HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-9-1, Page 3sftl441tKOMEK4SIntiffoSinstoktestelifeitEtt'nefiteleintineetS(i~ nat(Uvula° thser° t° Ifer lard of dirtation were, alreasly well
Or, 1Cinohip Between flan and
eompartion, knewn; and to think that ate, 'Kate
Cl you keep a eecret? anked Browser, tea 'ea Avictim to his
McGth eiteldenlY• fascinations. '-h�little -seed of
"I hope so," $he answered with jealouey sown.. by Mr. McGeatli's un-
ready curiosity. "At all event% IlLconscious liana grew and grew until
promise to try. What is t? i darkeoec. all her meatal
"'You swear not to let it go any and
farther? Jack would be ie. an awful sum;taion4 etreshainse cuenlaotir:Ilbgeir
rage if fee kuew 1bed seid anyth
about it."
jug improbable. Ferhape at that very
moment C'olonet Clinker was amusing
isimeelf with Ili% Folly Paton, beeks
ites,h the eunehiee of Miss Polly'
Paton's smiles, and telling Xies
Pe.toxi tbat -there was nethiug in
the world he would not try and no
for ber sweet Sake." Site hated her
witb. a fierce hatred of tvhiele week
CHAPTER XXX, that would vex him, especially now
beret( to you." said Mr. McGratie bappees to be away,'"
Tee riey es the le0eington jlant ono day when he happened to meet "Faith, Ifise Brewert but the fact
Dan, had arrived, an„a the little toms her walking alone in the town. "He of the inatter is. I don't tel as if
Was croWcied to excess, Ite hotels could keep it to me-seln besides
an its- loneing-houses wero creartmed
'with pleasure -seekers from 'different
parte of ihe country, win/0 the usu-
ally quiet station presented a most.
unevotited ecene of bustle and netiv-
ity. Porters trundled heavy trucks
tells me the old, gentlemen is quite
out of danger." sour re to be trusted, so here goes, ago she could not heve believed ber-
"The old getttlentatt?" ecleeed She. You must know," lowering his voice 'self capable, Site was geld her eleaz oomprohenslon or what vat, cow la„,
"Wbat old geatlereane" to a confidential Whisper, "that Lord was a iteelf et the ra0St unexpeeted m
"Paix, and don't yeu know? Why, Nevis is meet anxious for hie son i that at iteest tvaa some small come shall best go to work to realize what' itractable a buli way appear to
weak' stupid 11141° .creature; v7444 We want of her, and 11°157 wa tranet. No matter bow gentle
Lord Novis. of course, Ile bad a to niarry"-
1 at "Wein there's nothing so wonder- then, on tbe other band, she was eeetnee An well An rnalcay wrong?
fort in her cap oi bitterness; but sve are after -has been serionsitY de-tonveyperroat:ehst ito,olaorissif 17,7,:jazliitelau
fel in that," interrupted Kate, ' pretty; Xr, McGrath hod distinctly snyeetigeters, if not theie followers some, erneleet weapon of eterenee, seee..
++ 14.itir-i+k***14++44+11
deaths er serious.
elinett taming contact w'
The I -ease% is obviouo- theina
with reeogisized viciotte nropin
watehed, aot tnisted,
"By ail Preens. be kind to the tu11
for keeping ay creature nitiketant
fears butte not encepted, ineana eone
ant ire, exel those who think that
444.440+++44,44+1+444.4a, la '0.Qt euereptible to anything
but fear are as grentey mistakett us
There has beee a vast deal of
study givere,to cows in the. last, ten
years, both by ecientific investie,e-
tors awl by dairennen on the fat -x,
May it not be that this attention to
tide important domestic animal -the
those who piece coutietenee
in the aeins temper. Kindlinese
must not sake the plc of eternal
vigilance. 'Intionierity breeds con-
tempt." and a long period of i
zannity from areident, begets Qs^
confeleuee, but there is "bull* devil
every bull, mil generally it Silaws
xot P$
Stole Prom One
Is a re kable
1eteeUvete riter Lola°
Bita receetly, bat earn aallnre•
tijia rnaity a the robberies whicit
ar a,king place every day prove doubt that that there aro eertaite
who eenene letenseelves to
eing eine class of geode only, 1
o instarieve tbis is se proneuwed
the epee/alter. etolen extragne-
that therovgbly believe the
bave mental Ant ionion
point. A tel.
establishment of a
of opticiene wee
place coeteined m.
