HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-25, Page 7Cenotine
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'ti ItiVanil LlVE
ulLew :Mt
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To the Weary Dyspeptic,
We Ask This Question:
Africa Was Never, More Dark Than
is the Dark Ocean.
( ntercd eccortitng to Act of the ran..
tiernent of vola. o., an the year one
't'trousu ct Niue, hundred aid
by 1vnt. Helie. of Turoeto. at tea
e n
P uk of AgriFutturo, attaw7e
A despatch frim). Los Angeles,
says: Rev- Frei* Be Witt Tam
preached the following text:—Rev
tions a;.. J, "And chore Was
snore sea,"
11ho was the writer? Where w
his feet planted when be saw
pectacies . which. he d'escrihes in
ivinely inspired, apocalypse? Tp
two cQaaditions meet. be clearly* on
stood before one can in any true
tarp the nneaning of the weeds
ryF text.. Jndeed, to. properly
reeiate the worth, or the actions
any maxi are enlist first put our"sel
in that Mont': place.
TOdtay,- in order' to rightly int
pret the words of arty t ext, we ni
first put ourselves in St. Joh
place. In the first instance. we
tire, he is an oltl man, Jlis 11
Work was nearly dont*. A stall
eighty looter rtt, canutttions in hem
►and on earth diTerentfy from
wets 0 Yoene; 'man at twenty to
thero. 'l'he, struggles of,life w
St. ,1 1
vea�" reel and inten
at s he had beenresident
a . ,1t .est
a R d
1+.phesus, iia Mia Minor. He h
been ft amighty renter in Vile enroll
ing of the gospel through all 'itis
•cgions. �le hed iflered for Owl
he had almost been merty°recl. 7
second fact we • whist notice, is th
St, ,Johan is an exile, Under the P
Iiniti;Sn persecution, he was sent
this Iouely:, rockbound island of t
ailterraneon. Therefore the s
ant sure to his titan it ting
rneann to eomc of tis. It zneafnt, AA
s b all_ try. to show, first, the "Sea
Itiys#rry;"" secondly, tho "Sea
Iratte: " thirdly, the ""Seta. of Sonar
tion;" and fourthly*, the "Sea
S firit.nnl Struggle." Icy putting
ourselves in St. John. -s place acs ex-
float ,upas the Island of I ata os.
believe we can sy uboliee all these
Ilb at' the ' any) tea•ious see was ' to
the lonely exile looking; o1p' upon ulna+
Jttcctiterrane rn God always has been
atnal always %rill be to us on earth.
lacer ins
a mystery. We know that he
created the wotict, but ]now? We
crnnot tell. Vte know that in thio
beginning Christ was. and yet lip
wn:e born a Ilinple: s babe. Ilow? Wit
rntin ot tell. We know that John"
the beloved disciple. '' walked and
tired with Christ. Yet concerning
many facts About the personality of
Joe -us, Jolm was as much In the dark'
n;4 was icode.nu:i when Ito saki,
'"How can these' things be?" Patti
compares our knowledge of tl ocl ` to a
little chilli's knowledge .of -a human
patent. We know that'our babies
cnnnot fully understand us. 'nein
fore Paul says: "Now eve look
through a glares darkly. Now ]
know only in part. Bo you won-
der that when John began to use the
nrysteiious ocean es the symbol of
a mysterious Cod. be cried out in, rho
words of my text in reference to
roaren, "nee there was no'more
ea?" All the mysteries of earth
ball receive heavenly solation when
he seas shall vanisk away,
Tho sera of mystery is to be seat-
med. Yes, but the great "sea of
hate"' is also to disappear on the
millennial dawn. That sea of bloom
s hall forever disapi,ehr, the drinkint
F which turns a. human heart into
that of a. Wald beast's when be is
willing to trample upon end destroy.
his weaker fellows. That sea. of
blood shall be licked up which snakes
roan fats ra at the feet of man only
beenttse, like a tiger's cub, his claws
are not yet sharp enough and his
jaw not yet` strong enough to tear
limb from limb the being he none
salutes us master and king.
iut perhaps we bad better do-
ribe how the words of my text
ay mean t:ho "sea. of hate" before
e • awake our application to this
are -
n -
Why don't you remove ' s
that weight at the pit
of the Stomach?
