HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-18, Page 3tad'acisdgSNMEenetE.4.414114441411,Clanalk gran444,046011444:44441442**1441(E4110.0 KING 10 Tv Or Kinsbip Betweon rise and Horse" °"*Esk, fzeinitwoa,.)toww034nliontovimptopkiwvoloowow$1010P1.114. "How clever you alai" .stee said tvith, a spontaneous Admiration, by men s lest xenon its ohicet• "X wish a knew a tenth pert of wbat yo e do. 'The truth is, Although. I have bunted a good bit off told, OD, I am As inexperienced as a taint ill 1 matters couneeted with horseflesh 'ha -lulling more than the not twain- ary nuowledge. Such a state of things ie positively disgraceful!' "Not at all, eince yea have the wish to /veva my dear," returned the old lady araamisly, "Besides, Yoe are very young, and theta - plenty of tune before you. Remember and roakes me 'tremble for King Olaf, Do you think, Mrs, Forrester, that Jam- is Arty Ch4lace, however small, I of his ultimate recoYerya If order X might hope• -- "That is a question neither X uor yet anyone else can answer. Very much will depend on how he goes on in the course of the neat day or t•seo. If he gets over theta lady well. and me unfavorable ;symptoms set in, we her the resolt or Mr. Bryan's visit Tode od at a steady jog -trot to re - find the /*uncle and finish her day's booting like the kind old lady She really wa.s, saerificiog her natural lue ablations Tt•nd KI.e.sito of gaining freah experience he the veterinary enee to the Machiavellian polieY of laave tile young couple together, °HATTER. XXVIII. When they found themselves aloe, ;lack Clinaee aaid to Kate -- “Do YOU, 1)DIAOVO presentunent Miss Brewser?” “X baldly know," she replie& o iS So easy, mice thiag has happen el, to peir.suade yourself into the idea you had alwaye foretold it." "You elont remember, theo, the remark I made this morning about Miefortlines nener coming singly? 1 Eeertoinly was not a, very original f ring Valother onto/lettere:Lee, X will do- what you WW2, only mind you come soma. It will be awful, etaytog there sal alone." "Oh yes, come,- he pronaised, thinking that in mauy ways she still posseseed a sweet childishness ef• manner, "There ae the tea, yeo know, as an inducement."' nod then with a smile and 1104 be weut out - a4 left, her to her own ree sources. Perliape the hardest trial treat Kate endured that day was hav- ing to sit in a. little close parlor, fiunielied in horsehaiv. erocilet anti- idetifetifeedKaOldedieol. nine R FARI aadariblte And PrOfftab a t Uinta. fer_the Tiliera of the SO, adOedifealifeliideaddeda"seditleehifsdignai•aili SfitzlEP PAPaltSIT32;".d. tdo to treat again- SOOTMIEN U otch each sheep and examine to sc, tbewo ip.„0:tantle,e'eastaleit st beitfile topirmdt. WASHING OF SOILS The IORS 01 $041 DACI fertility Ring or hill lands coustitutes e ef the most serioue leeks the farmer has tO contend, with, The matter is nrdlected in smite instal -wee until lands ere past re(lemptiien and wortra- =MOVED CZARS COMM IN EAR= TIMES, Qe r mattieh Faint 7 Was veruor ef St. etersbuxg.. Wile our eyes are turned t Russia tt is not uninterestin just lam to remember now During 1111111).er tne flock is mere or I oor own ccuritreoren hate legs for a rreculturel ur lases Sandy . washing' than slaY soils. °01Y since tbe eaventeenth ceritury dono less liable to attack by SO:ale 00Q Of 1°3111S 'are difficult to 4cc/2"11;"11 f°1:37(1" tirf3S in her .8erVi"4 and have ameassiers, end wool mats, and re- the nuraeious epee es 0 et&l tare tete soilsrdes ioade veltieless, spend. to the Neellaneariog, but eve. aeitee. In some locelitie.e this insigt- the light, no -account. subsoil b.‘1.51't' tuteuctitliet°•mborsitligeasW45itdeer'llSktial°-tewleolifglat-- oently forced convereation oi Airs. ,iotts pest eausesp:airn gortobaetresr. aanaY" i,,,yashed down the deep gulli.es mite ope, writes A. Frezeis Stewart in Iltaniaotel, a most excellent and. once than perha , How; the level and produetive lands toe the Edinburgh Scotsman. N'umerous worthy woinan, though the aistery ever, no iontiity is perfectly excillilt tow. and in tone it, too, is eoon rent band e of Scots f*-om. the flfteenta of ber birth, parentage, fortune, 1114T• from. infection. Itioclos pasturing uP- dered unproductive and worth but centers.' enward settled. in the towns riage, and interoal aneuts failed, ,on low, eweaupy, undreiried land are oiler,. atter De While, to either interest or 'more apt to be attacked by external f N'Ortil GerntanY, and to some e-x- OD1V tO keep hill lands tent controlled the Baltic trade. 