HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-1, Page 8.�.•etltl•Ap'y,. a!r L tr. EI ZJR 111V STEW ARTS Getting ready for i'i,I1, New goods coming in livery day. ileo Dress Goods, new Walstin s, new W apperettes, new Rain Coat`], new Thail1.e1ettes, iiew Lace Curtains, new Tap- estry Curtains, new Foots and Sloes, all ready for you, 'Come and see what we are doily. • "Here ale a few real good values picked at randoms from our big stock." 25c the pa i> for ladies' black Cash- mere iIose, Fn,libh melee Scapa - les , 't and double leg. These s fel. Aro extra value. lac file pair for big boys' real heavy Long hose,: Double foot, double ltnee,and doubt. 1.g. The strong- est a nd best wearing hose we e0e the }lair for grey or white Plan - 1r ed t co a Blankets. no et#e 13 , ia,5 l borders, soft downy finish, Big values -Want any. Mr. Mudd Davidson, of nl:anceloet . 1} Mich., is renewing aoglaatiotaneesiza i town this week Rev, W. J. Graham, of Godericls, Emla "ter. Wee. Godwin, were guests of Mr. J. Tlrederick, or Goderiob, at Grand Bend a few cloys of last week. week. 'Airs. P. Fidler and M.les Villa Fisher left on Tuesday me- nine, on a trip, to. Hamilton, To , a and Loadsn, eXpeeting ,tx x•cmain twe weeps. The non who thinke and, acts is master of the man who only thinks;, So think end net and order "l.:ax°r*ey's Star ;flour beeore you. lost till your customers, have ever sold. JUST TO HAND --Our fall: imp and 4 yards wide. The largest lo %n the scroll and. floral designs- All Every yard sold under guarantee, *Lits, -2 petits and 1 k cents for two lines of English Flannelette, im- ported by ourselves direct from the ,r u'kers. These Flannelettes are guaranteed to b, absolutely fast dyes, in fact aloes improve with %cashing. See them. lrt'ttion of English Lixtoleuns, 2 we have ever shown, They Ronne new colorings and nese patterns, ours special price for yards S rx de iitax' xier%° zzAt&ata r net trti halalt'u its. carat tar the idler': laslvc .ever• slaoavn. *10. teat aY '5.ill len ud d clanit c►r > tat~ Rhvalue in black and navy worsted tb-to-wear $uita. We believe to .be the best ready to riuit value in. `Western On-' $ rr to :risk Rain Coal: keeps out genie and and cult:. 0 We guarani. Mrs. R. Goats end children or Ed- en, w•lta have spent the past fern months In Manitoba visiting Mrs. Coates' parents, returned home en Saturday. hiss. E. Christie look in the De= troit excursion on Saturday last and ,spent the caw days with her daughter, Mrst 11. 11. ,Rogers, at Watford. Mr, end 'Mrs, John :4fuit and fam- ily of London, with Sir, and Mrs.. J. Muir, Sr.,`Miss Muir and elx. Bert lurr, aT. Exeter, S t.nff �t nla }' at Grand Bend, How about i.lourl Now is the time o hey In a steak, cif choice flour ,t; S. SEI' l~ E M B L l 1.st 1904 a' POW E VIOM g SKIRTS, FfINGY WRISTS AND -x a it HATS 1i".omen°s Skirt,, ] rGncix Obesiot, liana � onlext's ri^all*inr skirts; ilk Itlaac 1 black..;ncl grey trilnnaet with stitch- 1 tra'eed black and white xxaiatures ed trs Pps •ng pf thank Taffeta, whiz I trimmed strapping and worts. 0o0 e41.00 4.444)®0 41 4 0 a44* 4*eet*oo*o**aeoo.i0o.. cell oak of boys#. realty-tQ-Wear st' large, We can please the little fonts in value, style and, qualitP Just drop ixi aaad axee us, boys:' a -,. - r •s aria ti Arisi r x%. bei r xnen o p ,.,_ g a skin b cots eG , • a raid R if salt t en �b g heavy and Mediumfall pair r saId under guara tee. ter goods cannot bo 'made, We asik you to try them. The prices are slightly higher than the ordinary ready-made boots, but the quality is Intiuently better, Did you say :Mooney e Biscuits? 