Exeter Times, 1904-9-1, Page 4The Exeter Times
rtelar for August 1904
rery circles that Lord Damenuald has
esen eelected for the Gove.rnonship
ad Commandersin-Chir nar Canion,
:Nothing is known it tlie vari4oue ors
noes tor tlie meamehip coeapeniee rnin
7 14 el 28 Ileng steamers to Ceylon re Lord
Duattiortale Itaving sailed or hooked
9 16 23 :30 Pessagee
10 17 24 3I, Tin Moscow correspoudent •a the
4 11 18 25 Newa of the World senrs in, alettec
5 le 10. en dated 1i:1tet:bin, rrom it Russian of -
se 20 n, Rees' nett 41 bat 017 of the now type
of maeltine gin arrived witlx it eers
1 S 15 22 29
'TEL1 1st
eidi t tb.1unici-
s sa4d last ssen. (lanai -
a s it fiees of tria,sorereeve,
erreen, councillor, wat
ere in cities towItS,
villages are requir^
J4e ttions ot quafltca-
» day of nonainetion.
ceueent work who
in the
ld for
enced cut-
riane. It wes invented by Dundon-
Ad' for use in Sonth Africa,. and
floe expect great things fro.% it.
Certainly or b indinee:
be hard to bear,
A proclamation was leetteJ
27thbtriuging into foree the ar
f 1903. imposing. a duty of, S7 per
el` steel rails. Tble duty wee
:eke erre t when s,itisfact ory
°nee Was tarnished to tbe Gov-
ent that ealls of the best poll-
.erebeing made in Canada in
'ty to eupply the O -
'L A mill is now
erasion 13- Sault
r and this part or tir.k tar
991 is rtow in operetien. The
subject to the dednetien
t BrSelsk preferential tern,
The duty will not epplev to :toy raile
aetuelly eontraeted for abroad nrior
this tlede, but suelt rails mice be
ted•Tette, eartn43 not Se'r than
her 30.03,end raust Intel
track not Later then 1eints-
tr# the
het the
14e crstils.
lone Be
in y
0 FE4
ause dlint-
wth and Fumes
The nonduct
on credit ft
cash vanno
Intel. The
IWO •t
side girt itiOr.
. mark nge dow
toseibie prices •s
cannot obtain caeh.
lo value. they sufo
al to sonr ,own dis-
..erelnints so far
power to talte
v trade till -4000t by
resit with widish to
nit' final Aka ovene
in this way will se.
tra Uortetery
It eyelet geed outhior
Lent 1 t the Duke o
y ht be t Gov,.
ternor-Cenerel a The
Ontheee o ran-
"derbill end to ,avi, nerienn
lady' :410011,g the high ones at
Ottawa la not looked upon with I
'great deal a favor tbe. A Brills
!member of Pertilareent in diseusoine
U e sneeeet %Wised tip Appointment
iambi proreote th einst of feelings
'between ennetla and the 'United
States. The nicest Arnericane would
Jilsit Ottawa and the capital woul(l
be gaeer than everi�its hintory.lie
failed ift see why the Canadian peo-
ple sl.ould i€ vcume a Vander-
bilt ; every ether entry did, and
laIllmbered personally wben
eosin' or the, ronderbilts visited Ot-
tawa, ninny years ngo. the society of
Vie copital flockedto meet them.
$ti•riatoatiou t rmQ&s 1 nstit a-
te jutnum has arren o have
on the grouuds of the CauaThm Na-
tional Exhibition in the vicinity of
the Wornen's Building, during the
two weeks of the Pair., a convert-
srention i Farinere. Institute
"(Wee:ores Jtas been arrone,ed
for Sept. OkiL nd Ith atilt a
longs reajevity es. Institutes
tloretiel out. . ; deee bare ex-
presse thoir ...ion to send one
or 17,4017f ‘.1elegaies. The first session
will be held in 'le tent at 2 p. m.
•tist tie es ruin svin be (apnea by
adislie arse from ...-errcas who have
boon counr-ied with are wrok for a
xnrober of years, There will also be
a session on Sept. 7, from 2 to 5 p.
