HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-18, Page 7Z.` Oen u • ne T 0 DUTIES A Warning Lesson for Any Who is Postponing Them. Omnipotent trutthe Jesus io practi- cally eaying: 'Zoung mare higher than your love for father or mother Or Wife oz. child is yoUr duty to me and to the great World at large. Come With Uie and help save the millions who are dying in their an sins. Come with um and bring hack to a life of purity land love those 'aim will never know me unies•e they see me as a reP 't of thy guidance. Come with me. Come with me." Ilue sentence, "SoBow nice and let tbe dead bury the de -itch"' is. only, an. of Israel and the _prophets of Baeal ar .er s by Wm. ef Toronto at tha Plte"Sicians are foun rHE S. LESS° 0*0145061;10)4I1$001/1X041.11 O090-0 WTERNATIONAL IMS$Q1`1, AUG. gl. Text of the LeePon, I- reirc&gl• 30-46. 0421 -den Text I• Xinge xviii-t 0 et ReeiPee, for tile Kitchell. O Hygiene and Other Notert A SII) ter tit Hou.selreeper• 0.00000 1hellethAntree'Oect0600 .... .t.' 1 ;...' A Atecab haviag assembled tbe children DOMESTIC RECIPES. FAVOrite Chops.-.Renaovo all the at from some chops. Seasole each t.E;atered according to Act, ot the rat', a elki$,S are noted for their neglect of • other wordine- of the same thouglit a Mount arrnel, elinth addreseeel each. d all over 1.-1.'heaseed Nine itnntlre4 and .1..„atr stare -teal work, •Thousalais of ellrls- Ito.ment of Vana,cla. ilk the year One . ChrisCspake unto bis diseip- them in tlie wcirds °i Verses' 21 wIth PtTper and -salt, aid wrap _tea an, they agreed that the god in htzttered paper_ les. He that loyeth father or moth- .Fold the pair rt e Ivor ills De„....4e. of „,.e..,,t......e..uttive4.) 1J. i . , _ , . f , ti er more than me is not wortley - tete land- But while in college most or wno answered be• lite f-, °old 1.)(' tile neat y toetether anti fry a nier brown god whom they would tror,hip. He Serve ip 'the papers With ' * ' • In 1 a T. • T4110 L A- desPatch from Los Angeles, 1,5ereiee of their _master , l Me Oildo he that. loveth s n 0 d • ell 1 ea stu /late clo aotning ot t e 4 r alegn- , 1 ti h t ai 13 el th Iirst fried arel v ok garizielt - .....ae,r - r • % e I, 1 ci Linseed, -Por two quarts of Iri412,St Bear SiglUttLiCe of Tallnage preached from, the following •iietateottse. The result of this wait- Inct Attd he that taketh not his orportunity, e0 they prepared their Cal.. says :-Rev. Prank Do Witt +wait, Lord. until I pass WV exam._ ter more than Inc is not worthy of ga e le prop e s a, e p text Matthew -a iii, tf2, "Let tho ing is that many young men entirety erose and fouoweth after nie is not all" and sacrifice ond called boiling water on oue enlace of whine t'l deild bury the (1044.... 11.)Fe, their told upon, chrtst, oh, worthy of me." Yes, there cone car- nii°11 their god *rat° I -11°1111"g 1111 iiii`eed• iwl4r(' IVIttit Is true in laboratory toy/hale- evoking ma_. auto, woroatt, uhrist tain tine's in life when onr catty In'40011 and until afterrloon, hue there cazot•lco 1-43,0t fled. Add a joy • Ste PaceSiedle eltrappee Below. Teer etteolt one, *.S.Q41.7 te take ;Ls algae. FOR ilEgiftlir,-* ZIZZIRESZ,‘, FBR M1,1013SKSt, 7011P19 11017,8, tfrtl,STIPATIGit, tIALL0111 SkW FR TfiLiarAWLEXIll” r TEg ITTLE VER L. ‘74. 