HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-8, Page 4"tHE *XETER
S E P E IVI B E R 8th 1904.
*airandar fpr AtoofoSt 1904
4 21 23
ONDAX . • .
9. 16 23 30
detelefesoAY 3 io 17 24 31
trUSDAT.... 4 11 13 2;$
tiDAV Z.) 12 19 213
oruneeteee6 13 20. 27
t, ! $EPTEMDER Sth 190t
r,ijjz Sept, —11 is r
ee't es,a zit 1wu L1L (n. Koro
guard has beeo el -
at ted, aod that the main
000ariy is in ixonahoent thriag-
of 4uo surrounde& preparo-
loos for the evaeuotion ot Multdon
/no the Japanese advance
0 miles.
6. --The Daily Mail
rints a deepatch dated,
g reoort that Uen.
oreat boo boon cut
gOR on lo Say
lhe Itnet..ian troops had advanc-
e io otrono force to the southeast
Mulidero os tor as Taping to
Tose any possible attack in tne
Tetiatt et their advance. A °bins
offieial oho orrived front Mttlo-
Stoutly says That tho itussion
are leering for the north,
ther„.'. are 18,000 men ten miles
o vast that city, that the of•-
itxtit „men have beeomo dio-
led. awl tint omen xsielonoss pr2-
1:404rolloi °Yenta's It -hole
acroos the Taitse 1Uvr and
4ing "Gextoral guropotkin's
Off1C1411Iy St:4'44'41 that
ted 1ussianforces aro now
1 detachment
'a crveo tbo re-
aues svcnrneU a.
To river or its jUlte-
Pettst. TZO built ot
*otos is morehing
18 heart awl v
factors. U is
t s, seeing thet the
y ca after the King's
nd to tho Gorman
e ring boo` roman
nilh tho foram troat-
V en the Jg rnotbr,
leeeed znmory wls on the
teethe loyalty hr peoPle
absolutely 'iul.oudeU, body
that any successor could
ever hoa1 wi.ot and good ao she.
Pow pooplo eotortained high hopes
ber eldost Son would, 'vor ap-
her in popularity. lle was
1 ab a good-natured follow
v.ithout any distinguished mon
tat or. moral endowments, and never
likoto corre out for himself a high
Intestate. Whit a change boo come
over the mind of the natioo ;Ind
ot the tt odd rospoeting him! To -day
as pnpular at home and abroad
veo boo mother was. In fact Oo
• ^ °moot ponulor man ziills
ing'S reUgious, -tiooloy-footo.
ing subjects are deligbted with the
tand he took a regard to Sunday,
.'ben at Niel utth.the German En -
'4 -o. When the Xing found that
he regettin was to be on a Sunday,
e refused to go or lvt his yacht
co And the Emperor, hearing ot the
'<Inge; resolve, followed the Iiing's
Kemple. And the two sovereigns
pent together 1 he time that would
therwle e hair! beoh given t o the
emptied as !som as it arrives at the
endon. Iii1k caos and pails should bo
olenned with a, brush and
luke weirm water, in witiols
t godo has been dis-
solved, thou scaled and placed
ou their sides in the sun. Scoor
with salt occasionally. De not 'use
a eloth either wash or wipe uten-
Milkens.—A13.:iys wij COV'
dors, flanks cola is b� t e milking.
.with clean and dry hands
MUk quietly, quickly, 1a1y, and
thoroUghly. A. person stiff.tring
aoy disease, or who has been ,ex
posed to :my eontagioue disease
should (remain away from cows and
Ca're of should alweys
serained and cooled by dipping,
stirring oriel sorromuling by cold
water immediately after milking
It should elwaYs be oired where do:
eir is pure at least 50 foot (or more
it possible) from ow swill bareel,
hog pen, bog yard, feed trough, barn
yerd, milking yard or dusty reed.
Two er three thicknesses a cheese
cloth make ,good strainer. Cloth
strainers should, always be tborough
ly Washed then boiled and bung in a
intro ,atmosplo.•re .i.G4 dry. Never
drop IA e.o.m. ufll iuto a can and
leave 'it oyer night -without straining
aerating, and cooling'. Neerete rank
fresh. warm milk with tbat which
has bcrzn 4coo1od.. Over -ripe milk is
closed be. leaving or keeping it at
tOa laZak a tempooature.' In warm
weather the mak should be cooled
by oettiog 11to polio or Cans; in
eold water otitis` io is being
aerated. Cool. to 65 elegroes
O. r irtif au hour. Saturday oiglit'o
and Sunday rooroixtoOs uilk should
be cotiled TO 00 degrees, or less, set
io a Tool cellar, covered with ti eleon
be or hi-tea:et. awl not disturbed
until toondoO morning. Whenever
the lid is loft oft a oan for
aoy length of time a cloth or mos -
qui t o net t in o &.wuld be use a t keep
out insects.
