HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-25, Page 3RTISSIAT RED BEA RAD
Enterprise Pr Omoted by Czar's
Vac les -Britain's Course
VIalacea Case,
In the Grand liticel peloces Nthere
fir -et causes, in Russian. affaira Mad
their birth is very little coucern, end
certainly uo penitence, over -the
eharge Of having Dearly eet the
worlt on it lAtys a St. Petersburg
letter. A. flee scheme of privateerieg
on the 'high seen whese eateeutioe the
volved the breakieg of a, few treatiee,
may bone been frustratnn for a time;
maw4 than peer for liouse g,ow s
,..- and evening
Fashion dressen
For the eext few moeths, at /east,
ight sbaees will prevail, The bright
grams, tans, oranges and beliotropes
are Shona in oll the netireee wool net-
teriale„. A charming eestunie is mane
of heliotrope voile over the Sallie
V0101, silk. The skirt nits a circular
but it wee more summating oboe yoe, neindieg awgy t either side
it lasted than Vie legitiumte militarY of the front panel which is laid in.
perform:owes eu land. If neutrals two lime plaits Alla stitched almost
cry out that it le piracy and a denance„ to vie knees. Below the ana-yone the
of all civil usuage between nations,ininess oi the shirt is 10,10 in tiny
the Gralld otheoir ei)'14eell.d1s plaits and two deep tuelss at the
can miniver wino trllea cons eadY bottom form the only
neve eater suspected. thenese Vellt Qr i•
been. Accused by ethers* oi earkag A Tile" .4, we ie ti.,„ dieti,„„iebiee. eOlOrs are COMbined perfectly and
brass nopele for the righte 01 4trtill, ''' ''' : '' -- - -47- - "e' tbe effect is beautiful,
gees. natere of the jaeket. This is made
So far a very few fall hats have
been seen, but it is expected that
another week will bring out many
new models. The designs winch have
aPPeared ore in witite and pale blue
felts, very silky and soft in ap-
pearance. The sailor and broad
gypsy shape a are trgeeljoined in these
models. These are wreathed evitb
one kind of flower and set in a close
garland without foliage, with still
another flower at the fret.
A blue hat which commenes itself
to all lovers of the beautitul ox
pressed felt, Very light in weight,
with breed fiat crowe and straight
W. G., Bartleman Could Get no
Belief till ale Tied tiee dtrnat
Canadian Idielney Rereedyi
WapUa,Aese.„ N. W. I., Aug. e3
,--(Speciel)s-Tbis tbrivine town fur-
nienes oue et the most. remarkable
Icure. of Inidney Disease that lines
ever been reportea oe the prairies,
lainn, The iatter is edged with if3,1,t,',e• e„41„,rtInee/,„en' a Well-kaDIVA
bbrV:WW1111 *0.7: GS:lvtarareed3 iOnr‘osagaQFat it must be admitten that he Mere
the crown and finished with a bow "4; b''°"1
Results from common soaps..
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
gists, foi. the Octagon tear
The bullock: may appear -to lead
* useless. aimless life while alive;
but when he is ,e1a,ughtered, and in
the bands of an up-to-date company,
velopea itag I.XlibOt=, N%,,,t to thurpoSe.an makes up for his erstwhile want
the how dvelve Paradise nlolnes, tQof traeFtreQnraanladllseslortresdainthtye
at the front. From either side of
ether trint- dark brown elm ng o e. '
They seizea other people's land in 'erY misrow at the been and eides,
Manchuria, telly ebrouid•they not seize hut at the froat it broaden % into a
otlier people s snipe 10 the Ited Sean high stiller* shaPed geefeti tQ'
pispist nt the proedio atoeldarrel ot getber with lavender silk cords. are being Fbette mann- new
Knit ed jacnets for outdoor eAr
hi de
ectuduct, wincle the Weetern Powei•s N,Vildre the girdle is narrowest the sigas. Designed rather for style tbo
ere trying to force ou them. is their 3av1get is stitched in tiny tucks about. real service is a white Etoit of Unit
etiongest sensation eVer tbe four forties nigh. •tben released to ted wool. The ninon for its ablere-
blouse over tbe figure The shoulder via,tion is that it will protect the
take Dodet s Kidaey i s n ecent
tier, 1902. I took tbeut all wieter
and summer while 1 wae unable to
cork my form. I took twelve, boxes
n all ann. in August 1 wae able to
'Now 1 am quite ',sermon. I wornee
all whiter onnout paten in nee bates
or any part of my belly. Id eire
ileidney Pille cored me."