1/41.Ml 0.64, ;4.1.4W #4%11.01",l. .144T-tf" TefeetetlehleeePthe..747.,C DIJE4 810K HEAD/NC-HE. is MLeak. iii a purely vegetable System Renovator Bood Purifier and A =chyme that acts drectly at the same tme on the Stomach, ivr, Bowels and Blood, It cure. Dyspepsa, 13illousness, Constiptttion, Pimples, Boils, Head- aihHei,ASalt Rheu m , sRungnng S o re s, Indgestion, Eryipelas, Cancer, Shingles, Ringworm or any disease arsinfrom an impoverished or upttro condition of the blood. SOPSle byall Drugists. TTS THE SPOT! Right ithe snaall othe back. Do you ever et a pain there? If so. do you know what it means? It is a Backache. A sure sgn of Kidney Trouble. Dont neglect it. Stop it in time. If you don't, serious Kidney Troubles are sure to follow. D'S KIEY LLS gations is elso true in reference to ought not to have'to wait for y011 Christ and to our fellow VIM should '1/41/4711S no onswer nor allY attention to slicks of legioi . lel thee stand in a tlitaie study. We must eot studs the to get a mental education before you hove Preeedence over ollr dfsiires to tiu!ir (3-Y rrora their g°ds• '1 &n 1;111" : fo°11..1"rFe(el ,l4`'Eigf:(11;esiler4t 110:1)tae rs.sttil371 strain ' O1 of my text with a microscope- !are needy to serae luau The neeen, be with our deal. "es in 0„1, own. jah called the people near -to bite. ci e and, taking twelve. 4,1 once> to repre- reeg and AVatee Cress Saudwieitee-- from all its conuectioes. We Illost '1,°;,1Peallrler stIontzlilde •:loitroilti"..silinti4ufletatleoUt's111;'11'51"2•111ets.thouuli those words of my text We roust not. Isolate this sentence ce•nt the twelve tielles of t- 111 • he T14.ee make 43 nice ehange frOM eakee eoloparo this pash,,,,ge with other.;,,,,,ith the tuental ,t,eveLliiim,,at,, And max septa to u,parate sown or tzs repaired the alter of the- 1.4onl that , for afteuloon tee. Cut ecene thin paSsages, this ehepter st Other ' xueri,;, thisotile epiratual development orT a little while from oor heeed woe' Inenfstibt 11..11(:•dhltf:„,c.rsir 32)rb idfit,ioatlf fliarol1-Loi gr hiceead 2,,c‘JAls hae,r;uglravr wire thrs aPte• this 1)001'; Wilk olh" h°°i",s,'" iof the heart never taties piece eseePt ono a on earth. is it not a sweet and name cannot onfle1141ond "1/41-1-4Y i'ley spiritual labor. "Vollow :Jeer ; treasured thouceat that ("brier w.i1 o trhoch fetont ft. Plared the wood E•431e. Pot a 3ayer of egg on one should have tromPlea 1114011 the 1111 Il says, Chrint to the yennig ram and ;Kau?: eeparate tlis ehnetn..„ in order TariA4 it vet the bullock in peep of Iowa and butter, told 4 I affections of lain disciple who wanted ssoai oer ethic-rid/anal izistitu- coeh other in fleet aeuter land? pleeee and tell it oit the W004 ana er of woter cress teosee, ,ore the other. to go hack ntul loury 1314 tiondthtwos, ..rolow noel,* I !1 hee. according 1a1*.,r..g Arg.,pcgt three thees them:Ilea telude lirees together 0141 tripe 4,1: the ereet, o 5001 n 1(11111 "Inn' ebristtl ee;ittiland, "Follow ine„" taw;li ln'ol'.00.0 11 „ '15 1t mad a1s44 1,111),d ths truaeh witli Swiss flo1l-flat4 tencuplail of eaeter t years ago. '3' his r,'N 0 U( 11 eel ent calms; to the tired *1 011 the letioas (If are ooty foe, wets 'teeter: then tee pleteeti the simille, rename. nue terzeupfel of fine flour ;mil ,• ly intended to be It devout disciple f woro out toerehaot,, sonue10 while and that these ectrthlo eepazet. 1.11'11:%t".° 01Z yore,' fltf. 37. 'Una t-aSpoonfol 4)1 hahing )21.01111e1, of Jesus. But surely he hod a fltetY iyou even in tile whirl -nod 1114 laistle llone Ilithilatelu Mean. tile retinion th"," groof ltn L44rdfAl and conienn- well tog/111er-Ifiteali: toe) eggs into 10 his home as well as direellY ;,,of beeinees "014 110.” y011 e'he". ileaaeif otou trust hegt ;tan eel the 4:vicelike., the wood. the stemes. tie) dry ine.reeleais, end lietee for. fivo Jewr1/4'4 s° rrilein tile old liciale"Lavad. -"I hove no t lute for Christ. 51;1/4- 11115' n eceeTot C'hris" t for otzr saeitier, th.