Exeter Times, 1904-8-18, Page 6Four of. Them Reach a Harbor in German Territory. rults-cE 1,-.47 „,,. , town,. The nre brides are ready to ,. . , _ ;,1i.sieanse Depaittoent states that the eaet, Manitoba wheat weaker: No, tree $8- P0 1J.1 fleet emet.ged from Port , , .' . .. , FAME' eXlialtSVS UP to. the end of July 1 Northern is quoted at $1,03. No, SO; medium, to fair et $3,50 to $8,- A deePatch from Chef" .kYs "'-'' ostineuish. the flames Anittsed W7 :Sanaa* at , a. ra. Iladnie ae ing- It is stated that only the remain 111 P°I'L "II". 1 etualler-Japanese vessels engaged And - pursued it, The pursuit lested two JAPS Cla°81N( 1:1.-• tere, which had, them i the rear. A few of the Jepaecee succeeded in asereadieg the hill aud hid among the rocks, Tho Busse:ens expected that the japaneso would be largely rem - forced and so did not remain. The sappers decorated the position with wooden gone beton, tbey. Tla JaPaueSe reinforeemeuts arriv- ed in tlie morning' and shelled the dummy battery fiercely before they discovered its character. TIIE Caoal freights -Steady. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS GREAT FAMILY RECORDS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TIIE GLOBE. and Other Ceuntries of Re- cent Events. WORLD'S MARKETS No, 2 white, 37:c; No. mixea, 35c. REPORTS FROM THE LEADING CATTLE MAREET, TRADE _CENTRES. Toronto Aug.16 -liVith a good call for the best quality butchers Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, and exporters' cettle business (veiled and. Other 1)airy Produce at Toronto. Aug. and.ugl. 16.--trekr. -No. 2 white and red Winter (elicited at 96 ------, to 97e at ootsele points, No. - ed at $5 to $0.2o, and light at ..a .- ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS, 'S., , pring Wlheat is nominal at 90 to 75 to ao Pet cwt. A.NESE ileNT The Jana.nese are eltelling ehe e despetett frost). Tolsio silos :-The Ole east, and goose at 80, to 81e Best leachers' SOld at $1.30 to S4!0: .50- fair to good at $3.75 to K- . , shells Oniy a tear prat.tte deets were 200 000,000 yen (0 00,000a 2 Northern at $1.02, and No. 3 75; fair, $3 to $3,50; roogli and in- ' - 9 83 • .t. the coontry. Ports, Grinding in transit prices Expoat hulls were worth $3.75 to. , to 84 actierelY tit the Weetern Market to- day, and all cattle, exceptieg infer- ior med. medium cows, sold at steady to firm prieese Extra choice exporters' were quot- . 000).. 70 Per ceat• of which- remains Northern at Me. Georgian Bay 0%10 • ee s'. • in The Russian raiders wlio were near are de above those quoted. 84 per ewt., and export cows $3•75' Getman, Corea, are retukaa. Oat -e -No. - white is quoted a is, ol9cially stated that there bes hose two 30-Inillimetre HUM:in:Ass aie west, and feelc lew fe„igets to , The following quotations prevailed gion about Mulitlen. The neo.reav. earee_ Teo Japanese sitstained sto and No, 2 at, 31c ?est, feeders, 1,200 lbs. $4:50 to $1,7o; lor feedel's and stockers :-Short-keep been no in/pert-ant fighting iit the i-ee guns with them. 'Alley left three New York. No, 1_ white, 31 -AO, east, Rusetan outposts from the *owe, lint been snirmishiog. hours and, a half. 'Fla! hospital ship A despatch from, Id:to-Yung says: Mongolia. carrying women, and child- ren, is said to have accompanied the ket The refugees front Pore 'Arthur tate that during, the last live days a aneee shells crow 'Wolf's 1101 lt001 dropping ieto the tow however, is growing th t the Jap - musing inuelt damage, eeeeverAl eive Wars have been hurt. One shell hit an oil $torehouse under Oolden Five hurn:lred sailors volute attempt- ed to ex 1511 the ilre it caused. t'S sixty. versts losses, feeders, 1,000 to 1,100 lbs., $4.40 to Dariey-No. 2 quoted at 42. to e A no, feeeeeee 000 to 1,000 lbs.. ha S °fay rniJdlu'reig4ts: Wee' 3 extra' -gz."or to 84; stock calves, 400 to 103Pressiant.. RUST IN WHEAT. 41c, and No. 3 at 38 to S8Se, q,‘ oe to e3 eee f r choice 141,10,.yang. The, rumor is rosivea epoj_s_ , ,....,. ,., s ..,,E. .4. 1,... at .60, t,.(,) 62e7 Nsvhesuit pomr,„ e;pi t.a.s nomi, ai ( 00 lbs„ ...e.- e . i o , -oat a Sheep --Prices were as follows .'