood, : le Q ThursdayN1! EtDY 1 O fIK WITS x ft a last :for sI visit with friends in To, 'Women's Skirt, French Cheviot, in Wamen':I walking .skirts, in fancy Mr, and Mrs, Cr$o1', Metro were the guests t e Mrs, Crye father, Mr. John Il awkshaw, oil f3u day last, Miss Aland Jenatings. of T'al'k S spending i I few days in town t guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. Statham. eTei, .A, Bell was in Thamest`ord Monday, of this week, attending the wedding •et his brother, 1?. 0, Belt, to Miss Pearl McDonald, 11. I3r.oderick, of Goderichl, spent Monday ;in town on his way back tom London. where he has been visiting his family. The Misses Prior pleasantly ester= dined a antieber et friends Qs Friday evening East in honor of their gaz^sts the Misses, Ball, of 'Wheatley. it. black and, grey triauamca with stitch- I tweed black and d white mixtures is od it -trapping of Black Taffeta, awitli e n i t tures 1z� laxe, tri,oamed with strapping and bnttoigs. hill $3 90 hie Women's Shirt , English Cheviot, 'Women's airt. English Cheviot black and Oxford made with flounce nicely made and trilnroed with on trimmed with strapping of silk straplzislgs of .illi $4.25 Mr. •and. Mrs. D. D. Crittenden, of Myth, , spe ret a .fees- days of the past week with friends at. London and St, Tltoeu�as,-�Lortdoz. Free 'Press, Mr, and Mrs, Glias, Cryer, of T1e- t.roit, severe guests of Mr. Jobxi Hawk how. on Monday "wars Grycr, tends spending a week visiting here. Mr. ant Mrs, T. IL 'McCallum and fatanily who have been spending the tamer at their cottage "Pinecroft' GrandRend ,,returned home en Mant- a3", garage of b=aseball was Inlayed on the Fee ' ario a gra name on 'l'l.ursrlsay last lretaverxa the Crediton and Tixet- er teams resulting iii a, score of 1a,3 in .favor of "Grediten, Mrs. I', J, Euight. wllm has 11 eezi isiting friends at Ontario and San xanciseo, California, for the past eveclsaesdiyn.o,ntlt,s returned home last Mr, Prank Willis, aaf Summerside, N. W. T„ was a visitor in town, tliiS week. Mr, and Mrs, Willis are !siting at the bone of Mrs. Wil- lis' mother. in Vegan, Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Ross. wbo> leave been spending the hast few weeks visiting Iziends and relatives in the ;Forth. -west returned home. on Sat- ttrtiay ,last. Mr, and Mrs. as. l!1 l 3'Ita , c E3 ar " as aftM ,af tf r fid spent eat to nda" S 31 theu f Mrs. Geo, .Eacrtatt. They also at- tended. the funeral of Mrs. McDonald (Mrs. Eacrett',s mother.) Mrs, john Blatchford spent` ;Mon- day avi,th her mother in L eaaa, Iter son. n ea Lc. and daughter, ltt 1 „ rax Marion, r' aeon re- turned home ,with her after spend- ing a ten' weeks visiting their grand mother. Want to Come to California— Write for our plan whereby you can do this at no eostt to yourscif. Mt. Hamilton z lt on Land t and Oil Co., 19 Porter Building, San Jose, Cal., 1J. 8. A. rs. M Do nottrust t a chance or luck, when steady Saving will make you WEALTHY All successful people have staazted in this way. We in- vite you to call and learn our methods, The Sovereign Bank ofa � nada Branches in Huron County at Exeter Crediton Dashwood Hensall Zurich Clinton «LADMAN Sc STANBURY, Solicitors. F, E. ,KABN Manager, Exeter, Branch r Murky Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Slaectacllias tc CALL ON It HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty.. DR OVENS" LOI�noN, Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist]. Deseases Eye, Ear, Neste and Threat visits Exeter monthly.. Glasses Properly Fitted Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Office COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Dates