'Yes we have them, they are, tl►e kipd tbat everybody likes. We save you maneY on biscuits.' E v hiring us all your Butter end Eggs ST '.A R' Mein this ace ea.eh Your lltur 6ollskul3r it It is likely to be exactly what you snake it, rola do ]ao lr in the wayof SAVING may deter- . 5 y mite what the fixture will bring you. A SAVING AC- COUNT is a great helper, ' ��Its not what You darn butwhat you Save that makesyou Rich.", h. R We invite you to open your Savings account with this Bank. Na trouble to Answer Questions. $1000 n in cul a con t Opens an. c T P TEN 0D A SAVfN F The Sovereign Bank of Canada Branches in Huron County at Exeter Crediton Dashwood I-iensail Zurich Clinton GLADMAN & STANBUR`i", F, E. KARN Solicitors. :Manager, Exeter, Branclx for Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches, Clocker Jewelry, Spectacles Etc ()ALL ON R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. DR. OVEI#17" rg IiO otdi8t, surgeon. Ocaliat �pecctilas4, Dcseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat visits Exeter monthly. Glasses Properly Fitted Mr. Joseph Davis has returned Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated.. Office C MMERCI AL HOTEL. OTEL. Date s of visit. home e fr om a pleasant holiday at WEDNESDAYS,July27,Sept.Se 7. Oct. b. Detroit. Nov.v. 2, Nov. 33. London office.-ar o queens. Ave. , 1t'tosidtay next, September 5111, will Mss Sarah Sweet ' is visiting friends in Detroit. Mr. J. A. Stewart is in. Toronto, this week on business, Miss Cowan, o,t Sarnia, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Lutz. We make a specialty of watch and clock repairing. D. Martleib. See how the Sovereign Bank can assist you, in their ad. last page. c j. from old wheat. - 'You want best then. fare use flames ar Flour, Mrs. Bootle and e ildren wen; at the Detroit excursion on Satur- y:, es far as Paint Edward where ey spent Sunday with Mrs. right, nee Miss Horne, Miss Floreriee Northcott, of tht+ Hamilton hospital nursling staff, who s bean ill with an attach typt- .,. fever is no now recuperatingerat ing ender the parental roof, Lake Road. Miss Vera Harrkshaw left on 'Taz- csday to attend the millinery open- ings in Toronto after which she will return to Milverton, %%here she will. rrtulnw her i:osition as milliner. 1,'4'', R. Cooper, of Elintvilla , ifir Ilreae1t, in the Main street Me- Obureb en Sunday next Tm. Godwin, the pastor tak- iversary= services 4l:t ''.ion. To rolievoAired. sore and .t pe rsp ir- iesfCGtaG have Foot Etre, 3 . Qin. at 4 . Comfort, as "Ln at �'ra m a , � Eon �`a 1i her of which are reliable C. riutz, Cental Drug Store. Exeter. 'Vases Mrs. 'S'Mr. G.' Dieeett and e 7.1 rF'. yes t;1. . 4 lll:i:ssals F. Bissett, p Man, and G. ITyn Iman ueeoine by Mr. II. Stephenson, boll - at Grand Bend, on Friday. t to Coxae to California - for aur plan whereby you do thisi at 110 cost' t°o °your -sett. Hamilton Land and 011 Co., f19 Porter Building, San diose, Cal., U. S. A. TiesM. Grigg spent the past t rva' weeks in London, returning bemoan by I rix. Brawn 1M Tuesday, accompanied wixo will spend a few weeks here home nt bc- l fare returning to her 1 MissL of e- r a d Miss Lake, 14lenn a n New York, who have ave bCCn visiting o g friends in Exeter, and vicinity, the guests of the torm er e cousin, san , Miss Vine Fr4er, 1et rned home 0n Mon- day o -day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Munro, who have spent the past few weeks with friends in Loudon, visited