HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-8, Page 5VEO'F,11" I1)iret, e`.5' '"4li le5Si•x air i e</st Always restores color to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used to have. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dandruffdisappCars.An elegantlQ�fEtdeSSirg,str i,�co4„r,w aao 141EDICAI, The Exeter Tittles es W. BBOWNINU, M. D., M, O. 'M THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER BER 8th 190/ P. -S., Graduate Victoria Uni- versity, office and residencuee. Dominion 1.a et Laboratory, Exeter. ICI1rTp}41I`;, L. D. S.AND �, aft. A. R. KINSMAN, L, D. S.. D. D. S., Honer Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist, Teeth extracted without pain or; le Fan - bad after blockk.. effects, sideot Maul treet`Exeter- ANDERSON, (®• 0.5. L•p.S , DENTIST. T. Sono: Graduate of the Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario,with honors Also $est• nate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistry (with. hoagrablemnention. 3'vorytbingkuown to the Dental Profession axe tea tt!Ls office. Bridrzo worts, crowns, al. aaiiiifauu,gold and vulcanite lakes alI Bono in the. aea1est manner possi�le. A perfectly intrsnlees anaesthetic used for painless extrac- Office one door south of Carling x ro's store eter, Qnt IIVSURANCi'7. Y TO LOAD Private foods tolottoou haul property at Four tuadonehnitper N11T►r.wr TJ.d 1TT IfiONEY TO LOA We bavounlimite4 privatQ favids for iuye8t. • eat upon faarw ar wage property at Iawgs ales 4t' iutercat ISIC.atSQN;a Q4UL1Nte Exeter. [ 'LONEY TO LOAN. Locals Miss S. Mc'Dcnnei as visiting fri- ends an Toronto. 1t3r. and Mrs. Chas. Snell were in Clinton, on Monday, Mr, ,T .11. McCallum. is spending a ?few days in Toronto and London. Miss. Lilly Rollins,llins, of Detroit , is lte guest of her uncle, Dr. Rollins. Miss May Azranstrong has been engaged with bfr. J. A. Stewart as assistant milliner. Miss Lottie Ily:ndnhan has taken :a Position 'as head eetiliner with a firral in!oaet. Ma, T. 1)4 Carlin; attended ilia fuworaal of his cousin at Hyde Park, ort Tbri:rsdey lost. Tile etteedsa,nce at the Toronto Exhibition on Mand:ey wa r. ti Ir'ecord breaker, 90,000 pt•opl•a having passed through the gates, Me. 1V, 151.. Martina, B..'1., after a pleaeanr visit at his bonne berg and otbm points left for Rein, on«rcd- neslay evening, l►lr, .aaad Mrs. George Anderson, spent Chao past weer, in. Toronto, tele - lig in the sights of ilia National Ex- laib(tion. yr, W. A, Ikaman, who Imo been. sl)rntlira e 1 few da,ys visiting Air. and Ire• W, J. Neaman,,left this morn i)tg fog his home in London. W. 1i s a ` a nda a r Cr,G 13 sett o!(1 big la nd- 'SY'a have Oar amanur of Private to t 3f , . i a .rlrilEa gproperttesatlarva'nte.,; s,gtxt(+ grc+y team to, Davidsonlliras.,. 4�Staateret4 MADMAN 4 STAt+1SCRY of the xt • s= house, Alitehell, for oen oa farm u DaarrEstera Seltcitorte Main St. Exeter. ft ktewl figure. Mrs. '1`, Ilandford and .1iss Irene DICKSON & CART. it,G d Berristcrs. Solicitors, Notmrlo5 Wove/ewers, Com;nisiionera. ]tetters for tholiloliiena 133.ulr, Eta. Mousy I Exeter North, will find in • ether T asisioE,-�,�uta s�r�n�e � EEi, v , r month with whit have . la n>; the }last m. _n r t 11 n 1'rienis in Al:aoaitoila and Dakota, r,. - turned home on Tuesil;re evening' la avin epeni- a delightful holiday. Thi merry fricnde of Mr. Donal(] 311 L0I.O Zatl0wa5tratesof interest, : AlcK1y, son of Mr. Duncan 'oKay» �.g• aotsai calu)nn very interesting iter, comma ,. written from Colorado Springs,, Col. where Mr. McKey is at present re- siding for do benefit of his health, A. C. RAMSAY, V, S. Boner Oradeata Ontario 1 oteriner C'o1- II lege ; . . gonararyFollow in Ontario letcriter bi luisacialion. All diseases; of domobtio anima acient{11Callytteatcd, lever treated by the latest oxyygen treatment. OFFICE' one door south of Town Hall TtElE3I1)ENQE•.: Scone house north of Pres' bream church, The Usborne and ttlibort Farmer's Mutuai Fire 1nsur_ aRG6 Gompano, :mead Office, Farquhar, Ont.. DIRECTORS President; -T. ELAN, D%IiL1' P. 0. 