HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-1, Page 7411,14102.r.204.12.11 ce„„ine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Meat Bear Signatieve of •eleV .5ea PaceStaille Wrapper Below. Very emelt and ea ceeea to team ass:wear. 9 FOR IlEARABIlfm, RTERS ITTLE SILIOUSNESt. IVE FOR TORPID LIVER. piLL FOR CONSTIPATION. ALL FOR SOW SKIN. FOR 'FRE COMPLEKI0 FOR PIZZINESS, • CURL SIOK HEADAcHe. IN THE GAR EN OF EDE Conduct of Our First Parents After They Had Sinned. (enteree accerdIng to Act of .ho I'In%. the same country village. You grew Harnent 0, Canada, ln Me vellr t -I'd up together You played ball to-. Teousand :no Bunched and Pear. .. • - . by Wm. 1.16., ly, of Toroato. at. elle gcther, flew kites together, went lapartreeat, if Auriculture. OLIALvl L ; fishing in the old brook tog L¼ sat. side by side bebind the same school Adespatch from Los Angelo, deste and ate your liinchee out of i!tar3'Z4ilettleviroFinrantkliePefoltI'etet'ingTatieraxta!'"e -1,71echciQtytheori;s tibutt-stternt% ti-V:n.Q-nill cirLteltlietei to eY(' Ile jill`tY 8ee the liehiles"; duce iQ-' , , sent an anoel to provide I e hien in Genesis iii„ 8, "And Adam aod ois „, ' , ;, ' ' njar rka i tr. $11 41. r ,t , ' t.le Wildenleq51 WOUld 110t f0.111 to care tee same otriroing hoese end went v n cit Lee ,eateerect ee , cussion, Some think its site was at ee ranged'? I will tell you. Youarms gr hrolmt4ies le d f°T.. 2 ftra(1 knowing all about us loves bior fell in love with the sante ". the north ole. The site of the rustaa and moan tafired to een.elei,b list; ',I ''' to the end alfer. xXxi, 3; John Niii,*4-e place tbere. mart was put on his teem:, you ciretdated evil reports wooing naestfne, 'oarj‘i.tesad;rane::friro., „„a„.„, ,.,..„, ......„, a.„ „ ..,,,,„ ea _ ee. 14 ,,,Ii ',yip 11 1„ Vaal- , 'Mt in that. garden. and he failed. chanting tenderness. lief- now the '3' It 13 sl'Iltte4 'that tee w°44 °i. t- he ccMsegiteecea of his disobedience . e S orms are unmet- " • .' eee eatteeiee of tie .t ...., the 1..ord earite expresalY to. Fxeltiel ?.- Imve come down to tie, IOC' all his oared, and the tie/marl:wits ara aim_ tiee prieet, attel unless we :Teem, the ae the eepre:'slv to us irtaivitleelly there is +-I Ia garden; we are going to end it with a garden. The apostle ratil sees M the story of our tirst home- stead a wreceed and disorganized anizrial and vegetable anti ichthyolo- gical and oral* holegice I and. hentan world. lie leads us to see how the whole creetion—the hirds of the air, and the fiehes of the sett, and the beosts of the forest, tool the flowers of the fields ---were influenced throuea Iand bad their naturee changed by the =Jae is leme at Nom). lodging. hal dependent upon the "survival of tfi 111. S, S. LESSON4 INTERNATIONA.L LESSON, SEPT. 4 Text of the Lesson, I, IC.ings 9-18, Golden Text, Isa. xli., 10. sins of man. Once love reigned a•cave. What susten•tace he found everywhere. Now the law of We is her fel.' bis borl‘y we ere not told, fittest.' The eagle begins to enounct .but if be 'lived' 1°I315ts' "d w" higher and higher and higher, not to zel,t)anIrl'did4stmajtot!inuit,heaallabPetipsetiottreftbel;' came nearer to the heavens to se Cod, but that on account of thee , 11.271.4ed hsetterl.eitTlet',0001r4NN,,retle-ercattrleakit ulfa-0Yr greater altitude lie can bave a wider him aberith awe S4mptp, 4114 hOrizon to swoop; that with bis ieen 'AIL' bid l'hvIllSelv" to w.oric ae the sante c.itv satore en murderer Pan Plunge that terrible 1„",/b, i.a„b>,"1„,‘?...eveee„, Th.re lir.re,a,!. ”Where was the garden of redenr th, , ' „„ ^ beak and rip and tear and sl 0 """'" ozd the tetente of a never ending dis- saMe na37- IctlY nse You the trees as layers str,tei atcr ,llis people with 0,n everlasting, love, ea gorden do'not,. uowever, coocero 14 . "'der to win ;het girl's until for very !me they