Suocesstul dalrying can bo summod
ttp in two stotements "13-.! clean"
"Keep Cool."
le:int.—Supply an abundance ot
wholesome food. 1)o not feed !rape
t urnip tops or tipples. Do not allow
ows to •hove access to ragweed,
eeks, or !other weeds which will
taint the milk.
N'e a ter Su pply.—F coltish por3 "Wit L.-
-.;,r in clean troughs. Do not al-
low- cow s odrink from a stagnant
pond or have aecess to soakage from
. Health ,of Cows. --Salt should al-
veys be ci ccessible. Stabels should ba
'veil ventilated, lighted and drained;
ohould have eight floors arid walls,
load he 'plainly constructed. White
v„-aell the stables once or twic
To not compel cows to go
In steer- than a comfortable walk.
Utensils.—Do not use wooden pails
Discard all 'rusty pails, cans or stir -
'ring utensils. Whey should he
Maccabees Picnic
reditOn L. O. T. Picnic L
of th.)
given this out
Ladies of the Ofbs
•held at Grand Bzido
The day was pleasant
and the moutsements wo rOiSt
beaotily entered into by everyone
presentriumbt-rdiag some title ladies.
The ontextoioniont vonoisted et the
presentation to Mrs. Samuel Either
who oil 'soon leato our midst to re-
side in Miolligout, of a bona -some
silver tea sett ; and the la-
dies then eogaged in the fol-
lowingraces prizes for which
wore suppliod byxlio conunittee
th`or ohosen t
Cosounittoo.—Mrs, W, W. Kerr
Mr. Dora Link, Miss Pato Sohneid
er, of Detroit.
Xotang Ladies ,. --First prizo
ono decayed Dutch Sei. onion, won I'S
Miss Mara Hoist.
Fat Ladies' floe.—First prize, one
peony, won by Mrs, Aorta Hoist ; 2nd
one empty salmon can, Orrs. J.
Motz; 3rd, one decoyed tipple, *Otos.
Godfrey Goiser,
Walk:ate; Itaeo.--First prize, ono
soap bone. Miss Clue Wentzel; 2nd,
prize, one eiger Vett, Mrs. J. lelotz,
,R.ennielought while ,,opoosing
Irmo pp PV:.41' see anybody wok like
Disa.tser on the
C19. , R.
Lord Minto aed Party en Board the
, but Escape lolry
A terrible accident took plaeeto
the Imperil' Limited en the Canad-
ian Pacific Railway at Sintaluta, one
station east at Indian Head, on Sept.
1st. The express Te2,11 into an Open
soireh and erasiced into a freight
tr'cia IN hie WaS, standing there
Peenie were killed and five were
injured. They wore all women and
were mire:Bing in the tourist c.ar.
The Goveroor-Geueral, Lady Minto
and party were on,ttrain in their
offiehil Car but they osoaped without
ujory .and proceeded westward.
.over the, nails at the rale
about thirty miles an hour. the
second section of the transcontineo-
Oft' espress. west bound having on
during t season, par t ies f ram
Seratford, St. Marys, Loudon awl,
other places, pitched their canoes in
Sountoott's woods, while for
two weeles the X, M. C, A. juniors of
London and St. Thomas held high
carnival on Southcottec Beach, where
such jollifieations as night parades
and pillow TightS zookt ,bo indulged
tfar franit the oars of the older
campers, who Strange to say, have a
pirejudiee tagaiost such night festivi-
ties, poeferring to sleep :quietly io
their :beds atter 10 o'clock -
The London campers take their
Pleasnee mildly. No wild, unhealthy
dissipations Levu been set dawn in
their season's record. But many will
take home !recollections of long
mornings ,on the lake ; aeternoons in
the hannuooks, all ton SIMI de-
lightful rambles through thick, Pine
woods; gay gypsy teas" on the river
berths; and mote y gatherings around
pine -knot. fires. A merry, simple
healthy, happy life is what the Lou-
don eampors seek. To live out -of
dooreowith the great sky above, them
and tgreat lake beforeedelighting
in the freshest of lake breeze$ and
beeerd Lord Minto, Gorernor-Geral the eptcy oder of pines, Is pleosoro
of Conada, and the Viee Tegal party 11`exilmugollne.f7h,:slioemNao „a., or bare boon
, which possed tlo•ough. WinniPog" recently summering in ilte London
rested into a freight too a log at attel TorteOto Park, may be moot-
Sintoluta, killing five persons, and i rimed ; Mr. and Mrs. George South-
serhauslY injuring the same number I cott, Toronto ; Mr. Fred Southeott.