'S►9ce-I'res.c--t' , El. PASSIXORB, ]'AitgfalAEB P. 0. T'. MOXIx.' Z. Wlia.L1 N P. 0.; d. a, NaEtltls, Onenitterem P. O. Wast. Eos', BoltNteMier P. 0. 3", L. ltuSsELL, H,r7SSELDAL1 P.O. AGENTS. J. r,A. ONT. (;ABi.IECiIALL, RQU] Axl, olsx A. DUN CAN rA 14 J• WXesON, ]ULLABTON. ONT. S. Gusn,t,a:,T, LvoAN, ONT. 13. W, F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. Mrs, S. Al,. Sanders left ,on Tues- day for Wnnipeg, on receipt of rt itelegram that Aft'. Sanders was aoriously ill from typhoid fever in that city. Mr, Sanders left here some weeks ago in the interests of E "ETER Wheatbushel h et►t per 'Mont (nen') Oats new . Marley Blotter . «. » . Begs Pork live weight Pork Dressed: ... .{ s R tdac Fair niers' Cra-Opert fiv( Ma- chinery a-chin ry Co., Wanted. -Pour thousand five bun dyed dollars at 4 1-2 per cent. on se- curity of Mortgage on first-class 'arae property, valued at $8,000, for a term of years. For turther par- tFulars apply at this office. On Sunday last Messrs. Connor Brost and Mra. Connor, who went to Cbiseilaurst in Itr, Rarn's auto- nloblle liact a scnaewhaat thrilling ex- poluenee. Willie out with his father on NMondkay ,for ashort ride Mr. Connor natared that tile xnaolaine was on fire, something having gone wr,onat ttltltt the burner and, in a few minutes the whole machine be- eline, a TILSs of flames, and was to- tally destaxoyed. l+ort,unately uo oaze w,asi in ar.y way injured: ;fir. N air.tl carries insurance wbioli I,lartly covers the loss. ,'. S 7EPTEM It 8th 1904. flonsiimntrnn 1rt?Mttftt,ttt4ttftttilt'�t?tfitt�ttfttyKili� �����t��xt�t���illttitrfftmmt�rnitmilfmtpf 7- E" The only kind of consulnp• tion to fear is 44 -neglected ' consumption." People are learning that con- sumption is a curable disease, It isneglecter] consumption that is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of consumption get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and begin regular doses. co,^'1M1r*U0 Io The use of Scott's Emulsion rr l a Times, i r ?fi ' . , li"', a f the , at once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in f f h lih Two book-keepers, occupying re- sponsible positions, both imide grave hnistakes. They were 'both notified of the error they° nal. made one, ack- nowledged ck . nowledged the mistake, went t lira: d;r a.nd glade it right. The other re- ftascd to own his mistake and would do nothing to'correct it» 'iN1• haiclh of flee two is a gentleman, T `:QL Il2Olt fav O: ea Neglected consumption does p s where Scott'sEmu - not exist � r l 4x Sion is. Prompt use of Scott's Emu sion checks the disease while i• can be checked. setae far free samp'.E, 311 AIi3C6' $ (old) $1.00 to $L02 .. , 00 to 08 ,. #. 30 to 32 ,,.,•. 95 to 40 „•. ..,, $2.75 •»•••• 34 ... 17 BuggieI3! uggies! Do you Want a Buggy We have the finest stock in town ail the latest styles, in the newee 1 olors. Our prices are low as can be foun - for first-class material and workman ship, BEFORE YOU BUY Of1L,L AND . SEE US. F RuseIi Two Doors South Town Hall. CREDITON oller ills t,.iristing and Chopping Promptly Done: We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction tisfaction in flour since re- -modelling our mill Township of Usborne Court of Revision Notice Court will bo Notice is hereby given i a held pureuaut to HE ONTARIO VOTERS' L1STS ACT, by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron. at the Town Nall, Elimville, an 2aonday, the Twenty- sixth date! September, A. D. it1G1, at 10 a 'cloak ie the forenoon, to hoar Land determine the soy eral complaints or errors and on nhissions in .he Voters' List of the