- duet find the water in the minutes. q•'oer into weil-hateered lay the corns(' oi earthle' Perio1 :ineois aheorbs every alma /II 111S' ene i11.4toit, 'The people' ce431rig this fell Veal:shire pudding tin, Rake for ' went to be preFent at tbe laneral. day tesas Thai I ara loci weary to go 11 was nottlral for 11 diltifla son to eree, ton So iired 110111 141:; W0e4 511/.51. Lives rani /*elect *'1 he 1-ord. three minatee in a very het oven. Yet when the youpg man ,Ito church on Suralcue. Why. 'when I, Da is the (loch, i13(4 Lord_ Ile is 114" Tiern on a elteet of . stigezeil 11. ,, .4404"" tvr e -1 9 yIt" iiEOr g°and - l eV1011NzLPaicaoly KuofnaC:), Sp- retuf with .'are 4 fetf• (111'.lM4 Itmal•/ghFM•11e t1 -f "s lathler3* 7 I wI'°1e,u) I fiaeslh41o5t14eit tllaurdinitheetece to1 Lob4ter tr044 aty eep eerlir• , n 4, le, Pale belt a small t in of loft- . Christ showed Ito sympathy With 14IS ,51"ani WhO Peetiette:i the l'elltuuri• ( 4t1" TIVU'iSi41 a Wea'1; Ilati°11 13Thea IT'l`?"w". 11°1" 41l 1•111.1: glut'Y It1;1/411- 1115-`elvi 4 • I nAaaotrus ral feellu-•glait p75 3eeticall15 ttil1d11I'd' i,It. oniw,etn to ot5 . sttornyetitle a(i .yon lseed Vrom Inetahttisn,,t-li-.,was Jt ,c't'lo1ees onil,Y fo0.r1e 1Y toth0o ,fih*-sta;:e4!, .:,.c,1p„,(1ict"khV,), ,131a"!ee4 (t,a,cer: lea::1r1:,,,?Y , ,t 't') l.): 24; ''. j„etthe nelghhore and ti strait:a-vs winsee how e alai over-drivenThe eneral Itussien lifI tgioreof th(oci of 1.4 14 d dmovapyshelAda a ettspeen„ 00313e in and eloee 01Nt11,1t014 14 **4M( IS 11.'-0'51I*, o of tsaw oldie inteneely ir3terestingin ehons that thpeoze!night turn a ,,,,,,n,ale+f4".r:,,0vg wash *1l4 old PesiLot tl'e 1015- in cmAT tallerall the 1hueI ny reepectswas (ertaih14 nOt tu. 11111) and ie.leeeed 1 Lua0,s,aroe"f,h,,U"_",";e": ,Un,' eitbe cleatli client '121414 lg see nom It lverh'worelerfil writes Nndr4w1)lIvotv,i0walo,to 1451 :-e.,,,... t-,tre4: _14"_°t" the g14'14 1(4Li'1110 hind 55 (111) until ull neary 1 :ti,,1 2421(1 j, 4,,sito(iitA;:1;li1ear:,,l,1.11 thMitt103313*3 4•03150 133 135 wiite P,,,., brotherto (4144' stni,ethat you loie. Bes44ite the frivolit *4242 4',.,. 14,a4 s,, eseilt har01L1 1;y,.aol.441* 0 4 .v4 4 05 5 s43,4 1 1i,,14 ,,. 1:111.012;1 al;ti i4 1° its l'as! vay. true.. Von ory, an *Iv-Two:het oaell ithenne the lipl.er class.; lee! the theeitatt of huitar ta ottroutue or otte s 4 l'1/4ar4' 01141.41114 " '4'4 1311° U1•31i 1,t4t 14111X r:+1040h labOr cordroillog the, 1.ca rirre(111r,all i.rviliaSititvlijtalih;11 , he" wa i: r1 Ih 4414 5 *1(444 1 r past. ;-tite dead Ititr„y the fl4Ynfl." r „nci,,rif,d,en?',Have con, ci\s a Chris- 5°'d cs'ialnil3--• 11 1 tivei.'l 14244;* 34 '44 , • lvittt yl 'o f 14h 1 s 3-1 e,tte eteeteThen e'er a t n e 4 S h u 1 v o 5(4214 r e e 5 5 1 45* 1 - 4 4 f 1 1r1 e S ' ` 1 1 4 4 n " 1 1 Y ° 5 " 1 e -e i " 3 eniiirs 14,k1 in: 2-41 1 ' 2144411 12r4' ' ttcg t r: % - - - . t t .1t••WftPI'en/Itf4 =,,,•4n.44 v• •41tt'1'01* 1.^ 444 le• toot el* 11 e3'l et - i T iara waye4i41 reaoireling, gine t hae'„ wuo.ur„ld,, Intho:eW. -of yoele '-vc4aret• '-a •41o u 41.c4o 1 4 4a 3.0 ,' ,3 , I , 1 1 , 4 f t'4 ), -T ) 4.:1;ti e+.4 -o;luiIiwytslon4 405 •4 1• I 3 n --------------------------24`71 t7/tn^c (4408OCOle;V1:,to Your himileseath11 his reverene for Iln by slihting 01' you aro 1 4 v 3 111111)(14 111111. any mail 513011d ettw tor 1.45ve ainedsome(410O) : 4 ' ,1 • , e , 2 *, • )11,1114;:ctenirtie of thes: TFIE IlEELE °tom 1,0Qt and ourshoeSaee isetialtliwilladbeaclutiseer! lfatheronce used rtlIGatebtlaltlit: 9briel!, baid for the pox. pace. The rulaIter liris come elm! tl-iter.a..e rat nreearing crade Dunlop Comfort Rubber fleets lirtralking on Dunlop Heel's Ls like v.-a/king over a well kept Velle No haranaering of heels u the hard gt'OlUtd, No fre to the nerves by jarring the spine. One of the small gmat comforts of life. For .1,ala by ace Dealera - The emilep Tim Co t.ifrotots roRottiro ..41,4,44.4wie 'et ... , 00 • ohikl 1-1)1)3414141-1)1)341414•c :lifel"tae,g'S h. r Th•i e r". glV e l-!n w , litt gee-eenerwh:o v.e-Yr l-,- ep.a e thtw/1 a vineyntii 144 grow in symmetry tint14'I'4).'