HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-18, Page 1THIRTY-SECOND J(EAR-'•-No, EXETER, ONT., CANADA., TRIMS') ZET1 ORIJNG, AUGUST lith L$04 ( a<z 444404a004a4404!44404444440 .44.**********..****+.:44 ''@ • 4 9 ti e :40�l� a� Towson 4. • af111116F8011'S D0111)16 + 116t1110 F01466 P111110 4 4 k0 , A This is the only um manufactured that has no leather suckers, and require no packing orjoints of any +GZ " p � packed of • kind. .eA▪ Always Primed Freezes v a We also handle all kinds of pumps, both For and Lift, Power and II'and rumps, 1 � ZINCS Iron a.rld Steel Enameled, Galvanized Steel Cast Iron Painted. HAWKINS SON 1#ensall Grand Bend 01 Ltehin g his ar In such a way as to 44444404444444+ deep ',,Yash 1n the nil/soles oft 4+�,r �. * ,lie n.r . ,i',.,, lett•'e' Nt --Mr, :Indy erre. 'tlount'oy, Miss Itis ftarc�;irtn. The twat:1m glut J#1 a,, f Sutherland, Notary Publio, Conveyan Doyle. M#,. Fled Brown and others lova; ltaclt" and yfr. Guenther 131 4':' cer,Commissioner FireInsurauce Agent aed e •t 1 • 9 1 laid which 1 we trust"' may. be ° ♦:•,�, Issureral 1wTaTiiage7�iceuses. LegaTdcoalilenta rc turna t tits 11o7nS!S 111 LOJI-) now aI up ,tw LLC i carefully drawn at reasonable rates, Money don, this week, a but for a. short time, 4•r ' teloau n read estate allow rat,esot iutereet, —Last Friday a pleasure boat from; Ena (itcnther. daugliscar (:E :ATI'. } 4 y p Ome az the Pose °Mee 7lennai 1sa,yfield .called at Grand flood, anallre#1,` Uucnt.her, 7.s at present 4., 4 —Miss. G. eforris n WAS in tile VII- . OM p1SWager.s wore conveyed tothe ° 'i . . 4 io 1 Wit li r13 n.. .1.. l lege during the past week visiting beach, In small boats to. pond ally 'vlaster Percy Paulin is ]tolida'•.- ° 4 ;" �0“ i UtO •s 4,Ai .1 relatives- afternoon in oar park ill,,; III Wdngr/tarn and Brussels- a !.. 04444.*****4.„ Joe. o ! --:Hiss el. Sloan, df Crumlin, for- , - A levee grow -d serif fired on tl ., i —Miss {;of , cf Linwood is visit%•° t '' 4 Rielly of "lenses', is Lore renewing Beech !tial: Saturda r morning r' t 1 ri3g at the hone of her uncle,: John 4': y a 1 ,., A ." face ct!lxere furniture caa be lar;rlr sed With SO fit a ;Lcqu:i711ttsltces. witness the water sports, `Cao^tz, ; e p I AI . rid '1 1•.: ,T. �. 7 O'Brien,O iilienor _\ 's 'A 1r. u I . cr tli Louis o s . oi. n1- money 3e Co o, —Mr. :.'aur t 5 1 � a� � heat lvlr. Hicks. 3 t our store?i r J# 1. a such -;s a o �-. +~ 1„ at p Exeter, aro visiting erre. O Ilrjcn s Miss Stonoznali tool,: �sp('cias t i tc rcizl liolel, w eairs ;i plclasani tin3ilcw 1 4 ;, � k.owvell, ;Al 4o parents, Mi and Mrs. A. McPlicr- parts in the Illusion' part. of they these days, since the Arrival of a , 4-t• We have an endless variety f 5 ♦ YQ son. scrri0es last laund'iy ];ass 411en, ' , y �� tl:iutiltter. ,� �, —Airs, (i)r.) (.`.iso aind children ,rain e , description i g of Lvrlden, lint ,cli(.tl ,1t G.3U Illi Ili ,cut omabilc is, ....en ,311n05t 4.,. l? n wi, llflc k is go at a Maas • ]cavo retulrned is Uungaiunoll, zfker rite dvexling. (a.ily gain' through: she village, and '!