Mr. A. P. Westervelt, secretary of
Mee Steek ond Poultry Associatione
Mr. H. Wade, Reg-ietrar of Live
Stock; Mr. II. B. Cowan, superin-
tendent of Fairs Assoziations, ;Ind
Mr. I'. W. Hodgetts, secretary or
the Fruit Growers- Assoeiations will
each be present •or have a 'represen-
tative in the tent during the Exhi-
London, Aug. 29. - Tie London
correspondent or the. Bristol Mer -
cure' saes; "Lord Dundonald sailed
• Saturday to take up tba command
or tropes in Ceylon for about a year
A. rumor is curaterit in official mill-
You know the medicine that
'makes pure, rich blood-,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your
mother, grandmother, all your
folks, used it. They trusted
't it. Their doctors trusted it..
Your doctor 'trust's it. Then
:trust it yourself. There is
health andstrength in it.
"t suffered terTibly from indigestion an
thin blood. I found AO relief until I took
Ayer's Sartaparilla. Four bottfes pertna-
xiontly cured, nee."
F. P Lt1'T, Mt. nisco N.Y.
battle.•.7, C. AYER CO.,
clingwist3. Mitaa.
• kaAtztrAa or
Tile Si. John
The fidlowing L endeet
rliament taxsaid bgoin
t nith erste:fitments in tile°
t m4-.1414-41 cal-iv:43144 z-,4'1,41 4
id. Oat., is dent?ne4 for f h".• Sen-
se:Oration Russel], ea .11334;,,,
cbier jestice. •of Nova falsaallt.
Wetle. • Annepolis.
"rra-au t he Grand TrUnis
netion conuniselon.
en f Care Bretenn
office innpeclore
Ron. Jrn U Ross, Z. E. for
• one of the North -
vis, or $11,;r. %Jet -
Innis, of Wrietin
el eelresse, 4
marine departnlent
her T. O.
• Rev. Ors
-elective j
t for the
M. MtliOtlk edyaerose
ti appoininnent or soo4.2.2 m-oi-
b of leirlientent to offices. But
V he will sey when this long list
Trued To him, wo venni% Wa-
atrne ite, declared such nnpoint-
o lie wholly subversive (tithe
ICke-,' Of Parliament; rate by
10 etnelit to know bow k
wben frientle resort to the
vett certainly petits' hie
if Lc wishes to, by
tin t ib conspicuous servility
nd b.
rs'ney et the ttOverriment
nppor'rs n th pressnt-z 1LeraI.
S t
Suet candidates at the receot
junior at tor Leaving, and Jun-
ior efetr1tton. examinations at
.,**Nrys„ art:, followS1
ior Leaving.
F north Doeeente, Rachel Browse
Hattie Chapreon, Katherine •Colque
holin, Elsie Cowis, Isabella Gareiner,
Pearl itobbe. Florence Kennedy,
Josie Kennedy. Norman Madge, 'Di-
en Maxwell, John T. McCullougle
Mildred Porter. Elle Roger, Vera
C. Sclater, 11i Spearin, John tV,
Stewart. Ada Switzer. Nora Welsh,
Esther A. 'Weston, Ella M. Switzer.
Senior Leavipg, Part 1
Margaret r.. /drown, "liamilion
Butcher, Annie Cade, Alvan Doulde,
Margeret Edwards, Mary A. Harris,
Lrinieti aniedoradd. Evelyn- Sooddyn
William J. Stephen, aoho Teavlin.
Senior Leaving Part II.
Bandit on But cher, Annie Calla,
Alvin Doupe. jobn Evans, Mery A.
Harris, Louise Macdonald, Jaannie
A. Rodgers.
!Senior Lavin.
'Hamilton Butcher, Annie Ceste. Al-
ven Doupe, Mary A. :Harris, Luse
Junior Mat rienlat ion.
Douglas MetVannel, Howere elate
tin, Normon Mede, John T. Me-
Cullough, Thos. A. Robinsou, Chen
Richardson, Ephraim 'Somerville.
With Hon ers.-L eila 1111.0.8 f OH, Eno -
Bois I.; French IL; German,111.
