Exeter Times, 1904-9-1, Page 6'FORCES TOTAL 240 000 'ENinesseve ete ony at Pet -
"hof Chureh. R-EPORTS FROM TH LEADING $4,-- • reedram eo $3,05 to
25 to $4.50; fargood, $3.80 to
a ens for butchera' cattle
as foil svs.-Best butchers' -
TRADE CENTRES. 84; fir to good cows, $3.25 to-
A. St. Peterslen•g ilespatcli says
tc. tbe fl ter- of Hags from e,ery, s'eces cattio, Grainy Oheegep to $3.10 per cwt.
8-trength of Japanese
00,1 rough and inferior cows, $13.e0
Wednesday St. Petersburg
- Pr d Tie. following pieces prevailed for
411 Other Dairy ° lice shortakeep feedeim.--Sizortelecenee, 1, -
Armies Operating e
house front. Even the street ears
at Home and Abroad.
flew p anises, like those of beetle- 000 to 1,20 lbs., $4 to $4.50; feed -
'shine under way, and the droskys Torento, Aug, 80.---Whear-eNe. 2 ers. 800 to 1,000 lbs., e3.50 to
ACiainat KOUrOPatkin were uearly ell decorated. with flags.
The garrisons ef the lortre:•Ses Were white and rd Winter are quetecl .at $1; stockers, ()op to goo $sees;
more alert than. ueual, ,rbc.ro wns el,01.1,- $1.0ek for milling. Mani- to $3.75; stock valves, $2,75 t ee
No. 1 Northern is quoted at .Sheep and lambs sold at tem fel-
the Ozer coneaanding eixe. to xlisarm and th•ess paredes, and the gunuere
tho cruiser Askold end torpedo-boat were early at their stations', ready e4-09: No, 2 Northern and lowing quotatioteez-ezepore owes,
destroyer Gronovoi et onee. The to the a national ealUte in apeor of No. 3 Northern at, 0-03, Georgian $3.05 to .$3.75; export becks, $$ to
hags on these veSSehl Nv.ere
queerly towered at 7 o'clock on
easeley evening.
ARMISS, Reitnenstein received an order from. a bright panorama of guard mountlower s hobo wheat is 2 cents per bushel 25; stook nulls, *Lee to $2 per cwt.
A despetth from. LiaoeYarig Says;
At elie Ruseian headquarters heeei
Oen. Euroki's army is estiroated
104..000 name gee. Netlea's feree
70.000 and Gen. Oloe'e at 40,000.
his is exclusive of two SO' Of
about 301000 neep, moving; upon t
rigirt banit a the Liao River.
Accra:ding te the Chleese tl4e Jap-
aee.se have converted the brandi
road from New-Chwaug to Tee/team.
into a narrow gouge) e.red are
teither tweaty siege mins.
A despatch from Warsaw says: Th
Gear is expected here net e;turdey
xeview a ;arge force on the •..eve
of its deperture for the East. at is
tated that the entite Fifth Army
Ps, including the eleventh OM ffit
% lerfantre divisions 4:,n,t1. fifth !in
Wilkh COtayr1St•St'Ste1N,
ts of 'Visits Pe.id by Destru
s to Milk Producers,
tse„ the bele(' heir. IteY nerts, Grinding in. traosit prices $3.25; lambs, $1,50 to $‘1,85 per
• ' hot' Palace the acene eves rine of -mega Get -se -No. 2 white ia quoted . ito e3.50 each.
rtilleenee awl brilliaricy almost touch- ,33e to 3.1c west, and 34 to 34tie low Calvee were steady et $2 to a10
Ing the barbaric, and poesible re- freights, to Now Yorke No, 1 white,' each, and :3 to Ciee per lb.
where in site world eaee in the court 25e east; and No. 2 at zeleic, east, Iroge sold as follottee---Selecte, 100
f "The Little Father of the Ulm. No. 2 lloW White oats offered at 3aec. to 200 lbs., of prime becon quality,
$5.80; fats, $e.:35; lights, $5,25 Per
September delivery.
park was headed by the master of with oriees steady; No. 2 quoted at a region wbere more favorable di -
The procession threugh tho ItoYal inarket is very quiet ewt. on cern. Toronto.
ad, Vitale the royal port a the Peter- are 6e above those quoted, cert. .$2.50 to 8-% each; culls, $2,5o
Influence- of Surroundings - The
Great Value of
e`lta, Nature " a French' peelotli-
eat. Prof. Albert Manneeee has an
interesting article on this subject,
the chief point's of -which are brought
out in the following synopsis.
Tee procluction. selectea seed is
otsiZegtrooiwitnheg.enien:ritt:itne:vecire ogrnotwhe_ new City nail and
Part of farmers who reek& a specialty
power house at
Telegraphic Briefs From. Our Own
and Other Countries of Re-
cent Events.