+' house-cleaning, time. p1easa#1t visit with the doctor's wee notice tIiit the horses never 4p • Ftic" 1iev, Brown n anti family', of . \lit a ihn 4 relatives, obeli. are s e 1 e' k - I I'ntte the right I t of nay. l n lana th.,ir 1 at1 • If gc#tl ase interested don't - Etsr 3linnic SlJcrf.sr, of'Toronto. Lass llcrc, 4 •4 lett 1 11 f To >`a s a n is• i bete spend- _erne : Scllorl chi:ldrdln are ;tg eln b ng a eouplb ai^ week's with r'43tZves gathered to tie it work 1.1111 MI s' Q and friends. (;uilningham in eb ten( , —Rev, Dr, r,Teldrunl and daughter iJose been visiting relatives and • 1 friends in 'Jensen and the 'Theines 3 o:11.1 (luring the past week or two. -..-Messrs. Henry Taylor and Me -.;tilt s' llttrliffe is rti'4ic:t Deontlil have the contract of the {41',',31.1 llcntl, briefs work of the Queen's hotel and—1A'il1 l#rou-n Ii:iti retxlrlicd t are doing rood work, while Air. G. Comet, 3 11ere,11:• has seeureil ,:L goo A1cI>ay, t13e wa•ell-1 amen stone mason intuition. 1 3uilt the splendid concrete tQunda- —Miss ;11ay'anc lion the Botel now restsupon. J. Peebles, of St. —The relatives and friends of; Mies Sunday with Mrs. 'J. Elizabeth Reith were pained to learn through a telegram, of her Pe3•y sudden (faith. no deceased w ..s wa. well I I and favorably kQi here for her : many excellent dualities. She' left here att e e • a. ll 1 over year a ago and Miss Marsha to g .1 her w• Jtl1 her mot her f • 3er Q1 thejr school ddlti"s nliipcg, who predeceased 1Ler on- --ifisa Atinic'aJie ly a, few months ago, At the, : time hon teoit: in the t ne3#rs Qf her deaf h she was visitiut;l)r, and Iasi week. vert. of Battle Creek, AIic13 —;Airy;. tial Mr, Jas hough not constitutionally visiting at Toronto. , had stained considerably in •Mrs, Mossitl and since guests lea 'x here, 3e1 R the( 1 o h r, , t lC• . g Ella. of <\d C; er y sudden (teeth has cast i 11 1(1 coli glclom aver the com#nuuity. -m t4irs33„ ie remains weree b1 uer i. here for interment. The services a3 the 1len- s:ill Union cemetery was conducted by Rev, E. F. McL.'Smith, of Carmel church, of which church the de- ceased had been a consistent mem- ber. 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 tr444.4444444444.4404. 444444444444444444 umrner Summer x ltl, Sof �. . elegant ll An 1Stuitings and Tlous- eriugs. We do good Tailoring. It is 0111 pleasur'e to please you. Good Cutting and Zin ; *tch'n " Co. Qd Sewing llndl ,�t3 # (t r Good. Linings unci tow. W Taman.. 149erciiiarlt Te,9IKsr. 14444444444444444444444444 Baby Carriages Pantings We have a nice `assortment of the amous: Belwarp Cloths, it will make you nice pair of summer trousers, sand they are the bestgaodsobtainable made only from specially prepared yarns of selected inure wool, gitaran- . teefl to stand sunill:any climate. Cane in and em see Ln We also give a $150() Accident and Disease Policy, good for one year with. the Ontario ,Accident Insurance Co. of Toronto, with every order amount- ing to 810 or over. We will close our shop at d o'clock except Wednesdays and Saturdays during Juno, Julyand August. The Prince of Wales Carriages and Go -Carts are always in it 1 dor style and finish. a nicely as- rorted stock Just arrived. Bicycles JOINS Merchant Tailor NOTICE Constantly on hand at Ex eter and Centralia the Best Weare again showing the cele- l Cement in Canada. v braked Cleveland Bicycles which , . .ate the best value in the market I I A a the move National r „o -day for y Repairing Bring in yone old wheel and have it repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, PRICES MODERATE S. Martin. A44i44.444444444444*4444 Anderson s: (VSQQ a#3111 Ia 'yap, spell ader;en, —1.1S3¢s and Mr, 1.?. Vie er, Mies ad Tr. ( olthoJt and i\tr. Clarke, of \vinohclS'3, visited Sunda} with 1 Hewitt. 