HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-25, Page 1Tuumr-SEcoND YE -NO 4 II (MON & DT -4 VISEX GAZETT AP•01880818110100MMINNINNIMMON41011.80•11100.18.0111 EXETER, ONT., OAIIADA., THURSDAY IVIOIWING, AUGUST 25th, 1904 s o4.+4444.+44.4..44.4.444.4* flensall ••••••••444***•.*•••••••••• ford. left this ve ha o' spa i.,::::44::::: o......o.000.o.ipoon00000iroo o - + 4,,., two weeks here. TO CORRESPONDENTS. ; ; -Thme cafires, seem to he intro, •;•.:;-. 40 nri• • 11110r OVUU : co-,. ; 6 =A' otg, : FVfatglielr :a11140111. : We would aslr oar oorees. : ?ling lower t ese days. .4„, 4 Solo aunts ol tho TO1R1013 ti18 .voodonts to sesta io their bud- 4.0 ;, -A; verY interesting song service' •,!.. was held last Sunday evening,. ant. ,1* • . ,o, Iseurer at 1Vfarriage Licenses. begal deotortents 4. carefully drawn at reasonable rates. mese,. gets each 'Week whether they 4. „ fi (1. 9 '4" 11 OF8011 5 D0111016 ; t°14`a4w1 real "tate atlawratea" iatere8to t„ aro little or big. We are look, • the cavap grounds, conducted by lgr.1 '4 4 4" 0 °Mee At thePost Mae Reiman i • A .7' OW to the interests of °lir I Geo. Sonthcote, Of Toronto. ,,,. . • * * * !* * • 4, a • .4 's. • i. ,... fibtino F01466 PliMil ' * • • ..• 4. • • * * .!' This is the only pump manufactured that has no leather 41; • • suckers, and require no packing or packed joints of any . 4 * kind. • • o .. - tute a number took in the ex- ,I.ti, subscribers in their Falk., o,t .--Mr, and Mrs. , Lampert, etirslen to the Northwest i his week, ! • odor locality, (and want ihe • ; Dnesc,orgooeceltnsin‘gvererios at Mes„;tii; -gr. Wm, Chapman is son Very ''ot news whetber it is little r e , 0 il --Dr. Brownlog and •Oliss Bagel, poorly being confined to Ms bed z • much. Sometimes You attaY * OIOSL of the time i t ion. lotee much news tO send t Itiel Mitss Ilt•CrWrong, of Toronto, vis, 4,„: ., • -Mrs. MaDontild, sr., continues to „ • uotil i fled at Grand P4ond last Sunday of-. Ittot. • hut don't keep that lit tie lias Any 1300y • ii:eon very- low. sio is welt advanced i * • t • • j.11 years and shows the feebleiless of • --ale. D. F(.11 end wife, of SeofOrth: • were guests of Me,,, Co F, YoungbluM • and family the early Part Of lints r, + • week. ? o -The GarMel Chureh Sunday Sehool will picnic at Grand Bend to I Alwa• ys Primed and Never I _ rTxt ,TuesdaY. ,30th in,st. A 5,,00d ' • ' ft- time is expected, * • t At least 11 leeks as thong)/ wit are *1to have a foundr,y and Machine shop * '''' This is What We „want and tit o •room for more. • * -And soon the Wedllillg bells jfl • chime, chime, eltimo again! Theyare * sweeter than the hells a Shandon. • ., toot sQ1111(1 S9 'Toad on the waters of wi • ' . '•-• ' • the Lea. • • ,1‘• ;.