of valualsIe lenses,
it of apoplexy, and they tbougbt
oi homted portmanteaus on their gist he was a 'gone croons 1
aifoulders. artnione maide stood ^^fs Colonel Clinker away from
,pointing out the enormous white -in- home, then?" She was gled to
itioied trunne belonging to ,their feel there had been some excess., afe
mistreeses, while the one-horse tun- ter all, for his apparent negleet.
name and capaeious hut shabby flies "Dear ine, yes. WhY, be left o
did a roaring busiurees. Those whit Friday. The house -keeper telegraph
owned country houses had linen their ed to Judi: to Colile at once it h
'Mansions on this auspicious occasion wished to find Lord Nevis alive' so
"Yes, but listen. It must be some- -sad so, and melt would do anything
ono wail money, Jaen caint possibly lfor a pretty face, while Stile kierself serve, run on certain lines, follow and 40 not wait until it negnres to
/Mit the PeoPle whons theY ni* to 1 ther, elwasee have the bull ringed,
commit matrimony without, Well, 'could lay pp claims to beauty. She preseribed grooves in eli I Is
there's a, girl no there, a Miss Paton loonecl tho3 N i "
he bad
ab. I ero you begin. to look inter- .gooit eyes, good hair, and a good
ested at last!" complexion, but her eese Was awful,
1 Mart clanetng men, pretty he stuffed a few clothes in a port- "TY"ielSel%eYseSa; geOirl°41; there, as I said she told herself, trying hard. to main --
011$, and professional beauties whose istanteeo And went off there and ear% 10 I ' . ac se 's reelly,ate nothing, to conceal nothing. She
1 and her mouth like a eavern. So
before wim bas fallen head over 'Jain a. etrict impartiality, to ezragger.-
franc bad r , art w orti then, I
a glimpse en for the Poeington bell ter?" ehe ooked ensimesly.
ilis tonnepeople were dying to catch "And Lord. Nevis, you say, is het- tillPfr."
qu,i,vt.te.batn:milibolepirt176. nwaarnteeb.itlie poor had Ito recomuteadatione whatever.
save her money and leen of. relatives,
wa' ouNiomx.1 tho best throughout "Very' mucb. aceording to Jack-, "Polly Paton :Ili y a. oz. ul if Colonel Clinker ever by any sta tt up ta tba strew es g iv ing
the midland counties, and had a. berme° quite sensible end lenowe or Pooleriorie.
, , • We Sb 01114 In'OPoso--if things Went an increaeed now of tile product, tie -
hien reputation to sustain, which them all, Defied! Jaen wen't like And Colonel Clinker? Does he; settlements were not $o good as
ng with Miss Polly Paton. '
was certalttlY eelienced by the pres- losing his hunting nitwit, for there's reRPond?" ha
ence of one or two faeltionable belles. none to be had sip there, you IglOW• "Ah, that's just where it is II xpeete4--and he fell back upon
Xothenn al . /twee ie It's a very \Vila, iirearY sort a owe don't believe, between yon and roe is would li.lifiNV how te appreciate
a pis eller, a leet reeource
daughtere Were wont to coneider the thee time of year, though pleasant and the post, that sleek cares a hit ', his etlotiuct at it q Proper value, Then
county 'ball a fitting Opportuniey for enough in surnmer." elsoilt ilea" ishe remembered regretfully how once
youthful debutantes to make their opeehape he win come nee% agein "Then What, weer I ask, 'do you:op twice be bad called her Mite, telt-
ntry into the world, prior to en- soon?" she suggested, fear? .Anil even it Colonel Clinker ;en her hand in his, how ehe bad even
4ataring a larger circle of ttequaint- eT expect he writ. Jaek.s Inic,niv.1 Were fond of tide -this Miss Peton, allowed him to detain It unneeensaln
wU slow siegs of 4beadinass' or speed -
without. giving duo consideration to; seseriese of power before haviri4
other Quito iteportaut factors operation pereeemetie,
bearing on their eubJeet. ln the in-
veetigetions with tho CO' the object
igbt has been to seeure move
This one idea liae been the nice btinCh Of thrifty calvee
which every effort has been , of the prettiest sigtita Oa t
Not a. thoterlit bare been 11 •
first building a cow thet 513:01114 be teken Isee
n dry at all timese $ee
bey get plenty of good. dry
rnUk ding,
cow* Should have •
r atone, he ranked by the same
and at regular houre aight
ZL °ming.
fiereating railk1 be
done JO a good atm°
e /input -a It poseible
inert; berm than g004
• yeur cows that
debt to Nott•
with Bongo
affor4 1
g* eow.1
be 5;.4r.
