HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-18, Page 4iU
The Exetei
Itau- First, coulee first served. Place
Your order at once for az soon as
this supply la done you will have to
pay more money. Orders loft at tin,
orfice of A. Q. Bobior will be
promptly at t ended to --4t. Parsons.
',.aLencar forAu
WEDNESDAY— . 10 37 24 31
TRURSLovo.... -. 4 11 1$ 25.
5 12 W 23
Samlattratnra, . .0 13 20 27
THURSDAY. AVG 'T 18th. Mit
Ost 1904
7 14 21 23
8 15 22 20
taxa 1,7e-tn.:in is visiting fre-
ernis G0441'101.
Miss Gertie Harvey s viUng rela-
tives in Jarvis.
Oft.. it. N. Creoch is spending,
week holidtaying at Oriel.
To -day (Thusda.v.) is civic holiday.
All places of business will be closed.
STr. 3. Snell. a Sr. Thomas, is vis,
his another, Mrs. TleoneasSnoll
ProfessorRuse, or HO1asall, call-
ed friernis in town tart Wedni'SdaY-
Misaes Wren Auld Horton. a uQta-
u 'acre guaats a miss cora Prior,
a• tquilla Sera leas aecopteda
position ;title a publialeing firm at
Master Wtstiond, of Wy.
otniM Ont. la visitlog his aunt, Alm
D -lea-
J. Floyd and dauginer,
seara, arta ane,,,ans of her mother
moo, w.
Mios Cora 1Ve.l, Kalamazoo, Nieto
is visiting her unt. Mrs. Wm, Welab
And Calurein Mai, W. J. Bissett.
Mise• 'Olartin loft oil Sot or -
day fox Carlow, where she has lino
engaged as t000ltor for the ensuing
'Tr. Warren Snell tenitly,
TOrOnt 0, are visiting friend5 ino.
tho gotnsts of Or rr' Jje,
• •rilaybe,? Chu:0ton
or IA itelon earned hone
Chia v. taat aft er re e -ant vi
wilt Or. arid Mrs. 4 derson.
101iso Edith Doll, of Witoatley.
f'fld iUTOrOnt
nen 41,1duz ntlod visit with hor
Iis Cra prior.
W. ftow Lentdon*forn
(na1a who Las boon it
;west for somO expocts to moo
Ii' totally t herew Saturday.
Dr. Gerry a Brts1t Coltimbi
spend a few ;lays thia naaja Pel;
jtia cousins. Or.R. an4 tho MisStni
The, Miss Sadi
11011tTi'31, IleTt lid Wills. Obi
Alabama and Mary Leonard,
arr guests of Mioo Etho
termer, t his weak.
CaroldteIl. of Outtoron, Ont.
operftlino a few days. evith Dr.and
airs. Androson. Mrs, Anderson and
her goost, Miso Campboll to to tho
Bend, 1 o -day for a row wooks.
Bliss Edith Robinson, after an e.
ndet visit at hr homo here, re-
rned h the 'Yukon, laving here
on Saturday iast. Miso Robinson
has oeemool 31 school at 1 hat place.
it, Gurney returned home
last oeok from on exi'Mded visit at
her old honn?, ill Acton. She wnS ne-
,OOMpartied by Miss Addle Fa-ne„ who
will spend soma tAITI3 ji...re with
her •-,ieter, Mr-. Gurney.
Miss C. M. i t , of tho +for t
o Institut e capturod th('
Prnite tha nanaayra
lirPte -e hcholar,ship foe 'general pro -
tint no.i at the Univorsito of Toron-
to tuniriculitt len examinations.
Wrong impeoosion.--fr has been
generally. anpposed that the Times
would lasue IK) paper this week,
but ,:uf it 1 ts too bun our inten too
DOD do we aeipeat to suspend pub -
1u assue each week as we
have e.lnays horoaccora done.
Miss Snell, or Chiao, Cal., 0000tn-
panie1 by bar friend Miss Oyl, or
the same place, -'pent a few days of
this 'week with her aunt, Mrs. J'as.
Thesa young ladies are
visiting friends in different parts
of „Ontario, and expect to take hi the
sights at the World's Fair on their
're; urn. trip home.