- alt'd $2,75 to $3 for commoo. daily 'Oat their encircling- of the , .7.r.'e"s 4'47", ''''aill":-' Export ewes, $3,75 to $3.85; bucks, place is almost eomplete, but the 1 A IV;i11:1,1Pef-f desilalch Ari•'llgte:-r 'Mori e°171 -No. 3 Areerl'=4"- Yell°w (l'a°te $0.75 to $3; culls, $e to $3 each; te,1 At 60e on trace. Toronto. and Jar I are quieseent evea aleng the Ifugli McKeilar, Deputy lambs, SA to $4.60 per cwt., and they bayp bon% yietoo, Agriculture for "Manitoba, WAS asieti NQ. 3 1lliN"0 at 59e. Ca"diall corn $0.e0 to $3.75 each, , on Thersday if the Alelkortment had Waree and firm et 48 to 19e west, Calves eteld tee; 4 to zee pee pee, wed n 14,ted Z.1a .adat e 53k ot nt a &spate tt 5 a. 111 ;old au r elteeteD 1' SE11,' ▪ 't tat uut • d gawabent. 'Russian14 reit Arthur, tool storos. anachinr.qy, 04+ rle4r, The torpede-boat ri Ira erm anese are gl'udually drawing in on r die freights, ts Glenboro and peas- Nro 9 5. LU Tiw beard enything of >13 3U rt.VO-Tho market is dull, with prie- 82 to 810 each, eetimate that the Japonesi.:!,,last ela{ktontiea,ily no: the deport_ Flour -Ninety per cent. patents aro .,e50111‘'',11telers Were (111(i" at '30 to WI" 41" wi e t nods, The reply was ; es nominal at 57 to eitie eest. itilTvdingas ni,t)ollitgCVITS.theRT:..,,,igabo.' lz,eaal._1_10_e04.1n,n\dvteatinitiworf tilasts TIticaiLtzl ea ,t,att 0,71,,‘,9e5st,tof018.4(..xpioorthf?v-eiras'e w're Irluoptreirs soefielelotr ;0eeol'etln) otle(1110elllgbend, operoting against the 1101 au:" eons 444. �i b in fevor of well-filled heads, for domestic use quotations are 84,- $e.00; fats and liglite; $5,35 S pOsitlea east tIS ftty a% AU - 10.01/o it has laeoetitea the grain 3.5 to $4 20, seeks eneltaled. fetratght cwt. g. 112131 two oll the 1.7-1•ialA Biverk i eedoriug as soon Os tiSUSI. AS 1: rollers of epeoial 'brands for domestic Vil)g 4 10101 or °Fer 230'000 1.1W111 came along in the troin fr0311 the , trade in be rrele, eel .45 to 81.55. gul/s^ i/e1"(Uag many P11„)",r1"11,11 west to-dav I could not help uoting :tie/Wolin flours ere filen; No, 1. pat- e„ Th„t e apn aeFe nave 444404.-0.1 hre ow .-11 the beads are filled, and the mts, .95, No. 2 patents, 84.70, and k attempts to cross the Taitso vv1)in is now beginning to color an strong believe', $4.00 on traek, To- r itt any places. The prospects for au mato.. Densilia and Mitse, both ore defended by Russia Want harvest aro good. And. 1 MillA•ed.--At outside points bran is re .• • 4,1„1 1' titled Seleaketil o. her gims, OUS The tItetny coneen- aimatsza la ill probably to cross Dalin Pass. east of They aro areesting all s41S- • lers.- C1.71- TiWilet,IlelloA ilespatelt from Mutalen ro much epeeulatiOta ea to wh Jttpainese intend tO anairy bervest bomb! as were required 816.5e, 0,7„ manitoba bren in quoted at Siti to $11,,o0. and shorts k the west requIre fully lest year if not more." sotkS, .$17, und short e at $18, 'Three- el'IVOyS sent out by man Government to inspeet the Can- adian west arrived in the city on Ito) TIr Sterneburg and Dr. 1,..uster. ell st.oz, st,13;t, and jruo .,,kked a to the Chinese Amban, The troops, eientille men. The distiaguishe? ta * " when en route to Cie city, passed at A 14%1;nel' I ken liouropathin's flank la the Exhil412011. to 30e, tweet -dine' to (plenty. pa..ace on tam o a a, a au Wiz:, Thursday. Tta‘y are ;,..„.1),e„ mopme,„ • IN TIBET CAPITAL, British '1..'oops Parade Lbassa's Streets. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own CANADA. Natural gas has been struek at Sheep Creek, near Calgary. Messrs. R. L. Green and J. Bays were killed by an electric wire at Varteouver. The customs receipts at ,Winnipeg Inst inoeth wero $288,899, 45 against .$266,657 last year. The C. R. land department at 'Winnipeg sold 58,694.73 acres of land last month, realizing $255.805 - The London Council granted an exclusive franchifie for three years to tile Bell Telephone Co. at a yearly rental of $2,500, A Lhassa despatch says: On Aron - day, for the first time in history, British troops marched tlirough the streets of lebasea. the occashert be- ing a ccrentomal Nisit , COliNTRY PitODUCE. busband, the civil comznissioner ee- . lieens are ttuoted at cOloballYing the eeelt lo did lint rannin °e'er in the clOarli4.1 is unchanged at the foot of the Dalai 1.0ma's grea -(1 IA:to-Yang Ate north , Ifoteer--'rlie nittaet Is quiet at . Miles weSt of LIIOSSa. aud through ht SattlitItIttd, West to Ilyntid to laSit, . er • threateeed by foreat fires which, it is estimated have destroyed lumber val. led at 820.000, A train went thrcmgh a •flock of sheep that had gathered on the rail- way bridge neat' Regina. Twenty-, eight enimals were killed, A strong doW or natural gas bas been strucle on the Ormiston foam. two loiles from Owen Sound, where the Grey mut Drueo Company have been drilling for oil, Some boys 4,4' 111e11 )141Ve bean throwing bread and meat sprinkled with arsenic in the streets of King- ston, causing many valuable dogs 11f1 CMS to be destroyed. The reeelpta of Wheat at Mont- real se far this season, amount to 0,ri80,000, as compared with 33,739.