The wreck which is one of the most TorontO t. Mr. and Mrs, Spackman
serious on the 'western division of and latially, Blenheim; 'Mr. and Mrs.
the Canadian Pacific' for Tears, was Chaoles Verity, Brerd ntfo,• Mr. and
duo 1 0 4 reispla.C:Al. owitob. Sinta- Mro. Percy Verity, lirontford ; Mr.
lute is a little over throo Ituudred Slut Soutlicott, Mos. Soothcott ana
Tales nest Of WillUilrg and is tit' Miso Moeboth, loutdon • Ws and Mrs,
110:1),I at whieh the trouseootinental Wootton and family, 'London: OIrs.
WaS 40 1 a‘s. oastbouod freight. The Williams, London; Miss Penney', $t.
freig,lo possed tho siding And thenm
Th000 ; Mos Ruoions, Misses Edna
inelied (town the switch, "r/je loo mow Runions„ and Master Nor-
-Ionia hulas failiog to close the oxt Motions, London.; Mr. and Mrs.
switch so as to allow the westbound sepb Oleershall end family,Lon-
exprese `to two without. arcidente Vie don ; Mr. ond Mrs. John McEvoy,
express does zot stop nt Sne
intaluto, London; Mr. owl Mro, Harry jos
and it is two of tho tostoot tin s oo ond ,fonally Loodon; Mr. rind -Woo
lte whele rood, was rushing' over the McCallum. and the Misses MeCal-
raili at schedule rate, without the lum, Exeter ; Mr. and Mrs. Willio
slightest warning the train crashed London; Mes, Douglas, Exotoo; otos,
into the Oreight and the oho -ober- ilfe0ollum, Toronto Junction; Mr,
bile. tossengers \Vero awakened to Clinton MoCallum, Buffalo ; Mr.
Lind .a writhing. end struggling moos Smith, et Maitland street. London ;
lof ltut
noolitoo Roth the engioes had Mrs, Smith, .Loodon; Mrs. Beard nod
come togethor ,axid tho iron monstero daughter, Parkhill; fe.ssrs, McBride
lay locked together in a death ento Chapman, jones and Sutherland,
Itrw. TWO of the tourist tars wero Landon; Rov. Mo. Allan and oons,
0 badly smashed and it was in tbe Pon -Kan; Mrs. Phillips and dattght-
first of thth
ese ot those killed ood r, Looqua
nion; Mr. John Wilkey d
' jnred loso rive woro killed and tantilZ, Mr. Thomas Wilkes: mid fam-
ony in red. None in tho 0000nd ily, London; Mrs. Pouotatn, Toron-
t nriot cor or in any .ot the other to; Misses Lucy MoMechati, Miss
oodles %sere in the least injured. peen Hooper. AI /SS Stewart and Miss
Ono ,cor of tho freight was badly de- jtssio Stewart. Dr. Erxtest Williams..
mollohed. The Plivai 0 ear, in which Lander,: Mrs. J. II, Niohols and
the GovornoroGeneral and his party child, Saginaw, ?Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
were ridloo, was the last coach on W, 0, Southcott ond douohtor, Lon
o `Main and no injury is reported don; Mo. 011(1Mrs. Thomas Carling,
o Iiis Eocelloncy or any member of od .family, Exeter ;‘Mr. and Mrs.
to .pao vo
ty. Noble nd tbe Misses Noble, UM -
At on inquest into eh r causoot the don.
wreck hold at Regina, a verdict ot *
onslaught -or was brought in AN EFFICIENT TREATMENT FOR
oinst Conductor Irwin and Engin- CATARRH
oor Thomas Johnson, of the freight.