The 91st Regiment, Ilarailton, hale
vited Lord Minto to vieit t4at city
oa Septenaber 17-
Registraat Chown expects a large.
increase in the attendance at
Queen's "University this season.
The contraot for the erection of a
Celltr4N5-ira St. ItoMr4le"
Rt oviin'm Anjou and the northern de-
partments: in Germany. Erfurt, and
Quedlisebourg-are justly renowned.
while certain plants breed tree to
type when the seed is brought from
the Imperial hounehold, who was. sore:zinc middle irteghts; 1Co• 3 e,icisre' APPLES SENT TO BELFAST 1Datic conditions prevail, theee aro
o race= It% 0,x)rTuti1:sannte. or oillciels onlyliereetseiits!ele No. 3 at eee meneo a .....spluext, s, ,(:))11".:yerv,s,u‘se'lliijerhaiLnr irnoclen tsile.3edtratrn:mtnypine 1
thho rehtet, of iaterest. of co,rw.l. rcas.h.The ezet. $.4 easio. at Gi Ottewa.x4L;4xtexisenheintal. f arm lee a highee latitude. Iloeticulteuiste I
aed ag•ricultleists are pet, far wrong 1
s to the prennees ed th was the golden, State carriage drawn lto
i 62e. ,..,I,. ozasithe points.
xiie; AV a ';.% ;WA V...Its iw.-: q et otli 1 TIM IMPEIIIAle IlEill, a k' -'t 61 e '''! / car the ,axPeritneatal Farm clacect. to Rea and better crops than home-grown
. tint a, prefitable ninchet. call PeJerl . 0 n ,
i 411,ittual ftarnwr, Ulyik,A, MO W11101 SO this Princess alelatzin, mien a ix ,
trovement eleowit in
of the mak deli -versed at
and ebeese factoriee es
ViSita made
ettenthei win lie paid xo outriders and welking grooms. i
ed at 02c track, Toronto and No. !malts of apples nee eeteg ramie. from front a colder climate' produee earlier
Celn-No. :3 American. yellow allot- An Ottawa despatch says ;---Shipe` when tlnetr say that- seeds brought
eers ie so marked that mere hy eight milk white beree% Nettle
- were aro wng to ce-oporatei tress of the nupreee' lioneebol,l, with 4 174 (‘ 4 e' anal." 1 11 fast, .41, the hope of etemorkeeretene"seel. 'Pols is the case with the ma -
ieirlished the; e for the anal me
eceree eixd five gt 4.9c weet. ' f weetublee alai- it is partly
itominnt at 57 to ,59e eeet. trot, ju 411 iioti boxes will be. ship, growing treble -try ila reputetion, The
O. hope for ear
1-Ze'tee•The morket is dull, with prig- . c. , what has given the German seed -
4,11, (weret this enale en a
Moose Jaw was trwarded to. a, Nozth
Dakota firm for $14,000.
The Bell Telephozie Company 'lave
refesed to accept laingston's offer of
no end $25 for phone rates bastead
of $25 and $30 and a booms or
Mrs. Thomas Knox of London, and
Mrs. Leonerd lostese of Saginalea
Affehe, Were struek by a. train and
hailed while driving- over a erosaing
I near Jerseyville.
Ihas heeu deeidea to build the.
Canadian branch, of the Royal Mint
on the Cftnadian Pacific property at
"the corner of Cathcart and Sueseze
street, Ottawa.,
The Ontario Pipe Line Company, .
whoa.) head office is in St. Catalan-
ines, have aPPlied to namilton for
peimiesion to use the streets for the
purpose of IaYieg pipae Xe SuPPlY
natural gas.
ill a Militia order ofheers come
mending permaneet unite one re
Minded that the proper walking mit
elrees for non-eommissioneci oftleere
anti urge under their etenereand is
serge. ram service dress la not to
be worn on such occanions.
There will be a curtailment in the
lumbering operations this ectinillM
fall and wiutor. Tho oetrettive of
the estate 01 the late Robert kitt4,
man, et (11,14Wa. Ilan (Witty." to dis-
centiouo operations, eltogether. and
the officers of the Ilia Jeweller Cora.
y emetemplate a sindler move.
The total rennime of vessels on tlie
registry books, of the Dominion oe
the 31st of Pecember. 1903. includ-
ing old and new vessels, fralitat,r, VeS-
se1s1 steamers and bargee was 7,-
020 raeasurieg 683.117 ton% register
tonnage, being' an inereaee of 184
vessele and an inereaee of 30.524 -
tons register, as compared witli
11902. The number of steamers on
the registry hoo)a on the =me data
was 2,419, witlx a. gross ton:filo cd
338,251 tons. Asseming the average
value to ho sso per ton, the vahro
of the regastered tonnage of Canada
an the 31fit of Decembee last would
he $2(09,14,410.
