Exeter Times, 1904-9-8, Page 60-00-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-QeeeeCee-0.0-0 tt: YOUNG 38 FOLKS g 0 -0Q -40-0-0-O A CERTAIN BOY. Ho doesn't We to go to bed; And getting up is worse. To washing, too, I've heard it said, lle'e just a* mach averse. And for seneel and studying When he would rather roam. Ile hates it more than anytinieg Bet doing work at home, 1 must odaa that it is true, Though '1.13 sorry boast, :Whatever be is told to do Is what he hat ee tbe at, I do suppose that if he ehottee at be should de alt day, al play and eat a while ilea tb litee eat a while, and play. NEWS BY NAIL PROM IRELAND'S SHORES. laappei,rigs in the Enaerald Isle Taterest to Irish - Canadians, 11I8TAKES PERSONS WHO RAVE BEEN VICTIZIS OF TateeM Emba.exassing Blistake at a ate- ception-Poliee Arrested Their Cef. lecellent reeoets coutinue to be There Was much perturbation hi reeeived oa ti harvest proepects ia leigb circles owing to a most eta - T -eland, ibarrassing mistake which was made 'he canine population or Ireland ie At a diplomatic eeeeptioe, ia I.‘oadoe not far short. Of half a- endlien. tke-i some time since. The wife of the eording to a, return just issued. Chie.ese Amnaseador upou nee arrival • TWO new political oe.ganizatione wee gravely ushered into the cloak, RVlist°1' (411" SePt" euben Draper, a well-known. reale • re epo'nen cd in Irelarar-ea Home room reserved ler aeraiemea, It is dent Kee, I.;eeps theproof rieeht with Rule Iteagen ee d a Progreeeive net diMeule to aecenat for this Soll10- !witat, oarnmig error of 3ndgmont, him that Dodd's Eideey Pills will suelymire the much dreaded Gravel. llebeet Ball, who was boi.e. for Chinese ladies of rank do not Tbe proof ceesists of two stones, one Just 64 years age, baa is riame en- tteed public feuctioes in London, as the size of a small beau and the neenet ameett. Duhthee eistiegtasbea, a rule, and -the costume is somewhat °then as ekt an a green of barley. He netivee. [gleaner to that of men. paesed: these stoec;:s aild wee relieved eeeral tiimisand peenels damage' Wane' of tbe guests at a recent of all the teeribl3 pains taw caused Ives deem oti. 'the O.Oth ult. by a Are Guildhall luncheon had caltsa '-`3 after using )odds Kidney Pills for Montgoneeryea printing woras, gramble owing to reistakee in their, a short time. Omagh, County Tyrene. identity. They ware given eue ied t D cs Weterford, lately vieited the choke of apreariru court 4re5e. Draper s con I eat oat ' SAVED ITR OWN 1,11• Nieg mut Omx Omen. is uow one of ei's uniforin. or erenlPg d " res^ 'as° la' 11..:ileecYttePel,11:sahnecl nt()Atilleit1133stWer deoltetuO5erdn 31 was a pintioloodoa shwa d,ceritees of' attraetioa With tentitste dirkluala who had not either tha without getting help and was fast dog d nunstially in the South of Ireland. two nest attieets were fregueraly nes, ettiog, weat: and ,ds.pon.deat wiien inter enueal ethietie fixture between taker) for welters. Clue gentlem,aa wing true beeideee ludinates thati - thstorped all other treatment and aee peeeeeeed tee feeeatt-- of reastnea111-4102ed and Scotland took place at ero Was VaStlY QTMOYO, Z1S he wee niarted to tae Podds Kidney il)s. ing 10 sum Stone e lay kitchen, elle day-BVUOVSt on the 1,0th ult., we Ire- gently seeking his place at the table, le„ e t QW1r1g." to the aetion of a wetter. TN, 414,- fo Ji -t vatli per twe flues, wiiere ber etteetjr:,latil ttrit 7 PolAtn .4e, ;Ind 4untber, wan were enwtged 11)e l'ojewk euth eceurrea on the ntal Nvaltri tbrnst Pile of Platea In" Tilts cure O. -Nees, A feeling of relict' ur 'keys VI` r . eennersatlen, riundi7 mu exelluee., et, les resideuce la Belfast, of band? :t!la tto t'emartc.;.," ,oree people in Mese parts ae it preesed a desire to be,,v one of eee J Intaatlettlea the keen= golfer Y'are. ‘"e these ••• 414 eall 41) ink. shows -Weep terrible operations, long Runs. but tbe OWner •answered that and reelether of the Irish Golfing enilled it Was no easy matter to re- tuougut u, be unavoidable ia ease be was intending to 1-eep one of ,Iltieon. move the inIpreeeleu CallSed by his 0111,Tel, are no letterer tweessarY. them aestl Mil Man, as elle was gett-,1 tlie last ten years cousionptiert teevieg been seen with the plates, aud ' log old; as he bad not decided wilieh;hae iact•eaeed i countrive Where the gue't had ebbsiderabb3 dtincuttY Pun to keel), he dia not \vent to die-lecorterale eetelitions bevel become in eFtnhilsbing hsidentiiY- pan of either jest the, wcr as in Irelend but deerelsed Tire pollee force at Amsterdam has At this news, Mtev loetked her .4110,5e ter in the face a moment, then rose und ealling ter Imps, left the bouee. That was the last yet% of tlie pups 'awayeed env., Amapa or breach et Amaterdefl for a lougisb handay, tor several. weeks. Their mother r,renliFt. f Ina,,stage, Tb o defend. Ono nieitt be returned to the town was \vateaed and followed iu the ettee at wee James ereporteela ora owner stulderaye private business requiring deavor to Rod out wbere she bad 'or vorrasierable house property ie. his immediate retern. and be neglect - bidden them, but witeout euccess.icior ed to ?mint- the pollee. IDA evelous .e.e.- V.i"11,Y 114 111413.1e4 daughter th°fter the femme 'Blarney Stolle sub°rdirates 4°ttee4 Ughis ft family 'came bottle. and being inforee- ed of the state a affable said to°.b14:Qetsrrbleaox,vt.vil Satt-Tt Qott. 11.1111.1T:riall rte. tnar':ailfunsulng1,0titb04"PcoPngscieu45140b:etnhe:t. Way, "Wen't you ellow yourc laere wee be pups, Ilan?" ;land. Tredition has it thee it was without mow. ado .313:‘, lea the vg,0„,•_on stotr,.-theet the bi.etodie tan--; &NG OP BURGLARS to a deserted waedeauet.es bole, ey .01111e1ICK was signea (Ay '‘.1101.• at WOVk. ileiuforeentents were 4111 tilero were. the pups, eat tnd sleek„ eral Saretield in 14121. menea la baste, and tho wends They were cataied •to the leouse, but it is mentioned in connection with were earrounded by a strong cordon tovttrnatc big man found it an etto vet tOrereuin. for apart Nay took, the eretldleg f Lady Martorie Gar- at gendarmes. A body of the Pollee 'impoesitelity to lbring about an al- b= away to what see believee to, don. the only daughter of Lord Ab- 'made as attack On One 01 the 400.1rs... Nance et button and batton-bole, so be eater quarters, and no one found erdacia thol an per Lad bps lin- It Was forced open. nuanou be was obliged to attend "divisione" lbem 4l41 Mail they 'Were well eerie wee made in Irelaittl. us Lady forward, and about twenty •con- al bale, grown.• entleen takesad% keen interest in etables eeleed their astounded chlerl Then there was an inquiry by the It is interesting to know that Trait aorta and bound him. Naturally the 21118- officer of the wetela the eornalauder. Mee eflorto were rewarded by IterIn lees than balf-a-doeen years tae wu soon found out. and. eNPICL"' and the captain. The finding Was life befog spared uutli sbe (Bea, at D'arland "%Vela, Belfast, have earn- nations were followed by•the release thar the Man bad reeved ono of lust, of Old ago. cd the illstballon of baeieg four of 3..r. Franeen. the usual kits at Challoant, and that times in so e.ession constructed the At a 'Orley dress ball held at tthe thing Was quite uniform -it was ITOW BIRDS nia)ni: AT SEA, *Veen St veeten aeoat," with their llialta during the carnival a thane- the rnarino who was not It being elebee 1 wee a cable boy,' sant °Mille, Celtic, Cetirie and their het- ing Yonne' lady sueceeded in making quite obvious that the man eculd not a deep oripreesion on the heart of a get. into his clothes, his Wei; was an eldeely sailor reeently, "I oftea est and larAref4te used to wonder, seeing birds thee- 'What is described as the biggeet cettain high civil oMekti, as well as :knocked off in order that he might reeds ee race out at Fe/ what they sale yet vompleted under tbe new Ir- on that of a inilitaty officer, also be eniredently teducea to it the uni- form that had been served out to him.--Pearson's 'Weekly. 1116 T1 : D WAR Eli BIEL! CURED Powa's xIDNEy PILLS BE, laCtVD TE STONES. And N' ow Reuben Draper is Well and Strong After His Long Suf- fering. et441.944 eaweeee eeseemaieseeuresoe—.