Exeter Times, 1904-8-25, Page 4tit,Z The] xeter Times Va1eniar TeTESDAX Virgenseneneen.„ , 84131liP.AX**. AUgt1St 1904 • It 21 28 15 22 29 2 9 10 23 30 • 3 10 17 ell 31 11 le.." ,4 19 24 0 13 20 27 ' teItiete.A.Y. A GUST 25th, 1901 urses Un ha ne UtUEl1 TO SET EN.AMS. ' revieett regulations of ledu ea t tt 1,4,ii;iTtratin4 tech have 4ust 1,0, approved by order in coun- cil noneein many cbangs. They evill be sent oue to publie eeltool inspectors, high school principals of tire county model schools. Copies lilay be bad by principals fpuelic r. school.; upon application to teertrreuent. 11 is not thought 111oleo.) embarraesonent ne lto Le 1. es, get en ! .• • ° Loa frabottt t ,ao ets are itiZro'l inte t ht pubile school ell rritul urn .Mort is to be given t liter qure, natur4 ;study and art play lClifl eew eiI 414, viententary noienee, also receive; some protein - Vane. oblientery subjects of tIin fifth form ere reading, inure telree, grammes*, composition, his. tier), geograpby, arithatetie and suratitlit. and eienternaree oeienee. - int other subjects is left to -erre ion cf tus1 eee aroltors lupec- Accorditto. so t• oreer ulten fron lereV'elY 47, ‘*'', la- d iin commerce, enenual training, honse bold science, ert ;Ind agriculture. l'ite board and tine principals haV i thepower trideelde on the one a /m - it s to study. Obligatory eubjects and geographo arltinnetie. am! meosuration. Eng - ash grammar, teriting, reading phye sics, oulture, Eng Belt compesition,. English literature :nod history, It is provided thet lessons ot 30 1 ute're eech. day, or ;-,quiva1,.31t recte throughout eaelt year. in lower schoole shell be given in ele- mentary scienee, art and agriculture Tbe hoer(' and the principals have the 10)11 els 10 4Z:eiti:. On the one a itu- pH is to study. Several chartg.ei Lave been miede 1 e requirements fee neaelners' 1100,- proZRSS101101 eCr1 /fixates. Erere` can - Wale 44131f44 143Y,' read cnr?lially dux. - ng the previous seear az least four itablo books in E0F811,510 literature will he no practieal examine - t itert 10 seit'Occt Iiltide- ment, end sehools neuet be erly equipped to rake no the A Oro* desiring those Cert -.ties. It is to enined that the subjecte for MES, AUC4ITST examination for second and third- class ecrnifiettees will he of a nature to fie the candidate- to Ie.:telt ilte ete- Inentares classee in the pubilo seliools etan'or nott-Inrofeesional rs' wartificatesh ut not be etecee- ry to tak.e any forelen lengerteen stcPlIcrt Cstropii outwit of tie. Tonusltip ?eel et On Tonn ltd urday, Au -met 2 'ell members inresent et in r w ere ew subjects 31.liav h s are o1IVe,e1 Make sa • A aL 41r., "tee repo edit t.g.een zionelenesee. lichools Liebpal:Tare pultile for teacher,' certificat,•s must comply Arial the High school regul tt ions rc- spectiag equipttont and tienotebiee. Adutiesion to Melt schools and tte Institute rests by st.taute .With 1ij trds of high seboof .entranee e,144traitor,, County Councils may Impose :4 fec not 'exceeding one on outtly 10111115 AS can also high tschool boards. the board of trastec's, itow..va, authorizes pro- f pupils on the fifth form public schools without pas - examination na r'ze is re ;ethj'ets •for a tbaliiSlini big -h eelmols are divided into s !sections. Part I. includes liter, aire, history, art, physiology, and by ie.nt. and nature study. Part 11, consbd of 'reading, writing, gaofz'ajII8y, grammar, c omp osit ton 081(1 ;Arithmetic. The literature will embrace the careful reading during the pr.evious year of 41 Ile,ast four suitable works selected b, . the prin- cipal for' each pupil from a list of standard works prepared by tit': public school inspector. A wrilt.Q.11 o xaminatiou still be held to tee( flie pupils as to their compreireneion of ultet they have read. Inte, there ),e Ito