If the Kidueer Diseeee Es , Icing
hgere, directed Conot LaMs,- has a :vote composed of five teekeline chest mid batik meal tile very eol4 ting it niay tune time nre
Audi and other emieent elerning per-licolds eetendieg orte piece with the weather demattils eiterige to
WON their eMpleetuent to write tali collar, r.ir,t,d, revers. also of longer Norfolk design. While
IL out reasoes juetilicatien of the 0.4%. 'the feline tura been from a lace vest, red will in the faeldoeunle
plane of, the volunteer Net. The ijne4 with chition. The sleeves ere for these jadkenn.
Greed Dunes themselves bave there
oughly grasped the ancient, well de -
linen principle oi interuational law
that highway robbery is morally juSe
tined if you are able to keep nol4 Of
the thinge yon have pOsseesen yotia•
belt of. it ie to them n. matter for
vegret that theer have not lieen, able
to beep bold of a. veil fat prize like
anti Count Linennerff is di•alting
declaration on the general queetion.
ehirred the tep and gauged into
five pude below the elbow. The
wrietbaml is of heliotrope eletb, em-
bioidered tvith blacii and purple silic
bigbeet art. of
Mal thing the sloe do
wbe he is called. to See ting,
raying baby le to gi meal-
thie to MOVe the bowele eweeteri
tbe etounieh. The doctor kuows
liat ninenentbs of the troubles af-
ecting babies and Vt)ung, children
UutJA1d4'4. NithrY VitiO
' • fis "Iv r " for billiard -
1 balls, buttons by tbe hundred mil-
lions a year, knife -bandies, and pipe-
,slems, Not a nair, not 0 gland, is
[wrested, dniere are dereiceated thy-
roid, desiccatid tbyzaus, epinal-cord
powders, anhydrous Ammonia, viten.- i
iary pewders (which fetal) Al 12s. pe,r :
!pound,) fertilizers, meals for pigs '
teed tide:kens, ism:elites for the brew -
lien and gelatine for the chef, glycerol.
Vint Cry in $ Hours.
oafs at an liardware 080am
DO treai Toronto, Vancouver,
j, rennet, end pancreatin, glycerine, end
y Eggs u Apples
your consignment of ;Nay oz tnose articles and We Will
neat's-feot oil. Vie beefs a get you good price"),
cotahreueful of products Awning them
ananiti; of Petite -elm% 'Even the eye- THE DAINFoN coat; Iv' ss ON
ball is made to snrrender its Recants,
Ds, land one of its constituents forms the ,
principal element In a match -vaunted
gorote Verna'. eld.fasbioned iota 4
wile imagine the dead bulled:, to eon-
s Shit merely of hide and beef are woe -
8..T1 every pr span of iew fully behind the time% The only
industr,y springing up in t cote part ' hoirinele. winch the upeteo
tish 11101011de, which wilt go a long date • y seente unable to ItinUe
Way towards eeleing tile preesing Use of
j Te nu tailorese in manifested ill problem of the rapid depopuiatiog
Co e Cured
rap resS1, cleCaSi 4. are due to irritationioi the stomach i °I the glens ad villages of the mirth,
les* are P:itllestV°0•1711:"4:ed's- long* wItu1l. r hgelvelts.' the(r(lthabtilhei It :ATI eansee I -iblelleenel :irl.sa,td.inieui);--;:eiritTsiosn.s. but » eiiliTeVitietinse'rt rose tehteYllto:ntTrt, "