• • '40 • • 4 • ••••••=1,00m•mmom••••••••••••••••••mm•••=•••••• ...worwsommaanommadmmom•••••••••••••• 1' HAWKINS & SON Freezes We also handle all kinds of pumps, both Force and Lift,Power and Hand Pumps. zuves ast Iron and Steel Enameled, Galvanized Steel Cast Iron Painted. • - AtWinonghalast week • Murdock.'s horsei a0e *„ Stanton got money in the 1A0 pace and Col Hunter „oon ard money • in the 2.25 pace, -.Mr. Win. Mitchell, wife and daughter arrived home from Fro- bisher, Man, last week. and they re- port a pleasam trip. Mitchell thinks the west is a groat field for a young man. POPULAR SWINGS OVERCONTINGS ANO Summer PANTINGS Per Pali and Winter Wear Popular goods mu be nude to 'Meet the regnirements and. demands (Attie times, we can't, stand still we must either move forwarq Ot back - Ward. Our goods contain gistinct fea- tures that claim the attention of every =stainer. One constant aim is to .4pr0duce garments that have a charac- ter,o personality •af their own, to leave the old bzittera track and rise above the couveltional n•nt1 common place. • W W Taman. Moroiri mot Tailor. .4444444464444444 ***4;4****4••••000t000000**** Baby Carriages The Prince of Wales Carriages and Go•Oarts are always in ib for style and finish. a nicely as- sorted stock jast arrived. "voles Nin Showing the cele - We zte ago snd Bicycles which bratedGlevelo in the 'market .ate the best vain._ Ao-day for the mom,. Repairing Being in yonr old wheel and have it repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, 13111 CES MODERATE Se 1 :Martin . 4 0. t 0.44004. I 0•0•4•0•40•00 -Great interest, was.UI34133 31111 sermons of it Sunday, v I church, especially An 1/1" evening o , by Bev, I/ .r., Medd, in the Melba - inlay '(11 3310 (At 4'1 o1giveness". Tho eon- -Tho lake picnic. ;Of 1t, held grefni i ions t...oro large. boat and viemity wall. Saturday, Aut,oto az, hvery, veleorae. yoU inwe niore, AN Ilea news i scarce thee is tlie tittle your :1 I :p.voreuelacribtsteGce•111411elo'ibli.ys. siels11;:crliaellall,c1):gerbultP(iitl: of , ze-re'llit: !tilm'or,eit.st atilirdesoltoion.g -ound; 4, . tr:o or three lluie iterns„ or . il iv get every 'a (1 if you can, if * quiit ;1 1011403er speol. Sunday l*o. not , t lie sinall one will he wet- * Cvellzutt ..t. 2 1A,••> jik1•1,-; In• •-• - t "4,,Ta313 •:1frt eotnetl. Any t;f our cortespon- 0, q treet„ (lents nlio are .i.:ft nte:t1 of ttho 01 -Miss "A.ddie Long a llyritt Ol.....ick. required static-if:wry, tiadlY let GI visited .3 1 ber uncle's .Mr. Prank. :.lfey. :orl 007:01v4;041.••••••Olk•O*. ,.is belf-brother, mr. Jao Jcbta ,. ' .1).:11 is v ,.....ef Pert Ilurou. ere furniture • 117 as atQur store Whale* •:•• -Mzs aggio LUtor or Manitoba, ol re -opened last Vieek 3313 Davidson. as tearber. -Mr. Vre W. llontlano e eUe4 00 r, Will Coates en Sunday, -?Mr, IL Ifuswell. of Albe ta lidaytog at his home here, -Miss Ida Caves is aiterolino., 11*0 millinery openings at Toronto. -Mr, R. li3111100 was the guest of _Miss M Luxton. on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Barris,33 Oshawa, are ..,'1,1054.41, 4., their 43r13. ter's. Mrs. J, Essery. Ref tie F,‘,9eez, and her• guest iss Grace P. Salteo. caned oti JOul, lavton and Varqulro friends last born Pt an 1H S Thames Road are passable. side road is finished, Two on th -TI new cement.ridge on t We have 012 es assor famous Belwarp Cloths, it will make you a nice, pair of summer trousers, arid they are the best goods obtainable made only from specially prepared yarns of selected pure wool, guaran- teed