- 000 bushels for the same period last, year. The other receipts of cora were, 3.904, 943,000; 1908, 4.288.- 000; shipments, 1904,. 4,667,000; 1908, 9,000,000; co ,'$t>3,000; loos. 8.665,000. V, L. Wanklyn. viee-president the Dominion Coe' Company. in a letter to the Montreal Harbor Com- vaiSsioners says that. he intends to 'watch the experiments with ice • TWENTY-ONE CHILDREN IN SEVEN YEARS. A Scottish Weaver's Family Num.- bered Altogether Sixty- TwO, The remarkable ease of three sis- ters -one of whoiii, Ws. JeekSOn, died quite reeently-,-Contributiag 110 fewer than. sixty-one children to the populotiou eome even more astonishing eaaes of numerous pro- geny, says Londop, In the College of Heralds 15 Pre- served. potition from one Thomas Greenhill, praying the Feerl Marshal, that, "in consideration'of your peti- tioner's being the seventh' son and the thirty-ninth. child of (me father and mother, your Grace would be pleased to sipialize it by some par- ticular mark or augmentation in my coat-of-arnas, to transmit to poster - The ou.tici.i.to of St, te3a;snste0 wmightLwe 31n:Nel,N)e`°eIllti the 111,112.1).k.ie:tire de' t. s :11113%1 y a„t; but the Hazleton manuscripts effee- taally dispose of any claim Mr. Greenhill's parents might have made' to the palm. of fecundity. In the year 1630, the evidence of one John Delaval, Esquire, there were- leeitnedvq:Intolnietiv%t;y:ste.ellgtiligtell'bi°uTelln°°Adted°feveZZ able still, they were tifg remnant el a all Om sons and daughters of a Scottish weaver; and, More refitark,-- family which altogether lied number -- After 511011 a record as ibis, one reads without the least Sensation or aStonistiment of tlie TIIIIVIT-EIGUT CHILDREN, who, a century ago, called John Par- kinson. a Yorkshire farmer, father; or of the thirty --six children of Thomas 'Urquhart, of Cromarty. and his wife Helen; While Mrs. Milhourne, who was mother a thirty children, and John Scott, of Spitaltields, who hood •only twenty-eight to support, strike one as having nothipg mucai to boast of in the way of numerous breakers a*erv Closely. as the ex- tomnle.1 ' The` aPPe3r and Cypress Riser corresponuents on - e • the fields to the outslorts 01 the t,c,usion at the siewhis season would teireeel. deseteevere Reports eeeived from (limbo/ o 74; n r lb from japa rded the petha.tenat 4 (11 riday =wan with l'.ee situation, Of- Thoesdo. Hight state that t J rust., Ifa,;,tee-fear jots are quotee ot $,Teeo el!T. Then !hey ire.eed through ,the mean a great deal to thew a5 they 4 41,"cle4.%. The „japaaes„. die!. dee o ang t shthillatf` a big bate has appeared ta the wheattiode in to $8.50 on track, Toronto, the late C • q • 0 eNpect to Ming to Montreal about. Chinese tomer eyelet'', sees swat -mar" . ^ CIREAT un i.witit pigs, and entered the eitY Pr°. two million tons of coal a season theiir !Ilion arms. end dor- tie around bot the fear t those districts, and will doubtlese el tleees izzif, .ette teas wounded is expressed that the Japanese, ins, mesa some damage. out to seem ee, straw -The Inerliet is qldet. With iPer. Tho Amban's smart guard of 118:41kreak show- stilUt of Joining issue Cilere.. will' tent is unknown. Tbe blade only has uerhenged at $3.5O -to $0 on ;14aostor received Col, Youngirusband. .leptateee deetroe-er towtne; le e tiselni out (if the Itaeltor, end 011 disappeered, Tee ,Jupaneee emze111 tnitt;litS that the jananeee oi turn the Itutteiall POsiVion been rusted, and in. Now few in- on track, Toronto. who had an hour's inteevlow With Mr. s I Cita Id)" owl give in, aild cut the railroad -1 stances has it reached the stall.. t tire rhe Ant-, °• in P Vototoes-The anathet is quiet,: the Chinese rePrese11-4 - the fiscal campeign wItlt a meeting with sales of' net at 75 to 0(lc.. Man lamented the elanish igeorancat wobeek Abbey, Not t ingbantshiro. Poe:Rev-The ,demand is fair, with iand low elonlieg diSplae'ed the Ti-lpeohehly, somo months .win elapse ' • el, 11 s before „Ifrti. Arthur Paget. 