History M.; Latin HI.; Helena M
Gulch...ton„English 11.I.; French I;
Germ:m.1f. Iliet oy, 1; ina elisma-
tics, Inn: Physics, Cherelitry I;
La t in IL
1floreni-..' Naftel, nubs Rebisteone
Oharlatre Stirling, Annie Swaim,
'Itenx ors). .eret tYouen, Kn. t e
junior eletrieeltition.-Artbur Bo -
How Pornin, Reggie Elliott.
C a ran ee C. rat bean, James aTeEwee.
egei, TS:a
seecessrel eziedida tot; will re-
ceive their marks on applieation to
Principal Siroing.
General News
, The etassey-Iterrie worlts in
lirdliti3Ord :ITO closed and will re-
main clesed during September.
Reports a the western harvest for
the bast three days have, been inost
favorable. It is estimated that 40
per cent. of the crop 1105 Wen cut.
Ontario •harvesters, who have been
arrivieg almost daily during the,
last week, are rapidly dispersing to
he wheat fieles to assist in reap -
we and threshing,
The Ron. James Sutherland, Min-
ter ,of pubbe works, who hes
Kee undergoing treatment • for a
serious dine a'S;.'. in :t tetreat in the
teed Staten, has returned to his
in Woodstoek. It • is under -
tool that the msters health has
t benmaterially improved, and
dbien at Keener is serious,
A very unique inert g:* mous
eit place at Ile" Church
when her mother an 11C;
settlers veers irr4 at the
'en The mother v
i ta70.5;tor o
a at ew
daughters were
9 rsjativ1y, The
t k, ent ire boueehold
ebe Si, Thames ., Tim-
e as, proprietor of the
Pori Sranloy. euie
istraie Hunt al Port
$ nine Old a ' ut negisetiog to
y an ord:r Port-, Stanley
1 Gard tf Health close a well,
lean out the sewers in Ids kitchen,
take ere of his hogs and to remove
vie of manure. The ease is hid
der tbe Public Reeltit Act. '
The executive 'committee tei the
4in4on Conference of lib, Met ho -
web, here purehltsed front IIiram
raker Ile Sons. 1he Walkerville
dist Were lee funente "enet tawas
n4 Ninsvi11e ift miles from
on the shores of Lake Erie.
&reined thet the intention
omit nuthositiee is to con -
grounds into a second
t a
Part II„ junior leaving. ---Rabef
DJ Vi.s. with honors, C. C. Alexander,
R. 11. Archibald, L. M. leurke, M.
Deleney. R. M. Dorsey, 3. F. Forbes,
W. P. Freeman, M. P. Getzemeyer,
M. A. Gillespie, including Frencb, C.
G. Gunn, including French, M. E.
Hodgins, L. Norris, 33. Norri'
s! includ-
ing French authors, M. Penhale, F.
M. Scott, A. Smith, (3-. S. Watson,
13. Waugh, C. M. White.
Junior Matriculation. - C. M.
Knight, with scholarehip, R. Davis,
A. L. Johnson, B. McKelvey, K. 'LA-
Part I, senithr leaving - C. M.
Knight, M. A. Best, L. D. Best, E. T.
Cowan, N. It. leieltson, R. Hartry, M.
KeUy 13. McKelvey, J. A. McKen-
zie, K. Teller.
Part an senior leaving -I. Dickson,
11. A. Dorrance, ff. M. teeny, J. M.
Keys, E. M. Murray, C. White .
Senior Leaving, Part Beseics
Brinsicomb, Jean Cantelon, 'Eva Dun-
lop, Letitia Durnin, Minnie ltutlier-
ford, Cora Roberts, Harold Long.
Part IL -Laura Jeckeil, Jeesie Linn.
later, Agnes Welsh, Austin 'Trotter.