1.)r. h the amuse, bee listener. hates thoughts parasites than oe.ks e°11iined to "- from ‘vashiug is to put them aewn i Fischer hag shhothe in itds _ toaatat ilt elle; nevertheless nil throng" ''''''"" en the time were busy with King heads nOt expoeed to linproper con- t ____ , , 1 .nuoning X have had an uneasy feel- rass, lor piamauent pasturc*,s, ord eaetern aad western e huesia now man begin to gain -1111klenCe. II/Siting that eometiting was going to streogtli sboold be kept Nip in every jhappen. There'e A fatality about lett alone. Bat 3.trs• liaDD"Dir h Wbile It cannot be said sees; cases way. Herd -boiled eggs beaten up in'ethese things. Just fancy, Snowileke stna,11 tntk, W4.1. 5 geAel'.'ss And Pere- g, of attacks of extet•nal parasites are milk, er even beef tea, are both eallereaking down hadiar and Kind Olaa Ter'ag4 ADO ttlere Was netleing for it itraeeoble to improper pasture •co cellent for that purpose. A good bait tilling alinself! One grows but to sit and smile and endeavor .ditioese aet atter sewtrwo years. ,„ 01 4 she leo .e.i at least to be tat' wet s C C Reynolds ° a • t1at the FAA). Will the Scottish peddlers suarmed, (luring X heare had a considerable start in, bottle of port wine when a horse is quite jumpy over seeh. inisfeatomes. regard to *ears which makes all the Nvettlt. and below par, and the inflam- I wonder wbat wal be the peat to , difference, And TtoW I am going to ,tin has subsided, may also be of oeertnte ear dilute tbe carbolic acid. with Neater, 'vervice„ 13ut 3fr. Bryan, no doubt, ',Don't taut ot any more, for good - ore part acid to forty water being [will prescribe ProPerly, for•hee reek- , neas sake! We have had enough aud rreressPpooan4do inwaas Dotiteallttgiyurpleura'r tVle; 'illineninex:ieteyInctoenasiendptarontltnn.clnievIleavien tale: led Too situation grew ton , d e hx.i) I bee) are wit • The tind grano to sow for per-ell:hie trodhold thetr rotate out ei ops well supplied with humus. This the sexteenth and omenteenth tures throttedi Germany arid Poland, s as a sponge to absorb the that falls and allews it to lind, oppressed, it. is true. in both coun- way off nee land gradually, eel; tries, and regarded as elaP.a.0 • it s tb rowel coo -,o tive trade, but yet flourishir,g ni email( (( ti tier. e. I P eve 4 I, erSe 0,1(1 1.0e Vzvni i ra • endurable. Kate framed all hinds orittiriug upon either up or low land ToEiTet:/htdWeta;tnieon„derzladoshauePrartathies and. thee etroret band of Cromwell. eter3a speeahes, such as "Woman, they cannot fail to get some of the the country. it wolA he daieaaa. 1 boll el r, sent ed a ewer= of eava- nest make use of hot fomentations,!nion, and passed ro end of stia exed„others 1 had no idea you were so 07.31L pie4re tioncd e;iddrin.e.11; g,..re°0giu bar:dlliert .„ time furnishes excellent maa ardthodt, atrawiah'' any sip -Us 'Of 13ra"rterilli071111:iI142:.Maxiniltifttill4F:41111:fil'As14°:51ti-QtlitleSeneli dOret you see Int nil tx otawlo; eark t flta wortad into the wool. This in e the correct proportions; but first we; oned very clever 4111Ong the Profes- i, to spare its tt is, without predicting awl. leave phe aion -,, sn otbers roito would theme i icor and may irritothig foreign matter ,for amend' (4 s f r (alerted ierasitee - tO wash away the congealed blood;autinatione—not that they ala go' eupeistitioile, 10o you leaow," dropo t llg ell 0 r ,44,411,tion, t)n, Fome d4. ni Illue.„ 1111CaqV 1%; I SOK.' I are busy," 1114t, nathon,p .dha o. heap pa ori g aro= ttvt, ate..iocteleow, ,.,i‘lx1,,;((11,1!etghtitid.ntetth bi.ttatotieteuel eh she mental- . • s st n Upon , 04'; 11" "tgiCe to a° "."ni4111 Veeei'""' 4117013v d tand`t ce ot lot- " * ° I do ei CI ker da elm% and demorelized that rely possibly reautIn ledge(' in -S1D"' Ilnisbe4* °•°t1 -111— -`• • 34' an opportunity ftrOSOn1 motor them turiant eliredy a feed are More the wounde* oeises walloping int() the yard. having 4 thet if King Olai (11--(1—dies I tbe parpoee best. theGreat end then one and all al- ' The. plan of oettier ta.0 land merely • . . So San -1'M Mrs. Forrester, having ,evalentiy not delayed AD letitallt at'" thirat I fill:3U ever care to go bri" hl'art tailed her la /:1,a' mas* leeS liable to scour, causing rat nn- h sisied An the omitting motement t 'reai 1.0 grae • lirested the Mart to tetCh buenet of ter the reeeption of Kates nieseage, a,d.taat, wine goes nOWIR.101:S MADOer), «MU She centinued aidtao me condition of tbe sheep behiml, brean dowit the tiatioaal eeeleision. s s ro t eU varm water, boater proceeded, WWI h for Opal WaS COveVed with, foam, and iit's