munioipnlity of the Town- ship of Usborne for 1901.. All9rorsons having busiuie'a a t the Court are d place. i said 'iancan c attendt required top 1 uutCd tat Whalen this 7th day of September 1901. H. Sweitzer 11 ARM EOR. SALE, -Lots 20, , 10 'con. and 11th' con., of Stephen, 6 1-4 aides west' of Exeter, being composed of 100 acres on 'the 11th con, and 120 acres on the 10th he T: se farms are under good stato of i vati : ell drained with good ood Mouso aDd outbuildings,thereon al - no fruit --bearing orohards . • Never i.ailing well the year round. , For further particulars apply to T. B. ;dlfartyn, Exeter.. '1tAN(•IS montes :. Clerk. ] Tato tVirtnielpal Cauttcil. Q(enncii alae]. purruaant. to adjourn- WONT 1t0WNg, Clic ch% ntent ox T to :hall„ %,-Tt, 2nd. Alt Toreata.: gratia 7nemberss present. Ninnies of prea sae. and ane,, * l tlrusai lo. violas meeting read ;tnU cOrte riled„ The report of the committee a;)- tlx:.y all iais lnTal..t in,. � pointed 4o confer with b' 1r, .Gantrl in F OR SALE. -On 1Vfain stroet, rr Ex - e o a 7 roamed storey Y and Ex- eter, half, brick dwelling, including bath and pantry, excellent cellar. Good stable, and small garden with dif- ferent kinds of fruit. For terms and particulars apply on premises to Mrs. E. Elliott. Exeter. iae Matter of teak: factory was read owl filed on ]notion or J. W. Taylor. nrecm)ied by 1, Armstrong. Wood --- tituir.-That Om follow - i11 accounts he.,p aeeed, and orders drawn on treasurer for sem . Juo. Ford, salary, $27.00; J'no, Bart ner, labor at cemetery, $0.00; Thos. Hawkins, supplies at cemetery $21.10. Snell tte ROW. do $2.75; 11 Par- ing roam and u• r enter- tained ,i y. an excel/ant: programntbe, consi`+ting or anusio •recitations, speeches, etc., etndrr the able naan- ngemt'nt of ;Viae. Torrance, teacher ° at Whale, what facie(] as eh:tirr)hzit.. After the rendition of the E)ro ammo the the guests disp arsed .to their several Nantes ,well pleased. with bar- spoilt a pleasant anal happy even - sons, street rvaterita'*to Aug. 27th„ 11n- end wxsbing the •bride and groom .an , • i >, $48.00; Thos. lfawkins, account, file 14appiest and :host pl3a8ant joy`; ,,! 1i*'tt to or lnar `iecl life. *6x..03 ; C. B. Snell. elrctxia Sept. 1st. $99.0; less $14.30 redue- LaGtudsrts C:isekat9pre>ntofr, �g4°inG.lueTlpa, 131.imvirlo and other pla,r's. lVlauy aand.usefu werethn .. Rustly to a':i( (.,. pxxosenty, PresentedPresentedt u the bride :an l Ma which, ( . 3e:•;_Caarreed, "°Am tarialoncinlr theIRO esteem in Walter 1k t�F :dh , fa h them aro heldby O . W: it Matt Taylor-•iSPaMdtad,---7lrat John par(] :acquaintances. Mr. and Mrsa. Jaques lti ft the ro- la-wing: ot- 1 a- ing morning for Toronto, Guelph and other points. The 'bride's trar- cllin .dress ,Was blue venetian w'itb ;tMack picture hat. The Timoa join with their ilaany friends in :wishing tbent a plat~ hap- ly Itnd prosperous wended life. * DATES OF FALL FAIRS tit I,turon, i.s\otec;,.,..,..S; rt.19-20 1`trton and Loran 111itohisll•.. ...Sept '021,' tion, $84,78; JcaMeS Weekes, labor, 50e.; 1). Mussell ,tto., 75e.; Rd. Davis,: tlo.. $e ,5 : T, the ob, $1„50; ; Tilos, litrock, $1,50; S. Ilenclfcr:I, $6,110; rARMFon SALE. -In Osborne township, being parts of lots 17 18, on the 13th con., containing 125 acres. Buildings are a storey and a half brick house. bank barn and low - barn. Two orchards, 10 acres of bush and is situated 2 1-2 miles from Eirkton, 7 miles from Exeter, and 1-4 mile from school. Must be sold to close an estate. For fur- therparticulars apply to Wm. Prid ha.m, 1iusseldale, Wm. Baker, Ful- lerton, Executors. 'PACIFIC f1flftVEST EXGUKSLONS be authorized to procure ono thous. and ,feet of plank and enough blue. grass and white clover seed to thor- oughly bor-oug ily seed out what land is pre - l) 'red. -Carried. Wood-Ar'mst rang. - vett 1,c' furnished rrai stair .of " $10.00 per sear, providiu;; , . .a term take l for ) e ra t(`esa t o uo n tl 4 of :Tarr, y aria, 'riot town to furnish , pipe and do nticessavy work Trent clrr water Mitt to Mr. Levett'xt build-" inr;.