HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-25, Page 6Ge
011170pat $
8sage to Czar PoiutsI
to Big Battle,
struck Arnprfor Riacksinith, With,
a Pickaxe.
Ate Ottawa•despatc1i says
tave alicallestadt, a well-knowa atal
prosperoue farmer or Gratton I ask n -
shill, in "Renfrew County, is under and Other Dairy Produce
arreet for the Powder of larnese Eg- at Home and Abroad. '
latadt went to X"lgateville, aceornpon- •
A ng n tranett ptices eve fie roe h 3 4 00
- • 1 wive • 'though generally of a good dieposi-i t
lieuroaatiain has informed the Czar, on the port, of Grkeet Britain for f°1' his oett°11s when wider the 50 ;3 00
TUE WORLIiii3 i. 10 C°v7S 3 50
•ulls, export ,.. 3 50
•••-- Butchers* picked lots 4 2,5
REPORTS Vat.,QM Telal LEA.DING do good to choiee
Friees of Cattle, Cheese
"rt• an Arnprior blacksmith, as fuel .„ '
tit of a blow struele by the form- '4°,rontoy. Aug. 23.--Wheat-Ontario
thile under the influeree •of drink, tgra,ues ere armlet held. No. 2 white
Wednesday aiteracoa Middle- 414(1 3:ed Wilder being held at $1,03
' 3 ! f ' 'II- ee Alenitoba
loacie ,.... 4 00
do fair to good .... 3 75
do mixed, lots, meth,
do good cowe o
do cone:loon arid
rongh 2 00
131.-tcher:-," bulls „. 1 75
do medioni
do light
4 00
4 25
4 GO
4 25
4 15
3 75
3 85
2 50
1 75 2 50
3. 25 1 75
ie* by his V, lie, lie visited a number tv.ste.u1t hut 121tgx.11coe•;„ 31,,..(i.gtxiltetrsh,rtishr.ho.;t.....ie. 2255 2 7.5
do eokni
o. EAT B. ' IN SIG11,9,1, o absolute ntrabaea i of the hotels and was arlakinga anal them at .1$1.04., owl .No.o1Lh(flt At ' 3 -Norovrol 50
'MO rett.2.5131arg conresoonden war, m Ink, Iikesstan leper
enema 'el liquor. He bad oeeesion ilb°‘e til°164 (1,11°Ied•
Milk COWS, (4ch .......30 00 50 00
ti c Paris Vatio 'FoYs that Oen- 1 eellUted illt this s'ells• spe•zirie claime i t ion was not cousidered eccountable (..a7,;.1 I.V • t li (leorto 1331a: Ports-- xlo '-' counnon awl
oe jjao-Yeng will be k:f the most des- 3 probably be resent. ti for later c s' l'aggsrt's blacksmith shoP, (lats-Nu" 2 white ts quot.ed 4k 8:34 1,'!xport. owes, x•er ewt. 8 65 3 75
toet '0,0 fOrtha.'001:15/4 ba,ttl.' south. seizeres of veesels anti cargoes, will. .
-here be epent vonsidereble t itti e. to 31e n et ,Ne111:13-11,0341.1;0`. i"e7e, ext ets .... ,...... ...,., 81 1,.?.g
ch vox 'This is t oleo t 0 sidet o t i km . eottert „seg......teeted to him in 0' a. A 4 so Sprine. lambs, each .. - o
tree tetet and e o - at .3e-e-kal • ` -
itelicate 'that Ike ittat-Sittns iat.re, The empeaver's Goeerrotteat eel
attired way that be had bettew go, IN. ,, ' leer eat. ...... 4 2o
abanyloutel their tactics of re -trete:, be kleeirous of adjetsline• the tit - • •vh t v. • s flerkel .tt 3' Ae ' • •
'A •
the saop, but in a few minetes a'eLnoarner uelivery. ;actives, per lb. „,„ ae
tits wife was waiting. l'he• liven
17,7;11s bat.k, 1,:ggcrt ltarley-No. 2 {mated at .13e mid- do each 00 10 00
more reesoned will: hint ond told idle il•eiglIts; No. ;3 extra, 4lee. and er
ward the door its if to leave. but Peas -Tile market is ketaier at 61 do Iltallts 5 ;35
of ehe fioue ou boat:a the Ax.;'
, vete-vacated by the Nloanvostoe
a dee! a totem peterseurea prize court, but it 15 110411.1.'d Ottt
sa,ye:-Tyhe Agerxe llooee has a tele-, that the kiecieion of the cottrz. n;olies
grant ;;•out 1,iake-Yarge stating that,„ it difrikult to adjuet it diplomatical-
tko Ja! auoaa has oomnameed Oa're-!, la-. and it is Si that the ease
woe movement oorth, The extreme y sitonlei lee appealed to the aktimireity
left (.1 ilym Ofee's army is rot/rating.. COUrt bere.
rkie Mount ite.litt0,.,3y, atal
in% is Plzorehtara towards' out
Gen, Konropektkin'all
at Soludisea. iis rapidly!:
movnig reac,wal ol may Echo de
tbefp,' by t,Pvi%. alZ.A.PcateF5 iS 1,01VVV"i` cat0101;II4C4'54ihat
tO "'W,e4"t 14`.:` iS 420W in Viada.- 5
'Lae Ilorstean eotanoroletatione with, in organiein„a f-rovot4
141.VA-Vtatg Ord 114144.1"V" 111U"1 e1)1.4"L 114 he eoutznerded
e thA.•
Pet erA-7,744:rA•
C333 -,V
PalLng "an. lao!'lre,qaatien "°,3,1,'"/„I; lietteleare or Geo. tarred:Quahog-a
I'03-111 at '1-‘34g. 1‘4""" The fee mation oZ Vats arroy. so:vs
gisiAl;;; tttlev tits' COrrv",Filt01141"111. IS'431111 "en-
1,1"7.0t;r0Nttlil11 Las Pot beon adenoma . to
` it is thought. ilin.irtiac lite
o the Conneender-in*1 11Ad to t -Clael
p• extent nterfere
" his aticiv. ts
11 is tauit
t72,t 1.0 **7., 'ewer, to;
-wen cloeved.' gener,Ms tbe Far
'end ,urned here! ee, tt aired.