he flrst, iiiternat lonal importance; , of deceit °Aiello 1 he e tett lou Gs or, n a PPrvratt le4lbV.5-htv'i: .C"ab'slet7-areaTell". ttbri.°4 tehea ogeeti nileaeahers' .3"") dig ore gae'tttiwneinslYtt;neanwn:tYttxtrtoctlIfte rteigerldel4ese: R
It 4101.04 be a pentenn doomneut an intrieney ranter then a profusion ..d
„ always -at -band uoetor end promptly legifeces is vonsed by an inflamed con. 0
tlei Snell it Will be a. totieauce end iS abet% the &Vain F:tiatillY inshiene _..., ' •,• ' t, . Importion. minerel End aate re ilition et the omenue lining of ehe Ewe i
• nut* all tile Pithier ilts 01 'tittle QM% 'lecithin 'rut'e 'Whoa thin tube iN Ir. I
vines° to the athnb ar the ni,ble $.ols °WV; 4nni IvraPS Is 3-"I',"' litoy coutala no poisonceia 'tooth- reltti$ bee° 3414414 °n the 1\e"ern Slotted on /141-0 a ilUXIbbeg SqUini C:r
Daee. Tileir idandlieint in eerausn it conies in so tunny weiihils ingo waft, and may b, oven with ellorea of IleniS and Vrowerte, Per' ineserfeet laming,. caul wine ie le tee
i " the 431°94 or this artleie ntui snlart eneets' 'nen it h4t1 the Furety to the tenderest infant. or *be allele time past a etell of engieeies titian (hosed. Iiiieefuese lie the ratan. and
4 y are the. all powerful Advantage of wearing, well und ebein wtu tnewn emu,. Airs. ti. oherond. have been tenaployed prosenethiga 1,t1ted-iLtlitles!ntAlr2geMeT dri: 41;',',1:'„1,,
ON The Department a 'Lona. 4185t reanily. 'rho expeneive iden,cgrth station ow BUXOM' OW bine. and their efforten el condition, bearing' will be destroyed
te„ 11 idoSt ether conlitries quidilite of tide febrie aro ehruniten i.ef dee .1- - - ' -t,,,-; Iron met witb a fair exempt of sue- forever; nine ettgeS (Mt ef ten are cour..1
.,.."1.' atl..0 (Me tittS nittrh trOthd.. ' ' ' eti by Catarrh, whirl% is nothing hut 1
.. directing disternal -and in the cud it IlaS to get the with indigestion. and Babe's Con e4't • 48 intlained condition of the mucous ti
F.4.1. raereln a regietrY best, for ruin is likely to play strange Tabled, gone irnmd egiate i.euet. 11 TrareS have been felled of eeveral Awittxce9;
of the Ideeltereen iranks with Inobalr. ariniding It. in holm found tile Tennis the Inest Ilehlerelti••^411Chltihtnii free* eSbeStO,S aiW4ye scV, el qv(
sputu and making it shrivel lameut- eenief oto . mend 1 i „ . . and copper. as wee+, es Pold-hnt 0., on%) that cannot
tie: etlinewle o in *Rennin tithing smarter Could be imagined !eine dealerg Or Pent ley mail at 26 PreiltablY wOrbeti w tl t 'e vst'ePt °I
n ie " Is doubtful it any of Mein an lie Catarrh Mire., Sts
, a re 4 ne no e et et
Of ipl ily Along ita Items, used for children." 41100.4 by all ineeed - ig n" . i ' '
arching and reizing by the •volt . a fall cogit of liror.ee-Colored cen1,0 ;.‘1, box. by writing rale Th,,, wa, of copper. . „
tOfP lie"' OW telle i)ererinlellb 0 1 Ir. almost an himpire effect. fie Hams' Ilielleine Co., Broenvillei
ate made play Ninth the rharacter- ihigb is tbe belt line. 13espite tbis, out.
