Exeter Times, 1904-8-11, Page 71 ABSOLUTE ECURITY1 Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must gear Signature of See Pec-Shelle Wraeper Below. Teri 1123201 a4egsy to take 3s mom CARTER:8 2: gtrirSt 'Trim FOR RILIOUSSESt, IVER FOR TORPID LIVER, pi us. FOR CORSTiPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIS. FOR THECOMPLESION cunr $ SADA Is a purely vegetable System Renovator, Blood Purifier and A medicine that acts directly at the same time on the Stomach, Liver, Bowels "and Blood. It cure 4 Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Constipation, Pimples, Ileact• ache, Salt Rheum, Running Sores, Indigestion, Erysipelas, Cancer, Shingles, Ringworm or any disease ItrIsIng from an impoverished or impure condition of the blood. For gale by ali Druggist*. THAT'S THE SPOT! Right in the small of the back. Do you over get a pain there? If so. do you !know what it tneana? It is a Lackache. A sure sign of Kidney Trouble. Don't neglect it. Stop it in time. If you don't, serious Kidney Troublcs are sure to follow. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS cure Backache, Lame Back, D'abetes, Dropsy and all Kidney and 13Iadder 'Troubles. Pao 500, a box or 3 for $1.25, oII dealers. DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO.., Toronto. Ont. IM OF (10I-.111Ni8 FBff Reason the Bad Element Predorainates in Many of Our. Cities. (Entered occordieg toAct of the Par. arehy, whieh, wifen developed« be- lianler" °I Cana"' le the Ye" L418 s atical anareby Thousand Nino flundred and 1.-orr. 1 °e' I nd poli NNge, llaily« of Toronto, at tha and is ,subversive of e'Veq QM 0 /ienartment of Agriculture, ii)ttaw.t. )eivLgovennuent. When under the desp4tchozu Las Angeles says: temehing a that great infidel Vol - Rev, Prank Pe Witt Talmage preach-Eta/reth ehUrebes Pavisetc's- ed from the following text :---dUdges'!eroee di)and p4011Arselpatteddressuepaoni.ng,grleldg aeu P4 14, "Tizen said all the trees un the bramble, Come, thou, and z'elgtn..,thm-tn.7411,c4111:0ierdsh4tipbpeQldlt: .ttlrienFrle enteih cape ae over us." ;"reign of terror" was at band, fa 111°U3 rn 1)1(' " fable °I Wiletic'were the bullets of the slayer - .loWurt wg S t ' • • r ••• • appears he looks like beautiful god, instead of like a devil. His hair is a cluster of itiscious grapes, rich as those of Eshcol, which the spies carried back from tbe proznised land to the Hebrew encampment. His cheek has not upon it the pale look of a corpse, but it is flushed with what loOks like the redness of health. He comes to us ItOt as a pauper. In his pocket he jingles the coin of his taxes as he says: "You cannot, you dare not, do without me. I am King Alcohol. There is not a poli- tical convention all this land ex - TIP' S. SIESSO Nit INTERNATIONAL LESSON, AUG. 14, --- Text of the Lesson, I. Kings 1-16. Golden Text L Kings xviii., 12« In our stuci,v of the life of Elijah W0 must ever see him as a man. God, standing before, God, hearin cePt one that has flared hurl a de- NirChOerd"Oir of f4 C111 idea4rVg bspealza t: - fiance at my sceptre. My rtuev ing, so we see hint doing Just what evil to be the saloon, but nede God told bele iinhesitatingly. A man' throne will yet bo built under the of God ie a Clod controlled men. great dome in the rotunda of our whelly M the band eie God, tbat God 'national capitol. I shall yet be may be glorified in hint. We left Elijah publiely recogniZed as King in Am- in our leet lesson tbe borne of the erican politics as ant everywhere in widow a Sarepta, the tbree inmates secret recognized as King Alcohol of the borne witnessing day by day now," the miracle of the con:dant increase EvILS Leopeemoyeseuee;s... of the rueet and oil according, to the I would like, sr thero had been w°i'd or the' Lord" The incident of the death and re- isthuirnicoselt‘a_lootv,111).,:kst ot:ehottitthuelottirlsi.icLio, :.Nnv:osalivt.soboi utatorlAil and tliot the word of the Lord in ways than one., roc ,a convention of Garfield and of the slayer of Wil- otigeer eiZtlingliPfteovilliatVietr:arjaelng.