'3 25
5 00
4 74
him to go. Maid lest ;la stepped to- N°. 3 At 39e* ulf-kile freight • 1 ewt •------------------"8r*
eastrg 'hoot pita...oee „, • G2e, ot outside poiete, do fats ..... 3a;
savagely at E,ggert, strikieg bite 33 ta, A 0 lean ,Ilt );llork eloot-
0.11, of tee temple, Ile then went +1 NO, 3 101:4,0 arY8C., CsAlladittO t'Ora. TithATMENT 'ffiE LAM') a pets t otdet to graA4)
hat tie: point of the axe the tea at 59e traclo Toronto, and swt h J • 1, a
0, eke Leg. and dr0e0 tonne. eta scarce and firm at 49c est. No, 1 or .XXX apples tuust be feeirly
: •, .
Telegraphic Briefs Freon Our Owr3
and Other Countries of Re-
Forest fires aro still raging in the
Crow's Nest region.,
1)1aeklog his ilit)eaZ1 among the
The animals in, the Hamiltou Zoo
eat 2,..500 pourniS` OX Meat a year.
br..iniegu ti;oeiloxLt the
teo:tuetizitto hole Itilfiles .tg-1 horst. on lveithemitly An The at tonal
Ileghnent* .11TAIllatoot 4t the heghl"teeeiturig. lie say s aaat be asked the
ling of Ilex- S1"ar" UtOrSO 110W many seveuths added 10
OTtlalewamalt:xt.ltah` all hIlus. tr;a1.7l iTy_reee'sasiend ituve-srobeestry. t ItIvoorusl: ailail)tee4.1 at: iboalto,
$3,44 for a day of eight hours.
anI(ti ti.r..;t3ribryeoet, imasprop,raohslienctlit
from 36 to 43 eentS An huur,col7paiktait:: le:•cof,; imAidoebmirnes and to
r°r°11.,te tinguish clearly impressions received
Hans possesses the eapacity to 410 -
may eaell get 00u of 1314' four c°'Ptur" ' them permaueutly in his memory and
ed 13eet. guns awarded to °°)It°d°' to oxPres them exa.etly. It ie state
The fruit division is warning apple- ed. that Hans will be produced before
3 Emperor William, who is taiang the
greatest ioterest the animal. This
tb:Nirt,fetreLlions io examilled by
Minieter Flaneation end prom.,
Victoria, 11, C
that the sehooner Terme and five Prof. Meebies loy speciel stress
other seitooners from Vietoria have iopon the face that the acblevennenta
been seized by United Statese autherielof tho horee are uodeniahly Teal
Inkantativrinorizklg..aed not the rearilt of
The Berifrt Scientists Are row'
Greatly Interested.
A despatch from, Berlin seyse The
remarkable horse named Thula is at-
tracting increased attention in mien. -
title circle. As has beteo previously
reported, he is able to perform sim-
ple sums irk arithmetic, gleing the
answers by stamping one of his feet:
on the grOURICi. ITO ean. cooed up to
a bareedreci, has an eyo for -colors. an
eocrollioer4tlillars.bilee,‘ ankl k.'ett spell words
Prof. aloeltins, director of the
Zoological Atuaetun here, wifo 0 one
kolferarictlinee14,11Tle'svolltlegs117teo7t)niGnegict4o1 WI;
ran was vaisekl. anei Eggert was!! li•Ye.-The Market is dal!, with
eeetEFIT'S 01' SHA,LLOW OITTe per SOlor
atare altel haye ttaken •on their proe
t`1,9144". •spite taedictni aid lie gruft- vlooz-Niaet$ Peo ceot. Patents are , VATI°V $15-117-W-4'
t s4rgery and It:ter to Iti,-,•,itrices Itoutilial at ,a7 to 52e eaet. -
oceorrim.,; ate. telot ed to 2a4.125 buyerer
• 'Ike et o • -.est ter %pelmet while Reateres Featility to the Soil--
koneton, 'rite dead titan wes, oft "
N .0 41 fAl leaves Mow for domestic veep (1.140141,1 if Are
" 0 to li;11.23 eeeke Secluded, Toroato.
