HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-8, Page 3?Pig
with the
aL of our beces
and our shoes are
'Still Made at hard.
leather because -
leather once used
to be the only
matesial to be,.
bad for the pur-
The rubber beel
has come along
art of preparing crude
Dunlop Comfort
Rubber Heels
Walking an Dunlop Heel's
is like walking over a well kept
lawn. No hanunering of heels
upon the hard ground. No
fret to the nerve.by jarring
the spine, One of the small
great comforts of life.
For Sale by Sims Dealers
typl Tho Dunlop Tire Co,
Naehine That Will Take Down Let-
tere From. Dictation.
an instrweent for which the
claim is made that it will automati-
cally record messages and lane down
letters front dictation. the occupation,
)3, a cominereial clerk is threat -
cued. Tie "Telegraphone" invites
them to coetemplate t lOet occupa-
Although the Mein:went looks sim,
pieanti eeteltS to Wort: easily, the
mechanism is intricate. Tbere is a
hoe. on top of which are mounted
two drums, These eOntaln recording
wires, and are driven by a small mo-
tor through suitable gearing, and
Tlw bon is an electrical engineer's
establishment in miniatureunit re -
meting' and olditeroting magnets,
switchesnhatteries, transmitters, and
other linings.
The enromerelni value of the instru-
ments willof course, depend upon
practical result" which will be hoe
reachingolf the claim be justified.
Most interesting is the claim that
by its use the shorthand clerk ran be
'dispensed with, letormueli as letters
Every Man's Liberty Ends Where His
Neighbor's Liberties Begin.
(Entered according ee Act ot the rate granite, He was in every sen a
nement of canada, ie the gear tine . .
Tneusead Nine 'Mildred and leer, Logician and a, polemic. Like John
by Wm. Daily, og reereeto, at the Calhoen, ha was skillful in exp.-
nepartraent of Agriculture. ottaire }
Me t Gr t bis eirople premises
n . an ,
and you. meet grant his conclusions.
Rev. .1nratik De Witt Talmage Ire aPPealej InestlY to the hrPla as
•John vlii, 82, -The truth shall maite sentiments.
A despatch from Los Angeles says
gray matter aud not to the artistic
preached front tho following text :—
you free.'' It was a great source of sorrow to
'leery Ward Beech r that hi other
9:11Q Word freetl°41 has a charming never loved Patio': ae he losv41 1t•
sound. Like unto a xylophene, each:
ogle or its letters c.eelbs to be 21, via, ;Lyman Beether loved to hunt. He
en bar, Inne unto a envoi' throated loved the woos fur game. but not
trurapet, its voice seenes Jest aetfor the flon'ers, He never loved now,
euceaatmg in tee nli imu,s palace ers as newel's, Facts always had
as in the peasant's het, Like imee to ho pre ted to him as bare, un
the pheasantts ant for his mate. it brealteble rocksand not as rocket
seems to recognise no governMeat clothed in garments of greets and in
save the sceptre a %we, We auto Joseph's coats a many floral voters.'
the (wall= harp, which emits its One tleY, much to Henry Ward '6
most thrilling notee wben the wintry 'Beecher'S surprisebe saw his father
storms throb through its strings, thie standing before a beautiful picture.,
word freedom never has 0, Mere plain- It was a ;minting some, but the son
tive melody than when it is uttered prisen it for the bemitiful nolern,
by beiegs Nebo pipe for it wii9e they such as Etre Always reload in tne re
cringe meter the lash of the tea:Moen treat a the woods, "Ate" said
r and spend their lives in the bon- Henry Ward Beecher, "father is at
age of tyrants at whose word they lees Jean -den
may bave to die. to love nature!" He
stepped up to tile side of the old
There have been oratora whose mau end '.aid : "Father, bow do you
topes wore so penetrating atid ira- like the picture? What do you like
pressive that the words they uttered aeout it moot?" "Well, Henry,"
took a new and deeper reerming. It said the out mut, "T wits studying
Ions said of George Whitefleldthe that pieture to ne Witetner the art.,
meow) ovangelist, that hie voice wds Jet bgid aimed that ,gun right Yes,
ellch coolness and Poihos tliatene T think that hunter will hit the rale,
uld melt audience into tears by bit, tbiuk be win. ibta be
the intonetion he could throw into wale,. eAh. father,- said Ilenry
the word Mesopotamia. But it is wnrdeyou net nee anything
not by melodious tones that the ward mare that then 0, cruel
;Joan obedding the blood of an limo -
freedom reaches the heart. most, pow-
erfully, but by the heroic deeds 0L,n, playful rabbit?,.