1 : 1 n 1 piss L. Brown, 'cif { #.Inthurst, have resumed all n fayln(1 Robert., ion (fl Niagara ;3 tighter as - i on, •'.Etat i isle Alice Arthur, of IAEedin, is q cy^,aicli. her ti3stcer. Edith Arthur. Mrs. llabt its and two little den - •s, of St. .Mar •s are the guests, 1 fi Jas. alk.s . • 4 .4" 1 ^at tabor 4.` WEowe & Atkle n ons WANT ( White, o titsr•.i foo _ J f t ,.. �lt�°sts atf Miss Lulea ATe- s 4.;k YQ�� K TRA,L r z'lure nous! (1I lalitin(" T1Alts nUW lreez3d, 4 t 1 e 'a 1 is .t disdan,>uisll (l ,� At3.i! it Pi ieca;,� ttrzeCy and gaa(3tity count f. ur f t'tl caU lYlic3lranee to o.,r humble village., 4.', "i34kettakera.`t�icl Funeral Dire ],i 11c;idqua3rtnrs of thaw telephone es, ft: nal lie i:3 tip, store of B. "AC, O ;. —What might have lirovo'1 a 4 +44.4444.4* s(i sou i eccideni occurred, last week, s arlitrlA: Miss Ella Monteith. Mr, Clias, �So33teith, and Mr. and Mrs. J. At -iso , lison, where returning from Loon ui on gun it after visiting Mr. and Airs. Andrew i Campbell, of -that s 1 I41 e :1 „Iwo Ja1e^ac' 'Ili and Mri*. Allison were in one I, eoune t was hexa war" u�;ry end ::s Ulcer were Friday. Auglast in 1L(3m(. the horso unexpectedly building of a rt3 eel: fright. It cleared the tlitcli on the. bounit:ir 3 aind running ,against a tree freed' „ma °Turrti.erz'•, Itself from the, ling1-1Y- Mis5 .*Ton- claias for >;l:ilrt3'ig...� 1(33 11 3't'Goivb'71 a cut Hitler ber ey'e, 1lartnila7111v?ir(xlig4lrogsl'itrt4 caf '1he 1 u;rl, v twirl 1aaraicss av t hroben Teet;iv33tl to .. ci,l3sL31(3 111' est('1i9, 1\ a arc: eel 341'11 ! r+ sled tQ revert' nt that l` s . E xt citl Jicra i u, Alt ie 14wie f4eeina, from injuries re - a 1i ,• present. 3r .44+4,411,4 11 vitt --Rev. W. ' 1T ;r IJ visiting\ at the \ (i Louis, 1.t i. is, J1 s week. e lt. 1Trs. D, Bentley, and daughter,o. 3 Exeter, i'3 'pending a few days o. this week with friends in this vion it y. \ Coop : s r 1 .r i a e r 1 ltl's Fair, at ,'t; Thames Road —The enniversary services of the Betlemy Methodist church will be held on Sundny and Monday. Aug. 28th and 29th, The Rev. S. Ander- son, of Kirkton, will take both ser- vices on Sunday et 11 a. m., and 7 p. me Collection at both services. On Monday the usual tea will be served in the basement of the church from 5.30 to 8 p. an. 'A good programme will be , rendered. Addresses will be rendered by r R Rs Fletcher, lho, an e ec r d Godwin, interspersed ed v1t1 readings by Miss Godwin, oExeter.Music by iiensall (quartette. Woodham School has started again. --The oast crop is nearly all cut n. t Iii vicinity: ie grain is - well filled in this section. ' have returned home after spending —Prank Carr has gone to London, three weeks camping at . the Bend, where he has secured a position in -Mr. T. Michie, who has leen en e' W h Geo.Co,,r, blacksmith t x u C works. r. White a rb.s. c a n With 14 , d Cd at :1 bia 1,. 