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Exeter Times, 1904-8-25, Page 5
.r1; U tx lir ;s 7y p� p^. }�A:,'l.SE d'.,asttoos Y -taro,' r.• ssotFstoorw ora V .18 1.ri til li•W 80'� 11,Di4 Fro 'rtir Reiiewer Renews the hair, makes it new again, restores the freshness, . Just what you nerd if your hair is faded or turning gray, for it always restores the color. Stops falling hair, also.u'0"'ar, a °`',r4 s izztV1,. MEDICAI, I The Exeter Tines JW. BROWNING, lli, D., M. C3. . P, S., Graduate Victoria, DUI- t T.1ILa.k1SI?AY, , AUGUST 25th, 1901. vomits-. office and residenence. Dominion Labozatory, Es;eter., DE ,TA1, . n . LocalsT, SNAATLI}Dii, N.,'11D. S,D.,$oxiorGrad atofPcrontc Uiversity, Dentist. Teeth extracted without pain or hod atter Oileets, Offic(a in Fon, son's wools., 'West side of MAin treat,' ?latae • Ds " ANDERSON, a D. $, LD•$. DENTIST. a donor G oale of the Toronto University y ge of Dental Surgeons of Olitario, w itlz honors Also Posirgraduate of Chicago School of l?zosthetio dentistry (with. honorable me ution, Everything known to the Postal I'rofnssion. .doe i n #nthso ce. Bridge ri. •a crowns, st- d work r w 1atninum, gold and vulcanyte •platosGAlt done io the neatest manner possible.A perteetis baroness auaesthetic used forpaintess extras, "on. Eer. ofla door aonth of Carling Bros store Vn fS ON, ONLY TO LOh 1iroto funds L9 10011 oo Fanon property (iG fel and one hale ger rani. ERNEST ET,LI0TI ONEY TO LOAN 'We have uultmitod. privatto fowls for %##vest ' sat upon form or village pronertyut laves rotes of tntorast DICESON C?Aili,INO Exeter. TO LOAN. we bayou Lanae areeent of private tends to oan on farm and village propoeti1s atloevratea t+t tuterost. G1,ADMAN & SaTANi3GRY Barristers Soltcitore, Nolo St, Exeter« SON 4C, CARLI Barristers. So:icltors. Notaries t onvetcers, Commiaeiencrd.Solkcitors or tlioAlelsolaa Baulk Etc. ,ltloaey tel oan at lowest rates of interest, OFCE:-4141.1i STREET, EXETER. A.B., CARLIN% M. A. IncESox A. C..RANMSAY, V, S. Bono' ilraduato Outarko Vetcriner;v Cols logo; Souorary Fellow in Ontario veterinary 4ssoctatton. It diseases or donlcstic animals acicntiftcaally'taeatod. Milk fever trenteal by thelatest,oxygen treatment, OFFICI . Gln © door south Of Towu Hast ES. , . 131.,.11. i',;,{,L• : >reccO i►ouFo north of Pres• byterian church. T 6 U }iornn and iiiihert: r Farmer s Mutual firs Insnr-. ane 60. a � Iilp nu, earl Office, Farquhar, Ont. DIRECTORS /�, ,J?cesident:-T..F1T21I`, Dt'I3x.1 P. 0. Vice.Pres,:--kV. H. £tssntoRE, EtauttmAn P. 0. ]11x,11 v, WISALEN' P. O. J. A. Nounts, Cma trir.ls.Tsr P. 0. Wm. Rom, Bortmo:at P. 0. Its; s5Er..,SSELO Ai n P. 0. AGENTS, . OAR1tuCI AEL, SST'AI.riA, ONT. ,. A. D>:�ca:�N T'tiR2taIIAn, ONT. 3. WusoN, 'FULL RTON, ONT. S. $. GXLp'ILL 1N, LUCIAN, ONT. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. Buggie'3! Buggies! Do you Want a Buggy We have the finest stock in town ail -the latest styles, in the nwwee olors. Our prices are low as can be foun • for first-class material and workman ship. BEFORE YOTJ BUY GA1LL fi.NID SEE US. ussell ,a Two Doo;s South Town Hall. CRE Roller ITON ills Gristii ig and Chopping, Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling, our mill itzer • A1tM FOR SALE, -Lots 20, 10 • con. and llth cell, of Stephen, Ti 1-4 miles west of Exeter, being composed of 100 acres on the lltb eon. and 120 acres on the 10th 'These farms are under good state of cultivation well drained with good house and out -buildings, thereon al- ma fruit bearing orchards Never 2ailinl ,Wali the year round. For further particulars apply to T. B. Marlyn, Exeter. Wood ,faros. shipped a very Une brad X export cattle to London, on Tuesday. Ia` Chas, Kerr, Chi * i ! l master at Woodstock Collegiatu Institute, anent Friday last at the house of Mrs J(•hr White. Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Jeoks.% and child, of Montreal are spanding a vacation w•itlt Mr. and lobs. Jas J'eokell and Mrs. N. D. Hairdos.. Soveraal collars in town wore flood c1(1 during the recent 'tows rain falls, and very few i uildili a es - coped a leak in %lac+ root owing, to the .overflow- of the war pipes. Ir. John Greenway. of Crystal City, After au extended visit with ro. latives in this vicinity, raturnc:d to itig hate* In this \\•:s,, on Tu:•salav iclfarnilll last,. :Ur. J. E. AVilkiuson, of A(orpeth has been appointed to ill 1•acas►oy as, fifth master on the Ooll ;,,iaLe In- stituto staff,- St, MI'trys, .at .a salary of $700 or annum. Mt•. J, Spackman left on Tui'sday'' evening for Connally, 1%11 •rte he Vill reSittne his studios in Aalusie. His fabler. fir. E. J. Sp;aoklnaan 'accom- panied hits n.s for ns Toronto, Mr. William Mitchell, who is mov- ing with his family t% Brant ford has rented his dwelling to Mr. Thornton Baker, •0f Ce'ntrallia. olio will Inov here in til^ courae of a w•e'1a. T'lin Masora, OibSon, of I,ondoat, .pent Suxtdaty last with Rov. and \Irss. Godwin, at the* 11nrsolag.'..i'h y cola° v0r,• 1tmSterally* atssiated tat(„ choir of the Main st AI; t Itodis .1 chur()11 at Loth 'selezca•,. :Alias Bragg, os I. prow t e is;Wog her Moods, the ,Misses Kinsman, and on ,Sunday 'Horning Last delighted the congregation of Cavan Presby- ,rialn o"11X1rob eoitla ., v,a^ll. r'dldored cal sato, livic holiday oat 'Thursday last alas quleny observed 11•re, some' of slur. eitizens going to tlo 11>41u), ot1A- rs taking 0 trip �to. London, while tltl Majority remaadned at Immo ,and .0 in in t tae dray quietly'. :Tessrs. Fred Trawls -show, S. Baw- 1 Bert floss, and 'G', hardy, four of Exeter'as young lean played with the laic#` SSO Regina, o shahs at IIe,,,rna, N. *X. To 1v110 won tourers in a well play::] ante against a Winnipeg; team. stn 1 Mrs. Al. Gardiner, are %hili 1vt*rk +enjoying a visit from their for - 0101' pastor $ t Carroll, Iowa, the Rev \� . 11. Jordan. Mr. Jordan preach- ed two very able' lemons its Caven presbytoriatn olaurel1 on :Sunday last OR iTCACE SALE of .Efotel Property in Exeter Under and by vii'tua - tat the ]towers contained, iiroertain Mortga- ges, which soil! be pro(lucod at: th4 time of sale thuro will bo offered for a ,� solo by p blip auoiios , i -y Sohn ells 0111, Auctioneer of THE METROPOLITAN aO T L in the village of x xotor, in the coun- ty. of Huron, on SATURDAY, the 27th DAY OF AUGUST, 1904. At "?. o'clock in the afi,ernoan, the following property, viz., lat.-Parts of lots numbers eleven and twelve on the west side of blain streetreot inthec said villago of 'sate', containing three and throe-fifths perches, more or less, comprising what is known as the Iklatropolitnn Rotel.' 2nd, -Lot number thirty-one on tke east side of William street, west off -Main street, in the said village of Exeter. Terms of Sale. -Twenty per cent. of the purchase money- ou tlia day of sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter without interest. Further particulars ,and condition; of sale wvili be made known on thn day of sale, or may be had o11 appli- cation to the undersigned. Dated at Exeter this Oth. day of August, 1904. JOHN GILL, Auctioneer. GLAI)1VIAN & STANK Clltl , Vendor's Solicit;oss. F OR SALE. -On Main street, 7.x- ctcr a 7 roomed story and half, brick dwelling, including bath and pantry, excellent- cella Good stable, and small gnrdcn with dif- ferent kinds of fruit For terms msnnd particulars apply o1 promisas to, Airs. E. Elliott, Exeter. Fj