men who have suffered •and died to —"
Not Henry Ward lieecher's initad
WI n the bitresing for their people. It
woa thus utteied by Spartacus. the and 437111all lu1nd were east
whoa beitt differeat moldba
s, They both d
Bleodmateslaeinse uarerdectlitt)tudieleogriainst tbeitheir iimitetions. What 011ie could
throne of the Caesars and ()Vera() resl'IO in 4' nient41 W4Y "IQ other "414
a libation for that word his awo•uot dothong% both of those brains
blood. which wati Aed upon the fettelbelonged to the naster miuds a the
tielle}d of Silarue in 71 B. C. We last eentory. Nowas we all bave
can hear it thus spoken in the elarioninair pliyeical bPltt4LIozls ie it pre.
calls of A ilertlarii0 O'Higgies. the Poeterously unjust for 11.5 to complain
great liberates of Chile, or of a 'Poen. Lex 4050 WO 4150 rave our epiritual
saint ISOuverture 9gliting for the glitnitetiona? It the only Way to
liberty of Haiti, or a a. Alamo dying' cross the Atlantie or the Pacific "
for Cuba, or o a Garibaldi strug-qin a etvainslap or a sailing eraft
gling for the liberation of his belayed it not absurd for us to complain be,
use we have to sail over the great
of eternity in a gospel lifeboat?
0 freedoni, thou art more than,
mere word! Thou art a. strong armed
angel of light. breaking the sbackles
of the slave„ unnureeling the lips of rue freedom envoys has its limn -
the patriot, lifting the shadow front tations, The Obristion life, too, MIS
tifo home. Heiler this benignant its rightful limitations Mist said
EBT. 11.
Text of the Lessou, Hinge ii.,
1-11. Gelden Text,
7.p .24.
s. Home
intcrvening story%betercea our 444W144.444+"414444"4 144.
last lesson and this is full of inter-
inr ice u prUesuesrl;lieja°S;;011:11eiseleEttb'e%e'eirs:;irsitskTbici,a
est, but we are asked. to PASS it all
most interesting aed preen-13de nee pals excellently wen with waffles,
count ef tbe translation of Elijah en
tohur rel,p7d. "kileyeoti:
.e"d' .s1.11.1''cro'r "nU was not, ior tra el a. half a closee traits. Slather tho
5, he
or, t Artwozriadinfortoolioeb, xol, Ir'pecell)nosnd hgree. streca" afore,„fu(11,13rye11111.
trenelated Idea. This Omelet be of WfIt'':snit wwter' 111141 then
in fres
the utmost interest and importance until the salt. iS rel"ve4. 1114 In
possibility thot we, too. may he wr'te? rnr ier; rainutes' m`rain aud
to believers, for there is always .Preservilee kettle and hell cleer
tre=luted„ ceuttbt up in the clouds cfrop thien hit° veey weak alum
etc: 453,7ett tbe
LeroordeltIr ueOntireg' letesps: 117N4rfinteelt'esi.11 nitrotbZigine';er4 tea,
but we shalt oldbe ehuoged io en take the fruit' out. of the alma we-
an cor. 51„, 52). Tras wilr he and let it boil ei few 212i/rotten. l'anti
lucaleat. in the twinellee, a art eye ter. drop irto the ginger infuelo
the expepleAcq or au tme beuer,ere the freit ont with, a strainer, and
who enall be alive on tee earth when, piece it in told water for a, fe
our Lord ehall come road. ht,„ minetes. lift it Get of the
aninuen as Nie coming ie always owl coo!; ulna thoroughlY done 4.
