HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-1, Page 5TU XRLR T1MiiS, SEPTLt1VIBER
t 1904.
Vegetable, iiver pills. That,
is what they are. They cure
constipation, biliousness,
sick -headache. taatti,,cli).:
'Want your moustache or,beard
abeautifulbrown or rich black?, u§e
41111111.1141.411•111ANNOMONISQUIPM impaPillmr
yrnix ma or reeve:me 943-4MALL4C0..10.41tia.N.A
W. BROWNING, M. D., M.0.
P. S., Graduate 11,Tictoria. Una-
verctty. mime and residenence, Romleion
Leomatoree ,Exeter.
-ea* DR. A.R. EINSI
AfeeN L
QflQ Qnte
o Toronai 'University. pnt.
Teeth extracted withoet paha ger
bad after effents, Otha la von,
sou's block. West select MAIR
eet. Exeter.
D.A. ANDERSON, (13. D. S. L.Q.S.
JEfonerGredeate of the Toronto University
sea Royal College a Dental Surgeons of
Ositario,with honors Also Post.eraduate Of
Ofeteagoachool a Prostbetie Dentistry (witie
honorable mention,
Everything known to the Dental Profession
e ▪ loofa this °face.. Pledge worte, crowns, al-
suminurn, gold ma volcaulte plates all dime in
the neetese manner possible. perfectly
harrelese Anasthetie esed for rainless extrec-
Office one door FPlith Of carUng Pro's $tore
13411'Mo fonds 1„0 an on Fenn property at ,Feer
lied roe half per ceut.
havounlimitedprivate feuds tor Invest)
▪ eat upon mut or village property as lowes
We have a large amount or Private funde
Olu on form won village properties at loverate,4
ot Interest.
Barristers Solicitors. Mato St. Exeter,
Barristers.SolIcItore, Notariest Convey:were,
Conaniesteeere. esateltors Tor tag amemee
Sioeee toLoaa ;Almost mtesof Interest.
. eantalea 1.0.n.ntelf.S0$
Boner Oraduato Ontario Voterinery
Vol -
ea in Ontario Veterinary
Assocaation. eiseRses domestio antinals
leutiticallytleated. Milk fever treated by
t latest oxygen treatment.
OFFICE ono door Fout.b. of Town Ball
lutsinENcE: eecond house north et Presterian church.
Tlic 1.181)orne and tIllinert
farmara Mutual Fire Insur-
allGe 6011113alill.
ead Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Fresident:-T. Thz.6.1r, tromax P. O.
Winer= O.
r. A. Mims. GEOMARTY F. O.
WM, ROT', BonNuomu P. 0.
j, L. RussELL, itusSgt,DALU P. 0.
Y. IGATtetlOtte.Ere STAPPA. ONT.
Secy.-Treas. Farquhar.
Do you Want a Buggy.
We have the finest, stock in town
ail the latest styles, in the neWe8
Our prices are low as can be fotna
for first-class material and workman
0111111101110" -BEFORE YOU BUY
• . CALL fliND SEE US.
J F Russell
Two Doors South Town Hall.
46.Roller Mills
Gristing and Chopping
• Promptly Done.
We are giving excellent, sa,-
. . .
tisj2.4c,tion. in flour since re-
-iraodelling our mill
FARIVI FOR SALE, --Lots 20, 10
con. and lith con., of Stephea,
6 1-1 miles west of Exeter, being
composed of 100 acres ort the lith
son. and 120 acres on the 10LIA
These farms are under good state of
cultivation well drained with good
house and but -buildings, thereon al-
so fruit bearing orchardSe;• Never
failing well the year round. For
further particulars apply to T. B.-
aarf Ye, Exeter.
The Exeter Times
Mrs,. J. 0, Stanboey is visitiug el -
tives u Whitby and Toronto,
br, Mar in, A„ has re -
I t
turned 4ionae from a week's vrsit
Mies Nina Kinsman has been ap-
pointed ;organist in Cam! Presby-
erian Mira.