4ge. If
broken 1
nerereneopieal netruinepte„ go)*
neties, gold -rimmed "pelshles.,"' etne4
b. several thousand pounds. Bat
tbe oliber take any of thews
h they were Ining Touzla
rel? No! simply
a hundred glosee eyes
The eareet thin
two menthe loner,
ot the 441ne
n into,
the burglary ie -
we re-,
notice a 'sad -smeltery and
down to look into the unit -
We went over the &tech. and,
reful inepeetion, found Ebel,
apparently nothing bad been ro-
moved, 1 eneeratulated the pro -
)(nor ort his good fortune, elad
out to take my leave whee he
to an aseistent and finked
ne case of artificial eyes Was.
aniehed, or., rather, the
and, puttleg two and
$ COMO tO the ieot stru-
t; len that one burglar
ed the thief,
omeone 'who had
^^ glass tyre%
'^k Uis
The law
mores!, thet
body is abnormal) veloped, there
is a correepooding laek of develop-
zent of alter closely related. or -
gaits. As it teeult of tbe great pro.
grese made in thia ono factor of
Production. we bave uniealauced
givine, the tnille. ITence,
aims ill the metropolis. Insiks, n
fart, assembled from tar and wide, Ainong(feoandt. ObfultwOldregnOovwernoL,.natIlt 01)zfctr,
}Ter voire soendee a trifle when he bad told her of Mats Olar$ the cow and lier offeming. milk f
Isinee she thas money, wliy siteuld you ' fly, and enee-Yen, Onr0-th.at night inereaee in the troubles that bese
for in the memory of the most con- about it a eicn-roorn cart do no
stant frequenters stun% a worn as lea- earthly goo& fl fa outer in tho we.y. lbard in bei own ears. but Mr, nfe-ideath, she had actually returned its cr. abortion, failure to breed, „
ure had been unknown in eonneetion uteworser, 1 daro say I shall hear areth's powers or observation were -pressure. A burning blush rose tO eitoiera. It seems to he a l'earsorie;
with -the Foxington ball, end Yearmet sufficieutly e,eute to eotice it, her brow. He might have thought wee eonelusion the Nebraska ata,tten
atter yean fresh lustre Was added to 4 ..-.' '' progresso
th,,,„,,,, things su the course ot "She's a silly, foolish little linings' she Was running after Itire--tor moire; enneeis ats thee a weetneni eis it ein
d y , . he said. "not worthy of Jack in any Mr, MiGrathts expression, oeettleg tality of the cow is a nemeary re. ,eisltil
has been ig-
i 1 toputetion for saweess, smart, It as etmewell en 1 t ord Nooks her rap at bine" end bare all ber lquisite to tbe etarting of theete die. It sufl
;WA nitilea
most onli-terplechorean hunting men. — 0; toe a.nproio/Igthin:o°$m
froeks, and good looks. vert the imam eet ti. w 4 ihl return pride rose up in erms. If he roxington at any futuredid vital enereases. It Is a eevere net the cew to rce her la
train on the inn", clan in a
a elass which regards suet), feetrivities ret0470.ae/ clinker did not return to the
oil 'she would at leant take earoito keep up a liberal foie of milk li 14,ti ideal dairy
to lgy' fo; Wailed.
tempt, though refusing nteadlly to
as a ide, with openly.avowed con- .„,,, ec ,r, ,, ake Wm alter that opinlor--. to nearly or quite throughout the year, uStruetea and wed
trip tbc ..liot fantastic.. in propria erne 4ece.reee grew so uneasy that m know be was as braitferent to and bring^ forth a calf in thi. same 1117 asi a &table tor
personne. graced this gathering with ,...
he felt he meet make a eonfidant of she aPParentlY was to llint.,`•tieue. With the iniihing foreen to i elieuld not be tieed ns a et
their presence. condescending to till fate, whose sympathies he knew b
1 er, and reloicen at the fact, 11 "1 Et f t ' 1. '
a teusion, it la not strange : for feed, utenelle, veltieles
se 1ho It herself growing harder and I elicit
up the doorways and OVer,v available multi' relY ura)n. '4413Y $t' I'utrick' ie se a t y er he gen is weak- ' Viable or other anuriale.
opening. loueging in odd coraere 7ab4s 13rewmr'" bo s°34 t° her. wiles °ugh 401 the time her heart ached
ely, end ber epirlis sank at this All this CODA'S from the feet I Milk ',elle nhould be anartle
whine the milking powers or Ile sure and heve e•our thuser
. Wen blighting of her joy, tbis
cruel frustration of ber hopes.