FARM Fon SALE. --Io 'Osborne township, being pars of lots77 18, on the 13th con., containing 125 acres. Buildings are a storey and a half brick house, bank barn and low barn. Two orchards, 10 acres of bush and is situated 2 1-2 miler from Kirkton, 7 miles from Exeter,. and 1-4 mile from school. Must be sold to close an estate. For fur- ther particulars apply to Wm. Prid- ham, Russeldale, Wm. Baker, Pul- larton, Executors. SIfOR1THOIi,N DURUUA1VT 13Uf.,LS for sale. -The undersigned has for sale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with pedirgree or eligable for registration My aged bull which is the sire or 'the" &theta. is included in the e(ffea•iag and has proved himself a .sure stock getter. He was sired by Riverside Stamp, ovhieh did such good serviee in the herd of J. and W. 113. Watt, of Salem, and its a half irrother ro Star of Morning, recently. ; owned by James Snell, of Huilett, which 'took first prize at London fair and .old,. at his dispersion sale for S400. Apply on Lot 16, Conceassion2, •Iioy, or 'John Elder, Henson P. 0.' lvllich 1rere Hauch, enjoyed by air present. Tlie Canadi „z Gaz.. t,?, this 1: c 'k contains. .a proclamation by the King, again %yarning Illaitislt sub- jeots not to supply coil or o"the'' matez`ial to strips of Russia or Ja- pan, This aopanc:'= continua to ham zner away at fora; Arthur• Che -Foo, z'enarts that the Fortress is "ail but"' taken, but some of the Russian 'eti pertsexpress the opinion that the Japoocse will t:a conap°.11e(1 to soon i.sscoxTinue ,11Th attack from sheer oxh•lus1ion an I. :ctt.L (low to Ft starvaza;-out." ',i(ge, 1 SUPPO SCOT'S EMULSION serves as at bridge to carry Jas wcaltened and starved system along until it can find firm support in ordinary food. sod for free wools. Scori' & a:ow,zrr, Cheuists,. Toronto, oaaarao. soc.and , i.aR", ,x 11 slavaatsts, W, 1111 11_11.. 1111.. 1111 \\, C T. „TS -Quito a large re. axes cat;iti;0p a`f the Womma's Christian Te'aapera11c3 'Union attended the+ ata your duties to your family have special mooting 1101: at the home of c ssit your removal an. sorry to oao cess s,. Airs, 111. Elliott, on Menday. evrnin ; 1a,, a We aro very sorry to, las^ Is 1%-115 decided tilos wall the yo'µ co -laborer in tho 3last r'a; vo-operation of Glia `ln,nist rs :lad S, in Its but ),ray %haat w•her.avzr goal 5. ,,Supe,#1ttcndents of the different in Itis krruvldox#pe xnay pl.le, you, Gllureliq ba 2 tl Septe lith b, w -de- voted to a t(nzperance rally. The boys and girls will furnish tern •a 1 u 11 1 1 Y l 1 5 3 .t continuo u( to totiorkell estay 111 the '4T zstcr',s e -1u,, o harvest is great awl 1)t. 1.11032TTS peranra music. Efforts aro bels,' �. r 'toe must ever ro.#ncnlher, we trade to motto this rally a i u csss t arc not out: addin; but bought with a� i1a every way, i uric(.. In ri(i(ling you an affootion- I, very. 3 Excursion. Tho at- hats taro-we/1 we ask you to away,'^pt envoi, from pints a o a. this Bible and Hymn book as asmaell >n 1 n the E L. I i, : token of 19 l (!R 1111. t t in li r t A>1 yo ILto a silo `'' \Artlttvest, oat Tuesday F 1( s� 11 1a•' 1 byour x" -,, 1rAuxiliary, II, r •.,. ruing •( x1 A i A wasy A .. 1•12 "taken vC �.. oJa.n ad :: advantage na t . r, c! OIE by �;.. lists Ta( S blessing n '1 Ill large a r� number from this scaticn seas'] your falr,Fly, and that }a:u "ins as - about 45 tickets being sold. T1z;s Le prosperous and su:cess ul'i ,y a., feline ire are among tha., u . a r f nos -or +, xt 1iib...r 12(•1. Immo, ,;,1111. 01. , its God, if 1ev . who 11'r , tt.I:.1c•d at this stations.• meet swayn ,ee Miss Paosmore n . :"gala% on earth 1v„<HImeet �•- .It lila G. • r1111.- .. P. eslier(1 parting shall b.