°f of trees it. had e perfect topographic„LZ iMilesKeiLt Ifielline°8,1dee‘Par flArelltaritleCei hind And bidding f(u. kirigshiP,, I al- tius setting. On the southern side this ennetts valley is Blighty maen°t,f taf obostiettteyoput 10111.1°0T tnthorla,tl,nohilter.of licliennotwieustaluesst taint. On the oorther% side hoaryths headed ereunt Ebel juts Its see...value:1i ienlreeth.ist.17uhrothe‘rvinesorneo, ty:ttt lazos'- people wilt Mt their imeds ebalitemei,Vhhowillfg ttrituatth'the eLl°07dd(;%)hde horror as speak and say. "Why. oi Elijah coulee not, °nee* tofu:redoes- wri14:led 1°°•"!' 7he'9° tw° mcsun- studio.' the nistory of a. stable form titere is no clanger like that threat- )y sustain life, but also give life to ins as sounding boards tossed th.e."„,. „awe., oing voices of the cheering tele- "' 111 govermnent which. did not ening est" Yes, there i, any s the dead. what an honor to be a , Dunlop Ideal Horseshoe Pad For Salo 4ttji Illackszoith Put new legs CM yOur horse Aso the thump ,a the hoof against tho hard ground and protoct the 1rog and sole. Good ror navicular diseasefit'foke thei horse sound In the feet -glve liJm a longer Working life, The DUNI401TIRE CO., Limited, Toronto, Ontario 1:566**°41/4°I's°4b4411"Les4" TH010BrAtiPi IN Nther s t bl4aelr?,y,StIif.ee4lrittiar le OnetShebeineg.o ter especially", prone to bowel troubles induced! be" 0 ,food and a higli temperaVere. Dr. HOME f -et iv ns elle lenge to en over-,' friends, When en lioneet inan liel.repreeentative of such a God and to l! ates backward and,' forward. evea!! gg peelt!)-,:e-d'en'ceg heel" °Aye its eheeted to the niginet executive be in'eeeteletant and coescieur, toure.t. 1 iiTyttebp potilw4e.or‘feutik , _inne-e to nit earthly reiet,„ armee :.0enee of a, coo bw. finds ont, meth to:41th Him, Rs Einjub ivast blow. of two bu.tti,000rs. The son ehy in its resistaece of God alwaes surpriee, he emenot shut up tiro, bro-i According. to the sietitee •e OW gurgling wit tore of many t°"e° ta 41114°111ilmn°1'4/ "ils c'r 4.1i'nc‘• ',through alaes (Luke iv. 25; `3 air 1:r41:111111,sinfejiiiri,lczantz,.;tbis tertuftInnol‘.wiltitefinnIs's:111;f1 1.4110a11:.(4.y-collyrtaUwwiht-herevie(,0,"1"Inc:::.el.,it s dre 1.) ..112.2h spent three 4111d a elf • e** years by the ltrook anti In tne eoldiere tee an ices treble to win votes for 'their 'ago unte`l atiu'istic !its Well lb° "ters nt the Polls' hack born. r I el S .rAt, "n the • that woo; awl 1.441„. eltinuetew 411114111 means anar1.81 chy in resise tlrels as he would. k 11 1 n. cannot stop mond theouee Lord Joit.15 „ , f • A ,1111 le ap 1,11(' • itecinee for the Kitchen. 0 I IlYgdene *1;4 Othtr Notes 4, fur tho housekeeper. , 11 00900i4,113nesactell04 l'I.:STED RECIPES. uJ eri..a.M."•":MAL:0 a plain boiled and ethii.). with ono•Italf q. grenuloteil gelatine. Willett oftened in a, cup a water.. fourth a pottml of Mal -1 tnacaroart crumbs, end briond eXtract. :4/et on o ape., 44 CoAttec offers a Ifttle advice that t lethy (dwelt' never he weaned in treater if it can be ovoided, as the el age of food inivariably occasione disi urbances of tbe dige.stion. The halo- should 141, sponged by 11 U( hot %leather. If the ten is allowed to. reenran on rienly heat and el -en eezet evelop. edethe the babe too warm.. Tho sitmlid soft. loose, It the hands and leo, the baby de warm. , dishonest odic -leis in latter 11 Kings ;evil, Ion eow the chopped olitionds. ANOlite Teetell, in PcoPhee3". 