Junior Leaving, Part 11.-Wilher
An de rson, itorb art Can rib ell, A re
thus, Gentle 9, Roderick McLennan,
I), W. Patterson, J. C. Stol hers, Er-
sE Sheravoncl, ,L In Young, Mar-
garet, Clank (1101-lor) Lillian Clark,
Dole 1;'.1ten, Tielen Dtyseale, Mar-
garet Eilpateick, Carrie Milli gran, mese°
se price
*1 ass
, ainit
r day e1arcd tId
untry of
eval Loreat nd
educed , bnd to cult ivat leen is
e. Deceased whose ancestors or-
ally came from 'holland, but had
resided in the north tif Ireland for
eragenerations, spent his ear-
lier life in Quebec. Barn in 1821,,
, was at the tints, a his death over
veers sit age. Ilaving received
(location be wee in many
speots prepared for the strenuous
work incident 10 lite in the forest
wilderness. At the age of 16 he en-
listed in a rompany or volunteere
roised by his fatlem during the
roubles of ISM it.• was not sol -
'tering toady days until the oorn-
any to winch he belonged came in
t with Me rebels at St. Bus -
be ani during the fighting whieh
mink deceased, single "tended und
,. succeeded, in
Tia disarming a notorious
rebel. Deceased, who was Wow the
medium, ',Wight. received the com-
mendations or alis officers for his
courage and bravery on this omis-
sion. Ile retained the Frenolimen's
weapons and treasured them to the
latest day of his lire as trophies of
his youthful prowess. lie was
also present lit several other affairs
during the rebellion.
The late Mr. Stuart Ovens left
Queben in 1$53. and settled on an un-
cleared farm in 'McGillivray. By in-
dustry, honesty and thrift, in a few
years ha ,became possessed ef one
of the largest and most valuable
farms in Middlesex county. Ho was
a gond neighbor, u patriotic citizen
of Canada, an uncompromising Brit-
isher, an industrious farmer and a
brave resolute and honest man. In
late life Jae was a .devoted member of
the Methodist ohurch.
Mr. Stuart Ovens is survived by
a -widow, seven sons and three dau-
ghters. His eldeet de -tighter is the
wire of Mr, Isaac Hodgson, of Den-
field; the second daughter is the
wine of Mr. John Jones, et Auckland,
New Zealand, and the youngest
(Florence) is the wife of James W.
Patterson. Two of his sops, Thomas
and Robert, are surgeons, residing
in London. Hubert, or Battleford„
N. W. T., ,and tbe •other four are
farmers living in latcGillivray. De-
ceased died on apoplexy, Saturday,
August 27t1i, and was buried in the
Carlisle Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Ged-dee
conducted the luneral services.
Speaks for itself
Cures Sick Headache
tkLnat,. Cures Nervous Headache
Curco Neuralgic Headache
Cures Summer Headache
Cures Bilious Headache
A ttL_
WN.Vet. Cures any Headache
•.4‘%,.k...„.'t‘SIA% I• s Pleasant to Take
1.4‘4,§.:3)7tut Is Absolutely Safe
G• ives Speedy Relief
•tnna.t. Sells for ese a box
Sample boxsent free
The Beyfield fall fair will he held
on September 29th end 301h.
During a 6o,-erc. thunder storm Quo
day last week, Mr. Wm. lefeff, of
the town, lie:, near Dashwood, had
a steer menet; by lightning and
Ir is said the Hay Township Pair
will be eliort some forty or fifty
dollars, Govermnent grant as
result of some at the diroctoes not
sending in their lists to the secre-
tary within the required time.
Mr. J-olur Strilth, 1-kg-eal 72 Sat'
passed away at bin home On the 7th
concession of Heron township on
Sunday last, The deceased had re,, -
sided in Ruron for 50 years and was
one or the 111QSt iigk1y respected citi
zens of Om townslitp.
Clinton Council dokj. c,submit
by-law next anteuary fer Local
Option. The Board of Trade, by
-ote of 21 to 2 lies asked the Coen -
to rescind its decision, on the
ground of its being adverse to the
moral and businese interests et
munielpality. •
llobt, Smith, of Clinton, sold h
property last week to John Skinner,
Lar $27e, and lett for the weet, Tues-
day morning on the ITarveatere' Ex -
elusion. with his wife and two clailds
en, They gra to Marlborough. -As'-
sinaboia, and if prospects are at all
briht will reillain ant there.
Thaee unhappy persons who euffer
nervousnees and dyspepsia
d use Carter's Littio Nerve
which are made expressly ,for
sn, alt,rv011s dyspeptic, surfer.
rice 25e.
eighlea, t IUyU, b b
tornte to fall iew daynasto
1 bretik ber right
econd time the
okett within a trw mouths.
ny friends snverryregret
ritisi'orttute and liopl she
all right agent.
MeGuire, who for tit:
ythree year has held the
Division Court Clerk, at
itas tendered his rosigna.