Kindly Itememlnaed— Alias Nettle
Martin who has so ably Elled the po-
sition of Orgawar in the Coven Pre:-
byterian Oben eh was en the eve ahoy
marriaga pioatan ea with two hand-
sorve by Lief. 11-4emiseis of the
choir. Mr. S. Potoestone,who is also a
101' rnbo of the choir was re-
membered in a like manner he hav-
ing joined the army of Benediets.
Order Your Coal Now.--L7p goes
9' thprico of hogs and down goes the
pram of coal. Having, bought a few
Cars GI. hard coal at a price on the
f m prepared to fill all
orders while it la as at $6.25 par '
This falling of your
Stop it, or you will soon be
bald. Give your hair sc'rte
Ayer's Hair Vigor. The
ing will stop, the Irair w,li
0 A,
grow, and the scalp will be
clean and healthy. V/hy be
satisfied with poor hair when fI
you can make it tin?
ball' nearly al) came nut. 1 1trial t
Ayer's Etatr Vigor and only one bottl't 0,1 f, • r
ello-ts War, New hair carne in teal 4'
just a little curly." -1311,s,. 1, 11 t", tt,
$1:3,1 a bottle,. J. C. AV:4:11.01%
All eteng Lnerrit,
Mr, W, R, Elliot of Centralia, wbo
who It some weeks ago for \Viotti-
Peg, with the intention of making
hat city his future houna has return
e4, purchasing' back his fine farm,
hich lie proviouslY sold to Mr-
We3- PaYing thoreforo a
good eonsialeration Mr. Elliovt
tbinics tbere is o o bolter place than
the oounty or :Huron, and his own
fine farm ;Ind buildingsAvl000...• ho
an have ovory comfort. Mr. El-
and nattily are welotanea back.
law.) y Ttiesil ay evc•iiing'a
r. and l‘Irs. Simon Hunter, of th
14 concession of ['shorn?. ac-
companied by their neite wore re-
turning home from Exetor, a snlrit-
ed two-year-old volt which they
-ero driving sbic.41 at some imogin-
wry- object, whon noar Mr. Harry
-c'residence, London Road, and
ade a dash for liberty. The aeon -
ants were all thrown out. Tho
torso, attor running a sliOrt
uwi' farther, hocanio entangled it
Le lines had wtts cnight by Mr.
nes. Although recoloing a sovero
ling up, all escaped without
ty Valetas injury, alto buggy Awns
Wing slightly damaged. Mr, Bunt -
returned to F.Neter, aocurin
'very, drove homo aftantetrtha.
The old relinbl:, populor oxeursion
rout Rincardine tte /),'M roit, under
the ouspicos of Wingltain L, 0. Lo
take Illase- on Saturday, Aug.
Ttle. Passenger 4 w111 ta1V t1.4.2• ear -
morning train from Rantartline
Hydo Park. whozo• a spocial will
in waiting to convoy them to
Sarnia. Front stC•dM.?
Ti1401100 Will 1010 tho passoog6.rs
roit,• arriving thoro about 4 p.
. Returning, a spooial t rain will
vo Sarnia about 10 la m., on Mon -
lay. aNngust 294 la The usual very
ov-rates will be in lore'. Soo lents
for ;particulars anti u'ait far this,
popular . ea-et/rah-an Flaeter presaonga
rs got ickal a at K. ippen, Return
rain still stop at ail aerations front /
11 etc' Parin
Beet Culture
And the Preparation of Soil
prinoipial ;mines t hat
e masa coir and uodarst a teal in
he In onarattoxt of bet soils are
manuring. lot ation tool preparation.
ow is the t iota to &lee( our beet
new or -twat year's oro, a field
that is well drained and in good
dolt. C/ovor is the ideal crop to
proceed tho sugar bort under the
xreseut coodhions of farming. Clov
01'loovos th..• soil rubor free front
"earls an 1 ia goad neoisturs' and fer-
tility (especially in nitrogen) Then
the olovor roots ponotrate the soil
to conaiderable dope1L Noot t
4)4c Io 1 :h tst?Ct a litoky 1.01).0‘y v, It h
rost to:sults, toeuro v. heat 01borloy. •
°ion. o mo, genorallo follow
oe et op with lin: crop we eintoot
et 10 :is following niao-
poon:o,•s or corr, except
o se erg) i':'; ground t oo lote
in Ow se.o-oo to porotit of its being
'von 121 rporatiou that
Lot oi,lt corn 1.4n3 15 th diffi-
k."xp;11K.. W11511 14,4.:40bo
; v. it It lo rentoviot: h
R TIMES) AUGUST 18th, 11)04.
