HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-18, Page 2'•44:44
re.111-..eSS. COMES.
Dr. 1,Villia.res Pink Pills Should be — I
Used to Bring Ba.olt Iffealth. DARING, PERFORMANCES IN/ EXT1111111 CASES
Sickness conies sooner or later in
. *Talk , the hie or everyone. Man
Sr who .for Steeple-jaoks Who Risk Life and' .$T0,,zm Ix' TIE 1,..
. . .
5.. *•\ Years- hays eajeYed, the best ef health lamb an Their nasardons
t' .;., aro soddenly seized wl'h some one Of
. ' .s. „, ,. NOT svrAzaD R'NIVORE DODD'S
-t,'• N die numerous ills of life, Mostof vat-gna‘
ta......o."........,,,,,,,......t4.4.....,--.,4,,,,t,,,,.....,,,,.,..s.441# te hillo esllFat impoverished ZIDNEY PILLS.
, ............. .. . . Is ,,, rult frot - .
C OUditiOAX of the blood; thus if the Tnough possessing but one arm, a
iIiblood is enriched the trouble will 1101ogna thlk" ascended a few daYs
e Prepared ior late disoPPear. That is wily Dr. Niat.,, since the tower -of Asinelli. a height I)Sfr. S. A. Ca,ssidy, of Ottawa.,
suurro,T. 1, (pate ditfei'ent. llontS Pull: Pills ha.ve had a, greater et 400 fpt, bY" nwans of the light- I.)ernariently Cored After Years
hoth in alt.litte and in trimming, lsuccers than any other medicine in "mg rod, thereby gaining the plan -
from tit-tt brought forth and worn. the World in cnrintr of Suffering by the Great Cana-
Sz> kindly in the etirly sainraer doz.'s. 1Peopie. These Ors actually malie Of the Police, by whom he was haled
Sick and ailing tilts or the onlookers and the censure
dian liarrey ReinedY.
Tito s :lave, a,„t, utot.t. than a lital , rai,w, riot,btoott, st.„.en4t,,.,et, before the civic outhoritie,s.
salne forawr t.o.vor!tes bave. every nerve in the body and in this Similar, hut even more Itayardous,- ottctu-a, oat... Aug. 15—(Specia1),
dis,,trealted entireiiy oral new on&iiray Make People well veld strolag. feats were fornlerlY not Infrequent- —While ail Canada Litows that
taco. coru.-.. ,Forward to tat.,.e their trt.fr. Alphouce Lacoussiere. a well- St- raurs Cathedral was often . the Dodd's leidnev pills are the starelarel
places. linown Yetis?. farmer of St. tni. $eerle of cl'Ille intrePid gYtenast's remedy for ail IcidneY Coznniaints it
Turbans Ain all of r .. prove -74 the truth of these state. daring. Edward VI. was wi.-rtsetit iii. xnas .,,,,,t„.ist, some "peopto-r.to /mow
old upera , Fop 1r ZIncy, d 11,13. Fays :.—"Aliont a Year the exPloit Performed by a SPaniard
are he c that nag
, blood gradually beeanee nn- on A rope stretched from the battie-
t., ,are
this ulmcst universally bettom- re l,m.L I was weak, nervous, rtkelliS of St. Paul's steeple to the
., model. There 5-3 simply no ty
eq., no faeltioe 'in Coitrure Which
1., e hie ste-ie earerioe be
✓ e:
-r, a
en I
lie s
ga • ' nill -;•i-.ar
'' qtriivi..
torp.:killo. tor-
retn ite cotrree,
! foliow tie*
eee, They
rn tn.1 rm.tbe
1 tete tie.*
he ion
ally run down. Then elnl- DeancrY. 'laving slid down the
Inalde was aggravated by i!rope and made nn nnejsance to Ifis
ny kidneys- and bladder.” Majesty, the gymnast again mounted
by day 1 rew to much until lie had attained a considerable
tiot tinally I was uneede to: el,erittionwizen he executed a series
at t aid. I coreeee:ted titoc-i of clever tumbling feats. to the wor-
t relief 1elotaiae.l from; ;ler' of 3a4 'vast concourse that
iitz 'MS MAY temporary: ereeeeneteled irelOw eaves London* '11-
11 to teC ever teeing Weis.