Miss Norma Bobier has accented a
pesition as milliner, with GreyPar-
ker. of London.
Miss Lily Thomas, of Landon, IN
the git‘est of Mrs, S. Martin, on Mon
day and Tuesday,
103. Anderson, of Centralia, is
spending this week with ber daughter
Mrs. A. Q. Bolder,
Rev. Doherty, a ileum%
WAS the guest of Rev. It. J. Af. Per-
kins on Wednesday.
Mrs. W, d. Clark. or London. and
Mrs. McO0y, a centralii, spent Tu-
esday bore with friends,
Miss JOSSie Dow left on Toestlay for
Toronto Where sbe will take a Conser-
vatory coorse music.
Miss Emily Brooks who bas spent
the past few weeks at Mitchell and
Grand Bend has returned hente,
(DO Amos has returned home
from Brantford, where sho ltas been
her sister, Mrs. Vanstone,
Mrs. Soul/nett and daughter.
Stella, visited Mrs. J. Dinsdalo, 0
Nippon. part 0 last weikk and this.
Special rates will be given ever the
1.4 It &B. to Toronto on Sept, lst,
$rd. ith and nth. Fare from Exeter
Mrs. John Muir end family, who
have *Tent 'tit, past few weeks here
with iriends returned to tendon, on
Mrs. V. 414 Wioku ire. (nee Ai. Nri
White) will be at how to her frie-
ends on Thursday and Friday, Sapr.
811 and Oth.
Principal S. 0. Fleming, has return.
ed with, his family front a very pleas-
ant outing spent with friends at Co-
burg and other places,
Mr. tired Sanders left on Wednes-
clly morning for Elora where he has
accepted a position with Mr. T. P.
Smith, foe the study of Pharmacy.
Airs. F. Rnight returned home tius
week from an extended visit with ber
mother, Mrs. B. Drew, at Ontario,
Cal., and other points in the State.
Mr, nnd Airs. Samael Poplestoee
returned home on Tuesday evening
from a pleasant honey -moon spent,
at Detroit and Sault Ste. Marie.
Mr. Dames limier, who bas been
engaged as blacksmith with Mr.
Kuntz, leayes this week for Marine
City where he has secured a. situation„
Mr, Norman Loyd who has been
critically ill with appendicitis and up-
on whom an operation WAS performed
last week is now progressing favor-
ably towards recovery.
Mrs. Brlmacombe sr., wishes to in-
form the public that she will do knit-
ting of wool socks and the mending ef
working -men's clothes at her resi-
dence near the river.
Mr. 3' H. Chapman and family, of
London who have spent the past two
months at Bayfield passed through
Exeter on Tuesday on their way home
remaining, a few hours.
Mr. 'and Mrs. le Dickson, ;old
Miss Dolly Dickson haw returned
from a pleasant visit ;or some weeks
with relatives and friends in Aron-
Wheat per bushel
Wheat (new) ..
Oats new .
Pork live weight
Pork Dressed ...
(old) $1.00 to $1.02
00 to 98
00 to 30
35 to 35
-. $2.75
MI OR 'SALE. -On Main street. Ex-
eter, a • 7 roomed storey and
,half, brick dwelling, including bath
and pentry, excellent cellar, Good
'stalele, and small garden with dif-
ferent: kinds of fruit. For terms' and
particulars apply .on premises to
Mrs. E. Elliott, 'Exeter. -'
Winnipeg - $30.00 Regina $33.75
Deka:nine , „ Moose Jew,.
Selma -•-• Kates:me 3030
Brandon Swan River
Saseatooe - 35.25
Wawanesa -
Arcola -
-- 32.50
Yorkton ".Stratimona 40.50
Going Sept. 13th and 17th.
Returning until NOY. 11th arid 281h.
• Pamphlets and full particulars from Any
'Canadian Pacific, Agent,.