Alex. Ross has been re
d for the office, and tit
tment wifl inali proba.
bmty be na49 at an early dal".
T te barn belonging to Mr, W,
lot '3, veal. 7. Morris, was
, lightning about five
on Monday morning and
urue to the ground. Fortunately
L1I1rO was tOlftly u small portion of
ids years orop in the barn at the
inle. There was NO inmurano.
. Joseph Smith, of the
on tine bas disposed of /xis farm
0 Mr. MoUsSeau, from. near Grand
end, The farm couSists o' 80 acres
d was sold for $2,050.00. Consider -
the •Intildings On the farm, the
price is very low, Mr. Smith and
tally will likely go to the West.
Mrs. Euplionfim "Thompson, relict of
he la te Diehard 'Thompson, of Mc -
halloo, died at the residence of her
daughter, Mrs. Dr, Carder, of Myth
on Tuesday evening last. 'Deceased
had been confined to her room for
the past tWO 14ortOts, suffering from
diabetes, She ',was in her 77th year.
Itev, T. Albert Moore, iseoretary at
the Ontario Lord's Day Alliance will
conduct the services in Cavan Pres-
byterien ,ehurch next Sunday morn-
ing. 1114 in jareea otreeit church
in Ile evening. A mass meeting in
the interests of the Alliance NM:11SO
be ateld in Xf.HAOli street Church at
the geese .of the evenin: serVice-
Roy Churchill, or Clinton, had a
narrow escape from death, lust
‘Neek. Ile was working alone, in
gravel pit on the old Sarno anliene.
slide buried him up to the nelders
Fortunately a von et Fred Lockwood
liepppened to bo passing along the
road with the tows and saw what
happened. immediately securing as-
sistance young Churchill was dug
Cat nom the worse for his accident.
The annual 'report from tbe
speotor of Prisons e ill be very gra-
tifying to the people or Huron coun-
ty, placing as it does the institution
at Goderich among the best equip-
ped and best managed jails in the
Preview. Supplementary to theIns
spect or's report it is not out of place
to, note tbat Jailor Griffin and
Deputy KIICIX have brightened won-
derfully the interior -or the place by
the application of aluminum paint.
A quiet wedding took place at
high noon Wednesday last, et the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Cracken, Wingharn, when their third
daughter, Miss Emilie E., was unit-
ed in morriage to Mr. A. Lavelle Tay
Tor, of London. The ceremony was
Performed by Rev. J. C. McCracken,
Rector or Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Taylor, of Nippon, parents of
the groom were among those who
at tended the wedding.
The syndicate known as tile A'Darn
Syndicate," which own the water
rights of that part of the River
AvOlt known 414 Vietoria Lake have,
offered their rights to the city of
Stratford, far $10,000. The nreperty
produces a revenue of $1,000 from
leasees, which would recope the pur-
chase money in ten years.
The well knowe strengnioning
properties of iron cembieed with
otner torties aw(l a most perfeot nor -
vine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills
which strengthen the nerves and
hear, and improve the blood and
On Wednesday, Aug. 17th, a very
pretty wedding eancte ^Off atline hoeoe
of Mx, Pringle. jr, the Base Lie,
Blanshard, Rev, O. 0. Oenzens of
Woadliann officiated. and united Mr.
0. D. Adams, of Woodhnen, and
ell5sMargaret Bruce. A sumptuous
dinner was served, atter widen, the
baptist oouple left for points east.
They will take tin their residence in
WootlbUrn near Hamilton.