• v I road an ar•r, A :trze was given eenee
'zit"; trs later iti,fet., it1 th.hut in
"od to " icsiance with aa unf:4elstriate re -
he.. Feat, fee 11.4* gyeenest loet his foot,
i'er fere er41 erestetned g fatal fall, Such
t in • a rt.t.r;Feintrer
Vii/ittreee Pink FillieS ar,411.
try treent„ I got sie: 44.4 1i
, fore eieev Wore feemr.. ee
ee-es eeN tereatiy iectreemeed that 1 e'„ 2nnVeeee.e, eer.taa"-reetii an Veekee.
hee„: at beet found a needieiee tolantl 1.5.S late as 1731 we ta-ul of
41 Me. I con tLed tee nee t; Tee '11h Fn
itfirA wlalle leme.er„ ,and L the elareanit of Tie
- • oil .'t.erreealie steeple. in hese them
On2roye41, 53 (1
j44 L4i .14
ont,,r 141 2, ea
V4,11.-.4„ r;"...e.eiii fat water
Ione rieenizeci • fteeim
tie4 a eva'eiee Pececat
141.1.e. ieeer,"
hail (40
Ott Ze.,Te s
breeeTer iNee4"Iiie . factiie
4ef: eeelNete serivol.'e
.rt" tiee teller
• e)eie. ter.•",..eree-oze whhic
eere.1 feekeellereelie
• ei ale
44.-; 4-
. ; lititintilvr
• • nert,
lio27:114q^. :41,4
leet in .eieette6
'IA-. Fe* reatell o:" Pr. Ali- $TRE.NMER
11 41 ant never Wtiot t
la in tie.. D'iitinee.“
- or- 'Will iknLIR in% k
eatte.,. neje itlee? tleee
• 41'- '4 .4r.o4:.P.:,;i3„ rboz;:nn.-
• n.'1 1114'-,
7.443:. end ell ottier
4.4' tt4teler 'Veal. yen 'a
.eteeiree fL;11
--ae• r "els 41
t'ee err, e r niraIna.
b,y• ',11.1$1,? •iiloaii,,111'.4
0,11` 1,4 2.M • etrzu
rite Pr. 1444-Z. 41-'-
0, r..14'.r.
41, eetee... t.
fwsteued to
v Csurrh
t in 17i7",tt ve-
t' l'eter's.
114 reoel le e • -*it 14.4-
witir ,t-er*iettiet* e tree (it err
l'agulo'*'1::11's eel**, ; 1101
Iis.ttse nelixoriaa,34),,,41 drint.ing11 1.Prir a • .
thee' iee....11h.
NySiVnl tti
they (erre such extreme cases
Stone in the Kidneys. Yet that is
what they have done right here ia
• Mr. ee. eassitly, the man cured,
is the w€41 -known proprietor of the
Iltetel Olt Metcalf street, and
M on interview be says: "My friends
al !snow that I have been a martyr
to Stowe fa the Kidneys for years.
TLey /*now that besides conseltieg
the beet dociors lit the city owl try-
inc. every ntecilieitre I could think 01'
was unable to gee better.
"sotoetime age 41 friend told Ie
Itodd's Kidney neadd 4141441 4444'
1.Wt, rtv.'4Tart I tried them and
they have meted au.,
•ti (014141 not imagine
f,”4:,st•imr, than nue enclures who
in the Icithutys and I feet #1
• g,atitinle to ihnitl's .111 144411
hitimtys Do 1 'Li 1.91
If the diwaso is the '.111411's 04
ref' p :"•
4(l4441,4 441
(-1° I. 4144.1 pur.,114”..(4 a,
1,ro'- 4,
1.oi ti;t161 Ltd li!•Zal; 4, , • 44444:1
dlight Soap will not injure
yo'ar blankets or harden. them. It
writ inalo, thera soft,. white and
1 ne was in doubt.
On this particular evening he made
up his mind that be would reach, the
point where cloniat ends or lotow the
reason wily.
Thus it happened that he got
114 ti closer to bet' than usual when
he found that they were sitting Sitio
by side on the sofa. -
-Do you ever think about reerri-
ege?- he aeaied.