far a few clays here with Mrs. Munro, Andrew St., returning to their home in Detroit, on Monday. flare, $3.90 $4,25 Woane_a's Skirt , English Cheviot, \Vomen's Skirt, English Cheviot black Oxford made with flounce! nicely made ;aid trimmed wiela end Ortotl. trim/ned with strapping of silk, isiralrpings of .silk $3.50 $5.00 Vcrratue1fo Cr Lustre WStsWonl n h blacsan ai s. trimmed with fine ��. tucks, Wilk ten= bxwderx .andd 1 C rl buttons, . lined Made with yoke, forming tabs, tlaalc througicut; Regular price S2,75. e1 hack trimmed with covered bur • Reduced to a leas, $1.98 $1.25, Women's Cream Lustra 1, tit I. only l lstck Siti. 'Taffeta 'Waists, 34, } meets . u iu o . to nen mucic* u ar Q nadee rr itlr tucks and hem stitching; fitting. 'up-to-date stale. ltegulat•'s• Price 51.75 reths e4 to regular 55,50 clearing at Just °pend Miss Winnifred Ball, of Goderioh, wbo has spent very xtleasantly, a. month with friends - here and al.:lionsall, returned home on Mon- day morning. to resume her duties . on the leaching :staff at Goderieh. Mr. W. H. 'Sanders ,of deliver, Col. who bee been renewing :tequaintanc- es here during the past month, left for the west an Saturday, ex- potting ,to take in the sights at the World's Fair, St. Louis, on the way. Editor .Holmes, M. F. of the New Era, .Clinton, made a friendly call at this (office on Saturday last. Not- withstanding otwithstanding the arduous labors of the recent lengthy =session, Bob, is Miss Eva Hutchinson, ar London, enjoying his ottani health and acliv- o :guest of Miss 011ie Quante. LS the ity. Mrs. E. Elliott, who expects to leave with her daughter • Miss Olive Elliott, for Toronto, where the lat- ter will take a Conservatory course of music, offers her very fine resi- dence on Main street for sale. 'See ad. in another column. $4 25 of Stylisheady.to-Weal Hats. ■I litintr the •yourt est in a class of thirty^ -two. twenty-seven o: whom { CASTOR 5 ccessftt[ coal+lrtr ates,. I A wereu Sebaol re -opens on Tuesday, Silt=. For Intents and Children. Otb. with 1.'rinoipal Fleming and leis R assistants in their places. T."jh The King You Have Always Bought school rias been Somewhat: preparedclosing ot the ca Bears changein the teaehing staff will be; Signatory of Miss Anna Martin, who is in charge of the room made vacant by the Missre si McCallum, who x , E. h Callla I` TC t±nati.Qn tai: \x'Normal. attend the Nan u • ThQ TimesTimeshas a Supply etbooIss giving a treatise of the horse and leis, diseases, whichwe are giving away.. to all naw and paid up s ubseribcrss. s- r di index Q a The keel: contains an lad eases, giving a deserilatiolr of each; with causes, symptosis and Area meat, also ;i large collection or uxRelient receipts, which are very now to die a ' cs fromto valuable. The T1m , fman as that ra•l1a'n 111 aamca January 1st 1905 for 2.1e, to nese subsctribers only, Clubbing ates srheaoalludtiotnaYs cohisobibtulgaerypanndtedusuoanl on atpplteation. Among the notabilities Who are Clifford Spackman and - Frank Weekes spent Sunday at Grand Bend. he Labor Day and is a public RC holiday. Mrs. S weeet and daughter, Miss C. Sweet are visiting Mrs. Glanville at 11 ii' London. Agent Mrs. R. Shix'r-a, of IE:ensall,' was • General Selling Ai�t far the ues,t of Mrs, R. U. Collins, on g Friday last. eSovereign € ens th Mr. AllanlMi o M . Myers, ew Bank, at Thedford; is %spending of days at his homae. here. C. P. R. Lands Any nt mpl farmers or others, week at Grand laced the:guest of ads Who contemplate purchasing lands Mrs. F: Gill. in' Manitoba or ,the North-west Ter- Samuel have ad- Mr.. and Mrs. R. E. Sa ritories will find` it to their eantage to call on me, as :I have' returned from a pleasant twa weeks' Miss Mary Gidley is spending a recently been appointed general se -i- tinting in Bruce Ca, ling agent for ail C. P. R. and V. N. Mrs. D. Jahns spent the forepart W. `.Land Co'e lands, Prices range of this week with her daughter, Mrs. from $3.50 per acre and upwards: W. T. Goodison, at Sarnia. Persons who settle on C. P. R. Mr. Thomas Marton returned on chase; e ten )'ears in which tovisiting Saturday last t from T asito bx , wherelands within one year after our-hcilasbeenvxrfrie ds. pay for such lands. Mrs. Alt. Sheen,- and son Nelson, the Fora to spent Sunday at Centralia, ne further particulars 17P1y, p Orat �1 KRD guests of Mr. •and Mrs. John "Cep Exete.,, . burn. "I1>z office. ES o Ifx' Do you .like good, old cheese that, : 'Ilas fleet rich nutty flavor. Stewart, lyes the best we have tried , • ch,o�ice. Miss ]Edna. Potlick left on Mon - Cir at on- TO, ADVERTISERS. day Tor Toronto, Niagara Falls and fee copy for changes must be left Buf.falo,'rr-here aha will visit friends Casual s.% noon. few' week not 'Tuesday sdafor :a . y 4 advestisements accepted up to noon s. We1sh, is visitingher naught.- 'Wednesday aught ednesda_ of each week. er, oa d at eafo,rth. af- ter which she will visit her sons at K1a amazoo Mich. Mrs. Rhea Scott Vernon, of : St. ua tc or Alma 0 st- rad Marys,g Ly College, St. Th,am,as, is d.he guest of hex sister, Mrs. Richardson. ass ore and daugh- Mrs, Albert T?a m ter; of Sault Ste; Marie, Mich., are Gardiners a. d visiting friends in town,- the guest of her aunt, llrt. D. McInnes. THUIIS:[)AY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1904.. +P4 d 00 0 0 A0 ® A N 00 4 � A 0 yO {� 'O _ 1.,01✓ 004:00 rs►09'A4`4•b ]teat] Popplestone: on page 5. 5 xxd tilorougbl. cleaned since the the Bible, the 1'IU. be in 1 , supposed. to ocd oxo ^ li �,ll .. thounot FO. But there are not 33 arnany 'alio,itt using the oxpressra of hanging -en or being saved by the shin tot their teed►," know the higb ;xutlxority for KS use . •daub 1. tl S sees fit to it If a business man S tats noteheads aid envelopies %ill' a rubber stamp and thus lead outsid- ers to think there are no .printers in town he .ought to be salted. Such a expected. to visit the Canadian \a - lienal Exhibition at Toronto, this n board fcnee witit a rubber stamp, When he has a baby at the house, or n party, or a. son or daughter mar- ried , a lull account of the important year betssucn August )1 11 and >arrlt. event might "be printed with a rub- , 10th are the Arohibi'hop at Canter- ber stamp an n piene of wrapping pa - bury, Field Marshall Earl ltobex•ts, per 'ud tacked on his front doer. v, era no taraa - ofiL 11 'c or- Careon, At think k and Sir Edward Cax,oix, Colne to ]ran General for England. 'There is even end :of uses a rubber stamp 'night be 'ra Cax ris- Honorable �'n r U hands a an r C 1 Ifo ao 'n 1 laP ' Right t the possibility of the 116 ,put to x . le 5osepl>. and 1MIx:;. Chambrrlgill Pi'y'' , in and economical roan,--T.xahan6 ing the Exhibition a visit, 11 mli lie A tent will be erected on the Ex - fiscal Cl • i ;\I ' 1 ralloh Toronto, r t ds T a , during • a campaign un o ilea 1 a P >, Whitton gra , 9 dee. Britain . lain is carrying on in lila the time of lair for the ncaam- not prevent. ,nn,hititan of members of the Wo -1 IC AIS o� lack Cirsets Commencing n SATURDAY AUGUST 27th For one Week Only. 75c Black