. We twi'41 pht it ' 24'44241424a j 2444 r e icr 08441311140084413111400f084413111400:t4-4ei4tr othte: aro! ke 4'1)1100vre(Ifa/11)1t4.)r r;111 ( *44 "11 1 the fi--tiaie.;t;4iiniii*141;24; 44280- i•: Zo 4 510 4' : LhIfl . 1c4 e n 1 .1•, te-ne,ittsos, .3 Zrtn32*11 etat:ie. 14 4 , h " " t " I.0 1 Irer '3'443'; (31 [205404* - 224 114 02' e s e "i1 4Q.01 s, l .oc coiti ,. tg ieer,°1, • 1 " " e. 1 1'44 I io1. . /1./• 4'- • ss.cli.;e i m er • ta•t ttr Atid ; 4 11841 ir.a I 41 .e 'I211 '1 4 41) 44 tn trly iliereate'sents it \1\0I 55214)- *1101 4)V9 11;11e 11 , WIthczIt tg4:010 tI4'1 " t5'11' 1iof J422( 4' arti rrr ill 1 o " hoSe for 0 inoneent that Christ delaiins that God hatOt303 WIII 'e minor keYC(' 1at22111134%,i1 A4 3 414' 14 l t t :4444 istorotleailli'P 41 1' 4 4 41414saw).t wi55 "'" s p l o i i 4 • . In. , ', t e ett4 r - 1 . learel, guide?and 1'141,. ,ep1h.' ‘ 34453054ingthatSta11*115i(14 411•ellf1 Of 50814 (4111114Y. ^ 4it1,10,4v i:111I00141 reeesiti.444"te :ill 1214 2401414118 45- Or delertiif"earthlY have etreneth 10 1 1 11443 thquseo04 th14"13 10 Yet tat»11 o1)2 1,0514vie, ,, 54 2105' t (Y144)4454 0 lnnsiinatunerothem a lieit teefor le110111. Christ Provided 501101 he some) (af that lausineee draz4Inere twt 54254211* 0140 V:AO S(41134?11 1 i e he1 ha f,1t14,014.zparnt. Who, the last Winon teingellouid you he willng toStop I jreelatoteo'ait 75 l*14t'14614 111 i1114eioe.1zvre nsi e , /" 4,• icloth (1442 3144412(1)05 1P440I43t V:" dying "Intleeross"11shsS"4 not i . ' . 4 ( m a 1 0 0 mo 'i e) i 1z 1 1 1 0 t 1 n` e 4e :1 d i ( 4 ;sy 1 " 1 1n,1 - 1 0 0 1 le, 0 t 1 . 3 „ m p te:ay. r e a t l l t t ,, ,fo , t s a4 n c l e O tuf p o o . l ) l eo "1 0 P 1 l 1 o, „ •gro ,.‘ oe ii e n a g t s w r„ or g .n i n - a t naI n, ( 1oik C1 ) r1 1 m V r e 1 e4 2 1 . k X 2. 1. ‘e1 10,l4 8 1 P „ '. 1 4 ,4 : 1 4 , 1 1 ( : 4 ,6 . tswbc gmreg t h ian a l ita t g a n 1 1 as1 1 1 g e 1 :74l • • 0 :a 4, 1i:1nn0 l ,1 d .xo i 3-it t , v r ft4-o1ttr 1 t" n i n t 4 43 I t1: ! T 1ro I-1M ‘M10 1n 1/Wthat 1)14 t/1`tlWtto into. 14244* 11 3^54*1,afr!1011 totalorain(VSiVLecatig.: 3.11roFS name 22 05 -11a•:1;1(1442h 4144 "8(1 Wt5444 41 4I111" 40Ns,110t:011,i(r1,10(1ess(4!, 21)1(14 021 24)2(1 in atre441114121(t1,10ofreeT•eafter reeereth: (tut'1' 4)141 11 *1/1 not 11:1 ticeal 1)2 sumenalice.„Theithi,looked?‘3 2rVerV .33111V Pt(po9(ei; isonn as e,fin/letie los*: /:, 11 ,1132 T • •• l;in0(14112114 (410521114114013 ;zyo1e1Tiedto- dilaitiedthWWdP; 214341•1 1.ig.1 1mothelTo tured and 1441(414t(14 grinng429' 14 lfish e Walt- tart onorret police eipdd oho 0er O 1 1411W0111t /4%, 01, 114/4,4fm.at,„and=vatA, -trzbR11.4 to t 11254* 46t3141411114atIdsfeel,and said 4. 1111 1110it1, 4;I w r d t b e e n t i o o h , t h e b e l o v e d i n e r a f il u r e w i t o f y o r . l i f e ? T h e p r e c a i n f r , f a e o r v e s o t u e i ,e w h o i l y g ° v a t " o I l a o g w i th w i n n t v . o d v r i i r s •-• tiu . d r.tr 3 9 - . : 1 1 4 3 . .o t h e n i e d f e c e c a r h t o t l i r r a „i s r g i h e i r i o r o 4 I • 0 1 1g1 f a t r s t o r e a n d 1 . 1az o t r i t t 3 0 1e1 o f th e 1 1 S , t a n a n d I l e t 1 i t t sii . •n4 4p4 •, t.4 4C1,. I I w - 'Se o e a t i as he mld"'Mother, ht dehn take my place and he a loving 5011 to N01!44' Thee are Christ's t v Sao rr d s g " p l , . i t o r , ; I 3t , l i v t . t , Women, behold thy son! "em, behold thy mother: Photv 11311931SpiritcarrunoretheeteenPut intoaTiro- t o a t e s t o y d r y g o o d s e m p r i t n e f l e e t .. e u t h e o f i tt s I s e l , e 4 t b e o n e o i t t h e a h a r p c o o ! h "r c o n t on; 1 r 1I.i1 :32 'r; 0 ' , t. ." E 4 . . . ; 1a, ..heroesthenrene ‘rAs.ir.0ever the rtSO 245 31152 WOVSc•4ileNI 1 h.1 214gt33 1043,4*ni1;1 41„,„!,11 4' 114 Nr2.31 q.stAi,v . ; el• c1iiiiea ti3• 11lie J 1 w;;,sent i P ;1‘./11111 1rctI111 , 11 ;, ‚.5). "*5)4* : ..T01134120 . r i e e e ;x p ,cg m e : g s o ', - 1 ;5 - • ' , , n i , 1 - ' r , i r 1 1 ,. .l . .i- ni e t . i . , f o r ... , g t oepartniente‘erwhore (*144' straed , 324' 14 1 no tr\'s 1144) with a(10i0andc' school 42441(1 whohadInerriol tansandennuydoleaMoie01 lo 1(421425 91. 