Exeter Times, 1904-8-11, Page 5The Usborne and Hilbert it. armer's Mutual fire Ingur- am 6ompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Urlt, VEGGETA F,JE SKILIA air g = sewer A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and heavy. Always restores color to gray hair,all the dark, rich color of youth. Stops falling hair, also. Sold for fifty years. "7-1.."..T'.':-4.7,/(4:' 1( MEDICAL W. BROWNING, I1 I. D.., X. C. P S., Graduate Victoria Uni- ver�sita. Qmce aitd residenenee. 1Fontiuiort Tee >oratory, Exeter. DENTAL XINf llAN. L.D.S. AND DR. A. R. E-Ilvlak°, L. I). S. D. D. S., Eater Graduate of Toronto University, Dentist: Teeth eztraeaett withau,t vain or Wafter effects, taffies in Fan. eon's Bleck. West side of Main treet: abutter' A. ANDERSON. (D• 0.8 is p•S. D,ENTIBT. TimorQradeate of trio Tomato Uutversity and 1?gyal Coi,iego of Dental Sur eons of cavil honors .d1Lso Faat' ga4aato of (Chteago School of Prosthetic Denitstry (w%t4 honorable mention, ergthipg known to the Dental. Profession kine in this office. Bridge work, crowns, el- irma t raraS Sad mad vulcanite platesaail (Ione m thip neatest moaner nee -5101e,. b perfect', bartarl(e=a. stuae4tabetio need far paraleea extrao• Oftleoone door eolith of Carlin!* Drat stere Ereter.Ont. T EY T LOAN Private funds to loan on berm preemie at ad one half per cast ERNEST 131410 •HONEY TO LOAN for in We lava uullmltoai privutel farads vebtt ' sot upon farm or vIlha,,e property at lower *tee of interest. DICKSON & CARLlR 1:xete . tautly aaOttttut of Private feeds to and village peoposttea Warta TA'NIISCRX Main B. F eter, DICKSON , , CARLING, Btaraste Solieltora.:Notarles '.eove C>!tI$4r . sal tier4l, Solicitors for tate lolBalairttgai4e Matey to t calmest rates of intaretita. t--lltAIN STREET, E7a.FTER, 0 la 41. r..u.ateraets A, C. RAMSAY, V. S. 1 ouor (raduate Qatario Veterinery' teal.. lean ; Iioyaorary Fellow in Ontario Veterinary Amalgam. .11► dise(t°es of domestic animals' scientifically treated. Alitk fever treated l)yr the latest oxygen treatment. OliFICIer: one door aoutlt of Town Hall RESIDENCE; tamed boat'suorth of Prete Int tabu church. DIRECTORS. President:—T. R .x*t Dc-na7N P, O. Vice•Pres.:-W. II. PAssalolts, F .1 QUX,\R 1'. 0. • INIonLEY, WuuALiN P. 0. J. A. Nonoil$, CIto al AnT'Ir P. O. West, ROY, BORNUOLu: P. 0. 3, 1,„ RUSSELL, RUSSr,,rI.&LE P. O. AGENTS. J. Orartea ortai L, ST.t11?A. ONT. A. Dl7NCAN FAuqunAIL, ONT. . WzLsoN, 3TiLLAnTON", ONT tar ONT. • S. x 'rlLx„r. N 1rAN , B. W. F. BEAVERS, Secy.-Treas. Farquhar. AMON Notice James Taylor, of Exeter North wishes to inform the public that he ,will'not be responsible for any, de bis contracted by his wire, Elizabeth Taylor, after this date. Exeter, July 27th 1904. tT1;ON COUNTY HOUSE Or BE- LArr Industrial Farm.—Ap- plications A plications for the position of keeper .and. Matron of the House of Refuge .and Industrial. ]!arm in the County: ,of Huron, will bo received on or be- fore the first day of December next. Applications ions to be in writing and ad- dressed dressed to W. Lane, County Clerk, Godericb.—H. Spackman, . Chairman B. coin. h 1904. d' -July18t Dated FOR SALE Pett Lct23, sou. G, in Uhorne. eon- tainit g fist• atlas 43' natal. Grad brick house, • tetllt,,t;, (: a a it hatu end gar- den. This t ( el1Y is 'a tean from Thames Road Post Of ice.,atid ninst be sold to close estate. Terms easy. For liarticulais apply to 'l'fiONAS ()AMElI- oN'Esq., Farquhar Pu. RORITHORN DUA, RHM ' BULLS i for sale.