� no mora. �•. 11111,: E. E. Horror, I . deeps', ' (I, :Signed �0t1_ behalf of 1a W w+� \1estentt, P. \ ooh, W.t'umpfror, James.st., church. Exet;.r, Aub;. Uth Dennis ,lode, W, 0.S'nith 11, 1901. -Mrs. \\ . llioaett, Pr;.s. ; Mr•s Quie1c, Alias :]loris', `,Try, Thorn.', Si- J. Cohhle(1icic 'All's, C. 1 ..4 •► mon OaMOW11, Bobbi. 5anc'.1'rs Sr„ , ' .li.1F, :qrs. Mr. R. Horn, t IL A. A#ir,et:Soli. I'roslering in the \\•,o That our young; frinn'1 and former towns- 10112,.02', \V, f. lir(1u•llixc(so lr. J, iV. 11z'121-cltsning) is tlgcpspes#a•ingof tmmAJi;; in ? i, a Ito alit alt ofos+ion is es #^ic'nc+od 1 "'• . Tir by the eery tasty and n;at,plmplet aFciniry. issued by tilt Cal.adorli.l, Alinn. bo.9- total, ,oi' winch the 01 i4 sac , on in eitn c°gr': Diff arent vi ors of Gila --.Mrs. Quinn, of Port tn• eles, it Llai ; .lie glom) sbouin'r a 1111 very rie\as}#ng to , 15tiSit ngbrothher -11 !ta.a'lCn;n !. well ( A .,1 hospital Ar. A. Armstrong, , at t+''assn. Micro all e1nergenoyT: cases ^ ear he i -Wo aro 'sorry to uo.e that Mrs. properly and promptly eared for. i.lanlr;l AIcDtnald is not v;ri sar21 Miss Louisa Sweet left: on Tu•sday¢ :1t pres('iat. morning' for an ent01sd,'d ve-at 1%itli'1 e, North/oat flat ssecuro•l :t pogo her ltrolh'r Al r.�T8. 1815,-,'''1..815,-,'''1.at tion with Mr. Qobfslediek, of Esoter, ond mill le,tvee sbo.rtly to talc' up The (Hole owloot 1 h, 1u #^t1 •(l r(- t(`a new adut1''s. Ws wish him su o. fior, nc'A to a rely touchy! : .tial► ct �• r.'*lh, the condition; of Prentice r Lauri -ea head%%]:-"A,fter tiring tit,. last];'' the+roost careful consider:%tion, it:- Uxeter t\tun cip;il C'oynon, larinao minister has r luctantJe da•- • CU— at-- ,ac.-- 40E— ,it.., ,?.. as- os- -G • It cy Yoon;, of C"1r• thorn 1- siting fair"tt iS 411:tJli -Alis. I. Askin, of i.i:taste lends bore lost week, s2, - sided that ho will b; Unrable to a(,('(itltt.sl soul arsealta, to [aet- cc'i'1 1ho invitation to anon ib. To jouramont at town hall, Au;;ust 19 romp industrial. It was at first .All members prom:oils Alinures of thought: that Sir.' Wilfrid mightbe previous meeting read .and confirm.. able to do rho but Jt a n:': ds call Tenders for concrete sidewalks was t he rest be can obtain atftt•r t Ito la rrceivod as 'follows ;-.\1'm. Ta oic;borioua *cssion, which has just cies-London. 10 1-2 cents por foot flor ed. At t ll, Bost, Sir. \1'ilfrid :s va- walks, mut lea per foot for crossings cation will be a short on'. ]halt it Tho,, Sanders, 10 1-2 coots ,r fool mould be ;;really ourtaite(1 by tla' for walk and orossings. i I opo!;ed visit to Toronto, tis•hh' fit • -Muir -- Aran;ttrong That Glu' coon ,.- sourlley trout tlaa Bois baa C11:alc'ut:' ctl pI'0000d' .11h the co151rnetion of woul..t 1.c moat fatiguing.tlo• proposed walk. -Carried. circumstances the :Prnlnier's 120- Wood -Muir. --']'haat the Conder of oisian to devote most of hits short Tinsman Sanders ]ming t )aa lowest,, %n' Ilolid,ty to recruiting his tar:no:th:tt accepted.--Catr1•i:!d. Gla' wa'i'l:+ is a 11'i+e one'."lnylor-Arn25tran(r - That Ale. ' Taylor he paid the oakum? duo' on Part 11 3uaiorTent iter Exams. sidewalk built by him .lase: year. Carried. Atm t-. Armstrong - That tilt" '1'Tin results of t11a Junior Leaving clerk communicate with tilt G,T;II., examinations were received , yester• re. station,--Ca:rried. day. The following taro those who Council adjourned. to Stmt. 2nd., were successful;- Winnifrcd Carl- rt clack p. rat. GEORGE TI, IIISSI:TT, Cheri:, 0 AtooresviJJe in t Dolly Itickson; Clinton Iiogartlt I:,iUY X1inrtleib, \linn)c Howard, Clara IKeinzln ; Victoria Miners ; Mary Parsons. We are unable this week to give the llama of any who were successful In passing in t 111 .Tumor -Miss Iluldah Culvert,: has rc- At rtriculation. turned to her school. at Drayton. -- Miss hays, of Parkhill, is the guest o 1' her friend, 1Liss Gertie Patrick. 