'feu developed poisiinoue results Sar iillguefqi to oilow thew- e -II ree et - ereani, sprinkled with. . VAW "41 11 the trees of the °Mile clap • 1 100 1'11108. Like ,osD None word of the I.oed that eent hint their bends." Jotbano lu iotirF° tw°,2: ''Irnll172."); ‘,„ eite to edist• have sitnIner Only th4!! to his biding places comes to him" b trees. as eotwention deice '11131Pre "wo -' sober to -d13 wbeil I lum• wfirraml ;t -On With t t10 message, "Go, ebew thyself . Wil 11 1.11AVitlg bonds, Timeline" l'Ll'"beisill and allareyd in their tail- that bramble atheism, bramble gold. I unto Ahab, and 1 will .send rain UP'. V. laving lips and epareeing eyee7, ;Mate Weaning 5111"1"1 n"" 140 sieNtrI ttuble alcoholism and bramble 11- on tbe earth" feniii, 11; and oboe Their rustle WAS to Mtn (Articulate ,ated. This wos the editddia I ount m.(1044811065, the four great evil ;dient Elijah 'went to show bbuself speech. Their brancbes were out- ,eheleetlIfete „r°11,tec'elishe8tileei:te''' .74„'1•,1.,1eL5 %,a.hlus,r, terms ei the would be bramble king, to Ahab. 11011011 JOEPPh WAS to4d! idled arms. Their eanies were il "'"''''''''' • " v inflill :' 'in "i• "ri:-.i)T-. are trying to take possession of our ' to take Mary and the child Jewel erdly had this great convention fruit only' when manured with the of trees steseMbled in the valley of ' 1 tterielies us that A man has a revolt,. 1 brought him word When it nefs Gule Shethern to select n hing than it be- bonen of fat usurers. luso ent des- , sih.,, pots, perfidious politicians and black., to,i .v o 105Q NV 10 ft a . nth oven^ im ) 111 0 ...t141.0 g;:' ,.` , 411 ( t ti 1 11 r -,. f * 1 1 1, 1 ' E lint 0 1 -as .earne self evident that the great ma- legs gerwril I ty. I( figlia i t Or 9 OppreSS 1111T1 An well us to those undee him. i manoglog: 00E'llt/ had Qu'3 to 4.410:; ' jollity oil the delegates were redy to you. p an i tie 111 oi, 01then g - I t • I: • it f • • bu By this statement ma 1 here to ten (Matt. 11. 13. -On, 1 uujoeety ferkill, dlet us Wes; also tire low and lay them you or ta vo e. ii. mil urnmg rom . a momen robols to hint of honor and truth ,F°YerliMe"r'' .g t „S t American liberties and throttle out anfl go tioun to Egypt, the command of (I-51 I d' f • . I rile enkv ren1Q11 far l‘ir°11r.S " tbeig. NritS, "lie thou there until 1 bring bery. The tree of liberty bears „ -Trois Jothatrt a fable or parable, the word."' awl the `Wine nlessea5er statopefled for tfrfe tree, '"Vonte,..'" d fwhomt T f Flijah for malde the olive tree our king!" To out. It Sbylocks of the bloody city vale speak to 'I !1St ZO; that VA. learn that Ahab had tot ruler Jotham ouvc, iros the symbol, lieeCe yam, make their homes de.s- great raan Ar.drew lison said to his bowie a God feerIng man rattle( ngth nod wealth fold power elate, studs the seience of death. that great f1rt ore stet maiL Inclined ;Obadiah. eta. aft Ids Mille, inkplit'S \steel as henna,. nat. thA yen hellets, steel, meiinite, I:ere...etre, Thompson of Indiana, %Or(n A .vritaugil S*. *21 of Jehovah). wrwed the , 4IOO 14044141 r """? phosphortis, lire sticks, torpedoes, boy he went with his fallow to call Lord in tliat 2 +1:t(,)ent tle)ereVellt:0).1"1 lithotractear, poison. Westing pow- upon the president. Aftz.r a short tng os of doseph in l';gyPt JAM - the trees. The)) this ritvat, enliven. der, bombshells -any weapon you can 'conversation itichard Thotop-am's fa- iel 1U11114111 wad sUggesting to 00 tion wanted to eleet the fig tree get hold of. Also you must steal liter turml and said: "Mr, piedmont, that it is poseible to fi.rerve tbe Lord long. The delegates next odered the , like Seattnns think like heroes ondirny son Dick ie not of nay political under auy circumstances in which He nom na ton or ru ers 1 p to the vine, whove rieh blood had made the vino- gsaitTailint Iu/sieseTn1011,1; ;1:,1111eDitsrt`lvT,eill utitir) 41g" 41st you ip the ne\t, electionl About the thne that the Lord cent tion Ilan et the ,Ammeen people, Ilexit:etriiattlt obifs:up,AbIrna,idayiesgtht11:11.4 sioonl; 4'01(1 Elijah eo rated Ahab both Altai) and 1 e fight this fne miscalled "1-cen' elf and let your conScissm'e be thought" ns you %venni fight death. Drive God awoy from your land, aml you Wind over tills government to be t- r s II Be like hell." Suit Is the full faith. 