Any rant -mese GrOCOr Cart AlhAPSY YOu.
or the aftert
At lite very
And 0,, Ictil
beautifuley zij
well watere . g004
wben required.
tine. Loeilien (
d Dollars for Ileale Leaver and the W
"r'ed tat" be aur8 bit 1a1r Va. Louie purchaSitio'
• . .).. ieetillo•shats )131%.4;eatle0114fFfQ1 a° IA
Sold by iill'Dotegist ee ,
Take inane nemily rills for con ea sale froin August 3-titit
atIon.S to Seplerelier ittio good for return
until October 23rd, with 6topover
rin you litink t,here h e prieileges eanb• +direction. Tbis is
Yanual aa open rate to the public, as ti -
Ls not sold on the certideate
plan. The rate from Toronto will
be $70.25. Correspontlingly low
Op rates from other points. Tickets
caa be purcbmied going via Vancou-
ver, returning tbrinigh above citlee,
or vice verse.
By writing If. In Carter, Traveling
Paseenger Agent, 'Union Pacific Rail-
road, 14 Janes Buildiug, Toronto,
Ont., be will giVO WOU iltiOrte0.
l• 'atith tierendell °Pen though. Several scalloped Baps ureo
lark proceediugn throughout piped in the seams to define the real
mrietthdtirrtn f°4:iwaiiiitline. These are ornamented top
• -"' - faIarea ""-' tut bottom With big brown silk but- Iolet
11111 tneanieg el the term. an n) ns. Over Vie sbouldere, there are
'int Russian etg•» two eapee of brown Min, fititeited
e ein
te UMW/ the matter, nut the Brit edged with inney braid, but very
Anilmenador replieli that no X
change of metes was admissible. No
atited for the immediate delivery of
the Alp. tbe alternative beteg oetIO
• force for Re reienee. The armee
91'1111 right, we will give it up. fife
accept the llritiab Government's Ae•igratetol, lending iteelf admirable' to simPler than might be sueposed. ted about ten miles clietant from.
titmice -that the coetrabaud explo-i the tab and battlement effects which living gernia to be pictured are nut Seratlicareon Station, on the High -
elves in the cargo are for the BritislOform so important a part of fash- in a hilltern-f-aidet in blood Or water land Railway, Idisborn Bay is
neat at Hann Hoeg and not for the n ble trlmmin Heavily Olthated or other suitable ineditien, and pro- natural harbor, rind the ore ean be
of Securing tbe 'h
Is Very Simple.
't *et living dinetten genus
tent accoMplishment of
There is a tali collar ef science, and will, of course, be of in
he Fame material and the full estimable Value for medical end eur-
sleeves have turn -back cuffs of stir- gical purposes. Given the complicat-
fened mohair trimmee with the largo ed machniery and processes required
button% to get. tbe uegetive Aims for any set hill about 500 feet high, tailed To -
Like Moliair, 'wine snakes handsome of life -motion pictures, the Method of mapress, in which traces of gold has
Afternoon *serape It is soft and Seettring the lihne for germ life is also been found. This mine is eitua-
At the very tech eOpper vein levet
ed last week in the Parish of Idin-
tail, ou the estate of Sir Keith
• , arrungemeets ion tieing made usic in every home?
to art mining operations at en moms. What object to
early date. next door."
As lidishorn, to the north of Kia -
tall, work bas alreody been emu- NDEPENDIedi I ORD I
=need. at an old copper mine which FORESTEItS.
bas We untouched fur 00 years.
Afeenbereliip nearly .........2.00O
About SO Illinsh miners are new ince surplus ineenngaind hnid
coveting the ore, and the workings ' 'merle
„„, 68,000,000
promise to be profitably carried on. ,idee Nen,. eae „idnee
Tbe vein, rune along the side of a 3t•edd-eo`inte"...d.
Widows and
Orphans and disabled
Brethren ................18,000,000
Thoueand of farmers in Canada are
members of the Institution.