raight rollers • 4144.4'44,41 brands for
lonteetie trade in laerele, ae,Oa t In
63, Manitoba doers are drop the rt
1 l'atents. $5.20: pattetts, decita
un(1 strong' itaker.a,.. ..**1.$0, on , year,
orenured t
Best Vg•ay to Deetoey
-no:wince. an
a the Fero b
fertility yeor by
tele pioneer fanners
the richness of the vie -
01 ' • for correeng firearros r,41 ReltrIng
4'4'45411 iS 514001 .1.,1 '.‘rav3 024'
.1 the tattler or a lerge atatile. 't,
inedi.klely after Eggert ye death The ftitare of the Nicendike. aceort
e af 3
'A hortaa ow -Lot-, In.102,-- ii track: roronte, draulic enterprises, whielt reemiee a
- afillfekele-At outeide peints brea is gin toil was pea' tically inexbanetible, large QUilay of totpitee_
noted at *18 to $1:L5710, ttriii shorts a tnietake thet is all too frectuently .1.‘tis neotriee wouiee. a. 1
ET i 0 t4.3 $16.Ott. aleoittobe trent repeated 1),Y the Set tlerb Olt our Pew nurse, owl J. c.,, w. cowie,. 0 11-0111"
1 a
tvree. 1
ra 31110 11'4
1• 4.A'!,
3 ' t
g to tlereinialt ea -looted
etakit ta:0-3 arta:Ova mei talent States Seuator, who is in Ottowa,
alle, where an itapteet be" .., aepentle to laige extent upon
' The victint of Ile:0 a
minion Observatory
exing Cerapletiven,
eepateli from Ottawa sew Surli
glass is beteg made with the
torninion Observatory building at
44r1.'11--0 ESSL WAS he Central l'Iaperimental Varta Piot
all probability the big VS-ixtrill
fnolin ..f.41.7. [tad "Ok:rte et *19. loads ut .t he Present day. With the telly elyeen of Chweland. alto bes.
of the
1.."111TV:. •gin" seils und lee'ldn4 tt:* the Pre"rut city, are to he Married. Cowles is
9.-,earrxrean I devi,. rhit xogetalAe nlohl of the vira charge of Rockefeller's estate in thatA
' The
o .1
431..'3)aR I Ch 11'
The A24,41'4'14440
1 1,'.
*rime' Iternee ore quottei et, "c rather than to the faraire„ it nettled
Y.ears old 054 Anse \Volker 2S.
Quv,:p.,,lea 33 eta 'Vuesalta.,... ceen”4dr,' , %resit:elf:we v.. • eeety. , it APOlerlerench co otikm. bill
io leeeope may be mounted, by Oeteib-
, Tate teL frame work, of the. re-
' ., , ' dome is set np. It wm to -
3 vith woad, and eoveroa witei
peter. The interior fitt loge aro
W being PUt in, and the tioom Ina
g tiled, and when this* work ban
completed the eleetele end other
0'013o/ideal apparatus Will be
;Med without delay. Wheat finbilled
will be Otte Of the talost complete
olekeroatories ou the continent., fili
• i for the building itself, it preseata a
mataeive yet artistic appeareawa.
°Mini nt feature of the eatetnal eice
MITI', Mimi, will be the Royal Aram MP^
. I, . ,". - t a 4. , a ' lb, 4.144:, % 14.) to 1 1 ' i Ov. 9 iv pl 0,,lou to -d4 y val conanierion inquiry fiat) 1.11
lc -grate -a • ; 4' at tat. i'e
11 from, ktott.rat trol;at 'tg.iing
An-ltareiran wed eketve,
411 the ;trove.
r; the larth of toe
Store. „*. 4; a
gl4rst, 4:1 VITA .1:K441414,3s lea 0
I "
theie re -0'0e tatlioa the 11414
reavek2e la•ireerettee ulna.
/14. vV0^, "niv. 3,141900 01.'P
rdl eveteaatit• repaies to 11:0e 4-44
43:lieorf.i 1,11•44-3 .313lo. to get.
VV1; ri•Vtrait f•iZ tt'd
'1 prov-
$1.atig, sal heeditieatee t, profit able 1 o the early settlers to
$1,40. exIlaust the %wail:dale fertility of the
A -
to '•,fr0.31al libilatlel Fe 3 ei wl:;c1t ; frit, c
014.0.4 ;
kruglis ietelligevare e; :3tra^3:4c 333;tri, f to,Zet at
phetent.erket eeperi•oee.t ta- Brit- ele rye
steanto"not ,1,,.4,i.- 1. Oa" At4tu- • j (1,
•upeet leyer to euffer the sante treat -
In way the vegetable
e intAnaiS Iltttl been larget).
'Immeteki, wed the boa loat its
S RaSeell 11.0 (.0111011011S and reed
sheeted t time h11,1te Honee of Lorkls.
• ellownees, its ea- A man alleged to he foreippi 1i1W
11331;;;Iciploa. ter $7.:r4U;111r t"t"" 411(1 Tilt 43a lArreStt41 bY I" aliiii"A'Y
l'I'°;1414!*rie Stroweellie Ittaviket N tetett, witin \tca4,1-k7eritoilstetlem'ar.14.11ea03311-1111tivit: eltotd 1.10ektIlu.Si*Al 'tint; a:41;!1:1111cri::elTslt"ttet(''srAcleillIZ.,
eel tree ak-ene4. Attwth14.1
In Ile. lust-. eo to e.8 "14 rrr"k 1,11 • 1114 11AV .03.‘orbing and retell -ling orities at mitt,(ird, /10111. wales.
• te,33... of a colli6ion time
1313 .11 ‘. N't the g',414EICN VA4 eV; 0. i„, re it:oar-Lint /ler crew wer,,, sity,cd.