trepanbleL; 11' Ilere ea"' the we" of U.9 so much as the ewat seeiee twee rretlona YOlt lied about your olcl with 4deiight..fli t. the Loral value to hint as at other!: about los past life, witch, You iinew that no squarer. truer man, ever lived, You said bis was not respectable. when his mother lased o he a secosal mother to you and :nighty forest glant,:, net lovers. no henelit. ,et there ore Inany %Tao' eseendants have been del:rived of e bleeeings which would have been heirs had he obeyed God, I lalo not wonder that the sterile region around the north polo should have ef at their hearte. Nove uteesages front the hook itS 140ped Ilur40 you whoa you -were but es (lying warriors, groan nild friend not because he has alone an the lonsb lay down .sicle by side to. wttt‘ surItn" Upon th°se wh° 1.'".‘" s. slek, Vona hate your old, school totter and full. Once the lion and Pr-ttittss h-).(15""‘" the Mhie .4117 caled a jiteing scene for the cotes- t.nitistir.°-t° him -"VIT. 11:„11-I t eilresS01)'flUt s f ti,Q4,111".1s14.y.l.e sin 11.14.4 tte 14;(10Z411..'11".Iittsfe(sl*Qathatoworal of God tnade ci er from freeit or roplie, In the vourse of the gestaIe.i; awn° 1.• 141.11aac: vIreind• ec'to tlite4 wit'ley(i' Arheip? upeajoi directly to our hearts we lame ie prepared ae follows: t TC:t.! Qr Sale at 1.ta 'ware Store4- and Bfacksmit4 E4e the thump a the hoof against the urd ground and protect the frog and sofa. Cqod for nztvicular disease. Ariake the horse sound In the feet --give bin: a longer worRing The DUNLOP TIRE CO., Liniited, Toronto, Ontario FOlt THE Ct)tile. eery Ptieltling,-r-e. • pudding, eetieh el' MIAS .? of fruit. or. cut atbi 17.SEF A et- iss I ' Ten d in pirits; w this sere 1' oiet hand zz a plot after Oat the glory and 4's Ie ee' e`ileNe^ Imme . not yet learned to loam Hintfruit gently tat it will pulp then leedetive purposes may have leen . /untold the house as .40 ip do..* less amla %las gable( ano torn and - • ' • feraility of 'Eden may lieVe been well As plainly as 115" u voles fi ,beat, it up. el'e, every piut. of pelp twent or thirty "No," said father, "h0 uly ene. became a Meal for ifie, • ,bfilvon Tfe Fold tO B0111 4'S ho 10; 27-29f xiv., I. 21% I' quIre'sr toelflen e(t)ClaAtill owe the garden of Eden f°r aid tunes' 14ake r°rtleve him the aereaatea rinFvd,„;draeri ntrY Join: 12: 1. 2. 3; Ise.. 01 bread *crumbs., '.1,0aa tat toroth fragrant Wi it the llOwers of ,debt, 4"d s4td ?„,.7.,448,„41,,n1 „rigithv"," VeaeeinCO WOr1;1 Ake mama look: di 24: "ea* ,a -1‘,1d1, 'except the eggs. which should n'alt tween the old a awl thc new. Sastwa "a. bas done ."en. ra,5nr (ter the seas? ontinent. which atice stretched be. "e 4-14s 1. beIN;ee t*, -"n7" ""'" on the land. in ib e heavens and me. mans'. nuirkr mare lomsages wale" Added. till the utixture quite coo Will you not heed the ere "graven on ..m:e bea'rt. land then stirred in thoroughly. P Exploring parties hare one forth father said: 'brook, that as alwaa F,y1ther,s which to..dor seeking .which X do heartily praise II an. .tito mixture into a watered dish au valeta with their sounding linee the meanness. ha will alwaYs hate Irani pieces? i„ and aave aaienea that they have se Ir., hie. -if a loan does You 0, 3,-ou even fu your shameful hiding “Ilalat doest thou here. aill111?" IS bake for hailf h St Iv li est Atlantis. They assert that the for doing it," Ah, yee. that is life, ote great question of our JecSon Our. re 0. es volkm feet, e rubbed wit'a beiteg wesbe nd 0-wrong/My three grains er-flower wee anoint the 8 ow. Allow hrixo tried to veoetrate Ins I loaned iiim sumo moiley. rio cm, my to,otlier. us will Noll not ha. , 4 . a a quiartta of e Patmd af sugaur; 11.4;vateu bathing and d ' and have failed. nalsfolmed into a 4.41gi OA of ice and sho would not pay me back, ffoweece. lieve that this <mai of cod is, Lath nave red Ina book—elohn 1 lo. iii ad ways rub and mote er rd. aS the muscles 0 bulti 4114:1:47:11inielvtivattibr,;(117.rteri P:saetrci:1:1:11:te.11:.w000lluces; t,- er: Pre-npitated elaal 0. or the fave. ( . 