$00da alit germinate ;end grow. Aoy'
%acacia you grow t Ilia soason you will
not have to contand AV ith. 117n3t.e. 'ThiS
is all tnechanical preparation and
does not mean any hard work.
The atilt plowing shoula be don:
ea.' lo ill 00 tolAir illtd during t Ito
time botwoon turning th, stubblo and
Ilion Inathe soil muse I; worked as
tett en a1-1 nosaibla with harrowit 0
conivot or, so ns to destroy lb
• ots, atubtele or sod as aniekly a
possiblo to ras.anr , th., soil moist-
uro and to kill all aarout in woods.
I'eall plowior should la, to a. depele
ot tight to ton incites,
When (lea' prapetratOry work for
tho coming, We't crop has h:eo Lin -
1 11 suoh •,1 good and husband -
manlike unmoor 1 it t e -et will' si
its appreciat Ica la quick and
tigorcom growth and it will over-
come, with propor car,-, •many oh- 1
otacleo each 145 6,;-4-r,. drought Or
Pr(C13:33',41 *,34 3.1)411 V,' 31dvi.l.:.,11 all 31111
1 ,...)::, "pitch rainfall. "1*1* (lie spit I
be onabled to g.lt I'll,* best oro, i
pl..180:1 e.trly in lb, ..-T,' inf, i; itbOlit i
grass or W(' '.S, tiros lessening tlo.
um., all oottson awl doubling your
Z'11&-. ,R,.4ne1alo'1' tiii:; crop ',olio
:or cash ial 1 he fall, no t ntaingaelaar,
tieing you raise, and a, et time \than
Trial Trip.—Now is the time to
secure two good papers for the price
of oue, The Weekly Mail and Em-
• pire from, now till ;fan. `1st., 1905
Lor only 500. To new subscribers 1
'Ono fourth session, a the oloth
Parliament was brought to a for -
anal cooclusion at four o'clock Wed-
neaday afternoon, when Lord :51into
performod his final offioial function
ay delivering a speech from the
Sir Alfred liarniswort la and
o nomhor of nowspapor proprietors
of Lon(1o4) *ye just. closed Rega-
1 ipt boos Eor 1,500 square miles
ot tinthor areas in the intorior of
Netrfoundtanci, on which thy Ko-
vno) to eroet the largest pulp mills
in ho world.
Why don't you try Carter's Little
Liver Pills! They are a positive ouro
for iok hoodoo/to and all tho ills pro -
(Weed, by ellsorderted ilVer. Only one
011 a do'.
Best wily to loop lt small is not
to COIL the dootor, but use Norvilirte
'For rornor oil/moots like colds, aougha
chill', tramps. Itentioohe and stomach
rouhle, Norrilino is just as good as'
ny doctor. it breaks up a cold in
' qtt, ounos aorenf.ss in the chest
a for neuralgia. 1 oot it he and
r41 ,you can't get anything
sa good os Nerrilino. Tho famo
of Nervilino for Cramps, colic, and
polo io 1310 nooth ootosolo Lto and
wide. Good, for alVtitillf;
ment oan ho good for and costs but
23o for a large bottle.
Wile Kim= Always olaght, anIl which has hem
114 use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of
anti has been made under 'his per.,
.sonal supervision Sinee its infancy,
'''cr•--'44( Allow no one to deceive you in this.
AlT younterreits, Imitations awl, “Just -as -good” aro blt4
jEuxilit)Ictaisi 4;144t 11 otantilat,erilliwsli)te.b.ria:lnueeen::anit'estr tlixeorraimitletnot.r
•Istorla harmless suhstitate for Castor 011, Pare.