written :examination in P art 1. One inuportant provision the .nteanen oettetinafien is Um lbce tele of enet oz. Cities may necl, i)u Ar 1 consente, prepara papers to he used instead of thofte supplied by ti.ee Education De- partment, .1(b012gh they Inust be or the -tante 2, in atril and scheme. titles, too, 1-‘rire pJs with the consent of the Publi., High, and S•:- parat.: schoal boe..als may admit pu- pils on the recommendation of the principals oe the public schools. The board must satisfy itself that the required subjects have been properly st udied. Public School leaving* examinations may bi hell in schools having a fifth ' form, under tit: direction of the, principal, It Ito shall consult the in- spector regarding the nature of the. pattern ',rho principal may set the papers :not mark the answer papers. No certificates can be granted 'un- less the :aibjects of the entrance ax - aminal ion have been studied. The object of -the Education De- partment has been to lessen the .....p.pnaber of examinations held by • persons other than teachers them- • The high scliool programme pro - !vides for general and matriculation ceurses rind also for curriculam .10••• 'Why is it that A.yer's Frzir Vigor does so many realar..- able .things? Because it is z.-1 hair food. It feeds the hair, 1.q uts new life into it. The hair • iir cannot keep frOm growing, And gradually alt the dark, rich color of early 'life comes back to gray hair. 041Then8 first mice area's noir *Vizor m7 !or was about ell gray. ;Sat now it le ti left• black, stald itt9 tbiel:• as I cou'ai sesas Ittoressaast;t, xnacaratia, • , $17.4)0' IS 'bottle.,a. O. ATM:: Co., kit itra ;riga.• • Lowtli, et 7.13( elinutee of rut and Oprov.,d,, to it?* nen up at econ lees 15 and IM, in the 340 eest.1011 a 410 lirOlt4.441iIi .01 rbi 11 et•orilamwit h t be 1 dreoor two!, by Fred W. be, P. L. Se. tilted One 2nd y pe leen hiving been tth• ertil t b ptesed aCld signed tJ. rr- and clerk, and Illteert7t"O.— )4 of (nett ion pl-(-'U D. • 4, being, Iny-law Lo inter— lint by-law ' retes 181 for 4V,PS, 1141111 wval ° t owlishly or 1 and tlae net elerk,t hereby author - lee in th sg• and one I lie rfa' ral ton etell tineree.o.—Carried. erson..-WeOb-e. mIt l' -law No Mt, Iseine ita-len zotiproint Brown eolievor of 4:11.1W4,4 f1.1.? Y.14.1r 19'44 14-'414r 11-4.7441 the ard e he 8,nd tlrFignatlum. lt rev' on! elorle be leaved, as lb' co orteient it sr.eto LIP [O11Ot 888 OV r, il. 0:8 C. it, COU Tiox F 0.01 and Brill:gr.' committee ' the County Coaxial non in Wing - ham on Wednasday, Aug 1.7th, ih ten:le:Ts end. County 01 k., Lent be- t g present. Tendets were opened r the constructiou of bridges known as the Zeilend, near Wing- : end. Staultnee and Meek Creek, n the boundary between Hay and Stephen. Tenders for the :that - lents and piers were :Accepted from Barher. of Winghaut, for the Zet- and bridge, at $5.20 per yard for butmente, and $6.2.5 for piere, and '001 Nagle Looby. of Dublin. lot $7.90 nee ,yaed for the lihnett Sreek bridge, mot $0 for t Staulake Quite a number of tendere were opened for the eupteretruetures, but they were all awardee to the Hunter Bridge Coe of Kincardine. providing Interked chew for the proper amount as security,. Le plaeed inthe clerk's hande. Tho price for the superstrlielltre of 41re Zetiand bridge will bt$1,,,e0e; foe the Bleck Creek, 8750; wail the Slanialte, $1175. IV (lit DOWX ,-Mn is no a icbiu hntkps .-alieng ;Its; Iorg machine- as ap ..? ;ter.- attar. of bloo: alanced o a iiedicia billateed ny don't realize tide, Wet overt; ork Leer Orlin'. nue break do a re llr in nesel a scrone ft " like Ferrozonte to for- nf keep the bleed eit, Tak Ferrozon'' and on'e. ettnrle. You n1Z lent. 114, ;14- •ettnetition and the vt an, 3; h '.u-yo.r sys- in ficet-te Ise order. leor r tt.h and o rereeth 4.110 1,.8. regulerly. Priee elle at Irs. .11,1t1/4eip..41. 