Something of the great work it
s doiug may be understood when it
is stated that Nieh work -day of the
year it is paying out to Widows and
Orphans and disabled brethren as
much money us would be received foe
the hervest-allowing 20 bushels to
the acre -or 400 ric.res• of wheat.
For full particulars see any mem-
ber or addreen
Supreme clue Ranger.
Home office,
Temple Building, Toronto, Ont.
The ArubeS.ladOr then asked, "ivben
ehall we get delivery of the elins?"
lin was told that o telegram had
been eent, to Port Said, at the Med-
iterranean end of the Suer. Canal.
inter be learned that the nfalacca
had sailed from that port before the
telegram arrived.
11. is obvious that the eConmunider Without being what is COMmonly
411 her prize erete }new his destina- eepresse , "100(1" thO new plaid
lion when he started, and again the materiae may be tailed tonspicuous.
Ambassador asked ahem the ship The inay not be affected by ultra -
was being talten. Ilewas inforened
and stitched with a little hand em-
broiderer or braiding at the throat,
_Voile wraps are _distinctly attrao-
tive. They 'will tolie the place ei
Pongees, which bave been so popular.
mAnos TO BE X.,ARGE11.
At once the Foreign Office wee told
that that was not permissible, and
that the 31a1acea, enlist not be taken
iato n. 'Russian port as Russian, prize.
Thereupon be was told: "No; it is
not exactle- a Russian port, it is on
international port, Sudo Bay, in
Crete." Twelve hours afterward
this was altered, without any mt.-
olanalion, to Algios, the capital
'port of France's Mediterranean col-
The thing to note about all this is
Mat there was no coramunication all
this time with the Malacca, which
was on the high seas. The Gov-
ernment knew from the nrst what her
destination was, but they decided to
open the question with caltulated
In the desire to have clone with the
treaties that prevent Russia from
taking, a, fleet from the Black Sea
through the Dardanelles to the Med-
iterraneae, all classes of people speak
witii one voice. It is the only issue
raising froni the war on whien every
newspaper has written freely it op-
inion without fear cri the censorship;
for patriots, progressives, pan -Slav -
even. the numberless group of
critics of the Government whose grie-
vance is that they have been absorb -
el into Russia againsi, their will, all
...unite in calling those treaties the bar
that holds Russia from the Medi-
conservative women, yet there is no-
thing About them that is undesirable.
In so many estances they are sub-
dued by sombre braids and stitchings
that one forgets the size of the
checks. The approved color combin-
ations are black and white, brown
and 'white, blue and white and blue
lied green. Black and white, how -1
ever, enjoy an unquestionable lead.'
A Costume exceedingly simple in its:
outlines shows the skirt with a plain ,
hip yoke, fitted smoothly by goring;
this yoke dips down at both the front
and back, ending each side of the
front pannel that extends from belt
to bern. The jupe is set on to this
hip -yoke by the finest and scantent
of "scratched" gathers, eaeh line of
gathering being held securely in
Workiug in mines in the United
'Kingdom last year were 371,8S9 Per-
sons. Of these the vast majority,
Se1,060 worked in the coal 'mines,
of which there are 8,419. .The other
Mines, which number 673., employed
noe,8e3 pereone. Probably it will
come an a FArrprise to the dninitiated
that coal mining gives SOptic to 28
-epersone to every one personemployed
in otbe,r mines.
Ethel iS very ambitious, )0 ;c„ou
think she will ever make a name for
herelf'?" -1Co, but ehe'll probably
succeed in getting sOtue foolish man
to give her his.