Kato, perhaps, may seem silly
leery, yet there are others who c
sympathize with a state nr feeling
brought shout by mingled Woe and
Jealousy. A woman's unture is pas-
eeriously on any eubjeet, hut now ;stoma° and sensitive, but at Unice
be was evidently greatly in earneet, ;Wiggly Unreatirriting, and Kate fast
while it never seemed to enter Mslargued herself into n hoetile condi-
mind for one moment that it was •tion, in which she was prepared to
' just possibie ho had laeked discrim- tineet Colonel Minket. as a stranger
ination in tbo choice of a confidaete. and a. foe,
(To be continued.)
EIecteloal Treatment 'Used to De-
tect Changes.
ay, You Ne(), Miss Browser, Jerk's
eli en infernal easy-going, good -
ted fellow, bo vents a girl with
bead on her shouldere, wit° eould
riee a certain irifluence over
"Am* would not Miss Paton do
"Never; she's not the sort of girl.
All the same, I eboold not be in the
hest eurprieed If she has been setting
(whore they discuesed the latest hunt- ,anotiter week had elapsed. "it's real-
ber yap at Jack; he's enwy sott where
ing, Dews es eagerly as they would per very odd: mu't 'nuke it uut " women aro concerned, can't bear to
bave done seated In their own eas:Sr- nd would giva a pony t° know
chairs In smoking suits and elippers). ‘da‘ fellow Jack is about alt Virt?tbexu d, iPullsitn'toorpler4
0.5 unleind
fromntg picturesque wall-ornamente, this while. F.very time Ito writes
s. he might drift into an engagement
siniorse vivid scarlet eoats stood out
'says bis father is butter end yet re ut of pity. Don't you understand?"
etrikine contrast. against the white eauvsue talks of corning home."
mural decorations. Four whoi 1-1:4 suPPose he can% leave hire," It was sel(100 Ur- Arearatit spoke so
weeks had passed away since that°
frosty moonlight nig'iit on which "Tben why the deuce does be not
Jack Clinker had ridden Over end sav 50?"
broken tlie news of King Inlet's un- allecluwl° be PrubablY tillak's you
timely death to Krite Browser, arid triku it fut. grunted.'
by dg -;'es elle was begInnine to re- 'It's a shame." continued Mr. nut Kate, 0101101 every word stab.
eovar 'from the siloot of timt sad IlIc(Tratli, waxing warm, "There Ara bed her to the heart, was not ono
event. At, first she not only- obstins I, loft with ell those cursed bills to anew others to guess her emo-
ntely nvoided the hunting field, but cominging pouring hi, and not know- tions. She wale fortunately for bet --
also everything connected with it, ting what on earth to do with them. eon", endowed with a large ebara
at 1
steadily refusing enter to drive or 'Send my letters on Terry, old mann self-control, and carried. on the con -
ride to the meets; but recently Stir-isaid Jack, but open all the blue vessation an outward celm
rup had so often and so urgently lin- ones and chuolc them into the fire.' I which offeetually deceived her emu-
plored her to snake a. fresh start that 'wish to gaminess I bad don° wilat parilon and put him oh the right
at length she had yielded to his so -was told from the first, but some vent.
lieitatione, and having once fairly scruples of conscience prevented my "I (ltd not give Colonel Clinker
bronen the ice and alloyed "a real doing so, and now the wretched elven, toe wag so pnaine, sae mid,
good thing," during which the Duck- things are piled up literally yard "He never struck me as ono of those
ling had acquitted himself brilliant- high, Nobody' but Jack could stand men whom m woman can twist round
iY, she took to the pleasures of the such a state of affairs and still. show lier little finger. However, of course
chase once more with au ardour en- a cherry front to the enemy. ITe's
hanced rather than, dinanielied by her most undefeated sportsmaii."
temporary rotiroment from tlieei "Hes he evor sold auytbing to
ranks. She could never forget Xing you lately, Mr. McGrath, about go -
Olaf, but the love of sport was too ing away?"
strong within iher ever to be quelled n01), Jahk's always talking of
even 1) s r" •
In consitlering whether there is life
lo co'in have bees developed through
of effort in this speelel dime -
on, there has not been a corms-
ndiug development of other pow-
ers, to ennble her to (tarry on the
increased draft on her systent. a 5, tirno saved and is much bet-
edTil^tireetNio.e1178 us al theory of balauo- i ter tbau digging diet out iif a bolo.
applied in prat,- It The coW eboalti be bindiy treated
tie° cannot, /ail A tendency to ete, at all Vines. Po not 'bring her
balance the Cows which it is fee- from the pasture on the run with a
rashest. We are feeding the balaneed dog Wand h r and Nvben ehe haP" 4
ration 1 o get mere miller To in -1 pens to grt into the wrong stall .1 „
crease, the millt flow we Inereaee the don't put lier out with a Lick and ceasatY
proportion of protein faders. Not AblISfe her with n whip. If you dee 't eu,It
a thought is given to the fact, that will pay for tbo treatment in 1 '''‘"
an inereave of milk flew eails for e quality anti the quantity of the (Tennis 4 .