• wit)/ poi8ed" 101tee$4, Ot t leleur-limetv per cent, patente are 1.).(40. eoutnittleg the Duehees and. other 'cauliflower seed from Ortttrt 0w"
Of OM finest eavelry regunentson.ar e. provenenzt in the quairte
e Russian Amy, uriarc orders 7eaf the ebeeree end hatter ereimaietare
e„ con, eon Lialiaseta who ;tech lare runliaes, alreitat to a num
commaeris the COrpe, ie. a retell cave iteee riohrg all in their pewter to
Lary leader. facto -re a high -el ass article. ail hoitg
ONE BeeSTOGelele SEINE. now in tharge a feet e who
there are a few "evotele be -makers"
weond ee, Kates. sentileera f sante
4. des,a-teb froal Takla says4 Five "te'torle %%het doee not oleic:and tho
steaniere are/ three torpedo-boat de- 1,4tbrose and
stroyere emerged from Pori. Arthur to toweee,s or. Innotbi„con..
on Tilmhxiay ontl• began cle‘yring o: cleese and butter.
away floating mines. At 6.20 pen. mioning extrnet,, from
two-furnaeled torpedo-boat destroy- 4r1ly vived wid
it a 1411110 two attlea Oft the
l'roniontory mei saute Un -
Vivo tnieutes later a
OM. With four faeatelse
another fiteatWg Mine.
d. This Senonti mese" le
-rounded by other
4 into PorOo
▪ At era faetory where
s 'nut raF-F.4n,g,,,,, owing to fru.
• meetteg of the "dientors
was vaned. The ‘aletrue
be mete to Vie tUrecto
eider' that eaela o
I eleit all the pa
ur. tho entire tina aec°111- whe were ling mine for the ceurrit by the to eae, pee le• come honey $1.50 to
ous Blue le'oesteche of the I1M4 ,quoteel at $4.:f0 at buyers sa.el.e, grst sbiptnent wnsitbe great, eeptitetion it, ims acquire('
veich tho baby is now Atatnae1 or i ewe or 'weft, for export, evbile for fu e ns Wee , tire Ann el a r , a
'Id 1 t ic: r h 1 Ito ; I' rgelY to
Thrler4rotee74ssni-iriteeel through the 1, ttilelvse,.tiC141.ZelstuQt3.4ntel°e1:isetiPx, o4104.1•4305rettoc: tyrilenppeeci491nertieWstlefe'pslalii.°031:. Iferotoef coix..eint en is imicesi becoming
were filled w'th e tuost brit" thematic trade in hafreha §4,55 te ped to Irelana vie Livernoel. hut 1W °InitDilets ent.r° ft:11; ttihee Pvreltder elf" tic':
Waco to the church. The roYollStraiglit rollers of epeciel broads for foro chmadtee apples have holt wipe r
ill in sentAlinfr jewels mud 0141'1No. .2 patents. ee... oa the c.,st ot bonoting win(tr-nufti eeport, 'mac ee .
'5°1`111'llitge"' the Iiidie" th°1--$4,05, efeniteint notire aro them Ng evading direct to Belfast it is expecte call "." -seei; is ei00,000,
Vaillendent ii), gorgeous uni-120; and strong i„, , . es- trace , A 0 e , .. II which givee en idea of the world N
tg a .e18 ao On # (Itteet4 any, rat, prom. to tho s 1 pper confionvtion of tbi4 vegoto.bte.
Mingling m ith tho modern eroronto. cceeespondingly lased. Tile creation of this special bailie -
4'4 many noreors at triatirt I Mellieed-At t 14 Ants bran is +-..,-..
. cm 4. (.0 pl. -.-. .
try dates hack forty ymre. A farmer
;dieted costfuncee, same noted at. $13 to sueee. stad 04orts
Capital on tho beaks of lit 11-43411) $17"Len' 71-nnit"°' bralk EIK'S HEALTH IS GOD. of Ferfure coneetved the idee. that
Sae110, 1;11,SA etel aborte at $20, the moist climate of Denmark should
ling the founding of q
face wreathed Itt
Dowager eieet„
the proemsione
her members of
the Grand
elt.,ns tho or -
baby bringing
Jody was Met
yer1 Pleysician 'reeeent I lo7 vtl7oca."(xvictifiroueb•rr.ticlUtlelerdeVitUeePment
$1.30„ teed hand-picked testban dem-tato, go,.. eerhich was a Complete StteeeF4i• and
Zeraors. lbmieht fartuer to make the thet
wg Eilwarcre pbysiceese, eiuce that (Jet() the caulif!oever •sisedse
0 $1.40, y ntreoliets pes.eimistio re- of t:openbagen bare supplied the
ops -The mariee. 18 unehenged mors published recently in London wbolesele market of Erfurt. At
28 to .1.0e. according to %plenty. the health of hitt Malesty. first, Danish horticulture derived vow
Iloney--The vaarhet is (pfiet at ye King Edward Is aerie -1-.1141e profit front this fact, on ac -
ng the greatest benefit from thecount or the agreements mede witli
re here and that be is in the best, tcle German merchants. But, by dr
health. The phystorao declares grees, *owe farmers unde.too
t the King has one of tho hest of indifstre, on their own, aecolent. a
onstitutioes, and that hia appetito, etrong comp:rake was formed. and at
tion, and sleep are excellent,ltho present time 'Aniellea. gets 80
that Ids Majesty is stronger f per tent. of its eattlillower seed from
penyirog her. Japanese cruller
pose of toeing Talents the trailar sta "
Haehillate Lnes'e4 tbe
Tilfg entitle of the e„-xPle5!easa. t were loeated, ora the mitterer 1.FilanIrr-filgi Tooutwthx14 aro .nnotredunat, ;$7* -
tempting to Clear tl lime' 134' f /newly every ease theV
; , he °rtheilexi 50 t $8 50 track. To to the
ami whieb, the milk wan being taken h
1„4",,Itt e _„t„., el latter for No. 1 timothie
mines mdieetes that the five w found nticy berrel eleeo to lie 0., ice tee Imo)/ 45 ince Ftreereeehe mareet la quiet.