— the rouditione bave improwd. aeldqve'l fame by the arrest 0 the The ounty Antrim Asalize„ ehler eGbstable, 31. a•ransen. It liefeenea 40 widow, was &VIPS that the triad of police left felled to salute no officer in the street. Ior this cameo lee was sen - towed to a ouple el months' bee perionment, He pleaded that he watt ehort-eighted, and accordingly re- ceived another terra Of imprisonment for faireng to report the efilietion, We bare had a eoniewhat siwilar stance 414 Me countay quite tweet - n Royal Marine Light Infantry - of the ',,'Nfediterranean Squadron mg the victim. Tins man weighs tewbere about twenty etone, is iCrgOr huiIt awl the Service not a uniform wbieh will ffti A. while back the Marines were red to muster in white, The un - did for fresh water when, tug. get, ish Lard Aet is reported from Medi- of high rank. In each case a mild thirsty. eletown' The Eittestown estate 4 flirtation ensued• and the two °Akers 1 ' "One day a slatall. answered that 1Which was tIte theatre of the land became filled with jealous ire. Au question for me. It was a hot and agitation in the days of Mr. Glad- actual quarrel was averted only by glitterin• day in the tropics, and 1:x1'F-tone's "Remember Vitt.heliown," , the fair charmer revealing "ber" the clear, blue sky overhead, a black hes Lean aequirea by- the tenants. identity. The "lady- turned out to rain cloud apt:eared all of a End- The Grand Orange Lodge of Ire- be a middy belonging to the .3feeliter- den. Time, out of erapty space,1 land bus unnnimously adopted a roman, Meet, as several Naval et- re:mit...Lion calling upon the GOVern- ficers 'present were aware. ment to introduce during the present v Ludicrous in the extreme is the neseelon of Parliament a Redistribe- Mistake which has been made by an tion of Seats Bill in order to remove andel in the toWn Of Ilappin. 9.1he the scandalous over -representation of duties of this ofneer include the seal- Natioralists in Ireland and es a Ing of marring° certificates, and al - hurtle act of jastiee to the•loyal so the Inspection of butchers' meat. "In the tropics, where the great Trak Th.,,,,ie A short time ago he had a marriage sete-birds sail thousands of miles T"' j'''...4.— ,aivey from shore, they get their certificate presented to him in order VfXIEN BABY IS SICK --- that be might affix the proper offici- drinkixe water in that way. They . smell out a storm a, long way off, al seal; unfortunately he used the they travel a hundred nules, maybe 1 Don't d i • * wrong sttunp. ,rh It e resit wasthat, OW MU With nAUSCOSS CMS - to get under it, and they swallow tor oil or ether harsii griping pure instead ef sealing the nuptial con - enough raindrops to keep theni gatives. t'ebove eel things don't give traet, he eertified that the happy gain'!" him poisonous "soothing" tu3. Pftir were free fram triellin°sIS' Be- .... ,•10•••• These things only make wee worse. fore the matter could be set right Baby's Own Tablets are what your -the *powers ef the High Court had little one needS. They are a gentle to be set in motion to rectify the laxative, and inake baby steep be- e error. cause they make him well. They; cool his hot little mouth, ease IS A DANCIaTG ektraSTEll Ilam - sour stomach, and help bis obstinate . burg II. 1 who ha.d to appear before a Ham little teeth through painlessly. They tribunal for some trivial offence - aro what every mother needs for her was the victim of a, somewhat siniil- -. ar error, On the cbarge sheet lie baby -and the older children toj airs. Rout -tiler, Greenwood, B. '"`, was described as being blind' At as- says: "I consider Baby's Own Tal;- once he made proteet against the lets worth their weight in gold in sertion, and very politely requested every home where there are children. that he might have the mistake cor- My only regret is that I did not rated, as there was nothing wrong Warn their great worth sooner." with his eyesight. The judge and These Tablets will help every child the officials informed him that. no from the moment of birth onward, alteration could be made under any and are guaranteed to contain no circumstances. According to the harmful drug. Sold by ail medicine law of the land the unfortimate Mall dealers or sent by mail at 25 cents will remain blincl'in the eyes of the a box by writing The Dr. Williams law 'se long tee he lives. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Another German, a soldier at Stut- tugart, has had to suffer imprison- ment in consequence of an error. Ile over a hundred ma -birds came dart - in' from every direction. 