Drops anti Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
'Contains .nteither Opium. -Morphine nor other Narcotic
suhstance, Its aege is it$ guarantee. It destroTs Woruls
alud rellays Folotrie.liness, It cares DianriKea, and Winti
Colic, :ft rolieves Teething Troubles, ewes Constipatiou
end FlatuleueF.,ft a•isivaliates the rood, regulates the
Stomach and 11'01310s, giving healthy and nattumi sleep.
Th0C1*il1jrau's Pturatea—The Mother's Friend.
s tbo Signature of
nvevtv,11 10 1
August Wddingst
LH' II 14:415"
IN Ern Allan Mciki
to ;Miss Sueio• Wtoks.
r of the lot o Mr, 'Win. 11,
/01.1e2., '51",t's 0 vory quiv,
u vent col'•Iwate*j at itite
f. brothar-in-
'Rev. AV. M. "..‘lartin
h Spickman, on Toe,:
lorminz the coremOny
to serious illnoso in thc• bora-
contracting p tetios, tho
event v,as Wit 2.1PBSZ'il only by tiro
Dlr. and Mrs.
/011,114l on thtt, ovoning train
Toro*uo. Mont real, and '• St.
Lawrencl'. Thov 111 t'CsidA' 18
uolpb. conetra t ulie-
..—Wadding Bells. -ata Nary pre* tY
weddino, was solemniatal on Wadnea-
day, August 17* 1*. at the home of
Mr. and ..tilrs J. T. Morgan, wizen
their siatern' Miss Victoria Bishop,
t t 0,1vrne dranghler of , I len Iota
Arc bile:tld Bishop,*.14-:-.Nf. P. P., was
united in marriage to Mr, S. A. Pop-
lostono, of tho firm ot Poplost oneSO
Oarditter, Exeter. Ti*- bride, look -
'no; lanky in /ter gown ,or whito silk
t 1)00.11 trtmmings and lac, woar
jatz lboolni loot and totyryinfg
Woof of width roselmilq and. Len;
entoitad the drawing room escorted
by her brot her-in-aw, :Mr.. Morgan,
nhilo Ilia 'wedding martell was play-
ed by Miss • Addio Boll, o Ilensall,
eousio of the bride-, The bridal por-
ly took 'their ph:mos in front of
a hank of ferns, palms and white: ea-
lho drapings or green and
white ribbons from tbe
forming, o very pleasing affect. Th..,
avant/may was perforniged by Rev.
Onlin Fletther, M. A., Moderator of
Iliri 8;nent of Lonrioa and Hamilton,
and the bride was attended by hor
neico, Viet oria Roweliffe„ as maid
Of honor, while another xteico,
Miss Myra. Morgan was flo-wer girl
each daintily attired in white, crepe-
de-chene. Atter ilia coagratulations
were ea -tended by the large number
of guests present all repaired tothe
dining room where the iam e color
effects of green and white •'were
carried out in the table decorations,
catering being claim 'by Mr. E. A.
Folliek, of Exeter. The bride is
one of our most ostimablo young
ladies and carries with horto. her
new home the very best wishes of a
llost of friends whioh was 'tangibly
shown by the largo and beautiful
array ot handsome gilts. Mr. and
Mrs. Popleateine left on the evening
Itrain for Sarnia, Detroit and Sault
Ste Mario, where a tivo weeks' holi-
day will be spent, after which they.
will- take up house. keeping- at 'the
groom's hordo Main street. Exeter.
The Timea join w'ith a host of
friends in best wis.hos to Mr, and
Mrs. Poplestone • lot many years of
happy wedded life.
Cranston--Difartin, 1`3uptiol-s. -- One
of the prettic:st weddings of tho
season 1501 place 01 Turaloy after -
00011 01 two o'clock ie Coven Pres -
by terian church, 'when Itliss 3 eanett
Munro, eldest daughter of. Rev. W.