deTiglitail, end follootha hoondh .to awl to nod, eel 1.0 t..ac ,atiocla like the former, furnalies fay aalett WAY to keel) it Peter the Great, moreover, A' light yet firm hand, to eluice the glie himeelf eplasbed all over from the ereetest physiati ideieere ova tote. until :WI's. l Ralaulturt waR dultedorable opportunity for ',Arwood t eg. /int tile owner Of derived, bie 'Western inclinations pert - 11 titivate some ot ly from Scottisb influences, =hired part vita a, :Toone. Poor I (I to root. exists, but when arenlents Wen tide - . ' 1,11Olf CI MAUI r eucet s (Teel 4 'kg 1 de.,1 Q 'an* vege Wben eheep e veal htleboaldrY la. Scots entered the Russian «t revulsion of feeneg eats in, ntt'''11 il°w the ,pasturiag upon ape land or low leed' Ling Olaf wincea at the slight:est tolich, especially when, denterously bringing the two lips of the wound as nearly togetlier as they permitted, thnreesompliebed amateur applied large piece of lint, tboroughly soak - Titan% goodness!" he tePtO of relief lebett he saw stendlog safe and sound, telldi Mre. Forreeter, "I have bee moil an awful frigid, tillulting you had had anetbee cropper, aria 'bort' eti tbe solution sbe bed reeom- yourself again.'" g mended to Kate. She displayed no "No, it's uot tide time," sbe 'bee teeen paten 4.1 win not have eat)e h .,..ninrwk;ri and liesitetion, no leminioe shrilliting At SAid• s WOrSO^it's King Olaf."' ;you - way to soili gioomy viewatto jeli-%3YINIt'eas tr'aelier tvPlitiveh ne-e4rspread 3mmedialtc4v tnedleh hand then hii the ailed/deg to Prevent or flinch. the one nal -ober of 'Moth, inarr 1o1 e2r-. 1014.inst:71yku}omb., ‘3151.41n,•si •.i.laralerrNessa...t:rabQeivx winIrttnellthheall4etticvoitll YNoolt,tbialeg e• very it :ling 'C7rtelr.teileIgts 11,11t.4„.tbdt!%ragigrigt7i e::.%,•,•,,rad•.ei, rota eat away "s-0 tha*t thoYeoptars sNstI:11,1sinfh n7),1;',111, , 0'5leoraielall,ngettbeai'•!1Lant.olt he(4di'llet • 315 47111 Set 10 Wo6.' in a Cool buelneete- eerious, X hope?" aloes; eide, hut or tbe two tate former '50 1,140MD1 T4)14 :re4ittitstealrettiraduNtlIZOlt,PZIelc'. ao. aft over wiater withont• Forne sort C; -"an PeaT ilAZA ranSt. net feebien, which iu some measure! "'Yes soMething tOo dreaditIllY set' ,(geold(ally Predominatts. ilvd), it is over at taw* ( 1, (A eoNer crop. thtte sown thereio f(rget tiDe 41.1tiq •,?e114.1L141',1 frieva re-tore:1 Kete to fideuce nd,ious, 'King Cilia is frightfuliN stah-lpity those poor devile Mat their a ai 4, , r , v • •con-Pr.,0 .ong n"er tiwre 1'1 4 "lige in the fall is b •tter then nothing, Peter *le Great.. Pr. Robert larskine, led, It, Makeh zoo shudder even to d'aeel,s about, Iowa ell through the 'to !flif 41"44'.9CIrett"na,lyiaraStiteq. 'find eor will grow up to consalersiale atie Erea, ine oe 7 he a rotation of service about, this time, Gep. Mot - end (31141 aminte whether tie, 1;;41,10 is '111.11111te's wilen glei: en•41Ying hit isi very• neeeseary that. they h v rth the eandle--we stand No ana wfttehed or doulitlees serl-a Loan oa "rn 4nn'' (If "I° Vii*S. °en' (1.°°°13. °! AnellInt°111 «ourselves vet at other tames Old • • Time hecins to require a geod log on 105'3 ()emir. A met, and it is to tras eorn °alley, wile nIsc an gain to inndit, bun „1 nod r on is better tban caro as a ,,,Lfilte,044.11.ntelirinalc,INnvne.ling %ter egrenepet;:ztallaonenag's_ eintetana-e-ni ate,-,TFoyo naneeeded come, A.( sex( , ea tet 1 P • 'a'. t be n endowed dolt ber, neing aleo bow ophat ahe wed hv what .stIong• oatural modest)", be could not it"' th an( arolsr othere if:Ames elneda tor chterng",Pslahlies• ied in malty lustatwee the eml is elreee, gt. iZenerna fit POI ck sewn as snows any S,419,8 '.turned in early spring and is then troteger, estreoemer. um* of indintey condittona, eslleviallY'lisft, tin the following sprhig without tiot, oseobosoeo a power!: 45." anrUy !ewe. plea suid, bolding. the with her hand, "quicl W33 818800 033. 135' W think Ea." liEn/v''1' 1"r° 1.19 "r ""d e'ee Pa" ° na 11,/•‘ ir see -dive; thnle early„ Arta, vilitar" letteis have rerentle- coerve lawn, with width to leap et-- -1;"?t (1.:Qa.1(1°Igeniti[4nAcele.t. ..44niteare;i7:111Dg 4:11;1"gilusru4:11(.1d33 a444 n('of 171`,41-1(4.tell'1'" ,0y1'ftel°11. 43 1)111.1 41'1P!It 'Iltaat.":"r:Igh",9114401 Lellrc:11111.1013fit"nlIcli: 1021‘,1141151,:111:‘:;:.4;11 014111 ta967Itt..t443V.,"en*eitis,Ps(1"44111-0 *.e?'"1 04' 03 lame' ine roller, or a Pteee Whereupon both ladies proceeded to no better resourep, tbari toditto **4.4,11 tr,„4,1•1, oot. to tbe 4dt.,51.s d}oele, early the summer and egatu eon., op, anatad load main t,, wash . bi,va printed joy ta0 taeattiaa, ma„, vrethina fast. 