'who fell down" en elevator shaft at her res - (101)00 in London., will he able to leave her reout. '1 Itil.A.NI;.:LLES. RUSSIA GIVES WAY. oVerings. Spring (11)31 ens 'beton:. la I g Odle leere ignorant of the eltsinant- nu, Bytts,..0,4 venres.air,dput of the 15e, per lb.; yearlings. 0 to loe Per t the ets.;re*'' Loruton Daiiy 'rekgraph deelares that liter Fleets Siph No Nore duel:s. 10 to 13e per 11). or Palaee of the Gods.' The omission passed the great cathedral. t • ZIOTII41•Itt, its:tWttN• ite, inferne*(1 the 1. >*- two eeeeeie01 the. eloseeen Black spa Neutral. amps. stri.ets wore filthy. Reports "rat "leer' °i fact 1> )>"I) fleet heve uteeedY Passed liFe P°1‘" Temdon deepateb says t --In the 511 en its return to the eam the P 111)02-0 3210 ladle from the P13'.'> in torpedo-imat Arthur anti . the disastrous ,•defeat or such tl, slakiug was 1-511 IntePltutl°11°' pee doren; '-e 011(1'. et 1:3 to 34> Inlesdner the hatheir, under the cover of ear uertroyers had been hovering ontSidi It Peethalteht sheharage. The Japan- the combined Japanese arnues, some 0 2,-9 Ls- 1 ',' the le'lreslE prices firm at 82, to 0e, the la."-L'ittoirk I enllotsrlitLenstile t‘,..ctalilleP' saenitllintgbeNy•egileitdableasn. ness• oil Tho"-laer night, showing ln .N. desPetele from st. Petersburg i "lad >1 >10 be Sun , he lightte aud enchored a quarter of e says t-ilit•icountitzte the fall of Port E ffe fully destroyer, w Welt Iiild been inoe eci to . Two large Jell:mete. ti1rriAto-bee Tol'Lleil 1-,overit1laellt. 14- Gen. 1<ouropatkin at the hands ,of I astral -Iv', ri.',ACE APTER VICTORY• fectly con:Went that no nott.tral ,ship , to Tie; . . 3 ,1 t.. - t aural it to cc the British. swarm, IInuse or Lords. eiald he eels 1)0- le to ifeic; low to medium grades, The people displayed the greatest Premier Balfour. slleaking oll the Better-Vineet 1-11). rolle, 133 to 1 Paha Lama end M. Dorjeleff, his &AVM. lines as Lord 1.>1125(1051210,ill the 1 'Qv, ordinary to ehoite large rolls, Hussiall (Id)15(2 in the statement that and the pol,:ernment had cheese -The -mnrket is toilet, tin itu•mans. 1,91,e; solids, 15 to 101e, Iv llus side etreets and climbing oll the eor twills' , Egtese-teftee lots are selling at 1,0ec troofs to wt. 0. better view. .0n creamety u n e, le o , e y s ;v;Ary us to tho whereabonts of the theiv were 400. lehnssattes TI11-3 llAlltY .mAimETs.. lag: env 'difficulty or the part or the at (It* light. It is underst 0 od that upon the situation in which the corn- above result- sweets awl sugar. aSe otEeers said they would depart diplomats are nireedy speculating i waY posFiblo that, VieW, With 1114, rbiaese admiral eliscievere,f the batants would he left and the queS-I e -i -- Advance of Fifty Per Cent. in See- see 5o• do short tett $.1,7 to $31.50. 0Ver, is not believed to be true. The lb. in caw lots; mess pork, $15 to tions of Montreal. question is in abeya.nce. The chiefs t ell the Ino aaletia-e tif.S t t. ers tit 2.30 O'clock en Friday morn- 4111":1s "I"" the; iflt".P4)siti"' of ' nouge of (:°111111°Ils The chiefs objected to n, proposal boat destroyers, and iu....sulted the 0. IA a.v. would be opened for peace. pree,enee of the Jepaneee torpedo- 110/1 as to whether it is possible that 1 RATES INCREASED. Bacon -Long clenr, 711 to Se 110(1 PRODUCTS. po, 38,satalatacetileieltillip'littg,•i.itlilegh that tuirt titetiSleuet:Itinneler earlier given to the Russian de3.- that, -with her preSent record of vie -e This statement, how- eame demands to them. that he had The almost ;unanimous opinion, Is t lroyer Ilyeshitelni, namely, either to tories, combined with the financial' leave port or to disarm. difficulty of continuing the war Shortly teeter -the arrival of the definitely, the Japanese would wel- llulan destroyer here the Chinese come peace, and the almost • equally Admiral, Sah, sent WI officer on unanimous verdict is that Russia 131no1<et.I 311eat110115si light to promise that the national assembly ' . A Montreal deSpatch sayst-eThe medium, ell. to 12,1e; do heavy, 11 to will appoint delegates to negotiate, P...xecutive of the 'Canadian Fire thee 1.11e; rens, Or: shoulders, 8e,; backs, with the 'British, and that their note derwriteree ASSadatiOn has increased13 to laee; brealtfaet becon, 12e to 7- ;will be fatly binding upon the Dalai the fire insurance rates in the con- .13c. • Xetma and I he, Iteoplie. 