01 $‘1, tit rot', 0.0e, 8. Letnna nuryiug e4 .10; el. elcluterte arevil contrect 1,4. It., block lls. $781,7te: Itiehare, ia- j.( repeirint. bridge,. ete.,75; • John neat. cont. on • 1.. ft., ;;,'Zi.00; Davy, cont. on F. 18., $2.511; Thotam, )1iser, eon. on L. 11., 085:$ R. Iland tl, controi.eioner on 11. 18., $ 10,(M 18. 1118881f01'd, four „fame conereet, ., 253.6o8 •'cite.. II. St bridge., 4.4.74,119, CO11111'38 ntljoun ti .et ;tenant the 808 80 hell, C eds on. on flee eloadey 81 Oeteite 1 o'cloc81.k Clerk. ANT1SP1TTlNi ,1 A 08 8A 085lQe, s -'con treeinforaton elative tO a a spittbm bpdtws now in force ts eral. Ontario cities uitit a view atro,Incing a eitoiler measure there', UC is of the °portion tint steel% 8iVc("^619:." t 1,,VW of tbe 'regard sionvrt the "don't spit" e1,11 eyed thronohout tb city . MOreCIVer i ie no the interoste of the Ineeltin of the city and Aid. leennit inele Tatar o with a mall penalty :attach -ail would sere,. 0 slop the ilis„.18lsIli888t Whit a spit- ati ad. walks, The by-law is 188 '.ucceseettl operetion in Lan - 84884 Toronto. t herLojs1I. The bride and 1 groom were supported by Me Jerry Corriveau and Miss Soraphioe Bed - one zing).'elle lett. Badoer tzud ellen Ar anal io p no a to Tito happy couple, will make their future 10011O 1 the Seubie line. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for sick headeche. bil- iousness, constipation. pain in the side :end all neer troubles. Carter'e Little Liver Pills. Try then. J. J. Oampbell. ex -public echoo teeeber qt Gorrie, passed away last ek after a prol000ed illness' Of, over six years, death being due to catarrhal bronohitis. Deceesed, who was a lire -long Presbyterian, was ore. io North Easthope, and was in bisf if t y-sixt h year t wenty-five a • of whinit was spent in tbe pub Inc school sere e heving taught ilnee years in Meleillop, two in Hillsboro 4lIttl tile remaining twenty in Gocrin A. widow n'oni family survive bin. A very beeutiful „old enjoyable wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Trumae Smith, of Locknow, ou Wednesday, Angust .UJ le when Bella Sntith, his second (laugh - wee united in the bonds a riuony to i4r F.Greeoway, of Crys, 1 City. Manitoba, the nephew of xePremier (Ireenway. Tornbull. ef Gotleriehinae d patented in Canada and the zl States a stretcher for use on OW other wire. Tine wire is egt automatically, while a spire w le meed for levet-ay. One rgest railrcelds ten America the noneinine Under obeerva- tt adoption by this line meen ineavy seles from the , le eniteble aeranoeennents can le le, the %sire snreteiters will be "notured, Goderiele In fllarL LIAO, ant t be pl'40 Winging)), (411 trio, 8188(8 • 8180 taltion. . 8z0f1 and owned by 3. Gilks. Toros - ere burned 141 death in file C. F. anis, Ifochel looa. The terse, had ing at Delorionier Parte and a ear p8'41ratory to Icor- uebec. In shuntimr. 3 1304P 1V41S OV0r188r11.f81A, 41.11d 5=1 Ile eve which was 8Oy- ta hoescs burned to death. let .t888-88 $111 at John Bent- ley, ag o1 70 y.ses ,11 iliOliths end9 da,s. Th aln. Bentley wae man of fine medico; ellrerato ter, groatly teal Tined by .3111 klieia him and a fX)t1Q41 furze 'r. 111 • , s :,1,4e411044,A iareligion and t ()former in yolielles. Ib is cui'v- cd his nolow and flee eitildren, trionte. at Note; Janet Wm swear his 148e rosideme; etre. uteent, elso lirbng In the wiwithoe- : ..1041 (48'0rge .48 110111:. brother Joseph. livee in the Wesi, and hie sieter. Mrs. roes, at Walton. In tohlition there is Mrs. Saiteer, or Kirkton. nal Mr. Ceorg.. Ilentl,w, of Rannoch. To ail these h, has 1,..,ft lir, memOrY or a useful tiro and the fra,zr.tar a a good name; • so that th.v. do not sorrow as thoo, u it bout hop "Th rntnnr,y of the jwit 1.; 881 bor. 