HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-25, Page 8Getting ready for fi1t, New goods coming in every day, pew 1)ross Goods, new Waisting, nqcv Wrapperettes, now Rain Coat new Fano:elates, new Lace Curtains, new Tap, estry- Curtaii)s. new Boots and Slioes, all ready for you. Come alai see what we are doing. "Here nre a few real goo l vIue pieked.a random fron our big storli," 'alio the peir far s black Cas1t-1, 80c the pa r go mer..t mak!, scene- noiette siants.....,,,ts, a • less feet and double legt, These borders, soft (lawny are extra vile. . 1 'values—Want any, 2c jr jcr hig boys' -real la2avY 1.2 1-2 centS anti 14 cents fortwo Long. Hose, Double foot, double. !jowl of English klannelsm:te.mx- knee, and double leg,. The st est and best wearing hose we colored Big JUST TO BAN — 3 and 4 yards wide, Tie jargtes in tile, scroll and floral designs. Al Every yard sold under guarantee, $015 ported 1)y ourselves direct frou the makers. These iflatutelottes ar..* guaranteed to ln absolutely Last dyes, in fact they ituprov„) With washing, See them. • ' of' English Linoleunn„ we 1vv ver shown- They •come ew cohrings and new• patterns. 0.ar special price .for 4 yards wile r la -Crav Cots Th' wfl's the in'a own- beicest est b1e4 and nay!, worsted ready-to-wear Snits. ‘.‘e believe hesa 1,0 be the best ready te1 wear mit- value in Western On taro Ahrens grain calf skin heavy and medium fall w ter gin& cauner e Made. higher than the is, n fineutly heater. Did you say Mooney Biscui everybody likes. We save you (I) ;or the kind and don't ge o\vnimport 'heat. ish lainCoatn Out water d and .stiff„ Our g • We guarante•:! ,S ready-.13-AVe3r - yo*hs'., large. We can please the littl elks in value, style and quality; Just drop in ond see us, boys, boots for Ever To ask *rUnary Urine' us all your Butter and Ens 'ear tuten, boys and girls y pan* tqvid under guarantee. Yell to trY them, The prices ready-matle hoots, but, t tot Yes -we It money on re them. tit Y a biscuits, STEvar.A. ttecappears la this space /eve weelel SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT he kin Mr„ Wilbert Martin xl,,,ited in Lon- e aoa, over Sunday, Miss Flora Repburn, of Centralia, , the uest of Miss O'er t rud St‘eV.VO, Mr. II ney and t he Misses itor- ney left ou Tuesday for an extended, v 11.1111 relatives at 'Brandon and Miser points in the West, Miss Ethel Farmer pleeettatay tin- t ertained a large artypo Mo Atty. , 'vetting, in boner of bee guests, who are eieitine eith her t preaent. The Metrepolitan bot:d premises will be sad hy public auction on tr urday next, to over xxnartgag,;.. Sale et2 p. re., Sea large bills, Aratrag t hese who Arent th civic holiday in London were ; —Miss .11, Podds, Mrs. Tea, Mrs. Tom, Mr. and Mrs. A. liostings, and ;qr. j. Wal - Mr. Ambrose Smith, manager of the Sovereign Bank, At Mark11:11n, 1 rruerV with the Sovereign Rank, here called on fri.nds in town on Tneday. Mr, flowery, of Braatford .pee. he forepart of this i7..•eek with his rim& ?Nit% Grm-ge Eecrett. He left Mott% eivrieeticnisg. for a visit with fl*yGeorg.; Samwell left on Tu - day tirtnnity on Itis v.nnual excur, t to Montreal. Kingston and To - ate. ile ellec::s to he :threat a month. :utter. Loudon, AVM be at the IlotA •ter Friday,Aug. Otlor Eye, Ear, Nos:, atni, Throat On yt StNi Lass- ra Thos. Trivu, Louis 1N;1 r1181.orrs, Dr. .:11a rshall, of St , and chof St, ild, ouis, are !I:meets of Mr, and :NLIS, .9,1111\ ;•11, IcIY Ib.s fr011t nainithi $ putting green /met net ima slices of Itorsoradish ro the 1,,ick1e jars, which Ottani be kept in a dry ceol, pine. To relieve tired, FDIC ind perept mg feet we have b stook Foot Elm, Foot Ease, Foot Comfort, Else'in, etc Eitler of whieit are teliablo 0, Litz! Central Prue; &ore, Exeter, 10 (orna to Caldera, t Whereby yotti do 1 to youreri: Oil n Porter jell P! Jews. GtO, '3. A. The inc '4 usta a« Dating material •is Seen raiment reports which show during 1903, 'thane were prouce 4101:12,yorrito, 90490 barrels, valu'1 a Mrs, Lockhart and children, Kingston, who have spent n short lime here with 1 viands left for St. Marys on Saturday, where t1i7 spend t he remainder of then* holi. dn:NY1,;. Rohl. Sanders has ret urnad. trnn Grand Ik nd where lin has spent mnter.