inuniaent, it )niglit be the enpeolence sYruP Ot. etro nonnde sue-arto
Ot theee who ore living to -day, one of Inuit, 'laver fide sveup Wit
The time bed come when the Lordlonen cut tr. VOW thin 61fri-"'7, 1
would fake up melee* by e feoutbent Witillessennwri terget hoaten
10(1 into heavele and our leeeon reewelI yonei and whites eeparatelen
1(15 thc Journey of Eli.lan and Ells- Nix one leeenoonful of soda and
angel to liethel and Jolene little Felt in bettermilla witicti add
and tbrowh Jordan, and the meant, to ore pint or flour. 'rho batter
tion of Elindi and FdishaEilaba lie-iellould I al thick ns stiotil1o4 luo1ev.
coming the successor of Elijah with iBeet into thie batter the yolks. awl
a double portion of his s It Ja1y tbe frothed wlaitee. Trove.tlw
Elisha`s thrice rePeated "Ati the naine front; hot, grrl:;0 Well. an
Lord liveth, and rui thy soul livoth, poet. into *le in frOm tbe
1 will eat Teave thee"' is one of the wattle mintere Thee Aleut)] cook
meet interefn ing end Suggestive I, elioeld be welch% yell=
words or our leseon (verses 2, 4, 6) thin and crisp 6110, £l to be eaten
a reminds us of the devotion ofificare the f neer.-5, two a% erecters areRuUi .
to Naomi and a Ittai ta, Pax- leneenree pe•-,fetle toe -ether
.-134 JIM well-bwin
eeten s of four egge
and this ought' to to our 407014004ont. cupful of settee cramone nil
to Christ, 4121 of granidated siagor. one enpfit
Tlie plaree DelheL Jer1rhn of grated pineapple, mad leerilthe
d Jordan rna3- eeeTest, tibierent ex- ;Am. Ichlprod•whi-------- 04,„ su
g the suggretiens Trou the Cover with a ereringue mad
ugs of the words or from inel-
aesociated with the plavee,-
, reproach roiled avow;
of God or vialou of God;
Jericho, city of palm treinh the Inael
liettled; Jordon, river of judge'
Harmless, Reiflabio, Rapid and
Effectual c nre for
Diek,r4:hoea., Dysentery, Colic,
Cramps, Pain in the Stozna.ch,
Cholem, Cholera. infek.ntunu
Cholera, Morbus. Sea Sickness
or Com an.d
ius of the Children
or ts.
"Don't cxperiment
whqn ;t'on au
ben used in thonsand
004117 ty years
4Ut h.
an inteaest in 114
n 4,e'weiters for ntherea
- 4 or genierelly
1 5110- 1E1$
It 4: 1:411.titi:V art! t jryrrft,
nces in the at believer,, Bake in One cruet 13 moderate OVe:w10itee( b
the wittlee of two eggs an
.442. taw114eneopororneFfbial.e of sugar. To b
shmeliow Ca.kee-One cup
nee cups of gratenated sege
leome believers may have onlye, r egge; (114(-12'1I( roe o
w =wawa of salvation, ell sins "Item Two tensPnonfuls at LoLin
forgiven; others have EOM) speoloi Powder. Haver with bitter einem
manifentationa of Cod; others have ahd vnuipu• tete PnetrY flour, an
learned to let alone the waters that Pltr'n the frsgar in the milk. lialt a
Anna eatisfy and drink only of the boor befm.0 mieing cake.
ring water that gives health; still" Pound Fruit (01 )k
hers 'zee that they axe dead with, cream one want pound of hutt
Christ, buried with Christ, risen with one Atli poend of smear.Bea
with Christ, like 00 twelve stones the Yoll:a and whites or Ogee ptrgii
d new
To Legin
When ineriug,
rWs received ler
▪ good if only firer
d nelson 1 ctm 0.111vaky
a froe temple.
e The most. reliable
the :areas eakeS.
yeae Y-
.. for the kind
liV,11. For t
all to get he
foiled of ritalutig mead is as f
The morning before I want to be
I add a tablespotinfol. eaeb, of suga
and sett to a quart of flour. Scald
this to a thleic batter, and eaten satin
fielently etir lei half a yeast
ittelle pop
t (4
not y elece
rthe es. anything eney bep e13
'e preoent Ibtesian (o.''rna)eat.
denasty Meer be ONeOhrOwn an
the preeent eaStitutione reay he Stvept.