111). and a reat tion tlo sifted eliseer over the rnaddisr, verses bgares for each of us. IlapPy as'e those whzq Van saY. "1 AND 1144e. Lord, ;foe t Fruit ,SYrutz Thaliwous for CO lands of the New TIchrides are only e highest mountain pt ahs of that saloons continent tviiielt was sunk by tidal wave end engulfed by earth- tptalte. Some chains that the garden Persi \VS o Turns Bad Blood into,it woN of 1.::c10/1 ill. a. others that walered by the andowings of Rich Rcia 131 A the enighty Nile, others that it was — in India and still others that it was No other remedy possesses such etlet"etr41r(elsIdorlf4. mylltuetxt1,ertottliay'ntialit4 perfect cleansing, healing and purl., conCerned with the Site ar the gar- fying properram of Edenbut with the conduct ties. Ulcers, of out' first parents after IheY had , Externally, heals Sores, ulcers, sinned. No sooner bad Adam and Abscesses, and all Eruptions. !his wife eeten of the forbidden fruit than they Ina themselves, as fraght-,t, Internally, restores the Stomach, ened Inu:es hide the 1 th mse Yes _ .0 IT Liver, Bowels and Blood, to healthy jungles of -the forests from the hay- st y the very reason yen shun men and WoMen who have done you 310 wrong I know you have done them a `Mow, "Aticon and his wife laid lluanselves'" not becau.se Goal hata4 them, They hated (lad because they hod disobeyed God ond eaten of the fQV1iddel *lee. Lewere, 0 zn how you flee your innocent vi -ti You are now shunning them in teazle hiding places. CONCEALING SIN. }Tow does man try to conceal sill behind a. mighty bulwari many sins? Here is young who has been brought up in a co es• home. Ile was raiScd up right. 0 had his first gospel les:gine Med into Mut at the family telt the Sunday school, and in OBINESE IN 3 la sz, sting the White Nen Australia. nding t enfurc strict Alien inouigi Thon t send ;Awl sun bete 13aaulu'r :allowing Pr at Tb, Wattling for Tiv, pleasrare." 0C be ailPiitd to eberria could not reply thus, bait he gralle"‘ ral•Pberries. atrawberries,an did eny eometidna about tbe ein hiacitterriaa. reepross the (fear joie Israel. his own faithfulness and 717al, ‘or the fruit the nfalqi Manner. en an, Ito the the Lord hod .rt and aie jean Of one pullout of rell,-Ictr to one pint q 14S1 to pour QinotoAct.A.tasTrIalallr.."sitilaalw4s:Inisp and that h°ivas the QnlY rvt"senta' 110$1 it with lo Ihr3 3.4.°Parti°n ee zrlshan 'der, Iwo ounces. Wasia the w.zlor11;leit h:1N iti,n1 a pinch 01 added. and sifter drying. v . the nowdr.r. To fiPV Op the eheet. bred hi he tshen mortal' and e • ' ttraight and ki a bands at the hack of the ,ows touching in front. Inlaule, elbows ant and hack. exhale. brIng elbows forwerd until they n meet. This 1.1 an eta-elle:It exercise for sheet and lung pa hon and to a- their angers deeishaey et ant fatuous ;vas being sotight, and therefore be Juice. lion five aninutes; star coo **hue Austroute.Iffihlt 11,11m, Woe hiding in this cave in this out stazatly while cordiug. and seal 1 f the way place ire woe not srelia glaee PI'S or bottlea This juive tbc. noiwies or the bah.. Never the soap on oilcloth. lffash licloth with a sponsale and cold • d pol.sla with a flannel. To nd distracted deputations &era age o levect European trat.litgat.rettleillaueue, lug the &re' Of COO1 as on Corson.q. anew resoite for use at any time, nd his an erantieoly netaaeta, „ nor was he sent of God. an when be, with a little erater end e C or Uga 32*11 eral Governments to "eh, w.mt to teberith or Sarepta, but he, Cont Chowder.—Cut tweainc • a to cheek the tide nathont—tio.i was eeeleing only his oveo personal!enbe of let 8:13t pork into small piec L111.