„ liv htft on Tneaday for a rip through Manitoba and the arilt Wei, an ort his 'eturn will iisit New Ontario. You Should Have VOW' Savings Accot AT THE Th Sovereign Bank of Canada Opens an account in our a 00 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT RARNISIRS' 'RUSIN ess We give particular attention to the business of farmers drovers, graziers and give them the best terms. We cordial ly invite them to make any of our Branches their BANKIN G HOMES. We are always glad to explain and make all tran s, actions clear to our patrons. Brarlehea in Hurbia County at Exeter Creditor) Dashwood Herman Zurich Clinton GLADINIAN STANBURY, solicitors. For Marriage Licenses, F, B. JAR ziatutzer, Exetar, Dram% iCaMommagyregemoommararreraramamosmomeow.wooe,.. Weddltig Rings, Watcheo. Clocks' Jewelry, Spectexclets Etc OALT4 OX R HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. DR. OVENS OF LONDON, aargeon, Ooalist, Specialist], Deseasos, 'Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat visits Exeter monthly. Glasses Properly Fitted Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. Office COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Dates of visits., WEDNESDAYS, Jelly 27, Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, No'.'. ea London office 225 elueens Ave. R.E. 1 KARD General Selling Agent for Lands Any persons, farmers or others, who contemplate purchasing lands in Manitoba or the North-west Ter- ritories will find it to their ad- vantage Ib call on me, as I have recently been appointed general sel- ling agent for all C. P. R, and N. W. Land Co's lands. Prices range front $3.50 per acre and upwards. Persons who settle on C. P. R. lands within one year after pur- chase have ten years in which to pay for teach lands. For further particulars apply to R. E. PICKARD, Exeter. Or at the "UIMES" office: rawaaarateameramt,-aartateametaaaaateeee,..,...ma TO ADVERTISERS. he copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1904. •LO • CALS • Read Pop one & Gardiners ad. on page 5. Miss Cora Cann spent civic ltolidaY in London. Miss Lillian Rowe is ill with an at- tack of Typhoid fever. Miss Alice Howard is ruiticating at Grand Bend, Several cases of scarlet fever are reported in Exeter North. See ad. in this issue of sale ot Metropolitan hotel. We make a specialty of wateh and clock repairing. D. Hastleib. Mrs, E. A. Pollack spent peat of last week and this at Grand Bend. See :denouncement to those who wish to save in Sovereign Bank ad. last page. Mrs. 3. E. Tom. of Godericla, spent, a few days of t his woak here with her parents. Miss Lilla Johns has returned halite from a etertsant month spent at Grand Bend., Mrs. W. Johns and son, Frank, and little Miss Amy, are visiting fri- ends in London. —Miss Minnie Taylor, of Toronto, is ovisitingre Z-1 e .Tolrn Taylor, xte By. F. E. Malott ,will occupy the pulpit of the James -at church on Sunday evening next. Miss F. Cudraore and Miss leLPet- rey spent the past week with Miss C. Cudmore, Ruron street. Mrs. Jcihn Mellott, sr., has been suffering from an attack of blood - poisoning, the past week. Miss Aloah Walsh, of Orono, and Miss Lina liodgins, of Strathroy, are guests