1 feat, he is going to vote 'Way Permit us to he Placed. *yards of Sheclunn femous, But the mettle )2red,,,,,, if 1, e eie„, ; lig tree And the' Vine both refilRed the Ineei joetnhe„„c,onzeelni: neirtleneetie;aelt.oirnod Aolttalttlinirtitnn7.' scepter of the forest. "L'ILE B.1.1) EL,E1111:NTS GOT CON- other way by hiMself tveree (1). to gulde " So in tile COnting elot:tion save the ho* nttit MAPS tiliVe. I say to you. "As a man' Bilitth Mtn Obadiah and fetid to him, think for yourself and lot your con.. "dio thy Lord. Elijah is seioure he year guide." Ilet bei 'f' 11M" tvern( 8). Obadiah replied ter. in the ItOnte or on the tercel, and Met It was as moth ((s his lire wee 1 NV5S tO show n dtmger which ruenuced ' '' 1111 e.: • 1 • 1 I " ' . lirnive enough to risk, the vengeance oi cae n i t But in this Jothron parable, .after the olive and the Ilg and vino had he 4041,2 4.1114114 .04„rolivo. tho .v,port all refused the scepter, the worst e1e- oe nihilists, Tho„ you ,sp lot forte, ments got coati%) of the convention the death town, to an oilier and to t ,1 arch i‘v s hall. Then these had elements seed oeue neelie worth to do euch tieing, inasmuch the proteetion of life and property. 1 e „, as Alio) bad caused eeeren to be busieess ,vour ineseinn nusiness. see if thee could find wator andtrass to melt other : 1)5 1101111Aille king after our own spirit. :[,et us riair'l - - • • I d he n oath of eVerv kumiloni OF WE:AI...TIT waYs make your duty IQ your 'tete. made ter • make the curse of the field our hing. But t a• everywhere and Hall. bramble! King Bramble: Heil, convention hall or •,T 01 otitnnfs vision bramble, our future ruler!" Ivo see the bramble being advocated Jothant'e pur rose 11 1 • 1 t to yOtte state. to yoite eation, your la ta " t I. an (bite . Then the greiit Obadiah feared the 1.0rd and was tive lend fron id • 1 " ' • I I th ie• itild riot tienger•s wbieh threaten tide, our rat- thld him (i.erses 9-1'1)* AltilQugit AS leing by another powerful fAction • his owit cou t d 1 .• It is composed of the woreeipers of Wel peen e and its kind will „ , tehe "eel love a wealth. When the members ot t . Tir country all 1 Inerogli it* history. faxtion him:Ire:1 of tele Lord s prophets by here bave been In 1.11 rise to make their imminat- fil° fig and 'the vine will he heading e past, as there are todiey, men who eonspire to get fag sPeerbes we see that the speak,- tha knee .3n national worship nt the hiding them in caves et the time Orenge Omdlet---Beat the yolles enven (leers watt Nar7pootte(41 powdered bligar, whip the whites to etiff froth. and pour over then% the Mixture. Stir very lightly. addieg', the juice- and rind of a large orange Brown In butter. set in a hot oven two mietites,, fold, sprinkle will powdered sugar and serve at once Two so Ake for luncheon. Itaked Caramel euetorde-Stir one fourth of a cup of sugar in a aauce- pan until a light brown, add ' tablespoen of water and stile in pint Beat °our e 1 -(dd to the sugar, lided Eggs. --Beet smooth a eup wofithreoante41 tet&teenbe,c.