HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-8, Page 1HURON & IVI1DDL FASEX CA- AZETT elJ TEfluw-S,EcoND YE -No EXETER, ONT., CANADA, ,..,..,Ilili*EIMIMMIIII01111010111101.11101•1110144*MMUMINICO* THURSDAY MORNING-) SEPTEMBER, 8th, 1904 4.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..............1 • , -Mr. el eel Wender enterging his 13ablyon Line fiensall •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••........ = Solo fluents ot tlio TOW111013 t116 Improvoa cete,J,,,iltis,iblvoteutrNi;otrii7swaptleic,4, fevty,eayrd, 131ateltford silent the heti- was a. pleaeaut caner at ef erourorotelavnagoLicenees. Legal documents dAy at .honee. voles 1 -Jas Any B d Will Cole, ot C.oe -ngford.1:4. • toloan on real clime at wrateeof • carotene, drove at rea °stable rates, efeney t A r. rthur eeeletne Vent lest -Miss Jnlia Jennison, has xettun- ° at Lorne, Skabtensen. • • • Mee et the Poet -Office 1 sund Y ed to Erantford after -vending her it vacation mulee the terental roof orso Thresbino [the ,ortler of ha • gri f‘r • I - + :lege leve erected, a large aro gnene 4.'1" Pound in uron o %so Wedding Be/lee-At( eeent- --10-f -nlore et.,ty, And til fanners pronnU a , -The peeple of Poll:atoll ve -•ee than ordinary signifie.tnee took Knee° I good yield. at the Kippen, circuit parsonage, . _ a cro4s, 1 i ilhl"f:-.,/,h,et: iYeeittr. hjr.. has -man line leinp to be esed for street light- ise:1, -• -• -• ie • . 4, 14i1:541,,s$,314tret1111:et4tleefeig °EleeQstsccasion I '''Phe"i'ir, "ir.` 17,...1z7fs "ine-artlielrg. grant -me, samuel Weis, of Berlin, an h two. 1 fibt 1110 F01460 Pull] : town. Mrs. XcArtobor 1-r-t13'-wre.g/"; t edtto in-41de; after spending her va- -Mrs. David efelloartrie. of Kane- ell 4. ecf til;;nsnittlalr,,114s.tEeiterlIf 5eLf1:21.MErila fSE°°evi:t.i i" job. le 1 eepaintee, • , improvements to his house by have Miss Hill, of Mitchell, wore pleeeent 4, • . Shaw to nr• --1-01'n lgoA4-tilur' e''' 1 Vise 'Vire Droderick has return- (c1.11yle. r5 at "FIGrel Bawer" Q11 N."- '1* - • dest daughte.r t .5I • ti 1 el ion autder the perental roof at eiton, was a vieltor ae "Wand- * le • - r bine" baying come to accomnanY -er 4.1. * Gr -egg, of Clifford, Mrs. McArthur , ...lea leisure, h :31: -41' bas made her home since the zeteree ' Woodham two elenghters home, atter spending *ex te This tS the only pump manufactured that has nn leat ny * inent of her father to Clifford. some 1 tiallynancnee_etionhxnu n .... ' •-ee . kind. • * suckers, and require no packing or packed joints of a * - nensan. Wherever she bas re-!: _A vumij ,c farmers boy . * 'nee ;MO, with. Mrs, Melt-) h' -'`w-.. Kt on-th . • she bee been heidin universal" od seediene. * 1 0 ' llocle,•ert have again resunt .d oe I Always Primed and Neve t er 14 .to Ifeneall has suede many 'spent Sunday in the village. by tne community, and since s Painter Edwerds. of London, bolting been successful in passing 100X duties at Mitcnell High school bet let 41. n for Itenseit. Mr., MeArtlenh .-fre. John Waddell 11;14 returned 1 tb°" 43W4r411114""6. 14* : • Freezes ti ion to the pubilo here. An in- Vett Duhen Sundayed in der and entertainer ArS'll kitown to need any intro- after enioying his holiday's, '11;s3 Lila filadtlell We* our 110114 'Itt • .. detstrious and succeseful merchant,Ipexetor. iandle all kinds of pumps, he is 44414 ehteeheed as -21- wen .0 1 -Mr. Frank- and Charlie Carr, We a * • Force Lift,Power and I-Tand Purnp.;', citizen for his malty excellent quali- zondon,pent Sunday under the nt • • I Ihe contra ctiog parties entered. the . * , ties, Precisely -at 4 eolook et, en.. entai xoot, • •• beattlatully decorated parlor. Tim ZINCS• • 4. teerriego -ceremony wan itertortned * • by the Rev. R. A. Shaw, of Nippon • visit, 1-..sisted by Revs. Dr. Medd. • l and Mel,... Sutitit, of Irene:ill. The * Cast and Steel d Galvanize(' • d. •ride roi sttost becomingly attired • Cast Iron a 4raveinnr, suit made ef chant - e and hunter's green. and look Mee eltarminge After the wed- itnee nuptials were stirer the guests ntook ore mose dainty and anpee zing -selppete Tile bride -and groom companeed to the depot by the. % titling eetteets entrained for To- to and other points oTt their hon. en, A large number of towns. oi at tile de put to see them. altd ;Unit!, i4teNiVr$ af riee and bit°o111pe(lt.fa Ise a ism Voyage. oy trted ,Ortsevita.t enemy •raTmoimmol•••••••••"••••a• WE PlePUTTING IN STOCK 2'HE I DaShwood fte0SE I 1. HAWKINS &SON 2 • 4•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• POPU.AR S :OVERCOAT:MIS' AND :PANTING'S: • r Fall and Winter Wear Popular goods must be nude to meet the requirements and demands of the times, we can't stand stilt we =lest either move forward or back - ' ward. Our goods contain distinct fea• tures that claim the attention of every •Custotner. One conetant aim is to produce garments, that have a charac- ter, a, personality of their oWn, to lea,ve the old .beaten track and rise above the vonventional and common place. W. W Taman. Mc rollout Tailor. *••••••••••••••••••••••••• Baby Carriages a The Prince of Wales Carriages and Go Cas are always in it 1 11111011111ICE for style and finish. a nicely as- sorted. stoe ins a r . Pa Ve have a nice assortment of the ous Delwstrp Clothe, it will make te a nice pair of summer trousers, and they are the best goods obtainable 'envie only from specially prepared yarns of selected. pure wool, guaran• Wed to stand. son in any climate. Come in and see hem We also giye $500 Accident and Disease Policy, good for one year with, the Ontario Accident Insurstnest Co. of Toronto, with every ordee amount- ing to $10 or over. We will close our shop at 0 o'clock exa9t Wednesdays and Saturdays durum' June, july and August. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor k r tved Bitoveles We are again showing the cele- brated Cleveland Bicycles which are the best value in the market to -day for the money. Reoairing Being in your old wheel and have it repaired and • cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, PRICES MODERATE • S. Marti e•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Constantly on hand at Ex- eter and Centralia, the Best Cement in Canada. National Brand Prices low enoug,h to suit everybody. • - Lideman las not lived, in the house to say they had a pleasant time. lentast.asse ben 45Sorted Hue of Coal od woati coolts and Coal Ninon) that we have twee bee. come In and got our price& E. le ease. Hardware, Stoves, Furnaces. et. Miss Heaver, tot Crediton, spit day in 1 he village. C, E. Huston took in Toronto r end report‘ having a good time, -.The Miesen •Clark, ot Crediton, wore visiting ,friends here Sunday, --Leslie Clemems left for Strat- ford Business College, Monday after- noon. -Geo. Wambold. and Oliver Gray- t'el. are taking a teommerciel conrse Abe Lu.siness college at' Exeter. 1 -Ti' ;Tumor Albance of tile Evan - jell eltureh had nre election for lerseident last Sunday, %viten Oliver Graybiel vac. eleoted. :1tr. John nail and family re- turned home after an extended visli in the vest. Nr. nails speaks' well of the west And eepecially .01' Wismi- 1 - • hunter s..- season, end meter elle -Thursday last a eoad -ot the oleo are eneee days enjosins a trip $ottAg people of the T. E. A., at Ore- down -the old river, -detrain game •ovor and paid the T'. I-,.. -The tamp ground, are almost de - A., of this place a visit. It being the sorted, n,s, Powell and friends regular der ottonal meeting a very leave this Wuk, aleo Me. 40wman rentable bow: was spent, Rev.lik and family for their hernes in lemons vondueted. the meeting. 