44 were not the words of one who tier.- 111ochant in one puteastern vit. setoolttralislaivhighriore,; n44„,,‘00,upon irimhat 2011,14 I no.aihyvior1441141012241,411(34(14 1111151 duty11 05 hotly was That 1121, 11. StItt' "Welt 012:111t 12254 12/41ttiotoroprtat- 4. *114 Iium th(445r21414 10 owhie sugarTorret.r1441)411141 freelred at that inoment by 1NO1•0e1al- -t (33.14) for o t ohat she ed to army sopplichul land fhsato, letotetluer arele1r01;0(1(1 littlewatertort.r5211)ingag0111ethistimiiis1/444resaki"Clerahow isyourhusbandbeen expended at thegazublieglobleathyth(01 54(1(122 105014foreachtv0Tmlirais2171. ofilez1141)414105311414' (21 211 51e31Y;I"(luarler 10' 11/4 In los (*Illl • 1141* 02 fruit ard chlBoil until theare119iertdel;1/41(141i.e'4e3J(1f'441i4:(12(1 '5 relf s- 41"rt- 4)21,1115 donfuel the eyrtili i 4121(1 11. 4-11(1farN°1°1°110wit"t1;aIs be not reaking 0. lot or Then it wasthat 11i15ahoitIO1 selfglorileation 14411 IO not put ranch Watt firstcJ 05,0(1 On 11082. ofills tit•0 Isnot this palace of a in upon lam teecoloel en 1,)411 e- *1011Vile 05111 CO1111101111 that .51 15 ctes 1rat Wten le sin)fe o young voltInteehe '1'1'0191t1 of my teXt Wall not insensiblto the claims of mature' Affecton. N1GLII:CTFID 0131TG.NTzos. sioetracked oblgations to (led! We sco them everywhere. We see then) frst in the excuses which the Youn mannaks whn be is Ott lug 1)ee3e1f m e y u r o , . , . z a i . hoown? Is 11651' his name sininiwei tut as hani when 341)44'413 052 I1) lo ' -''5"e itn be added is'sTiumau , r e . e n i te s ; l i 1 1 . ' . r 'l n i i n' s g a - r written hghas one of the greue 11- viewedfront he 0111:,1111nything 01 4'111lonst 1441/4 a 801501415 or this city?flee yes," lett '-ti when viewed from 1144 a willing offeringe that excelloilt SOIVe taetes litte answered the wirIchn is making Nidesayoutman.oztne shoeis hindered and cannot lohoand Ieea lot of money/To is already whatSld OVhlentWeitktiesFes reMilting Us04 as Il(1* 1(4 10Welik( 1,115111 511) and Orange 1ath peoplecall richBut cer- alltorray-the 1111 2121 that011r In1"t( 11°1( 4)2(1 'lo evory pound of eut rludetrh l - to eacstus 111124141 eau him iniorWhen WO 1112114 zieatnerds hielguesniet 1145 not one of 1/4224 . ('0414 4t111 s siii. I 1: rr Choer!i. °41. 112944- lwohwitthe rpeaeieoerr bforuurehaaldeviolvleer(Fwalteigltuewhanitd started out in life we did not have the most ilighlY endwed0011 do thI111 had (10111iIll031 0NI• a pomxtnd hailloaf of hutwehadenoughforthinking for a huntirod 1111311021S i byeducation to enter the battle all our necessary wantsBesidesPeoPle-tilele was notherslightAs to Clod accepthe, by tiro ear- tli51-.ee foinurtnaladt, lyoftimeforeachotherestsin01 11115' "Pringn ront $1(,1.0litef11c1..„tt, .,0e01..044 the whitpith, which will not bereol Or oranges thinly and eta in lifeentethethe010t,ica05010511)-'wbadpentg J m u c h m o n e y ' m e n a r e g t h e r e d i n . e a 1 7 .