Roth Irwin. and johns= aro from Will -first destroy tlio• genus that
Moose jaw, and old ernPloYes or the excite tho disease. Then there ;too
rood. They have been placed muter outohotooso ser,,,,, srots in tho unicona
arrest. Tito bodies of the t wo wo- membrane to be healed. Every =-
len, ticketod Prom Toronto, Mill quirootont of 4 perfect, our, Lor
rernoin onidentifiod. catarth is found fragrant. tootling
--op.-- 4 Catorrhozone whion oot only instant
A POPULAR SUMMER RESORT ly kills the germs hut restores the
-- diseased membranes to a noomal con-
now ,znatiy Londoners know Grand
dition and prevents the relapse
Bend? A few yOnms ago aaxaept to the which is sure to follow the. uso or
initha H. row, who passed delightful ordinary remeolios. Catarthozone is
stal denks
tisat of
ttlse NVorloi,
11 windy
e s
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats, hack-
ing coughs, pain in the lungs.
It relieves congestion, sub-
dttes infiainmation. It heals',
strengthens. Your doctor will
, explain thisto you. He knows
all about this cough medicine.
• -We brim, ocied Ayer 's Cherry- Pectoral in
our farnilr toe 25 rears for throat and lung
troubleta. and zro thank no inedicine eqii ja
MI6. A, Ponnikurf, Appleton, Minn.
.T 0. AvER co.,
erucirlsts. f trootill
o . Mais8.
' roto ran
r ciLle-i00041M4Wfabaslimiti
eak Throats
sumo)* weeks there Grond Bend O 'Scientific ctive for Catarrh that reo
was practically unknown. But now Heves quicker, is more pleasant, most
thee ammbor Vox need to inquire certain lo cure than any other ram-
"AVIteroL'is 'Grand Bend?" is beoont- ed3o liVilure is impossible, lasting
in.: less and less. During this sea- cure is4guaranteed. Use only 'Cater-
hozone. Two months' treatment.
trial Vic. Get if to -day,
t hat V' t ol"1 GOInd Tlend numbered runortg its
• for :01 —First l'rize, n iIttL 1 summer sojourners, not only its old
candy hatchet, Mies S. Tiernan; 2nd, and well-iiried campers from Exeter, , --•—_____
a stiek or gum, Miss Clara Haist ; I:ark:hill, "Mitchell, London, and To% l IF Y01.1 WOULD BE POPULAR
Ord an
all da,y sucker, leids$ Beulah
Blxa vex.
Old Ladies' Ha co.—Ist prize, stiok
et candy. Mrs. Godfrey Gaiser; 2nd
one stick at candy, Mrs. Jamesitod-
gins: 3rd., one stick of candy, Mrs.
James URI.
Important Event. — Hop -step -an
jump, 1st, "oiro. W. W. 1orr.'24 feet ;
2nd, Miss S. 'Homo, 2/ EZ2t 4 3rd.,
Miss Clara Weritzel, 20 feet.
Ladies' Iletevc.,en 25 and 35 years or
,e.g.,e.—Eirst Luiz*, a sugar hear t, Sim%
V. W. Kerr 1 2nd .prize, a stick of
gum, Mrs. T. Mawhinney. i
Old Ladies' Race.—First Prize, a
rubber lieterr, -Mrs. Win. 'Fritz; nti,
a stick of candy, Mrs. Annie Heist.
The Me;rry-go-Roune was well pat-
ronized and .contests were arranged,
end prizes awarded for the best two
lady ;riders, and also for the two
7110141. ,conalcal. First contest, prizes
awarded by L. 0. T. M. to two best
riders, Mrs. Link, Miss C. Brown;
two most comic:11, Mrs. Fritz, Miss
Beulah 13ettver -
'13 IT T
114 ITIOSt Interesting; fe,ature of the
clay was when the famous, MTS. El-
sie teonOributod an elegant, hand -
painted !china clip and saucer, and
a lovely hone painted plate for the
best two, riders. Competent judges
at. last procured and the equestrian
ability of all contestants was strain-
ed in tho effort to secure the muck
coveted, prizes. Ah I did ever man
see so much grand horsemanship (on
wooden horses), in so short a lime
(the m -g -r) ran about ten minutes)
Noldt was but once to be sze,n; but,
before, its 'departure it bad forever
established a precedent for the fu-
ture ,generations Ol Creclitoniens.