--C,irried. Muir-Ttylol-That the Clerk aide for tenders for gravel both from flayGori Wood's and ford's pits, --Carried. ,oh ., .8ept 21, 100, at 8 o'clock, p. in.-Carried. Stteruckersmitb, Settortb... Sent,n2-3 Council ad our od to Northwestern, GodrlrA ...8©pt,7-23 Standoyr, ]3ayficld 844'2°4°GEQItGI II, I3ISSIJT'r, Clerk, Turnbcrry, Wit:101m ,Sept, 29.301 Morris, Blyth.,. ...... 0ot11-12' Western , London.„ ....Sept.9.17 Dominion, Vannfpety Ju1y.2''u Aug.G: Brandon, Manitoba ..Aug. 3 lept.12 Toronto, Industrial ;.,Aug,.29-Sept 10 1 ° ii. ,,, Center Canada, Ottawa Sopt.1G 21 Hamilton, . Sept.15-17 South Perth. Stratford Sept,27-28 Northwestern, Wingb tn.,,Sept.29-30 Central, Guelph Sept 20-22 W. Middlesex. ,Strathroy,5ept 23-25 Groat N. W. Ooderich Sept 7-28 ceremony was performed r cd by t h e R ev . Northern, Ailsa ilsa Cra ig .., Sep t 27- 8 ir, Cooper,ofi1i v'1le at?high Sept.,. 27-28 West Kent, Chatham ...,.Sc t.n7-n8 Winnipeg 550.00 Regina - - 533.70 Mowbray E)elorn.inn31.50 Souris ,Brandon Lenore Lyletoe Minima 32.00 11 to WaWan e e Bi nscart 1 1 33,25 ltfoosontin Arcola - - 3-'•50 Est cyan 33,00 7rorktoii,. Going Sept. 131,11 and 17th. Returning until, Nor. 111,11 and 28th. I'amphlcts and full particulars from any Ila t, A. 0, \oThi.lt,', Teron`.o s law Mouse 0 clack T'i'ns SwRiver and Saskatoon - Pr. Albert - Macleod - Ca'gary - ` Fed Deer Strathcona 1.[,• Si 41.","r Wedding Bells BAKER,-%IIND A very pretty wedding too 1 at the home or the bride's,parcnts,' Mr, and Mrs. John Hind,, of Elim - vine. The contracting -parties baa ing, Miss Violet, second daughter of Nr, and Mrs. John ]find, and Mr. Thornton Baker, of Centralia. The 31.00 35.25 36.00 35 00 38.50 30.50 4.0.50• Ca d •in 1'acifi•• Agent or • noon, of Augest 31st, and the peel;: of the wedding max*. excellent- ly rendered by Miss Mable Johns. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. John Hind, of Exeter. The bride was unattended and look- edxr dlf beautiful 'gown e uttf in a har.min t i c o white silk organdie trimmed with valenciennes pace and insertion a.f:- te:r'the ceremony and the congratu- Iations from .the many guests, who gathered ,fr;nm St. Marys, London. the and Centralia, C er an3 � t Granton,�, s rnpairedto the dining room, u h _ c all ,did justice to a sumptuous w. ;- ding breakfast. The happy coulee, amid ,showers of ride and good wissa- as from lin numerous friends, who asselnpled at the depot, left by the. 5 o'clock {.rain from Exeter, for Lon- don, Toronto, and other eastern points. The bride's axing away gown was brown broad cloth with cream silk blouse and bat to match After the honeymoon 'ha young` couple will reside in Exeter. The presents were numerous and costly. HOR{TRORN DURIIA,AI BULLS 114.7 for sale. -:The undersigned has for sale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with pcdilgree or eligabie for registration Ily' aged bull which.is the sire of the, athero, S>I includied in, the eiffetring and has proved himeelf a sure stock getter. He eras sired by Riverside Stamp, Which did such goad service in the herd of 3. and• W. g3. Wait, o2 Salem,` and is a halt 1arother to Star aEMorng` Morning, recently . owned by Snell, of Bullet which "took., James and .'sold fir,si: prizq at Landon fair at hits "dispersion .salo for 8400. Apply on Lot 16, Conoession2,.sBay, or John Rider, Rowell P. O. JAQUES-HERR A very enjoyable event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hein; on Thursday September 1st. when their dringhter, Miss Bertha and Mr. George Jacques were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by the Rev. ev. Lr. Cooper, , of am wile