"No"' sLe r(titled.
)11:y1311:::e°11:51s4 e:' rat'ss::::i'lty.srt hiatdt:tt nts1121:aebt "3 11 tism sl°1at
e o 11 attraet no etteertion.
:said. reprOackfully, "I would think
"If were a woman ins* y,).,,- he
f it,”
'W01,10. yeirr sh in ;4 14.'41, care -
e votary in a woman that it
course,. be hnew that it was a lib an(
she knew that he knew it. Com
"les, T old," I co, 0 ...
lugs., elle Sege, etel, f. -it h
j1r4 NI Itiit course )2r 111011gllt4
y, "yoil WOulibl' t il:1:01(141 1::::111::::
t a?Nie--if
don't 1.now that I can give the
exact r r reavte.itet," he an
r 44411U1Int Ite might liP get
ond 4 depth. "but if I
a woman 1 • I feel pretty
7 sure tint 1 would marry
*--1 ilat me."
colorinz .tn
in OW ki(V77.1
Feene44-4'co11.1101,1"4 hest 9‘) ie. se241.. the ,
e gc, ..tota tellylt(114 2 villt::11i:ilt:;14,*,;:tiotgattlit.:.:301,1.1(1.4I's1:1„.1141,,,'z 4 4:44 t 4-4 1;1:44(.,4
4- 1444
„„ %v.-eel:l.'s; i)oinr. .v.4th
vt4-:-441i2:: i,4!441 441'0ZP.'S
, 4' • ia
eat 2.'4V41:ii441 of ,1T live 401.'rfutris 'ict,-1071d one.
Tilze dee.* eeliers ht due voure,:* eepre-
taZe.V.:, r 1weeltYek17:Ve 11111% 14,1,t'i,S,, 'Witt) ill
43° de eltreeelve *Tereereet%/I filaffi a ("wapiti. tai g'ev.:0'4... AKVIrin, F002'1+011.• -7:.,14r1 isli4:1h;.3t;v:r y t',,01:22,..1.14,grits1
iaca. J
*' ,
AIl f.t.`: ilaeS•rO4!aW Jae. eVi.t-i3a.** 4ttt41'
lt.,.• e„._.....',1.)v.11f.-,we...
I ,e..of:oee eio,.,t
Nott -t
a. t ; ae.• : . 4;.- , ,:„,i .. ; ' ., l . beii,t:1'.1:
ut tIs.,.ta
lei1.ue5.m" .I"n -t.iile'
444 4.
, ll,.4y ,
1'ii.ontonsf ilftoshtrrh
0 OW1r , il tomtieCompatied bfive pa4I -Val12I tuts of PIachto a per of booayt
4 8i l o 44 4. le ellboots awl 7100oa (th4.4veeh of 1)34 4114- rhe ;(8m b:sau4)
494-4 e. 4 m t let• -' 1 hear .ttir14.41 1 1P4'*' f 21.1h.ra tile: wenle-fully. In New 1..alorci th,.m.