A °ft, N OTA1 AN, efordn'o
Pr. Albert - 35.f0
Macleod - 38.00
Calgary •- 38.50
Rod.Deor "-- 39.50
lkel for sale. -The undersigned has for
sale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with
pedegree or eligable for registration
My aged bull which is the sire oif 'the
otherei.• 1ne1ed4ed in ae reffetrine
and ha's proyod hinatielf a sure, atOck
getter. Ile was sired by Riverside
Stamp. 'which did much good service
in, the herd or J. and W. tll. Watt,
ot Salem, and 115 a • halt brother to
•Star 'of Alorning, recently , owned by
James Snelleof Hullett, which took
firist prize at /Glendon fair and sold
at his dis,persion malotor S.100. Apply
on Lot 16, Coneession2, %Bay, or ',John
Elder, Hen.sall P. 0.
r ! it to-enyo,. 0 t tawa, Vembt oka and To -
Miss Miriam Elston has taken a 0 S laittMT/IrtiMMITtlMtrifilltrItt?! Mittfttint MIMI fitlIFIrt!tlintrirt! t!
1 situation with a firee in Parkhill, as .
milliner. Miss Dinah Elston Lzkesthe
posatou vacated by her ster, at ie...
King, Ont. and left on Thureday last
to visit, the Toroeto openings.
Wantea-Pour dhousend five hun-
dred dollars at 4. 1. -el per cent. on se- 1 seed may seem the same
ellritY of Mortgage on f tree -class, and *-
farm propene, valued at $8,000, or , but some plants are weak and st-;
others strono 1
a Lem of years. For further par- '
deniers opply at this ante, t''.
Mrs.Sames Gould of Sexstrtitb,while Alla that's the Way with i
some plants grow better than ...-
Every farmer knows that
others. Soil may be the same
I smboenstysita,,,9,t,,ditnhgeina,;lottelLoyo
eriphpkedi plants. Same food, same home,
in the act of Nvoshing windows on children. They are like young I t
upsetting her and in IIP1` fall -same care but some grow big 1
she sustained a fracture of ore of her ; -
wrists. 1 and Strong while others stay
Miss Moab welsh, of Orono, who Small and weak,
1114. -
is visiting Mrs* Gobbledick, gave Scott's Emulsion offers an
very intereSting address on their
work at tiw summer school, Toronto easy way out of the difficulty.
at the Epworth League meeting or Child weakness often means
To?sday evening last. starvatton, not 2.---
the Janats-st. Methodist Glearele 'on because
e/Woman's Institute. -The regular of food, but because the food t:
essonthly meeting of the Woman's
rostivute win be liod in the readjul, }does not feed,
room of the town hall o,ta Priday at -1 SCOtt'S reallyfeeds
terpo.x), soot. 2nd at 3 o cleat- SO, b- land gives the child growing
ject-."Gold Meats and Pickling.' -
UrS, A. Hastings, Seta Treas. strength.
The organist of tile Trivitt
announces special MU -
sic for next aunday. Tho oboir will
bo assisted by tool talent and ;Ntr,
P. J(i1104, a Sr. Peter'a elinrch choir
New York, will sing et hole at 11001
morning' and evening serviees.
Mr. and We.13, 3. Spackman, and
Miss 'Stella Spacitinan leave op Mon.
day next for Sanlzran4iseo, where lr.
Spackman goes as a delegate JO the
$overeign Orand Lodge 1, 0. 0.
which meets in that eity. They will
also visit at other prineiszal el !Tea in
the west.
11r. B. E. Pickard writes that be
experts to reach brmle from the West
about September 3vd. Mr. Pickard
has personally made ,a 'lumber or
first Class loeotons on the new surTeY
of the 0. P. R. south of tee ,ronin 'line
and will on lus return olf,..e the 6.04
tiOnn for sale.'