Why don't you regulate that variable
appetite, and condition the digestive
organs so that it will not be necessary to
starve the stomach to avoid distress atter 0
The first step is to regulate the bowels,
For this purpose
Burdock Blood Bitters
lion. No Equal.
It acts promptly and effectually and
permanently cores all derangements or
uth. Cod made of one blood rill
itions, to dwell upou the face of
e earth. Ile nevee intended Jews
be antagonistic to gentiles or hu -
an governments t o be arrayed
'eel- intended the dividing walls of
color to separate tho white races
from, the black, or the yellow skins
or the Asiatics to be at war with
the combined forces of the civilized
world. I3ut Ike oceans, perhaps,
niore than any other means, have
been the cause which has produced
these much to be deprecated results.
Great seas have flowed in between
the contineets. Por thousands of
t -ears t,he navigators were unable to
cross them. The oeban beds are so
broad aad long that though the Aus-
trahan con thent, with an area of
2,9441,628 squat° miles, was discov-
ered hy the Dutch explorers in 1606,
it was practically lost lor nen ri
two cen Ogles, ns a pebble m lent be
lost in the bottom of a lake. It had
to be rediscoveredeby Captain Cook
in 1771. Thus widely separated
peoples grew ,up with separate inter-
ests, They s,poke different langu-
bleached hy the snows or the frigid
?one or darkly tanned by the tropi-
nal beats. , Beenuse they had no pine
etinfronied (fetal ct.thex, 10:4),:y
tereiene,„ bat es ,ermtel roes.
Tittal etEre Oa' HATE.
Do you stantoee nomo would have
ever placed her irdu heel of tyranny
ubon. the neck of the prottteate t,
brew had Jerusalem not nom soper-
atea .trbui: the capital of the Caesars ,p
Pain. m the th
Cholera infantum, Seasickness,
and all kinds of Summer Com-
131aint are quickly cured by
Dr, Fowler's
Extract of
Wild Strawberryz
.Ilehas been used by thousands for
arly sixty'years—anol we have yet
hear a coxnplaint about its action.
few doses have often cured when
other remedies have, failed. Its
ion is Pleasant, Rapid, Rehabli
Se ilitet111.111:: theatre et enrollee
bant"icrs of mighty, noun lain r;enges.
The Pyrenees separate ;ti"anee from
Spain And the mighty Alps focal the
northern boundary of Italy tend the
western boundary of Austria and the
southern boundary of Germany, and
but nil Saviteerifted as with a Chiu,
eso well. But, after all, the greott
est separators of nations alwens
have been the inightn seas. Ti.eis,
Sslxetn St. .labs looked of upon the;
waters of
the fir'.
"And sent,,. 1
ad there was no more sea,"
he meant practically this: in heaven
there shall be. no bate, zlo bitterness
^o fault findings. net bloodshed,,
Jew hating taq
Ronzau, no Roman nat-
tily, Greek. no Japan fighting Russia
and no :vein sucking the the lifeblood
of a prostrato Cuba.
Then love and,
kiniewss and sympathy aaa41 mutual
sell sacrifice will Wind the hunian together, ban
et'.9. ttSe the "`Sett or
tzaate ' shall forever disappear,
not as the "s eo tett' ee ,,ration". 'i
spaatet ianes the ''seat of locate," soy ft, h
coal• be ntso the itep esable #carrier"
ablaieh s paarlrtes friend front friend..
napoleon, fretting life away in St.
iltltnai, or Valois Dreyfus, suffering
o. Devil's il'.
r; a rl s isl:t;tel or "Victor IJn;o, in
a island t I n
xaanre eeJ1errtted trope their friends
than wars St. John, on Patinos, se-
laarratecl from his friends, Legend
tells its that be w; s sent #4 work, in!
the Fntmee mines as• the Russian
Dill +;a itrt put to work in the "Sitter,
ti annul it lifts us to the very':
gates of heaven itself. Oh, my bre-
they avid sister, will you stand upon , +•• �+•v. .,
this a ioumtaiu, this blood red Cal=
Vary Mountain? Will you not ter INTE33,;NA.TI4NAI, LESSON,
day let t. .;stand of Patzaos be to
,You a $tepi.; ` stone to a. •laeayexllyr AUG. �2$,
throne'? The. youwill never, again
hear the surging Waves ateinptatien Tort o'€ tlxe I«esornz l ixcgs
beating against the rocks of sin, and i -S. Goblets Text x Rs. erevo, l-
and threatetliarg to sweep you .out ',i"be adversary `i ,tdi ays en the
he sunrise of a, gospel hope )lied to
0 4Misftto at
into the unfathomable depths. May
clay its yelleaw beams over tile's trou-
bled; waters and.huge for yezu a gold-
en beulevat d which shall lead up to
the streets of a new .Jerusalem,
where there shall be ""no more sea."