L*end dur v r 11111hoot and. shadwas so
t11 ! 1 l als 244414) 44. ofopted thst thpro1a, rBr(7l41in17h1,T64 elf 4114' 11,W tly1t11 \2 41 llIores"t
zitothelel,114044)44o4.e444 (4tn45 ap aeiV, 4. 4(4 tbesuete..:.ti,..b.e-1o,,8 t 4 '"vetaw2ttltsl„ttut.0it,rii:i)1aemaitl OWkg(▪ Ind eye tot Hes tan ie et114/.t110;;;;;I:(s0
• lwr11usof aofgkgiroll
rwftpaltv3 1 , ia vhVAII % an! / tettnl,,torooe„u4. rcov,rl4, 21 to 4
/-3,4 14t tveeov1t n'i TIII114..(./elttmv ilh,i3OTim nnyin tle rIris Army
50'.i .1' i lit r„inliti,,eml.lei ote ell othrs. 11t/e44)1e44'o,nei '4- 4-'V4'41- 'I till$ 1Q.00J iiltit`i o -
e141 caeet: ltet4Al,e3 „ .n 41,„ ot L1. euY *I4.21eriabout 11 inches hi 44 in 11
Lanoh4It halr.d '4.. 4. ldrt tt17Ih4ahle-It eastThe nriror and
4.14'linesatlhur7t.osar.‘icntre1 of e4.0414. inilitory branch are rePre
1 . rsgitr::0ulthritivsos.linmxnr„rrten With the utntoet eXtretiteWO
S 10 lll'theeomantona„.o Thep14 444141'-. work occupied the
ere 4.1649.41', (nlet to supeess '44.14i' Ir- lo tb„mfN14441e,11aif, lifetime or tut 011 Alsatian, who
IrkISTIIIT WUST NE VIt‘trre 41et04-ae lor•Ilalea 44(4) 141t64 15 ay lierected 11 11 platform fooglltlln'leth"Little Corporal
A safe 14.4141 net tlirt tathtae r t 4 which In his own4.''1 4-'4 te rtpre
fst..ner i$ an absolute 0419' '41' to ssothat what has occurred '1110a lb(' 41e01110 Of ell nations,
the irt wast girl or womans Lneeii throughout ti t. or 11145-4 anging his costume 14101 each role” 11€'c1.1114)112°I .1. '44.
mat Iel' 141)W pretty tevais*fn'- 11 Ail. ing in 1vnt(gninliv:,gestuveS(t11711 sAfrican old -mining EGrupoay
etrefoilit adjustedthe wrer oot'* ....-.".. the rharateriFtic pecoliarities of the 11118 Jut reitlY ;nused theshare-
dysivjPRAYING IlY -.ACIIINI:bY otrY lath di4111mtietilirs pereor- 41(4-1(4164ers 41Z4'1"1 ;41sItrUn'in
a;..oowally141 ,wul4.'('4)1tohaverevembiedthat a cerium tesolotion was "car-
mneti etili 2esosrt to tile
unstabl'-41'-af:i- "I0 the
e ol,u,att.„.t..
,hatti.„ owr ;rtiht,e., wuiite,e.,_seFheauga byd-
lied untoimousl\V I
thono .
. s1 .4 a too 01tile laIfit00d71(tilecrom
Ofe, 1171%l'ven71;11111II)w.11(1trfliW weight of tie skirt drage C0t1.—Plt ase kindly take us all int ....tzthis Oa Or placerd instead of with ye:nd do ot eaveus unpriiyaZUST ONE DAY
being :-nfeIy hidden front sight, it terted. but destroy our enemies,” eharntedisplay his shin from thei—
makes itself conspicuous in a. Ter' uch a. prayer is to be 102744(1 ort a ftunnifif te•eeedl. The eiree Tree Prom the Slugger Brought
u easat fahon. Far worse thn Tibetell ItraYing-wteel, saYs 31r- At
14h-14,however, is the apearance of 11. 441.1 .Lt.
the girl who depends upon tlie tight- ! Th'1'r.4--tan is a martee to foil -
1(V -S of her skvt belt to keep her ;lore. (vet eiving, as he does, his spir-
trim:, and does not trouble to pin itual life to 1,e a rruggle against de -
skirt and waist together nt all. .1144)44-.. which are just es hard to cen-
Smeatwy sbafe', neat and invisible S4.4.411411240'4. ',.
quer as
tae 4.4.s"4- and deserts of his
e very S'114-1 1414(1 easily made. country.
a piece f strong, narrow tape ' A novel feature qthis prayer -
to hye shirteiw.aisat eexactly as wheel, which ethe T
ibetan spends
waist line in the bck, am8 cnk° it anuch of his lime in turning, is that
just long enoughto hook tightly in if turned the wrimg way everythingfront. On thitap, in thback, done before is undone.
sew securely four strong eyes rather liThen newe was received that the
more than aninch apart. On tbe ,Pitish expedition had invaded Tibet
inside of emiecirt band sew four 4- t4) natiVes irrltated cries of animal.-,
hooexactly in position to meet thinking by this means they would
the {'es whn skirt and waist are be able to dspl our troops. No
correctly adjusted. Unless onis loubtsaid Mr. IVrigit, he cries
apt to be movng tharms a reat 'were an incantation by the sepersti-
tous Tibetans.