• action. If yenar appetite is poor, "ng hounds. The voice of Clod eall- anah pew, where, es a little eh Ing them to confession of their sin a your energy gone, your ambition wits a se:names to jlIdgment which b , lost, B.S,B. will restore you to the fili7 W°flid iMv° evaded if theY 1"1 1 ',Safety, cabinet-ma:kers in the Vietoted helara's reply to the Lord's "Whe.t.;toieed. ono rook slimly. two min I 'I well rubbed in, very sparingly, 1 he found te greatly improve and , natal both roloring and smothnos ITOST ACT ;' 0 ANTO. ond (try out; add a small old° ine a capital have stated to the min_ :Ft thou?'" Walo q VerY .1'04 ono ((lea. ,12te% stirring often to keep it fron isto for External Affairs that thwii. -1()). Ahreinnu.s rto AM-' blowning, then strain tile5 1.vt, into Ilea heathen Oltinee bad conapletely ea a-lindeclei es to whY he had done eaueepart. f7oole a, pint id Awed rate n l'olor and repolisli eaten he'- 'z' and turpentine mixed ° as he did waa anything but plc)/ ittoe6 foe are leteettee in laoilin setat i I toted tem trade, and had, commenas. hayloft, to God Men. 3-1L ilud water to cover. drain anal add to th e usol to be taken to hear the . full enjoyment of happy vigorous bee" able. lo lir -CURE GN IPATIO ce, and would sleep through ng sermon, clasped ht his moth nts. Away frona home he felts bad companionship, lie gradt Our Ara parents hid themselves ar After they had sinned. That is al- ways the impulse ot the conselems sinner. Ile shrinks from meeting the God whom he bas offended. A. famous writer once declared, "The eine of the garden or ria.n are as old as the dawn of creation, yet, like the rising son, each day they ere ever fresh and have new appliea- tions for each changing hour," The theological terms stipralapsarianism and atfralapsarittnisin and sublapsar- oanara—wbether "God's foreot•dina- tion started befort‘ 3/1031 Ot with „the full of inan"—may offer exciting themes for doetrinal discussion in a young minister's setninary coriree. They have not, however, any prac- tical interest for tut audience of the present day. . What we first want to do is to find out is how Adam and Eve sulked away into the edenic jungles to hide themselves after they had eaten of the fruit of the forbidden tree. Then to ask whether living men and wo- men are not now acting in the sante way in trying to tonceal themselves in similar hiding places. I want to show them how vain at•e such at- tempts at conceabnent frotri the oin- niscient eye of Cod and by the help of " the Holy Spirit to woo them oro from their retreats and lead them sul to bend in humble contrition at the his foot; of the cross. There, there is pardon and cleansing for the sinner, and there may the vilest and most polluted he sprinnled with the blood which will make them whiter than the driven anow. APPLICATION TO THE TEXT. Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, . Heart Burn, Virater 13rash, or any Disease of the Stomach, Liver or Bowels. Laxa-Liver Pills are purely vegetable; neither gripe, -weaken nor sicken, are easy to tike and pronipt to act. A Standard Remedy Used in Thousands of Hornet in Canada for neariy Sixty Years and has never yet failed to give satisfaction. cones Diarrbo3a, Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera. Infan- turn, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sickness and all Summer Complaints. I prompt use will prevent a great deal of unnecessary suffer- ing and orten Z3xe life. Prtoe 33e„ litheen Co.. Liu:teed. 