in alifl from Port Arthur. 4reille etand, end in some ease& a pee mate i ritual parents
'1"1 IT pikes unohoogva at $5.50 $
PAN'S 'FINANCES. snit of the vieits by the- theeetorsi Inside the clew
%there pies are ept. mItho y
in .M.
A desratch from Tolda Sayer The and luatructor was 1 hat in neurly robeedermetseiye 14 -General
Afield- summing series of =Li- every ease the elands were rioted of the ltely ssioa
. Mrenbers
eller on the contliti of the .leipantem and the clierweeneher at thie faetory;ef, the lloly Synod. the )1p1omatle
briefness inteeeste since, the war be- has had no fttrtiter tteedite and • Corps, and. Imperial an eta Penn
gn.nends that the business of the now terning ont itieeee of fine qual-;0' Ie* conrt in Eurepe.
wnwies, Melt 14 enter-eitv." '
tainrnents. theatres and the tee. hone- t a o
es, have eulTered severely. So also has leen (iireeting his attenlion to the iewel-enerifeted root, tho baby he -
the litibleess Oi the liirt fire wad rna.- `tho eonlition of the milk cane in his Mg earried by pienkese L4140.413. Teo
riatx insurance. Lately there lute 'eeetion, and as a reeult over rive seensors represented an emperor and
been a decline in the printing busie lumina(' oba rust -3r evorn out (1,111S anennireee, two hinge, ono princess,
noe and Neel mining. On the other 'have been rep/aced by new owe. (rho unit Ater growl tineluesses. ale baby
hard, the raper 'mills, bretteriee, .eflert of this is tteat a great imeeneee. was co eeteetded In filmy lace. dainty
tiailkeelt ds, eleetric and gas plants, ;meat Iles been intrutl in the laic and finInteIs, and a purple eilk eveieneett-
hemp and woollen mills. shoo *faops :the meetly at the Che008 Made," 1•1•0 that It Wag alluftet ItoPosalltlo to
The 4' itristeuing party gatheredtt
and wai•ehottees lutve been prosperous fehier Tes.ernetee. praeoNe (Ilstingtesh the fcrem Unit lay so Mill
f aral onietas tbe Metroirolititn. of St.
on areount of the tionande made ey etlutt 1 le it• ci,,
the war. ;miffs is bens.; etalverel in better eon- I e-etnrsbnrg anointed its banes,
The country in general
is in a Tislition than In former years. that brenst. and forebead with tile mysti-
healtbY economic eentliteen, arid it is is ch niter and of a hotter nevelt. Veal h`ilY "alleariaed ler the
r'norporie in sole= secreey at the
signitleant taut the savings, private ;Dna that e eerie et 1.12,. dee. o ,4 0 12.irtenliwh
n. But en the moment
end Covetruneut banks Show et !rhocteo factories co-operate eith the 1 :emu to complete the immersion in
eery ineveisee in balances. Tbe inetreetor Mat a great fleet of moil I
t WO warm water of tho font, the royal
eatton mins, which wore weak at the ,is Nine. ticeomplished. VYltiloutilfelizefant, showed its humanity by a lete-
•einuing of Nvar have latterly e0.1)T i• in or all COPeCT1Ifii very t welch echoed rougii tee
had a rtivivel of activity, Owing to 'little can be arcorimleined in the
the deeline in the pre e of l'OM ma-iwav of improvement.
tefiai. 1 rl•he Ontario ThipartMont et Agri -
The Maid is sauguine that Japan culture line prepared a eard con -
will be able to continue the war, taining "Hints to Patrons," the sub -
'chapel, and VMS greeted be' a murmur
112 areinsement and approval. as being
it sign of luck and good augury for
'the future.