to stand sun in any climate. Come in see them -The farmers in this ticinity finish (33131 *J33 their oats weak. ilosrpos,t:31311 soon he ()Ver. • • . Mot sehool house is nearl completed anti will soon b roads' for the teacher and sehOlars. -Mr. John Simmons and . Sarah Thompson, were qUietly mar- ried at the manse, on Wednesday e,vening, last. after which (hey par - 10013 of a wedding supper at :Stra. E. anal Stone's, a sister of Om held,. We also give a KO) Accident and Disease Policy, good for one year with tile Ontario Accident Insurance Co. of Toronto, with every order amount- ing to $10 or over. 'We -will close our shop at 6 o'clock except Wednesdays and Sa.turdrtys during June, July and August. W. JOLENE; Merchant Tailor • NOTICE Constantly on hand at Ex. held on Sunday and 'Monday, Aug. St. Joseph -Mr. Baurette visite his famii5 here last Solidity. Routhier return om Ot- tawa Iasi Friday night. -Miss Mary Flood, of Lucam • has again -taken charge or 3)10 school here. -Miss Beatrice Hill, of Moray, is the guest of her aunt, :qrs. G. Campbell, this week. --Owing to the fact, that the wag- es or the men employed at the dock wore not forthcoming at the let of 1.11133 month, the men •stopped work and as a. result the overseers put • a hind io it and are now completing 31 Thames Road Subscribe r the Exet 'limes. xv,,,a. J3 hus, j4,„ svN 3 Couple ys visitin hi St. Marys, Daum Rumor s.,t;.•-• there's a wed - I. 4211 OW wills in, tbe near' Inture. fr, Thom:tit CtIolf, ef. a:. Timm, as, 1 mung a few 'days whit his d.Lugrltcr, Mrs. M. Mord. ' and Mrs. M. Elford have mired • d a 'Want '33.1 Heintzman piano from Mr. S. Martin. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coultice,. ispent Saturday anti StilftlaY vi'fdtil.:7 Mr. and Mrs. S. Clarke London. -Mr. S. Pym had the misfortune to lose a fine year-old coltby act - ling its feet caught, in some ropes that it had nu to prevent 11 from jumping. --The very heavy rains ot Satur- linty last have made the harvesting go very slowly apd a great many shocks of oats were standing in a font of water. -The anniver'sar- y services of the Bethany Methodist church will be eter.and Centralia, the Best Cement in Canada. National Brand Dashwood 4440.m0141. IF Y01.; 41,1111 IN NEED OF A CISTERN call and. see soma of tralvaiaed tanks We are making to order aml at. the samo time look at; our HollYwood paint cheapest and hes'. E. P. PAULTN. HaTLIWata Stores.x Tinware. -Henry Willert shipping hogs Monday last.. . -Mr. Wm. Geiger, • principal of our school went home to Ilensel,1 on Friday evening, on business. -Jacob Miller left for the West again Tuesday, a f t ior spending, a few weeks' holiday's in the villav•e. -There It, as a h•rg,e attelidanceat `)8th and °Rh The Rev S Ander- the T. P. A. last Tliursday, . the • M;-• hruest 1*11(1331 tr,or Millson visited frie eeeniop here, -jr „ J, V, spent Ositing to his sister's Mrs who is seriously m. mul Mrs. W. Freeman onie on Friday after a visit; tith Nr eelnan's parents, • of our young folks camped It d Bend this summer itinq 'epoi't a pleasant time at Or lake , it Jacob Millson and Thomas improved the looks of I u by having Them fuilnl-! 