M. Martin, fa A., of. Cie van church
and Rev. R. A. Cranston, pastor of
the j'resbylerian church, Cr 0,711-'
art y, WC 1'3 united. in Ina rriage, the
church being tastefully decorated
by Ux young friends of the bride..
Rev. W. M. 11/Fortin, -father oE the,
bride, and Rev. J. A. Cranston, of
Collingwood, brother of the groom
officiated. The bride was given
away by her brother, D,Tr. W,. M.
Martin, of Regina and looked very
charming in a beautiful gown of
white Crepe de. Paris, over whute
fill Cott:a, with an exqui:-Iiten lertho
ot embroidered chiffon and applique.
ibe custona.,17 bridal Veil, 4111(1 car-
rying a hoquet of 1i4lio or the vat. -
ley, and maiden hair fz,rns. The
bridesrn-jso WOTi 1Aliss A-rt'n, 5, TYrn r Lin,
si-der ol lye ir".. to, Lendso,nely gown
18 irory (Pear/ref: ovn' 'Pala
green taffeta:), arid wearing a black
airt are 111, v 110 11eonain,IVIIss
-Mary Mart in. of 2,1cfulif Forest, wore
t horse
'I Oa • a arata-yeerel nianur,
• NO , es! 1"1 NO' • Ali ay ,r
14,14ole. Ilul. raf
also to elever sae!, which should a.
ca.i.ai az to /If* L'ell I 01,1
if Z0'* U- Tho land
Lr 1 lo '1)1 1*
tt f•
I le. Vilit41ii0ia ilo41, 's ill do. it is
44 rou 1 0 n -e dlek or opringpi 00111
It trro o o 1 1'4*. 014) i401 181.8 tho
furroo. V'Iton znazion.-ci 041 )41tyw-
le•rtoo (disir tir sm•ing-toot 11
1•,..r. 1 lo• roil .1 a roct.so try, but
ell, ateiaitee 1 he liCitntr 5011
;inn u.-nd all m
, , att.=
grcv;s!) 01,e4' %% hitt,
^ t Th • oroont was, tie Id bY
; bean M r. W. (*ran'.* on. of
Caledon ratan, The 8411,' *'i were
j. A. Mart io, B.'. A. „of 2'* out
and Mr. D. 1,. Cr.ittst oti, B. AP., nt
rniro A 1 he • bridal party (*8101'-
e1 *1.' charoO, Lohongrin's w..dding
ortn rotS ,oftly played to: Miss
Ko*i 2UF:1114# aft or which t ho solo
0.`0 Tale. 014 Sweet :and Holy". waO of-
fectivoly ronflerod by Miss rioletta
ThoinpROti, Of Mitchell, nail as the
bridal 'party left the church, Miss
:Ma:Falls tederatt Mendelashon's wed -
diva inarch. The cetoninay 00a -
eluded, the- invited guest 5 attended
0 re,m'Ti Ion manse, whore all
joined in eongrattilations and good
wishea. prosents woro rich
and tuaeortmo C1'08-0 on
always been ou'..• ol E :or's nurit
popular young ladies and will be
missed' especially in musical circles
but carries with hor to her now
home' the very best wishea or a
host of friends hora. After a trip
down the St. Lawrence, and a visii
to . Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, and
other points 'Mr. ani Mrs. Crnnst oa
wilt return to, their new homo in
4.411`';4 will h.q.p yot
our tItitor crolio notit
lirinr t It' to ..*a • ow
as i :Is are com-
i"ti.; toaaz ion crop. Ile groA
el be.no will t en 1 to ;Too 1 farming,
vhile ho elovelopin•r of i !a • beet
nflusira 111 .41 to build up let,t1 .r
ts fin 01 Ite'r fa :In :3,,
Any 3it-1p,, ii 1(4 101 ;Atiar
beers, ani *Kik 1loy 111‘.• not lb,.
• 11480 to at tort -1 to 4 lo ot, 1; 'lel
will give Wit' 1 ntd *lea propaa
‘ialiO4 1,1114,11e 0:1),e4.111
Jolut 110"
01114V 1 OppitK.
• Prepare your Lard Itow, ond i
' You do not o ish to imt it into hems
in 1114. ,,pring yott ran how it in (tato
• or other oreio.