Observations of a Wonsan. Whose
douse Whey Were Billeted..
3�1y friend, Baroness
with me to -night. In cmnnne/fing
en the day's doings; shy said that
fifteen: soldiers and thr lel officers Seem
quartered at her /louse 'on Tuesday.
and eighteen soldiers and four of-
inert; on Thursday, says a letter
from. Tokio.
Without regard to rank or•er
cin int
stances the Government decrees that
on a giros, date certain )muses shall
a'ective trerrips c euliag trout the
eooptry h crews of th., 'nnonlher the
arraefis carr aceom «rl>ite. Tb:s
wvicek it was the 33rc 'ot e' ' tocol
thus to suppl;r, lodging.).
A f"arious storm eee tt over Toni()
tart he sdzty, and /allowing t
solriie ",rlong .,that thin
t4 had a .it3ra�.:Y trent t'.Itt"
c ,
at ro s -" the been the Baroness
gate thein up when they olid, not ar-
rive at filmset, It was long after
midnight when the weary detachment,
reached her house. They cant.) sil-
ently. Qnly the erinching of gravel
ubele1' Toot tel' ;non or beast war an,.
The four officers elistoounted melee-
testy and prostrated themselves be-
fore the hostess, flanking her in
' ue .�lapaanese fashion for so grad, -
u .ly receiving the bumble parte'.
,i'he library and stnol;arrg rotes bad::
ten turned over to thein. fatoYis
ere apr"ead on the lame of tlw geed
eranda:, while the mien were quarter -
;molly well on th ee v,tnts" Sidle
the house. nn Ib". horsee clump -
at their bits wlhteaa led to the pri-
ate stales --a luxury crtal.anos� n for
any. a, Clay' to the poor itettsts,
xuinesi., But tiwben the clay's n•ot'l:
wets cloth, St. John was afowet1 to
freely roapu over tlie l'atines moles,
No prison walls were more; seenro
than this prison of the apostolfe e
ilea, Ana now, naza•thinks, I eau sec
him, his white hair being tossed by
thtr Svinds_ tt
0 strains his eyes 05 b
et looks fever the Mediterraraem woe w
er to Asia Minor, where be knoWS v
Christien eolaborers are work: -
a., among the elinrehee of Asia.
'AV* says the old patriarch. "In ed
ri 1 shall never be separated v
these leve. 1 shall never
be compelled to have the eilver Cords
of affeetion enapped at the grave.
eso wevee on Reparation fur -
ver and ever be Belted up. There
all be no more ,see."
. not this reunion Vision of
Of Pa (moo t you a trans
I thought? Is it not au upl
hig Iwo that those who were at .0
arietelted away from us by death
shall be given back in all the beauty
and love of the redeMption Not
tong ago the great battleship of tbe
United Statee navy named after the
ewe of Mieeouri was threatened
with. emanation, By a certain mis-
hap the powder charges on the decks
were ignited and exploded. 3n an be -
stoat a spark might fly into the meg-
azine room, and then the whole Alp
would be destroyed mut bundred
Men might be hurled iota eternity.
At onee gunner's mate who stood
near juiriped throngh the open door
of the rintgazite room and slammed
shut the Iron door. Tlie magazine
rooin was Epode(' eild the ship was
saved; not, however, before the brave
gunner'e unite was nearly drowned in
that megtizine room as a rat ndgift
be drowned in his hole, 'As with
that gunner's mate, sometimes it
our duty to face dangers- Some-
times Ave =at, as it mere, turn our
backs tmon our Triends and slam shut
irou door, called the door of the
tomb, whieh separates us from. our
dear ones. Sometimes Are must be Se-
pareted from those we love, even 05
St. John on the island of Patinas
was separated from his friends in
Asia Minor, But in beaven. God
win give us hack our loved ones.,
Yes, there will be 00 separations, no
partiegs there. Por in heaven, ac-
cording to the inspired Apocalypse,
"there is no more sea,"
But the nlediterraneen waves beat-
ing against the Patinas rocks were
not only syrabolic of extereal troub-
les, but also of an inward spiritual
strife. When" St. John gave his
heart to Christ, in one sense be woe
eniancipated from sin. But Satan
never for an instaut, this side of the
grave, leaves'off his struggle to cap-
ture a gospel stronghold. The Rible
declares a Christian shall not be
tempted by a sin greater than he can
bear. But Christians always have
to be going to Christ for more spir-
itual strength in order to repel the
Satanic onslaughts which are daily
being made against the strongholds,
cf their hearts.