'foroatil. laid° to ly gets into the habit of spend h.9 evenings ill halls, and his Sunday n on excureion trains and picnic parties. Ire drinks a tittle Ile plays cards a little. Ho deeel a little better than he cart afford, runs a little in debt. One ni gambling he says to himself, "IV while seeing some of his compenio t cc ma mg :treads upon other ' thel t05of tile furniture imeinens, There tot iriekietov of IClijatia at Iforeb NV/1M Sat Add ;also a pint of ran: awee ems g were* ;:11(1 4 derm t4 "414 611 Chinese meat thing tNa:nbseigailiatleatnoti cloont,;ineielke.14u s,baclitfinz elavlat te no o ciwitteipmakers vietorin,L arid 01.aylitl '01:3:%11Jell or Carmel. i5 00 '22 eut or :romped frorn the ear SYdney Is now passing toethe yea and to gave a testanony liLe Paul in ° Inn* ISunnler tintli both an late sixty liritishers thot trade. infT The small retail grocery trade of elw°" tilt* glory of God .114tOuNIV siettatnte.stturtedaryinwctolrlictieitArauatitelt 2iit, I Cori xe, 10. no eta tatee'l find corn are tender. intense And indtmtrious Asiatic. pis. of Elijah in verses 10, 14, of our ft* 1;011nd:tee tableepoonful of butter. .t.r gardening are drifting towateas the lesSon ,jejlehn:s4ft.h, ifiernto,t stwwhooltlavl. 1°_,1011: ttailtoevitiu:iiinligt°4;sn.tatt,L of o 11110::rehao: that, he being the °ply true gradually a pint of mita. Let it !Fe: oeivolti:t1 Ittt 71;1111i7 negaletetieze:ta:let "ot cant: pt or if anything should happen to 'ed. hail uta well and serve very hot day for the Lord's "1". =sort the Mixture snore if neiel- he Y t pea ROM -.1...latigay is the most active v the Nvorki. It ;s situated - BrUfii . 14,12.0 feet in height <Mei has been in tantettent activity 1 sinee 17P.S. The sounds of He (*rues- tiOns are etonetinzes heard In Quito, Oat) miles igi,44111t, and :167 reporto UtCe one.. vounted iit One hour. cannot I make et. little money th way?" Ile is a collector for t store. He plays und loses. playa again and loses. He fee again for numey in his poeket. N his cheeks pale and his hands tre ble, for hio fingers have touched t envelope which belongs to his en ployer, He says to himself : must win. I will borrow $5, a pay it baele very soon." , He pia again mid loses; again, and lose What is the regult? The next "d he dare not confess, so he doctors I accounts, ITe keeps on using- oth people's money until at last o night in order let conceal his past sins lie forges. Then all the infernal regions clap their hands for joy. At last they have a new victim. The law places its heavy hand upon that eoung man's shoulder. A etrip sutt and a penitentiary cell and ken hearted mother are the re- ts of the sinner trvirea to conce sin behind a bulwark of many • with craekers. A eliptul of ers at neer] 100 000 • pi lin. "And they seek iny life ni • 1 to ,iv I sin V det AS wo KiNc Tooli Nanakra from lueenaland the hina-lbee"me °f L(Ird's ett"se ? Idly be cooked with the potetote and e Owing filet banisinnera ofc the to tab° it It‘vay* what then, would toes, pared and stifled, may orcasion- , p k awes as O. Is man is extending his influ When we allow oorselvee to be thus I, e ea al V ow lundowner in the Commonwealth. deluded by him 'who would, if he Wallies —Two eggs beaten tvei m" Sugar plantatioes are being rapid,. Could, dethrOne tled himself, it is a yokes and whites eeparaiely. Mi he iy taken over front disgusted white poor day for us, for it indicates that one tett/l1J00111.121 of soda an.1 a littl ;la planters and converted into banana the Lord nay' not be able to use us mit in buttermak, which add to on nal - 4 fields. A banana field is a profitable mucli longer, as we shall zee in this:pint of Dour, The batt.V Shaul undertaking, but does not last long lesson. * , be as thiek as strained honey. Bea s*s, unless the land is well fed with "Co forth and stand upon the into this batter the yokes, coe ti. een inartures John Chin tine mount before the. Lord" (verse 11). sentspoonful of melted. lard, an for the student and the writer, as an attthoritative reference book • for schools, teachers, families, business and professional men, t there is one book which offers °- superior advantages in the solid e value of its information, and the d ease with which it is obtained. • e k One's