'There," as Shie looked tat the borse, but did liot ttepead upon it, in spite of t esoelen$(- 'tont 40 334.11" 03, ere eart - oa the wool 33 4)3 well t bootie." ea et( la .e 1 ing ;alai ounerner. In .141 SOW '1,131` 10.101`ite Meesildltor. end itten that e there w4tS greatly ettieforfal ley b complielted the Adair succeesfully, ipt 1 0 ren OVO the bandages, al lief...dile:Ile, e It Abe diherent appenratice the \Nuptial atter gore °are at toe we would ityo.rit, betances of the ("ear aionalf (es email phyel- he the tileans Or lireventing tbe Immo the loee of blood., int tbought that far cheerier iives.,* ,VONV presented, hfr, Ilratia Lett made eaternal patatear moos la. -0. us it, eau be (73031, beeenne Ihelet(nlvt.snfutli,eft. "that's done, at, any rate, and may dell bad been effectual' ID OleAking out ane mit tile he.st of it. ;And lead vely good lob or it StIni41 mai only ) " own eat]] 14"e n eea.':,:on and ilethee em.: -, . I .4. . I aNlaing cold until har„ Bryan al 31.r.S. VarreSier had aeted wItb ad- Ile lead sleet a aleagent w,w it the nine ( lielttes haul limit waseal, tIme reeist.h cte,gtedlierr:tn„°.11(°, lit'ea• The next thing for us to do Voiraltle wisllotti, and dime everything tale-init., awl of tooeinta at maths Ln 1 ie to give hint Ni, dritik that will the , tut er t. us r . it , I ingeneral, elle could not, a.el dorm- I I few 1712, mid woe; leen enuea, did you not, Miss Bremer?'" really 44. plty noit ehollill :dial; nun' of '1) 1'.'34 OnlY re"nrrea in hi,i .. " . . ... .., , aetesear;V, to elean ottt he Ntounal teen ionized after, . .7,‘. 3.:,.33333.„ t), 3 ism c tont , a_ ,, .,:orn , 1.0. remoar ;31 ;tom. • 4.4iore tonet eM filet limy be torned ` "Yes," Said 1s:atta feeling more langer end give tip Now day's lint- absence, to, tante 1,1ell'I.StWinglY; tll'" ... °MY WA ' I 0 l ll' -. N't t L tli " ' ' ' ' '• , " ' ..., .. and more waudeed by the profundity intr. I Will loot,' After trii,'s JIrewser '' And what about India?" site sum. th3S, !nu" IlIthl SPC't'' 11°1"1"84 ''' '''' c time carelany examining, to . not aatot 181,-“,0 tor (hover ill hill of lyr companion'e hnoWledge. "Ifere anti gee her safely liome. 1 left, the moped tio eouraae to asa in a ntat CPI ; 4373 plaae zia he spal. "ttilltil,t 1,..." Sarre no pasteeettpes the seue 1 3 1 t tt. 4. i / 1 , ` 111)(4S t 141 411'0 en tv,tte( . or a e --------------- )•44•;• •• nt, /11S bartai‘vOtt With 170 11,, nomoni can / etneet reeults st . tile pride. 01:todued.' it rae 411.0 nartv i4 0 y.nirt s £* t111 N(7,f.a.t.th 7.110.1114:41_01.ttot:r... UM in lepeS 710 , Li n 1 if 101 a dead the pain. Yree. got some laud. ber power. "in fact," Said lie, "it 8 ilea:vied tillers lie was near. Iler ets „ . 4 to b( the common mageot it, it lust sawan, vault we again .4 favor hems employ agent as wed me a pliyeieian until " 41 it is, Whet use are ,you. going to make of ita" 'I Jike Pcolde who ash questions," bltirl Mae. Vorrester approvingly. if folLs wish to enlarge their homuls wane eloee to this, and if you go at once you will have no dif- ficulty in finding them." Mrs Forrester's lira tleeision Was not to lose sight of so grave and inimis they should never be aehamed intereeting a ease, but second of confessing their own Ignorance. thoughts appeared lieen for Nile Stn1•• \V"'". 0011 See, My dealt tho principal 'denly began wlakiag at Jack, end 'danger we have to vontend against said -- in u case of this sort is of peritona "Sly dog! Ah yes, of com•sel 'Caw - tie setting in. The laudanum not er I understand all About It, ouly inmabs pain, but also exercises end don't went to spoil sport." Ire bit Ms lip and frowned. These allusions irritated him sorely. "There's no sport to spoil," be said gloomily. "You can't expect me to believe wouderfully soothing 'influence over the aetion of the intestines„ tt mat- ter just now of great importance. A small. dose often worns tvondere, and :Anyhow can do no horns. There now poor fellow!" she added, Inning ad- that in ,a hums" ministered the drug, ,and patted King "I don't. care what you believe, Olttf's neck, "we can do tiothing It's a fact, aeYertheless." more for e-oll until Mr. Bryan turns "Weill" said Tina. Forrester, tum- uli with his sewing apparatus, which big to 'Kate, "1 don't like letteing WO must hope may be soon." you in the larch, but I can't be of Kota thanked Mrs. Forrester most any more usa, at present, so I rimy werinly for her kindness. "It is aw- us well cateh up the hounds again. fully good of yo)," she