1,ney say ue UNITED STATVIS. Fire destroyed 003 houses out of a total of 665 et Illefeld. Wurtem- burg. Bishop Potter Opened a model sa- loen in New 'York, 'where pure liquor and good food are to be sold at low priees. Russell Sage, the famous financier, eelebrated his 8801 birthday by at- tending to business at this NOW York °Mee. lt is expected that 4:0,000 •men will he forced out of emploeinent by a lockout in the building trades of New York, Thousands of dollars worth of pro- perty is being destroyed. by forest fires raging in Halispall, Mont. A large number of men are fighting the flames, but with little seecess. Three white men were shot and it progeny. All these are eaSeS Of dead and gone generatiOnS, and one WoUld have to look nee to Watch *Ilene la ' own, day. Not long ago. bow - r, a parent called upon tho Regis - of Birthe for Whittlesey. Isle of Ely, to regiStee the birth of his twenty-first child; and on the same clay two other proud fathers called, to register their nineteenth and sev- enteenth children respectively; the three families thus boasting the re- spectable aggregate el fifty-SeVen olive-brallehea. Mrs,. Mary ;Toms, who died at Chester a few ,years ago at the age of eight-eeven, was the Mother of thirty-three thildren-"e. third of a century," as she proudly, if not. quite aceueately,s poke al them; and. a couple of yearS ago a. Ur, Anthony Cllark startled ins Ironer Judge Edge, at the Clerkenwell County Court, by Pleading guilty to being the lather of thirty-two. "Good gracious!" MS Honor eXelairned; 4thirty-tWo, did you say?"; while counsel claimed in, 'Of course, are proud of them?" "Yes; and so would you be," Mr. Clark re.torted, AMIDST PEALS OF LAUGHTER. For prolific maternity hell credit mttst be given to Mrs. Josephine Ormsby, of Chicago, who bad four- teen ehildrea at seven births, They included "one set of triplets, two pairs of twins, three singles, and one set of quadruplets." The quadrup- lets brought fortune in their train, for Mrs. Ornmby made $500 a week by exhibiting them at a dime mus- eum. But Mrs. Ormsby must yield the pain to the wife of a Parisian baker, who actvally became the mother of twenty-one ehildren itt seven births, and all within the space of seven years; while to prove that Prance has other family records to boast of, we are told by Boyle of a French lawyer who was tho father of forty-siX children. An interesting question in the his- tory of families is --Who has lived to - see the greatest number of ifescena dents? So far as the writer knows, the record of Lady Temple, of Stowe has never been beaten. Lady Temple, who died in 1656, it man he men- tioned, 'survived to see no fewer than 700 of ber descendants. A few years ago Mrs. Sadie Shiver, of -Southern Georgia, bad 235 children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great -great-grandchildren living, aod 75 more were dead; the old lady having thue lived to see 310 of her own descendants. VAL-ttlE OF SADNESS. Lord-l'ierces 7c; tubs. 7-e' -mils' 7 D lai Tama, went into seclusion t d that three 80 roes have boaraf, who demanded that the des- would adopt a contrary course. gested section of Montreal by ter, t le a s iepor e troyer either leave Port or disarm. It :.'leeeral koon diP1.0184.1tS4 however. cents move than the existing tariff. 7ec. a year ago for three years, fen nff - been killed as the result of a race her engines were disabled. The cap- disturbances. and that he has now war bad previously been aseertaiued that are of opinion lbat Japan, by a This course i3 taken because at the now raging at Hammond, La., clever coup in the event o ------------..------------------------------------- cotlBust:sip. 8te ON'PRleAL. gone on 0 pilgrimage for the ra- iler the engines absolutely useless, perhaps force the powers to inter- ees a, water iamine um& ineteaht.9 t..1( ontreal, Aug. 16. -No. 3 oats are ,31-1010.001* of the Poriod, leaving the' Itouropatkin being, routed, might level pumpina station, whiteat- und to disarin in such a Manner as vene in a way that Russia eould not risk, eare about steady at 70eic anceet, seals of (Alice behind, so that a bind - while the indications are that, three lain of the Ryeshitelni agreed to ren -lynchings will follow. Tho coroner is investigating the death of Jennie A. Snyder, it well known spiritualist, of New York. whose death is said to have been caused by heart disease induced by the strain attending trance seances. Admiral Sali dem:ire/ed. resist. One diplomat, representing The captaia of the Ilyeshitelni re- quested the Adutiral to indicate a po- eition nearer the shore where the de - strayer might lie till the end of the a European power here, stud 1- "Leecretary 1Tays' note opeffing a way for the guarantee ••tf the admtu- tstrative entity of China, to -which war under the protection of the chi.