‘ o e r i c arywhere thirty or forty 01211 2124(1 for our fiends and for our notionasfor instance of tFrencIngof Gideon and of ManoahtheneededRemove the pips from the to class roomchurchJohn thn onlyhdmago nst Europe 92f hG- dedationt the n•Ind the trait and tut it, in slices. Plce Vile Inunth x • 1teltjale 1II(1 *1101 thatinte twootangest•Iintarzustgo• I e a g a lnn t F r a n c e in the store• S sThearebright,intellgenIrwould get home for sup- egainet an e n i e 1 .8 . ‘ 0 , on i . a I t a e rcl y e e , ; t a • . A s t :a v - n o o o u •letter when the glory tlled the Holeprc,Sorvngpan, and boil gentletilel '44 ,,41,w4-, kr 1owledeeioPer 01 tim• Then all the evennee 1St„ nf Hlild 'sufficiently cooked. and the scum hasOREDNPIea4ng,n 3 z ' t t l e _ • wrours. We read 1oget mr. w o t h h a v e U n d e r t a k e n I v i s i t e d o u r r i n d s t o e t h e r .r 4 . 0 m T h e l e \ . ae e r t a • n l e n u ,y n o b e g l o n Y l i s P e F ilm e ot s a l l o s a c o v e r h o t w t h 11114ter, z•einiuding us tht no Rosh cease pto s.et to piesten in ('• • War " 4 " .= e " r „r‘". ; •t , To male limn/ (5' (405' 40 401'4'' on 5514 '21 4115121)0114:n4 Vip3.volt to marl. into cold ,1:1201. nth wjtho hot on, acal will he Sal to write without SVV.1tC11111P4o .cure Backache, Lame Back, Diabetes, int thition'...,. weeks Joint *vould get 014 a. 'wt-a1e on Isia,and 85- T these mu,it * Id t the a 31). Jehovah having been pro- of- egg. ' I claimed God, the prophets 05 Baal Maids 01 IIonme-For theso tarts ere stein To be on the Lord's side you mest commence by making good means t hat. all that is :zaniest od must be slain, however dear to us. Consider the action of the Levites when in answer to Aloses" question, "'Who is on the Lord's side?" they stood forth. See how all such had to slay their brothers, companions and neighbors who were against Dropsy and all Kidney and Bladder ,..5,0ottg man, where uo „t.ott go to day, and toget let we ucet t have felt deeply the condition of church.? In what te.undae school az-e you teaching? What mission work: are you doing for Christ?" Some there will lie who, in order to pay their way through colle:e, tare perfor.ming some duties 1.*-. which they earn a little money. But -the others, in 111110 ellSOS out of ten, will artsWer "Oh, I am not attending any particular Church here. I am not leachine• in. any Sunday school. 1 aro now stmlying eo be a minister, and thez•erore. eaoh Sunday I go to hear a different mieister in the town," Tbe result is that Moe - tenths of our young theological stu- dents, and I think I am not Ztver- rating; the proportion, do practically nothing for Christ while they are living within eeminary walls unless they are paid for their services. It'hat is tile result? With a critical, censorious spirit they go from ch.urch to church. They pick, flaws in this minister, they find fault with that minister, and all the -time they be- long to the great army- of religious tramps, whom. I call: the "1m -round- ers.", :During these years os'f study their own life is ebhthg away. By the time the young man who pursues, this course graduates 1E0111 11, theolo- gical seminare- he is on the verge of spleitual bankruptcy. Why? Mainly' haeal.lge 11 tile three long 3ears of Inmate" preparation for the ministry,' he has neglected to' do personal work for Jesus Christ. ' • MENTAL , VERSIrs spinrro•Ar., , DEVELOPMENT. Wlaye-are there 54) few earecet icili- gions,ww.kereTbund antong our med- ical 81 11/1011t,N '2 moot of the boys 'Who entets these medical sithools go ...there cie infidels? NO., Poor out oe nrery Students .in my. theolegical -eopileery, elass were .the sone of Ala... Isferis... Or eoitme l'ercenl ego Troubles. Pric------------.4.4 or ,25e an dealers. I • trip to the country and roam among things; but there being no great naid- c e c ass, and the lower cities having • puff paste, and make it line some been long kept in besotted ienoranco DOAN KIDNEY PILL - patty pans. Pill half full with this ther-e seeinecl no force on wi;ich, pa: the wild flowers. Our Sundays were aloaes spent together at c Inca an in the home_ tat now John has sold himself to his work. I rarely see him. Ire works all clay. ITe works part of the night. Ile always has some lausine5s engagement on Sunday. He makes lots of money'', but 'then lie onle- pnts -that money httek into the 'business, and therefore it is not his to use. He has to keep on working the harder, to- look after 111e bigger business. I certainly. think that John is making a failure out of life. Ire is a perfect slave to work, and we 'rarely see each other for any of our old good times." TOLD Inyin. TOO LATE'. In Virginia a 3.-oung woman was left a widow with four small chil- dren. She taught school and paint.- edsand stitched and took in washing and worked all clay and far into -the leight in order to send her boys to coilege end to give her two girls a line education. After a•wihile these children grew up and went out into the world tand left their old mother alone in the cottage where they wore reared. Being finely educated, tbey• grew ashamed of the another who had clone so match for them. Her epeech was 1,1ot as classical as theirs. Her hands Were callous with toil, and in her looks she was very com- monplace., Finally, 1440111, out With W0141,:, 8110 WOS dying, and all ller four children gathered about her bed- side, conscience smitten with their ingratitude. They now realized how they had neglected the best friend theY ever heat. Then one of 1101 - boys, now. a prominent lawyer, took her in his arms and said: "Mother, you have been a good motbee to us. a'ou have made it possible ler us to ' Toronto. Ont. triotism could take hol:I. • •• DUC, CAMPS, p u t D f4 E 0 Tilt Pt A 1 T S. .k 1.1 „ • • - • 1(11 IIF4IJGOIST 4'4'41 44. 'r14Z 41) 078120., - ee, mixture- I3ea.t two (mimes of butter with the hand 1.111 it comes to a fine -4. cream, add two ounces of caster su- gar, and beat well to,gether; add VI- TITEY WEAR THEM. yoll4s of two eggs beaten again; add The hats worn by Corea n 'State a small quantity of milk, shake in functionaries have brims of enormous a few currants and finely chopped : dimensions, three feet, across some- candied peel. Beat all the ingre- times, and are required to be made clients together before Piling the of clay. Tho reason for this, Mrpetty pans. You will find these de - Batch tells in his recent hook, is lieions if carefully made- . that, some years ago the thee ruler of Corea, was annoye11 at the habit TI1ATNING OP C.IIILDREz. of whispering that prevailed at court My own experience with children and so decided upon compelling his has taught me to believe that those courtiers to wear hats that would who revolt, against all arbitrary au - make it somewhat nunsdifficult to put their heads elosenogothee and exchange confidences. ---- 4. -- Elijah sent Ahab home with the as- surance that rain would come abun- dant1,3,-, but he went to the top of Carmel and cast himself down before ilia Lord ancl prayed, sending his servant to look toward the sea, for the answer. Again and again he went and returned, saying. -There is nothing,- but at the seventh time he returned, &eying "Behold there aris- eth a, little cloud out of the sea like a man's hand" (verses 413, 44). So UM heavens became black with clouds enel wind and ther was a great rain_ Two shopmen -hired bicycles lately A -man of like passions with vs 1)117- 115411 took a spin. into the country, oci earnestly atid for titre, and a hall thority are not bad, but misdirected children of unusual strength of char- a,c1;er, who through wrong influence ail11 control have conte to feel a cer- tai15 pride lit opposing thos1* t* hona. they should obey, writes a corres- pondent. These children wiro eeeive the most trouble will help most t4.he445 once they aro • turned into the ri,ebt \Vie must I-err:anther that tyranny tends to distort charaeter. 