‘ifie.:r 1414kt :tos7rSetaQd On the bOttOtal of a badteng dish, breok on top as many whole eggs 311 you require. and set in the Oren a few eehmtee. Be eareful not to epoid the shape of the egg* and r move front OP oven as soon as the are set. An egg• a cheese dish Is made in this wav• Put one cup or rich milk . • into a pan, thicken wale a. table- spoon of flour, season with butter, Sett and eayenne, and add three lab- lespoonWls of grated Parmesan ebeeec. Ileat Three eggs until *very llght, and add when the mixture it nearly cold. Beke in paper eases, or ram:1101ns. A Ake luntheon (11sIr is prepared as follows : Take some told, mashed 'power's, and shape into triton -den. brown in butter. Poach os many eggs as you have triangles and verve an egg on oath. Pop-•ovors, ono of tbe nicest hot breads for breakfast, for the chime- teristie which gave them their moue &needs up t • * " tre made as follows Stir together one pint of milk end elle-half d flour, add a pinch of ;exit mut five egg's wen beaten", but 1101. separated. 'Bake in gent Pens in (pick own. If 011 ilnd it convenient they may be vowed hot with liquid lemon sauce, as a dessert. Potato Chowelea-When Potatoes are old and of poor quality a good way to utilize them is in a chowder. Pare six large one; cut them in inch ociticeh,oisno,:k incuctolodr Inc•thi toepr fnenre aa (4412 1n qunr- ter of a pound of fat ham Or bacon, axid one large onion. Put them in he kettle, cookie- slowly until light- olorecl. Add die drained potatoes nd a pint of boiling water, one-half u o salt, and one - 11 Zlitt:10 et. t ive u, 41111:1, the *arrimea have plenty 01 ' drink' between er, especially 1 The food filund ' ed water or rI the Play diarrhom is d ter is made bv s nful of nee thre..1 hears. quiet and feet ' f, kept Nvorni. the 44. trenttle tho (Ned • 144) given The b.11, pure, coot r gs in, h • 11bus, oarrif diluted, or h sliould tater food until tho rol. itice wa- one table - quart of we - holey ukl the stieh 4"•', onFes which the most tarot' doctor's diree- sho ShOtt be all Matey c berome 4.100, Manager:1 ""Iliere is tarl(e(1 goo tIon (due to riinea pun 'that hos such a, pan the exhaus- at famed summer d air. The ob- seming,; mother has -noted how with baby gets better on rood (laNs end worse on hot (lase. Tap tont- eiq. cleanest OW in the 11011E0 FihnuId be found for the belie-. /t Ountid. be kept in the open oir, in the '1 shade_ as much as possible zma, may the Fa ne Caro owl treat !Trent. the Control of the teal 2)„,.tees 12, 0), era* teeth are all of gold, and their foot of the cross. that she attempted to kill them all„ 4 der tliat they linty nominate men yet he feared death, for uote his arms ore of gold, and theit• hair is of gold, aed their legs to•e of gold th: eefold, "'Ile will slay 11W'' (verses , utterly unfit for the high (ace of • ; fe, 14):1 Ilut this is not strange the presidency oi the United Stat(s, Tlwir fingers are or gold. though t XPI...0REItIs moNuATENT. t 22, or Abrainun asked Sarali to lie, litank God, they have not succeeded Gine' lia• a gold ri da upoe those yet, for the inen \vim have been nom- fingers. 5'heir neeks also are 04. 1,01(1 Suggetion to Erect Conunon Mem- tn,0112,1,21121,21,°, 1.1tihneTriltrwela'astiona°sleitli42:1111011r111 (e.,00a112; Mated by the verities parties are though the collars around those orial in London. ''' !Men of high character and sterling neelis are of pure gold. Their feet The last of th . t 1,3 024.2 ex- tiat,tt he might be slain., ' worth. ,But we, need to be on our are of gold, though the shoes which guard against the conspirators, who eOver those feet are not made of * o ei s o ft leau !h 41. inige sil ,,Ckl 0 -0:10s11 oeYdtitT-sa &Matt ,I.:11-1ei,illetiWCtohat411:M rie-n & A from among lis. the question has will will eever cease their efforts to leather, bet of gold. By the old win that greett ita•ize. Let us iden- Romen law a man could not vote waled to us conmning the gain been asked whether it would not be a fitting thing to re iSe a memorial ti1.1,a2t-td,(211:ttli; 118. t(?01.1.,11V".,,b(i.11)7170. 