It trace, l'ormato,
014; to O. 11"4 aVV"1 11 1°s111°n Prentier Balfour mild Ile 41141 no
:the eoil.
en. 44
thing- en board. ts;313;3:134 1 fr. .••'-' " s."" :"'41 hoat. of which are regarded by '
ttevag ant
yet ot tee, t
toe oer
roultr.5,-Spriog 11,1144."1
4 4)11
t. they rutted ;It the weille,
11 1\K1\t'they 10it;21 '1.1- 15 moving li1,e ..o; nw-vrol Ina eonferenee 011011 110r 1,0 4
A triie fan. 't.zie 0344 ordered 3-0 ". • •"'' '" ,
Wit; OP DI • VVitrie, le '
Koine* at present to call
• ars
how to • Inounting "Pain eetrance, Js
in Atli relief 28 rod sarolertene,
:lore the tertility of 11 soil noel t ntire oectipyieer 1,,w3-3,418
:1000 tlroe make a liVIng off the Mre. Charles Mt:Conon, Alexander,
v. I ark 1 ith
.eud. What system of cultivation doughter Cadbure, the lauglieh 1.41'11. 4 1 1119 -1111-
• ‘111 enttbio` us to obff'iu son With 1, chocelate manufacturer, is to devote and s the work
1( 0%
1 1. ^3:
,;‘,4 aL4Pa11:4"• 4111 oN puma!' r izi Of 2 :1‘G nio , 4 11'1)0 ,
4111:itig to 4 1elothrs !tee ant tit t^:;. tat; they were
4,1 at31 weigh w;tqtre titett (tut t -11.140"-,
1 ;anal tie. to vey) so, elthotteh tee teethe, TIM laNIIIV -7:1"111S,T
eel* 31 rano-ay. Oa .
11.1alt vet, tamod., e" ; 131 to 141,0; kektlivetry
'Inktope, 41 4"4S 11411414 Pater .ky
y stein, or, the Tettse .
a ‘1,1 n7;34333,3 tool roils, 12 to 33t.,,, tun
'iate,0 'in F. tezt a:A atttolett. it eheinto 14011 rt. filita.s wool bars ;1(.11..cr.' itiot 3r-r-it.s 9 to 11
Ah -94i rellurttl ' thot these t ;vole: have combined
41* *0 0VI51'fl1 4 14 1448'IS a. if
noSaia and Grentobol :Arrived o la. Hee Lova tart ef Littoyaue. t c!* tlw•e brell Print s!' it.; 1 U. 10
of the Robt^.iit'S Pant:ate 'etre pierr.ed *nl`l 11111'1 '''''''enre" *ete 11" "413141;
-clatit'totlotb. t ',Otteatlay. Tle• et, r Feted. Tee extent N1/41,14, .0 (1084,(4 I
tota three of. 'her troilern neat 1.3*.elcss. "c" v'hlter (Vuleterl'a it 'I!'"
Itoutri v t 1, he Jo porteee latve
*111e Itossta -woe % 1 ehaen 14 115
it AA • 1 1A '0 • 119•
IOSSeS of both entounted to akt per "1,4e.gr 103944er 01 tz.;30pN be;.legi)11.,
below and avver the water iinp. " 1 II" t1 1 11
13r001,0140i NVO4.2 hit ;Lax -t 1200" The MovNt'ent until 31"4`34. (4 a
Celit 1st thAir takers and 23 per 1"Ort Arthur.
cent. of their erews, the letter loeing 11 rebortsd the'4 a large. foret,
135 killed wid 307 Nvoluided. left Irairlieng and is retiring to Tat-
liear-Admiral jeseen rou'rowly • eliekiao.
raped the fate of Admiral Withrolt. Thre • days' lair has tettgovrarl
lie voial standing on the bridge of the leaked all move/110os, teitieese Iota_
Itossia alien it. WAF wrcelteil by a lii1s 'an' 4110412 atthe thall {AO'.
3 3.1:1-3SIANS NVElliat lin A V E.
'The St. Peter:dome eorreoportflter
A despatch to the •1131 Shimpo, of
Tokio, from Sesebo, gives all inter- or 1 h" 1,4'c'hd°11 TelegrttPit Itt.:vs 'that
'view 'With VieeeArkuiral Natuluturit, runlors 2,cen currvIrt. in St. 1'0-
,e713,3 saikl xnefet•red to endure exit- ersbnri: r" the Past thri`e or fool'
idsro mitt, than aieriovit1g. the dave that flerrnany's frit:to/Shit) for
teeth's of his oquatiron. He bad an
inane -tent duty to itiecbarge. Ile
achleki that recently he inado a tk•n-
llays' cruise, but did not. find the
enemy. 31c was much klisappointed.
While returning to his station he
found the ailadivoetock squadron as
it was about to enter tho Teuallitna
6arait. The two squadrons. hatl pi 0-
bably been steaming 5ide 33y Fide in Irort Al thor-
eh*: darkness. In another hour he
Rossicors might have easil,y got cort it despatch from Lowlon says: A
despatch from Pekin saying that the
Chinese xuilways rnave been asked if
they have sufficient. rolling stock and
how quickly they can transport 40,-
000 troops to Shan-llai-Kwan. In
view of the threatening attitude of
Russia toward. China over the Rye -
sin t e1tai incident , .42)0 ProSPectivo
movement of Chinese troops is re-
gal ded 50 significant, Shan -Hai -
Kwan is on the line at railroad con -
'do its utmost to save ale, even necting with New-Chwang and run7
it was. int13:13.gible ves- per 4.1‘;..eu; 3eronds 13 to
fiscal sltaiatialn c3f en3itilse.