1t h \ h I eta 1 resigned —Mr. Eaton has engaged with 'Aion7a, Hodgins. haat res2f,ned alis 'Messrs. Wynn & Mills to haul SOW 1'osition and left town. logs from Mr, Joe Creery's. Mr;. Wm. Snyder, • and grand,- -Mr. Adam St. John and Guilford cliiltlit/ -'f I ancarebnca, tire epend- Copeland gook itt the excursion to ' lug a fG i •-oaks visitingfriends in the, rails on `i'hurstlii last. � v'lI.l'*� i 1 Tl and Mr john Stephen els- ' tcd fxitnds in Nia cru, last week. Miss Pearl Beefy; of Hensel], 1 J'itinl her (cousin Violet Welke. Crediton —Miss Dora \1".ientzel f z tends in 'Zurich. —Mr. and Mrs. Henderson , it s t ran 3 n. visiting fri('nd, a . Tl alto Sweet, ;f l)et Detroit, is -.1113ss Mercy o , visiting her father, Mr. Sweet. -Mr. arid Mrs. E. Short Spent Sunday with friends in Exeter. —Mr. 13. Bertrand, of Detroit, 1s visiting Itis, 'politer, Mrs. Bertrand. —The Methodist church .choir visit 133 t: tAxsy' A; ftid• lw ".i rclter spent t c1 •, s •3 a' a s s e a i. #rt1 w ti3fi#Id i#x�n 1 i, —Mise tithe Johnston is vieitir 11111 frit- in Clinton at present. • :Miss Dora Winrzel, of Crediton, visiting 431 \1r. C. 1':ithcr'e this week. — Mr. Stf*:,1, cal 01 \ e o t 13 , C. 7:i3u#n rni (et line, —Miss L lur3i Bert t1on, i.3 the guest cf R Doan. ,13111 i Qi 3, Mr S. 1. lardy, Jennie, spent Vi3d33 wit13 frieniIS 0) the vilIeg'e, —Micari Ni vas (lrtil returned e a tscei.s pleasant Manic after 1 I Y is ore J S I ## F.O, ra of the (10.,1 vetteof 1 1- vette, Lon - e• friend, 'Mies e. i. Chapped Ii.n a o ft Skin tveyi Cream t is the finest peeper: 2;n s.' rough scan, smart tit#I!, flash fraiiit s`.w et►ged _ es skin a31wont . it 1 de. riutliiing, clotting. rotten - ling, anti is f ask the toilet =all :u4 Winte , 'k10 can. aver 1xe1Ta lilting it,, ;af k for free cam*, i' f' n td'3 r \a 1 ort f & m 31,35 3ea4 3"e1aaaim 30 1339x11033 Goa st 1C to 171 er , a Ik 3 a ala � r .v :� lto cootie! biro county to as antll� r 1, alJj ,i'1#i* arae c°ala*«�11 031.3 a t: 7 r t 1• T A !+. t t. l p . w ,TQvc(1 by .lr, (,a3t(latl and ,.,,r3, l`c#,;uson, abet in the event of Kiri is J -'•sued by the 3 otvushiI3 o1 :eel - i against Dist ' this count'P 1 less 1, f(a a. - a us t..ttl 11,>,, a: liolit :;t Par; <\itr ,•„3. t 5i*ring, we retain the; service r '2A^TCS43 c, Watson end (ialrr(1.w JI(1 Ode County 1entinl+t such et - i 1 ion,—C.lrried. .e •. . Moved by tl(• . r, . ., p.rckatl:eli Mr., 2 w i � tint r Connolly h t ir. lw� x beA C 1)w dau•rhter led to interview the Hunter blirl Co., of Kincardine: 1'3'31si+ling risco bridge, eont reel wish this eausliy.—I Carried . lvfessrs, ttl;nln ,:n and 1 t . 1;i p' awaited 3323 the C(il#3 ell to ens ( ( l,ti#i1 of Mr. Hornier Tyr to,c. Horse tlirougli defcctiv' bvidgt'. '.1114 o platter I1':1-8 finally r-3'ttied by lt in�• 'Mr. Bartnel *`275 in (till of ciai3'*. elovcd Iry MI. Kerr, s,'conded 1;r ".1t•. 