- an the powers subscribed an wind- ne.5.0 Government. ple, may after all become the means The Rveshitelni showed the effects of bringing about peace. If japan, puehing the Russian military forces out of Manchuria, and obtaining -un- disputed posseSsion, should thee for- mally relinquish the province to China. its real owner, and call upon the powers under their guarantee, to protect the entity of the Celestial Empire, I do not think the powers could esca.pe the responsibility, “There would, of course, be difficul- ties growing out ol the predilection of the varioue powere. Nevertheless It is evident that grave reasons all the powers, I befilive, are in ac- cattsed the llyeshitelni to undertake cord in a command desire to see her hazardous voyage. Presumable% peace restored, and many are of 'the ebe, tame here to file urgent despatch- opinion. that the only hope Of peace in the immediate future. if -the Jap- anese succeed in driving the Russians AWFUL CARNAGE. o>f Manchuria., rests upon the in - Whole regiments were annihilated in tervention of all the powers on the eteel-to-steel conflicts, when the Jap- basis their refilies to Mr. 'Hay's :mese attacked the main line of for- !note' RUssia could better afford to yield t9 tim powers than to. Ja- tifications at Port Arthur .three days ago. The 'Russians, worn out by '"' „, their beavy duty, dropped from EN- st i on alongside their guns. 0 en. REG 111)tEn. IPED 01,1. IfitoessM rode along, the line urging A despatch from' ,Siartu-Lin relates the troops to be brave for God and an incident which oectirred during the Fatherland. At daybreak. the pursuit Of the Russians 'between 30» - Japanese concentrated their reserves oucheng and Sieve -Lin, on the for a ,• final attn&, in which' they Cheng 104),(1. 4-iWePt the ,118$,Sii LUIS back. Out of It says thet the Japanese preseod 200 men in one fortified position 100 Rass.,ian rear from Simcmcheng, only two survived. More than' bah' but did not remuin in toucb with it. of Iliem .succumbed frorn eXhaustion. .fuSt SO Utli Of S inau-L in the' le ad On Tuesday t he :Russians steal th i I y Nvi nds through a valley admirably .at tankede (gavel ing among the rocks ted fer an am heseadca The l t11s- d. up the mountain sid,;s, '.1`he first stalls with one battalion and two 1;11°1n:shod the .1 apancsb outposts, and fl.ghting ensued at close (porters. Simultaneously the Russian fleet op- ened with its guns. Pi/lolly,. the po- sition at Takushan, the higlAest erni- ncnco in the viclnity 01 Port Arthhr fa( -in,,' the -Kekwan and, (-?Ignh's• T-C,rlan PHs tho iandward side, of. i!ho ea =. t ern basin w hi ch was cap - of long service. Her point was scratched and faded to yellow ow- ing to exposure to the sun, and her deck, re.$endyled 8 machine shop, but she had not been 'damaged by gun - lire, although 11 18 stated that. the ship WEIS exposed conatantly for three months 10 the fire of the Japanese. The passengers of the layeshitelni included two women, one of whom is said to be the wife of Cen. Stoessel. This however, is denied. ECUDSONIS BAZ. Major Moodie Says It is Navig- able Third of Year. A despatch from Ottawa says: Major Moodie, .who went up to Bud- soa's Bay last Pall to establish the authority of the Canadian Govern‘. ment in that district, reached Ot7 tawa on WednesdaY night and re-, mted to. the Mounted Police De - 11..e. Peas Montreal; No. 2 barley, ottec; 2 being held at 39 to 39 nOw held at 31e to 88ec in store; No. 3 extra, 50c; No. 3, 49e. Flour -- 'Winter wheat. paMnts, $4.80 -to $4.-BIRTEI RATE_INCREASING. CO; straight, rollers, 84.65 to 84.- Vital Statistics of IVIontreal For 75; straight rollers in bags, $2.20 to ' Last Year. $2.25. Manitoba bran in bags, 816 to $17; shorts SIS to $19 per ton; A despatch Rom. Montreal says: - Ontario bran in bulk, $15.50 to $16.