saia, "taking Besides, I leave you in good hands. eo much trouble on my behalf. X feel Colonel Clinker says he will see you as if I could not thank you suffici- !home." ' ently." . "It seems my fate to he a perpetu- "I hate thanks," was 'the brusque al nuisance to my friends," said poor reply. "All ray life I never could Kate. "I wish 1 could do something bear to SCR animals in pain. If I to show my gratitude in return." an relieve them I must, that's just "Tut, tutl dou't talk nonse-nse; the truth; and what'e more my anybody to hear e-ou would think I dear," with mare emotion that one had done . something wonderful in- not pleneuet for a lady's eyes, be- " • could have given her credit for, "1 stead of perforraina a most ordinary slides which nou have now been on ramming when you come here, to feel for you also. I allow what it action (ii leumanity," replied the old your lege for some hours, and what meet him, I feel the greatest inter - is to loge a good hunter. I had one lady quite testily. between the exeitement and the wor- - - - - e este in noor Kine Olaf." once I was exceedingly fond of. He To give her her 'lie. underneath all r - Nell only I" .1- yourself -f up I Was it possible that just a 1 1-'ny e i aloe. 4 ran a stake into the fleshy part of taat outwardly hard manner. beat you don't take care. Yoe ought, portion of it might be assumed'? his thigh, out hunting with the Grit- an unusually wa.m liart,. which 'too byt I these , , rights o c lenge iese "Are you not gala; to hunt?" she chley, over a mere nothing of a fence sympatbized on most occasions with boots," noticing how wet they Were asked gutlessly. and though an was done that hume,n her fenow-creatures, in spite of that when Kate began to oeilk. ey„,11 "011 yes later on. But there will experience could devise, he died from sympathy being not unfrequently dis- catch your death or cold if you t ee • *M(SYn'a A Petersburg in in the Czar's as a politiaal 4,13301 eeiee, ',Are yoti remit, gomea , ' ' °lug* art lg" It 1 le g' ° lion. Frequently ---------------------x- l 1 i . ,, , 3 Post er Fo. pwavo. to VOTI1 IS eure ..0 . , eht have enetreted llowever enter into just now, ,and one that • te ' l'• We ability to tind protection liy hoe-, . tot PIA nt 1.testit. nnli tor the Mimi. I can't be here to -day hos h. en thoroughly ei en mad wi th sAvii, 11 fat vow mA,Nrim. ./.1,41.1,c,.1,311;11,i,t,c,r(e.i,g.entst ,..(1141,11t:10stnci7,,,sisdorsou•atr gone 10 -morrow, however, if you . • , . , , 503140, 0114' of the already miec,41 for -di t , . ". ' 'will look in again to -morrow Mern- nu,nn theta° lug lgeiure ten ° eleci'n 1 shall n°11° nallas. I dna it most, eee,enent to I One or on mom- protitable results 8110,1 rddr"lettolls tor Srollish advell- Fth3 md, not enter into any expin.. tO lipar then he has passed a toleze comfortabld night, ture as his own had dorm, the Erna nut ions, though she derived consider- shiY and is an. coat the wound ever with a sojution l (rein the feeding of live steels, as ie o of equal parts pine tar, lard and luny generally reeognieed the world PreNS Alule living under the tiOnlinao aide coneolation from this aseurance, iing on rnvernblY' And new we hn" herosema This solution (till retoin 'Over, IS the poesibilitY of rdailling 13°11 1.4 the Cell/Inn 'Wren, Anne In' disease, that he' ;night dad., op bus through a good bit, and the quieter li.t:ntstarenxigatillicirfourttsneee•lerraolf dtahee's and pre. ! on the farm the fertilizer constitu- nngler'Elern140, and 1.731'inhe.111 'nutlet' parasite. lents or the crops grown ou the laud hlrenth and Itmatian favorites; still', having areaded eiece snowflakes better leave lihn alone. Ile has gone giving her premonitory warning. be," , ,,,,,,, 1,,,,,k, .h, bar toflocpka,stautrteervitthroeautteda,n;tva go ilMi SO mainaduing fertility for an we tin, d tail 115 S. rtlts as ogerehallts 1,1) more lindehnite .perio i. ihhere is thus every irti,iii,sairaicqhmetlo and onoletrusevely get- thinge aey day and tlepart without lie is kept the more advieable it will "Will y°11 drive dr. lireh't — '“ den a of serious trouble if care is reason Why the farmer sbould pay a' " geeted Stirrup reapectiulan Colooel 'co has 'is ams, and I p"ro'im"-- no eel:171i:: 1,o sets etrhatealloiticle laansin:ea,Itsz!nimiro attenttlornito therivallle ot llsll'Ill are recovering from the effeets of the Irameure. 