of visits, Nov.1NE2 Novi. 30.. YLon July offtcce 225pclneeuOct. e. ■ General Selling Agent for OEP. Any: persons, farmers or others, who contemplate purohasing lands in Manitoba pr the North-west Ter- ritories' will find it to their ad - :vantage to cal on me, as 1 have reeently been appointed general sel- ling agent for B all C. R. R. and C N *•*****111********♦*******: •• LOCALS :• s,▪ r1M1*e* l******* Bead Poppleatone & Gardiners ad. on page 5. Mrs. Edwin 13raund. of Brantford. is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkshaw, vis- ited friends hi Iiense'', ,on Sunday. See the good habil ;recommended inth e Sovereign Bank ad. last page. :qr. Orville Godwin, of St, Thomas spent the 'holiday under the parental roof. Mrs. A. Sheere and Mrs. J. Millar spent ;the holidays with relatives in Parkhall• Herbert t S , ' out . hcatt ' visited Mr. J. Dinsdale, of Kippen, the forepart of this week. Mrs. s Blas dell and daughter spent the holiday vacation with friends in W' ang h am. Mr. T. Jec kohl of Landon, spent nt Sundag here. Y and Monday at hishome Miss Tillie 3. White ,spent a few days last week,. visiting friends in Toronto. Mr W. McLaughlin, of t eraxi. ford, spent the •holiday visiting his par - en is' Mr. T. 13. Carling spent a .few days N. ]Gond Co'a -lands Prices 'range inToronto, the "fore -part of this week from $3.50 per stare and :upwards. The h io m Pea car Persons�J £e who sF all e,. settle getting tl w e onhome C.g g m P. ,1R. lands ` within one year.after ,lir after 'their summer touting, all look- lands havenag ;hale and he cs a teny. alit , years inY Ywhich pay for such lands. ,iD t Mrs: 11ZcGla d r d ey and. Mrs. Dick- ; s os,jo f Parkhill, visited friends in further particulars aPF1y to town fr ae;� f adaY a . last week. Miss Winona 'Howard ower Re E.tl left I�ICKARD, Exeter an Thursday •last ;for Goderich where t S3rate tlx "TIMES" Ee off' e she za! . h will 11 attend n the Model .School. TO ADVERTISERS. Sta copyfor, changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements adore ted to P Up noon Wedn'eeda4 of each week. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th 1904 • lie who 1 ' j thinks lza�arid ae'bii ' is aster of the man who only thinks.' o think a lsa d�t'a d�r n n tier o Harve• tar flour before you lose all your tier mers, o s. Mr. :Chas. Eyndman, of Buffalo, spent last Thursday, in town visiting ',relatives and.triedns. Miss Lottieilyndnl;an, left en Mon day for Forest, 'vlere she has <ac- eepted a 'position as Milliner. Mr. 4. Ifoe } 11 and ,Mi 9 Fowell, who have ,spent the , summer at Grand Bend, [returned Imitate this week. School opened this s F h1wee& with a large attendance e !"" p the , scholars nd a Lull .staff of teachers. M,.s, J. tesvar t left yesterday Toronto, where she will spend week visiting ,firierid sz nd ;• a elativ- s. Idr. Fred Deen, forxnerly of St,, iktry.s, has been appointed a dairy inspector for Western Ontario, f#t, place of Mir. 3, C. Bell, former' 1u' x t or t ,Tna- r ke t 1 ' a 'V.Inaholsea. who re signed to accept a position in London, Mr. T3lasdcll ,who bas boon work- ing in Chatham for the past two months, o tlls spentMonday with his family. Ile leaves for Brantford where he has accepted a good Position as miller. Iris family will move there shortly. Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Elinavi.11e, prea- ched two very interesting and in- structive sermons on Sunday last in the Main street Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Godwin preached anniver- Rev. Mr. Godwin preached Epworth League anniversary sermons at Zion. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Spackman and daughter, Miss Stella left Iast Sat- urday far San Fransisco, where Mr. Spackman goes as a delegate to the Sovereign Grand Lodge, L O. O. E. They spent a few :lays in Chicago and St. Louis, before going on to San Promisee. Dr. L. L. Fallick and idiss Mabel, of St. Ma;ryr;, spent Sunday last here The doctor Las just returned from a; trip out West. lIe :reports hav- ing. a 'pleasant time and is delighted with our western country and clim- ate. Miss Follick will spend a week at her home here. Mns. R. E. Pickard and family who have been spending a few weeks inu M sk ok a arrived d i10 me last Sat- urday - t d ur a Y ,evening after a pleasant out- ing. Mr. Pickard spent a few days with his f zmil here t Y on his return from the west, before returning home with them. Mr. an old. Mrs. Wm. Gurney, ofAc Ac- ton, spent pat of Tuesday. visiting t their ,son, R. J. Gurney, leaving Wednesday n sd, .. �• •n , moa Y ntn accompanied vm rani a ed b Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gurney to attend the marriage of "their ,son, A. E. Gurney to Miss Heise Minnifie, of Saa',n,ia which took place on Wednes- day evening. Rev. T. Albert Moore, of Toronto, preached en Sunday :last, in the in- terests of the Lord's Day Alliance, in the Presbyterian b te Y an c bore h in the morning and at the James street Methodist Church in the evening. At the close of the evening seTyice there was a mass .meeting of all the churches. Rev. Moore was the,gucst ;of Mr. R: E. Gurney while into town. Mon,day,was a ,very quiet day in town, the stores w-er�e' closed, , and a a large ge number took ;advantage of the cheap rates to London. Toronto ionte other poln�t�a. There was amt of boli between Exeter and Dred •,t wrbich resulted in a score of 11 to 5 in favor of Creditonwit. with, an in- nings to snare; and a football match et, b ween k't to • ' �. mSP fam the same places which resulted in a itie. FOR ovionsISTY A.N"dr,D AND WLLT. TRTID Winelow'e Soothing. S n h a; v'- for 6 •e civet 'sixty ears b . P been need for 7 ae of for the children J � h itao wile ted, 8O ts. , the ruins, eaocees soothes the child, softens the ruins, snap; all ypak' cures wind colic. and ie the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the leets. Sold by drtiggists to every part of the world, 25 cents a bottle. Its value Is incalculable; s obi b n entre and t=ike Mrs yp'inAievc's 'Soothing Syrnpand stet for no other kind. 4 $3.50 Women's Cream Lustre Zi"aists trimmed with fine tucks, ,silk euz- brolslery and pearl buttons, lined throughout, Regular price $2,75,' Reduced to $1.98 Women's Cream Lustre \4 a,i-t nicely trimmed and well made, gond fitti=ng. up-to-date style, Regular price $1.75 reduced to $1.45 $5,00 Wamari's. black sateen made with. yoke, forming to ed back trimmed ;with cove tons. $L 5 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW FALL DRESS GOODS Grenite Cloths 'WaistsI In black, blue, green and brown as, tuck- ed but - 3 only flack Sill: Taffeta Waists, made with tucks and hem stitching regular $5.50 Blearing at $4.25 Just Opened a lot of ; ;� til W: ead ;� Stylish �ca: fiats. SW & w We mak* a specialty of watch and. cloole repairing, 0, lIavtleib. :air. Nelsen Sheere yas taken a situation at Brantford, ss Beatrice liobinson :ac-- leas Cont•ed a position as milliner at \ at- erl''caMai, Pans$ Gertie betas, returned home on Tuesday, after a very pleasant dela cat ;erne wk s :vitt. fra:s ids in Toronto, Xtesw" about flour? Now is the l iota IP lay in a stock of choice flour mallei front old, wheat. You want the beat therefore use llarvey's Star Flour, Itev, xl, d, l St. NT. 1 crki:xa,S, prcdcl:ad