Is the pain of a tender Pan), bin
xperience proves that earns aro
cured qUickeSt, by Putnam's pain'
less Corn Extractorwitich acts in
wentysfour bolero. Putnanes never
burns or cauees sores. The only
painless cure is Putnam's, saT" no
Sept. 19
Western London --Sept. 9-17
Dominion, Winnipeg oly25-3ttes,6
Brandon, Manitoba, 9sSept.12
Toronto. Industrial „„Aug, 29 -Sept 10
Center Canada, Ottawa ...Sept.16134
Hamilton, SePteitien
South Perth, Stratford -.Sept, 27-28
Northwestern, Winglerni,..Sept.29-30
Central. Guelph ,eSept, 20-22
1,17. Middlesex, StrathroyseSopt.23-25
Great N. We Goderieb ...„.Sept.27-28
Northern. Allsa Craig Sept,27-28
Glencoe .,....Sept. 27s28
West Kent, Ohaihain Sept.2748
I. ter bowleis were favored
it1 beanlitut weather on Saturday
afternoon last when they met two
rinks front Clinton in tbe first
• me with the visiting elub. The
reen was in excellent condition and
rge gathering or spectators
cud, the keen interest which
e bus aroused in Exeter, It
general opinion that the lo -
who are as yet only novices
visitors a good exhibition
d Ibat they have 0V:ogre:Om' vary
well in t ds popular omusement.The
Clinton boys were a rrierelly lot
and will be welcomed back at any
It is expected fbat a couple of
rinks from here will visit Clieton.
on Labor Day, Following is the re -
stilt of the game ;-
Afternoon time,
Clint on Exeter.
3% Wiseman, W. M. Blatol f d
W. Colyer, C. B. Snell,
4. Armetroeg, W. C. Ruston.
33, 3. Gibbinee N. D. Hurdon,
skip 21. skip 11
33. Ifolmes W. If. Lovett,
3. A. Cooper Rev. It. J. Perkins
R. Manning Rev. W. Martin.
T. Jackson, jr., le, W. Claemen.
skip 11 skip 20
Evening- game
Olive :Blanchard, little datighter of
Mr. and Mrs. 3. II. Jameson, of Ran -
18 ill from bronchitis. '
Mr. j. II. Jameson, or Rannoch lias
owing to the increase of 'business
remodelled his placc di' cost of
.several hundred dollars.
Mr. :Paul F. Ilarding, of Regina,
formerly of St. Marys, was united in
naarringe on Wednesday, Aug. '10t1i
to a Regina young lady.
Mr. Alexander Woods, or Mother
lensed the farm of. Mr. Da-
vid Oliver for a terin oi: years. Mr
WOOCIS gats possession this fall.
At the recent xneeling of the
• tern High Court, 1. 0. F., at Sarnia,.
Mr. J. W. 1,Vard, Stratford, was
elected High Conductor. Mr. Samuel
Knott, Carlingforcl, is High 3. Bea-
There Is na one artiCle in the line
of medicine that gives so large a re-
turn eor the money as a good por-
ous, strengtbening plaster, such as
Carter's Smart Weed and I3elladonna
Backache PlctSicrs.
The Terry family at Windsor. Ont.
Nvho formerly lived at Carilngford,
Downie, township, are in great luck
liavirig fallen 'mire to a fel-Lurie esti-
mated tweMy-four millions of
dollars. •
Slyly C9 XL X
Boa„ Tile Kind You Hate Always' Bougie
of „ieetty.
3. \Visenian,
W. Colyer
A. A.rrastrone,
B. 3. Gibbing
skip 10
W. Etat chi ord
S. A. Cootior,
It. Manning,
T. ja cksOn. J
Skip 13
W. J. Hettman
3. G, Stanbury,
RCN'. F. Mnlott,
3. Muir
skip 13
1. 11, Carling.
lt, S. 'Long,
L. 31. Dickeon
jos, Davis
skip 12
`se \Nes, 'erne, n!1OR 141
The Moil You Rave Always Bought, and which has been
in. aro for 01"er 30 years, has borne the signature of
And has been made under his per.
sonal supervision since its infaneT•
eess'44';`4"c, JD low no one to deceive you in this*
411 Connterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as-good" are but
'e-eic..,eimesats that trifle -with and endanger the health of
lurants and Ciclidren-Experienco against Experiment*
enstoria, is a IretruileSS Substitute for Castor 011, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It iS Pleasant. It
enint lteitllor qpittatas aorphine no other Narcotic
tenbeteeteee Itz4 ago i its guarantee. i destroys Worms
anti taTh135 InnoterislatesS. Ili cares Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relienen Peethino' Troubles, eureS gonstipUtiOn.