at Mr. and Mrs. Cobbledick's. Miss Ida Dinsrlale, of Kippen re- turned home on Monday last after spending a %reek visiting friends in rown. Miss Vera liawkshaw and Miss El- la Tleywood spent the first few days of this week at the inillirtery open- ings in London. Miss Olive Hooper, of Victoria Dos- oital, London, is spending a couple of weeks' vacation at the honae of her aunt, Mrs. W. G. 13issett. Ivliss Razel Browning has re- turned from a month's vacation very pleasantly spent with friends at Port Hui on a n d London. A game of football was played be- tween the Hensel" and Exeter teams on the evening of civic holiday, re- sulting in a score 01 1-1. Mrs. J. Millar and Miss ,Tillie. Balkwill have returned horn Grand, feetad Where they have bemi holidayMg for the past two weeks. tr. and Mrs, Martian ,of Londo tint visiting their sop, Mr. W J. 11 in and family. On Tneadday th en enjoyed a pleasant day at Gra Rend, taking, in the sights at Joseph, cn thtir return home. *.l!,liss Livingstone'milliner vi Snell & Itowe spent Saturday • town, leaving again the same even - hilt for Toronto, where she will visit the several openings and glean the test ideas in the millinery art. Mrs. ;Tunica Moore, Exeter North mho had an o peration performed at St. joseples Ito,pital, London, soma i Nartos.)ti.eneyks aagloox,ri,s exaeveitnegd homepas 81)4 s hrough 1 be o peva( ion very suecesq- fully. Miss Ethel Sweet left on Mon- day to spend a couple of weeks at the Toronto millinery openings af- ter which she goes to Aurora, where she has Leen engaged for the season with Mr. Whimster, as milliner. Mrs E. Elliott, who, expects to leave with her daughter Miss Olive, Elliott, for Toronto, where ibe lat- ter will take a Conservatory course of tnusic, offers her vary fine resi- dence on Main street for sale. See ad. in another column. Rev. C. W. Brown, oe who is holidaying at Grand tend called on friends here on Monday morning on his return from • Mit- chell, having been celled home to at- tend the funeral of a member of his ohurch at that place. Mrs. R. Elliott and family, o Norwich, who have spent a yea •pleasant month at Grand Bend, are this week visiting at the home- stead with the Misses Carling; They will leave for their home the latter part of the week. • Mr. and Mrs. Aquilla Snell, of Winnipeg, who have spent the past two weeks here left this week for Toronto, atter which they will visit friends in Chicago, also taking in the sights at the World's Fair, St. Louis, before returning to their home in the Western Metropolis, arise Roxie Eacrett, of Brantford, after a few days pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Turnbull, at Farqu- har, spent Sunday and 'Monday in town with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Eac- retie leaving on• Monday evening for Bayfield, where she will spend the remainder of her holidays. • Miss Core Powell and Mr. 'Ed. Powell visited friends in 'Woodstock (baring the latter part of last week. They amide the journey in Mr. Pow - ell's automobiel, and report a pleas- ant trip. :Mr, Powell says that no where do the roods for easy travell- ing coulee-1re with those in tias dis- district. FOR OVEESIXTY lEARS AN OLD AND WELL-TRTIBID REMEDY. --111Z8 WinslowisSoothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years byP minions or mothers for their children while teething, with porfectattocees lt soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhom. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggiets in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo sure and take Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and ask for no other kind. The demand for Vanerhoof's ccle- ted remedies iS rapidly increas- ng.' .,ty consist of :al -lento -411e Cure, Opatim, Surpositories, Vigor of Life, Compound Antiseptic 4 , 4 UGUST 25th 1904. T SAL s Suits Regular price $14,00. selling price $11.98, Regular price 12.00 Selling price 9.89. Regular price 10.00 sellmg price 7.90. Regular price 8.00 selling price 6.60 Regular price 7.00 selling price 5 25 oyW Suits Re,f,rular price $7 00 Sellmg. prieP, $5 48 itegular prit.e U.5O iiUing p,ice 4.90. . Regular price ti..50 selling price 4.69 Iloq,ular price 4.50 selling price 8,75. R0gudar price 4,00 selling. price 3,25. Regular prieo 3,50 selling price 2.75. Odd PantS egular priee $4 00 for $3.25. 1-;c,4ular price 3 50'4eiling price 2.75, grew price 2.50 selling for 8 1.0iy Ite;ralar price 2,00 selling for I.69 Regular price 1.05 selling for IST.14-3 IR.OWIT.I. Bawder, Tonic and Vitalizer, stom- ach Tablets, Catarrh Cure, Read - ache Cure, to.—C„ Lutz, Central Drug Stole, agent, Exeter, An order has been issued by the Urand Trunk to the etteci that t.n.1 after Sept,etuttor lith a charge wo cents per hundred pounds ler week, or portion thoreof, will be made against all freight remaining in G. T. R. sheds after two hours, alNicOcNilvet lbo.sni.vdedtlaryrseinntnimwubr levlistalrghce for any one consignment five cents. tiring front Business. —Farmer . having dispoed of their 1/1A1 - will continue to wind up all mess at the old stood until Oct - All casescasks and empties not rued after that date will• tart-4Ni ts cash. AU outstanding - tints to be settled "by cash or A good residence to be sold all modern conveniences, or gent for land property, CASTOR IA ror Infants and Children, The Mod You Have Always Bough Rears the Signature ef vnt manner in 111c1j you 'have dis- charged your duties. And now we as you to accept this *hair. not for its value imt as a slight lumen- * o of the days when you were with Us. WO wish You success In We at any work you are engaged in. and Imre that God inay bless and keep IYOU health and strength. Miss Torn was also kindly r onembered by the Vkining n'orkers Ilk at Trivitt 1)1emorill church being: presented with a beaut iful set of silver fea-spoons. Rev. Lj. Perkins. Mide the ,presentation behalf ot her associates, Usors of coal in this town atoll teighborhood are not going to take chances of not being able to get necessary fuel, besides a, little pare for next winter's burning. Two winters ago i. was a strike„ last winter blockades; and the less()) learned from the trials of trying to get even a meagre supp13, during 1 these seasons spoken of has stinnt" toted summer delivery of roll. Order Your Coal Now., -1:p ;roes! he price of hogs and down goes the I Price of coal, Raving bought a fea oars of hard coal at a price on the dollar, 1 am prepared to fill all orders while it lasts tit $0.25 per on. First come, first served. Place our order at gage for as soon as this allpply is done YOU Will Ium to pay more money. Orders tett at the office at A. Q. Robier will be romptly attended to. -11, Parsons, Lumber Measure. —To find ib quantity of lumber in a logmulti ply the diaxn.eter in inches at the i small end bY one half the diameter* t hen multiply i 10 number Ibus Lound by the length or the log and divide by 12. For instance— a log 1. 80 inches at the small end and 14 fee Iong-30 multiplied by 15 equals 450 thire multiplied by 14 equals 0300 when (lidded by 12, this gives 525, the approximate number of feet lumbet measure in the log. he TTimes has a supply a book.' giving a treatise of the horse and ids diseases, vvhieh we are giving away to all now and paid up subseriberss. The book contains an index of *dis- eases, giving a description of each, with causes, synaptoms and tree l- atent , also a large collect ion of excellent receipts, which are very valuable. The Times from now to january lst, 1905 for 25c, to new subsetribers only. Clubbing rates on application. High School Noths.