Can ire not find the symbol of a
spiritual struggle in the never ending
restlessness of the sea? "Oh," said
a lady some time ago to me, am
so tired of hearing those waves beat
up against the rocke,” Yes, those
waves have been beating 11P against
those rocke for thousauds of years.
When sailing upon the ocean, some
da;is its surface seems as calm as
Noon lake asleep, as a smiling child
in the. broad lap of the Adironback
mountains. Rut ' that is only a
slumber, 'Within a few hours she
may awake with a scowling face,
with tho fire of the lightnings father
eye and with the sbrieking-s of the
tornadoes in her voice. r.n eur lives
the spiritual steuggiee keel,- on to the
end. We have the "good angel"
whispeeing in one eer to be good.
we have the "bad angel" whispering
in the other ear to be bad. St.
John, even up to the end of his life,
bad to light by the power of the
Irl'oly Spirit anal/int the restlesS sea
of temptations, So bane we.
Time my text means mere than a
figure of speech It has more
titan a mere 'literal interPretation
ta 10a1:011, 18 to be a piece. without
tinoepberic .moisture. It nteans
hat the 'enouetalas of Cetvarry''
hall be largo enough to holci all
copies who ,give. their hearts to
'eau Christ. It 'means that this
iountaia, It Shall, lift es up and
alert and wonderfully well Wormed.
How much the great adversary, who
goeth about as.a roaring lion, seetc
in wham he may devour, knows o
the affairs of God acid His people on
cannot say, but his knowledge is no
to be made light of, and we Inst
not only have on the 'who.«; orzn°.
provided for us, but we utast dill
gently watch and. pray that we may
resist trim and not be overcome b
en lie le neither omnipotent nor
_nnl.ct zit
e . but our [:tsar 1'letx'L�ca•o
is both; therefore we may .always be
victorious. So weal: are we in our
raves, however, that the moment we
take our eyes of our Lord we will
be sure to fail, its Simon Peter dict
when he paw t}tf; wings and w4itw
ad at once began to shit instead of
ntlklra,g telusrlphantlyr an the )rater,
tY 1 e rniglit• have continued to do
lea l he continued toy see Jesoet only
;liiztil had donee nobly,, w"onnerfarlly.
maid a mighty victors lied been grant-
ed linea, but he is ween fleeing for bis
life ff'a o►ni to n ickt <l woman, IIscould
trust (god to cera for hires by they
lonely Melo% end in the boor tt itlov ";e
`oat ser sinal s eeerely to Melia hint wets
ire 'Sva-nth of A1paL1), Y r+ reanlrl stand
r 4S �".
at l . i , ( -
inn a
31.1 1'
s l the
proplae t s of I3au1. , Mit t acv a `a' .'ng
a sen
that .Jeraehel was detern/lncd to �taa'se'
fax tea *talent
nside r'
r sag the ealorsnftus cp:n;ul:zpe
e t
o all
lire averag t teeedrinkcea� s inferma.tion
'~ }ansnted to 'a z,;nQwledeee that titers
1, are green teas and black tea,; possi-
bly that teas grown in China, Japan
y and Cep ion differ in: favor each from
the other. Hardly my one know
➢' that •
G d ere •�.
It r
a large
n rr f va
a S
. ie:� of each of these teas, depend-
grades of siren/5th and flavor,
Tee, is the cheapest beverage in the
rorld, t:#aeczp7er teen any bottled
water, that is known. Miert are be,
tweerz 2n0 watt l(TU ;cups of tete in
pot!nd. There aro only about fort
`cups off coffee to the pound- If
/dollar R newel is laid f'o
k, l F tcaa, vac
iln Costs the eoneunaer only aabe nt
Pali ;a, cent {vent if it is made very
st .
roxi�, A. good teas can be bought
for fifty cents an pound, batt ;lot
$chohce Iaind. 'The teas sold uncles
Ovine cents ere enerzei.illyeedulterat-
;eft. 'fees at to dollar pound goes 1!
so limply Partner diet it is just as pp
I.ehenp to Use it. a to piny
@much a pound :inn ten . s l held
li #Sa"late ��. X7tt141a..