But wily do you ask inp,
to lend itila a dollar as a personal
'favor to you? Are you utrider, oblig,a--
tiol. to hien.' Towne. --"No, nut if
you deihe WV, coon to tie i411.•
The jacket is short enough in the
Jected pn a screen, eist as they =girt economically shipped to the great
be by a, phyeician giViag a lecture, smelting works at Swansea
and 'showing to the class the actual, It is not definitely known whether
live germ and its 'titbits, or not the gold can he worked pro-
Alongelde of the lantern is placed Manly on account of the heavy gov-
films of the life -motion pictures, and eminent tax, which caused tho late
the macbine for getting the negative
it is operated -taking pictures of the gouikde workings oSi
f itcealaxioabandon the
txd ntdonan,lis uthi.
projection on the screen at the rate erlandshire.
of about thirty u, second -as by the
ordinary method. The lantern AS
tetually operated magnifies the gerun
and whatever else the slide tontaine,
about 2,000,000 time, The Mega-
tive_fihn meniine magnifies the image di, of Sienna, has be.en burgled for
on the ,ecreen about three tines, the t'he thirty-fourth time in ten years.
:resulting total magnification being Signor Carbaniii ban now posted tbis
obtained in this way, it inite- be used two dogs,notice on bis door: "I have bought
three guns, mid water
6,000,000. Onee the film strip is
in the ordinary life -motion picture- 1boiler with hose attacheil- Berldinrs
machine again mid again. are welcome."
'Magnified to the extent mimed, the
germe Of all the diseases for widicli
they have been istola,ted and identified
ere readily observable. They are
seen being born, moving about, grow-
ing., giving birth to other germs, and
dying, just as they do in real life.
The machine may be run fast or slow
or stopped at any picture, or it may
he set back for n close or more de-
tailed study of something which, has
already, been observed.
Tito house of Singer Luigi Cotten -
Success Can. be Rung From the
Most Adverse Conditions.
Every victory over obstacles gives
back to permit a glimpse of the white aeuneiti.ona
i power to the victor. A
silk underblouse. It has a short inert who is self-reliant, positive, and
yoke -piece across the back-, from optimistic, and undertakes his work
which the back clesce.nds in a slight- with the assurance of success, mag-
ly outward flaring squared section, a netiscs conelitions.
trifle wedge shaped at the bottom. We often hear it said ez h. matt
The centre -back is foraried of one "Everythiug he undertakes succeeds,"
wedge-like extension. firtiseied at its or eleverytbing he touches turns to
side by a stitched edge three-quar- goid.,, By the force of his charac-
ters of an heel' wide, in plait or
wide tuck effect. This centre section
is apparently an extension of Ilhe
yoke. ht the bottom the coat is
merely stitched. 'Die points drop
low to cover the belt and slant
downward little front the under-
arm scams, with something of a re-
petition of the A'edge-like back; the
lower ceutre front swings out a bit
from the skirt belt, the latter being
01 the.plaid material.
Short coats Of taffeta will be very
2)11.1 NV Orll this Fall. Of course
these have not the wearing qualities
of cloths and ere prone to split or
become, glossy when worn constant-
ly; but 11 soft taffeta, is selected, it
will wear much better and is both
modish ant sdrvicoable. r.rhe new
designs have tall straight collars
and show little trimming besides
bands el ihe same ineterials. If
capelets are used they aro also of
taficts. If the present efforts of
modists secceed,. the very -prevalent
lace collars will give away to ex-
tensive embroidered effects. This`
should i'ot be bad news for theIace
makers, 4.)r lace Will be in greater
ter and the creative power of his
thought, seek a man wrings success
from the most ativeree circumstances.
Confidence begets confidence. A man
who carries in his very presence an
air of victory radiates assurance, and
imparts to others confidende that he
can do the thing he 'attempts. As
time goes on, he is reinforced not on-
ly by the power of his own thought,
but also by that of all who know
Iihn. 1 -lis friends and acquaintances
affirm anc1. reaffirni his ability to
succeed, and make each sucee.s,sive
triumph easier of achievement than
its predecessor.
It is interesting to watch the
growth of power tend strength in a
yoeng man as he wins a series of
succe-sses at school, or in his busi-
ness or his • profession. Ms sell -
poise, assurance, confideace, and 01)11 -sweet n Urape-INuts is the INa-
il- Post S,
ity, increase in a; direct ratio to the .'nrc-sweet la -1°N°11 as ugar
numeei.oi e,is achievement,. As the not digested in the liver like °Ain -
savage Indian twouglit, that the pow., a.ry sugar, but, predigested. Peed
Needs Only a Little Thinking.