ase;Paul's si h re a u ls l :111 Tax a"I 0 n Sunday afternoon. in the absence of Rev. 7. Doherty. who was vi'it inglo Toronto. Representative, S. it.Poplestone, will give his report an thc proceed- ilags of the Grand Ledge, at noxa Tn. es v .. as evening's meeting. All Odd. , fellows are requested to attend hl• order ,of the Recording Secretary. To raal•itive tired, sore And perspir- in fest we ghave in stock feels Foot Elm, Foot Ease, Foot Comfort, Eayo'nl, eto Either of which are reliable C. Lutz, Central l Krug Store, 7;zetet:, Pumpkin Pie ?oelrl,—T'110 En- -twill League, art Main ,street ;loth dist Methodist church will hold a CASTORIA For Infants and, Children. The Kind You Bought Boars the Signature of REMEMBERED Mll, '4'l1LL HOWARDPRESENTED WITU GOLD CHAIN On Thursday' eveniana last a num- ber f .i o the r' a friends of 3 .Sr.\til Will How- ard and met wail t 11' ala .nt i! 'x r � a ,i . V,7 Statham's reyiraurant, where light refreshments were served atter which Mr. Reward was present- ed with a gold chain and an address The presentation was made by Mr. W. Beer. and the addres=s was read by Mr Dyer II r u don n y r. T Reward who has been learning the harness business silts 1Tr, 1.r, 1"rayne for the past three years, left on Sat- urday urn d, lasti of London, acrd a where here ho has secured a situation, t'r. Reward is ono of our model young men, and has manyfriends a' a who aa•L.- r S4h him success. secs. o (ming 1s the address, Dear Friend;—It is with deepest o feelings of regret that we learn p of your, intended departure from amongst =us. In token of our high esteem of you we beg you to accept this gold khan as a memento of us. Although we are very sorry to lose you. we hope that our loss may be your gain, With lite Hest wishes for your future 'yell -faro and trusting 'that ano good God may • 'c u. t and . guide guard you in all your undertakings, to your lits'. end. That happiness i and success may be yours is the wish of all present. Iwai 1 p} -an pia social int Monday evesl- ,-lstg, aScpt. 12t1:, at 8 o'clock. good 'Programme. Aden .ssic:1' 1 c. Order Your Coal Now. -Up goes the prico of hogs and down goes the price of coal. Having bought a few cars of hard coal at a price on tlac dollar, I am prepared d to fill all orders while it lasts at ,6.25 per ton. First cove, first served. Place your order at onco for as soon as this supply is done you will have to ore money. Orders office of A. Q. Bolderlcft will the he promptly attended to. --It Parsons. The Anniversary and Ilaruest Thanksgiving services in the Trio- itt Memorial church. last Sunday, were very ...successful in every respect The beautiful church was tastefully jj decorated with a variety ,of flowers,' fruit and grain. The Rev. T. R. a O'Meara is a very powerful speaker j and the people ,of Exeter wit' be glad to- bear ltim again. Special musk appropriate .for the occasion was "rendered by the choi=r. Tho so- los ,of Mr. P. Jones, of Now York, were .particularly enjoyed. )Ie pos- sesses n. .rich mellow voice of good range.. e. a The ,offering i In for the gday amounted to over $370 dollars which is the largest in the history et the church. Presbytery of Huron.