"t, (. lit/bier,
her position 1
othlift, 8011001
a 1 he 110 ,1.41
leaeher ot L,
ary of $103,
aeLl. who real:wed
t tneelear in St . Marys
•siOo school 01 p sod-
ottiot otobling• took pia c.• Oloo-
(toy ofternoon last ot the residence
ot Rovook. Y. linion Strattortl, when
Mr. Christopher NVottlaufer, of that
city. was united marriage t o Mists
C tt harino Robb, daughter f Mr.
nobb, Pairvi.ov,
111taefern, Taeoniteal Clariatmas and
Arthur Boles, .of SI.' l'efarYtie who
'were robbed. in Oho itold-up on 1 ho
Illinois Central ltailway recently
the othor side of Chicago, have 111.-
a ived back. NIr. Christmas, who vatea
struak on the hoed with the butt
oral or a revolver still feelta the ef-
aect and the scar is plainly visible,
They toll a hritling story f 111e.
Mr. Wm. Armst rong, sr., llth con.
E. Nissouri, root with n very painful
ecrident lest weok as ho was return-
!: om more in company with
his two daughlero. The horse shied
throwing the occupant's of th3 buggy
into n drop ditch. Sir. Armstrong
when roscucet, wets ia a particularly
Work on the laying of the plank-
ing on the iron bridge at 1 ho Malt_
land, Goderieb, is completed. Per
sons from 1140 northern township;
coming io GOderich have had to go
through the rivor during certain
hours of the day, and as tho river is
unusually high i'or thio season oE
tho year, tho crossing has not been
without some inconvenience to hela
On Tuesday, Dr. Fowler, V. S. lec-
turer in toe 'Veterinary College To
vont°, oC Se fl for who is supply-
ing .for Dr. Clark during the tat -
t eraa absence in. Toronto, was calla"
to attend a caso somewha out of
tho ordinal y at the.. farm alr,
John Chisholm, Colborne. He 100011et cow suffering from. enaphysiezna, et
condition caused by air getting be-
tween the skin and the muscles and
the nosh. In this case the. skin in
places was separated at least six ha,
chs from ilia tissue. On account 01th3 rarity with which this condition
oche curs tcnso proved very interest-
ItChing Sicin
Distress by day eind
That's the co:lanai:it of those who
are so unfortunate as to be afflicted
with Eczema or Salt Pbeurn—and out-
ward applications do not cure.
They can't.
uus nconsciocondition, while one of
the ladies was badly out about the
face and head.
301144S. ne rr, of St. Marys,
was &seized with a alight paralytic
stroke on "Tuesday' morning. Ono
of his ;Irma and legs were affect-
ed. 112 is now soul:1\110 recovod
Any intelligent phySician ad-
, mit that you don't catch 'small -pox
bean -taste aomeone else hos it, but
your condition favors it. Low
tahty always encoaragata sickness
and at this season aspotially, encl.:g-
one alicruld tako Ferrozono Which
destroys disease germs 11144makes
lite syst ao strong a nO healthy
ibot sieknesa can't eta i . Fere' ozone
i$ a Vitalizing tonto that utilizes ;rich
red Wed.' builds up UK: Mar 0CS,
ea nervousness, anel d riVe„S 11111 3 tir-
edlanguid •leelings. To get strong
. and keop stroag use Ferrozone;
assures health „ana Coats but 503.
at all. druggists.
General News
Derangement of aim liver -with
constipation, injures th(1 complexion
induco pidatles, stello-tv skin. Ito -
move tho'-`causo by 1.18411q, Carter's
Little. 'Liver Pills. Ono a dose.
try them.
A ecording to the best i nroran-
The source of tette trOuhle is in the ed there is no doubt ibat
hi ood—mako Holt pure and this scal- ble\rfi•itl Isluolorneeecsd Oil.,..f:D.,aloNvfsoNnYeassf,
lug burnirg iteIr'ng. skirt Jlisease will s punter, 1,Thcin this officlai
A number of gentlotnexe 'in Londo-n
have been g10nted 0 charter to 1
inanutaciure all kinds of cordage.