1., vallie ofJ, Brody, winter Wt;fehat up to the present' time European fruit has not Com- peted seriously with our best keep- ing winter varieties. The apple crop in Canada appears to be singularly free this year from the attacka of insects and fungous diseases. It is quite probable that tho codling moth will not be a eerious pest but there are indicatiens that the spa may yet develop to a slight,if not a serious degeee, PEARS Pears, except io British, Columbia w iU be a light crop. There will be very few for export but the quality o t those will heoeod, PEACHES"AND PLUMS Peaches and nterue are almost a* absOlute ettilure. There are, howe ver, a _few favored sections where the winter did no materially affect thes e two fruits end In sueh orchards the orop will be medium, The grape crop will be fairly good but in the large producing districts of the Niagara Peninsola, black rot hes shown to a serious extent and impossipie to predint the ex- tent to which the crop will be'. our - tailed by this pest. SMALL PETTUS. Strawberries twee been very un-, even. Where they were not winters ter killed tine crop bas bee u good but the winter 'eating was so goiter - that the yield has Teem a small Raspberries Wete 441SO a iight arap MERRIES. itt British Columbia inave 11° crop. bue a light prop ' ant alio. In Tees. „I wherever grown, ight to rueditem. Tants are a full lcd *nanis not quite so but stilt fllerge crop. INSECTS AND FUNGI, aly one or two thstriote r,port s depredations of insects and lications at present are tient rowers il be little troubled by either ineeete or fun -I BRONCIIITIC ASTHMA. A HEAV 111' RDEN Atli hunt is bad enough but when bronchial symptom, are added the oner surrorer has oltoost an intoler- able existent .. An ebeoluto specific is found in fragrant healing Ca- tarrhozonte which cures chronic cas- that other remetlize wont even re- ieve. "For years." -.criers Capt. Mc- Donald, of 7$.1ontreal, "I battled wit It t agonies of bronclaitic asthma. Often I couldn't sleep for nights at a time. I spent thousands en doctors end metlicines without reliof, but one doller's worth of Ontarrhozone cured me." Cater- rhozone eine fell; lint guaranteed. Two mon T 'III, 81.09- trial 25e. LONDON EXHIBITION The Western F no.a. 1es (ban one month distant, and as the time jeer the greatest oe Curette/I exhibi- tion), dr:1888 near, it 15 beconaing more and morc dieounsed. There is not 81 earmer throughout the west who is not interc..sted in the fair, and of lhe people of the villages, towns and cities, there are few .who do /tot take a keen interest in the ex- hibition, and •wish 11 a continuation of the ,success that has met 18 188 the past. The manageutent have much in elore for the visitors this year. There is every indication that the cettibits will be far in advance of former years, aod that while an in- crease in numbers Will be ex- perienced, there, will else be an im- provement in quolity, Iteperts from ali parts of the tr3Fii regarding the crops have been favorable, and this means much for the fair. - The work on the new $10,000 dairy hall has been going ehea.d at a rapid rate end elle building will be ready in temple time for the opening - of ihe fair. It will be one of the chief sources at interest to visitors and particulavly • to the farming community, who are so closely allied to tire deity interests, Thcre will be nothing Inciting in the hall, and what will make! it Mere 'interesting 'the fact that. dairy butter making competitions will be held. • While the -dairy hall will be new a number of the other • buildings have been improved to Meet the 8y1$4108 Of tits OXhillitOrfq• Xn nO re- spect is the management of The fair allowing the expenditure of money to deter them from making the ex- • hibition ex 1904 a •'hummer." • The Times and the ,Family Herald and 'Weekly Star be seat to any address in Canada' or the United States till Dee. 31.., 1904 for 75c, To take advantage of this offer you must eubseribe at once., It RE FEVER CHILLS .1: tl'i "shivers' 'One M.