The judges comprising two ladies
end two Creditor' young men, were
indeed sorely tried todecide the,
naerits of lam riders, but just before
tho Olying steeds came to, a stand-
still, elle Iprizes had unanimously
been awarded to the following ;
Fire': priee, won by "Freddie Lae'
rider INTiss Beulah Beaver; 2ricl .
prize won by "Cominseen" fid3rr,
Miss Emma Lewis.
Your ,special cor.responclent is
rather inclined to believe the day's
pleasures ;were concluded by a hear-
ty ,supper, and fervent supplications
for the immediate enlightenment of
the Judges' opinions of grace..
.4L1 osd recovery.
oo, LI; Izioative.
Tonto, hut .also parties .from trrt t -
ford, St, Marys, Berlho ole., and vis-
itors from Micliigan, New York
Montreal, Chicago antl other distont
points, ell or whom wont home duly
irripressed with the Bend as a de-
lightful resort for it summer out-
ing. Noe:1r indeed, has the Bend
been stayer Or inore prosperous. Its
cotta.gee and its three hotels have
been fille(1 to o '
.vorflowing and vis-
itor"; have been forced to find room
in the vill000 homes.
The romp at Grand Ilona con-
sists ka three parks, called respect-
ively, Ilia Exeter, Parkhill,
London ond Toronto Parks. The
London 4"Ind Toronto Park hes been
most 'recently built up, and is, the
Londoners believe, the one with pos-
sibilities—the growing park. Niue
or ten years ego when the Exeter
end Parkhill camps Weta well es-
tablished. the south side at the
er now the London camp was but
denee pine woods. It is 'told how
the pioneer campers on this side had
to .orawl through the (hick under-
brush on hands and kneeg to select
their sites for building. Now, many
line cottages stand along the river,
and well up the lake, and sites have
been Mklacted tor the erection of new
cottages next season.
The ,clwellers In tents, too, delight
in the pine woods arid wildorsun-
lohnshames !of thd London side ; end
The Times and the Family Herald
and Weekly Star will be sent to any
address in Canada or the United
States hill Dec. 31., 1904 for , 750.
To take advantage of this offer yoo
must subscribe at °pee.
Bear tea ClId YOUJiavoWIyS BoUet
%Ada „rotka,
Speaks for itself
Cures Sick Headache
Cures Nervous Headache
_ •
Cures Neuralgic Headache
trAtetk.:F,Ite.s.1 Cures Summer Headache
qkt7lik.t. Cures Bilious Headache
Wkat.... Cures any Headache
r •
Ittb' Is Pleasant to Take
V1/4061A44. Is Absolutely Safe
:?&t Gives Speedy Relief
Sells for een a box.
44.1/4,6ii Sample box sent free
rem' nortmee ,ngtemtre co.
of tho Poultro Division, Tho follow
ing a list of these stations, with
the names of the ,operators in charge
Ontario.—I3owmanville, A. We Fo-
ley ; Holmesville, T. I'. Foster,
Quebee.—Bondville, A. P. Hill-
house; ,Chicoutirei, T. 0. Lachance;
La Trappe, Rev. Father Edwards;
Stanford, Prank Farley; L'Islet,
Auguste leotard.
:New Brunswiek, Andover, George.
E. Dayber ; Rogersville, le. Rieliard.
Nova Seotia.—East Amherst, Alex.
Clegg; North East Margaree, Mar-
iner Smith.
Prince Edward Island. -.Vernon Ri-
ver Bridge, Robert Furness; Ather-
ton. II. J. Matthews ; Eldon, Rob-
ert Lougard; Glenfinnan, Dayid Mc -
(Weald ; Montegue Bridge, William
CaMpleell ; Mount &ewer t, Montague
A great deal of the operator's time
is given to showing I armers how. the
work of fattening is done, therefore
the salary of the operator and tb,0
oost of installing the plant aro con-
oidored as experimental and edneati-
onal !expenditures. The selling price
of the dressed chickens is, however,
expeoted to exoeed the first cost of
the .chickeres and the, cost of feeding,
pinoking aud marketing. The, work
of each StatiOn is confined tO fatten-
ing enough oltiekons for illustration
purposes. ..A.bont 200 is, the 'maxi-
mum number kept at one tine. The
operator is not allowed to be, a com-
peting buyer with 'others who have
begun to fatten chickens as a prive
etie enterprise. If the farniers are
already getting a fair price for
their poultry, the station ,will eon
fine its effoots to illustration or ex-
perimental work with even less tilan
200 birds, Those wbo ore carrying
on tho work for Obetnsolves will be
oonoldorod not drab hat Irionds,
and wit lho offerod ossistrinee where
Speciol attentation is being paid to
choosing Ito wii-tht sort a bird for
fattening; for instance, the `blocky
type of Plyntootit Rock or Wynn -
(lotto are 1.1.10014113101044 as suitable
for the purpose. The operators are
required to spend, as muck of their
Hole as may be froquirod in assisting
ose who Ixo eogaged in or enter-
ing the bosioess, by giving instroo-
lion in buying tho proper type for
fattening, in killing` and olueking
roaringshipping, otc.