11 s with •xon, Leh -Mr, John Torrance les med his duties after spontliog VOWS Vaffiaiell his home too. '-131 r ticorge • ,in eN1.144104 .34 rehtiVA'S h 2333 14,tturtIon. I live lIern, cf 13 equircs nuesis et their cousin :4 Gunning, on SundaY. The Zirn Epworth teagile 1*1 *3333'y services will lie heitl next and a honey anal bon sozial be given Monday night, Dennis MCGPU lett this week red.Urn 10 Manitoba, where Noses making his fume home sit our old fris,fiti k+wry $11 for 1331 ti with *'01 131' John Ogden, Me; rad or4 13t4 tWietl. the erection of a fine coo - building on riue reel., which add laugh, to the oppourance of the town. The new • dwelling at the u h end of Main si,reet, promises o fine ro-,iiimce NI hen nom- -Rev, MI'. to, tote r took •charge of 3110 Htirrices lore on •Sunday, after ring on a trip t o he World's Pair in St. Louis. Tht,‘ Rev. gentleman feels well pleased. with his visit, Ile baptised the infant ehild of Mr. anti Mrs. W.m. Brooks here ot ,servIce Sunday. • Crediton im Dyer is visiting be purahased with so littl No! ssible. We have ndless va escription w ich is going h e,.cleaning time. IT you areinteres ed d ' fail to ca F:).) 4,4 • 33*04 r n er e 8s Atkinsons urt re House 3 t Uhl get It. 4.4*.eio•X- Ole • 4,4, • g 1,51313 11. K. Either 01331 131 dish. left for an (..tendet, 4 Mackinaw nad vicinity. returned 1(1 331 ogain to -day looking bale 11161 ty onat reports a good, time. Cbibiren*3 D-Childeen's day was I 3UWI\ celebratoti in the Evangel, 'eh on Sooday last, In ate the AMMO. Obildron's Day -os preach by Bor. E. Niel - A,, Chirogo. A. %Teen/ 4f No4114 Wfs'itt'rn CO1PgeR Vt1hUlter to lt is the finest- p ped hands rough Tr. 't tqfer itt41 Chapped Hands and Rough Skin limey C Use Leen awe:Ivo:A by Ibis' orfirred. To l',avo unnt ' e afternoon an tater- 1333300 ' xelidered b 41" '7'r,577 fine " 2311'0n hy evo Clet oI a al. and 11e• wit. In 3334* " oses Q1: chap - Scot)) wing, chafing front $3,147 • c01.. and other sisin mime:Ito tie* j6bt11iy olOthiog eleltring. ten - 4 ud healing, titu'l is Just the °get for nal and Winter. Yoi t liking it, AO: freo 1) • 1 - _, 84- L 1c4a "141, VII VPry effiv; 1101NEY'S DRUG STORE o y and an olo- (Me Door South of Post, Office quoit a t v by Bev. mr. refervd ; FL from China," w. $„ HoWEy, ptim .,,i.,,,mw tled Opticav. Nelhofto on act ice;1 and 1 huperst i t now 'ailing 41110141 1 he grieel.1-.9,:°,ain''sti oPr;: s glrongly I Ir. '43331 '3 necescit y I 10 WV' Alr eat ering 314 g ei,at eel( stial Exn. I • 'vvb * I vire :lull NI inning it for Chriqt aud• tixe Church. Throughout the day the moQic waTA furni-thed by the 0)=01 choir, the 8..9. seitolarso the CR013 juIliers, and "Our Male gnarl Otter" 1: taro:1,ml The selectionq Nolo all opp .opriate wi I I 311 31.3 STATHA E To CitriiT, right (ma to enii-,there is balraitleusgt°b*Inact7irs,Eldltee:lexonlict:14,k11.11(tlea.ErellAn atitchlels will Ilk up mine 03 "4" by he the perfection ,tbn maims our bread; ehureh (*heir dem'r‘t* 11"1- the equal of tRie best that was ever 13il The Inihsion,lry offeTIIVIS bY. 36 eltolars amounted to *GO. Bayfield . v111* ng Ins parent 131110, this 'lcbQ ool Sparil3ng drinks dredg...