'They got under the rain cloud tmd they waited there for about ten minutes, eirclin' round and round, and, when tbe rain began to fall, they threw their heads back and drank their fill. A PET nwr. T once bad for a pet a white rat which was very cunning and raise thievoue. One day when papa and *were going to town we stopped at a neighbors on business. Mr. 5— and papa were discussing • their buoinees affairs, when Mr. S.— began laughing, and asked papa, "What is that thing?" Papa looked eround, - and there was that rat sitt- ing on the seat beside him as con- tented as could be. It ba ct been in papa's pocket. 1 had to ea.rry it to town and get a box to britig it home ia. I kept the rat in a cage, but it al- • ways managed to get out and gnaw the clothing. One day ray sister ana I were about Ave rnile..s from home, when I felt something in my sleeve. It kept running up and down my sleeve, and frightened me so that I slipped off my jacket and out ininPe el the rat, and ran under the wbeel and was killed instantly. How it got 'into my jacket and remained tbere so long without my knowing it is a mystery to this day. DE KIND TO SNAKES. Meet farmers, and especially lake trouble to hunt down a when they are really the farmers' friends. Many persons will leave a carriage or team in the road to hill a snake they see upon the roadside. And as for the black snake that lives ender the house or old porch, it is a greater enemy to mice and rats than the' best cat could possibly be, while it would not harm an infant; in fact, could be timed to be very interesting. Kindness always wins snakes, and they will show it as per- ceptibly ae most creatures. A black snake pet is more cleanly then a dog er eat, .is far less trouble, will re- epond to the familiar call just as quickly, show every evidence of afrec- tion as sin cere13', and if its fangs fibotad scratch the skin or even pee- etrate the flesh the result is not so annoying as the scratches Trom -the bt in rs that come from piceing 'roses r blackberries. boys, snake ".•••• FROCKS FOR FALL, The fashionable woman will be in- terested to know that the early au- tumn tailor-made suit seems to have been built purposely with the idea of modesty revealing the prettiest CL,TiTCS of ber figure. The coats reach just over the hips or are three-quart- er lengtli. The close-etting model is the, one most in favor. ,Sleeves are noticeably plain, and velvet and sou- taclie braid are cleverly combined as a trimming. Pleats are still a fea- ture of the wooltextile fashionable skirts for fall; however, they are in- troduced much lower down than in, the spring models. The best skirts are finished at the bottom with a braid or velveteen binding, and hang so that they are just a • trifle shorter at the back than in the front. rt is to the original arrangement of the plaits that the fall skirt will • LEARNING. THINGS. We Are All in the Apprentice Class. When a simple change of diet brings back health and happiness the story is briefly told. A lady of Springfield, III., says: ''After being afflicted • for years with, nervousness and, heart trouble, I received a shock four years ago that left me in such a condition that my life was- deePaired of. I could 'get no relief from doctors nor from the number- less heart and nerve medicines I, tried because 1 didn't know that the coffee was daily putting me back more than the Drs. coeIci put me ahead. ' at the request of a friend. I left off coffee and began the use of Postum and against my- cox -evictions owe its special -air of .dis Unction . 1 gra.clueny improved in health: until Revers are mbee conspicuous • than for the past .6 or 8 months I have for many seasons past, and they ap- been eetirely free from ncrvousneE,s pear not only on the street coat, but and those terrible sinking, weaken - the bodice of the dress deigned foe ing spelle of heart trouble. house wear.. -The Sinp,le-breasted ":1‘.1.y troubles all came from the use jaeket, made with a short basque of coffee which I had drunk from and a pointed tight -fitting vest, will childhood , arid yet they disappeared be inucla worn with' a skirt Showing when' I quit coi.re.?, • and took Up, tbe groups ,of pjaits toward the bottom. use of Postern.' ' Nanle given by PosAum Co 11 Ili le creek, 31ich. Many people inart-el ,ate the effects of leaving off coffee and drinking P,9fAild,n,. but nothinp, ale -Talons ab oat ii -only 'Lem In Oh' SenS doffee is a dentroyer-Posturn is reb ui 1 der , Ti i a t" s tie rea..80.1.