* recoramend Nervilin highly. Twenty drops of aken in hot. nett el' with a lit - 8 itre' time. fl ;Hy not only the chills but knocks out the completely. •Nerviline has a "rect action on fever chills and re- s the Conditions entsing 014'81* 11 108881018 end inonei troubles N'or.) never fails. 88 's pleasant to zhe last e, quick to r nieve and al n aye cures per/trio 11.c . Oct a 25e. 1 at t 0.11,1y. Huron The or -old 1.tvid Cook, jr., fell off it mon, and broke her arab Dr. 1., G. Flout bier, Presinen1 r t lte Se. Joseph Levi Isuproventent ntl :Ielenufacturing. Co. Ltd., nes stated a urit egninet that Company for $36,575,00 Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jinn's, Ohio. .writes; "I have used every remedy for sick head:noire I could hoar of for the poet fifteen yeers. but Carter's Little Liver Pills did tue rnore good than all the rfgitt The st earner W. B. Mai t hews, with 180,000 bushels of wheal, was un- loaded in twenty-three and one half hours at the Goderich one -leg eleva- tor. This beats the Matthews' best time in a Buffalo two -leg elevator by two and a half hours, Miss Hattie Rumba'', 11. A., ot Clinton, who some time ago aceepted a lucrative position in a Permsylva- uht College, has been offered $1,000 a year by a seat of learning in Da- kota. We understand Miss Rumball has decided to remain in thc East. . Mr. George Stewart, of the Seafolirt Co., has epunchased the res- idence on Main street, belonging, t Dr. Campbell, whore he has been living for some time. The price paid was in the neighborhood of $1,- 600, A poetty nedding was celebrated et helf past seven on Monday morn- ing at St. Peter's Catholic church, on. the Sauble. line, Hay. when Mr. 'Louis N. D188081ll0 was united in the holy bonds of -wedlock to Mrs, Vir- ginia Woods, by tha Rev. Father Loiselle. Mr. Julius Ducharine sup- ported the groom and Miss Matilda Dctnomie supportod the bride. A pretty 'wedding was celebrated in Sr. Peter's Catholic church, on the Sauble 11113, }Illy, last Saturday morning, when Mn William 13a - dour was united in marriage to Miss Flora Laney by the Rev. ght er 88 Pains in the Bac[: Are SYMPtOrOS Of a ivOnli, torpid or etagnant condition oJ. the kidneys or liver, and are a warning it is extremely, hazardous to neglect, so important is a healthy action of these organs They are commonly attended by less of energy, lack of courage, e.ucl sortie- tirnee by gloomy forebodiog and de,. sport en y. "1 was taken 111 witli Md. -my tr.)01.0c, and became 80 .avcak 1 COulti scarcely gei :Ironed, Hook nieclicine without t;enefit, aml finally decided to try Rood's Zarsatguilla. After the Drat bottlic 1 felt so mach ter that • CCO1I1XIUGCI it use, and rii% hOEtleki III*tde me a mew woman. • %Viten ny filtle girl was a baby, she could not keep anylbing on her • stomach, and we gave her iclfroirs Sarsapa- rilla weieh cored ben" Danz, Titti.OAS, IS- , . 10e, Weilaceburg, Ont. • Hood'sUarsapartlia Cures kidn'ey and. liver troubles, re- lieves the back and builds up the whole syStent.' •' THE MILDEST AND SURE:a ItE LIEF. For constiinted bowels and pileen Dr. Ilamiltou's Pills of Mandrake and 131114e111111 which cause no grip- ing pain and act promptly. Well known to ail doe.ors. Vse only Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25e. Perth Mr. E. McQuillan, of East iseouri has Tentett ids farm and 'w 11 raor 10 St. Marys. Mihs 'gaggle Autos. of St. Marys, lets been engage d to teach at the Met ropolban sebool "...afloat No. 4, The wells or the naw Molsoa's Bank building at St. Marys, are completo, and tit.: finishing of the