'At rooter, the .close of the service the pastor gave a pressing invitation to all Elinwille present to repair to the parsonage whore r,efreshments eere ,in waiting .,., --, 31xs: 'Ilmt, Slnale is on sick Everyone present seemed delighted -114E agent. in having -vent such profitable -Miss Ma,y Pollen, et St. Marys, spent a few days with her eoustn, and pleasant even'ing. -The too familiar sound the ory Miss Mud- of "Fire" was again heard in our -MSS' Julia SPieeurithewerlet.r ninSttennr-. vetlinge about 1 ,o)clock. Tuesday der hied A/MI(10Y , ,Tolut •Copeland returned en Monday from Toronto, where helms Ent -the past weeuk -A, large nmber from -here inok in the Itone,y taxed bun soeini at Zion on Monday evening last, -Mr. and Mrs, Davis, of Ansa Craig spent Sunday vieitinne their son, Chas. of this place. Centralia • Curtin, lea Annie Ilea y 0 furn A place where furniture an be p rahased with so tittle o 7 as at our store? No! sttch is impossible. We have an endless variety of Furniture of every des ription which is going at a low Ogure during the house-cleaning time, If you are interested do I to call' us WE leW0At iNgT it' leen tughts 'tins week. .TRAD 4, ay night she and nr, Bort ••t• . Ta d concert in Lucian. .1: er lin Dale of the T. S. Pont ell and his brother drove• lest Mr 'Inner" i!itelt4ablet'llov bon t ***17":":" • e'• )1$1 duties AK clerk in ito **S.** awe store, Crediton andon. holm spent -Ira Dretwn and ei eking in the Toront a le erber was in town 'ond. "-Mir. Samuel Lamporte o t Mex. Clark. of ;owl, c - was siting, -or his rattler's Immo. ars, $. elsiSheltrt anent ek rn Lendon 'tad eheersoll. -Garnet Daher, ta London, has beea valling on friends in town, )1r, C. Zwicker, sr., at London, ving at his sem Charles'. Ether J P. itpant Priday atwday at Toronto on bleeinesS %and Mrs. Chris, Beaver left r Toronto Tuesday morning to vise the fair -Mks, Crompton of C;trihsle, , visiting hex daughter. Mrs. It. E Walker, -1/r. Erb. (miller) as been awaY Brantford attending the funeral r motio,r. -"Miss simpscn, Ow new teeelte r the junior' department began her dute last Monday, -J. W. Doyle has been taken to the hospital, where le is expected to will undergo. an operation, -Mr. Myer. of Wellesley and Moe s Snaielt, of Milverton„ ore vis - lug their #110t* Mrs. August Bill. his ek for their homes in Exeter, --Anse Lama Wegester, Tools - ar ty s Ur,iatrjo tit Won io its et. Elston luta st d ills' house on Isis fOtr,Va buildingan e on station Ercoks and fa hwne Tuesday, after et ni friends in (Vinton. Wreath and son Praslki . been visitinq her sister uplan, left on Tuesday Lor her home in Vancouver. -Mrs. Percy Brown, and children, London, returned home Tuesday Teting ,atter a pleasant visit with her mother, 'errs, 'to Grand Bend --Monday being Labor De ught many people front Credit° ti »Joy the lake breezes. Yarz,P (idle, returued to ]o -me in Exeter, -on Monday. ;If - ending severe' days here. T. H. :elcCallum assd fut ho Anderson .end kindly left -Miss Mabel rollick. ot St. Marys, ek. is taking care of ber sister, spending. o rev.. •das..., this week, re -Damns, Nebo has 'been very mah, her aunt. mrs. =Mr. McGreger, who has been sem, 1st ;was the aperlina ,at thu Loving Mr. Standish, of the Me:- rts. ant's Bank has gone to Creemore --Tbe Misses Gay, ot tete Thomas who have been yeeiting their cousin Mrs. A. Walker, returned home or Monday last, --Mrs. Debt, Essery and Mrs. Chas. Zee:Joker .took a drive to Fullerton. hist Thursday to visit. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles. -The Ladies of the Maccabees had en ,outing at the Bend, on Labor day in honor of 'erne, Samuel Eilber, who will soon leate tor Michigan. -Sunday Sellool anniversary ser- vices will be Iteld in the 'Methodist cburch, Shipka. Sundey next. Rev. iSla-.Dearnernneo,nan.nil preach the anniver- sary -Our beseball team played the Exeter team on Labor Day and de- feated them a third time. They are almost invincible, The football re- sulted in a tie. -Mr. Robt. Margereson. of Detroit s renewing .acquainlanoes in town. It is live years since he left here for Detrott, and now holds a fine posi- tion in that city. -Miss Robson, our former leaches' is tin town for a few days taking =galling, the occasion of the alarm Vs. Andree- this *Imo being the brick cottage -Mies ;Martha Bern attended the belonging ,to Mr. AIL Lideman, wedding of hor eGugto. miss nerrl at when discovered the flaraeo•were is- suing out ,ot the rocs( over the kit- chen, -a ,goadly number oe our citi- zone -were soon on hand with pails. Zion, on Thursday last. --Miss Gertrude Hagar, left on Tuesday fore,London, where elm in- tends to talc7 a -course as nurse in but ehe balding was too fax gone, the .111)SPital• and as there was seo adjoining peal -quite a large ntnnber attended petty en danger there was nothing the honey ,and., bun social at Zion, on to be elooe but watch it burn. Mr. Monday evening, and it is needless J. Cobbledick Leman A very exciting game of ball Was played in Leman an Monday last be- tween the /mean Nine' and St, Thomas "Pastinies" The .game in the inmaning resulted in a score of to 2 in ;favor of Inican, and the game in. ,the afternoon which was played by the isame teams, was just as exciting and 'resulted in favor of Lucan, by, a 'score of 12 to 4. sine•INM ---THE--- erchants Bank for isome months -and as there was not -any -thing inothe house it. looks like a clear ease of ineendiarism. ose , Thames Road -Norman G. Madge hoe returned Leone Duluth, Minnesete, 'where , he has been spending his snainter vaga- tion. Ile will restthae, his studies- at St. Marys' Institute. Shipka ....ma pm. -Mr. 3. Pickering, Wias in Sarnia , last 'Week IOW b1.11.411CSg. , -Mr. Wilbert Smith spent a few days last week at his home here. -Mr. V. Nigb fuom the Soo is at present visit Inc; at Mr., 'VErm. Smit h's. , f0 ana a d iitTLI.r. LI0T. 111"Visinetlee.tutivtg.glit.ft 4(01...-. . • o HAD OFIICE. MONTREAL. CAPITAL (all paid up) RESERVE .. • • .. • .'.. SURPLIS PROFITS.. -1110S.;FYSFIEd neralManager ••• ••••06' • • • • • • $6,000,000 . . . $3,2oo,00e • • • • • • • • .. • . .$ 181959 E. E. TIEBDEN, Superintendent of Branches Mr. John Parkinson, of liyde- 95 Branches in Canada ona.k, ),Lpent t)ie holida,ys at his home here, Mr, and Mrs. 0, T. '33roolrs p and Aliss Flossie Taylor, spent Sunday and Monday yisiting Mfr. Ilobe,Pt and Wm. Taylor: --The 13 ill League, ;inn iver - sary ion Sunday and Monday, was a suceess. 3‘,1)r, Godwin, oE Exeter pr ched a ;; be th ser -Vie es. The, church NS`a,-; C1210 Wded. 011 .1VE01 - day evening a, good prog-ramine con- sisting of weadiiigs by Miss Godwiri, I of E.Neteir,; songs by Mr, 0, Goetein, of St. '.fhomas, and addresses by the Revs. Cooper, Godwin ' The, )programme was thoroughto enjoyed by all. The proceeds Monday nietht • amounted to about $60.00 • ***** • • • • Cann, hos the centrac t. -.Mr. R. keteardown, ot LUCall a C- compunied by .his sister, Mrs. 'Smith frrern Chicag•-o, .sponf Sunday last visiting t.lseis.- sister, Mrs. 3.. Pick-- erin g. Zion SAVINGS BANK interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings 113,ank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. Special attention given to the business of Farmers and Cattle- men, to whom loans are made on approved names, Letters of Credit issued to travellers, payable in all parts of the Id - s=-1NOr , A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED CREI)ITON BRANCI-1 W, S. CHISI-IOLM Manager ,‘ mt-aeRt.:11,:* 011 s.