033ntelo3J, !hast tenders b, aick- l • €:d�lin Ca_sa eta for the z'e•huiitlin;; 331 Zetland � �✓ bridge, wsit1t ,tc7'I superstructure, with concrete alputinent5 to 1,0 opened by the ......1 and brial>_P,, r(:13i-' ,1 0 leas visa down emit. picniccd at Grand "Bend, yestel•day. —The Misses ;>hoenealcer, Mi•, C. Kuhn and thtughters aro : lie, are the guests of th enjoying the 1:tic,e freezes :1t Grand' Minnie, at present. --Miss E. Ziutnterinan, o —"NH's. C. Beaver ,bas returned home after visiting f2'i.'I.u14 in Dash- wood. —Miss late %wicker, of London, is visiting her brother, , Mr. ('Heti. • /,,cviahcJ•. Y f w 11e —Mrs. of it t,t o.L 5cberin k Ti, . J) f 1u >, . is visiting her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. G. Iil'own. —111rs. 0. liodgins, of Detroit is visiting her husband'.; paarents, 3513•. Mrs. J. Hodgins. �« —Air. and Mrs. F. CI irke, 0.1 Grab - ton, sprzlt Sunday with Mrs. Clark', parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis: Mr. and Mrs. 13luett and family 1•33 Ythe I a —Miss Venda Fathering -ham left -The ninny friends of Mr., :Thos. moll h t ,t 1' ' i 1 t t tt d h 1 h ] b th Richville Mich., arrived Thursday Prices low„ the funeral of evening to attend suit 1 ilcr- i1l' isses Dakota, s %feiting at. her home on the (10411- en line for n fete weeks. —Mr. Chester. Stoinbaell, Who has been visiting at his lzonle here re- turneti to ',Waterloo, on Monday. Murdock, f Hensel; t Misses o 12". 7v h w a " last week it s days 0 eIa •i few 1 .1 7 f �3 their :inter, Mrs. (I)r.) Campbell. miss Ida Sipple, returned f o �g 9 r spending Dr � rd� it r • • ti after D est oil Sat v I s here. s milli, her • rent, h x . fee i2 wa it i .i a , zraont I1 Mr. Martin Cable, of J30rlin, is visiting his sister,°Mrs. . Joseph 3 trio, who still continues very HI 11r, and Mrs. 3. Terrance, of Clinton, were in the village oat Fri- day attending the funeral of Mrs. 1). Steinbach. —Mrs. Yaeger, of Berlin, who has .been visiting t11a. hast week` at for Rev. Yaeger's Lift tial Friday here house, —Misses Mable and Jennie Hardy and Miss Jennie Ge4balt, of Water 103 spent: Tu.'sdey a Ii'I- Wedo': slay in town W'IiJI friends. —Dr. and Mrs. Steinbach of everybody. H EY'S DRUG STORE Glee South. r Door d 1.3 P P,.#...t; i;? t o (Mee (. C WEN', N'', P1i Y .� n rn 1 3aa3 Option, fiC 3 p RY S ! ;1 EAD A D Tu 01tls T, right. ui end to end—there is Hess, het.lthfullne'.s in the sl tt. 3. is wok, lad'r4 , d,; art IA the u11il:ing-- a ue in the baking, ,.-. waken rile perfection that snakes aur bread the equal of the best that was over z3#ade. Specialty Tr Statha s Tea Cream 1, n - m a and ,• is 't. n C(1i1 mittee end rQ33t J ac ]t n 1 t , tlitioll that fiati:'iaefOSv Ofi/3N .ria made and proper securities pre,(•31t- ed, The work to be dons this 1'1111 ry 11 ..a .1 a 1pl i 1 , Moved by Mr. McNtinghton, eec- onded by Mr. Spackman, that the e tenders ;or Black Creel: bridge be opened 1,y road and bridge commit- tee, and contract let for the con- struction 118 50013 115 1.095illIe,—Ca2''- ried. —Mr. and Mrs, Tames leave, of Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded 'io 1 iddullh, spent. •Ith last in Detroit. 1O1 Connelly, that the contractor —\Tr. Robert 13cviu ton of Len- t , r i concrete abut - don, for th o t s w days last wrce Izlents that are now, beim, tendered the .Dent a t.,, las W. 1 e 1: for in this county, .said Gantr•acitr the guest. at :lir. \ti•, Z\... Revin�ton, 1 —On hearing of the departure of or contractors furnisah security 1,‘•our esteemed tcwvmman, Mi Moons - 10 cheque. to Ow (1101amount �, field, number f his alb friends. 10 per cent'„ of ill. contract fare; f L . , a to o =