The To Desert, chanted ler itheide.n
regardless of the length of its Tura- letanee or whit], Nom appear in a sub- elienr, was tbe signal to the bells
tion. sesment issee. overhead, whieh swung, elagiorouely,
A. despatch from New-Chtrang to
the London Daily Express Pays every-
thing points to a big flank inovement
by the .1apanese westward or Liao -
Yang. Alt the available troops'
along the railway to tho south of
Plai-Cheng have been brought to Hai -
Cheng. and formed into small col-
umns and moved northward, march -
ing. west of the railway. Twenty
thousand troops have been sent to
the north in two weeks. Gen. Kota=
opatkira continnes to withdraw Ins
resegve stores from Liao -Yung to
The correspondent of the Berlin
Tegeblatt says the vanguard of Gen.
lauroki's army it stationed in the
middle reaches of the 'Pails° River,
A detachment tinder Gen. Fushima
orenpies it position erest of the Liao
A despatch' from Tokio says: Re-
ports front Manchuria are conflicting.
The best opinion is that Gen. Itioure-
patkin stilt holds Liao -Yang in force.
contrary to an opinion fotinded epon
the Rhipment of large numbers of
woo/stied men to the northward.
Flopele ereve rendered the regime
arofind lei a o -Yang impeesalel e for
tY130,"8",, thus delaying the Japane
. • ,
A Slespatch erom St. Petersburg
:aye: The Novost of Wednesday sayse
"Continued violatiort of neutrality
laws in the Chinese ports by the
japaneso ecirripel Russia to re -
geed tho Chinese Empire; or at least
part thereof, as being ;-"within tho
sphere of tec ti est.
"Cbina lacks either the power or
the inclination to prevent Japanese
inctrreions. The warships of -neutral
power's idly watch trnese violatione.
Ther,efore, the s,,,,reement 0.9 to
China's neutrality, made at the be-
Tginriing of the. war, becomes it dead
ICA n El Tlussia must igr.ore it in
A despatch from Shanghai to
d Tjtrxes says Rea:co./eerie-a
track. Toronto.
Potatoca-The market ia qul
sales of new at 05 to 70e.
Poultry--$Apring chieltene,
15(4 per lb.; yeerlings, 8 to
ibe decks, 10 to tic per lb.
?dine the royal yacht. off tiro shore
; of the gulf, thendered a. salute of 301
guns. Ten signal was taken up at
Croostadt and St. Petersburg, and
t, with
THT DA.131,Y mmus:Errs.
flutter-Pineet 1-Tte rolls, 14 to
15e; ordinary to choice large rolls.
11 to 1.33c; low to mediern grades,
to 1,10; creentery print% 18 to
19e, ecioi le, 16 to 17ec.
Eges-Oese lots aro ,selliug at lilec
per cloven; seconds at 1.3 to 14e -e.
Cheese -Tim market is cmiet, with
prices firm at 9 to Jee, the latter
for twins.
110G Pncarcroirs.
Beene, long dear, a to Nee per,
lb. in case lots; Teens pork, f„15 to
$15.50; do., ehort cut, $17.50 to
Su -toned meats-Ilarns, light to
nsediem to. do., heavy, 1.1e to 12o.;
ever. The rumors referred to ;(orenhegen.
ttated that the condition. ot ging Ed- This fiaCC(03 and rapid proerress aro
win." Ilea" was about the Salne*Idue to an intelligent and systematic
114enit li.i'asiettltsttnebellfecweessIteitl; cf°o71114111mtiptnes ! pS;14>etiCiUtnngleend':* 1YeZds of tbe
ttlibee Pise4Pedltss
undergo an operation. themselves hut espeviello to the phy-
sical eon-iilious. which faVer We ex -
CANADA'S TRADE RETURNS. trooitlInarer development of these
1••••••• I plants and an abundatit ',yield o
Increase During the risce,1 Year Peed. The reed thus obtained, sow
Ending in june. lin anotherun
country, is found seperio
An Ottawa despatch says a...teeme to the horne-grown seed, . even tunic
pieta trade returns for the fiscal ;veer 1 lees favorable climatic and vita
clueing Juno no, leoe, have jest conditions. and fun -tidies prodeets o
been completed, They sbow tha0 a splendid and precocious 'develop
Carnelian trade last. year was $1.7%-lramt,. tint dezeneration or loser o
733:000, against $4A17,064,4100 tho strength invariably foBows after th
provious year and $239,02.5.000 in first generetion, neceeeitaling a r
Ew xoilIC's =Racal,.
Another Ilurder by a. IVIember of
the Black Band.