Corsets for 49 Cents avmg cleared out a whole eine from atmfacturer we will sell the whole 10 doz. For 49 cents a pair CAi2LING SROS, 414 ��►e�"�+Mia04�p4AtA4ti�+a�P1►�R��+��t�i0�c14iR�^+A�t'NtcR��N��gh Order Your Coal Now. -Up gods mows Institutes. Where will be 1t' iho Price of hogs and down floes the. lecture and a demonstration along Furniture and Undertaking Fun niXa in,g the summer months we will give 5 per cent off dor all cash sales. Y HUSTON nzbalmer. Opera house Block nal nd. Praet ictabin �f♦4tr14'O+IOO;100A♦♦�i�10 WIIAT HEALERS price of coal. ]laving bought a few some line of cocking or lne$aerving cars of hard coal at a price on the each afternoon, commencing l x•iclssy dollar, l ani prepared to Lill all September 2nd, and continuing to a , orders while it lasts at. 50.25 per the close of the fair nave all wo- #on. First come, first served. Place i men will be made welcome at these your order at once for as :soon as sessions. There will be a lady in this supply is done you will have to absrge of this tent at all times, and 'pay more money. Orders left at the she will bo prepared to, answer cites -office of A. R. Bobier will be tions and give. information regard- sromptly attended • to. -Il. Parsons, ing Women's Institute work. All Thanksgiving Day. -The Govern members of Institutes ,ciee cordially ment have not yet. given :any con- invited to make this tent, which will sideration to the fixing of pranks bo placed near the Women's Build - giving Day, but it 3xas been urged ing, your headquarters while on the upon them ;that an early decision Exhibition :grounds. would be of great convenience to the - e• public. The Suggestion' has been HICKS' FORECASTS ar of State that, made to The hacral, y I if possible, Thanksgiving Day should In his August forecasts be said "Look out for vicious thunder storms about the 1411x." Our read- ers will remember the storms that visited this section about that date, especially the disastrous storms of the 13t]1. Then he intimated a re- turn of storm conditions on the 19th or 201.11, and a very heavy downpour o,f rain carne on the nighti of the 19th. A secondwax•y storm l,eriod twill Besides the cost of the famous band ,of the Black Watch at Toron- to Exhibition, August 29th to Sept 10th, upwards of S30,000 has been spent for special attractions, all of which. :can be seen for 25 cents ad- mission and 25 cents tor grand stand. An. Excellent Furniture P olis h,- Dip a Ichamois leather in texd water wringit dry. Rub and y hake it taut • the furniture -with this and it will remove all finger marks, stains, etc., more effectually ,than and prepared woodap- pearpolish. •and win make the p - pear ,as good as nervi, Torpedoes, marine: shells and buil- ders' models of famous warships, in- cluding the Japanese Haesuse, tvi1l. be tom view et Toronto Exhibition, August 29th to September. 10th, hav- ing been loaned by the British Ad- miralty, •the Armstrongs,' Whit - worths and Vickers -Maxim. The demand for Vanerhoof's cele - w brated- remedies is . rapidly increas- 'Ing. They consist of 'Rheumatic iSire, ;Opaline Suppositories, Vigor P Lite, Compound Antiseptic j+ -•powder Tonic and Vitalizer, stom` ach Tablets, Catarrh Cure,Head :che Cure, etc. -C. Lv,tz, Central Drug Store, agent, Exeter. FOR OVERSIXTY I EARS AN OLD' AND WELL -TRIED REMEDT.-Mrs Winalow'sSoothing Syrup has as been een used for cher sixty years by -millions of mothers for heir children ile tethinz, with perfect success It soothea'the child, softens the gums, allege all pain. cures wind colic. and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea. It Ispleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists In every part o4 the -world. 