• , took in each package for the faun: ous little book, The iload to Well- • D on' t forget that your neighbors t Can smell, ftled .tinions further, than HES 50pLuyER at keY. , , ' ' ,."Does your luShand, take as 'nruCh - interest . . in . liersrn • rasing ,eS'ha.'ased • Seedinati-L"IVinnt 'kind • of . 'seeds to?" • ' ' ' ' ' • .' '''.,' . ' ' n would : yell . like?"' Su burbS--` A ny ' ''YeS," answered yo on re • .1‘1,rs. .Tor- .lan.d. 50..1_, -n -Ig, as they're ,cheap. . ''S.-ou, eine.' ''plialleji; ' can always, tell the rie6.,,,..it makes nn'... difference to "',. as ,OnY lenfere a race which horse ought . , , '1 Ite : thiekens • ,alennys , seinttch, • them. np, to, Win :and . the day. .alter , Why; ho. befOre` they ..get' tiMe' to' sProut,„". ' ,. 1 • t.r... , r . . DRESS NOTES. As fashion Is in a trensition stage between summer and fall, there is little that earl be said to be new as to gowns. As to gloves, in shatleS of colors, in the clasps and Welts, there will be divergences from pres- ent modes, but that is about all. • Clasps to match the color of the glOveS-112itt is, covered with. the same material as the gloves -welts of a shade slightly darker or ligbter than the gloves, and embroidered points to match, are to be among the novelties; colors for these vary- ing from those of the glove materi- al will also be used. For example, a black pique glove hes White points, and another has lavender points with the centre and heavier strand of a: darker hue than those at the outside. Lavender and white on black piques and burnt orange on brown gloves will appear. 'Two -button gloves are to be most- ly- uSed for walking and street gloves generally, and many of these win show pearl clasps. No mistake can be inade in buying linen costumes DOW if one's summer wardrobe is running low. Linens for all sorts of frocks for all sorts of wear, or lightly embroidered in- stead of being lace -trimmed, are seen i this school. everywhere and anyWhere. It will I also be much worn next summer, so Unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best Ask ter the Ortagen nar.r.4 DARING SPY. Russian Soldier's Exploits in the jap Lines. The daring adventure of the Ruse eian eoldierVolkolf, who got througb, the .Japanese lines aed returned safes ly aiter figating ids way out, is thus described in the man's own, words in the Russian papers: 01i1nataavne;Itieei(ei:" ehrtair4 ligament xd ptiat ort a Chineee dress with slippers and hart. On the 19th, Millie a cross lire W41.5 going ma 1 eeizect the opportun- ity and alipped away into the Japan- ese lines. "They were at the MOInerAt ad-, varteing towavda our troops, and were so tat*, thet no ono aetieed me, and I pwised eafely" throngh their position, anti towards evening eame to the village of Artheiete." After Visiting revereother villages nq gleaeieg informatien as to Ie Japanese forco, his real Adventures began. "Suddenly," he eald, "a. cavalry deteeleneet of about -twenty men with an officer 'came towarda roe. Tb e officer rode out and asked in, Chinese where the Russians were end t what was their strength. "1 decided to sell roy We dearly, for leleew it would be forfeited if 1 were captured. I pulled out lily re- volver. and as Um two Seidler& ap- pronthed I fired two Pleats at them. Both the telen fell. 4"rbert I tired at the officer, hring- ing him to the gt•oued, awl After- verds emptied the revolver at four titer men. The soldiers lost their beads and galloped away, tied as they did so 1 saw the four men had shot at fall eeverely from their saddlo badly wounded. "Tem I jumped on one of the and galloped away for m.y life, I hod to pass through the en - ns lino, but fortunately I soon aev our outposts, mid I rode in aud wes immediately taken into tite pres- ence( of General Samsouoff and told my story." 