'the exerements of the ani - the pony phaetou, Miss Kate?" sug- ised Mr. Bryan we. would couvey dm t • t t Aft the ft 1 1 , i•inlraele 4 ill1:11:a In feenrlintglo e;rpoeri inmate: nsure:nys as *31 pasteii•e for Il. day or so, ob in 17S. Tbrough the in- F.i ine many Seot smeu isesie. in Narious metrical etenre, Ile. Inwns raid - 'We v. ill diecuss that, some other JUL. P ' . perieneed diners or will detect 1 he - ei a; a, th,, 4. t Ar'm 00 1r• nhlinr4 M4)1/11"4/14/ Vine. Wn too long a tpiest ion to we '141E111 1"ww In°111 "nnt /1 In f"- Kee, nee of the peraelte beceilea or a' bpPy -1!EisElrE Es ° (3101 (33 eonaiderable influence iteei bours' time haso .1Veit " ' wit . or we issere dashines .1333„ • wiii regain, a. good. heal oi consider_ the hoi•se a drink, and told your add halo the flesh After tile wound 'rain' alleviation id metering there. The and gronot what I '‘..•0-,Ja don!, and then?” "Yoe iniena finisbang the season "I don't know; it depends on. what terns up, but very probably"— At that moment Stirrup arrived in the plittetoo, lootirg terribly agitat- ed, riecempanied fr. Bryan. Alter some conversation end a prelitainarer inspection of laing Olaf, Colonel Clinker took Kate aeitle, and said to her very gently, yet with a certaiit Authority in his manner— "T don't (tare express my thanks, more miserable tie= sbe is already; :matter to the soil and nnproves the "I think, Mies 33rewser, yoU had %are,' she antd, with a Italteepologestie. benoeo, it is ant, possible thateinaanenieta. eoaditiou as 11.0 manner_ things may trate a turn for the bet- I cial ETU:leer tau do. This is not better go aud wait inside the 'house S'"'"v. ter. bere s meet any mg. e aigement against the use of "That's right," die said with T ' - • t 11* " So • for a little, while the operation of s3'wing 1) the box, wlhere "commercial (ertilizer: sbut in the statue remains), died full of honors Between friends ,soyoth he entered ii1t10Nviri°Oillanidy igsitiljyr°enrimuedne. atlnie7earrlengqiii0tnees.eperfluous, but If Yoll 'Kate had gone on their first arrival. !name 0C rea.son,. ceouomy and good in 1854. There remained, however, Witnesshlg mars:sane pain, mid you luvve borne wish reallY show before cominercial fertilizers, another compatriot, Sir Archibald your gratitude' PI;Or King Olaf was standing' 111) hid sense, with his head drooping liStiesSlY ;are pureliaKed let. tbe exereineuts William Crichton. in the Russian quite enoegh already, The sight is he gebd oama.ritati, and let me, it, 011 Th. 13 • ' • placetoonorrow and his bright eyee dimmed with suf-d frost farm live stock be preserved_ medical world, But remanding• ourselves of the numerous servants of Russia who were of Scottieb, birth we baxe not torsidered how impor- tant are the services also of those of Scottish descent. They came from many sources—Swedtre Couriand, and thrmigh Pohlad. We will, however, only take four in- stances. The Claehills of Dundee have produced a Governor of St. Petersburg in our own timee. Tbe • great IOW; alershal Barclay (le Telly, died only in 1S1S. "Comte de Bel - main " tine Russian commissioner to watch the exiled Napoleon at St. Helene, was a Ramsay of Dalmatia whr se faintly had been eattled Russia for a centure a.rel a quarter before that thine, -and, lastly, we - have -the honored name of the poet of the Caucasus, Kikball Yurievitah Leen-Lenten, who was himeelf of Scot- tish descent, and nei may well be proud that his ancestor bore the i.tivanuly o) f ,Flutleaarbo71.‘1,ct oar dr of au,n1 his back to Foxington." the sale vice. ''With pleasure," she said, settliug — — - The mauvre from these animals is bersell on her seat and taking uP so dreadfully tett up over the whole ,Nvortli 1110143 than any commercial tee- the reillti. 'Conte in, Mr. Bryan, please." Then ehe put out her head to wish Colonel Clinker good -aye. boeiness. Try and neeke the best, al ;tinier that can be bought, became things, and let her hope es long as iwben incorporated with a plentiful she can. We 41on't want to make her Intl supply of litter it addO vegetable L IN THE REIGN OF rAtt, rspdione, bad .ngain a Scottish leader -the person of Sir dames Wylie, who went to Resent es senior eur- geon hi the Itleteky Regiment is 7011. lie speedily row, and in 3.700 was made surgeon -in -ordinary to the Czar. To ban belongs the sioubtful distinction of baying certi- fied that the murdered Fenaperor died of apoplexy. He remained in Savor with the next two Czars, -therefore holding the same office, and after founding the Medico-Clarurgical ACO, dewy in $t. Petersburg *where Ids mortilleation, exactly a week after 'the =airy liad beer: inflicted." "Dear me, that was very- sad, played in an original fashion. She don't. daresay one or the