1114- w.-. tify them, a we may sedulously unless he was a property owner and 1 . to t Jew intre id mos. • • s ' `V, ' t guard against their insidious at' his property was valued, I believe, Mungo Parrc, Livingstone, Grant. (lie before Jesus Christ died. and taclie Now, for my. part, while I hold ey. To -clay. there is a tendency not at something iiice se2e0o in our mon- Burton, Baker, Stairliy-these are rose again that it. has been Niece. ea eames worthy to tette a place alon II • t f it mute the :same to tie_ bele. 2 o t th t d • g much to restrict tlie VOtO in presi- • de eaptives whom e se lee, ac- 0 eird of a teaspoonful of pepper; • to be taught in a stete institution, dentia l elections to side the other "great dead" %Ono are cording to Eph. nte. S, may have t I contend that no young man is pro - the Pr-ePertSt handed down in bronze, to succeed- 43 005 of the end Teeta-, g c or c n )e n uenee 3, le made fa ili • fth tile Bibl W"44'. as to those who either own ing generations. een . ment days, who until the resurrec- c perly educated who bas not been °it a 1 i d b tl religious tied morel. principles. I prospect of gettiag gold. claim that as educated TACO and we, Do you profess to. believe that men it is just as important to know gold -yellow gold -as a would be who were Moses and Joshua and bramble king, is not trying to get David as who were Shakespeare and possession of this government? Po Beene and Welter Scott and Goethe 3r011 for one moment profess to be - and Victor Hugo. I claim that it is lieve that the United States would more important educationally to be as quick to declare war against know who Jesus Christ is' than who Englitnd or Russia or Germany or Mohammed WAS cilia what was the France as it was against a poverty cause of the Trojan war. 11 the strickeo nation like Spain? 'Pouch the nation's pocketbook and in many parts of this land you will make the ward "patriotism," writ- ten in letters of gold, turn as black the oath ,efnec upon the leaves or as the heart of selfishness and deceit. na ai w le e and its DIARRHOU'' DYSENTERIC, COLIC, CRAMPS, PAN IN THE STOMACH, kilt) ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS ITS EFFECTS ARE MARVELLOUS. IT ACTS L/KE A CHARM. RELIEF ALI4OST iPiSTitETTADIECILISh leasaritl Rapid, Reliable Effectual, tiOub'E,t1-10ULII!-IAvE san YOUR DRIJGC“.ZT FO'R !T. "'ARC NO OTHS * atheistic elements of this country are not trying -to get possessiOn of this government, why did certain in- fidel newspapers a few years ago ae- nounce-the presidential act of taking al* One of the great dangers threaten - an open Bible? eneey claintoe that, ing the welfare of our land is the "as the go 04.11100114. had no estab-ipower of the great 'money coMbina- lished church, therefore the president 'tions- It is a rapidly developing elect had 110 right to render allel P01101 and it is ever alining to seat glance to any one particular God." in the presidential chair of this free Men who , write soph ist ries of this nation its' bramble king, gold, as kind are. enemieti WIl'Ont WO Cannot the supreme ruler of this gi•eat peo- afford to deride. They masquerade pie. When the great railroad trusts under the banner of "free thought" and the oil trusts' and the tin can and they appeal, to the intellectual 411 idd which flourishes among unedu_ tiusts and the beef trusts and the eated or half educated elements in sugar trusts and the steel trusts can our , PoPulation. Do not imagine dictate W110 38 to be president of that they aee. despicable opponents or the United StateS let us 1)eware1 ihat there is no danger of their ever Take thy clover), foot, 0 yellow and electing a president of the American be King 'Bramble, from off the front people. I tell you that to -day the , doorstep of the Idhite House. Tholi (1111)011 tiS Well as 'the WeoPle at largos, didst destroy the Roman and the should i'ecognize the evil influences which are working undernea,th us and all etl)out to render this a godless nation, and to exclude all recogni- , 'Lion of Gild from the adts,, and policy of the 'United State:4 government. d to destroy us Grecian governments when their na- tional power passed into the hands of the few capitalists. Thy foul breath is 310W hot our checiks, but, by God's help thou shalt not be ONVe Alreadi- this evil inonster calling it- self "Free rilhauglit" has a grip upon, RING ALCOHOL AS BRAMBLr. our ballot box. Alrelicly in the cau- cuses oi every (0111.1.11140 41. hall EIS a But again we find the destroying factor this and blasphemous 131 amble ca'AYasSing 1°r suPrenlacY in rebel against the vide of the Most American politics in another way. 1-11,11 must, be reckoned wif11. He now appeals to the diseased -and inflamed appetite of man for "11.t.A.IIII3LE OF FlIFE strong di 1111 Dot though if a • TIT 0 ITO 111 may J0°1: at this 13 raM bl I eould eseeciallv plead 'with the enough lie can see him clitne d i , k e n - American people to tight lee evil to the wriggling coil or a snalce; ''bramble of free thought,'' laccause ilielUSina, the most, famous would hace saved the trouble with ,tosis ance to God is the sptrlt of an.- of all '':crefich fairieS, ,Whon first he the rifles and Maxim Mr« Francis Galton--,hlinself an ae- plorer of reputation -fur did he not penetrate 'to Khartoutu half cen- over mei cook s1av11. until the po- tion and -ascension of Christ had not 14 tbe heppiness which then became! theirs. There are etill many bellev- n t tender. In a second sauce - an heat sepint of milk. dlicken it vitli one beeping tablespoonful of ou tl • o the potatoes.. rosto and add more seasoning, if eeded, also One tablespoonful of hopped parseley, and simmer for iVe minutes longer. in Kensington gardens. Placed to bondage througb. fear of death, 1,1 Ors 1Vh0 are all their lifetime subject tury ago? -suggests 'that a mem- orial to all the explorers be His idea is that a massive block he but there is no reed of it, for He is c erected near tbe present obelisk *in memory of Spelte. On its rounded top would be map of AfriCa, in holci and colored moesaic, such as it would appear on a globe of 5 It, ra- dius, and down its sloping sides would be carved' the names of the greater and lesser explorers. Alte- gether a very attrartive design. Nor would it coet muchsaid the secretary of the 'Royal Geograph- ical Society recently. ProPoSals have been made before now for meiu-' able to deliver from all such fears. Elijah's reply to Obadiah's fears was, "As the "Lord of hosts liveth before whom 1 stand, I will surely shew _myself unto hint this tiny" (verse 15). Compare 1. and let us take as one of our watchWords "The liveth before whom I stand." Note in connection with it Gabriel's testimony in LuRe i., 19, and our Lord's own Words in John vi., 57, "As the living Father hath sent Me, .n 1 live by the Father, So he -that eateth Ale, even he shall oriels to famous African travellers. live by Me." But 1)84*. passing of Si litley seems to k.4 oecr a speciai opportunity for Illr. _ .0_eh.ct adialt,, being encouraged and as - 0 al ton' s idea. Wha t is 112.41 4.0(1 is b:, Well* and told Ahab, and sal. Possibly," added Mr. Keitie, that he, kliab went to meet Elijah, and when that someone should push th'6, propo- "the Royal Geogr•aplhical Society it they met, Rlijah fearlessly i old. Ahab not Elijah, was the cause self may take the matter up." Salmon Croqueites.