!while the loner of the dice er resit
fails p cl
T1 t
«? s net ,t t
a; lYe
fl as• ,. r ., ..
a tar
guc't, it is galled of the Sen eriei ar
tide. d
Tea is Bret e or lalit "le
this natanner of cure
made by witheringthe
Suet: they flare then nzzashc
ed. which br4,ene th fi
hie life be Ferins forme( tl
and eare of God, the ii1ing God, be-
fore whom he stood, and. leaving lite
servant et Beerehena. ncee to the
wilderness. le oureelvee we ere ut-c,
terly eolithiee. le is oniv in then
Lord that wo can be stroug and over-!
ed till he was strong; then in Ids „i
own strength he feiled ChignW
oveveoroe by the etrain
el been upon biro, weary in „
dy nod in mirtit. needlog rent and,'
taps rot lotowleg what ailed hiraq
down mukr juniper tree atildi
to God : is enough. Nowejel
Line away lire. for 1 tinoS
' (lieu ney fathers" (verso"
any 0. one lies Isiehell that he"
emi, but it vans a. foolish wiSh
r the Lord knows what hi hest fotl
and lies nsstared Us that we shell
ever be tried le.yond mhat we are,
nit trials are among the bent ;
Dings that eau come to us anti will ;,
ale us sure of the crown of life if
atiently borne Otta. 1. 12; Rev .;
0). lt is easy for us to see the
liv of hnt this is written",
that we may not he gtillty Of
extent. in strength, doing Ifis'„
of His word—Iris ministers!:
Ito do Tris pletienre (Ps. till,.
.ady for ell, it being the enstom c
ell these visiting eoldiees front the n
trivete huller =then than on the 11
overnment ration. 'now expressed el
immense eatisfaction over the goner- in
ous supply of beer anti eigarettee and p
were veey mach awed by tboir
• :entitling.
tieltets were 'dim
a °Mears to leave the preen;
le Japanese fashion and after their
bath quietly crept hack for a few 1,
itatIrS' sleep. ter
DlioIQp Pde arses ao: t
k,"e hoose sounsi•in the ie+
and: make his svorkip fl
f;tt er.
GS?t�d for tiav;Rau�(
and ro
and leit
.The leaves are then fermeut-1
ed, widen reatea the tallith!" ateid leen!
soluable, mid dried again. ttreeu tenni
is withered on hot peos—leat Jan-
enneed, put ta the pars for another
an is ueeally sfieantedeethan
Sweating, then . dried. . It IS
often ileeerted, that green lea gets
itS Color from the tit'tt Of arSeatitn
ete, This is not true; 'the
color wholly due te at
'emit methods Of Ore'latf.
dried in -the eun• turn black;
if E W4it or withered Ivy heat they ; tea
-te at :Patting
ioun. "DP S iii:::',:t.ieenrte,i
that thong
The whole seere a.'
itt 1;A:i ;', o 11:) ''. Spread flake thinly
quite y4)nng, Out
ne without the o ' in the wren: arid
lictuld never be allowea te be but T beget of coerce, cora
ion tl be inflifed; that hi, Ea ped into them and hang t it' emit
vitlicalt boiling. Nor should tbel!plare, Esau -tine, eft/. .ii.
rocess of initzerion he long continued. 11, weeks, to Fee if there are Sig ..
even minitten he the litult. After.nuWitteee, mid if so dry it
hat time tannin begins to develop "again. Then slip the itagn
well. eook, like fresh earn. without
'ediend p.
a by
b tiro
When boiling
in, then wash
bars o
,VireS tiro quo s
white Sonv, Slice
it rood 1.1te borax
ree enough of it
te rub.
All 1 Ito nest day they went about n hey Eerie et iiis birth , a
as silently . os the deaf and dumb.
and in stocking feet, lest their coarse
trespassing in the smallest wine but
geeing wonderingly on eity sighte—
they were country boys—and eveci-
ally on the lovely floArers in Bar-
oness 8--'s ruinous garden.