---Parents and guardians intending to enter tudent.s for either the commercial or full English course will collect. a LAWN BOWLING That howling has taken a strou hold in Exeter was shown on civic holiday when, the bee/alien!, green of the Exeter LaWnt Bowling Club was the centre ,of attraction for a large number of visitors. A series et games had been arranged for the indidaY between rinks chosen from petal players and with a keert,green and enthusiastic bowlers a splendid day's sport was witnessed. The W- I lowing Is the result a the games.; W. J. "Leaman, W. M. Mat eltferd, 1.7. 0. Stanbury/ C. IL Snell, / 13, S. O'Neil, W. C. Ruston. ,john Muir N. j). iturelon, skip 19 skip 10. •- w,3. ifeamart, ^isr. E. Lovett. J. G. St;„.m,bury, R. S. Lang, I 13, S. O'Neti, Dr, Rollins f John Muir, W, Gladnunit. skip 33. ship 15. 11 ;1 ;1 favor by registering at once willt the secretary, Mr. 'John Grigg, as the board are anxious to know with- out delay the number of desks avail- able for outside applicants. Par- ties having rooms for one or more upils will confer a favor by leav- i a their names with the secrefary o chairman with amount of ttc- mmodation available. Lett for the •Northweist .---detr. Wee Trevethick and Isom Fred,' left last week for Maniteobn, With a car load Of household nd o' her effeces, tad on Wednesday moaning they ware., re11eKeI1 leYktrei Trerethiele Veld 'the; remaining Members of the family. They will take up their residence at efelfort, Saskatchewan; where , their two .sons, Zarb ,tho. Chas. are com- fortably located. We are sorry to lose ,such good citizene as Mr. Tre- vethick and family from aniongst us but beSeeak for thein muah pleasure and prosperity in their home, We only express thebest wishes or (hob, many friends • here. W. H. Leavelt, W. M. Liatch.:or It. S. Lang, 0. 13, Snell. W. C. Ruston, Rev. F. Malotti W. a'. lleaman, a. G. Stanbury, skip 17, skip 14. 3. G. Stanbury R. Davis, W. C. Rtston, P. W. Gladman, John Muir, N. D. Hurdon, W. X, Heaman Rev. le. lefalott, t skip 7. skip O. An Exeter Boy Married arnard —Davidson Nuptials at illancelona, Mich. 1 From the Mancelona Herald, o i.A.ugust 1311t we re -publish the fol lowing. , The wedding of Miss Donna Le Bnrnarrl, da ugh t Or 'of Mr. and afrs ; LeneY E. Barnard, and Mr. A. • Davideon, all of this place, 1day afternoon, Iras in every respect ' a "home wedding" for The event ; took place at Um new home of their ! own on east State street, in which ;they will start married life. 31a ; house has Leen very kincleomelY nad testily furnished. It was plannell to 09.4110..44+44:O4.04.4.4).04,4400 , have ilie event and subsequent fes- tivities out doors. The' porch on Fall Term Opens Sept. 6tli the (end side was beautifully decor- lated and a wedding boll, tOmposed of ferns and sweet peas was suspended overhead. The floor w as ca,rpelecl ith rugs, etc. rhe ceremony took 'place at 3.30 lack 9.044.**.O4t,0•0•4«......4.••• 01 rsets Commencing SATURDAY AUGUST 27th For one Iffeels, Only 75c Black Corsets for 3 n, es g cleared out a whole line from im aa rer we will sell the whole 10 doz. For 49 cents a pair e ARLIN 0 S. Ittetaetalalera0A40.40$4044,0400.41.44.11404444.