:mow. A revolatien, lit it Mnte`.1.
}) ill coin' freeet the ten and not from
he bOttOln. It may originate in
tetnele xteeeerate move by the grand
'durel teen eiratoie in oast. Abe Mee
ehould proVe reealeiterant 14
r demande. (let the other han(1.
in nrovineial governorS Who
i trengly a eeeet the preeent ruinous
lice- of St. Peterrharg niay lake
,artion ultich Will Nom the ilismem-
-berniene of the empire.
t IktS eVell, to speculate no
uukOr ItaPPen nntil the inter..
'„ is dIseloeed by the an -
pa of a euecessor to M. von
The writer. in discuseing
uation -with several Mission
els at t'-'4. Petersburg found them
erne ignorant on this subject and
a ixious themselves for feformation
AS to the probable action of the
Cone. Tie* attempts to straddle
ithe fence between liberalism (old re-
pression were painful and ludicrous.
The Emperor still gives 310 sign as
to what be will do.
The impresnion among the peasant,:
and masses that the Car.; joy over
the birth of an heir would /ead him
to znake peace is not shared by the
official ehisses. It is said that his
upeistit love courage tag been great-
ly revived by what he regards as a
1 return of Divine favor. Ine even
shows senile pride of power for the
first time since he succeeded to the
throne, and seems inclined to pre-
serve the sceptre with undiminished
. e fot transmission to his SOU.
There are signs of this spirit in bis
menage to the doomed defenders of
Port Arthur.
The best effect of Me birth of the
Cearevitch veill he the restoration of
the influence of the Empress in the
court and Government. Her posi-
tion as the mother of the future Cam -
will be amnieneely more powerful
than before., The Doevager Empress
has somewhat usurped ber influence
for the Met three or four years. The
grand ducal control of the Emperor
under Jordan and the twelve at Gil- separately. Stir the eolls evil into 1,
cart be dictated to the instrument, rulo ever•Y Inn!" 0°(1° Is MS c41141(4 '"1 etrn Ole W4Y. the truth arid th° grd (Josh. 8, 9), hut to ;nen litio the erealned butter end engine odd Cake, eoaavel 50ft, (44(11 4L ha 0,4 nto
which will' record and reproduce them. surrounded, 1140 the ancient fortress- lir
It is stated' by the Eh.ctrical melee- 00 *t the old world, with tbe moat, 11125 by 11)1,20 1121:04,n• Ct)rprnrieth unto ,the rather Elishe, no experience entiSlleS, /loth- , a half -teaspoonful ef grounli mace eretelY Warrn 0'14e% InS 0142 kt t
eine that the eounds reproduced are —ere Is 01143/ 000 waY iug but a living person, to whom the and a generous
exceptionally clear and free from whose watera were impassable to tr
minions of a king. :Thou art t le niter
to God, one door, one true like But \thole /testa says "1 will not leave brendee Beat for three minutee bp., Either at noon or while getting
thea"—not The gifts, nor His riches , fore adding a pound of eifted lima.
tabIespooren of be light in three or four houra.
w� blew) once entered through
messenger of God, who would Ilene supper, 1 Cook. four or nve goon-sia-
. "serape."
When connection Is made with the the coronation robes that open door then wo uro free, AY° of grace or glory, but Ifimoelf, anart hal: '0. eotinet eeeh at seeded reesies ed pot -Moine mash and add them and
nroaal ,oel_erY, we may become transcendently and from whom on fs as aothiega !and rivaled currants and half iis the water they wore boiled in to the
ordinarn telephone. eonversations • human shoulder. rh°11 w,°a1u" !II" eternally free. Ts not my text right
can, it is said, be automatically re- tho crown of gold upon merYnmall e: wean it sa....3,,
n "In Meat tbe truth The bride eyes not her gorments,'Intieb citron mincer; fbue Flottr the yeast. This will soon beettme a thin
corded by the instrument, and mese ?tri* womisnle Iniow as thou (tosat saio. Anil make r, ?., ,rb I., but her dear bridegroom's face. 1 .fillit well before it goes in. Laetly foamy macs. After stirring it down
sages eau be trentanitted to any
number of receiving stations that are
iti tommunication witb, it.