No matter how interested they
were, ibey religioesly avoided look-
ing in tho direction where the intone -
might be assembled, and but for the
evidence of sight, the Baroness would
not have known of their preseuce.
They had uever seen a foreign
Ileum., and when she took them
through It they whispe eel eolemnly
together, paused long befoee the
tores aml ornaments in the thawing
room, walked almost apologetically
on the soft rngs, and when their
eyes beheld a fine picture of their
Emperor, with one accord they pros-
trated themselves before biro.
morning light my friend saw these I
Night fell ttgain. In the gray
soldiers go forth as silently as they
thsemene, waited uptni Mu at
an resurrection awl uscension. They
/sited Abraham an coat:1,118Y with 'r]
ion by Jaen)), and are wonderful
prominent in God's dealings lei
men They bring heaven very De
to earth, for our Lord said coneen
His little cams, "in 'leaven the
angels do always behold the face
Maher who is in beaven." The
are minietering Spirits, always
istering to the heirs of solvation
elements htiVe 00 power over them,
and they go and come like lightning.
In 001' restirreetion boilies we shall
be equal to them, but in position far
beyond t liege
rind ,the proof texts in Pan. ix.,
nie and rejoice in the presence o
such companions who serve unseet
and unthanked---not our departe
friends, but angels who trere create
such and always have been and Aril
be just, ininistering epirits. Gni
two are mentioned by name, an
both names aro found in Daniel ar
ono name in Luke 1. Again the an
gel leaked him aud fed Wm, and
he strength of that meat he wen
orty days and forty nights to Hor
5. the mount of God (verses 7, Se
Vhether you shall ever hear tbe
'eke of angel or not or see one
ef.ore you leave or not, or see one
before you leave the movtal body,
do believe in and thank Cod for
their loving '
licov great the strength imparted
to Elijah by that meal! Cod could
hare strengthened him without the
food, but He is pleased ofttimes to
use ordinary moans in accomplishing
purposes. He has angels enough
*0 proclaim in all the world the
glorious gospel in one day or less,
but He sees tit to use such earthen
-vessels as we aro. Who would not
desire to be a vessel meet for the
Mnst Ws Ilse and rea dy to every
we must never be cast down nor dis-
couraged, for He' whom we serve
shall not fail eor be discouraged
not ours, and we simply dwell with
tho King for His work (I, Caron.
some Citizens of Leeds, England,
Are Not Wearing Any.
31 these physical culturists ..of
Leeds have their way the hat will A
soon disappear altogether- The man
who thinks more 01 personal come b
forts than of the dirtatAs of fashion
has long since discarded the tall haft
Now the members of the Leeds Pyiy-
sical Culture Society have enteThed
upou a campaign against all kinds
provided by. net ure, from the toP-hat
to the Penama, and trom the bow-
ler •to the cap.
At a meeti»g of Me committee held
the other night Mr. Harry Krentnitz
an engineer by profession, levelled a
strong indictment against hats of ail
kinds, charging them w ill being trte
cause of all beldness. grey heirs and
other evils. Nothing could be 1,211-
agined, he said, which was more un-
si,gvatly or more uncomfortable than
the ton hat. I -Te challenged anyone
.to bring forward a slingle advantage
it possessed. Children's hair, he ad-
ded, ei 02110 grow cern, and strong
if their heads were left uncovered,
and there was no doubt that if fresh
air were admitted to the head it
would prevent grey hairs and bled -
It was decided to bring the matter
before the general body of members.
Meanwhile efforts are being made to
ienneiri•otil recruits for the new move-
Icrernnita has not worn a hat
for nearly a week and serevel oth-
er gentlemen have pledged themselves
to go bareheaded when not in the
city, Oe a recent Suneay half a
dozen of the holder spirits went for
a walk into the coantry hatless.
"De reaeon some of es atm git
afenge" Said Et 1), .V0 philosopher,
dat we 'ettg. down area/1'13n' of auto-
mobiles \vben' otter be pastaif
We must leaen to do es Moses was
told to clo at that earne "Horeb, the
reount, of God"—pitt off our shoes
from our feet, for the plane is holy.