How the Heavy Death rate Am
Children Nay be Reduced.16e el*" lteen ille.- eyel,eiteteh
hi 17412, to reeleele ereeliorof
see e;ely sit
deal or reaching above the head, two
hooks and eyes will prove sufficient
to 'Make the 'union perfect. Some
women prefer the eyes sewn on a
strip of tape separate from the
wallet, but this is not :always as re-
liable. Strong- hooks alid eyes
shoidd be selected, but they should
be as small, as is consistent With
A belt a. -trifle wider at the back
than the sides should be given the
employed %vete pigeons, which -'.vent. out a, Pact,
brougli their varime; feats with i
leareeoeue (1041)1114. and prentslon,* Thiiing t120 tinie 1 was a coffee
their evoitztions and gyrations (1 'r ss an ONVa. WOraftna "X
around the tower calling forth en- was nu
ervos, had spells with my
11111641:4.u:41e plaudits. I1 transpire(1 hcarm
t. smothering spells, headache
s ,
ubrequenily thm
at the performer wm
as stoach trouble, liver anti kidney
attached to a 014141(4.64 touring in the ,trouble. I did not know for years
neighborhood, and liad Undertake.n 'what made me have those spells.
this unusual entertetinment or a' would frequently sink away asl
evagee. though my last hour had come,
A. unique entertainment had for its ,4, or 27 years I suffered thus and
locale the church of St. Maclou, -used bottles of medicine enough, to
llotlen—or ra.ther the spire thereof, set up a drug store,—capsules arid
to the summit of which, in 1.660, pills and everything r heard ot.
ascended a relation of Revert's" most Spent lots of 3noney, but I was sick
celebrated son. Pierre Corrieille. On nearly all the time. Sometimes
to a small stage that had been there Was s' 0 nervous e could not hold a
erected the young. man stepped, and plate in my hands; and other times
in a voiee that could be distinctly I thought I would surely die sitterig
heard by all below declaimed from at the table.
memory the great poet's "Cid." "This went on until about two
vears ago when one day I did not
use any coffee and I noticed ' I was
In a recently published book on the so nervous and told my husband
Kaffirs of South Africa" the author about it, ,PIe had been t;ellingrne
tens of the practice of the native that it might be the coffee, but I
The death rate among infants and dhiefs of keeping a Sourt praiger -- said No, I have been drinking col -
young children during the hot wee,- which might be translated poet len- fee, all my life and it cannot be.'
ther is simply appalling. Por ex- reate—whose business is to go before But after this I thought I would tr3r
ample, in the city of Atontreal alone the chief and sing his praises. Some- and do without it and drink hot
in ono week, the death of one bun- tiniee it 'happens that this funetion- water. I did this for several days,
prefel mice, *s even when the bodice dred and e.te children lye's recordedary ie apt to be embarrctssed for bUt got tired of the hot water and
and skirt are neatly united it i$ not Most of these deaths were due to lack of matter, as ha the case of the went to drinking coffee and as soon
at all pretty to see hooks or eyes stomach and bowel troubles, which Swazi Xing Bum" One day he went as I began coffee again I was reerv-
peone,Aillg above or 1::,1-)v., the belt ,
A few minutes'. walk on a141- promin-
ent thoroughfare 'will coevince any-
one of the necessity of this werning.
are alwnye alarmingly prevalent dur- out hunting with a hundred warriors, . ous again, rrhis proved that it was
Mg the hot weather, and man
ost, if d after a wihole day's effort he the coffee that caused my trembles.