Ae expeditious way of laying tele-
graph wires is adopted by the Bus -
shin cavalry. A party of three sets
out at a hand gallop. On the back
of the foremost man is a roll of wire
which unwinds us he goes, He is
followed by two °there carrying
innces the ends of which are forked.
With these forks the wire is ekilfully
caught and thrown over branches of
trees alougsicle the road. It is -an-
usual for Russian roads` not to be
tree -lined, but when this is the case
the wires are thrown over bushes or
hedges, and on occasion they are
laid in the furrows of the fields.
Benovolent Old Gentlemart--"Don't
you think fishing cruel sport?". Fish-
erman—"I should just think it was.
I've been sitting here D:ve hours and
never had a single bite, and I've got
three wasp stings end been eaten up
with dies, and the sun's taken all the
skin off the back of my neck!" •
Make Weak Hearts Strong,
Make Shaky Nerves Firm.
'hie)! ape a Sure Cure fee
Nervousness,Sleeplessness, Loss
of Energy; 13rain Fag, After Ef-
fects of La Grippe, Palpitation of
the lieart, Annaia, General De-
bility and all troubles arising from
• 'a run down system.
They regulate the heart's action
and invigorate the nerves.
This is what they have dope for
others ! They will do the same
for you.
have taken Milleurn"s Heart and
Nerve Pills for palpitation of tho heart)
and shattered nerves, and for 'both troubles
have found great relief.--41rs, W. Ackert,
Ingersoll, that,
Before taking lefilburri's Plearb and
Nerve Pills I was all run dowie could n.ob
sleep at night end was terribly troaloled
with my heert. Since taking them I feel
splendid. sleep v. -ell at night and my
heart does nob trouble ano at all. They,,
have done mo erworld of good.--4es. 1).
Ileneod, Hartsvilke
an, lft gh y ore lea ,
thou art a king I Woman, Gad lute be gives is the freedom from sin, the
*or AvetIont from punishment, but that
made thy head the resting place
of the freedom, like all others, can be ()b-
e diadem which is the equal
youtee e modem •
rowu that I have placed upon thy tained only by submitting to Christ's
husband's brow," Yes, yes; no word
in all the English language has a
nacre potent sound than that of free-
dom, for, as God gave to Xing Sol -
m/. olio Way alone can we gain
that freedom, and that is by the
way of the cross. In his service aro
endleSs joy and pleasure for over-
ate= everything., a prince could want more.
bemuse the young king had asked of My brother, my sister, are you
Ithn "wisdom" so every good thing ready to let the truth make you
in life is accessible to the earnest, free? In antebellum clays there WAS
aspiring soul when freedom removes a beautiful scone enaeted in 0210 of
the barriers to its flight. the southern slave markets A
But as I began to study My text I
asked myself this important question
"What is freedom?" Is it -unbridled
license? Does it practically say,
"Man, you are free; therefore you con
young black girl stood upon the auc-
tion block and was being sold to
the highest bidder. Hough men
were trying to buy her for evil pur-
poses, but in that group of bystand- s
CI • •
wIll not glue ut glory, but on inye fold in the wlotes lightly and quieit
King of grace. The same thought ly. Bake in small calie tins, wel
is presented in the words of greased. Cover with pnper until ris
verses 7, 8, 9, --'"They two went on, en well and firm. Then brown. Th
they two stood, they 'two went oven sbould bo steady and not ver
over." Tins suggests "the Lord and tl hot for tlie thoct fifteen minutes. The:
Gideon" (judg, vii, 18, 20), andJincieeese heat.