women - remounted her horse, and ail:ea make folks will lend you a pair of dry ing Kate promise to write and tell ebeeset "I can't think about myself," sae said impatiently. "All the more reason for others to do so, then. I can be very stern and very tyrannical when I choose. I ellen order some tea to be got ready, and tell Mrs. Hamniond to make you take off those wet boots and etocicings.o "I don't, feel as if I could sit still white everybody cage is working and doing SOMC good; it is so hand to remain useless." Inaction always falls to tbe lot of us poor, wretched womena' ".Never mind about that. :What are we men here for except to take care of you when we get the chance, and help to carry s(nrie of tbe burd- en oppressing the weaker eboulders? You are brave enough in all con- science; don't „live in now. Imagine yourself a child and I your school- master. Well! I beg you to go in. take rest, and have sonietbing eat and to drink; then if you ma an obedient pupil, I promise to look in every few minutes and report pro- gress. Besides, I'm selfish, and want gome tea myself. Won't you give me a eup, just to show there's no illefeeling between us'?" There were Possibly times Net= Run Down Out o Suffered from Pains and Aches and was Discouraged and Despondent—Made Strong and Weil by CHASE'S NERVE FOOD DR. When the ,nervous syetein lseconies exleausteel there is sulIering of both relnd and body. laveil' the pains ancl, aclies are not so hard to endere as tne Of blee,s and the g,loomy fore,bodings, ,New hope and eantittelice, come Witte the use• 9f 'Dr, Chase's Nerve Feed. I 115 supplYing stn abundence of rieb, Ted ,blopti .creates. new..nerye fore° 0,ncl. „instils' new 'Vigor. ' lute teddy and mind, perm:inertly overcoming weak- neee, and disease. s , , •Niiss ',J. Stheot, weed* Cornea,' 01:11!lbe?'land • 'Cietipt,', use4,11.Val?oxes 4)1 :Nerve' ,Feoti. /est- whiter, and it. did- ale more 'good th'ain. any. anedicbie I" over ,taok. te- diffictat- . deaeribo" iny eiese, bet I felt - all atm down: -ana out or sorts., 1' headache end biteleaditej ,anel Rains' "through the lungs. I was so dis- couraged that I didn't eeem to care what became of me. el 'hadn't fini hea the first box of Dr. ,ChaS,e's 'Nerve Food before felt. a lei better, aticla it contiattecl to build:. me 'up until I became stroog, mid :well and was restored to good health ana. A.s I was :once eared Of e seadee caee; of kidney dis- eaSe' , Pee Chase's KidneytLieer Pills Tama etrengly, eeconnitiend these two .great •preeiaratioas." ----------------- --' Dr., Chase's ..Neave Feed', cents 'n bona': six' bexese for ' . -all. droteet 1, Yoe ,against iniieatione;'.. the portrait. :4,1. sigers).. tureeet Ohage', the famous receipt book adtheret a are" on, every , , , )30,4' ' Kato BreWSer was wilful and w3131 - ward, but Colonel O'llitker's kindness, hie soft entreating voice, and pete suasive =annexe, conquered. lier al- together. She could DO more have opposed him, NVIleil he talked to her like One, than leans oppoeecl, her, 'dead -nude. naa he risen from lits . "Verh well," She said, withoett of - faring. At the.eopria of hate s voice he slowly turned Ms neck, pies - 0500 seeming to timer him sornewban and utilized to their utmost limit ISIIF.NCII AND ENGIOSII, She had brouglit zonse sugar, and offered him a dainty morsel in the The celebrated Mrs. Ticknesses un - palm of her 1iand. Ire looked at it dertoah to constrnet a letter every with Our= loeging, as much as to word of which should be French, yet no Frenchman should be able to read it, while an illiterate Englishman should decipher it with ease, and wrote the following : "Pre, dire sistre eonnne & se us, & passe the de here if yeux canne, & chat tu dame; (line here, & yeux mai go tu the fnirO if yeux 'noise; yeux mai have fiche, nautili, pore, teeter, hair, fruit, pigeon, ()lives, sal- lettn for tire dinner, & excellent te, cafe, petit vin, & liqueurs; & tel ure bette & poli to corinne; Ile go tu tbe faire & visite the baron. But if yeux dont comma 1,13. -us, Ile go te lire house & se oncle, & se houe he does; for lid dame ses he beant 33. But doux comine, mi. dire; yeux canne li here, yeux nos—if taux helve mesa gee, yeux mai lieve the harp, lutte, or viol here. Adieu, mi, dire' sistre." STRATEGIC. say he would if he could, and turned be lots of time. And these double it over several times with his soft miefortunes have destroyed iny nerve. nose. Thera as if the recollectioes it Somehow I don't feel a bit keen." • conjered up were too sweet to with - Kate gave the desired