not all, of these preeiou.s little lives managed to kill -only one miserable "We had tried Posture., but had
might have been saved, if the moth- little hare. Yet the Court praiser I not made ' it right and did not like
er had at hand a safe and simple re- ran in front of the king, calling out: I it, b„tit now I decided to give it an -
reedy to cheek the trouble a -t the .e.euerte the King of the Swazies, 1 other trial so I read the directions
euttlet.: AS a Ille Saver amon.,,,g ill" the chief of (Nees, has killed a hare. on he package carefully and made
..teaby's t f •
Paris sends word that the enileroid- faxit''s and' Y°1'ing children'
()we Tai)lets should be kept in ever 37 Let all Cle people listen. It, was as it after these directions ‘and it was
erect linen girclle iS 1113 correct thing liome. These Tablets prevent ancl 1)1e as an fee, as fierce as a lion, a,ncl simply delicious, so tee quit coffee
for wear with tailor made linen , as swift as a buck! 'The brave King for good and the eesults are Wonder-
"-ownscur°dirrh1)deS'sTaterY, c.,11.°1„.era ene- Bum, killed the here all alone! He ful. Before, I could not sleep, but
. it eertainly has one advant- fan ini eed
age over 1,1:10 kid belt—it can be Sent trouble. If little ones are given
-- 'LI --:- ----- a" 'rills (4 "°12"lath" killed it with., his assegai. Listen, now I go to bed and sleep sound,
-Co the tub and e01110 011 t as good the '1'4(1)134s occasionally they will ye people! Blom has killed a hare! am not a l)i t nervous now, but work
Without any lielo the leing has killed hard and can walk iniles." Nervous
'4 -14 -new, whi1e. the kid belt has t.o be !prevent these troubles and keep the
dry cleaned. The daintiest or these I cli ildren healthy. The Tablets cost; the hare! It was as terrible as a headaches are gone, my heartefoes
t,iger, as large as an elephant; its 'not bother 1111,' 541131 more like 144 did
ireles has elover lea-vits and biose only 215 cents a leex, and a. 1)ox of
eyee were flames of fire; aled -yet am' / don't have. 441-13'of the se -Loth-
ecens wroeght in 14111113, or forget -me- Baby's Own TabletS le the litirne
Bunn, the great king, has killed the ering spells end would you ledieve
11 0 ts in their ria tural color. La lige ma 5. save a little life. "rileY are hare !, , i 1,.? I 3111 get t i lig It'll:. We drink
braes buckles 0,14.111e ed 03,1 all wash guax a n 1, ,,,old to c o nt ain, no ()pia te or
Thie long rigmarole was rep ea ted Post ;lin n OW and nothing else and
belts, and are easily removed, harin fill dr ug, 4,114 1.1! , , , given
. with. safety and a.lvarrtage to a new over end over, while the it ing fol- ('t. en ire- husleind's headaches have
born babe or welt 4411)7,1-1) (144.4. 1!. r lowed behind 1141 441 great gravity, de -appeal -ed.:. we 13 oh sleep sound
% and healthy now and that's a bless -
Aries Deessirigten (to lillle boy v,,ho your dealer does not keep the Tab-
ddliztg up 10 her) --"What do you leis, send the price to the Dr. '43111- 4 sgn of palitriness in Tiliet on ing." none weer. by POStUnt CO„
, deo 1, --to give me a kiss? ' Let.., barns N001411230 Co., 13r0cis.13 110, On 1,. meeting a person le to hold up' the Tiktitl Q. Or Oa:, '4? (.11.
17 10.,.,„„...2iyo; I ,4vants My breete-•n'- and a box will be sent you, by mail clenched hann
d ad stick °et the tou-' Lolc ofor theR
. hook, "The 1104 -id e , . .
ke t ce Chef you se sittin' on ':' poet paid. gas, ' Wellville ' in each peckae',e.
• lett *4111 eeeeeie
teirtx, tone.
yes., I 4.1.o„'' 114k r44 11 dn4-4'ge41
- • Welt, if I were a
she 4.4 s • 64▪ 0. • expeet 0.
wonotti 1 140 do anything
tile FBA 314:4) /Me volt 114.444
1#, is no trielt at all to 110
cours* of true /Ale% titter litc 1144411(111
('444.14". gets his 'bearings to long as the
.4. r -l1 1 in:hts continue to born. am
1 it beeepened that their lierque
merrily on it Way.
.N .sig priet •ece .. 1,
OW Of Chi' tele! who has 11 ' t
I.eieest eredi i re niei dote! .
itn*eeet in lhe :Mule empley 4.41418)ot
returning home intoxicated while in
eltur..te of his tenn44
afness Cannot Da Cured
4-.'.1..cal applications, all they carinol.
; floch *be dr eased portion of the ear.
There la only 04141 way to cure deafee.ris.