cam two Walk together except they gar throtrxt preferred). To this ati
Ehloch's walk with Cod, and tbe es- meleFfies pound naea.--oream see
sentials to A walk with God—flitow a cup of butter and one rup or su
tWo or three tthies I set away In a
1 coal plael'• There ebould be about
three quarts of It. •
e in the maiming I add a pint ofe
y hot water, stirring it in so that it ,
will 2105 ssald, but only warm the
yeast. Bean in flour entil it is a
f thick batter. Let rise, and knead
- into a lunm. Let Ibis rise to double
d its sire, mould •into loaves and when
e agreed".urn e ese to yolks of two eggs and boat very
.1 ,
walk With (3 el" (Antos W., 3; Mc. light Then add bait a eup of thick
vie 8), The Lord Path sPohen. We milk, half a eup of molasses, half a
cannot walk with Him le:less we tablospoonful of cloves, hot( a table -
:meekly aceept His word, and we can- spoenee of cinnenion and il r
not walk in fullest intimacy with tors of a tablespoonful of ginger.
Him unless we aocept all His words, Beat well together and add one too. -
'believing all things that are Writ- spoonful of soda dissolved in a little
ten." To do this. all 4.1r self and boiling water, Lastly two 'cups of
elf sullicien".y :me human wisdom flour ancl the white; of eg s well
inest be renounced and the Lord and beaten. A few raisins may he utile
His word he.ortie our all sufficient for a. change.
g c an, io -
do as you will, no matter what your ing by the hand his own young
desire may be?" Does it mean an daughter. The yoting girl's heart
enaancipation proclamation which lib- Went out for the sufferings of her
crates from obedience to all law ? black sister, and she persuaded her
When, on Jan. 1,e1863, ebrale‘m father to purchase the slave, Higher c
Lincoln in the Ttrhite House signed and higher went the price. but t
his name to the (*4 11 i; tete etiper last the Christian gentleman bought s
which declared that all black men the young slat,e. When the black
and black women under the stars and girl was handed over to her new
stripes "tire and henceforth shall he master he said: "Mary-, I bought you +
tree," it did not me= that the tiegre. for my daughter's sake. now give
these have agoin doebled their size,
baVe. A potted loaf requires forty
Flour ehotild be added slowly and
be carefully kneaded into 010 spongeni
the object being to thoroughly mots -
ten earth grain of flour. In mould-
ing out. the loaves as little flour as
possible should be usedbecause it
will not hecome as well fermented as
d that. which is in the sponge.
I have tried several methods of
Making bread, but this the best.
15 is usually very quiet" often being
O out of the oven before o'clock.
But sometimes I' get (*tireless and
sr shorten the process by putting the
e yeast material all together at night.
✓ This is often just as good. but not
... as reliable as to raise the flour part
first. The quantity given is for six
I hear shout the "starter bread."
Can aityote tell 118 how to start the
starter in en isolated region where
there 18 110 neighbor to get it from?
oracle. The meek will He teach Ifis Moonshine. --This dessert combities
W83 . If we allow anything to come a pretty appearance with pairetabl
nto onr lives that is not of 'Cod — flavor, anti is a convenient aubstitut
ompanionship, oceupation, reelect- for ice cream. Beat tbe whites 0
ion in which we cannot have fallow- six eggs in a broad plate to a ver
hip with Hint—our walk win. ho stiff froth, then add gradually si
marred, our communion broken. Ile tablespoonfuls of powdered suga
may have to say to us as Ile did to
he two with Whom He walked to utes. 'Then beat in about one heap -
beating for not less than thirty mill
Eommus, ``011, fools, and slow or ;n:-; tablespoonful of preserved peach-
es cut into tiny bits. (Same use one
cup of jelly). In serving pour into
each snucer some rich cream sweet-
ened and flavored with vanilla; on
was set free to follow his awn un- you your papers of freedom. Yon
bridled inclinations, but that 230 pass- can go where and when you please.
ed ' from under the control of the Iron are free." "What, master, am
Seine la.w that his owner himself has I free? Can I go where I will? Then
to obey.