interior will be ruslcul. Must not be confounded with cow-- oath:mit: or purgative pills. Carter's Littic Liver Pills are entir- ely unlike them in every respecf. One trial wil 1 provc ill:dr super - The public library board, of Lis- towel will ercer a library building of cement at a mu or $10,000. Tha style is modorn colonial, and ;here will be accommodation for 20,000 R. T. Swale, of Si. Marys, who WaS temporarily acting Its nir,ht cousrablc, was found dead on August 21st, in the basement of the town hall. When found he was in a sit- ting oesture, witb an electric wire cord attached • to a lamp he was attempting to roach between Mu fin- gers. Evidently the shock had kill- ed him. Trial Trip.—Now is the time to scours: two good papers for the price of ono. The Weekly Mail and Em- pire from now till Jan. lst., 1905 for cnly 50c. To new subscribers only. Bears the The Kind YaU Hate Always BOUghl Signature of Fruit Crop Report for July A Very Full Itetux-n for July has Been Obtained by the Fruit Di- vision, Ottawa, 18-1811 reference to the Fruit Crop tof tile Dominion. • APPLES Dividing the apple crop into fall and winter varieties, the rclier.tg show a medium to lull crop of the former. In the apple sections, from which the bulk of the lvinter fruii will be obtained for export, tile • mcraanp hisenOoltaS4SO8tilafrtfAgellgahsthastat yMeaerdi'llbrnlit. very clear distinction most be made between fall armies and good storing stock. • Tile reports from Great r3 ri t ain and Europe generally show n very Ittrge crop of fruit that will come into • direct competitiott With oor fail varieties and may slightly • affect the • market for COVNTRIES. Tbe rep from tire United Stat- ., particularly Mos.,. portions that clove e h Canada indicate a but run extraordinary crop Tile indications Ensland ranqro, Germany, flatland and Bel- gium point to a crop eomeu hat above the average, CIENZERAL COMMENT 11;^ export =tit', for anailiatt and American fall apples will be some - vitas; restricted, but owing to the quality of our apples they still have the preference in the peen markets. There 'nill be teeeseity, however, of teterints, ding all second quality fruit. 1 fruit or first class quality nill in all brob:ability bring a fair price ut 11 is almost certain that 9n011f1 quality fruit will not bring much anything, over 1184' cost of market - The supply of good winter of apples suitable for the Brit- sh markets during the menthe of armory, February and March is not exeessivc and it .S ''*1)5 reason- able to e \pact that the demand will Ilmost equal to that of last year. 1,ECTION sTuAwliElt tY PLANTS. A striking illustration of the value plant and seed section, as ad- vocated by Prof. Robertson, is re- ported in the Maritime Farmer" or July 19th by a New Brunswick cor- respondent. ILI sty,t's; "A few days . . ego, whtle visiting a neighbor, the. conversation turned to berries, and he then showed me his patch. It was small but they avero plants to be proud or. His plan is as follows; lie tells his children when they are picking' to carry along some little sticks piece s of laths and when they find all extra strong' plant with 3 good (T1111 stem and plenty of ber- ries, to put a stick down alongside at. After the berries are picked he takes up these plants and sets them out in 41 bed, letting (hare throw out runnere in all directions. In the spring he has some fine plants to.set, and his berries ara improving every year." DESTROV THE WEEDS In driving about the country one cannot fait to notice the difference in the manner of keeping the farms While as a.general rule the farmers of Huron are perhaps as systematic and up-to-date as any, once itt 81 while one ACTS a livid ht which a useful crop is simply choked out by thistles and other weeds. Tbe care- less former is a menace