Alta litatuleney. it t'ISSin7iletteS the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and ci-nrelfte giving healthy and natural SICK)*
Tho Children's „1-)anatica-ahe Nother's Erieral.
ars the Signature of
The Kind You Haire Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
rtz.T pr. r, A Tortit..fottpwr%
• neg... • •neo l• • • • • • • • 24: 14 •55110t0•000,100
• Cardtal .•• • • • • • • /VW 00,0004 00
• .R'eserved Fund.. t, 2,s50.000.00
trBreambee in Ontario, ottence, Aleer'ia,31;l41-Zanolinulea. mei ermitola.
Open Every Lawful Day Isom rit to 3r. 15. except Saturday 40 A. Nr, to t r. s.
Farmers, Sate Mates cashed or colleettd. Forms supplied
On application. DRAFTS on all points in the Domittioa, Great Britain and lete
ited data( tn. bought and, sold at lowest rates of exchange,
(Incorporated by Act of Parlio went 1855)
• Depomits 0# 4;1.00 anl . upwards received. Interest cow-
• Pounded hail yeetley. ana added to principal June tent and Deeember etn, De-
• eoreStaseipts tow issued :teaks -elm current rates of intereit :mown].
• A. vanceo made to farmersetoeic dealers and bueinese teen at
• lowed rides and ou most favorable term. Agents nt Exeter ror Dorm Coven -aeon,
• Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, 410:.
••••••••• IF.**
their ,work. The Bethany church
has a good League, and a progress -
sive S:unday School while there are
good 'con gr ego tions, and the church
is roost liberal in its support of the
Missionary and ,other benevolent
1 0011130I5.
Perhaps feeling as ir the bottom
liad dropped out of your lire. It's
Nerviliee you want. Nothing rester
ee :quiet and order to the stomacheo
queekly. All squanoishness and
nausea goes assay tI InI
mite Ner-
viline ond an extra dose or two is al-
ways sufficient to set you up in
first' 1 1 e Nr ld
c ass s tap . evils art o
tested remedy. for stomach and bow-
el troubles and always can be relied.
on. Sold in large 25c bottles.
The Times and the Family Herald
and Weekly Star will be sent to any
address in Canada or the United
States till Dec. 31., 1904 for 75c.
To take advantage oE this offer you
must subscribe at once.
' Thames Road
-Annivereary ,services were held in
the Bethany Methodist church here
last Sunday and Monday. On Sun-
day, Rev. S. Anderson, oe Inirkton,
prenclied instructive sermons to
large aediences, ,rnerning and even-
ing. Mrs. Geo. Williams, orga-nist
and leader of our singing here sang
beautiful eolos at eachservice which
were .greatly appreciated. On Mon-
day .evening the supper was given
in the basement a the church, and as
usual the ladies had prepared a mag-
nificient spread, and a more whole-
some and palatable supper we have
never eat: down to. After spper
splendid prograriune was rendered,
consisting of readings by Miss Mild-
red Godwin, post graduate in elocu-
tion of Alma College, whose selec-
tione and her plea si (IL& real L a t tbn s,.
greatly del ight trd, 'ther large au dientae.
Excellent music was fUrnished by
the llensall Male Quartette, whose
selections +were all most appropriate
for the iwcasion.d Addresses :vere
delivered by the resident ministers,
Revs. Fallis, Cooper, and Fletcher,
also bY Rev. Wrn. Godwin, of Exeter.
The church has been most 'tastefully
painted, !papered and.winclows frost-
ed, the basement kalsiomined and the
floor relaid, a -new roof put on and
Eine new lamps put in. Mr. Stone-
man, .of Hensel', did the painting.and
Tpahie.)erciroigst, wlalichisk
vrine7 ,ultheraot.jb
c h u,rocsh.
and making it very comfortable will
I 'proximal e $175, -which with 'the
proceeds of tile t.eti and rsubse rip t ion s
-will ell be provided. Proceeds of
En the anniversary, a little over $100.
Ths, church is rosw very cheerful one
comfortable, and the variour com-
mittees and to 'be congratulated up-
on the way in „which they performed
That hell their ills are due to im-
poverished blood, they would use
Ferrozone and be saved lots of pain
and suffering. retrOzone is a per.
feet food for Om blood and supplies
the sti.engthening elements needed
to onaintain heolth end vigor. For-
roznne is a splendid tonic for weak,
nervous women and drives -away
those depressed feelings of dead
'weariness. You'll bare strength,
lots of it -your complexion will
improve, you will feel ten years
younger after a course of Eerrozorie
who'll builds upethe wbole humeri
organism; try if. Price 50c.