\,triiu3OidOloiNlrfasit),reachilitd ivie- foreseen fr 0111 her numerous friends --a• • prior en her leaving for the North west, tor the good a her heath, -The •enteirtainment. given in the Town Hall last Igriday evening in be- half -of flee Ladic,s' Aid of the Evan- gelical Church was a decided sue - Gess. The ,attendance was large and everyone was highly pleased, Mr. Bluett principal of our public school spoke on '411rne and False Ideals of Charity." Mr. 'Bheritt, M. P., gave Mr. Godwin, ot Exeter, preached tke Epworth League •anneversary • ser- vicee at the 'Zion appointment. " Kirkton -.Mr. rrank Mille, of the St. Marys itown station iS Caking a two weeke holiday spending, it at his home Cm the village. -Master Russell Drown, who has taken a siettation in the dry goods etore ot 'White & May, St. Marys, lett for that tO,N\-11 on Tues- day, morning. -The ,quoto to the Toronto Ex- hibition. this week are, Mr. and h'Irs. Fred Taylor, Masers. "Fred and Ira Marshall, Mr. Wm. Brown. and Robt ,Elliott, all of the -village, - -Mr. C. E. Taylor, late .of Boston, turd Miss Lila Cole, of the school of Elootatelon, Toronto, are making a tour a the surrounding towns giv- ing 000011 to Of music end elocution c ball arc adepts of their own parts -The Igarden party in connection with the junior Epworth League of the Methodest church was held on ate church grounds on Monthly eve. last and was a tiCCMCG1 SUCCOSS, gain es and other amusemenis being in- dulged In, then tea and an. evening's literary entertainment. All went off an Impressive address on "Elements ot True Manhood." RCV. Henderson pastor .of the Methodist church, dis- coursed pointedly on -a somewhat no- vel ,i,oad surprising theme, viz. "What does English Methodism owe to Gerrmiany.". Last but not least eem,c Wm. Lewis, Esq., with a stir- eing address direeted principally to Owen Sound Sampson Cement. This is the • ate Ifis mematIrs Were Well that is known from. one end of Canada to the ot er received and lie was frequently....4tip- platutcd. The enthre programine best Portland Cement. Get our pri3es they are as WAS QC a high order. Tin; proceeds the ,hea.ner cement. amounted to $45.00. Rev. (eo. 3). Damn, B. D., pastor, of the church orecided in an able manner. 11 Rowe &Atkinson rurniture nous lc te y Ara Quality count weshouid get it. nd Funeral Director-ee • • -c Rosss Supporter ,e rt the Niertia OU i 0 T'ssesday last 6 d unseating .rohn, 00 declaring, the election t at the speaker's ter of Premier by-election ' fel. T respondent r; o cause Th egainse J. ative randl. t. costs, thus e victory all $ is o g the s ett cd ervas or lds, coughs end winter ills our Steady TO /I EAR: UP A OLU ight ettsickly maim, t arl,.s SCI ly Os Nerviline, taltee r si bot sends a glowing warmth -all ugh the body, and when rubbed throat and chest kieStels your Spices. at Hewers Drug rd. Seed Week. and white. elery Seed Tormerle, Ctorte Powder Gadie., white, blavk mad red Pepper Alispsce, Ginger. Ohm's. l‘face, thona- mon, etc. Gem Rings end Corks, all sizes, NEW DRUG STORE One Door Senth of Post Office W S. flOWEV, PJL B, Cheretet eed Opie. gh and relie ti ves gb tness and ess in the chest. Nerviline is as a preventive and care for y thousands of homes because it goes right 1,eF work anti hrings re- lief quickly, There is no, remedy in Patronage tIle Wor/d with hale the power and merit -et Nerviline; it"( invaluable in every Louse. In large bot,les riee QUOITS A. game of quoits between Exeter nil $eafortlt was played here on Vednesday ,afternoon, of lest week. This is the first