• Arnold', of God Made. Wedding Cakes a Specialty Try Statharn's Ice Cream and -gr.; W, Doyle 18 slightly ini- sent, ' dredging 1Io harbor at 1)et reit. ar .1tPlitete. 8E1 sdncret uAebrtali 14.1.1'ilasikr°erturn 1. a grot :;:vti;sse1::1.11,11: 8:::1111:.ie 17: To proved. • • ed to his home from Brantford. raid, is spending hey ;1,0lioos,.stov neo 11‘1.10e:s0:N4:13:urSi*l}cel 11112 cS:501U:181ititIllry;int.ttSCno.eriniu)Oaeartveosl'ttillr: hn C.11.1111.124:111•411 is.33 e,sz:Licsoi III go r.:Nrrit,,,z0d4s11.01; left Tuesday morning for the North- own this week, -The. Misses Gay, of sto -ionamas. smith .yisited frinids 1‘1,,, .1„,„„ 1.„,„ mit ,,,,,. „.„ , 6-1 L 'Iti - j1 3.4 is at n standstill in ---T"°- ---'---- --- - 1 et‘.'"" ' r vices on Surtday at 11 a. in., and 7p. -The Misses Taylor deuoliter or (71- rain* ,..- , . oau to Tuesday evening'. ich and 11.1yfield team- was tiatiged son, of Kirkton, will take both ser- subject being unusually , s i this vicinity * ' ig the heavy fall m., Collection al both services, On Mr. Robr. Taylor, 'of t.he Seale line --Mr. Valentine Rutz, of Parkhill, -Mrs. Geo. Elliott and IWO d4113- 5.30 to 8 it. m in the basemen ..t ...sa,Lt gtohoed ephruorgcrliainrimome t shop in t he 11, vi alf.:0. moriday Iasi ,tr311.101 eisibioofl itridosaesrt, utitornti-tvilsit ing• at. , hoeleor..ivivueargye natrarbereogiiinsomt tvti;..... as -The young ladies or the villtroy their homes. Now the., sohools are . • • ^ ' Monday t he usual tea. will be served purpose openino ti . 1 • id au' vi 1.• ge f v' •• VISI , p a tress malcmg va ' 1 '' ' a 1 ' .131,1011 ' "' ITIOV0 1.0 v . W. J. STATHAM Successor to T. O'Brien. tsiting friends in i tom for ,o11e ime rettirned to Muskoka where bo holds a position in') a hospital. -The bolds,, Coldore, of Goder- i lauded a load of cedar roots on dock for Mr. MusVard., also took a load of lumber to Chederich, this veek. -The summer visitars, who hav•• •••, will be rendered.' Addresses win Prices low. enough to sun be rendered by Rev. Fletcher, and everybody. Godwin, interspersed with readings 1•Abledic Cromarty by Miss Godwin, of Exeter. Music kby Ifensall quartette.. " Property ' ,;Ohange.- Mr. Ain. _on; who has been'. ,conducting the sto.:.`.`„' here for 5013:12 tome,„ has purchaseo the property ,n-hich includes the I store and. residenet.‘ and other bdild- lngs, from Mr. James IfisIoo, of To- ronto. The price paid was $3,050. This is a good •business stand and Mr. Andrews got it at a' fair price. , THE Merchants Bank , of AVAD OFI4ICE. MONTREAL. CAPITAL (all paid up) . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $6,000,000 RESERVE . $3,2oo,000 'ST.JItPLIS PROFITS .... . ....$ 18,959,, , SR in 1 Manager E. F. ' °tiara Superintendent of Branches 1 TTIOSZFY Anderson ▪ E. Arthur spent Smiday at latt hoiree 311 1‘lay,• tit 81. lqiiqd: guest:of Mrs. S. .Thitted. 