25 cents a, bottle. rte value ie incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Winslow s Soothing Syrup and ask for no other kind. The manyr friends of Rev. George e f Jewitt,. ,and family now of Dutton, formerly ,of Elimville wind Hensel]. pleased to learn circuits, will be'p that his ' oldest sou, Oliver V., rucceeded in passing the Junior Ieav ing', Part II, at the age of lourteen be an ,a Monday. This annual event is taken advantage of for family reunions, -and if the holiday were r held: on Monday it would lie mit of three days at home in a great many. cases. ,Quite a number Of subscribers to the Times send their colaies of the paper -to friends far and near. Every time paper is mailed it; costs one a cent for postage, and. then there is lastinto the 1st and 2nd days of Sep - the nuisance or wrapping and post- lastr, Ston ms having moved into Sell- ing. The news is sunk,Before " the central to eastern parts by the 1.at paper t' Saari away ani{; 1ikinl; s and2nd. Higher bar, ometer , west - very loitdigales and change tonuchccol- cool- everything Into consideration, it107 w'1'rerer will follow behind these distur- to, relieve you of the nuisance we decided to offer {:he 'limes for the maunder Sot the year Cor only '-5c. We will send it to any place on and ,severe perturbations, At leas earth, for ,ileal amount. Send in five astronomical causes Will help to e once. your adflr sato c- o s cal . cl • meteorological l Y et.eo 0 0 r Earth's m disturb B. e c las a I3n'ppt Tvent.-A vc,ry pret- meats at than crime-tlie Moon in bances. The storm period beginning on the 4th and extending to the 10111 promises: to bring many prolonged ty event to:olr place at the ]tome of: conjunction with Earth and in pert - the bride's sister, Mrs. 'Ed.- Taylor, London, on Ties 1a , Augustu8t 2Ot11 , being the marriage, of Miss Carrie gee, the Vulcan fovea; the 'Mercury and • once , n •uxb V dist equinox, the Venus the 5greatl,i increased tension of Eiji : - Wm.daughte,t of Mr. and Mrs. ill's aiutumnal .equinox. The distur Wm. Davis, of Exeter, anal':Dli'. Jar- lrances,at this time twill almost ice r - vis Dickson, of London, the official- thinly be aggravated in character, ing clergyman being Rev. 9). E. Mar- tin, ar- and prolonged. with possibly very tin,::o,f Ilamilton Road Methodist slight intcrnnission, into and church, The bride was prettily thro,ug)1 ,tlie xcnctionaay storm per - was in white silk gild. carried a ioi,central ora the 11111 and 1211}.'lh- bogwet at pink carnations, her, as l od,c ,being a1 naw and in perigee was gpven a.tway. by : her brother, Mr. an the 9t , Abe ':Davis, of. London. The bridas- aJohnston,f. St, m.,iul Miss Nettie Johns or \ , Thomas, 1oobit charming in '1 ,,own the 11th and 12th are unusually of white organdy. Mi Prank Case r�rea,t, a g. c�e , ^thy Exeter, a�ssi,sted'thc. groom, and n'Durng ,i}tc c�a.rly slat c, little Miss Terry, niece of elle bride, , e •a.1.' •disturbances, an excessively g•c.n z made a preaty ring e bearer. TM.tiss cm cl a'1 ure or heated term M rile Tern' orf ], *lest'ree , ll:ayed li:igli t P make its appearance over Y 3, 3 1 le i�a pl is esu e eu- e{esti al n thea celestial 4 end o h n r a for Jiro atter on the 10th, Ilia chances 1. longed acid violent; disturbances inio tine wedding march. Afi'er a sump - that parts of the country, provided e : eC, with wade. _."" "'- ... iuous repast t.h.. },allots couplel.fL hat est India storms, with t U SE ITOH® LT) DYES SEX �tL1� C tY hese Dyes will dye Wool. 