game the Exeter boys havo pleyed with on outside team. Tbe genie WAS NN ell played and resulted in a score of 111. to 80 In favor .of Seaforth. Tne return game was played in Seaforth on Monday ,Labor Day. The game - was one ca, interest from sitart to finish. Cur boys tborougidy enjoy- ed the day and ,speak of the Seafoeth Snceessor to J. T. O'Brien, boys as being jolly good rellows. Sea - forth won on Monday by a score of The strpplying s yoar every -day needs -us what we are working for. To get it we snake the test goods using the highest grades of everything -end then. ask for a Thers if you are pleased you come again -and if we keep you pleased you keep eetiling. Theta yon are a eicsely customer. Then we are glad. Try Stathare's Ice e ream aid Coo l Sparkling drinks We J, STAT -HAM 91. to 89. Following ere the names .the players; Exeter, seoforth. "Wes. Bissett • Jams Reid, Tom Boyle. W. Reid, Ed. Treble. j. Beattie. J. Grieves. 1. Si ('W) rt TRIAL SUBSCRDIERS We ennounee the tollowing low rates for trial subscriptions froni now until January let next; The Times The Weekly Mail and Empire ...e5c The Weekly Sun .25e. Times and Mail &' Empire 50e. Times and Weekly Sun ... 50e. Times and Feetaily Herald ... 50c. Subscribers to the Mail ana. Empire bave choice of one of the following pictures Min- er's Farewell,"- "On ihe Edge of the nerd," "Contentment," or enlarged diem- ""'"' •m-"^ X "a" " picture of R. L. Borden, Bears the The Med You NM Always Bought Signature ef 4m.••••••.4 The steel teed plant at the too is to henceforth ?Ur continuously night and day. In the el:Parse of an ieterview with the Rev. Mark Guy Fearse (who spoke en several accessions in Lon- don) who has just returned to Eng- land. from a. yeav's tour in Canada and the States, that ncted divine said t -"I wish to say that I never sa-w a woman 111 ane peblie house in Canada or the United States:that I never saw on any table, cr oven 371 thC dining -ears, re lit the betels, a glass.of beer, wine CT st-l.'lta I never saw a drunken man unt'.1 1" reached an English port. I was deeply Im- pressed with the self-respecting bearing ot the people, They walk with a firm step, os if they knew whole world it is, ,and telt that they had a share in it." Subscribe for the Times. TLA CEM BOW LI NU T WO, rinks of Exe.tcr bowlers visit- ed Clinton, on Monday and took part in the (urnament held under the ausplces cf the Clinton 111051 ling club. Rinks krotn Giode.rich, SNI- i0illtil, Mitchell and Wing ham were also in attendance. The Exeter rinks were, coinposed of W, 11. Le ... ...ear t-ett, Rev. W. IC Martin, Rev. R. 3. orkins, F. W. Gladman, skip Wednesday, Sept. iltn, 1901.--Auc- Firank VVoieds, It. Lang, W. W. Ta - titan sale of Farm Stock, ou lot 27, man, dos. Davis, skip. 'Clbey sue - South Thames Road, Usborne, sal(1 at eeeded; in winning two out of the I o'clock sharp. T. Cameron, aue- five ,,alliesthey played, \vhich is con- 1.iionicer, Alex. Fraser, proprietorsedated o very goad .shov-ing for lie - Next Saturday, Sept 10Lls. at 1 ;:10 g,innere. The visiters evere spien- g ii o'clock, 43116.141, at Mrs. E. EllioCt's didly , enteritained by the Clinton residence, 'Main street, Exeter, pub- Club and a most enjoyable day Was lie ,aucti,oxl iof household elicit! is and spent. e -1.1 de- i n g Strom the crowd on " garden- Impleneente. Far furthe,r elle gneen, ho,511ing is tis popular in 1 particulars see hilts. Airs. E. El- Clinton, as it is in ()thew places flat, Prep., II, Drown, auctioneer. in the Province. Sale Register NT cement as the low as BARN DOOR I-IANGERS "ViTe are showing the biggest line of llangers in town. Six different kinds to select from at very "m o1 prices. •••••••••••, Scranton Coal always on hand Order