1 The Government guaratitees 3-4
o 1 the cost on 1.000 miles of the
Prairie sectien or the Grand Trunk
2 Guarantees 3-1 of the cost to an
absolutely unlimited amount on the
Mountain section.
3. Pays 3 per cent. interest for
7 years on its 'bonds so guaranteed
on the Nfotuitairt section. '
4. Permits interest for three ad-
ditional years to be eapitalized and
added to principal.
5. Exacts no interest on sunas so
Paid from the company during a
period of from 40 to 45 years
altbougli such interest svill amount
to an enorinous sum. "
6. Agrees to implement the bond
issne on the 'whole Western division
in case the bonds shall be sold below
par and in that way materially in-
crease the country's liability.
7. Agrees to pay 4 1-2 years inter-
est on Government bonds over the
whole Western, division, and to make
this without interest for 45 Years.
• S. -Abandons the right to have
tbcr guarantee, secured by first
mortgage and peace the bonds of the
Grand Trunk on an even better fool-
ing than its own.
9. Cut down the country's mort-
gage security to a mere charge. This
operates greatly in favor or the
company, the Government having no
rights of fore -closure.
10. In place of foreclosure and
title the Governmeni secures a mere
right entry, which is rather li-
ability than a privilege, as it -will
be exercised only -svhen the roais
lin default.
11. The right of foreclosure hav-
ing been abandoned the Government
has no effective remedy until after
50 years trani the date of the bond
issued. -
,12. The- Government obtains no
running eights over the Western di-
vision after the expiration's oE 50
years although it concedes to the
company such running rights Over
the Eastern division.
13. It aSS11/11C9 more than 3-4 of
all the obligations eecessary to build
the road, from Winnipeg to the
coas(, but l-entirCtS compctnsctiiig
adva nt ages.
14% T'errelis iliti Grand Trunk to
for a very moderate support
25 uijflions of common stook of the
company, while the Government obs
tains not a 'dollar.
15, Secu,rea no greater control of
rates than that created by tile
general low of the land.
And cure, theta hi an hour with-
out resorting to nauseous drugs
just use fragront healing Catarrho-
zone, the most pleasant-, prompt and
oortain -sure for colds ever discover-
ed. No medicine to lake you simp-
ly breathe the balsamic vapor of Ca-
tarrimeone, It never fails to root
out the worst cold and is .50 simple
and eonvenient to use that no one
can afford to be without it. Carry,
Catarrhozone inhaler in your
pocket, use it occasionally ana you
won't delve colds. Complete outfit
/41.00; trial size 250.
IMMIEVIMMOUNICE01•11S=.71•=70.1.....,,o • •
Miss Hapgood tells how slid
escaped an awful operation by
using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege.:
table Compound.
" DEAR Mos. PINKHAAL : -I sufferer:1e
for lour years with what the doctoie,'
called Salpingitis (inflammation of the.
fallopian tubes and ovaritis), which its,
a most distressing and painful ailment,
affecting all the surrounding parts,
undermining the constitution, and sap-
ping the life forces. If you had seen,.
me a year ago, before I. began taking'
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablp.
Compound, and had, noticed thee
sunken eyes, sallow complexion, aoct.,
general emaciated condition, and coin -
pared that person with me as I ara to-
day, robust, hearty and well, yotte
would not wonder that I feel thankful
to you and your wonderful medicine,
which restored me to new life and:.
health in five mouths, and saved me
irons an awful operation."--Mtss leentse -
Hansmon, 1022 Sandwich St. Windsor,
Ont. -$5000 forfeit if original of above letter
preying genuineness cannot be produced.
Ovaritis or inflammation of the
ovaries or fallopian tubes which adjoin.'
ifts 117a,ries may result from sudden!
'stopping of the monthly flow, from:
inflammation of the womb, and many -
Other causes. The slightest indication
of trouble with the ovaries, indicated
by dull throbbing pain in the side, an--
*mpauied by heat and shooting pains.
um claire yoor instant attention.
ill not cure itself, and a hospidiele
.00e -ration, with, all its terrors, mq
easily re.sult fronaneglee`