Only birds of the proper type alit
be bought this yox. and SOVOn cents
per pound will be paid for these at
Use 'stations. An extra goad typo
might well bo worth tight conts„
while oxxothor typo at the samo breed
would be too door at too canto n
Each garroter is considered r
sponsible Too the work and suocess
al Jtio own station. Ile is expected
os for as possible .to find a suitable
mooket .for tho birds fattened at his
station. The Depaztment will. how-
ever endeavor to provide tunaritet
for Jolly surplus stock above local
requirements. Each station will
be condacted as much like a private
enterprise as possiblle. The Depart -
anent assisting the operator in mar-
keting, ate., as it evotild le private
firm initiating a new business,
The etemend for obiekens fattened
at the (10vernment stations is vory
brisk this season* and from the of. -
fen already received it it eXpected
that Usa outing price will bo from
11. to 13 cents per pound. Parties
fattening ohickens according 'intim
xnethods oecommonded by tile Poul-
try Division, who may wish assist-
ance In marketing can obtain. on ap-
plication to Mr. Elford, o. list of
dealers who will be glad to purchaso
thoio birds,
Contriblite ,of your bast 0 the
plensttoo or tethers. Study the ehor-
rioter of ottch, and sympathize with
al 1 in troubles or in joys, how-
ever entail.
Be ,gentle in speech. Never re-
tort: with on angry word, rememb-
ering that the second word makes
the ,quarrel.
Govern yourself, guard your tem-
per, -avoid 'moods, and pets and sul-
Be unseltish, `deny yourself and
prefer others, readily pardon any
seeming lack of attention.
Beware of the scandal -monger, and
shut your tars to what ought not
to be repeated.
Cultivate ,cheerfulness and amiab-
ility. A smiling face chases away
gloom. Say pleasant andkind-
-things when you have the oppor-
Be not intolerant ,agree to dieter'
in opinion, and 'refuse to turn loud
ia ,diseusion.
Remember that your best friend is
your ,mother and have nothing to do
with those who think otherwise.
Do not expeet too much but for-
bear and fergive. Do not change a
bad enon ttve whea good one is eon-
Do not mon,opolize converse -Ilion or
a Ltention .or do not talk too much
of .your own affairs. There is a
limit to people's interests in your
To prove what Dr. 1,eonhardes Anti -
dress on a post card will bring
it—Ilas cured tbu
osands a 1 -
rea dy.
Dr. Leonhordt's 11=IS
ushered in a Imo- era in thetreat-
ment and cure of diseases. Thous-
ands who have given op hape here
been restored to perfect health, and since then I have seen many that
would bankrupt the English langu-
age 't o desoribe. They simply can't
he described.
We event to Green Mountain pans
the OOth of JR310. Mrs. IVIoCrosky
very kindly opened her home and en-
tertained os while we were getting
settled. Green Mountain Palls is lo-
cated about fifteen miles from Color-
ado Springs, on the Colorado Mid-
land railroad and in the famous Ute
Pass, a t an altitude of 8,000 feet. It
is one of the 'prettiest little placesi
have seen in Coloraeo; for a summer
resort. Mountains tower hundreds of
feet above you on all sides, covered
with pine .trees green folia.ge and the
most beautiful wild flowers. Mrs.
McKay and Veda, kept every available
thing filled with them, even to the
water bucket. The Park lies on the
slope of one of the mountains. Just
below the park, in the valley, is a
beauiiful little lake. If you are n
good angler you may rise at 4;00
o'clock in the morning and if there's
not more then one in tho. family
your catch might make a breakfaet,
but it's doubtful.
'fliee announcement is made with-
out any 'qualifications. Hein-Roid is
the one preparation in the world
that guarantees it. -
Dr. Leonhardies Hem -Reid will
cure any case of Piles. It is in 1,113
form ol a tablet.