A deepatch from New
Salvatore Bosslto, ti
rolls, Cleo; reacielriers, Sc; leach's, 13 old, was shot to death it
to 113,1e; breakfast bacon, 12e to reetworurit on Park str
13o. lioesati, 35 years old, e
Lard -Tierces. Tee; tubs, 73e; pails needoy, tiocause he had
Montreal, Aug. 30.--1To. 2 oats,
nese crop, is quoted at 87c; mob.
as for old. oats lioldere are demand-
mewed supply a the origami, seed.
seed. It
is now proven that tlio peculiar soil
In the vieinit3r of Copenhagen Eris re
favoreble ;31(123r:flee, because trials
made in other parts or Denrneelr havo
not been crowned with the same sue -
g toss Tho ntmospberie moisture of
Yell': say"' the Seashore snits the cauliflowers.,
gbteen everf4
ee the more so because the long perioicis
1113 (a`4:ter.* ot whieb died: the progress
arty on
et by Carlo of vegetation do not exist there,
disclosed ta Wed -
The question of the value and here -
edit of theee tent:heel cliareetterist.
ct Int° Iman- !plied to cauliflowers evidently mod
the police the secrets of the 'alleged ',tic's still divided the scientific worl
"'Bleak. Hand." The father was The biennial and in -door culture a
knocked clown arid ebolce
sibility by the slayer, w 3r
down. the street, followed by a great
enee, since the strains thee' 'obtain
loee it a warmer and dryer souther
ho then. rari
tiles considerabl tee dirriatic thfl
0 jtalians to the number of 1,000 at- .
climate their ancestral superiority.
Operations. ells chimed, while the guns of the es i . . the seemul to the fourth generatio
lavemlin rolled.
i b . to 4.0ao tore for No. 2, with sal tion, hurled reimilles at the .police
It is this fact which obliges farmer
A Sault Sto, Mario, Out., deepatch As the message sped forth from the et the highe,r,-,• figure. Peas aro abut , ..
eays :--Ths lirst raila to be made on; forts ri.f the town the Feriperor enter- ettotly at 7oet afloat 'Montreal; No. ane priacinir, treentrie wedetectives
-* ' . a e t
to annually renew their geed and
the resumption of oporaeions at the,ed the chapel. and mosses were „Iola. 2 barley, 501e; No. 3 extra. 59e; No. and ono policeman. They would have
killed Rossati had not the pollee 4 ....„
Settki for it to the northern ecru
clay evening. at 7.30 o'clock, The Pealm his MajestyI •
confurred otz the eiTerieg at
the 3, 49c. Flour -Strong bakers' a
$5.20, and patents $5. -
re from two stations arrived and used -"e"
50; Wiuter wheat patents, $5.25 to threatened to shoot.
clubs end fists on the mole and TelE1 "DWARF ItIRFURT"
S the strain of cauliflower gro
steel plant were turned out. on tlates-t booed. Puling the singing of
$5.35; streiglit rollers, $5.15 to $5.- .
According to the police the 1331.11,
25; straight rollers, in bags, $2.40 - - s '
a On Pao '9 'eN ael e*Og el 08 ""el tacked El'ea.beth street police sta.-
Soo Steel Plant Has Resumecit "
St Petersburg and Moscow's e00
test was moet rathefactory Opera-rheir the cross. of the Order of St.
tions were commence,' with a full. Andrew,
complement of men, and Suporinien- Breakfast at, the greet palace corn -
dent 1). I). feehries eays that as fast pleted the caremony.
as material arrives the blast termites
will be started. Ore, of which large
I • • c tr et d for
emounts itsee been on. a e .
is coming ia by water and rail, and
it will Dot be long before all the
works will be going en full blast. A
despatch has been reeeived regarding
the contraet for rails to be used by
the Governmeat in relaying of the
inttgeolonial tracks. This will- via
quiee between 30,000 and 50,000
Two Welt-Dean:ea Zones East of
Port Arthur.
A..clespetch from Toronto says: The
Ontario Govermueet diantorat
which has been working at Blank
Bay, Lake Superior, is being trans-
ferred to an iron. ore property .at
Loon Lake, east of Port Art.hur,
der was deliberately planned by an
to $2.50. Feed. -Manitoba bran, in egeaeeee hn,....
..,..-...- „,......e. and this gang is al -
bags. S17 to $18; shorts, 819 to leged to have ,sent to Toronto for
$20 per ton; Ontario bran. in bulk;
;Russell, who arrived here on Tues -
$15.50 to $16,50; shorts. $10 to *20; day night. After his arrival ho was
moullie, no to $28 per ton. Pro -
seen about Mulberry Bend with Itali-
visione-Tleavy Canadian short cut
ans, and because of his inixaenso sta-
pork, $17.50 to $18; light short cut,
ture attracted attention. Bossito is
$i7 to aa1m7.e51010;aAartieerliectIn fat t boacokSks:
and his son inherited the enmity. '
an enemy' of these organUed gangs,
$20; compound lard, Lia to 7c; Can- The bullet struck the boy between
adian lard, 6e- to 7eci. kettle render- the eyes, and he feU, dying inetant-
d 8e to nee- hams. 13 to 13-eci ly. Rossati then, according to the
4, J
pollee, strucik the ekler Boseito with
his fist, knocking hini down, and
started lo run. but Was captured be-
, fore he had gone two blocks.