OrraSpOndIng increase at the samo In at the tient ranking.. q wrs te 1 1 is being c lue cburcie
thno, of tho all around vital powers The farmer cannot eflord to feed :1 but uPPares4:v4 las ffintrrVItlehr; np)rbobabiei:
of the Infield/le that malies the milk. InveZzot.nilkAtto ante,: lf,oltronagecrolflh,agne.titImree0 ;;;es:nf:}nitheraPl.tahteefrje. are very, few caps
heifer calves were fed sixty days 1(:eit-, ,711° '"gdeera,..* „tea/ have de-
nitriglIcasT;I::ar'lillnIllita;°114t1:1743,1411.. irligleV•itijil lerilling4:11:73t°71 ''-' CeC°114'44411431441:14:1:°4741;1%-h5ua:4:11:4rg4s:(nlvile11:lett7prIttrurcorcrUerstioilsil
pounds' "tt tIV° °It 141411,4.„1,,,n,Lik. fa.; , teothro n'caortrieda, r antd(lia-Cite7Pus'ec°donttintalAp-°
XitiTIr teen meal, that
'ture the burglars, and ask thein to
you know him better than I do." chemical change, yet the etime seeds nary to the developinent of the grow- , a barn in the near future put in 4
gr00g, and thus corneletelY arresting Thu fadder luat(!rial "5(111'tolY 'loves- If roti re rOnteiliplritine; bilildflig' i elexeqoaii: awehtys, ttlhweYycl°1ssuliallilyt SrVilalStrCt
"Cecil" returned Terry, where have afterwards germinated ht quite ing offspring has heen diverted to the !swinging sionchiarin rAtin'r iiinn liin ;11711sWjhri;oc
the most curious case
there's a girl in qtiestion, end a a nOrinal way. Hence arises a ques- making of tnilk, and then the owner 1 old 1 i me rigid stanektione. The cow I
Pretty ono Into the bargain, it takes tion as to a Seed*S life or death, weeders that the eau' shows a weak_ should be able to moss her need suf- ilwliielt has ever C°Ine 'Under my no -
a very strotg num to resist. It flat- which it is usual to ineet ny speali- ened vitality and that diseases are
• e• hooking It. I've grown accustomed some gfel Is awfully in love with Scientists have recently sbown us Cow
tors a fellow's vanity to know that ing of "latent life." on tlie(i)nwerneearss,e ahtur000nagersth;emetiowiets,4ers in the Mall.
.. ficientIy to lick herself when. standing Itiee wils that of a man who was nev-
Wlien bireing a mhittinn wiliso Iivnbit.'xtbncer-tledie er able to resist
, reTEALING A wraosziltratow
though this at first appeared strange, Browser, but I've gra.ver reasons for -“thrst / might not even get led away tests were not delicate enough to de -
seen Colonel Clinker once and turb me any longer. Gad! Miss about her. I'm not sure," muslegly employing electricity. Chemical - 1
During all tbis time she had not to thet threat, and it fails to dis- him, even if he don't care two StraWS a way of escaping this diternIna, by have been chasing exclusively after 'to mak, thee ^lint queetion that Iteszetn Ito ilsr.:ces boeenen. teonknvicotreeateort a tett
, t • - more milk ong enough. It, is quite should be asked
ye 1
time to revise'. our course Of teaching; milks with dry 'lairds or not. ..,..
der emend the rims und
pieces where dirt can aceumulate.
few Vents spent at the tinner's
eying the d; iry utensils put in 4
SI e that tbe dish oloth reaches ali
ttg them,
are alWaye E for
alone. know o
church where
is provided with sep-
and where, during a
BIG of these minaturo
been stolen. Tito very
e jewel -studded chalice
owever, appear to hexer
for the 'thief or
It they might be AS
way as the emelt
the mia-
ow epeelat
We go on develuping awl forting the
in dry seeds, wo must note that the rank. productiou just as though that
ane sign or me is seoenemee, for all Were all there is to a cow. 'MA
change. Irorare Brown haS succeed- tein
living minter is a Feat of cheroical practice is to feed a little more pro -
to get a little more milk. The
ed in keeping dry seeds for 110 hours row thus fed is forced to keep up
in hermetically closed vessols at the liberal flow nearly or quito up to the
low teuteereture of minus 102 de- time of bringieg forth ber iperearr
the. reason was simple enough, for Ile disquietude Just at present, can myself meinr similar eli•curnstances.^* ter
iad eft Foxington. On the very
morning after he haft paid that noc-
turnal visit to Sport Lodge he had
received a telegram from the house-
keeper at Nevis, informing him of
the sudden illness of his father, and
requesting his iramediate preeence.