11 is elict only Pile remedy iised
It is impossible to cure an estab-
lished lease, of Piles with ointments,
suppositories, ineestions, or outward
pplianee s.
A 'guarantee is issued witlt every
package 3M Dr. Leenhardt's Hein-
lloid which contains a month's
treatment. ,
Go and talk to your droggist
Pill will do o nom ur e d
The Wilson-Fyle Co, Limited, Ni -
agars Falls, Ont. to e doing for me what other
remedies -refused to do, viz; rester-
dog me to health and strength
THE POULTRY FAITENINO coo which eve are verij grateful,
ten Reuel ;mod mfielell'ilf 0,111,141,0 lust.
11411r1 ,,,,,, ik11111144441,11.1441.0M44414414.4'4,4....'
I 1
f,"e tat*: PreparatioAforAs-
sf,colitating 02Tood,andRegtaa-
Lngi t;tzStomutismr.iBoneL$ of
Ile5SandReaCuRtaills neither
OP1144NorPhIne noravrtneral.
:NOT NAtzt.," DTIC.
liwrix;ra nrea -
RoActic -
"fan ..Fera
lipiertriat ,
Awl -
ii4.40.7esgf /
feperreetROMeCly torCoustip-
Rim, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoo.
Worms ,Convulsions ,Feverish-
txe-p and Loss or SLEEP,
TacSimile Signature. el'
At to *PI
35 D OSES -35 C. Li';o`r."
'or Infants and Children:
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Tears
The 11,1036SONS 313ANIE t
• (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1315)
• vaxterotr.35'.00000.01)
• Capital r An) or), -- 2,000,000.00 4e,
41 Reserved Fund- —„* 2,850.000.00 *
• 17 Brauchee in Ontario, Quoin°, Alberta. IttltishColionlellt and Allomitota. ipeo,
11. upon Every Lawfill Day from le X, tool', n. exeept tiaturdayleA,X, tal 55 if. Z
Feti4tiers* Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied goo:-
• On application. DUAVTS on all pOlnts in the Bentham). Great Bk1144111 and, len- en•
• ited states, bought and, sold at lowest rates of exchauge,
Deposits of SI.00 aud upwards received. Interest cot
• pounded halt yearloy, and added to principal Julio Seth and December Stst. 13
• positoOteceipts also Issued andblglieSt current rates o t Interelitellowed.
• AcivoilICOS mode to farmers, stock dealers and busirtess own at loP;
t lowest rates and on moss favorable terms. Agents tit Ileeeter for Item. Boveremeut.
; Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N D. Ht.JRDON. Manager. V
gave op the work on account of poor
health, going! to Colorado about
three putts ago. They are located
on a onneh, fifteen miles trove Den-
ver and appear to bo happy aud
contented ond enjoying ranch life.
To ony we found a hearty welcome
does not express it. I suspect a
hog from Nobroska would bove
found a `welcome, and I presume bo -
fore we finished dinner they thought
we wore tho no.ot thing to it, as this
mountain air lois given us appetites
that refuse to bo solistied and every-
thing (toots as it did. wben mother
made it. Tho Pollock borne is lo-
ookttcea Ion :thigh 1i L. About ,six mil-
es away are the mountains, and ly-
ing between is a beautiful valley,
dotted with farmers' homes, little
lakes running, brooks and all the
different 'shades of vegetation. I
thought it the most beautiful scene
my eyes had ever rested upon, but
every Imre seems to be perfect laid
perman,ent. Hero is a -ease of dys-
°I have boon a great .sutforer
from dyspepoia for many years. I
have been treated by local doctors,
and have taken nearly all Um ad-
vertised remedies with ,only tempor-
ary relief, but since using Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill 1 can eat any-
thing the same as when a boy. lefy
old-time vigor has returned ,so that
my spirits are buoyant and temper
normal. I give ell credit to Dr.
Leonlin.rdt's Anti-Pill."—M. N. De-
foe, 29 Colborne Street, Toronto.
A month's treatment at your
druggist Tor 50c. A cample free by
addressing the Wilson-Fyle Co., Lim-
ited, Niagara Falls; -Ont. Sole agent
for Canada.
An Old Exeter Boy
Now in Colorado in the. Interest of
, his Health
The following letter by Mr. Donald
M_cKay, who was a resident of
Exeter Nerib, was taken from
the Tecumsea Chieftain, or Aug,
To the Edi: or :—Our fricisds niC 5,00
numerous ii, and around T CU ch
to be able to address them per-
sonally, so I venture ,10 encroach on
your -rood nature end a little of ISa
valuable space de the Chieftain.