I shall go and stay with vou." Oh,
Freedom has its lhaiitations. We
find those limitations in. the nbysisal, 2;.:e was a E;lave after the auetiou. was a slave before the auction.
tile mental and the social as well as But now she had become a slave of
in the spirituel - world. Biologists find ,
love. ill you not,, oh, man, oh,
them in the 4421.01) brutee and in the
woman, near Christ's proclamation
vegetable and mineral kingdoms as
well as iri human society. Thus my of emancipation Crone sin?. Will you
subject to -day, "The Limitations ar not let "the truth make you free?"
Liberty," oars a Neide scope for —that is, will you not, in Christ's
natural and spiritual investigation, name, cease to be a subject of sin,
and :r shall endeavor to show that het in bondage for the love of
the only true freedom that the spiel- Cbrist? He died to make ydn free.
tual inan eau enjoy is in the surron- With, his divire limita,tion will you
der of himself to the service of not bo eternally free, yet still in
Cairist. In becoming a servant of bondage to Sesus Christ? .
Clarist, in taking his will as the law Lord, oh, teach me what to do;
of our lives, we re set free from the aleke me faithful, make ine true.
dominion of sin and enjoy the gime. Help me, ere too late it be,
ious liberty of the children of God: Soinething yet to do for the.
I am not here going into the de-
tails of the errors and the reasons
wh3r a man should not abuse his
physical organism. But I am hero LEGACY rin) A IIGIZSE,
to state that as God limits the nat- A strange ease 01 tee offertko a marl
ural realms in which tile f1811 Call may hey° for a, climb beute ulnae to
live, and the plants can live, and light at .St. :Louis we w
hen 11.j \V or
tee creeping Iltegs, like the worms Dr. John Clifwee was probated. The
and the snakes, ,can live, so (.ed alai, clause of the illStrument pro -
gives to man a 'i1 '1)101 realm, and eided for a. trust fund of $2,000 to
in that realm he must live,
31 113 ee held in the name of a, faithful old,
persists. in going out of that realm. horse, Tony, which had served the
Pc must die. physician continuously for nearly
BEECHER AND HIS FATHER. twenty-three years. Tha clausein
limitations of brain power can tele will was as follows : Ca
Pc well illustrated by coniparing the that my hoese Tony,' which I have
rneetal 12411 (Clip of Henry Vemiel 13eee1e used for nearly twenty-three years,
er with that of his illustrious 'father sel.vivee me, I order that e2,000 of
Lyman lleccher; one of the greatest me- 052 40 be placed in teist at 6 per
eccleelastical leaders of his thy. The cent. per annuna, and said interest
famous pastor of Plymouth pulpit
was in ever,y seese a prose poet. He
spoke, he thought, he lived, in sym-
bol, and pieturesque verbiage. The
songs, et the birds, the beatitiful
wardrobes of no flowers, the auturnn-
al sunse.s. tint beehives, the snow Too often the place pf 1.: •, is
banks, the murmuring brooks—an prohibitory.
had to him a Message. Lynian If love is i Ll Otii t•ng inarriege
Peeeher 24211 urt de of angular Puritte must be the jittljaMS.
heart to believe all that the pro-
phets have spoken" (Luke xxive
25). Let es not give Him oecasion
to say this, but let -us be "most
sue ibaes1 ti ev ebt
.4"ful: word we shall cream place a Illthe "moonehine." Thi a quantity. is
the e?ral portion of
enough for seven or eight persons.
Soft Domed Cake.—Half a pound of
butter and one pound or sugar, one
poune . of flour, onecupful of milk,
five eggs (whites and yolks beaten
separately), one small teaspoonful of
sode. two small teaspoonfuls of
creteo.n of tartar. one teaspoonful of
vanilla. 'Youay add fruit if yon
have space to consider 111 this brief
meditation will be Elijah's offer and
Elisha's requeSt, "Ask what I shall
do for thee," "Let a double portion
of thy spirit bo. upon mn
e" (verse O
The condition all Which the request
would be granted was that Ensile
should see him when he was taken.