When. We tread 1.71)011 anYthitla, it
lecontes ottes (Josh. i,, so put-
ting off our shoes ineans that 4t is
not our affair, but trtis. 'We must
not atteinpt to rnanage or interfere,
but onle trust and obey and see 1101 -
God alone (Mark ix., 5; Ps. heti., 5;
110V00 died,, anti ive may aeat
a time do as occasion Serre ancl
leave ell to God.
to affect the nerves, Before RATIO
MinnteS the theitte and the delicate
flavor of the tea are extraeted in;
mg or sleeping floes not in the least
develop the injurioun
Tea. that has Mond too lone'
velolni a strong. .astringent taste.
is unpleaeant to the palate and
ple mistake this fur the strength
the ten; it, Is certainty tbe streng
of the most harmful part 'of n.
ChilleSer 0.101 Japanese, 'who are gri
consumers of tett. would not. toe
what passes as such! with as. Th
taste is cultivated to an appree
lion of flavor. They put a ninth
tea in a- pot.. pante on a sullicie
quantity ,of boiling water, permit.
to stand two or three minutes, pit
it off and drink .witlanat sugar
milk. • They drink unlimited /plan
ties without experiencing ;any et
in -
00012 ItECIPF.S.
Salad --Put one can peas over
the tire in a saucepan and let boil
till ()tate tender, adding. a little.
water if needed. When. done thick-
en the juice with dour and butter
rubbed t ogether, Season well with
pepper, salt and powdered sage or
mace, and when cold add the heart
of a tanti:li of celery and a email
minced onion. Boil 3 -eggs quite
hard; remove the shells, mince the
whites and sprinkle with. salt and
pepper. Now add to the peas: stir
in half cup good' cider vinegar and
last of all 2 tablespoolis melted but-
ter. Garitish the tori At-1th egg yolks
either sliced or grated.
Berry Mullins—Mix 2 cups sifted
dont., a teaspoon salt and 2 roux-Ed-
e:I teaspoons bilking powder. Cream
cup lanter with a cup sugar, add
eaten yolk of 1. egg, 1 cup milk, the
flour mixture and white of 1 egg
beaten stiff. Stir in carefully 1 cup
blueberries which have been rinsed,
dried end rolled in flame Bake hi
muilin pans 20 mietites,
Bamena Sherbet—Boil together for
five minutes =L. pt. sugar ancl 1 pt.
water. Let it get cold, then add the
juice of a small lemon and of an
orange, and ri dos bale/nee mashed
fine. Freeze until it begins to thin -
en, then pour in cup cream and
Serve in punch cups.
flinger ileer—The ingredients re-
quired for making home-made ginger -
ons ritlabed 00 the sugar. .Put, all
the ingredients into a pan odd three
quarts of boiling water, and stir the
whgle welt. When the mixture is
nearly cold ade 1 oz, of German
yeast or two tablespooesiel of barm,
end si end the result near the kitchen
fire all night. Next day Aim off
the yeast, bottle the ginger -beer, hnd
tie it clown. It, will be rcadY 102'
Tar stains should ,be rubbed with
g eel tie
must ‘vin upon their
merits. The International
Dictionary has won a
greater ' distinction upon
its merits and is in more
general use than any other
work of its kind. in the
English language:.,
it: It is indeed a marvelous worlia it is
chink:nit to conceive of a dictionary more
exhaustive and complete. Everything Is
in it—not only what ire might expect to
find in such a -work, but also what few of
us would ever have thought of looking for,
A supple/rmat to Um new eenion has
broug,lat it fulie up to date. 1 bane been
looking throunh the latter with a feeling
of astonislunent nt its completeness, and
the amouut of labor that has been put=
"A Teat inPronunciation', which //Teresa
pleasant mai instructive evening's enter -
Illustrated pamphlet also free.
Springfield, Mass.
Are just what every
weak, nervous, run-
dowa wonian needs to
make her strong and
Theyeure those feel-
ings of smothering and
sieking that come on
at times, make the
heart beat strong and
regular, give
weet, refresh..
ing sleep and
banish bead -
aches and tier-
vousness. They
infuse. ever life
and energy into
d shattered wo repo
who have tome
to think there is
no cure fbr there.
They mire Nervousness. Sleeplessness,
Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag, Faint
and -,-Dizzy Spells, Listlessness, After
Effects of La Grippe and Fever, Anmmia,
General Debility and all troubles arising
from a run -clown syetero.
Tereienee Gun