promise end stand, he sucked it in between his then drove off, extracting all the in- lips, Kate was delighted. But formatiort she could, with reference atter febly Olaf's case, on the wa3r any power to please, fot• e to King alas! the taste uo longer possessed home. champing at it once or twice, he let the „lump fall uncrushed to the ground. The ready tears sprang to Kate's eyes at the sight. "Ire evoit't even eat his sugar!" she exclaimed in distress, "he who loves it go, -and would follow me ane -where for a piece, Oh!" almost angrily, as they tried to console her, "110310(15 need deceive me about Ms condition It's only false kindness. I know quite well, without beine told, that he is Very', very bad ind'eed." She buried her face, in the horse's soft silky mance and cried gently to bei -self. There Nvas no denying tbe fact that, in his mistress's own words, King Olaf was very, very bad, wounded even mite death. Every now and again he would turn his head round, dud (331310 mournfully at his poor in- juredside with a hopeTess, resigned., and 13113114*015 touching expression, wthich went to the hearts or all those present, M.r. Bryan now undid the bandages, dressed the wound, said it bore every appeerance 01 goilig on well, but shook his lman when. told of the }Neese's total loes of appetite. °If only he would begin to peck a bit, no matter how little, I should_ be 'mere hopeful," he deelared, "Toe him." turning to Stirrup, "with ev- erything you ma poseibly think of."' Then he reeve Meg Olaf another re- viving (bine) and Nventhis way, seg- niheently staf,ing tlIkt lie would &all in again darturg the, C°UrSe after000re, b eeti. led.), 36 * 36 By ten o'clock the followieg morn- ing the party reassembled at Silver- stone, and were met, by old Stirrup, wearing a most anxious and unhap- py countenance. "How's the horse?" asiked jack Clinker apart, in oixler that, should the reply prove unfavorable, it might not immediately reach Kate -Brew- ser's ears. "Bad, 330, wery bad indeed," an- swered he lieskily-. "It goes to my 'ear* -to see 'im. 'Ees never touchea a. morsel of corn, and 'im with such a appetite in a ordinary way. 'Ee seems to lie suaering a deal of pain too, hindards, breetties heavily, and changes 'is feet uneasily•." "That's a bad symptoxa," said Colonel Clinker, looking very grave. "I. bad hoped: *hinge migat have tai - proved, lent don't like the' report at all," ., "No inore does I, sir. I would give 'arr a year's wages, and gladly into the bat•gaiii, to put King Intoial right again, and mean 'int 'ee was this time yesterday. Lord, 001.- ' 0(1 was full of life then, and , tte plee-ful es a kitten, and now to see 'tin, its downright 'earthreacter- ing.'' Sti'reup termed 'away abrupt- ly as lie (toe:eluded the sentence,- ov- ereolue by t,tie exeeedieg bittereeess dr the recollectioa. , "Whatever youedo, don't telt: -- 31003' IniztreS,S, in tide way,fd , said polohol aiinitet Iturnietilsta "Parlor (hairs? Yes, ma'am," said the salesmen. "I suppose you want Something stylish and yet conefor- "Not too emnfortable," replied Mrs. Schoppere "My peeler theirs will be used mostly by ceders." When, a man is in the riga t. he can afford to remain silent. Delicate crockery, such as tea -ser- vices, etc., should never be washed with soda, as this tends to make the ware brittle. ci To prove tO yet that Va, I I es ,,,litElastclig.aectrt,c:re3:1: and every form bf itching, bleedinganclnrotrudingpiles, fee manufacturers have guaranteed it. See tes. imoniele-in the daillaress and ask youreelea tors what they thiak 0 tit .You can Ilse it and tet sear Money back it not cured. 800a bo. al 41 dealers or ippriA14t6i4Ilierttl tit Co..l'oronto TO STOP BLEEDING, Perhaps the strangest use to whieb music. cnn be put is to stop the 11 our el bleed from a wonne. An army doctor noticed that whee a, wounded soldier was taken to Within a81 assy hearing distance of music haemor- rhage was greatly reduced or Mop- ped. Neither he nor others, 11110 coufirmed his observations, eould un- derstand how this phenomenon was brought about, but it is now believ- ed that the vibration of the air pro- duced by the meele enuses the pati- ent to beconae faint, which cape the action of the heart is so cousin - Grainy lessened that the overflow of blood is reduced. A atEASORFI or vnzcAtTrols7,, ar.iaridlq.a Lady (taking trelettl(1t statiou)—Coreductod, Whiela 'the loost, .dangerouecar Me ihe.trairea Contluetor--The 14311, car is" suPPos ed te)'1„)o,.senittra. , .0. Itt-t-lbert Who -no Oro oilia,SetS Ointment leavc,it ,