,IIIISS Gibt3Ort Of London, NikaPit ill
Misses Godwin on Sunday lag, At
the Morning eervice in Afain street
Methodist cluarth She very effectively
rendered the Fob) sll'm a riLgrino" and
In the evening again favored the eon-
gregatiOn present wait another well
rendered solo, "Plains of Peace, • wit -
0.4) g...Q..0 OM is Cir.+ trlartildi
Air. and Mrs. D, A. Row, who have righteousness. For t" a lor,' e - i
been on an extended holiday of eome we haw been aided' by ,c.,,,) nit? ' ;;;Tvice...
six weeks in the Northweat are ex- end instruction and iniVr. l..'11 10111..
pected home the latter part of the ed in lira by your ohriittut pracept
week. They have visited their Sons. 010 estesnale. Sabbath after Siteemte
Dr. P. Ross.and Wormy, at Campbell we haw mot together to study the
Minn , and relatives at Winnipog. i‘lr. ''ord :or God under your truidatia ,,
Rose taking a trip as far north as E‘i. hen your fervent spirit Ita4 inspir-
ed ,us lo meet lir?. trials and ditticul-
ties of another waok, trust tug in Ow
(41:TgpiollitlitiltIrj,:.29te,:frx,ktlixtet:uteoial?:Itoati:3:11eleTtalo:•e: nifidruflzi* estufeenegatzill ` par 0a -1(111i I ,4,/)k.st,
ronto, one ot Canada's leading N.
tlni ohi(lth teisitt
tteelrWltealitlgtlie‘it r. 11`00
clergymen. Ile will preach at the' hold
anniversary services in the Trivitt moot 'exlvre8sitm tc' 0" f"dings (1
gratitude towards you. However as
Memorial Church, loth morning' and
evening. A spactat collection is ask- a 'slight 1 Wen at our uppNciation at
your we beg yon, ll
ed for and a hearty invitat ton is ex-
kindness to us,
tended to all to attend. aecept ot this Ilible aud liymn Book,,
..trnAlointeNDr eliltol?, •AATeeourtollintato, et‘ittifiliiziststi,n‘isl;r4eiec,lk::, "vPtch are,
whereby in fuletre oil IN your
tItat Cod will be with you
in eon! new home and that your fu -
tendered with deepest lave
.' tura hte mak he as bright. 4nri fruit -
Must go %in at the top or mato en- os .your pest has heen.-The
trance en Front street, and the exit frul .
untor MU: Class, Xames-st It.tho-
must bo from the lower passage out dist Sunday SO11001.
()21 tO Tint= street over which the .......--0.-.
main entrence is 'built. This is done
to oxmiito traffic, to prevent con- PUPL1C SCHOOL No-rgs
gestion end facilitate the meeting of
friends. On Tuesday morning next, Sept,
Itctiring from Business. -Farmer 6th, hundreds ofu-to-dote boys and
Bros. having disposed of their busi- girls in our villege will be found on
ness will continue to wind up an their way to school aud those Inc.
business at the old stand until Oct. scral(ltime berm' 1 ll'o clock strlic°5
1st. All cases, casks and empties not nirte. There .mey ee an 'odd one or
returned after that date will two found wandering! in that direc-
be charged as cash. All outstanding tion about fifteen Ininates letenith
acoounts to be settled "by cash or mouth 'half open and a look its the
note. A good residence to be sold
with all modern conveniences, or
=changed for land property.
Mrs. Wisler, of Manceloria, Mich..
after a five weeks" visit with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dear-
ing, left for her herne on Tuesday
morning. While .seeing this daugeo-
er loft Mr. Dearing remained .0 1
board the train until R. started, an i
making a jump to clear 'himself from
the wheels of the car, fell headlong
on 'the ground, inflicting, severe cuts
around his eye and receiving, other
Hotel Property Sold -The Metro-
politan Hotel offered for sale ett
Saturday last by public auction was
purchased by Mr. James Campbell, of
Hibbert. The price realized • for
ihe building was $2,250. Mr. Wm.
Bagshaw securing tie: let on station
and William streets for $50. We
understand Mr. Bag,ishew will build
a 'comfortableresidence thereon, hav-
ing already a lot au William street
adjoining the one purchased.