The food of childhood often de -
aides whether one is to grow up
wen nourished and healthy or weak
and sickly from improper food.
It's just as easy to be one as the
other provided we get a proper
A wise physician like the Denver
Doctor who knew about food, can
accomplish wonders provided the pa-
tient is willing to help and will eat
only proper food,
Speaking of this ease the Mother
said her little four year old boy was
suffering from a peculiar derange-
enent of the stomach, liver and kid-
neys and his leet became so swollen
he coulitin't take a step. "We called
a Doctor tvhco mend at once we meat
be very careful as to his diet as im-
proper tooa was the only cause of
his sickness. Sugar especially, he
forbid. •
''So the Dr. made up a diet anti
the principal food he prescribed was
Crape -Nuts and the boy, who was
very fond et sweet things took the
Crape -Nets readily without adding
any sugar. (Dr. explained that the
sweet in Crape -Nuts is not at all
like cane or beet sugar but is the
natural sweet of the grains.)
" We saw big iroproVetnent inside
few days and now Crape -Nuts are
almost his only food and he is once
more a healthy, .happy, rosy-cheeked
youngster with every prospect to
grow up into a strong healthy
man.'' None c,ivett by Posturn Co.,
Battle Creel:, Mich, .
4. 'wonian may look her age, but
she seldom looks the age she says
she is.
Iktitaed rafts liolithetia
"So she has broken her engage-
ment to you?" "Yes." "Do you
regret the love you wasted on her?"
"No It's the postage stainps I
wasted en her that. trouble me."
tilaarh tiolmeat Cures Colds de
Vabel-:.'vramina says our consciences
should tell us when we are naughty.
Iiittio-Yeth. but don't lithen to
er- of every enemy he conquered enter- the youngsters a handful of Grape -
ed tato himself, SD fl reality does Nuts when Nature demands sweet
every conquest in war, in peaceful in- and PromPts them to call for sugar.There's a reason.
Cet the little book "The Roacl to
dustry, Conimerc, in invention... in
. science, Or in art, add to the 'eon-
. ' we to do the ilet thing.. \Yellville" in each package.
The demands amide on the liritisli
and Foreign Bible Societer for Serip-
tures, froro all parts of the world.
has lateltr attained record, dimen-
sions. Not only is all the available
spa= in its warehouse occupied with
stacks of peening cases, but, a huge
overflow lines the corridors awaiting
shiernent to the far ends of the
earth. On one day recently, eighty-
one eases were dispatcbed, represent-
ing a, total of nine tons of Scrip-
tures in terenty--eight different loosen -
lave or 02.50 to 2.4/0.,0% Zara Astie
ages. lafrerv4)01arrotlso, CeoerOlr or Queens*, walrilloD,
oommemmenewenmema lifer partiettlers apply to lecedagentit or
PeltaTteN LINE Oritlee%
41Xingst. Is., Toronto, 17 St Seaminess' ea, lialiestel
Werke well both on
stoelcostud borne.
nloadi Alt kind* et
147 Ernin eltbes
ogee orb), abeam om,,
Smadtorcate3oxo, to
BUCUANAN SIC% logersalbOnt,
St, Margaret's
College, Toronto.
Re-operi Sept.12th.
A high-class residential and day
school for girls. Modern equipment.
Specialists of European training and
of the highest academic anti profes-
sional etanding in every department
of work. Foe booklet apply to INIRS.
GE:01(GE DICKSON, Lady Princi-
pal; GE01101t1 'DICKSON, 3I.A. Di-
rector (late Principal tipper Calialle,
Dominion Line Steamships
xr Moderate Rate Service. Itt
Second r abbe rimentero berthed in testi aceorease-
istiest on the eteanser at 112e km rate of titti to
Dear Sirs, -I have great faith in
MINADVS LINEUENT, as last year
I cured a horse of Meg -bone, with
five, bottles.