1ti1?aelastea Clifford. Faaoor, of Port Huron,ht visiting friends at Moores- 1iL' Ntlair Jameson, and Miss Annie Wo(�r pa hl b � rt ,a flying, 7 visit Iao y 6 ft i n'.I he l'1 last week. -Mrs. IL '11' i chi•r and Miss s Athi - n s on of 'V OOI'CRV n iT 11, .. z z hasgone a , on rn. extended trip to Manitoba. • T}uw sli(lks, very creditably for {ho standing of the depanrtm nt of Binh School work in the Exeter Public School. bight out of eleven. hsvin passed. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION Prior to leaving for leer new home Melfort, , at Alcl o t . W.T. Mrs, N3V Ti (.- vo hi •1 , t icl. was r � presented with a ltln•1-: some I,.ible and Hymn book by *11' _.Air„ John Mcllargy and Mr. Ar - members of th,e Woman's Missitm- Thur Culbert,'af l3i(ldulph, have tak- ary- society, of wlziell she has bee.1 en in this Manitoba excursion. on active nienibor. 13olow is Lila 11,1- -Mr. Sid l odgins, Mr. Thomas dress. Morkin and Alr. William Simpson, To Mrs. Trevetbick, on 1 ':,ving 10^• have lost a valuable horse each dur- the N. W. T: ing the past week Dear Fellow Labo-or,-link i ale: -Mr. Hodson Bloomfield has mov- moving onward.. Changes are coni, „oo from his farm on the 4111 of stonily taking place. Fri. ndft, ., McGillivray to take charge of the frionrl departs. In - lif,, s . groat . store at Mooretville, lrnnoran a the scenes are constantly -Mr. William Ilodgins ]las re- boinri shifted. Those thoughts aro {urrxed .from 0 trip to Victoria, B. l'oroc,l upcln us by the knowisdge o' C., and says he likes Oatario best. ih e fact that you arc about to iaavi . It. is us. Youalso reported that Mr. William have nlw ay,s your- Elliott, who lately sold his fine farm self winingiwining and fnitltfol ful worker near Centralia. to settles in ManitoI in sur Auei']ary. \ e shall miss your iia, has returned again to resume continued help, Practical suggestions. farming at the, old stand. ond regular attenchanon at our j monthly meetings. \1 shall also i' . �-. missP an who was ever willingttt' The old reliable, populax excarsaon do her beat to help us. Wo regret � from om Kincardine to Detroit, under the auspices of Wingham L O. L., 41."�l.°13 will take place ou Saturday, Aug. 27th. Passengers will take the oar- ' ly morning train from Kincardine oto Ilyde Park, where a special will �kl'Ak be in wailing to convey them to. ` la Cures Sick Headache Sarnia, From Sarnia the steamer Tashmoo will take the passengers to Detroit, arriving there about 4 p. 11.4tRt., Cures Nervous Headache no. Returning, a special train will leave Sarnia about 10 p. m.,=on Mon - Vat.cures Neuralgic Ireadache day, August 29th: The usual very ►! low rates will be in force. See bills Cor particulars and wait for this popular excursion. Exeter ,passeng- ers get tickets at Kippen. Return train twill stop at all stations from Hyde Park. 4leat�y Speaks for itself _ ttv'S, ,Cures Summer Headache kNAt Cures Bilious Headache kat. Cures any Headache' Is Pleasant to Take katre Is Absolutely Safe --•-� 04, c Gives Speedy Relief CA>�°X'CI Vt. X e41 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of EXETER MARKETS 1 Wheat per Bushell (old)..100 to 102 Wheat` (new) SO to 1 00 Oats new . . , . , .. 30 to 32. Barley . 35 to 40 52.75 t..k� Flour Sells for asc a box Butter �. 14 Eggs 16 Pork liveei ht w g $.ar .cS Pork pressed $7.00' Turkey.... 