110SPITAL lal.OWCRS. All the hospitals and elmsbouses in Berlin are regularly supplied with fresh ilOWei'S from the publie gar- dens, \\Idle twice a week each of the national schools receives from 300 to 150 speelmees of four different kinds of plants for use at botany lessons. Will Cry In 8 Hours. ea satat all Hardnure aeVera Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver._ INNEN, Potatoes$ Poultry b $ Eggs,Butter,Apple Le; us bave your eensignatent or Any of these artielee and we will get you gOcal 1ric0. 13.1V41/...,ON COMMISSION CO Limited er. Wo- ;40% amo beiberne eta. TORONTO. THE ALIT Any First -Chase Groner Can Supply INSIST ON GETTING YI There is more Catarrh la this section et the country- than all other tiinc..1..ICS Pitt together, and untit the last ler .vears was auppoued to be Weer:Able e'er a. great many years doctors pro- nounced it a local disease and prescrib- ed local remedies,. and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Slence ps,s proven catarrh to be a constitettence ditlease and therefore requires tiOntiLlIttl- -tionul treatment. flall's Catarrb Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & doe Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitution- al cure on the market. it is taken Wackily in doses from 10 drops to a teaspeonful. It auts directly en the blood and mucous surfaces of the t -es - tone ',rimy offer ono hundred clothes for any case it fans to cure. Sand for Circulars and testimonials. Address: F. .2, CIlleNEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists 75c. Telco Hall's Fawn; Pills for tonste petiole A piece of lancewood an inch square -will stand a strain of 23,000 pounds before breaking. Lever's Y -Z (Wise "lead) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. There is a grave -digger school in Brussels and all candidates for the post of sextion in Belgium, to be eligible, must haa.'e graduated from that the economical woman as well as she who has no necessity or de- sire to consult her pocketbook • may cheerfully invest in the linen frock. A gown in Lady Wonseley's famous collection of Stuart dresses is one of Nell Gwynne's frocks, that in its trimming showed a peculiar shade of that color now so extremely fashion- able -heliotrope. The frock itself was yellow silk and was embroidered in flowers in silk orre'cl, blue, yellow and 'purple shades. The gown was open. at Vile neck, and had wide bell sleeves, a full skirt, and apparently was a little more than half fitting. The wide sleeves were bordered with heliotrope colored fringe, and. on the shoujcier pansies were embroidered -in purples or heliotropes, and yellows with leaves and sprays of their foli- age, Won Unman!. Co Going. In Ms. "How is that, little.' mining scheme of yours getting along?" Any Money in it?" "Any money ire it? • Well, should say so 1 All Of mine, all of my wife's and about three thousand that I got from my friends." • I S'ilicnaiRer . ,,,, , Whooping Cough .. ... 'The children. ceeni ;to catch whooping cough eaBlly in the garilTYler ti1110 wileliiL ,Lis 411111y418V111110418,3:der to get rid 01. ... falt Oh S CahAttilltfrri" The leu , 8 1 will There fen .injuriene dt'ug i it and it is 11,1,e14L-A,2.k an5.*1.:0U C. C. RICIFIATIDS & CO. Dear Sirs,- For some years I have had ouly partial use of niyarm, caused by a sudden strain. f have uSed .every remedy without effect, until I got a sample bottle of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. The beneilt I re- ceived from it cat.sed me to continue its u,se, and novv T am happy to say my arni is cone letely restored'. Clan -lis, Ont. R. W. FIARRISON. GUESS ITC'S RIGHT. • TIer-I wonder why handsome wom- en, usually marry homely- men? most be due to the fact that the homely men ask them. glfiard's Liaimetit CIIICS• ttrnDer.. SOLDIERS' SUPERSTITIONS. Among• the nti'rheroas superstitions of the Cossacks there is ,none strong- er than the belief ,that they will en- ter Heaven in a better 'state if they are personally clean at the time they are killed. - Consequ tly, ,before an expected hattle they perform their toilets with scrupulous care, dress themselves in clean garments, and put on the best they haye. This Superstition is not confined to the Cossaeks alone, but is widely • pre- valent In all branches of the.Russian VTLFIRS the CltleagoOlandg4TN011•Th IN‘Ve. Railway, every day from Sept. to Oct. 15th, Set MI'S One way soeond class tickets at very low rates from Chicago to points in Utah, Alentana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Vau- couver, New Westminster, Itossland and other points in the Koetenay District, Corresponchngly low rates from all points in Camera, Full particulars from nearest ticket agent or la if. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East Xing Street, Toronto, Ont. While the Cunard liner "Umbria"' WWI in Mid -Atlantic, 1,400 neliee front England, a. pigeon boarded the veesel with a message from London. • Mind: Liniment Cures tiluiltheria, For the year ending aIrty 31st last, 001 persons were injured by motor- cars and motor -cycles In the the Lon- don Police 1/istriet, and seventeen persons -were killed. For Over Slitt7 VeliM Ns& IrtNnovre SooTinsa Senior hag bun need hg ThU1�not Mothers tor their children Iltlute Lei:thing Itscothes the child, matron the gums, *bays pain, mum wind collo, regulates tho stomach anti Lowell., end ths bestronwnly for Dintthoss. Twentrdire cents a bout Sold bydruggists throughout the world. Ile sun a11..1 fori,ILun. WunLowliSoortinici tigatir." 2:-0 .A. beautiful jet-blacic lioness has been added to the collection of ani- maes in the Jardin des Plantes in. Parte. Black lions are found only in the interior ef the Sahara. EIN-01.2:G:ET.TO TibIL OVER.. r 'iv ' pc itis - cruel 'Ccnge' to wait, Until ' Llia.rriage is ,postoon!:?d, n die. Ohl '(.3.0.u.t• arr.-70h; Wall,' 11 lend .1.4?:,,,O'O.14 nY filnard's liniment Cures Colds, etc; May -"Why did yon refuse him ?" Gladyo-"He has a past." May - "But he can blot it out." Glaelys- "Perhaps; but he ain't Vitt Vie for a blotter!" MPIDICAL CONVENTION. Delegates to the Medical Associa- tion at Vancouver can return through San 'Francisco, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Denver and the "World's Fair" St. Louis, by purchasing tick- ets sold to •San Francisco, account Knights Templar. meeting., Tickets on sale from August 151h to September 91h, good for return until October 23rd, with stopover privileges in each direction. This is an open rate to the public, as tick- ets are not sold on the certificate plan. The rate. from Toronto will be $70.25. Correspondingly low rates from other points. Tickets can be purchased goine. via Vancou- ver, returning through above cities, or vice versa. , By writing H. F. Carter, Traveling Passenger Agent, Union -Pacific Rail- road, 1* Janes Building, Toronto, Out., he will give you full informa- tion. ' • Olosefist.-.`Williain Hunt is the most hopeful ,young .man I know:" Hardeashn-"What makes You think closeliste.--"He tried to bor- row Money- from ,Me:" None Left To Bother Ygra After 117sing 1 SO gilt Zyery When u, are so ten ed to piece take • that with the Angela a t Margaret's College, Toronto. Re -open Sept. I2th. higleclass residential and dog dewi for girls. Modem equipment, Specialists of European training and of the highest academie aud profes- sional standing in every depertmeat of work. Foe booklet epply to 11rt$4 GEORGE DTOKSON, Ledy Prime - pal; ononor4 ioroxsoN, M.A., DI. rector (late Principal Upper Canada. - College). Dominion Line Steamships MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. ta-Piloclorate Rate Servico.v4 Second CftiIIO nessenscre berthed in bait worsen)• d.tiea'cia the warner at the I. Ir rate Or CO to Liverpool nr $12.40 to London. Third- torcreenl,Lowlen Mawr*, ur Wo") rot *II itatlictihfrs apply to local neenla. Or 21011111.11014 .1,11,111 O1±1iIC1*, 41 lo: at. B., %lento, 17 St.Seerameati b, M0011 ARPET DYE1N nod Cleaning. This is n siecialty with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 0Q, Sent particulars bs sem, awl we &ratan.° to shtlery. ederess aoxiss, hiontreal. -mucasserzioszasismscr Cut Rata' So t wcst and Calif rnia 3 Chicago to California., ene way, daily Sept. 35 Oct. 15. Good in Tease- , ist sleepers, berth rate me- tre. Chicago to, Oklahoma, In- dian Ter. and Texas; round-trip, Aug. 23, Sept, .13 and 27, finst-class, three weeks return limit, Chicago to Pecos Valley bf New ll'exico. Same dates as the Oklahoma rate. For further inforneation, ask F. a HENDRY, GEN. AT. 151 Griswold 81.. Detroit, Mich. tuateopesseetweemeoaestoteteaeteitteroas,