admiration for Webster's InternationalDietionaryincreases , daily as it comes to be better n- known. Itneverrefusestheinfor- . , mation sought and it never over- whelms one with a mass of MIS- informatiori illogically arranged. The St. James Gazette of London, England, eays; For the teacher, the pu- pil, the student and the litterateur, there IS nothing better, covers everything. The .New and Enlarged EaktiOn recently is. sued has 25,009 new words and phrases, a com- plete/y revised Biograpliical Dictioriary- and Gazetteer of the World, 25110 pages ana 500e illustrations. Our name is on the titlepages of all the authentic dictionaries of tbe Webster eeries. LET US SEND VOL; FREE "A Test in Pronunciation" which affords a pleasant and instructive evening's enteatain- ment. Illestrated pamphlet else free. G.&C.MERICIAIIICO.,Pubs„Springeekeleass. tis er - o elsewhere leavens.; the lancl utter he could hardier fail to recall that on , waffle limns greaae Well, an y impoverisned. Very soon Queens- this very mount Ood had eel(' to pour into them from a pitcher th ne land may in consequence be face to waffle mintute. They should coo face with a, terrible industrial crisis. quickly, atonal be gold,...n yellow thin anti crisp enouga to he eate OBEYED ORDERS, front the fintrers, just ns et-oat:am are ed A smart young °facer belonging to his own nothingness and God's ing-size chiekens, place in a stole e a. cavalry torps in India was sent mightiness, may have come over him. pan With a entail quantity of water on sick leave to the convalesceet sta- men came the mighty 'wind, the a tablespoonful of butter. TWO slices grPrefers to exhaus.t his patch antl 14.., is is the Lord's message te o.nd lastly the frothed vehites. Have th Modern , ,application the first. We find A.ciarn and Eve hiding away front. God in the garden of flaien when we see men and women shunning the faces of those whom they. have wronged. We find the Sa,tanic re- treat of the first paradise in the sulking feet and the averted gaze and the conspicuous absinme of those who aftee they have injured a. bro- ther fled his presence eyen ELS the pro- digel son when lie desired to do wrong planned to take his goods and leave les father's house and, go into the far country where lie would not be in the presence of his par- ents, whose hearts the wa3,-ward boy was breaking, It is a. peculiar but incontrovertible fact teat sin, no :natter whethee spasmodic or !habi- tue', produces a sense of liumilia- tioit and degraaation preseace of its victims whore it has cleeele7ed or injured. Thes.ifercel, the -tetrarch, • although he was a geeat 11010 122 g'overnor, trerebled when he, thought the beliea,tled .1olin the 11.3aptist Was risee frorn the dead. `Thus C-leri rude, Hamlet's inot her, fle.d front 1116 roma iti which she and liar guilt,y paramour, King Mendes, saw the tragedy enacted of the death of her inualered husband. Thus the 11) 1T1 meharel aJways wants to seek the eerepanionship of any 1)0115011 rather 111121 that, or his wronged wife. The aseolute father feels a, coward'e Israel and to Moses, "X am theSord thy God eltieh brought thee out of the hind of Egypt, out ,of the house Of bondage" xx., 2; xxiv., 12). and as he thought of It a sense of 'Broiled ?int on.—Take fat, bro 51225 RESPONSIBILITY or - I believe in many cases the respon- sibility of sin nuty he placed upon other Shoulders than upon. the head of the one who has to suffer. But though in some cases the respons bilety of sin may he placed upo other shoulders, this was not tau of edam's Sin. It WnS not true liareo sin. It is not true of e•ou sin. It is not true of nay sin. Co is wilting to give you and me enoug spiritual strength to resist any temp-- ta tion which confronts us if we ' 01113' go to him for help, as lie was reale to help Adam and Eve. And, me friends, in reference to our