- 50; shorts $19 to $20; mouillie, 826 to $28 per ton. Rolled oats -Con- . . sicferablo Jirice cutting is going on, ing treaty can he fixed. pertinent. Ile says that ,properly and sales"are reported at 12.15 to constructed 'vessels should have no trouble in getting through IludsorS.s Straits in and out of Ilndson's Buy from Juno to about th.e 10th of Oc- tober. Ile was net able to get out :Of the bay this seastin•till July 1$10, but the Spring' this year Was okeepa tionally late. The whaler's. said that navigation was nsuall,y (dear in the first, wtek of l'here was' oulY one American whaler in the •hay last Winter, and it showed no disposition whatever to •dispizte. the full author- ity ,of the" Canadian Government in those waters, and paid' Customs duty ace o i m.sly ' The 'Major says that neithercod herring nor mackerel 'ere found in the, waters: of Hudson's Bay, . al- though the ,emist abounds' with sal- mon trout .and, Arctic sateen'. The Coldest Point,: 'filet the thermometee, 82.20 per bag, and 4.80 per bbl. Hay -No. 1 at 89 to $9.50 per ton on track; No, 2 at 88; export hay, clover and clover rnixed, 86.50 to $7. Cheese -The best average price ethich export orders in hand for exe- cution to -day permitted was See for Ontarios, 8e for townehipe, and 710 for Quebees; in many cases limits were to lc per lb. below these fig- • ures. Iluttee-For Quebec creamery to -day 1810 wits realized, but sever- al shippers could not pay this price. and liad to content ithenaselves with less desirable goods, 013tainable at 1.8c; townships creamery was in fair donand at 19 to 19ec, and, all the unsalted stock there is offering easily finds purchasers' at 19.1.0, and busi- ness in the lattee over the cable was transacted to -day at 19.3.c. EggSr- r.D.he market continues firm; from all registered last v,inter at u1lerton1 ac_counts buyers are paying to where 1110 Wint ered, ;was 53 below 70(0. '1'lviS was in March - 'Before he 1,11 iTudson's 13ay :July the temperature vana already G111111)0(1 as high es 07. Wheles woo. report- ed to be rather scarce. I -2,A year whai eeione Was worth $10,000 a ton. '21110yea r 101.' price is said 10 have guns, 01Glipied the. hills on one side I gore to -,1,4,000 a ten. Major and placed i4ix gnns, earethlly anask-'1 elrealie imretinin When lie will cd, oh the road in the 'valley. 101.11>0>. Tie wili probe -1)1y take his reg 113; >1 (ID,ariec,,e i11 el 0S0 OF er h lyhen he. goes, eurritel 1111'" ,-4.8.1 ley 418(1 p00s841 • 1)0(1(11111 5.111, guns concealed on 1110 RUSSIAN ASS- ASSINPITION. Then the guns in -the nrin(18 ntninci ' opened and faiowed the ranks' of tee' TerLo ,11/Sore Officials Reported' ,to .1 a pa it OFA,, 5411() .44, 0 (1(1 S'0 501.110 tirne Eave Been. l'irtir der e . ..was lin8-stans, wino 11,ztn, rrhav 0Ni a .1 »« In In' NIW 1,1roci l)y ,t1le ..fa.p.Ortes(?,.i‘fonriC1,:tc aplittrently 1,11(4 11011 111•()1;e 1111(1 '-3,,,., 5'_V 11015'11(31(1the. 103111 1117>, ,,,t, 0 e, il'he .cd0-1.,1, 1(01110>li.,, 0,,, „ ,,,,01•,,,,F,30 ',T41311ile hi1,1 ': 11043 18 11e.81Thr,d, -80 r,i,,:,4t. 13> '1'110 11110 T. .. ,,e, , .,.,. . e , , I . >;e,-- 011» 31. ' - i . 'i 'in pa nese' , r()-rees . a re . 0,iti Ma 1e'd 10 'i' ,41r, I 10 41I-1001 , • 1400 •' 4 \-• 00,1 or bead of 2)» 13..)1(01, 1,110 to mi red -Lb 611 0 '0 Il d ,, ha \ --, , To 1 3,0 13,1 I C 141,er' 01 1 , l' j 1."' ' '635:01.1 ', 3'c'I''(:111:3.V. ' i 1,1':',1'e%aild . , 1/12'.;11.1,-. ' 'Ili C,'Y 1 vied 13) -la ret.r. , lm t , v,.2.1.0 , . - .murderel, , , . . , 4.-t3ri,,'„,ii 45 )> iiiglit-. , and ,.,0‘-'t 'wc.;iit,a014,V,. by , , 1.,r1.(t 4 0F31 an 114z, ,TZ.W.18; lo.?.c, and even 16c for straight gathered .at country points: this is selling here at 16ic to 17e ..for 9nest 8tock", it WoUld seem that 1.3c is be- ing paid for straight candled, others_ being reported at,`117,-;',0; selects were reported sold by several firms at 20c. UNITED STATES AI APJIKETS. • 'Minneapolis, Aug1 6 . -When t F.Sept., $1.02; lec, 08e; May, $1.- 00., No. 1 hard, $1.00; ,,No. 1 Northern. $107. No, 2 Northern $1.- Afilwaul.:e.e. Aug 11.--Wheat---No. 1, N001,6101 11, 09: No, 2 No-thern, :4.- 06 to 1)7. new, Sert., $1.00-. Rye -No. 71',:„ Barley ---",lo. 2, 50 1,0 The vital statistician s .report or GENERAL. The IfSitish expedition reached Lhassa, the capital of Thibet. Cholera, is epidemic in Persia and the city of Montteal for the ymr is causing hundreds of deaths. 