It blistered the horse but in a
month there was no ring -bone and
to lameness.
1/AND-en eldliCRISON.
Four Falls, N. B.
Fee Oval- $ilty Year*
wratt.wrsoLows SOOTIEINO 51111rit NM! 1043
sediliono of =others for their ehildron while teething'
I:soothes the child, $erttess9 the /FUME, at Itys "sin, *Kral
tried collo, regulates the stomach and howeho, and is the
hesi remedy for Diarrhoea, Teeenty-tIre *onto a bottle
Sold brirtteglets throughout the world. Be stir* Asa
ask far iirsxs.tovesi$oeTtgitio Szeur." 22 -
It is stated that a welleknown lion
tamer has introduced electricity in
taming his aninaals. Witte a wild
lion or tiger is to be tamed, electric
wires are first rigged hp in the cage
betWeen the tamer and the animal.
After a tinae, the tamer terns his
back, and the lion invariably makes
a spring at him, but, encountering
the charged wires, receives a paralys-
ing shock suffitient to terrorise it for
nee.:" nneineenessnasoeee
Few Flies last year
No Flies this year
w'OU use
Fly .DAds,
Ilaslimore-”I am sorry to
say the tea is all exhausted." Crusty
Boardere-"I am not surprised; it has
been a.wfuliy weak for some time."
Serne men would rather put up a
weak argument than furnish strong
Wa.sh greasy dishes, pots or pens
with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It
will remove the grease with the
greatest ease.
Hileson-"Where did you get these
cigars'?" Garnere-"At Robinson's.
Why?" Hibson-"I onto wanted to
know. Might get into the same shop
by mistake."
Maui% ilind Cunt Diettrintr,
A company has been formed in
South America to- exploit the real
El Dorado. This is a lake situated
in the territory of Colombia, near
Bogota, and the story is that the
chief of the State in pre -European
times used, twice a year, solemnly
to empty a boatload of gold into the
water in order to purchase the par-
don of the gods for the sins of his
people during the previous si:d
end all Made ot Lease Bleanelts, Ate
Writes to us about seam
MTN& siattatt4 antitoto., iteX 150, thrstroki
On August Inth, lelth and 15th,
tlie Lackawanna will sell tielietsto
Boston at one fare, or less, ior the
round trip, good going either via Al-
bany or New York. The National •
Eneampinent of the G. A. R. promis-
es to be tko largest and most at-
tractive ever held. Tbere will be
many special features. its a good
tinati to vieit ihe Seashore at small
expense. Tickets will be good for
stop -over at New York returning.
For full particulars see nearest Lark -
anomie Agent, or write Fred lin
Fos, D. I'. A., Beflalo, N. Y.
Little Sanuity--"What's your fa-
ther, Willie?" Little Willie--"Elete a
znan." Little Sanuny-"Ob, I mean
what does be do for his bread and
butter?" Little Willie—"Tfe's ea
artichoke, and clraws houses!"
.The German'. Baptist Church at
Jacob's. Creek, Penns-ylvania, has
pai!isedregulations against men wear-
.moustaches, and egainSt .women
Wearing hats. Nearly all the nteln-
bers of. the 'congregationwere
pelled a few weeks back for r dis
. obeying the new rules.
"Talking of the 'angelic creature
you ..danced with at Brown's bull,".
said Wagley, "supposing now, you
were to meet a real anger, how
would you address her'?" ''Don't
you know? Well, I should ask tor
what Ott earth she was doing."
Summer Croup
A croupy tercel:, is a danger -one thing
fever that accompanies it is liable to
for the little loll:sin summertime. The
cause serious illnesa Give them
Shii oiRi' s
CcIrksti pti on
CureThe Lung
II is pleas,cnt to *Ake, wilt care thesn
gnickly und has no stepleroant: ts.fter
eirectA. P
At all druggiste, 250. 5,e.a and $1.09 , 1,0:
ISSUE d'en,„ 34,-04