On the 22nd day of June iee left Te-
cuinseh with the clouds hanging
dark ,around us with .n,o silver lining
visible. We now rejoice and thank
our Heavenly Father that even
though elinost every day the lightn-
ing, ha,s clashed, the thunder has viA
brated from mountain top to moun-
tain 'top, the clouds have rolled up
over the lop of Pike's Peak and
spread thsmsalvas out over the val-
ley, the silver lining is visible and
grows (blighter day by day. In oth-
er words the mountain air appears
people are compelled to sit DIA
the grass* A trip to this region to
not 'complOte, however. without taro
ing •the ,drives and rides in and
about 011oYellne OfrnOnS. SOUth Olace
yenne Canon is private property. It!
fee eof 50a is charged 10 ontcr ife%
rho best gold mina 1 know of in Col-
orado. Sixty-five thousand poople
passed through the gates last year.
You .f.00i 'repaid, however, after viowo
ing the Seven Palls. Tour trip
would still isa incomplete without o
visit 10 Pomp Stratton, whore the
IsItartys ,iere located. We assure you
n. hearty ',welcome end will do our
best Ito show you a good time.
We will be pleased at any time
to hear personally from our rannee
Respectfully yours,
Address; Cheyenne Canon,
Colorado Springs, Colo.
Seventeen illustration. !peultry feet
coning stations are ,operated this
year by t,lie Dominion leepartrnent
,of. Africultore under the supervision
Of MT. F. C. Elford, Apting Chief
• We spent a week in Denver get'
ting acquainted and ,seeing the
Sigilts- Among cur many pleasures
here was a day spent with It. II.
,Pollock and . fa.nolee Mr. -Pollock
was for a number .of years Suridey
. 'school secretary of Nebraska,
The breeze, among the "pines is al-
Iveys cool cold fresh ; in fact is so
cold end wet this season that we
wero compelled to seek n warmer
place. We were loath to pull up
stakend leave our many ifecumsith
friends. The leteCtoskys, Wrights
and Aliens are now located there so
of course we felt very much at home
However, tile change has proven to
lie fox the.better as far as health
is concerned. We are now located
.at Stratton Park or Cheyenne Ca-
non; about !five miles from Colorado
Springs on 'the eleetric railroad.
Stratton Park is at the entrance
to North and South Cheyenne Canon
It is built by the late W. S. Stratton
who became immensely rich in the
who became immensely wealthy in
the Cripple Creek Mines as a piens-
ground for the people. 113 spene
large sums in reclaiming it from a
wilderness, and in 1902 opened it ft S a
freepailr. It is the resort of thous-
ands of !people every day, during a
large part of the year. Free enter-
taharnent,s axe !given every, evening
in the i„,,,hal.pe of stereopticon views
nd moving tiletures. The Midland
band, one eif the 132st in the state
gives thiree free concerts a weelr.
Seats ara prOVIClad to acconunodate
10,000 people. These are often tilled
during an everting and himdreds of
4 •
Mrs. Haskell, Worthy Vic'
Templar, Independent Orderi
Good Templars, of Silver Lake,,
Mass, tells of her 'cure by the -t
use of Lydia E. Pinkham'sVege.
.table Compound.
"DEAR MRS. PINKRAM :— Four otvro
ago I was nearly dead with infiaratp-
tion and ulceration. I endured
untold agony, and life was a b
to me. I had used medicines
washes internally and externally
I made up my mind thatthere was,
relief for me. Calling at the honiti
tofriend, I noticed a bottle of Ly
E. Pinkhain's Vegetable C .-
pound. My friend endorsed it hig
and I decided to give it a trial tote
it would help me. It took pattext
and perseverence for I was in bad cone
dition, and I used Lydia E. Pink-
liam's Vegetable Compound fo;t-
nearly five months before I was cur,
but ;what a change, from despair to
happiness, from misery to the delight-
ful exhilarating feeling health always'
brings. 1 would not change bockitno
it• thousand dollars, and your Vegetable
Compound is a grand medicine.
"I wish every sick woman would
try' it and b- convinced.” —Mxi.s.,..loto
Hoztotoo, SI • Lake, Mass. ViorTxtor
Vice Templar, Independent Ordeltrq
Templars. —35000 farfett -
Mtn' Pools, sairefaesm ammair