Promptly at ,six o'clock, w•:ii1 e the sweet strains of the wedding march were being played by the bride's aunt, Miss Mary Hera, the ;room h took his stand untdcr a lovely arch c of cve,rgb cons, decorated with white flowers, next came the bride, look- ing most charming, handsomely gowned in white ,organdy dress trimmed with cheliSon ribbon and also bridal veil strayed with . white asters and carrying in deer band a most exquisite boquet of white as. tens. She was :given away by her fa- ther, white little Miss atTewer, of Exeter, and Miss B.rimacmbc, of. London, both prattily 4owndd in white:acte:l its flower •girl aind ring bearer.. 1 ' i cereih+on• of Alter the tipple. sive Y p marriage had ;bce gherGormtlad by the Mr. Cooper s ev. M . ' i,s R min t officiating e 1 wishes d wishes �s an well ami uls.{;,sdn and cony at had been 'extended ,to, the bride and groom, the guests repaired Ito the dining hall whe e a )most sumptuous, repast: was daintily prepared 'for the one hundred a. d^-E4f.fry, guestis. The tables e Idecorated with es tit c, a green and 'white interspersed, with .f da.hi, as- ters, bo,quei,. s „ o etc. The :room Iwas tzsefully_ draed-witliftcd white: and blue bunt ing,, and the. whole room presented a ipieasin2 'ce e .• When -all the gueets had fully sat- isfied, t he ,needa of the physical body xnd complexion. IP YOU ARE LOSING '1'YEIGIIT. Your system is out CT tan and Ferrozond is needed to start a re- .kes .� zol e makes Terre t buildan,R proceas new tissues, forms wholesome blood strengthones the nerves and keeps your physical condition up to the proper standard. "I lost fifteen pounds through Lagrippe" writes soon • or d "but Cyril L ash of Hartford, 1. 3' regained niv former weiglbt ;and im- proved lay health by using 1 erroz- one. It's the 'best re -builder and finest tonic. l ever used." Use For- r ozone -it assures health. Price 50 cents, at utruggists. General News Subscribe. fax the Times. Tho inter n ataional Sunday School Association will meet in Toronto from Juno 23 to 271,1, 1905. The Ontatria• Government has for- bidden the killing Dot queil until No- vember, 1905. Deer can not be killed in Bruce Pen'nsulsa.for three years. The final transfer of the Trebil- cock farm to the Government for the enlonacment of the London asy.- lum grounds was c'ompie ted'last week. Niles. Henry .Il.in , 2 children ,•and 3 unknown men wore killed ,and 4 others terribly injured by an explos- ion wind fire at Yellow Creek, Ohio. Prldiay , last. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve medicine in 'market. Fire broke out in the compound- ing department at : the General el- ectric works at Peterborough. last Friday, doing damage to the extent of $25,000. The 1,oss is covered by Lord Minto has officially notified the Government of the ;selection of Earl Grey as Governor-General. It is expected that the new. Viceroy will ar,rzve about oat ober 25th. Lord Minto will leiavc -on Oct. 21. , The Chinese Government, accord- ing' to ithe clamant' of ,Japkarn, . has effected the stoippin.ge of all repairs on the Russian protected 'cruiser As- kold kold and the Russian torpedo boa cyer Grozovoi�, now at Shanghai leslano5 Palpitation ation of the heart, ner- vonsness, tremblings, nervous 1icad- ands"and feet, `pain in the ache; cold hands back, . and ether 'forms of weakness are relieved by Carter's Iran Pills made specially- for tb.e blood nerves GOOPS We have been fortunate in procuring for early delivery imported Dress Goods, We have always the latestmakes of 1pory i ._ free. our New tock the a zto had the reputation of showing up n}So far our Dress Goods Trade has date fabrics of the day} increased as season succeeded season and oday F e have a a mitt splendid �d trade.This Autumn we fully anticipate the of our ambition and expect it to culminate with our Dress s Good's Stocka. reduction �Tsahair Crepe de Obene 44 and 45 111 wide, Ft'eneh dye, extra weights and icualities, 50, 75, $1,40. 