—The Pres- bytery df Huron met in the Thames Itoad Church, on the 6th inst. The Rev. M. C. McLennan was appointed moderator '. ar, for the next six months W. Mustard, of 1ruccfield was re- ceived ns a student about to enter Toro nto Iv Un. . er ' sIt for the ministry.Y, in preparation A committee com- posed of rthe' Revs. Messrs. l:,arkin and 12a r� .tkn �wa ; s appointed • • to draft 'ia letter of congratulation to Rev. M .Barr, of Seaforth on his attaining the ubil ' � le e ordination 1 d 1n a:1ol n'1 1 10 ale ministry. Mr. McLennan submitted fa report from the committee on c Sabbath Schools recommending that in view of the "request of t:lie Goner- S al Assembly, all Sabbath Schools tic t visited dtor deputations from tke c Presbytery y during the ensuing year and that J. Elgin Tom, T. P. S„ be c requested :1:0 undertake " as much of Ullawork - s o k as convenient. This - re- 1 COM menclation'•.w.as carried. Stanch- . 1 ing !commit;tees for the year were a. i v pointed with �ithe following I -ao v , - t canyon- ors ;-$ome .:Missions, J. A. I:L,anil- tate ; Church life and Work-, J. L.1 t Small; Sunday School, M. C. Mc - Lerman ; Finances, Dr. Stewart a. Student, Dr. McLean ; Young Pea- - 1 , ted 1c, h Soc' ' F zc' ales; D. Caasacelt ; Aug- ;; mentation, C. Fletcher ; Foreign Mia is sion, E. II. Se=wers; Conference, . II. Larkin. A :committee c t' g- . onsaSi an„ e of Dr. MCLe'ian and Meosrs. McNeil l ba Fletcher, Martin 'and Young were ear,. appointed to ico-operate, with. W Assemb e tiiis 1 s•, Y 'Committee ..on Qu'een's a CI1 College 1' s g Finances. 14L5•: Martin tilt re t qu him o,f the ,supply of Chisaihur,;st, , Ili congregat•ton, A committee i :as' poinitecl.,to enquire i • a ap- pointed into 0. 7't9tar'Iaaan'r.- i5 meat of oongre ations so as to se. fr cure ia' ouit.Lbl , co s' tut ct Sala .Foe; Chis- in elhurst. The Presbytery ad' onrned, , . t J t o .meet >rrl Car mol Ch.' unci 1fu �; e n a - i 11 on the 8tll:of. November. ' HICKS' FORECASTS Wo predict that Wednesday the 7th ,to Saturday the 10th, wilt taring a :decided crisis showing- tbat equinoctial hurricanes of great ex- tent and violence are near, it not sweeping the southern coasts, or that 'phenomenal heat over tiie in- terior,. covering the greater part of the country will be culminating in low barometer, thunderstorms and possible tornadoes in marly places We believe that the equatorial cy- clones ,and hurricanes will delay their approach to the southern coasts long enough , to cause a se- vere,'heated team during the first half of the month ,or until severe storms on and touching the 11th and 12th. Earthquake and volcanic phenomena awil ibe irepbrted from various parts of the ,globe an and about j.be 9th. If very low baro- meter and equinoctial hurricanes a••aich the southern coast's 'and states at this fir c n northerly currents Y nts ;v'1 flinduce marked ire. a al conditions over western and central sections , bring 'frost est to r north-western �. s ostein state Le nt;• a fax from thee 12111. to the 15111 The next 1'egular storm perio. extends d'mon the I6tb to the 21st This 1IS r'• 1e 10 d is C , ICwCYC : d � , S was also the ICV• nqus periods, p rtocls b p the Mer- cury N er cu.r e ui x nos :L Earth's nd q b the Y a utum •. n,al equinox, nese its central date .and influence. - Whatever haTacter' of storms are in progress during dile period, 16th to 21st. unday the 18th, to .'Wednesday he 21st will bring the culminating Crisis of. 1he period. If .an equinoctial hurricane or yclone, is in ,progress' in the ,gulf, a<r a. ' a d ease nt' waters, J and does ' a not •saoh the souther. coasts ibeforc t .%s 'almost certain to. be felt in iolent gates CIT high seas, within wenty-tour hours of noon on the; 4th. One of ,the, September Tier- u;rbations, whatever may occur ,at Liter ri' re 1 ds 1 0 is ialmost certain to decided if not violent; crisis _ at h' time. alms. 