to the good farmer, and the la NV providing for the suppression of thistles and other destructive weeds should be 'rigidly enforced. A couple or three days spent in ridding a farm of weecte is time perhaps as pro- fitably spent. as cultivating corn, root s or pot at nes. .mminsimammimmagneammmi. rmswill.13stifpsomsgll'IPP,FHWIS1134191,111V** STOR For Infants and OhUclren.' ...6N'egctabletilieparatioaforksi- imilating illezood etariReg fit rho Skataell$ aritiBowells if P=otes:Digesqaa,Chee-Tfut7 0.,,z$s awl W4t4op taios. ne0er Oplue,MOrplitink rmt Uttzrai. t Now. "N.N.Rc irc • 18 , • 11 4-47 4'.42-.Z.F.7474Za .1'01:4A, 444- 4ffx,revaeo A-414 44;`.4 Agie .11.4;,,vrzrzat Critco7744154z * 1:1,117,9,1a4 tqr.144',1,4roT 4,1,pcicctiqcmcity. tor Cous Sow Stortai',h,Diorrho YotrasiConv.u.tswtisjeveris cix1140445 .Signotore or. 4.1 y0111 In Use For Over Thirty Years ST, 4,1$ qOMPAttlf. PK • 011601%1S 3311,NEE corporated by Act of Parliament 1.9•55,) OANTA T Ielelt,r.*••1••••••• • • • no n • • • • . „so, °moo, . • Capital 41..t. PAH) --..... 2,000,000,00 • Roserveo Fund.. ee e 2 . 2,850.000.00 • 47 Branches snOetario, tie:neer teniterto enstien.volumbia eel elnoitola. — * EXETER eRitri 40. Open every Lawful Day teem 10 .8. M. to Or. N. excent *'aturtlay8041, ;14. 401 nem el Formers" Soto Notem ca5hed or collected. Forms supplied 4k. On application, int FTS en tali paints in the Dominiou, (treat Britain rota rn fled StateR, bought, a nd old at lowet.t retcs of exchange, W. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT • Dopo,f.i. its of *1.00 awl upwards received. Intelet• • poundea yeariey, and adticht to principal aim° zcn, Ana Pecember ee post ta receipts also !awed and higttet.t ourreut root ot lotere5t, allam • • vences made to thrflierS, attest dealers and busmeg; non at, 4* • lomat rates and on nost faserable terms. Ageuts at Exeter ter Dem. (OS 411,11800. DICkSOrl & Carling, Solicitors. D. HURDON, manz•ger. 4, DICTIONARY 0 LT1TUDES The Department of the Interim has recently issued a book called Dictionary or Altitudes, giv- s the elevation above the sea level oe all plaees on a line of railwayin the Dominion. The following front its places will show the difference i altitudes of points In Ilurort; Feet fljuevnlr ...1058 „. ...1078 Myth „. 1080 1-0 mile neorth .. 1121 Brueefield . . .. 886 Brussels ....., . 1121 Centralia. 867 Minion statiort 912 Clinton junction 005 Ethel 1174 Exeter 872 Fordwich —1101 Glennannan .. • 1073 Godormli 729 Gerrie 1130 Irenfreot ................1105 Hensel" .. ... 895 Holmesville 880 Kippert 881 Londesboro 971 Settforth 1008 Wingltant at C. P. It. —1020 " G. T. R 1041 " Janet 1011 1078 Wroxeter 1101 General News Mrs. Elgie, widow of the late John J. Elgie, who sold his farm on the lOtit concession of Hibbert to Mr. John Simmons, from nea,r Lumley, has together with her two little girls moved to Hensel], having rent- _ DATES OF FALL FAIRS Exeter ... Sept. 19 eVestern , London Sept. 9-17 Dominion, Witteipeg ju1y25-Aug.6 Drandon, Manitoba ...Aug. 9-Scpt. 12 Toronto, Industrial ...Aug, 29 -Sept 10 Center Canada, Ottawa ...Sept.16-24 Ile Lon„ . Sept. 15-17 South Perth, Stretford _Sept. 27-28 ' Northwestern, 1,Virigham....Sept, 29-30 CenlraL Guelph Sept. 20-2-2 W. IVIiddlene..., Strni h oy...Sept. 23-25 Great N. W.,Go ......Sept.27-28 Northern, Aisa Craig Swt.27-28 Glencoe .Sept. 27-28 West lient, Chatham Sepi.27-28 TRIAL SUBSCRIBERS We. a,r100 Utica tho following low rates for trine subecriptions froin now until january lst next ; The Times , ...25c. The Weekly Mail aml Empire ...25c The Weekly Sun .25c. Times a.nd & Empire 50c. Timate and Weakly Sun ... Times and Family Herald ... 