Ho had therefore set out for the
North without a minute's delay-, antl
without finding time to wish good-
bye to Inate. In faun she remained
ignorant of his absence for , a. few
-r"-.,days, until informed of it by Mr,
11,arath, although in the. interval
she liad secretly wondered at his non-
put two and two together as well
as most people, and when Jack stays
on at Nevis, with a stud of horses
here eating their 'heads off, I say
there's something behind the scenes."
And Mr. McGrath pursed up his fat,
flabby little lips with an exceeding-
ly mysterious and important air.
''llut, Mr. MeGrathn' objected
Kato, "do you think anything could
be more natural than a son stopping
with a father who is ill? What is
there suspicious about it? She was
far too loyal in her affectioff not to
defend the absent, whatever doubts
she /night secretly have about him.
had a letter from Jack this arid although all sorts of far-fetched
morning. He desires to be rernern- speculations filled her brain she did
on Fire
With czern
t the infinitesimal changes in and
"frin the girl is pretty, is am? seeds, but under &eerie' treatment of the COW down on to a more ra- learn don't hire hien.
Time makes a difference, of course." the response has been immediate and .tionai basis. Constitutional vigor
"All the difference. If sire were precise, and Can be expressed in frac-
of practice and bring our study he does not end is not willing
should be of first consideration.
ugly the danger would be reduced to Lions of a volt, so that the limit of
a minimum; besides. Jack don't care life can be exactly found.
ouence a. east six tienes. but as lie
to is a man of exemplary character and
as never been known to commit any
other Lind of misdemeanor the coun-
try magistrate usually -lets htrri go
n bis protnising to return the bar-
row. Indeed, lie is generally regard-
ed as beirig a little touched on
the subject of wheelbarrows, and
when a victim finds he has been de-
prived of his most ix:nportant agri-
cultnrat ireplement 310 promptly re-
pairs to Mr. So-a.nd-so and eitli
for ugly women; never did." So tasted, tee seed of successive It is one of the oddities of human
TRI1ST aN.Torr T1111 DULL.
The Pannier and Grazier, of Aus-
eirre.s a sad flirt, rim afraid, mr. years, in wItich, the percentage of nature that people are always look-
ing as far away as possible front the
good grown leis and lees, tells its
own tale of waiting life; so loeg as it tralta, gtves this advice to those who
returns .electromatire answers thetai- have to 'look after the bun. Were it
tokens life.
cal change is indicated, and this be- nirrirneers ginenezt-ally country
alive today:
”Conficience in a bull, however gen-
t1, tractable or docile he may seem,
is never instified, and: a, bull should
mover, under any circuutstanees, be
trusted. The only reasonably sate
bull is tho 0110 With a strong ring in
bis nose, to which is securely at-
tathed by means of a spring hook
a stout .striff, held by a strong tnan
MeGrathr' '
"Ohl don't know about that. All ground they staled upon, not only'
men are pretty much the same." for their best chance for illstiection,
"Are they? Then Pin sorry for but for the dangers 'which. they be -
them," lieve are most besetting.
''They don't require much pity,
Miss Browser. They manage to jog
walioionige.,t,olerably comfortably on the
"1 detest flirty Inch," said Kate,
pisrsuing her own train of thought.
"Do you mean to say by that you
detest Jack?" asked Mr. McGrath,
opening his dark eyes in surprise.
"1 don't feel called upon to express
my opinion one way 01' the other
aabout your friend Colonel Clink.er
she replied coldly, and then for th
'first time it began vaguely to claw
Mr- McDougall Was for Twelve Years a bre aollui upon Mr. :McGrath's obtuse cotopre
No Less Than 174 Out of 253 Igen
Rejected by Doctors.
Investigations aro being made by
tho British Army Medical Depart-
ment to ascertain how many mett
in the army aro really nt for active
seivice. Of late much complaint has
been. made by general officer of the
experienced in the management of
bens generally and fatuiliar with the
physique of soldiers, and tests are habits and peculiarities of this
e now being applied by a board of specimen in particular. A bull is a
n three iziediczn officers. n'hey select moo animal, wisely enough endowed.