•••••••••••••••••40 ,004.0-teattA.40-atitelteriteateta014.4440414114+.4111114414044.44444144•9 urniture and Undertaking uring the summer months we will give 5 per cent off for all cash' sales, Ww Cr HUSTON Director and Practicable Embalmer. Opera Rouse Bleck 444444 4.44114.......4,114•••• SeGoild 1)0 NO116 STfiR FLOUR Customers say: "1 want nothing better than the last lot," IT "Give me the same as be- fore." III "We never had better bread than we are get- ting now.' When in need of flour for making bread call at the mill for "Star." Our Princess makes excel- lent pastry. Mill feed always on hand. yestela HARVEY BROS. 0.414.400444a4400400.A•040-140.4* KindlY Reniembere I'S. 11 Of .11 VI d daughter, Miss Mary 110111, who have long been ..residents 01 Exaer lett on Tuesday for the. Norihwesl where they expect to reside, taking up thole residence at Carnduff, Assn. Prior to leaving the employ of Me. W. IT. Taman, bliss liorn was made the recipient of a very handsome chair by her fellow -employes. The, following is the address la - To Miss Mary Horn from Mr, W. W. Taman 'and mnployees. Dear .Mary, --We your. • fellow workers in the shop, levee lea rned with deep regret of your intended departure from among us. We de- sire 10 hare f3XPICS oUr sorrOw ,: being deprived of your SerViCCS ,as well as to tender you the hcarl-fciL gmatilule f 0 1. he faJhfgi nhei The bride marehed from the parlor, out and around to the side porch, where beneath the wedding bell she net the bridegroom, and with the inipresslye ring ceremony they wee: e ntu led The bridal couple were tinattended. TJic bride was gowned in cream silk After the cereniony end congratu- lations; refreshments were served on the lawn, which was appropri a tely clocora ted and prepared for the event. ,-,••••••• ; "" Tile bride and groom Were most generously remembered by their friends, and am many handsorite ancl valuable presents received were dis- played in the upstairs, room, which was decorated a 1 h ferns and nasturtimns. The happy young •couple eire two of ollr most astimable young people. The bride is a Charming and accom- plished young lady; the groom is a prosperous and energeticyoung business mon, ansi both have a -host oil frleintS ivho wdlI joir1 P1 uxteneling heartiest congratulattilons. lelie and Mrs., DavfdsOn ,gone on a :bridal; trip 1:0' Maga:rte ' Lorido,ne TOT on i and E'lc.et r, Ort c1aoffd expect to 1-6(',1,f-r_n t he first, eyeek Seotembeed M)GENTRAL 619:6dirild1 STRATFORD, ONT. It pays to get a business educa • tion and it pays to get it in our atet ogebteetlt Our attendance this ,Z,," yea e Ines been the largest in the • history of this college. We have t placed more ancients in positi.ons this year than in any preV1OUS To the Fran Again 01 With a constounlOnt of short leaf Georgia Pine. It makes the most beautiful interior finish of any lumber on the market today. Lumber Lath and Shingics We 4tre in a better position than ever to supply onr many customer; with all they may require either from shop or yards. Bee geepers Supplia iI delivery'. Place your Orders for Tanks early. Estimates cheerfully given. Aweall in we like to see YOU."ft 452 ROSS 84 TAYLOR EXETER, ONT. Get After the Bugs For the Best and Cheapest Old Paris Green Hellabore 131140 Stone &c &c year. Made * • • Nat, j, ELLIOTT, President. Z., ( D. A. McLACElLAN, Principal 4 Write to the College for a magnificent: • /1: • HOUSE lieXfILL HOLD DYES Drug Store Dini Eyos7 rviatie )T k dd coed with strain. a cleat, Visio'd; r4 , Eyes Youn • ac te r Oyes; weaka natural ease and cornfort tv*.T. years ago. And why not P specialty of sight testing, and nsek`reen latest appliances foe this irtipoil work. Satisfaction anaraaateed These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk, Sate or Mixed Goods one bttth --they are the latest and most improv- ed Dye in the world. Try a package, All colors at C. LUT; Exeter. Please exafnine th6 date' en; your label and if not correct! kindly , let te's ,know dial a 0 well Melte the'eeteret a thin . Dart Graduate of Canadian Corte; - of Optics. 'L ownin ug Stor