11 a fair amond of Negetahle ulattar her entire fortune of wale $8,000,- ift Inonably unato•paesed by tuty 43(
10 the dee-elle f ut least a iew Welles; 1000, to evengelical work. the Lind in Canada.
1 141411:01 ----------------.1..-. . o have tiolved ',noel important developments ore int -
• the Onloano told noutirtion Exited- At:cording to a report, from. Tete -,a,
•."V v
Froldom odlano; imam! in the Atlantic rate awe The 4 /:ras swaged Area of 1,0 settuno
-141ivettiort and a svsternatie rota- Cunard line, it is said, may sell Miles in Germany.
their interest io the steamers em-
ployed in the Hungarian trade to spetcit from eays;
t he continental line& irk from 3), locomotive felling on
l'r0ei ed. 'rile 47,1k41 t of eeoptt itt which' 01411.e4 ocolpIes
bevtnril 1140 devhs, alto prset tom at, o 111 i• 4e, 1 Ilt! 1111 %VW 301* a peotit;nynt vitt4,e. Under this, '4*?"-
airukeonal to* he a BIM ; 44 rm.,
lowing lire.
Stultleale the el *0241 lifted. T PliT1N"'
111101.0:1.^11Ct• ATLI T $21i!I L041.0121 10 fettle
mai in a few ultra:ova the elokul lever-
OINV;I:. 412141 C011141 110 !...,A.4.11
111`t7rs ibuti, as totinical by I rot. Ilk -verso t s.
tile land is plowed oulo twice in
We. 4 10 ' e041, long elti.51', 8 10 ; Oil' cultivntion being done with bar -
three or four eetirs, all tile rest of
80 il 1111. ill case 101:"; mess GorN• ;rows, eunleators, aml •31ber imple-
,L1,5,41,0,T,1,:::.;ili; fin., •••hael 0314. ;$3.7.- 0 ment,.: waielr cut, crusb, pulverize and
TELEGRAPH _luny ORDERS 1, ,„;,,,11„)„,` 1121" ;„1---- ' • l'
I me -1 I °let to A rva t- .1 ,. .1 t ) si 1 1 C at ..
;loosen. Out do not invert, 1110, Foil.
,.$00r,rtc,04,,I.11.7 t0e....334.0,10, 0., .51 3.
veer t Ine " ;a, . ,
--+-- i ‘Init I; .1 el c 7
, to 3 1 ,e,.. 1,.(,,,Ilic 1,1:40;e; 1170.,11114;tellt.;.3.% iv; )tii,14,A3, :f.,,,tt:04,111‘0. .‘.:tokar.siectrours, lisauspilLson tibtAtict,t_
.r.ritish Government May
lish Service.
A. 1.1)mhin deSPat,011 041;4,0 t--Tlte i , .
PostiaasteleGenerel's report for the i with Pri**8 81,0 tlY1 W e W1°1 0 2--"' 1 • •
Year ending March, I 90,1, says the ; Tierces. 701 ttitis. 71e3 Pails. 7•Ic. tof the sammer s heat to vecompose
coleel iou la estublioling a telegrapb i kite roots. Then it is liaarroWed to
Estate- bu eke, 3 3 to 131,c; I vrea Ian et le -teem, , _ _ e ,,,e„ „ 20
.011 O.t G 10\cx oono v ee eoe
112;1, to 713c. !plowed. oboel Aogust, early as
L'ard'-"rke di'nia"(1 Is )120"11'r"t''' tes.s.D.00. in order to take advantage
'loosen the warface and prevent the
money order servrire with the 3.1ritish BtF,INEss etT moN 1110iNtOre, which 38 aleo re-
' • *a I 'coin meiLion. After that,
RUSSia vors displaesal after tho rere- Colomes ifi Oritittr C01194. ez.at on, alu ,
out naval tneragellunt, in forme whieb ti3e hopes it will be poealble to uffeet ; Montreal, 'Aug, 2.3.--- 1 he maraet s ;
leave no doubt that her services are i a deeirable extensive at no, early !aro fairlY active, with prices eteady It is cultivated frequently, without
more helpful to Roselle ard more per- date. The estimate of the weight i to strong. The 100111 market for oats' teal 'MG up the sod, the objeets be -
nous to herselt than any France has of letters and postcards despetehealwas firm. nod holders aro realizingThg to deotroy the weeds that may
yet vendereci, It is further alleged -to Canada is 1'35,000r pounds; eirea- 1,3,9e for No. 3 lo store, and 40e for aim growing and to Ottable the sod
that the ;Lathorkties at 1k:140 -Chart t lars, book packets, newepapers, eteV an- -..., .. cas ere about steady at, to rot by keeping in the moisture.
o -1,
expected tho nos,..iion siiips to uyoeh 1405.000 yound$; the eerrespon(1111gieJ,24e a4oat, Montreal; No. 9 barley, As the immure is plowed In with the
there whenever they elfould le,avt• figures from Canada are 107,000 3 °vac': 1N0^ 1-; eXtrav 50e; t'S'O. av 49e. SCA, it Will he well decomposed be -
dry leaVes 8et a 'forest on tire in
' IINI*TED STATES, West01`11 8 ilet:141. anti the' liallIK`t '
'l nternatiOnal Typographical SPread to the parched collotry, do -
'Union convention at St. Louis die- StroYing a 'timber dietriet oi nearly
aided to hold next ,yetu"s meeting at 190 square miles, belonging chiefly
Toronto, to Duke Ernst, Gunther, of Seldesi-
Tho manager or a New eereey foe_ witealiolstrin, brother of the laireeress
tory dismissed ,tei employees over 50 And lo Count von Doluta-iKoteettate.