1903. which has just been published The Embassies at Constantinople shows an increase in the birth, mar - have been warned that the 'Macedon- rianv 8181 death. rate. The death ian revolutionists are planning to kidnap a foreign Consul in order to force intervention. Vienna is suffering from a strike of teamsters. Ten thousand have gone out and many branches of busi- ness' have been demoraeized. as a re- sult. The strikers demand an in- crease oe wages and a working .day of eleven hours. rate increased from 22.58 per 1,000 in 1902 to 24.29. The birth rate in - Creased from 35.65 to :36.0S, while the marriage rale inereased from 9.- 22 to 10.16. A couple of years ago sermons were preached in the Ro- man Catholic and other churches against falling off in the :,irth and marriage rate. TWO LIVES LOST. Saw Mill in the County of Nor- folk Blown up. A. 'despatch from Langton, Ont., says: A disastrous explosion occurred on Thursday .aiternoon at 5 o'clock in Smith's saw mill, on the seventh concession of Walsinghom, resulting in the death of two 111021 and SeribUS injuries to a third. The building was entirely wrecked, fragments be- ing. thrown to. a great dist:Ince. The names of the dead•are Isaac Leworge and NOI'Man Wingrove. .101111 Lew- •orge's injures' are- of a very severe nature, 1)ut it is thought ho may re- cover. DO NOT WHINE. Someone has said: "Whining is poor business; it identities you at once as the under dog, and does not get you any Sympathy, after all." The Irian who whines confesses his weakness, his Mobility inatch his environment. It is too much for him. He cannot COlninand the' situ- ation. All he can do is to kick and complain. The habitual whinee never gets anywhere, never accomplishes anything. 'Phe man or Avonaan who usesup vitality in complaining, find- ing fault with circumsteaces, kicking agahast fate, who is a,lways proteet- ing that there is 00 justice,. in the world, that merit is not rewarded ronmIDABLE WARSHIPS. danot‘‘t.nt_ilaativieve.iriegtihitiinge_iass , with a, small, n itigow nd . rgeL Brit ain Invites Tenders 1 or Iwo minded [And women do not spend. Immense Battleships: tl ' • energies whining II .tliev meet A despatch from London says: 'rho ol)stacle, they go tlirough it. awl Admiralty has invited tho Clyde ship- pass 00 about their business. They builders to toilets.). for two batt10- know that all their time and ok 0,500 tons an4'. high speed. strength raest be concentrated on lit is said ivhat these vessels hi 'the' the Work Of making a life.' '11-ei , . , matter of armament and ,arinot•oci wloner- not only wastes his lime 11(1. prototio/1 Will 0,111i1)S'0 811:.'1,11Ing Yet Strengf 11, but .110 Prejudices people ° I t -----------------------------0 rigai 2101 11 1,To one feels iliClinod 1901:1 V4iS- 0":"4:%e• , „ 'e (' "I' fi,ials PVC' in, a 'hurt's,' t:() yes-. 'to lido who is' (11wavs corn- c4riC0 a v oeen • tha ' teridernin;8t. m by h ' .11ard there 1s. ;• Chief End of' Man not Happiness, but Character. Life, to he deep and strong, must be touched and tempered by sadness. an sunlight is sweetest when softened by, shadows; as nitisic, to be melo- dious, must have a minor chord in it. ,l;fo make a feature of the face on the 4anvas More prominent, the a,rs test lust deepens the shadows about it. This is what Heine meant by, sayieg "rl'he nightingale sings sweet- est with breast 'against a thorn"; " what Seneca meant by saying. "'Me very. gods look down and einilee with approval upon a good neon struggl-, with adversity", whet Paul ineaos wlfen he tells us, "Whom the Lord lovetli He chastenetli",- what' any man who will write a philosophy.; of histor3r anist mean as he points to Greece, Switzei.land, and 8cotlanc1, where men have 'wrested scanty, sustenance from a stubborn soil, the homes of great, famous men and liberty. Every in d ivi d I: al Ivlio has to wrestle in the dark with the angel of life, :Alone, for bis blessing, is the gainer, thotigh, as in the case of "Jacob, there may be a wrench given to tlie very hones. It should never be lost sight of -that tee chief end of man hore 00 this earth is not -.1°1:Padljtisni:s(sll:;- isgIllt:11°,111e)101110a11:11a0:v1.1:10-tearit'll pleasant, or even popular. (.0 41 (011j0101' l'tepo rt and Aug. sels started is indicat10 (flt ed, 1)y the fact pi:ain't/1,g of coii(111,1011S, 1111 1.,1 a 111014 ter ill', li,e • ° " '11.i,t..n!y tho 1 ; yOletv, September 9. which is c1, feeling 1.1ciat 1,e, (1(30,, itct >1 0211.0 11 31>1>11 11 3311(1t '4 1(0 intJ Ay-ealta, slial't CO: Aide, but a eikod every " , -