own sin let us have the manliness to acknow ledge them. In the courts even a criminal earns the contempt of hi fellows wben,- as they say, "he pleads tlee baby act." The way to forgiveness is by humble confession, toed there i.2 110 Other Way. If amen will not take that way he ought to realize that he is dooming himself te destruction, 1141 0Xell PCS are of no 22 \11 and that he hireeelf and no other is responsinle. N.014-0/' Charge your doom upon. 142(12 mo tiler, your wife; when your ceal as 11 lie sa 11311.10a,11 s did 0 131c) W IN17700113131CCI her atten tion at Sinala, and, whilst recoverin Ins health anapest, the hills there, up a ‘e an e ire, but the of bacon and pepper and salt to was robbed of his heart, anei in re- Lord did not reveal himself in ei- taste. Cover ail' cook slowly in a asionally, turn captivated the charming thief. ther of these; then the still small medium oven, I noting occ The eOung fellow proposed and was voice in which the Lord spoke to until tender. Take out and brown 1 -Xis servant, end one needs to be on a broiling iron. Ferve with the accepted; and with all possible dis- very still to hear a Still small voice. gravy in wbich it was cooked poured Patch the wedding -day was fixed. But God has many ways of dealing over it scalding hot. the colonel of the „expectant bride-- with people, .and different ways at Rock Calee.---Beat a cupful of but - groom's regiment was strongly op- different times of dealing 'with the ter and one and a hall cupfuls of earne person. Be had spoken to light brown sugar to a cream, add Israel froni t/iis very mount in Are three eggs, a teaspoonful of einea- and earthquake; He had just rece,nt- mon, a level tea.spooneal of soda dis- ly spoken to the people through Eli- solved in two tablespoonfuls of hot jab, by fire on Carmel, hot now it is water, a eepful of chopped raisins, a by the still small voice. Some one cupful of ehopped nutmeats, prefer - may be lookir:g for a fire or earth- ably English walnuts, and two and quake. experience because some one a half cupfuls of flour. lire') by the else has had it or because they small spoonfuls on a buttered sheet, themselves have had it in former allowing emple room for spreading, times, but now God is speaking in a Bake in a moderate oven. The cakes stn.; small voice and they clo not soften after a few days and are, re- hear- because they want the former commended not only for their excel - experience. Let us bow head and lence, but becau.se they are so easily heart and say, "Speak, Lord, as it and quickly ntade. optilieas,ethNoTtlheien,etfhoordTs hrlyor erxvpaeleitiehneenese-, Pineapple nnd Orange Iced.— :Pare hull a ripe pineapple and cut into hheuatrti-l. ineself alone, can satisfy the hcoail-et7 airinctihelsiltictelsie slices into dice. Peel Then remove the ..areAtkInii rndng tahone:c1L,ao.ti.):0)1,:lt. etsia.idalIcItictliingtIot 01 il,sheliili.:z,tyorGibaoe: istlellece.roteiebo irloin,aong4ateicdi c talhr. ceemf 1417111.1. .31:1, : everysse kp iar.73)bteiitvitahoeer prophet in thy room (verses 15, 1-6). eaph into two or three pieces., Mix This 18 What we sa-id a little lehforh, the two fruits light,13; together and that when a man thinks that the peace in a glass dish or salad bowl. work cannot get along without , aim sprinkle with sugar and place en ice it is time to appoint 'his successor. for two or three hours. Then cover No one is essential to God or to with a layea. of finely -shaped ice, and His work, but Re is graciously garuish 223th pitted cherries. Serve Pleased to usa such as are wieling to before the ice has time to 3nelt. cent intro little in tleeit• own sight atusamaion aresere,a_aaihar the and let Clod be glorified in them, 2111010119 hei ore i hey aril fully ripe. We must lean: to magniev the Lord Peel and slice.. Soak four days ein. Jesus as He inegnified the I:atlim . weak salt wai 01,, „and the, il, fresh, 'Yet; have I loft inct SaVell thousatel in Israel which have imt. bowed -unto lw11 1 the flit .i' ium°ved' Put in a Posed to the lieutenant's marryin,g, n and telegraphed an unwelcome "Join e at once" to the amorous sub. erhe chagrined soldier handed the Ie. peremptory niessag,e to his fair one. u She glanced at it, and then, with a beer:mina blush of sweet simplicity, e. remarked: , "I am more than glad, dear, that • your colOnel so approves of your choice; but what a hurry he Is in for the wedding! I don't, think I can be ready quite so soon, but try; for, s of coarse, the coltmel must be obey- & .. "'But you don't seem to understand the telegrani, sweetheart," said the lieutenant. "ft upsets every plan. we have made. 'You see, he says, 'Join at once.' " Certa in ly- he does, dear, replied the lady, looking up with an arch smile; "but it is you who don't seem to understand it. When the colonel says `Join at ()need what does he mean but get married immediately? What else, indeed, can he possilily incan?'' '`What, else, incle,ed, darlingl'' de- lightedly exclaimed the ardent lover, rejoicing in the iiew reading, which he received with the utmost alacrity. So forty-eight hours had sccomely passed before the colonel received the following: "Tour orders have been carriecl 01(1. We were joined at once." "Your child, Your surroundings, you have no mita to blame but sinful self. to not tr3r to eon - sin with cowardly words such lose lybich Adam uttered when id, 'Wes, t sinned, but the wo- whom thou gavest to be with he gave me of the tree, and I at." Inexpressibly 0' (112 this cowardly excite° ne (ho n eat:gift the infection. ahe I not bear the responsibility for W21. and her hIlsband's sill, bllt, need to fasten the entire blame e serpent. Ah, no! Excuses e rea Judge. Be open be vaeions wither in the presence ecknowleege youe sins, and he thrill and just to forgive e our nd .cleaese you front' all lin- onsness. II, is he wild tries to justify himeelf be- a etmeing others who wilt coudemnea. 1,(3 NE IS Vle '14] . s e started ibis eernen with 011. >11 wiic::n he leeks into the of 111 and e true, iS• fai sees e .11 Otte The <dear, 130 ''t bltie eyes of his son , win2 intLy ot 3 0 at that tixne over fifteen years, of ago a,nd wlio ill11 11(13,0 11"0.,..- i41:1 11 1."(1 111")Parer?. t if' Ile Vi-"HY. VVE YOT Forzaiv.E'. , \Klee tilnt life1.11110 friendship, be - NV 0011 114.1(1 4.0111 431 001 ehiten efro.itea. up? "' lroti weee 1 0113 13 022 111 preset g e tie e boil in el eu r Baal" (verse 18). flow 11>10(127fool- tetwafor a few mine 1,1-Z1 a 11 (.1 Tho bigge—S-t WO 1114an h1-13elgiiina )ias 1:c+ I 11 1 c'"s1:°(1 tause. e itithirtes` .f\j'a-ke' a 8t -r().1;'. ginger ;, T./ „ti i W11 i C'll boil Ilea: 1, 0.\-57 i811. In think' that W3 are tile 0n1Y tiro'? lhern into e very weal< aim"). one,: udio iC/10 W Lorst or are real.- anddzoi) into the. ginger /11(1;91011 let 'ir 11(2 I 1 a ,l'ew ininirtes. 1,igt out; witl, 4 ,,,,trainer.44(4(1 place it C() 1 d 11-41.2.4' for 1 feW 212121 It! it au t- of the \s,.41,riT utiel A WOMAN OF WEIGHT. ways lias liis own, known well to ;lust died at, St. Peter's. Hospital, .a. te to flunt ont of the alum wa- nra8sal,, she Ives .liff Tears, Hun i 1191 to others, and we Inust age, ever 8 41 in height, ar(i. weigh_ not; judge lest we misjudge., Judge ,ed. 824 113 1110 1110/011.1 wns:bo.i.-n. e, 1201132210 1:)ef0 2 e the :time' The Lerd aa,,,temaraa in Flanders, n,ia poop, knoweth .t.leeen that aro }1i, 120111all "over ' the (022 )1 try were the 'habit of NiSitinP', the el lee to Ma her, Are a sure and permanent cure for all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. fiACK.A.CtIE is the first sign Of Kidney Trouble, bon't lieklect it ! Check it in Cline !- Serious trouble will fuliow if you ion'. nrayour Baekache by tetking ,