years of age, on the ground that The Village of Ileilverwelitt on tho
they were "reloSsbacks." Duke's testate, was burned in ten Otilln-•
Atlfs. '1110 forest. was well stocked
The International Typographical
'Union. in 805S1011 at St. 14001S, VOt- With deer, which mostly perished.
ea *11 favor oi. an eightehoor woro loirge detachments of troops yelled *
day law, to become effective Jen., 1, otit from the neighboring garrilemo
19.06 ssuprr((:alitiscilgItItlnyin'fet‘;%?t,Illileizrl.g .1:11° lire jr°13
302111 r- Johnsen, a negro, of St,
Louie, shot his -wife, 'Violo, twice, 3)1.1'.41:841.°"8 e°11111.1•gratt°"s are 11e.'
wounding her severely; shot and kill- earrhlg in It'ongorY in eollsequonen of
ed. his mother-in-liov, airs. S. Duren, the prolouged &might. Hundrede et
and then shot awl killed himself. houses in the aggregate have heen Alt: -
Jealously is the supposed motsiNt^ea.te sditTio.iYoe(gltre lilLet variouswineek, irlviiicliillfargolowl
IA: severe wind storm at the
15 to 20 persons bave been burned
Fair ground, Indianapolis, during the
races overturned chairs in the grand to deattf•
stand and threw out the spectators. .
James Llewellyn, a teamster, was CRUSAED BY TONS OF ICE.
killed hi, the overturnina of the gate-
i pounds and 500,000 pounds.
!number of parcels deepatehed was
320,67°: received 51,V-1. Under the, stpight ropers m largs. $2.30 to Ville last thing in the fall the land
The 3 W,int er 1.yheat patentee- $5.15 to $3.- * Pere winter, thus ensuring a good
2o; .straeght l'Olk:rS, $4.00 to $; i supply of humus for the 'next crop.
bran 313. ishoul4
heading of detailed statement of t'S'2•40' , ,.}1.-cd-4q;amt()". be fibbed up in the same man -
grass receipts and net produce and ihllgs• $1 f to *18" .sh°rts $..1.9 to iner as for -turnip drills. , This is
revenue appear the, items 2'- 00211 thel,..2,2 Iv,2,:r ton; Oreitarro bran 0.15 bulk, i
;beet done with a double inold-boald
$)20; .moullee $26 to 2S P012 to. *-16,-)9; °wort!** '49 to I plow. This ribbing prevents leach
postage. colleeted ,by colonial °dices i j-..) . * °V
4e52, 948; for tros.tage collected for IrovisioneT-Ilasave...r ... CanathAtt short
toll' ing away of the plant food, most of
which. is heaped into the drills; ex -
and postmasterS' agents abroad, I
credit of colonial oinees, X.182,1,94. 1 eut, $1 7 -to $1 c.o0; American fat Clces a coveter eurface to the pulL
woold bave been too late and the 1
of sight. They turned to the north- I sensetioa has been caused here by a
east, whieh 131aced the. son at the
. back of tbe Japanese and in the Rog -
ohm gunners' faces. The Japanese:
took3 advantage of this. Admiral
1K:intimater. eapressed admiration of
bl'ae-ery of the Russians. Ile
was impreesed by their care in avoid-
ing reckless socrifice of life. *lane
Japanese, had they been similarity
pieced, would have comroitted std. -
aide. Ile ordered Iris squadron to
those al the pets belonging. to the
Iturik. Tie believes the lloseia and
Gromobol bave lost their efficiency
lemporeeily. The Japaneee saved
613 Russiaos, including a priest and
sixteen officers.
The Asaai says that most of the
surviving engine -room hands from
the Rurik are wounded. Most of the
Russian shells which 'Amick the Ja-
ereoeser veesele did not explode.
.A. despateh from Paris says: It is
reported that the Ilussieur Baltic
fleet will bo on its way to the Far
East before Sept. 1, Eleven
ports laden with 65,000 tons of Toorg-
Ilea coal have aaeady sailed, to take
up stations alo g the route that is
tc'' be followed by the fleet.
ning to SinTivinting. north of Nuk-
den. Chinese troops at Slian-Ffai-
Kwan would. be in a position to rush
north lied menace the Russian right.
or even cut their line of com,munica-
t ion tr it lf 7 Iarbi n
life -Saving Apparatus to Be
Tested on Steamers.