Badly Rotted. - Greet anxiety
is rat in rids district owing to tim
reports from many gardeners who
are now busily engaged in raising
their crop oapotatoeS, owing to the
very apparent rot which has in many'
cases destroyed , about 50 per cent.
of the entire crop- It is hoped that
by taking the tubers up now, those
not effected may be saved. Some
have suggested that by sprinkling
unslacked line over them and keep-
ing in a cool, dry place, this may
prevent further decay. .
Visiting in the West-The"
of Ifennall, N. D., of August , 26tis,
has the following personals ;W. J.
Breaks and B. lAi. Greenway, of
Crys t al. Cliy, were in town to -day
'looking over Jos. Austin's stock
farni; Mrs. Hartafood and daughter,
Irene, of Exeter, Ontario, passed,
1 h eau gh Hannah to -day on their way
home Vie' Snowflake .and Winnipeg;
Rolaiet 'Boyd, of Seaforth, Ontario
is vieiting eriencle in town thiseweek
He is just completing an extensive
toor of the West, reaching from Ed -
mouton to Grafton, N. lT. He eon -
eiders ;the, eountey 'west' of Regina
grain growing Returning peat.
wean via, Witinipeg he takes in
taidlea pai:tio.:6 7:a:7 3„ a Li], 6): than Inc
Whatever the cause of weak,.
ness and failure to grow
Scott's Emulsion seems to find
it and set tbe matter right.
Seed for frecsamPtt•
eta Bowne. Ctivmists, TAranth Ontinio.
505.anii I.4a; en dreetests,
cher, Isjc S. S. Jibot, Whn
a leare for Toron 0 v ,ry s-
ri t .oven'wg was spent in musie en!.
games. Th: .class prasaroe 1 to Mrs.
Elliott, a imodsome Bible end llyam
book with the followin; addr..,...4, ;-
Bear Mrs. Elliott ;-,It i wit It
feelings of the greatest, reeve tiro -
we hove learned a your intended de-
earture which will heave a gap in
the ranks difficult to fill Always
striving to advance th- Kingdom of
Yt• u, bavo shed ; n
about you, the result of wizieh ean
be evident only at th List Bly
vhen each shall receiv: hi., due re-
ward, By your unceasio;.: efforts in
the intoresta of moral r:forna you
hive adored yourself o the hearts
ef your fellow -worker: .is 1your
xneroot7 w ill lee cherished a., tor one
On PLond,y eveni n ee' s t tlia m cm-
hers,pf .the junior Table Class of the
40,nae s• Metho:dlSt Sinday School
aSsenehled',at the home et their tea-.
eye as ibough they hardly knew
where they were going or why, but
we lteen't many such and these
stand a good chance of being toned
up before thay have been a month at
our village seminary. Our boys and
girl e are all right and like nothing
better titan wiping the, dew off a
mossback ,or giving an eleettic to a
Quite an amount is being spent in
improvements this year. Furnaces
are .being put ht good shape for the
winter. every room is being vieited
with the paint brush and scrubbing
brush and at the opening we expect
to have as bright, clean and cheerful
school. rooms, and as huge an at-
tendance as may be desired. The
Board are at work and pushing
By -the -bye it is up to every resi-
dent lo he prouti of the record of our
school this year. Out ofe ten trying
for junior Leaving Part II, oe Sec-
ond Class Standing, eight succeeded
and the two who were not successful
failed in but one subject and had
marks to spare in their ;Aggregates
over the highest .01 those tegistered
who passed. We trust to see them
return for they have honored us by
their work in .our school, and "pass"
with honors is surely theirs, with
another yeats effort. it is not
It is not generally known that our
sohool 'has more than n local re -
rotation. It has ettained eutside no-
tice, and an unknown contribetor
to sone of our leading peelers places
it as among the first in Ontario in
the field covered. Surely there is
not a citezen but will be proud to
know this. With the railevay
icig ,pupile -to it from the north wile
out 'the loss of a class hour, and
the 'south with ,only ea few minutes
delay and returning 'thern again in
most, ctiovenient time',each evening,
t the new Commercial Depart-
ment opening,with a geed showing,
of pupils with grounds yielding the'
protection of a' park to 'the young
ladies attending, reserves for the
juniors, end e large ;dean Campus for
the seniors, %money enough tor all
pastimes, departments thoroughly
well ,organized and officered, and a
Board behind doing their best to
keep things moving and to piece it
in ita rightful position as the Edu-
cational centre for this western dis-
trict, there is no reason why Exeter
should no,t become 'Ole chosen 'home
of 'dozens of families for its educa-
tional privilege,s and its school the
honored and beloved Alma Matar of
hundreds of the best of Canada's fu-
ture •citizens.