Sufferer—Now Proclaims- the Virtues of
Dr. Chase's Ointtytent. has
- battalions for avaraination without in a state of nature with .1; • .•
struggle for --------luival of the fit-
. ee , ut an animal from which long
- 1Ports•rnouth, and of 253 men taken years of 'domestication have not sin:-
, 'haphazard no fewer than were
0 reported as unlit for nctiv ' ficed to wholly- eradicate the deeply
hension that he had somehow put his
foot in 1t1 and signally failed to ad-
vance a valise lie was conscious of
giving p..p,Y warning.
and means of sell -preservation in the
Eczenia's itch is torture, the skin
seems on fire with the burning, sting-
ing humor; at times it becomes .al-
most unbearable, and in desperation
you cou1d. tear the skin to piece.s.
You dare not exercise for fear of ag-
gravating the" itching, neither eon
you sleep, foe no sootier ,does the
boder become warm' than .the trouble.
"'""---r- begins, and instead restful re-
freshing sleep, it' is scratch, scratch,
scratch all night long. r.ehere is
scarcely a moment's respite from
this maddening malady at any time
Of couese you have tried nearly all
the washes, salves, lotions and medi
cated .r.....eaps, but like thousands of
others have been disappointed artd
(lieges -I fel.
Mr. Alex. MeDougall, postmaster
Ii oad Cov'e Marbin, ' N.S., writes:
'For twelve years I was a great,
suffe'ret° 11.0 eceeine on the inside
of the leg. There was a rase patch
of flesh about 'three inchee square,
and the itching' v at sonieShine fear-
ful ')e --half box of Dr. Chase's
°int/fees, eon:In:eon, eured me, took
wae be ;telling elsa,. healed up the
Gore eve no hestitation in re- i
commending it as a wOnderful cure
for itching skin disease."
You may be skeptical regarding the
abi ity of 'Dr, Clinee's Ointment to
cure 'You. Most people are, after
aennetly advocating. The conversa
don came to an abrupt termination
neither wes it revived at any futur
period, Kate seeming steadily t
avoid reference to Colonel Clinker
and refusing to be inveigled into any
The Second Middlesex Regiment
gone through the ordeal at
tieene ' • • e ie ic om a ferther (liseues;cm tibout
Ointment' \rill t. t flisappoint you. made a (deep inipression, which as
host of iernedies but br. Chase's Nevertheless, Mr. MeGrath's words
YOU Will be surprised at the' marvel- each day went, by became more per -
lolls control vh,eli it has over all manent. What a fool she had been,
,itehing burning inflamma.titm of the t� be sure and what a mercy that
skin, and the worsterful healing pow- she had been saved from committing
. . .
ers wligh it possesses. It takes any ei owning act of folly. The scale
oughil e eczema, but, had dropped from her eyes. and she
Dr. Chaee's Ointment win do it. could now see things in their true
You Inel relief atner a few ap- Colonel Clinker did rot care
peva Lions, and gradually and natar- for her, never had cared for her, or
ally the cure will follow. :Besides else he would not have gone away
being a pOsitive cure for eezeina, like this. Perhaps he might even
Dr. Ohase s Oilitment comes .useful in be absent on perpose. Mr. McGrath
at le, ways in every home for had said his heart was kind, that he
every form of skin irritation and could not ba*- to give a wonfan
eruption, , pain, and he had guessed how fond
, Chase's Ointment, GO cents a ,5.41 -ie was of nim, and left Iroxington
box, at all dealere, or Edmanson, out of pity -pity for her. To a high -
'Bates & Compeller Toronto To pro- spirited proud girl like Rate, the
-you against itetions, the por- very. idea was torture. $ie„‘ had been
trait and signature of Dr. A. W. xnistaken fancyieg his att&itions
Chase, the fatuous receipt book au- mcenit anything; they were merely
.alor, are on every box. the Civilities of a man whoso pow -
The main cause of the rejection was
the youth of lhe soldiers. "
Other regiments have also been ex-
implented belligerent instinct s, and
never will.
are,alweys uncertain in their
temper, and accidente occur • when
amined, and the reports state that they are least expeeted. The 4121T1
"'deficient in
large Per°elltagellyasriegue""P 0yrounhgaA,le. itioytabluonfs,detaothLyfrolTotihnijitiigrie:flntlictod
"disorderly action of the heart." - ,csrom.raing that never )..4,et. roporiod,
The cost of converting a large
number of boys into Serviceable sol-
diers is very heavy, mid these tests
may result in the age limit for re-
cruits being raised.