41411 t11411 iS by constitutional reinedive.
PetrIness le caused by an inflamed cn
dition of the noteous lining of 1.110 Fins.
tachian Tube. When this tuba Is in-
flamed you have a. rumbitee, eound. ee
imperfect bearg
in. and when it is tn.
tinily closed, Deafness is the result, ono
unless the intlammatIon can be taken
out and this 127440 restored om
to its n.
al condition, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine eases out of ten are tam,.
C41 by Catarrh, white) is nothing hut
41tt inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give arm Ilandred Dollers for
any case of Deafness (caused by ce.t-
arrh) that 4114(4.004, 1441 eured 1)y
Catarrh Cure. t -lend for circulars. frce.
CC.. Toledo, to,
Sold by all Druggists. 7.5e.
Take Italre Family 1'114.s for 1144)11141-
The biggest carving lreife ever
manufactured may be seen at the
World's Fair. This monster blade is
3Q feet in length, and has an edge as
sharp QS a razor, it is made 011t
of the finest steel, and the handle is
a masterpiece of the cutler's art, el-
aborately carved, and beautifully pol-
ished. It would take a veritable
giant to wield a knife like this.
A German chemist removes the nic-
otine from tobacco by steeping tlie
leaves in a solution of tannic acid.
'Bic tobacco is then treated with a
decoction of marjoram to in:nail:We its
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc,
"My daughter is absolutely too
young to marry," snorted old Gold -
rick. Well replied the dejected
suitor, "what would you say to my
:taking her marriage dowry now and
waiting a few years for the girl?"
trim MEI cures carnet in Cows.
An ingenious use has been found for
the discarded wood blocks 'With which
-the London streets are paved. Sever-
al -toy manufaeturers now purchase
all these blocks Which are not dam-
aged hi the process of being torn
U p, for the purpose of making cheep
toys out of them. Owing, to the feet
that the raw material is purchased
so cheaply the home man.ufacturers
are in a position to undersell con-
siderably the foreign competitors.
A Su:Darner Cough
Is the hardest kind to get rid of and the
most dangerous kind to neglect.
. : 4.`,.'l
,.16, -6,..
urlivg..th The Lung
a. %... Tonic
1 will cure poll (iniekly and sure!,
the foyer, strenist,ben the luinge
inake you well again.
Al rill drugultnzi, 25e; 50e and 1. 0 a bot.C.1.
nce, 1,44y)71,.
R/414, (J -'Val a%
win Uri in 8 Hews.
Sale at
Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver,
otat6i,.Poultry,.. Eggs, .Bu.
" have Your gonsigatnent of any of these artleles and we Will
get )toti good prices,
rne,040, TORONITIO.
atcs to the Medical
lion at Valatotiver can return
an Vrozatisco, 49 064 Angeles,
• City, Denver and the "Wort
air" St. Lands, by pareilasing
ets sold to San 49 4(441411 accolutt
ights Templar meeting.
Tickets on sale from Aognst
September good for return
ntil October 2.11r(1, with stopover
rivileges n each direction. This Is
n open rate to the public, as tick -
are not sold cm the certificate
plan, The rate from Toronto will
be $70.25. Correspondingly luw
rates from other points. ',rickets
Lo 41u4418424.tx.51 going via V/4110011 -
vet., returning, through above 414.4.441.5,
or vice versa.
Ily writing lf. E. Carter, Traveling
Paeeengte .."eg•ent, Union Pacific Rail-
road, 14 Janes Building, Toronto,
Ont., he will give you full informa-
Beware of the man who freely gives
a.dtice. ire probably wants to get
rid 02 41.
49 was Cured of painful (loitr
by .1411NA11D'S
Chatham, Ont.
X was Cured of Intlammatio
Walsh, Ont.
X was Chred of Facial Neuralgia
J. 11. BATLEY.
nParksdale 0 t.