On Sunday the Bossitos found on
their .door the "Bridge of Death,' it
cabaliStie sign of the Sicilians which
is said to be a threat of death. The
elder Bossito looked upon this as a
1°Akc't atthethpeoltlicineeetotion Rossati.. said
little beyond declaring he, shot in
tons. This and other °viers on bacon 12. to 13e; fresh killed abat-
nand ensure Work, as far as nuirket ovittea by Wiley Qe' Some verY t • ti.‘ r 71 to $8- li" heavy
conditions are concerned, for some' Premising discoveries of iron ore GB' e6e' • ' '
cows 84.-50 to $5: mixed lots, 85. -
time to come. have been. made, and the depOsit ,will • ,
50; select $5.75 to $5.$5 off cars.
4 •
It Will Soon Be Independent. of
Foreign Aid.
I.,ondon despatch says :-Mr.
Broonatia 11, editor of the Corm Trade
News, writing., to The Times„ says
India's wheat shipment for the pre-
sent week. not Only exceeds .1.hat of
the Argentine or Russian' quota sev-
erally, but the contributions of the
Americans and Canada combined, Tee ous, ane high in lima rho bents
flgtfrea 0( the principal source of su
now be tested with the drill.
Director of Itliries Gilrsou. received
a report on Ihednesday concerning tlie
discoveries which states that there
Cluast--Ontario, 8c; white cioseu
Sec; best Quebec, 8 to Sc. Eiggsa-
Select new laid, 20e; strictly gatti-
appear to be two well-defined are ered. candled, 161 to 17c; o. ,
zones in Mcalavisfa township. They 12e to ec. Butter -Fancy grades.
aro situated in the Animiki‘, rocks, 19 to 101e; ordinary finest, 18e to
which are considered the Canadian 1.9e; western dairy, 14c.
equivaIent of the Megabie formation; -
which hag been so productive of iron UNTtED STATFeS MARXETS.
ore in Minnesota. Thu ore, lies in Mired°, Aug. 4.30-.Flour-Steaely.
twut beds, one ibout 20 feet and the Wheat --Spring, dull; No. 1 Northern
othee front 20 to 40 feet in thickness. $1.21; Winter ifulh.No. 2 red, store.
rl'he hematite ranges from 50 to 65 in„.41111-. Corn -No ofTerings. ()sits
per cent. in iron, IS low in oboe -pi -tor- _Fairly steady; No. 1 white, 36,4c;
No. 2 raixed, 33le. Cahal freighte`
ply since the opening of the eurrekt clef ore is c'r
cereal year three weeks ago have ea•e,-,',..; es laol;g:ofPtte'orpotert..-Lto,inire more
some value as to tee indications ••••" • •z' •
of what may heessien, for it eeems gped Vallt•Y• 's-
now as if the Fenoire were Tlie Pr"ilniiY• th° field to La-°
about to prove itsele practically Superior, teledi Is four or free miles
dependent oe so -retell 'aid for distant, makes this iron area an era -
bread supply, The 26,000,000 guar- Pit c'rtallt (rne.' S'* -2 Gibson, as it
ters ,of wheat which the molhorland will enable e4triAcliazi' tirnaces to 61) -
requires annually may, under 021- '11.11 .111.)Plie.S. of good herhatt-to
2 Northern $1.07e-
ing during the current season from the size of the. deposits be. borne out
pa.rticularly noteworthy timt the r'ATI'Lr MATSTsMT
suit has been bronght ebont without f a, • ,
• eha tor will 'it iit Tio more. Tlav- 'Toronto, Ang• 3°--trrAd-s?" 7" 8C-
---Si eady. '
Milwaukee. Aug. :10.-Wheatt--No. I
Nohtlier no $1.12 to $1.14; No. 2
Northern. $1.091 to 81.121: Decerra
boa 31.041. leye-No. 1, 74 ec Bar-
ley -No., 2, 57 to 58e; sainnle, 40 to
5:rc. Corn--lecernber, 5:ee aaked.
'Minneapolis, Aug. '30. -Wheat
September, S1.08S; Diretriaer, $1.-
06-3; May, 3107-l: No. 1 hard, $1.-
.ceivable eercumssweeesp he fortecete eliould the present impressions of , .4. • orthet n $1.09 g • vo,
India. -Canada, arid Australia, 11 19 -
he celebrated S ,arns
any special inducement, sti(:h as the I • g • " b t • 1 A '
crops in these countries were plantudi bo enough i.o figh-------- gain 1
lto4lav" and their prices -Were stea'r3ily 'rho how ..ecAnonhy, will liaVe a Capj.- , thi•own from the boggy into Salt
wheat W,'.1.6 quoted v ere, cheaply. remora, in PI 0 rence. tal of about $40,000,000. River..