1V'ooi N.fattiugs. very late fabrics, good finish, French dyes, 50c.. - lImported� 1G1111�i'1vt'S ,a4 in. wide, ex- tra hard finish, best of weight and r quality, best we have :shown 50,75,900. n 1.411 fold Tweeds, 56 in wide, dark and light ground colors, nothing better for a autumn or winter 'snit 75 and $1. Box «IAtlS„5G in wide, beautiful l a g high finish, Flegel] dye, extra weight x.00, 1.25, 1.50 Fancy 1 i ' 54, 56,58 in. ztlac » Tweed sl.i flogs, wide, in black, brown, green, navy , goods la� v a. a vel' grounds. these ; y nob- by shade effeets and make pretty suits 15;c, $1,00,QO, $1.25. r-• Satin Cloths 42 to 46 in, wide, dur- amble finis {nxtta lieity weight, ?lll(`l` , Tassore laav reenybrown, 50, i 5, $1.00. A«'ti or ll itll lat'S ma, _lot s finishPana, in blatrh, navy, brown, Champagne, ane. Cheviots 44 to 5(i in wide, blaek, Q navy, green,browu.fawn, heavy ei f;llts with herringbone twill at 50, Irl - th 56 in. 'vitt so Diamante Cloths,� ,, tnitl2 new for suitill s all e 113111 axed faire ' in :Cs, 75c. Carrick 1' airlel� TtiFeed Suitings, �a � tett, n ixs of light and dark green, (( t I/ll5eand dark blue, r i e l and marine n. CobourgCloths. 40 i wide, perile finish, in light and dark greys only, $1. West of England Suitings,50 s,50 � a" ill dark navy and white, brown and white,g light navyand white at $1.00. r. --E Bargains in Shaker Flannels E r-, E [POPPLESTONE - TERMS CASH. OR. PRODUCE. ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE ff'' tt iii i1iU�dU1� u regular &Flannelette for 15 yards for $i,00a Regular Oe Flannelette for 12 yards for $1.00 Regular 12ie Flannelettes double warp, extra, heavy only 10e. Regular 50 Towelling extra heavy Twill 4 cents. a $1000 worth of Overcoats Co le � elcoats just arrived, blade by pp y Noyes & Randall, a Canada. in.a< L, is le manufacturers t rel b~' ono of the best, biggest incl -mos Overcoats from $5.00 to $12.50. -i & fiARDINER 25c. pays for the, Times till the end of 1904 -for new subscribers only. a . P Winnipeg building permits for the present season already exceed $7,000, 000. CLItte. EPT' CP WI. le The Kind You Have Always Bought Basra file Signature of IM. JACKSON & SOW i. 4 Junk Dealers. i• Main -St. Exeter. ?t •s. Occupying J. P, Ross' 4. •idoor south of Store, one �. • Metropolitan Hotel. + + • Will pay highest cash ti price for the following 1 �• '' goods,such as all kinds of .3• + Scrap Iron 4. Brass Copper . 4. Lead + Pewter Horse Hair Wool Pickings + Rags Old Rubbers�s- , T. .1101.1111101.10101.01IIMIMIIIII 4. sr .i.. too large I. ®` quantity�. 4N� 1. Small. ,1.. too Sn�a 1 4 Q •i'4.,•k;F•i4rl^•1••i••8••fi•+•1•cE•:44•1'°l•.4.3._ _ __ Bones and Bottles •i• Alas was the best our great grand- mothers bake -oven -fashl The old Th a and could get. They baked in it in a kind of a way were satisfied with it because they knew nothing better. But. the modern housewife wastes time and good food when she fails to avail herself of the improvements s of the Imperial Oxford. Range No other range on the market can do the baking this oven does. The oven is kept evenly supplied with -fresh super- heated air all the time. Seethis range at your dealers or write to us direct. _ The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited a►btn adf Toronto. a C 'Winnipeg Montreal Vaneouwer 12 A & SON, Exeter Sold byT. HAWKINS . „ Trial Trip,. -Noor is the time te- euro' two good 'a ers for the price of one. ThooWeekly ckl Mail and Em- pire from *, ° n till Jan. 1st., 1905; for only 50o. To now subscribers'. Trial Tri, ,-N!rw is the time tea secure two oodaers for the price eo l? and, one. TThe;�'e Weekly, Mail Ella- p} 'ro from no*. till Jan, 1st'•, 19Q5- fon only 50e. To now, si1bseriber5. en