There are forty-eight words iir the
English language which have two
*distinct pronunciations. " I3ow,"
'etear," ''Irrecilid" are the best exam-
Pop Over Sixty Years
litrisataves SOOTI1TNG SYnt/I. has been used ey
onillions et mothers or their children while Loathing
'II soothes tlee child, softens themes, itilitYlitmin. aural
s(ndo1i14, regulates the stomach and boreele, and is the
bestremedy for Dlarrhcea. Twenty-five cents a bottle
Sold lardruggists throughout the world. Be sure alai
'Afar "bins, Worst° Ws So OT111770 Sirstrr.- 22-01
'Bronchitis is the most fatal dis-
ease in England, next consumption,
and then heart disease, pneumonia,
and scarlatina.
Lever's Y -Z (VVise llea.d) Disinfect-
ant Soap Powder la . better than
other powders, A8 it is both soap and
Paper gloves and stockings are now
made. When flished they closely
resemble wool in appearance.
Minarti's Llaiment Ewes DiDhlivr:'r.
They are trying 'very hard itt the
United States to make peoplc get
married by departmental edict,
though with what success as yeL one
does not know. One instance of this
lauclable design is reported from Des
Moines, in Iowa. In the chief post -
office a notice has been set up in-
forming all whora - it may concern
that '`in future 712 arried employes,
and more particularly those With
children, ,will receiVe :promotion soon-
er than those Nyho are -unmarried."
`The postmaster declares that the a-a-
nouncement 18 made on instructions
from the General Post Office at
Washington and in accordance with
the wishes of President leoeseeelt.
Op spare of the postage --stamps of
St. Kitts -Nevis the authorities have
depicted (101 11,14)115 geeing inten
through a big telescope. As a' Ma, 1-
ter of fact, teleseopes were eet in-
vented tell over 100 ;scare ater
umbus was born,
St Margarevs
College, Toronto.
Ro-opcnS-zspt. 12th,
4. 1-4:444F75 riliidential and
8010 r girls. Modern equipment.
Ni.celallsts of 4. 14.4' training an(1.
tho highest academie and proles-
onal standmg 18 every department
of work. Voe booklet apiiy to .1.1118.
pal; UE(41104.'2 IDICICSON, M.A„ Di-
rector (Into Principal Upper Canada
Dominion Lin nhips
rantlevirrkta Plate Servic0,74
5,4144-41(1 taloa na..te.tger, lertiltd lea TOCCOttlft40.4
dAion on inn soismier TAW 04 430 144
von (xi ,Or *42.4.1):1 to 3,411 lam 4414-21111 20
1AvrrPtA.4,I4.1044 CanitTiw gnotin wee013.00.
Ver eettice.a.e. imply leeta wale. er
DOMINION LIND 424.4-1141.114,
44. NiugSt. E. 'Jerome, 4.7111, $640464U141014 84., efetarcel
11 farms. rembertee 4 Son, Beal Es-
tate, Mammal mei lesurence Agents,
have for sale In this fruitful mei beau -
114444 eoutary, some carefully :elected
farms et rementalee prices. Sena ad-
dress and receive particulars. Pember-
ton 4 Son. 45 'Fort street. Vietorin.
D. (1., agents for feun Pim Oleo, :earth
British 4 :NV/ cautiio lnearance
Sun Life Aesurame The Anglicaa
Selma. of IL O.
Dyeing I Cleaning
54 -or the sori bostmerterour work to the
Leak ter meat 1r* rotor town, or rood ellroot.
Moritreitt,Toropto, Ottawa, Quebec.
• Works wen bati4 en
stitelm and In barns,
unloads all lauds el
hal, and grain elatoe
l000e twin aboavos..
Sondtoreatologmo to
4. T.BUCHANAN &CO., ingersoll,Ont.
...e. 4.4
Mrs. Stayathonitt—”I told my cook
the other evening to get thhigs mix-
ed for the cake I was going to
do it? she had Vome things n11 -'ed all
righ t. " Mrs, an d ab o tsicy—`1Ilmt
Were they? S t ayatii onte--' 'My
Ph'inardis Liniment Cures ilisterpiPr
Automatic machines, to be callect
"Everybody's Doctor," are to be
placed 111 the bonleVards and peinci-
pal thorottglifares of Brueeels. 11y
putting a penny in the slot one will
be able to obtain a remedy and also
the prescription for such ailments tee
sick headache, cold, lumbago, and
6 44'
AU.. L',.1 ;12. Ci
ISSUE NO 33- -04.