A Chicago 'despatch says :-Sonne of
Chicago's passenger steamers are to
be evened with gas life. buoys to
rescue those who fall overboaTd. The
buoy, above which will burn a bril-
liant gas eat ferea comeaderable thee,
ie lighted ai soon as it strikes the
water. Extended tests of lam buoys
have provee satisfaCtOrY. Sailors
Mid passengers falling from steamers
in the night time, although in maey
cases able ewimaters, have almost
itlwave perishea througle inabelrty to
-A *despatch from St. Petecsburg fi ,d. lire presel.yers cast (7,,,erheord s„,
aYS: r 'I. Mbbl 3 %,t.1,011 .01. 12080000
roops in. rve Qt I. e eeeen le riots MAXIM'S FLYING MACHINE
of the Province of St, Fetereliure ,
.Nas'Iree1,1 eompleted, and the :nobilre-
. Relieved to Have S,olvecl the Px`O-
hacks, $17.50; 'American clear fat
vatiziog attioa of froet; end allows
BIG RUSH NEXT YEAR. 17e-, etmed
bacl•as; $20; compound lard, (3%, to
ian lard, (PI to 7-1e; *kettle
• t,
0 Tore ropid drying in the spring,
003.33xquently" earlier
; rendered, St to 93c; hants, 13 to allf
lYfany Immigrants \Vitt. Come to 1;3,c; bacon, 12 to 13e; fresh. kilted
Canada. abattoir hogs, $7.75 to $S; 31ve
hogs, $5.25 to $5.80. Choese-On-
An Ottakva despatch says :-' Th s
° • tario, 81; to 81e; white, best Quebec,
Dunean, of the Canadian Immige-a- 8 to Sec. Loggs-Seleet new laid, 19
tion Office. London, iS ill tile city on to 191e. straigl-it gathered candled,
ektioe of iboeu of the ituasian
blern of Aerial Flight1
451 itseif is O'cneeted to ha all- -
A. London.). despateh says :-The
a holiday trip. lie seys 50,000
British and 35,000 foreign settlers
have been sent to Canada for the
first six months of this year. Next
year will see a big rush, as the tide
is now in Canada's way in earnest.
Re says a better class are mull:3g
than ever before.
totem:ad • in." 11-2ew, flaY,se ,Pr°1,)„411,,)1„.Y. peening Newe r•eports first viow of
fie a -to thousand men ww. °° II' .• Maxim's new flying mach-
, . • • • _ , „ t, "gam e •
'PoPwat.;°° eu'ue!"' - ' wleich it says, bas -13robal)ly
he colors- eolved the 'Prehleire ref rl'al.
•esenthles iganto,
Ss:rA, 334,01( ' 'Xt 't 1.-!f t
swallow. wen e ee long one
l'Ortlei's'teod •••k;. 1:0terobl'rg 'io painted 0,'• viyid .K0.110t. , Tt is
ustia "reaOgrite the aS Masterpiece ' 02
exeetiatiOe' act:we:en, principle o'f a. kite.
New Industry Projected for Syd-
ney, Cape Breton.
A S,yriney, C. 13., despatch says :-
Another important industry is to be
established here. The Dominion Tar
and Chemical Company have 'under
cmesuleratioe the erection 0. V au exten-
sive plant for the creoeoting of tim-
ber in Cape Bretoe. There is no &such
industry in Canada at present,
Louisburg is spoken. of as a site, but
deteils are not yet comPlted.
'and , ,A.333,0i•je,0 releetya yv eckl. genii ft :•. flieS 'erer tire
, • .
Forest Fires Threatened Michel
With Destruction.
16 to 1610; N. 9,12a to 13e. Ilut-
i, -0"-ied to kill the weeds and. conserve the
ter -Fancy grades, 191 to 19.ec; o
dairy. i4
14fintesoti.411c8 a to 19c; N, estern I again
I moisture. In the fell the ground is
ribbed up for winter. The
1.1.N3.91P,t) STATES MARKETS. following year a wring grain crop
may be sown and the land seeded
Buffalo. Aug. 23. -Flour -25c high- down, completing the 'rotation.
er. Wheat -Spring strong; No. 1 Surface cultivation affords tlie best
Northern, $1.95; Winter, No. 2 red in means of destroying. weeds. There
store, $1.18i. Corn -Firm; no of.: are, of comae, various ways of era-
feri n gs . Oat s--4-3,iglier, but rt,.t b i n g dicating troublesome weeds, depend -
done. Rye -No. 1 on taw 75e- ing largely upon the sort of crops
through billed. Canal freights,- eTown and the nature of Vire weeds
Wheat 273e, corn :lie to New fe:ork. ilernselves. One method is to pre-.
:Milwaukee, Aug. 23.-Wee_cyt-No. 1 vent th:e sew from mottttpbt by
Northern, $1,.14; No. 2 Nortlecrn, growing a, lima -crop or an enrly nut -
N,$10 -.0. 42'78; 5 3 Rtyoe'a 5:5•Ne;°"sal•m• p7/3ce; 3733111,011'57;0. ItautrelnegoactriunPansgilechroaPs. ‘C'Vlb°iVOleir11.110\IWriStIliAlae
OA 9; new September, $1.041 1
Corn -No. 8, eifiec; September 5.5.1,c,
• ' to adopt surface cultivation alto -t-
weed seeds to ripen, it is advisable
ee. harves so as to encourage those
Minneapolis, "Aug, 23.--X 101.1r,--FirS' ' •
patents, $6.30 to $6.40; second. pa,' seeds to germinate tire same season.
when the young nlants ran. be
de -
tants ;" $6.20 to $6.30; first clears, . • 2
a4,15; second clears, "yytp.,75 10 e2,8,5-, stroYed• "Ceche- such. eirtermetances
t3iran-tolnli;'ibsull53.6,$15 to ,!1.a.25.; shorts tit tiss:ceztiseo le3;in.drt,:eo; 1113iroa‘ovtlinego, tiocaiN!..1i7t;
their., in a condition to come to the
Prot:al:1,y the next crop will be en- dered unconscious by an electric bo -t.
silage corn 00 roots. In the spring 1
-Since then, however, it bas acted as
the ridges are smoothed down arid
I a sure barometer for an approaching
a good. seed -beef fronned without us- storm. Immediately preceding the
ing the plow. After the crop
is .approach of a thunderstorm the child
sown surface cultivaticm is continu- will turn purple abott the mouth,
while its face becomes quite- dark,
and remains so until after the storm
PaCesaeps;. Chas, H. Stanley, a field
oflicer et the Blue Button Army, who
is.Ieading cervices at the Rescue Mis-
sion at lksbury Park, N. 3.,
rowly, escaped choking to death while
singing a hymn. As he opened his
moeth wide on a high note a beetle
flew down his throat and lodged in
his windpipe. The. captain was black
In the. face before tho insect could be
man's house at the entrance to the Winnipeg Driver Meets Ghastly
track. Death.