11 nie Rader, l,fenry Kraft, Dan Weber " home in London nirti_n the, plav,ilion A...re-mann ant, L1VO 3,- ot onot week. -The carpenters tire- busy finish- startang and the lairs also. the beautiful ies donee of Dr. -The following yoking rnen left IIatold. oung anti his „ for the West Tuesday inornino,-; Er- sister, Hazel, have returned to their T„'..,t.‘ a,,o's,°2` were guests of :qr. Sanruel 13i 033.12 dren t/re visiting. her parents at Meticalf, of Detroit, and when coin - Wes Mrillert, Russell Bastard, Clar- -Mr. John l'reeter and family, t Holy'rrood for the past two we.cks. pleted will be a handsome. place, as -Messrs. John "Davidson and John: the Br. is spai.ing no•tlf-ng in making pletion tvith the new brick addition Atwood gett for tlizi west on Tuesday! it up-to-date. to Ms bouse. Clinton,. on the harvest excursion- , -34r. Iffra. Brandon, sold Ids beau- - We have had •tm ex -About twenit•y-four of the young •; tilt)/ chestnut mare "Texas May to of Exeter, were, renewing ;act:113..1in- tances in the village on. Sunday last_ people pinniced at Grand Bend om Mr - Chas. Mason, of Brazefield, this Iti'irmidea.y. ht. st au& .enjoyed a pleasant week for the handsomo, sum of $2,00 ence Kellermann, and hd. 6olnadot. -Mr. Louis Kraft continues very low. At tho present but slight hop- es are entertained for his recovery. -Mr. Fred. Baker is nearing coni - on Sunday last. -William 13rown, a Kincardine, is renewing old acquaintances •in ilia village and surrounding country-. --Isar and .Mrs. Harry Buckingham -Air. and Mrs. E. Crompton and • She is three years old, and is vow -woo/s: , ;on tyl1L1.1..ast .1.8',•33.1.---u...,:11.5;-,,of 13 _are visiting M. a. a hlts;, 13. W tinter, this week. . -Mr-achn Mcle•od, who has boom no elerabt a nice driven - heavy Iall at rain ' - 331111. ,tlip guest of 'Miss Kerslake': Si/11111011N, Or .N.fary q trend Bend chipm, left for her home afte..r a visit with. her parents and friend's. Daferner, Sebewaing,Mi.- • zer, v -s blends in 'Mitchell,: Subscribe ter' ,ro -Mrs. Gallic, hliss Wentzel, and ' At cunda • sciloo • -the Exeter Tielle8. • • Misses Bertrand the _O •••X s 0; fa rd • is ol • . 'Idlausg\iVaLk'or 'surmroci, or, L c s 1-rd:other band concert • -t *cv,or ''-oliwi•-•/:areo't"t'VAt'rer'rrawri`-'on a o owing go Fullarton, Af•birt R;t!na t)y wi „ 14.cni cod af: Bond, excursion to De . .7 . arrY Aistrorp of The Methotivo, -Mrs, • w t 4 ,:auxi;ort •.1 0 tbo,i. „ . __. evening. y trait next Saturday. I -e m r John otison, and lit Ide -Messrs. -Stanley' ,Green; Canada .tt, C. 3..erd, Robt. Brow and W. J. Anderson, spent Sunday' at Grand. s illness owutoou \1%o,rtnby. 4", f . 3 Iarvey 032(1 foully re • ut eir liorne in Parkhill, tlais r stay of several weelcs. 1,•▪ •t•-•il• elzarr,tri-rcee;,, \\1.3:01:swi:114:1 (ti;nrafrtsi.extJai oied t o atter sneuclfog two. -'y Ones" Park- tliefirl-37,rTilrili:ccn:1:Ici:ecedr.1:a,th; Difiss• Kirkby, f. St. Itlarys, accont- tit-vil 'reBatottIlv:1111, To(1Cl\t;erA 11:1 home in Ailsa, Graia, to too weeks' stay at Grand c` b`olott.irto -Rev. O. Br 0'1\11 Irat4 '11. death bed of a young nab, 1:0 lliS congregation in lto t tuelied. from their trip oir. , --11,Nr. Sutcliffe aild. bri\ labor at Grand Bend 111ethodist c11(1-111.1011113 cniel'ing their new field of great success. last