As they Still went on and talked we
may not know in, what direction
Elijah looked, possibly looking tan
ward, but there can be no doubt as
to where Elisha's eyes were, for if
he looked away from Elijah for only
one brief moment he might miss Mat
which he desired. So we see laini
with his gaze intently and unwaver-
ingly fixed upon his 42011(52241110 1.
It is the same intense earnestness
that is required of us if we would be
filled with the Spirit. The word
stands, "Ye shall seek Me and find
Me when ye shall search for Me with
all your heart ' (jer. xxix., 1:3). The
eyes of the Lord are still looking
over the omen for those whose hearts
are whole toward Him 1111, Chron.
xvi., 9).- Elislia saw Iiim taken
With the whirlwind and chariot and
horses of fire, and it soon became
very manifest to the sons of the pro-
phets that the spirit of Elijah „did
indeed rest on Mislay. 15 is great13,-
needen that the spirit of Christ
should be seen in His people (Rom.
viii.,, 9; Cor. 112 that we
All material that is improved by
gloss, seen as calico, linen, print,
etc., should be ironed on the right
Kitchen towels should be washed
out every day after the dinner things
are washan and boiled at least once
a week.
Cleaning marble with 42011)124011 salt
is recorinnen,cled. Rub it, upon the'
tarnished- surface,e, wash hand bia,sins,
sinks, etc, it should. leae'e the eel':
face clean and shining as when new.
11 things, xcept flannels, shored
be damp before they are ironed,, and
should '130 netcle quite dry in. the pro-
cess to prevent their having a rough -
/led appearanee.
Do 3)01 set ear -teen dishes or plates
into a hot oven or upon the stove.
it cracks the glazing and readers
them 1111115 for use. The smell of
such dishes or plates is very din.
ight 1)o epistles n 01 agreeable, and cases of poisoning
act all men, and it, -would be so have been tr42C0a to their use.
we had the same earnest desire for -4Thea c--0242r111g jetri jars Ilse tho
that Ensile had for tlic spirit or 42,11 42 4211 Qgg 't:Tici 111110 919042. Di-
Emah la, 11). retstly the pols rite filled wipe iree
of a,nethins• etieley brush with tlie
egg, aird -put on at onee. Tee heat:
of the jet, quickly reline tile white, Of
Ill -nature turns the wize Intel- egg, and makes an eeeellerit ,sealing
Ica Into v tnegal. substance, of it.
used for Ills food, shelter, a nd 'care en
so long as lac lives, ,arad a.fter his re
death tee s uct $2,000 shall be (livid- if
ed among my legal heirs.'' ie
Russian People Are Kept I
Dense Ignorance.
The free atmosphere of London is
• never more appreciated than after a
'rapid journey from the Russian capi-
tal, writes a correspondent. Cabling
recently front St. Petersburg. it was
itripossi.1)10, amid the vague rumors
and false reports, to discuss the ra-
pid progress of events in the Far
East. It is clear now that they
need no interpretation. Some per-
sonal experience, however, of the ig-
norance of the groat struggle in
which, they axe engaged, which is
imposed -upon the Russian people,
will serve to impress, Upon one the
most extraordinary featere of the
present war.
Russia riS a, whole knows eimply
that the country is at war, and
'eaguely lbat things are gong badly
for the R1lesia./1 arms. The people
Meer that the very worst, is happen-
ing, fol Pc blind end most trivial
axial despatches whicli are given
out aro obviously intended to de-
ceive. They know that they will
not learn the troth unless there is a
Russian success, and even a greart
victory, if annommed, would be re-
ceived with inCeedulity„ The war is
regarded ELS entirely outside the po-
pular concern, or rattier lnwoncl the
reach of ally popular influeucc, Such
an nice as a protest or interference
of any for 311 S not clreamed of. :St
is recognieed as a Grand Dukes'
elle is therefore unisop[ilae, but J
sea will endure it indeetetely,
orAnSFOS WILE. )5 2' lenitreLT.
..So nix 418 2he masses are toncereed
'44 )3! be 411 ini»tehe41, also, and the
change in all respects will be great-
ly to the advantage of Russia.
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ster's International Dictionaty. The
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