1111, , Tim 11I$RAI.D 1tk)AII D1 CO.Ducks' .: 8 Chicken 6 Otra‘lie Sample box sent free Chicago : Montreal Why not keep cool, when,o can y secure fine colored uslhis for 5 cents eryard, , We have a number of ends of Colored Misfit's, s, eoil in most of t a for a dress R These 'misfit's at the rey la price r.. were 10,l 2 1=2 1 yard,toclear per yard. White i Waists, �which were worth, ally 1.251 and t 1.50 i .a to be cleared 25c ,{D each, l� you �vear�.�� 32,34 or � 7 your choice �e � 1111 . } 1111 1111. - 1111. `�, come and get choke �o� �c, Women s a. aincoats , Women and very fine cots sleeve, rangin_w in 8, t7. f $8.50, cravenette rain coats in light, heavy a apes, with stole effects and latest rom 50 to 60 inches at Women's full length ru g bber lined Rain boats made of fine cloth with plaid Huhu; i These e rabber goods are water ooh price 4.00 and $5.00 Befora buying ,oar lie showy �+ andsee arch cele- Shoe x a braced "Peerless ,Shoe and1•. you wit be convinced that they are re ro .er shoes 1111 s to buy,price $3,00. ei s fancycolored Soft bosom , all best Canadian malkes, good fitters,newest ��est alt erns and olors, neat designs at 50, 75,and 010* Men's balbriggan a� �lde��eel Shirts anddrawers, double thread, fine elastic ribbed cuffs andantes sateen trimmed sizes p r garment t �c. Also lightbt weight striped shirts for 25 cents. If you want a good felt hat' we c � can ��It.T on with wool -, A E' and fur felts at prices ranging fron 75c to $2.75. if ou wanto _ a- pair 1111.. � an eas ='to v� ea �'of shoes e � � � � t us fit �.. with "Faultless" p = Y you: a with a Pax of"Peerless" �. Pair our faultless or Pee rhes shoes,. price $3.50 1111. .._ . 1111- T That you should remember) er) that we adorn your Sideboard .= 1111.wish beautiful Silverware if ,yea. buy your goods from ns.. --:=4- .... -11,11 I----._ :�4 '1 .-.fin a � EE TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. ONE E DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE %iiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii iiliiiiiiitiiiJiiailiiti1iiiiiiii6ii11i~;iiiiliiliiiiiiiiiliiiidddiilalitl It Important MARRIED DAVIDSON-B ARNARD -At Mance- lona, Mich., on uAgust 17111, by Rev. A. II, btcComb, Mr. A. J. Davidson, (formerly of Exeter) to Miss Donna Le Barnard, of Mance- lona. DIED BENTLEY -In East Wawanosh. Ba- ron county, on Monday, Aug. 8, Mr. John Bentley, in lits •,'7th year. ++++++.....,..........+÷.÷+.. 1 .JACKSON N 4.Junk DeaIers. 1 Main -St. Exeter. Occupying J. P, Ross' T. T. Store, one door south of * Metropolttan I-Iotel. Will. pay + p a highest cash g . T. price , for the following " goods,such as all kinds of '" ScrapIron ' a• Brass • 4* Copper + • Zinc .,w Lead` T Pewter 4 Horse Hair '2' Wool Pickings 4.4. Rags ''a• + Old Rubbers + Bones and Bottles 4• �•: +. No quantity too large or * 4. too Small. + 4,.i,•4. sol ,(.: •r° al-++•:'i'i„i~•l• a 1. J .11..1,1 To have a truly delicious steak rich and juicy, done to a turn—it mustbe broiled. - Yet most ranges don't make ” proper provision for broiling. The broiling and toasting door of the Ir Imperial Oxford twr Range is particularly capacious. You can get a Large broiler easily into the door and over the glowing coajs, without stooping or getting the heat of the fire yoursel£ Call at one of our agen- cies or write to us for booklet. Sold b The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited 4'r otro rats, Montreal 37irinnipmig T. HAWIiINS & SON, Exeter, y; Trial Trip. -Now is the time to secure two good papers for the price of one: The Weekly Mail and Em- pire from now till Jan. 1st., 1905 for only 50o. To new' subscribers Trial Trip. -Now is the time to secure two good papers for, the price of one. The Weekly Mail and Era pire from now till Jan. lst., 1905 for only 50c. To new subscriber,,'