SondaY evening., We wish 'The Times and tile Family Bel and Weekly Star will be sent to a, address Canada or the. Unite, States till 'Dee 31., 1904 for ` 75e, To take advantage of this offer you must subscribe at; once, -Mr. Ro,ther e id sister, of ;Strat; fkliSMAH --Th,e recent heavy rains cellars •cf the entire village almost without an exception with water arid Td. much damage. -The Misses Siebert, at Platts- ville, who have been visiting our. merchant, Mr. Sam. Brown, lett their home Tuesday .afternoon. -Mr. Chas. Zwiclter, one of our enterprrsing merchants has greallY improve& the appearance oto his sI ore by remodelling lhe front and puttintzt• in plate glass. -A goodly number from this vi- cinity left on Tuesday morMng for t l'C'•o :'t b. 'West, anion g v horn Wore, John Finicbeiner, jr., Geo. Fztliner, S it311 S ain't 'Gamper t , arid Frank SiDa$,. -oWc are very sorry to lose ooe at our most respected citizens in. the person of Mr. Sam. Either, who is about to move to 131bey, Michigan where he intends entering the rner- •ald •-One Wenaan reports the s 'ay an empty pail •ent (13 doors aWay• 1. irout the building and that it rained 'sufficient' during 'Ft itley right to fill 'the pail which would. mean a fall or ,3 over a foot of. water. -Arthur Zwieker w in company cal money. 1 Woodyatt Lawn Mottm 3.75 • - I Woodyatt Lawn MONVer 4.,00 .. • • • - 1 SMart Lawn Mower 4.23 - . 4 4 4 6 * 1 Smart Lawn iviower. 5,5o .... • . .. ... ... „ „ . . for 4 75 _ [This. is I6 in. high wheel] , for $3.00 .,for 3 25. ...for 3.50 (13erol. g5 Branches in Canada SAVINGS BANK Interest at rnost favorable current rates alloxved on Savings Bank Accounts and Deposit Receipts. ......_, StPneweihatornattieonatni°sr:argeivmenadte° on the pepibusinessireorsv,epdFarmerspayable in and Cattle- iitigg..) -- - .... ... issued it, tray Orliii. le le all Parts Of the Letters tal Lleult gi A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTEI) BRAN° S. Manager. Russeldale -.Mts. Alf: Wigniore, of Toronto, sang a .solo in the Mt. Pleas- ant church on Sunday. -Mrs. A. Hodgcrt, with her son Bert and little Marie, returned home on Saturday atter spending a 'Week. camping at Grand Bend, feeling greatly iMproved with their outing. -The annual anniversary services of the Baptist church, Fallarton, were preached by the Rev. Mr. Mc- Anley, of •at 1 , o'clock and by Bev. Mr. Knowles, et Iftillarton, at 7.30; and, on Monday evening, an Ica cream social was given on, the, parsonage lawn, when a good time was sigent, alter which all re - Paired to the' church where a good programine was rendered.' ' • Boys the • ' The Mild Y011 Halt AlOYS 00114, 23. 1A4e; Trio Misses• IN Week for th-it 110 6. I 3% qt. Ice Cream Treezer 3,2 5 for ......, , .. . for 1..3 ,00d Letho Oilers .. • i0c Charcoal Iron 75C... 2 liaMMOckS J.45 ...... 12 Screen doors at cost .. • , - .... for 6oc 5 oz. g I single barrel H. & A. Gun 7.00 • 3/ 0- -gverbrite• Silver Polish 20c I lc It Iron Gate • . • . - • • • • 5.90 12 tt Iron Gate . . 5.50 1.3 ft Iron Gate . • • 5.75 0464344446444... This is a 1611111116 616drila1 s1i( dtbarualii ort6os