'Cotton, , 1- "How is your - flour trade? e? Good!" II -"Then you. must handle - Harvey's Star lour." III -"It's sold the country Over." IV -"We don't think there is g an thin we handle that y helps our trade like that flour, Star V -"It will be a good day for the flour and feed trade of our country when they learn to use ,:Harvey Bros. i, Star flour entirely. HARVEY BROS. 44,41.e00eo••®ss•••o••oo••es0 000aosoo`o•.o®ase®Oe,©eahho• 0: lt on Opens Sett :6t It Term p Fap 0 O CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT.- business educe` A 0 It pays to get a bust © i nd it pays to get it in our '> tion p y "' school. Our: a attendance this m e year has been the largest in the es ©' history of this college. We have ® placed more students in positions 0 4 this year thanin n.n y previous 0 year. President. W•. J. ELLIOTT, t� D, A. McLAL13LAN, Principal 9 ©at, write to the College for a magnificent 0. Catalogue. 00@0000.0®4.004604.4›0m40000®© To the Front r d do r r Windsor and depressions lops on thethe b train f.o n 1•' deo s and deep barometric l u tv �* t illness s t t �. t to i It cis e } then points vest. • O o f th, o o u• 1 t o t• o T o rt cmc m Y not o p 1 at the bride's home Mie evedd ng ur ulf.: and South took trace in London. seas, tone}ling o to T Atlantic States. a 711 Skin ,C `MyTce3.i.-It may W predict that Wednesday By the Sk n o y a P - !in erest•ir t• note that the ex- 1 to; Saturda 11)11, e ill bring a de- pression !interesting e� o Y iression which bymany is:.re articd aided crisis showing that equinoeta' T as vulgar slang, has really tic high hurricanes or erecii, neeent and viol - classical authority of 1 he 'Bible. 1;1: is ence are near, if not sweeping our Job (ix$0) whoexclaims, in 1us southrrnco s 5tc o athat phenomenal anguish. "T am escaped with the sls,n heat over the interior, covering i.}ae un t.• -wilt t be :o,f•my teetTl, Some „common. say- r,reaier•part of the country v rugs, such as "God 1 eoiprrs t11z culmina Ilii, in low barometer, thund. wind , the. shorn lam "llir:.war er :storms Hind possibly tornadoes in to „ 1 horse scents (he balite f ora ifnr srunny places, Again short Ie. f ofa consignment 'With a Georgia Pine. It makes the most beautiful interior finish of any lumber on the market today. Lumber Lath and Shingles We are in a hatter position than ever to supply our many customer.: with all they may require either from shop or yards. - Bee Keepers Supplies ready delivery. Place your Orders for Tanks : early. Estimates cheerfully' given. .ilo Call in we like to see you.' Silk,' Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath. -the are the latest and most improv- ed Dye in th Y e world. Try a package. All colors at C. Linz, Exeter. Pleaeeexamine the date on your :,- label and if not correct kindly Tet us knot and tee swill make the alter- , ROSS & TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. For the Best and Cheapest Paris Green I-Iellabore Blue Stone &c &c ---Try-------- ry - Store B�°®'4�nTIl S DI'l1 Old Made Eyes y Young Dim ,Eyes Made Bright I can bring back to your eyes, weak- ened eak vision,' ened'rvitli strain... a, clear the natural ease end' romfert of twenty years ago. And why not ?` ' I make a specialty of sight testing, and use thtz latest appliances ` for this important work. Satisfactionistaction g none xteed, Graduate of Canadian College of Optics. rownings Store`