Several IN -ell -known ciLizeris are
narned as provisional directors. The
el was taken with an itebing on my
arms wbica proved aery disagreeable, I
conchnie(1 it was salt rheum and bought a
bottle cr Hood's Sarsaparilla. In two days
after 1 began 'taking it 1 felt better and 11
was not long before I was cured. Have
never bad any skin disease since."' mils.
10.4 F., \VAUD, COYe Point, mda •
Hood's Sarset,f,arilla
rids the blood of all impurities and
cures all eruptions.
eompany 1:4 to be capitalized at $300-
000, with 12,000 shares at $25 each.
fsea.S°Z141:111111..Taataa. .
Elnearann Th6 Kind You Have qlways.Bo
A prominent club woman,
s. Danforth* of St. Joseph,
wiz., tells how she was cured
falling of the womb and its
qCcVnPanYing pains and misery
:hyLydia E. PinkhaminYegetable
„ prtuut zzlas. rts.ununz—Life /ooks
der,kindeed 'when a. worhart feels that
lidcfsta.angthisfaclit?g awayand she hall
o hoes of ever being. restored. Such
;Amy feeling a few 'mouths ago when
lyas advised that my poor health was
'caused by prolo.psus or falling of the
h. The 'words soundcd like a
1tnll I felt that my sun bad set;
bRt Xsytlia E. Pinitham's Vege-
hIe Compound came to me as an
of lite it restoredthelest forces
xne up until ray good health
a to line. For four months I
i*he medicine daily, and eacit eica
Mathand strength. 1 qa, so
forthehelp 1optainecintrottgh
FattoocE DAronrxr,
les Ave., St. Joseph, Midi.—
forfeit If original of -abotto loiter proving
)1« +WM cannot 14 oroauccd.
Wonaen. -would save time and.
Miuh sickness if they *would.
'to Mr,s.P.inkham.foradvice
„110,0:01 US any distressing s•ymp-
mia appear. It is tree, and has
Wirt thonSands of women, on the
right road to recovo-
A N A 11:31 A N
Farm Laborers Wanted
Will be run to stations on Canadian
Pacidc In Manitoba and Assiniboia,
West, South-west and North-west of
Winnipeg. tis Car as
1100SE JAW
YA• IIT011
Feom ttll stations on line of C. P.
R., Hamilton, London and Witfdsor
See t ions West of Toronto, also
Guelph Branch, excepting* Guelph
Citse, and all stations south of line
G. T. la., Toronto to Sarnia,
AUG, 20th:
One way tickets to Winnipeg only
will be sold, but etich person pur-
chasing will be furninshod with a
coupon on which, after such person
hts teen hired at Winnipeg to work
as a farm laborer, but not later than
August m4t, 1904, free transporta-
tio 1 will be given the holder from
Winnipeg to any Canadian Pacific
st .tioa in Manitoba or .Assiniboia,
West or Southwest or NOrt.11\VCS,17 of
-Winn:peg, but not beyond Moose
:Itaa Estevan or Yorkton.
For pornpletS and all particulars
owl tickets apply to any Canadian
l'a cif ic gent.A
A.. 11. Notman, Asst. Gen. Pass.
Agent, Toron to.
830.00 Ficg,ina - $33 75
11/1 'b
Delnraine Jaw v
Kaat)nrsa.elc31 00
LS:ilitorrke Swan 'laver
51 1143).A
101g ta Saskatoon -- 35.25
Bia..carih1, 32 25
MO ,8017)in '
Areol -- 32.50
Estevan 1
oikton f • Stratheona 40.50
Going Sept. 138h and 17111.
floterning until Nov. lith and 28t8.
Pamphlets and 1 481 aartictilars from any
Can 1,rlian Pacific _Agent, or
i 33.00 Pr. Albert-- 36.40
Macleod -- 33 00
Cla'actry - 33.50
Red Deer - 39.50
41, (Incorporated by Act of Patrliainetat IS
For Over 80 Years.