131ind submission sholacl not be exactecl from children, as it tends to reake slaves ot weak cliaraeters; while 1.1)13e wtho are naturally indei)enclent 5131(1 10111 2101 obey vitliontclear. reason, i•eact ,blindly against arbitrary au- thot•itv The need is to cultivate in all children an intelligent, and free response to necessary late's. When children ol.tey beet -Luse theY .8,s,.1,11.000.tweitflei.,arilitlyheanieolgt:tic8oucty7.11,a-erafti,sscoteelia..ev.Ittioei"81)1,1ihitiCtelYte 'other' hand, if obedience te Prompted th.roneelifeat' of PhYSiCal ponisho)ent, rOo /Id 1110, ; put bo what 6.1/4v, 4. ar°•':.' 5-'11er1/4the W°1?'.1,a11:s.0 the 03/81.11lt of rto real benefit to; the. • , nature, , We., iretst beer in Iel-gr.:,,ni:tr.1 )4 o, otti feet, in ecle face , with.I\ri. „ts,,,q1111„1, 0 the first step' t040111'41 pere. edi 4e.ii',-(;ls ',1c: .i0J1.; 'dr 5130 answere,C, „, do. tell '••' " . ., .211a tilat'' '-; ; , 1 o . , .' ,18eetionna„ 00, hill tle set - 1.1 -1, g 1,‘0 J101,pra844$ (01110 liito. 0 you q)411.r),111 richt,ead to foot. twat verse(42 oa)" '' i00 hall1/41fing cE tleY'34°6(4s6e' thare 11)4) ISWe rileeo Yon 1111211 5111)11n 61 tn1„ OT t00 Loi'd " s On o`• 1ien A.rnotherwho lacks refnemeria in act t_ 2] t i n it ( t' i'e„ ;eet1teitt,t 0.10 i „ h•Old 'og 1•1111',;: op.,- dresswho > ' le ea/ 021ee o ,t lhel, wales. taro, i ea it Ili ' -,) oveo , eau pr'11051 4'. t ,u.ofch L asked thsc4., 111y. WO wil:1 to,k011,01,1, (),1 for 11.1s, When. they were perhaps ten miles out they' decided to. have a race. One of them. got far 41141014 01 the other 4111(1,in dashing round a turn, ran into a of stones. The wl-ieel was demolished, 4111(1 the rider found hintself lying among the spoliteS.D.An old Woman, who happened. to be pas- sing, NV8S 131)012 by the second rider. “My good '10010.0511." said be. `'llave 3J01.1 seen a young man i-iding a bicy- cle on ahead?" "NoS1 said the woman; -"hut I SAW 3-ourig man up the road Who was sittin' on the grottnd Etis height was little over five foot. He WaS sleeder in peoportion.' :But lie was proud --oh, Pr0,14.d. stood erect and with *01(10(1 =Ins near the rail ot the-,. steamer, and, gaz- ed, out ujion the sea, in stern, majea- tic ellonee. PeesentlY captain p ape.-ach/ace him nd aLeached Ill's arm. "What is it, /11y good fellow?" he said,, turning. his 11(1.0(1aosoy and ' • years ie 1-a1411e11 not tlaat the evoi'd of the Lord by 'Moses he ful- filled; 424511111. ho- 1)1157041 and the raiz). came, but sce earueetly anti Pereistently he itrasecl, although God 1442(1 said, "T will send rain upon. tele (xviii 1) It is in His 1'1 1)U1050 WC shall '8814Ulm to do tills 1)511! that, ee-en tleoligh He lias promiteel to do it, as He says, "I will yet for this he., in.- quired 01' by the house of Israel to do it for them" (2te1). 37). Is there not a stig.gestion in the cloud "like a man's hand" that it was in answer to a man laying. 140111upon Glocl. In, Ise. lxitr.. 7 the (1011114)1441)11e, • 'There is iton e the t eerie( upon Thy name that stirreth •up himself to take leold of "Theo."! If em vvould take hold of God will) the oe'rsisteece of for that wItieli " has promised to do, what, niight WO 11012 see' to 1 -Tis glove-. 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Price 500. por bolc �r. boxes for $t.2, - - at alldruggists, 01' wilI 1)05 sent on 0000Spt 1-1r4' /,` ' , ' -; •.... .,• • •" • • - . ..•.... • . . . . . :081101): '411 ii'0,11C1,1 S.11]ddIItS 1141)41411.11245 un iifini(e and poot."•••••••• • 144* ,L; • •••,•' tue,gROJIa ,.ei • t ey ate •-cleaci.. „ . ,„ 6 ,