4 -
Some men are free thinkers and
some others are niarried.
Teachers of pennmanship naturally
do a flourishing business.
---44-47-4-4-4-44—"------ believe that any attack niade by it
must be very large. Occasionafly it
is a vicious bull, one known and
feared as dangerous, that gets the
upper hand, and is responsible for
a life, hut, ordinarily, it is the gen-
tle buli, one as 'kind as a kitten,'
that. , in the least exPectecl moment,
turns tiger.
great many who own e-entle,
tractable bulls attribute this dis-
disposition to kindness end really
piTo prone to yell that TM
bull is becaese.it has beert harshly ,
es Chase's Otritineobleac,„toin
and ,abseitite sours for eaeb brutally treated, and that the out -
and Oars, form or Itching, in•ealc is in the nature of a ee'tens.
leonine and protruaime.elles,
inenteatenrers have guaranteed it, Scotus. or ,an act of revenge.: r Do not bcs:
yinoniala in tho daileprese and ask nom not* ' • '
tore what they think ern, 'Ton can use it and
rot rour monor bad; ;.f not mire& 'we a hoe, al
di dealers or Enma..s.rsox.rikros Co-: Toronto
A lion -turner, although he wouldeeturns fa triumph with the barrow
venture iiito the catges of the most or the price of it and a little bit
ferocious beats, apparently having over. ..
no fear of thou, had a dreadful fear There Is a bean who is undergoing
of getting bronchitis. iniprisonrnent at the present time -a
One day, after ho had entered with confirmed 'thief, but one Who never
perfeet composure a ca.ee containieg steals anything but toys. Tee has
two half-starved bears and a pa.h.-1broken into half-a-donen toy stores in
the*-, shook his head gravely as he
Casio out.
innes, sir," he. said to a. gentleman
who stood near, "this will end badly
for me some tiny."'
"You are afraid these ferocious ani-
mals will devoer you, then?”
The animals? Psnaw! You don't ilefetime, preferring, to help himself
think afrnitl of them? Not at to those things dearest to the hearts
all. But those eages, sir, are such of children.
as rzy Months and stolen thou-
sands of of tin soldier, hundreds of
money -boxes, and scores of wax and
china dons. Ilet never attempts to
break into -any valuable stores such,
as jewellers', where ho Might got a
haul which would last him half his
dreadful places for draeghts.”
'William Waldorf Astor spoke rec-
ently ,befere the London Clubmen's
Benevolent Society, an organination
be whien he takes a deep interest.
Mr. Astor's eubject was kill`CiVaSS,
ancl at one pomt he said:
eiseinelness is the virtue that. saends
out bright teet- by contrast. with some
signal piece of cruelty. tell you
of a. piete of cruelty that was p,rac-
tiscd, my gardener informs rne, ou
certain roster -monger,
"This coeterenonger lay dying. As
lie neared 'his end his wife said to
you think you could cat
a bit of something, John?"
" 'I might,' the man answered.
" 'Coed!' said she. 'What can I
get for you?'
" 'Wen,- said the coeter-monger,
seem to smell a ham a-cookin.' some-
Wheres. 1 think could eat a bit
owe ea the bell reareJ. 05 kindness 101'
Iran's bi rt I i, and treated with ever.v
Dr. Chase's Qint auteni
considel-etion, itiay at eny tiree " 110 ,Tolie
heady, nd
is ait is the quiet hell that \lift), 'YOU Can't have
responeible for the inajotity et for 0110 ftmeral.'
ear,' said his
that. That*s
Of course, he has serne plate where
be can clispoSe of these goods, for
you can always find people who are
willing to receive stolen propeety„
However, he is not likely to troulsie
the toy -shop for some Considerable
time to come now, as his last sen-
tence was for two years, NeXt tiraa
he is paught lie wilt certainly gel. five
as he is an old offender, and even the
childrest's playthings must be pro-
A young woman to be seen on the
„ „ -
victoria iembansineve. LOB
mending cabmen's emits and over-
coats has thus earned her living for
three years, ; She has a rouod of
cab -ranks which she visits daily, and
does most of the repairs for the cab-
men, more especially the fintriarriet
wtz: done.
00 re:L.7c esec:titvi7ac".,,corraciniglIge ftrootath.
nhe carries re good as-
sortment of butteeeg and patches With
her, and earnS Os an averago about
$7,50 a week.
It int
eh- b