'This ' 5 r I a soya o. 1 timenthem 'leen seismic, 'volcanic and meteor phenomen!a.will be ,reported from any extremes ` of the globe. ` In very probability i1, rt sh,ing high a;rometer, violent . northwesterly arts and change t�o almost . cold, ill ,spread ve ' p o t :.:the country from e ern' r i� i aatha e ' St as the h storms 0 of iia: period give place -to the high inometrieareas pushing 'close be., Tweed Effects u all the leading mixed color opSacking .l brown Blue, vxl crud. black Broadcloths Iitack,btue.brown,green and fawn. New e� W lSa tin S We have a very nice range of French Serges, French Twills, French Flannels, Lustres, and De Chanes all in very natty pat - erns and the newest colors. A good assortment to choose from, made of good Broadcloths and cheviots and nicety trimmed with same or silk strappings and buttons and beautiful cording and stitching. . GAl�i..Il�Tf� �3RQ�i *+11*1*1***********1**1100-10.44.4444+ a►+i**•*******1*+r ******1*!*41*****1****1** ***************!*,****1*1#E Furniture and Undertaking During the summer months we will give 5 per cent, off for all cash sales, Cs HUSTON Funeral Director and Practicable Embalmer. Opera Rouse Block ••••••••••••••••••••••410)..1 WHAT DEALERS SAY I-- "How is your flour trade? Good?" II ``Then you must handle Harvey's Star Flour." III—"It's sold the country ©ver." IV—"We don't think there is anything we handle that helps our trade like that Star flour." V—"It will be a good day for the flour and feed trade of our country when they learn to use Harvey Bros. Star flour entirely." HARVEY YEY B Q S. R s O***********************w* i . •••••••••••••••••••••••••• J * f tested;: the Tresbyytery to relieve , he nd them.. • A rregularr :Vulcan storm perm rao ,central on the c,. 2Jth extending e. t..ntiing o:n Tie 27t11 t=ad a OT three '.a . days to October. As' we .enter ' this cI'i rode tl e barometer 1t;1 ametcr well fall, file nieT a. torr, will a again I a n �'' F 15e to quite arm and Scattering,storms will advancing eastward over ]1e country about the 29th and 30th. Subscribe for :the Tittles. be • O LARGEST A I) *N BEST 4• In Western Ontario i 6 o This popular institution P P st tution has an . excellent reputation t for strict �r e * high grade work. Our graduates O. • are in great demand. Enter 'this': • month if possible. . Magnificent catalogue * ofiue free, � * O •' W. .J.L+L ELLIOTT,LI01T Princi at D. A. IwI cLA CHLA 1°+ S • O *** Please examine tbe date oh your label and if not correct kindly In I let uai know and w e will snake the alter ation the Front Again With a consignment of short leaf Georgia Pine. It makes the most beautiful interior finish of any lumber on the market today. Lumber Lath and Shingles We are in a better position than ever to supply our many customer. with all they may require either from; shop or yards. Bee Keepers Supplies ready delivery, Place your Orders for Tanks early. Estimates cheerfully given, ta'Cali in we like to-s+"6"Yott.,t .,elr,..c:e.,. ROSS & TAYLOR Get. /['�A�� -, s After the—, fte 4 e Bugs For the Best Cheapest Paris Green 1lellabore Blue Stone ---Try 11i wnl , n ? ro s Drug r�l Store t0re Old Made Eyes Youngdl Dim Eyes Bright Made e. 1 t I can bring back to your eyes,3s weak- ened with strain, a clear visianr natural c ease <Ind .comfort of twenty years ago. And why not ? I Make a specialty sight• n , Y g and use, tae. latest appliancest for ' this Ito ,t_ avo Hepar ..art rk. , Satisfaction gua,ra,nteed, T Graduate of Canadian Col he demand for Va r le H o ne hoof d cele- b brated remedies ` is rapidlyof Optics. iureas- i ing. 7 `� 5 consist of Ali eu m' at' Cure Opa ana Suppositories, Vigor r — .. of _ Life "' Compound Antiseptic Powder 'Tonic andVitalizer ' zer . s to - aoh Tablets, Catarrh Cure, Fend - ache Cure, etc.—C. Lutz, - ; Central Drug Stoic,. agent, Exeter. tie srownizi gs Drug Store