50c. • Subseribere to the Mail. an6 -mein: have •choice of one of the following • pictures; arets Parewell,"- "On the, Edge of. the Herd." "Contentment," • Or enlarged tic.ture oc, L. Borden, •00. • Mr. Thomas Patterson, Nissouri, crushed his 'thumb very badly •be- 1Ween teen planks. The ntembenwas badly hurt, and will be unable tohe • used for leorne time. ed Mn. B. lloggarth's beautiful res- idence on Main street. W. G. Edward, of Goderich,ewho took the Normal College course at Hamilton, during the past ye.ar, has been appointed commercial master in the Woodstoek Collegiate at a salary of $990 00 per year. The Woodstock board is to be congratulated triton securing the „services of MT. Ed- ward, who will no doubt 841018.0 a most .successful teacher. The wreck or the burned steamer ininneseta, near Grande Pointe, St. Clair Hiner, has been found a men- ace to navigation, as there is only 18 1-2 feet •of clear water above the spot. Col. Davis will 'take the mat - tor up with the •Canadian Govern- ment, and if the latter fails to make .1 he channel navigable, he will take steps to have the wink done by the 'United States. Jas. Massey, a wealthy merchant of Chethann has been lined $75 and costa for refusing to allow Rev. C. B. Brawl), Baptist minister, also a constable to search the pavilion at r,rieeau, 81 resoet a few miles front Blenheim, for • liquor. Inspector Boone has also seized ten cases of ale found in the pavilion. Massey'' lease of the pavilion, which 1181 held from the Pere Marquette Railway, has been cancelled by the railway. • The Grand Trunk railway have Bl- ed their plans tor expropriation • of the Esplanade property with tbe oi.14r Clark, TOrOtli.O. • 1310 plan provides for the closing of BaY ;Arcot, Lorne Street, York street; from Front • to Station streets, 8tation street • to Simeoe to and F,splanade treet front Vork to 'Young. The roperty to 1*e expropriated includes 11 that • west or the Custom House and east of York strect south of Front street, Chancellor Durwash and Dr. ;Pio. Burins)), of Victoria l'eiversity. Toronto, with their WiVett 181181 Burwaslo had a miraculous escape *11 a runaway aceident on a ste(8l) 11111 at Calgary, near P. Burins' ranch The party were driving a pair of bronohos in a democrat, Mon the horses became uumanitgable on the 11111 and carried the rig, over a preci- pice. The ladies and Dr. John Bur - wash jumped and saved themeelves. The cleincellor wont ovor with the vehicle under the horses' heel:. Lie u•as badly shaken up and Ina nine stitches put in his head. Dr. John Burwash had his shoulder didon•ted in jumping. Mrs. -Rosa Adams, niece of. the late General Roger Hanson, C.S.A., wants every woman to, I know of the wonders accom— plished by Lydia E. Pinkhanes; Vegetable Compound. "DEAP Mits. PrzatuAls :—I cannot. tell you with pen and ink what goodt Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable, Compound did for me, sufferingfronx ,the ills peculiar to the sex, extreme.. lassitude and that all gone feeling. Would rise from nty bed in the morning feeling more tired than when I went to' bed, but before I used two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable, Compound,T began to feel the buoy- ancy of my younger days returning,. became regular, could do more work' and not feel tired than I had ever been able to do before, so I continued to usee it until I was restored to perfect health., It is indeed aeboon to sick women andd. I heartily recommend it. Yours very- • truly, Mits. Rosa. AnAars, 819 12th St., Louisville, ICy."-- 06000 forfeit ifloriginal of above letter prouing genuineness cannot be produced. PUEE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. • Don't hesitate to writeto TVIrs. Pinkham; She will understand your case perfectly, and will. treat you with kindne.ss. Iler advice, is free, and the address is 1.4ynn, Mass. NO woman ever regretted;• having written her, and she haw, ilielpedAhousands.