IMMO c41141473,3/V.r, 011,10AINV or4i4 C1r13
•••••••••••••••••• •••• 4,•••••• *So
• 0,441krr.4.14 11011IZEI11........,.... ........ . . '
Capital (AM P.AID ryp................ ... ..... .. 24000,000.00 40
Reserved Fund ..,.. ,... .. ,....,. . ..... . 2,850.000.00 ±:
47 Blanches in Ontario, tholbee, Xleerooariittot co1undii4 tool M anitulta.
11 Open overo Lawful Dar twin 40 .A., 1:41. to Sr. at, except eaturtlar 104. at. to 1 1*. AL 14
‘... Farmers* Sale NOteri cashed or collected. Forms supplied ''''•
• On applivation. DRAFTX on all potato in the DoinInton, throat DrItaio and Vla ',10'
• Reel aita tea bought and sold at lowest rates or eachange. If
••'Doposftta of ¶I,00 awl upwards received. In,terest cora- .e,
• peuutied half 5Torler, end tolde41 to principal June26111 and December Mt. De.. diti
* pesltsOlerelptsobiet *sued andielgacat etirretit MO'S of intemt allowed. 111.
• AcIvanceEtt made to farLers, stock dealers and business men a
• lowest rates and on most favorable teri»F.' Agents at ExuterforDonottorcromcnt.
Ile DICkS0114 Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HuRDoN, Manager.
Ganadian NatiOilal EX11101110ii
1904 TORONTO, ONT. 1904
Largest and finest exhibits of Canadian manufactures,agricultural
products, live 6,t,sch., etc., ole, ovor shown. New buildings, improved
facilities and gt Ater variety of attractions than ever.
The Band of the "Black Watch" (the famous 42 Royol highlan(1-
ers) will attend the Exhibition, by permission of his Gracious Majesty
the Ring and officers of the Regiment, and will play i 1 ee concerts
daily throughout its entire Course.
The grandest pyro-militnry display ever seen in Canada will be
presented before the Grand Stand each evening with hundreds of per-
formers, brilliant costumes, gorgeous pyrotechnic setting and assisted
by the pipers of the "Black Watch.
"Dare -Devil Schreyer" in his leap from a bicycle 108 feet into a
tank of water; The Bickett Family, world-famous tvrial acrobats;
Vginschermann's'worlderful trained Bears ; Adjie's Troup of Lion, the
most remarkable group of trained animals in the world, and many ot-
her acts of equal merit.
Special Railway Rates. Ask your Station Agent for Particulars.
Remember the Dates, AUGUST 29th to SEPTEMBER 121h.
W. K. McNAUGHT. 3.0, OR,R,
President Secretary and Manager.
0 *
• •
0 0
0 4.
0 •
.44. ESTE
et :44041>4/40.. 4a04/40.0•0.14.4,-00.4ate $.41,00.4444.404.4.4.44. 4
asitaaaiaaaaa>4...44.04e4a4,044410.434,61,041>telataaantaateteto.4. :: -
A AI 0.0..
e 40-
i, September, 9th to 17th, . 4>
to.: _._....._.m.....•,,,a,.........emgmemg•snows•rsev•vno•c•crrnr.taencnn ...vimmemmemmommonew .1..asillw.••••••11M1.001mwmaimilulniseeenISMTA i i '
:I Improvements all along the line. Exhibits unsu..+'•
4', rpassed
.. •
4. 0 0
: .. Celebrated Jap Troupe of To People Th ' 4. 40-
do4> 0 yards' and the best Gymnasts, Acrobats, and other spec-
• • e 'Iv
:*• *
fa ties that money can procure.
e, * 4)-
• 4-
apa. Five evenings of Fireworks, concluding each even- III
4,4, .4, ing with a realistic representation of the • t -
a 4, • •
e .
44* -
::*4. A holiday outing none should miss. Special excursions over ItOdkt
all lines of travel, For all information, prize listo Sec., address.
er R. Nelles, ::-
4: 40.4......................* .........o.o. 'w"
• •
Lt. -601. W.M. Gartstiore,
Pi.6sident Se40,4r.e.toaor.y...): .4kt
4,,,••,,,,4•,,+4•,,4,4,4,, 4:••••**444.4+0+44•••44+4,4*40 ,,,