A terrier dog owned by James
IlleArevy, of No. 0 East Fourteenth A despatch from Winnipeg soya:
street, Bayonne, N. 3., has adopted William Farquharson, aged 96, waa
a litter of six motherle.ss black and killed on Wednesday by the breaking;
white kittens. The old oat belonged of the front axle of the ice wagon he
to ether tennants in the same house was driving. Three tons oi ice land
and after giving birth to her lam- the box oe the wagon practically
ily, died. crushed his Me out of him, as he
An infant cbila of Thomas Parket: died within half an hour of the 410-
Lena.pe. Penn., was recently ren- adent, A funeral cortege. was corn-
Nelson, 11. 0., Aug, 3 8.-Acc,ording
to desi:ateli. froxe alichel, that
town tva,s thi•eatened witb. destruc-
tion frkme ferese iires a few ciees
So eritlael was the tdulaticin at one
time that a 1.2.atn. liep-tire roast-
inese to take the Women: tied children
to, ,toereie, but, lOrt-aytately,, 1,13O winct
died aWttY and fliglit kvaa ten:lee:era
surface 414111 germinate .in same fu-
it wire iterrouneed 'that ibe
foece would evii.ceate rthibee %-re 500111
118 terins wei.e arranged.
ing along behind the wagon on
assiniboine Main Street -bridge iliere
the snmelt ocein.rekl, and the cltogy-
mar; ' and undertaker were calledl
away from the procsion to assist
the sufferer. He came from Aber-
deen, Scotland, last spring.
Chicago Xustices Frame an Ex-
pensive List.
A ;despatch !eont Chicago stays:
Chicago gebtlaate who enjoy the
luxur'y of slapeare their wives, or
thinle they may sothetinm adopt that
911 5(11220. shout rl first consolt ' the
slapping price leet es established ip
liarris street ceurt. Follokving ie
the price list. ,•1 slaps as -aetermine
upon by justice Coverly and Prinitli-
ville:-Slop with left hand, 81; right. -
hand sh-qt, $2„: slap while sitting .
down, $4.-. slap while. standing up
$5; slmi standing flat-footed,
$3. - (4
Splendid. Site Selected on Green
Hill Rossbire.
13kruies 'were Ylielfi• 2 hrotiglimit
the atty:...sluet Empire in 13onel. ey the
birth 03 a, son .and heir to the Cvar..
The St,icl.le 13lool;.; at Carberry,
Man. wris burned on Sunday. Loss
twee,- crop, in which very IVIURDEREI) BY N1LTIVES.
. , •
gOry(f run at tile "Weeteen Cottle 174131e- • .
'..Poront o, A t1g. 23.- There eve s will 2)24 ilzwessibi to . deet r '-',Ytt rem . ,
Icet, 1,0_,day, the.. 3,flaili.,et stot,tieg oitd Free Sailors tin. Two 'omen
01 osin,p; 1V'a's Peet- I -t iS i'eport eft that 'i'isleetv, in 1,11 °1)- n' Pacific' Islarid*
ty W&I , coiled ern, te •aied tirOspeot.s BO:int:ale 6154 1)24 lins been s' ele; Al 11,0114, :,Nfcliverv vim says:
for, sheep andlejabe'aeeedy„.; keith the• ft.'s eYthe ',AtIstealial/, "intelligence' hee rerieheathet
' ' ' "' • C' loor oven: (if tile
, , , . ..• ,• •., , , ,
•• 50 tn. :airealPerst irtaSieiof: a:Sorel ..or Ai* 1141- tee; cre:kv ,.0ti..t:4e'..ettttee 1'1'061
, ,
1-1-p244. t ers heavy 00: eaya ,";tee' aft 1.1)13 11)5 eaii-os' Ileas 31 2V( :bakett
. . •,
ITSr' 144)17(1311
,6-33 it)11(37).=,.
' a 4 50 fiider:24'bnf 11.14aer.PCSIages.'1
5'3' • 'nswrelc:r.'0,(1 1140 114112'. o1..
laii •ekIfeittret are p aeeny rtavereb1
• . n
A. deivateh from Lottdoo SaVS:' The
, ,
ITet.t,o3 'Nra oda:Mare Mem oriel Commit- '
' 1.06 *it a me.:011hp; held eyt,:t1131-*FaarOane- , •
leeted ansiee on the be' w • !
' rigwel 1 itoseb ire: for, the
r0i40d inon0r1-1 'Pt '
,•Very prthiVieten„e, ,overleaking!the"!,
11114114*1121 11 tafto in ti ,,emeiMtkerclithee
' stibieadi•ci! View !Ofe.,'Crortia 2.1,0 "
and •,".81a,e1c,., ,birthpiacei,
tbo II:eCtor :aireed,04a1,9-•
. .
dare:1k' uP • tail)