• a -
E a
Why not keep cool, when you can secure fine colored
Muslins for 5 cents per yard?
We have a number of ends of Colored Muslins, enough
in most of them for a dress . These muslins at the regular
price were 10, 12 1-42, 15c per yard, to clear at 5c per yard.
White Shirt Waists, which were worth, 1.00, 1.25, and
1.50 are to be cleared out at 25c each. If you wear a 32,34
or 36, come and get your choice for 25c.
Women's Raincoats
Women's full length cravenette rain coats in light, heavy
and very fine cloth, with capes, with stole effects and latest
sleeve, ranging in lengtn from 50 to 60 inches at 1.001 7.50/
8.00, and $8.50.
Women's full length rubber lined Rain Coats made of fine
cloth with plaid lining, These rubber goods are waterproof,
price 4.00 and $5.00.
Beforo buying your fine shoes, all and see Marsh's cele=
brated "Peerless Shoe" and you will be convinced that they are
proper shoes to buy, price $3.00.
Men's fancy colored Soft bosom Shirts, all best Canadian
makes, good fitters, newest patterns and colors neat designs
at 50, 75, and $1.00. •
Men's balbriggan Underwear, Shirts and drawers, double
thread, fine elastic ribbed cuffs and ankles, sateen trimmed,
sizes 34 to 44, per garment 50c. Also light weight striped
balbriggan shirts for 25 cents,
If you want a good felt hat, we can suit you with wool
and fur felts at prices ranging iron 75c to $2.75.
11 you want an easy=to=wear pair of shoes let us fit you
with a pair of our "Faultless!' or "Peerless". shoes, price $3.50 j
It is Important
That you should rertember, that we adorn your Sideboard =.7.
with beautiful Silverware if you buy your pods from us. 3
25c. pays for the Times till the
end of 1904 -for new subscribers
Winnipeg building permits for the
present season already exceed $7,000,
Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Junk Dealers. 4.
. Main -St. Exeter. *
* Occupying J. P, Ross' *
• Store one door south of 4'
+ +
i• Metropolitan Hotel. +
+• Will pay highest cash.
price: for the following
00d..,8pS,cSrllaCh Iarsoanil kinds -of
Brass •
Lead ,
Horse 'Hair
Wool Pickings,
Old Rubbers ,
Bones and Bottles
No qraantity too large or +
t too Smafl.$
The water reservoir of the
Imperial Oxford Range
is so designed that it keeps a large volume of water at a high tempera-
ture. This reservoir, attachment of the Imperial Oxford Range is so
arranged that it comes in close contact with the heat fines and keeps
a plentiful supply of hot water ready at hand. The range is also fitted
with an exceedingly powerful water front for use in connection with a
kitchen boiler. If your dealer doesn't handle the Imperial Oxford,
write to us for particulars.
The Gurney -Foundry Co., Twiltniteid
Toronto. Connell&
14tosiviroal NrifistaxitposE
Sold by T. HWKINS & SON, Exeter,
Trial Trip. -Now. is tim time to,
seeure two good papers for the price
af one. T/ae Weekly Mail and Em-
pire from now, till Jan. 1st.. 1905
for only 50c. To new subscribers
Trial Trip. -Now is the time to+,
"seceire two good papers tor the price
of one. The Weakly Mail and Em.
pira from noW 4111 Jan, 1st. i, 1905
Lor only 50o. To new sUbscribers