Militia Department Will Improve
A despatch front Ottawa says: The
Department of Militia is about to
adopt for the Canadian service rifle
it device for sighting. by means of
which also marksmen will be able to
make due allowance for whritever
wied blowing. It was shown in
the Palma, Tropli3r cona.petitions timt
the Americans had a 'distinct ad-
vantage over their Canadian rivals
in the possession of wind gauges.
Several sights and 'wind gauges have
been brought to the attention of the
Minister of Militia, and the best will
shortly be selected.
and this is identical with what the
Americans call the "Snowball" or
"Copenhagen Early." Three types
can be distinguished, differing in
earliness and in their more or less
dwarfed appearance, but eacli having
it sperial value, either for growing
under glass or for outdoor cultiva-
tion. It is not a rare thing to see
in the neighborhood of Copenhagen
fields of twenty -live acres planted en-
tirely to cauliflowers. The seeds,
whidi retaiht their germinating pow-
er for two years, are sown in Sop-
tember. The young plants, trans-
planter/ and wintered under glass or
in special hot -houses are put out in
spring. The harvesting takes place
just a year after the sowing, and it
is done lust .as soon as the different
parts of the flower attain maturity;
'this is an essential point for the
value of the seed. The drying of
the seed pods, the threshing; and
the clearsive of the seed are all de-
licate operetions, which are per-
formed several weeks after harvest
when the ilowers are. perfectly dry.
in view of tlie success obtained in
the' production of cauliflower seed,
it'wouleaseem that the cultivation, of
selected ' strains of other Plants
might profitably be ondertakenee in
Denmark, but op to the present speci-
aliets have wisely concentrated their
efforts upon a single plant.
CM:Arr 1.31tITATa.
British Staff dflIcere are to be
taught a hnowledge of the strategio
points of the Moire.
Wen. O'Brien. who recently reei
the seat, was re-elected for
City without opposition, but it is
not known wbether he will accept.
Premier Bateorrr, Who is president
or the British Associatfon for the
Advancement of :dma
the ()penile.. address at the annual
mettaig tit7Danan•idge.
Chicago 'University is to have a
chiss reatrimoreal institutions,
August Anderson, it farmer of
Starke county, Indiano, is dead in it
Chicago liospitel from the biteofa
At St. Leeds J. G. Ilutherfopa,
Chief Veterinary °facer of Canada,
was elected •Vice -President tbe Ami
mean Veterinary Asseciation.
Miss Clara Bourland, the sixteen.-
year-old daughter of W. C. Bourlap,
of Dixon, Fty„ was killed by light-
ning whilet ta king over the tele-
phone during a heavy thunderstorm,
A plot to blow op the penitentiary
at Columbus, Ohio, was discovered
by Ieoreman Griever, who found a
stick of dynamite and half a pint of
nitro-glycerine mixed with paint hid-
den in one of the shops.
Despite the protest of the Christian
Endeavor Societies of Connecticut,
the traditional bottle of wine will
be broken across the prow of the
battleehip Connecticut wben sho is
launched at the New York Navy
Yard next month.
W•wo persons were killed and a
dozen injured in the fall of Ft a eleva-
tor tho ten storey buikling Noe
707 Broadway, New York. The ele-
vator, while ascending, got out of
order and slid -ewiftly from the sev-
enth floor to the basement.
Dr. Jones Watson, of New London,
Mo., lias been lAr-este-6,'charged
murdering, his wife on July 5. He
carried $30,000 insurance. on her
• re in u ers catt.e of good qua- ,number of Gelman coal, -iron and life. In an alleged 'runaway 1)r,
prreser,t high Prices, for ereen the t; isier eireel 3,500 bulls, lie thinkS tIlat
.0 lit,' at the Western -Cattle Market' smelting companie.s are combining. "Watson as',.;erted that his wife was
Count, Kawamura, known as the
father of the Japanese fleet, is dead
at Tokio.
A new Atustrallan Cabinet. has been ;
formed, with the Right Hon. G. H.
Ileid as Premier.
"She hos promised to marry you.
has she? Did she accept you right
"Oh, no. I had to propose to her
four times."
"Four times! Gracious, but you
Were persevering! What did she say
the first time!'"
"She said if there wasn't another
mae in tho world but me she
wouldtt't marry me." .
"That was pretty strong. 'What
did she say the second tittle?" .
"She eaid she lit:Qin-rim pretty well,
but stie coiildn't think of marrying
me, for 'she sleight 'sec Someone sho
liked better."
"'Ilunanh! And the .tbird time?"
„ "The third. time die, asked me iS T
twiannyet:(1., to tease the life ant of ber."
"Hat 1ia.! hal And the fourth
if 1
ftoourtslatytinyeste..s,he said
in.sisted itpori it she supposed s'he
would bave
Mount, Sangtty is the active
volcano in the world. 11 is Si Luated
in Ecuador, is 17,120 feet in height
and has bear in constant ectivity
since 1728. The sounds of its &up, -
tions are sometimeS heard in Quito
150 miles distant, and 267 •eperts
were °nee counted in One hour.