---Open anil turn out the can of salmon an hour or more before using it, thitc! giving the fish a chance to aerate. Remove ski,4 and bones, break the lish in flakes and drain off the liquor -to be used in malting the sauce. Meaeure a.nti for each packed cupful place in a saucepan two tablespoonfuls of brit, ter, one-half of a ieespoonful of salt, one-third of a teaspoonful of i.vhite pepper or paprika. Set over the fire, and when melted add three tablespoonfuls of flour and cook slowly for a few minutes. Put the fish liquor in a cup and fill up with inilk. Stir this into the butter and (lour, and when smooth ancl very thick draw to one side of the fire nd cook for live minutes. Season he fish with, salt, pepper, a, few rops of onion juice, and a sprinI-1, mg of lemon juice. and add a table- spoonful of finely chopped parsely. Turn into the cooked sauce. mix and stir occasionally until the fish is hot through. Take from the fire, 2'prea.c1 On a buttered dish, and set aside utt- til cold and (mite firm. Shape with the hands into small croquettes; lould. the mixture stick. (hist NVith pinch of flolir, but use just as little e possible, that iThey may not, , be ry and 10110 vhen cooked. 'When 11 are molded, dip eaeli into slightly eaten, egg, and roll, in 11l0, dry read crumbs. Nave ready a. deep ettle partly iilled with F,moking hot t T11111101'FO tI10 croquet 1es-110t 101'0 I 11.8,21 three at a time -and fry olden 1)rown. thcln 01,1 an d rain. cm unglazed paPer sPread 1),)-11 at the back of the range at' 1,11t, 'IOW 1110 'Cot, to heat )r ]i '1.1 hafore putting in more 'ocinetles until it :-.inokes• as before, all are done, servo on a hot dish, of all this troubl e upo a 1 srael, and ct he commancled him to summon the prophets of Baal to Carmel, with SCIENCE AT 15,000 FEET. all Israel, that the God of Israel The fact that the 13ritieh might publicly give a tokcei that IT- e expedition into 'Pibet has suffered onl:v is the living and true God. Our from imperfectly cooked food and the nT('1"Ixetr0leisssongr7aiil'l f111142'`1:1:1 (1-17-derai31)'(sor 1-111i17-1 jahs who will prompt ly and fully obey God end either hide themselves or fearlessly meet, the blasetheming congelation of the oil on magazine rifle locls leticis a writer in the .1,011 - flea to remark that the appli"- cation of a little $Cientific knowledge Ah *4.)', as the Lord may say, or do a would have saved 11111(11 troul)le in both at once, for it is only as self a this case. '1 Ile inilitaxy authorities is hidden, reckoned dead, that 0 od should have known that at 15,000 can 'manifest Himself 1.0 tho ungodly , a Feet altitude e11 ceases to 1)e a lubri- Ali 4845 who would fain rule T 1 i a11c1 I 1) cant,, and that the boiling point of ITi» Chris,t off the earth, and_ out 1) water desceitds about Iwo 'degl.COS of His book and,. as Trion saY. run , 'Fahrenheit for every 1.,000 feet of things theniselves, exalting self above. I fa \aysicileintaiithtioget, jos(1)11ding-.),(i,)tte is. l)-ct-17,\t'ilgoaclintzotinicoletre(1,';f0g2111i1Zainng a 11-1,1 tc,i) 440(1lio safety--valves bloWing 011 pres- will but their 1)4 11 'Vet tho T.:3.11,c.1 sure of 15 potmds to tile square 111, ,,,1, p 1 a Inch, woul11 have prevented 1111 flitTi- culty found in, boiling- fc)c)d. glycerirle, instead or ni ine 011 Goa 1102101' torgets th„,211 ,an forget himself, 11 11, !• 'takes constant work, expengive work. " +he only way to anciworry, ou. 2.... keep the dictionary the STANDARD :1 AUTHORITY'. he Lein, out of doors on sultrytnights if properly -'.rotA,••cted front damp- s... "tette an lioneet Lazarus t eucceesful levee 44:11.515185111101021551M25nAMBIt, 25,000 NEW WOR DS are added in the last edition of Web- ster's International Dictionnry. The Gazetteer of the World, and the Bio- graphical Dictionary havo been com- pletely revised. The International i14 kept always abreast of tbe times. 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