—The undersigned has for tale 7 pure bred Durham Bulls with pedigree or eligabls for registration My aged bull „which Ls the sire or tithe etherts, is includted in the odfefrin,i im 1 f a sure. stock proved h ale r aid era hats A getter. He was aired by Riversid.o Stamp, 'which did such good servile lin the herd of J. and. W. IB. :Watt; of Salem, and is a halt tbrother to Stark of Morning, recently. ,'owned by James Snell, of Hullett, which 'took first ;prize at London` fair and sold at Ls dispersion, sale for 8400. Apply on Lo1"16, Conceasion2, Hay, or 'John l Elder, IIentsal P..0. ,ARM FOR; SALIN,-An ex.celleettrn alarm of 101 acres situated on a good' gravel road, half way 'between Pionde lisle and i;ucknow. , ;0.',1-4 miles from Dunb'{a;nnon and. 120 rods ;Crone >school. The farm has splendid build- fry-az- uild- in'o, The beret is 36 ,x 50 Bisset•.. A 1 Presentthere are 50 acres in crop <ind: 30 acres in hay. ,The fences: are in �i.Y4:+L--'cl;ats,g condi than,. Never faulrn�, veal • (C? exeell'ont wa ter, 1 acres aor hush, and nearly • 4, miles nod undge- al,r•i,ring. immediate 'po,seas4on, if adeaired. TLia will .be 'a snap ° the quick purchaser: for: fuller. , liar t"ieulara apply .,to'Dr. D. A. Anderson, stayer P.O. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 11st Ui matter of the estate of Wu - 1 Barn George Millar, sato of the Township of C sb.orne in the County of florae, painter, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R, S. 0. 9 1 8 chap. 2d that all. ll' 11 creditors and others leaving °taiaus against the estate of t]ea said 'Wil- liam George Millar, Rulto died on or about the lith day 4f ruly. 1901, .are required on or before the 20th, day of August, 190t to send by post prepaid or deliver to A essre. Gladman & Stanbury, or the viltaage of Exeacr, Solicitors for Azatia Millar. Admin' '4t 1 Tatr' ix or t13C. said zleccasrd, tllcir chriat]an and surnames, addresses and descriptions, tate full particul- ars of their claims, the statement or their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And fat,rther take notice that after such last mentioned date the said. Adoeinistratrix will proceed to dis-' tributo the assets of the deceased i le vat ns regathe rd: xonly to entitled claiims otheret[ which sale Moll theca flare native, "and that the said Admitaistratra'~ will not be liable for the said assets tar any part thereof to:any person of persons or whose claims notice shill not have been received by her tt the tone of such distribution, r . LATA & STAAI3I:ltd, Solicitors for said Administralrix. Dated at ]:.tinea' the 22nd. day al July 1:101. MORTCACE ALE of klotei roperty in Exeter, under and by virtu,) - or t11ae earveeN vents in certain .tilort e. ;e)a, which w It be liraduc,d at ala'. halt+ of sale (here will be offered for ale by public xtuei ipta, by ,loran (fill, Auctioneer at ifi t 1aa• r i'll:rgxa of Er, et r, ire CIO gonn- a Duren, on SATURDAY, the 27th DAY OF AUGUST, 1904. At 2 o'clock in t he aft ernoon. tete following property. viz., 1st, -.."arts of lots numbers eleven ant twelve on tato west side of Main trent in the said Village or Exeter, cattaining tbre.' and tlt.ree,..fiflbs perches, more or J . ,ez, comprising what is known are: the Metropolitan Rotel. 2nd,. --Lot iiutnbet' thirty-one tli4. the utast, side or Willi tnt streeet,west of Main street, in the, said vitlaatre of Exeter, Terms of Sale..--T.ay.nty per cent. of the porches,. money on the day of stale and th:e balance in tbirtY days thereafter wit bout interest, Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale, or may be had en appli- cation to the undersigned. Dated at Exeter this 9th. day of August, 1904. JOHN GILL, Auctioneer. GLADMAN tv STAN/31.11M Vendor's Solicitors. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST 'Voters' list. 1901, municipality of 1itownship t C � ' t O Usborne, lona C r aunt ' Huron. y O£ Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per - sores mentioned in sections 8 and 9, of "The Voters' List Act," the copies required by the said Section'i to beSO • transmitted 7:r ' tt 1 matte. d or delivered, 1 red, of the list m ad eansa' p ant to said act, of all parsons appearing by the last. revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality. at Elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal elections, and that said .list was first , posted up at my officoe, et Whalen, on the 30th day of July, 1904, and. remains there for inspection. Electors are. called upon i o .examine the said list, and if anyomissions o nisstorls or other er- rors r o , are round'th r .ln, to take im- mediate proceedings to have the r said r e 1 ors carrcctad; according . to law. Dated at Whalen. this 30th day of :Duly, 1994. FRANCIS MORLEY, Clerk of the 'said municipality. AItM FOR SALE,—Lots 20, 10 con. and lith con., of Stephen, 6 1-4 miles west of Exeter, being. composed of 100' acres on the 11th con. and 120 acres on the 10th These farms are under good state or cultivation well drained with good house, serf oat -buildings, thereon al- so fruit bearing orchards . Never failing well the year round. For further particulars apply to ' T. 13. Martyrs, Exeter., '�4f 1F a`fi I� alt •S ALE, -In Usborne .LL to�vnslu �, bean ar`t•s of .lots 1 1 a p 7 18, on 'the 13th con , containing 125 acres.' Buildings. are a storey and a half' brick house, bank barn and low; barn. Two orchards, 10 acres of bush and is situated 2 1-2 miles from 1Cirkton, 7 miles from Exeter, and, 1-4 mile from school., ' Must be sold` to close an estate. For fur- ther particulars apply to Wm. Prid- Tram, Russeldale, Wm. Baker, Ful- lerton, Executors. Trial Trip.—Now is the time to secure two good: papers for the price of one. The Weekly :t'VLai3 and Em- pire from now till Jan. lst., 1905 for only 500. now, new 'subscribers only: . DIE:1) STE WART -1 a 7 x01 or, on August 641i, .190.1, ;.1.l l,,t s at t.svari, egec1 77 years. 25c. pays for the Uirnea till • the end' of 1904—for new 'subscribers only. eX K' ,R , T 1 V, 31, 6, 11 GUST lith 1904, The Exeter Times THURSDAY; Ali(=(.'ST 11th, 1904 :RAL NEWS. - While alw t. w threshing outfit of Mr.She:1rd was at work en the Tartu of itobert I)a3(e, tar miles, front Brampton, the barn caught fire presumably from a spark from the engine The barn end alt its. eon - eat s, 1ome.eliar' with c-" l tl a .zea btn(ary, were destteyed, Lass chout $3000; partly insured. A fare which occurred Thursday night the block, 648 St. Paul St. Montreal, - _2 n'rea did neatly :a:0,03demote: before it was got under contra. Th. principal losses a.ro i5` D, Stroud $ors, tea u 'rcbtots, $25,1:0 r fully insured; J. M. Taylor do Son. Pro- (1uee merchants, 415,000, insured for. $;,,t01); Mone•ti e ,K. Fortier, pro r1nfiCt tnorcl watt , partially in.,ua'ad. Since the Government instructed the license inspa'•ators to enforce, lite early closing act .Gaspard Pacaud, in- spector for Windsor .ban been very busy, and as. (t result nearly two- ti►.l'(is of the hotelmen of the two (tistrietS Lave contributed : fines; foe violations of the early closing law. The hotelmen are, greatly irritated in consequence. and or, ende'avorin.r to bring political irtfluenee t o bear with late abject of s*.casein;: Po'. caud's disni.is.,.►l. Thursday between 5 and 6 o'clock Michael Regan,, a well-known Welt - of Brockville, discovered his horn to bee ablaze. it was totally de- stroyed with sixteen ton., of hay, wlticla ite had ,fear. finished petting, in, Suspaoian rests : on the owner'a Anter, wile has not been li'*t'l..e if for dome time, and upon being inteer- viewed by. the Chief, of Police site acknowledged her guilt. 8h•; was exauai•NI and coantuitt"d 'to lh,-aasy- Juin, Friday naornin. R. G. Macpherson AI. P., (Burrard) 'wed Private PIif- ry, an i.ouard: thre st'atlnslaill 1 3T.it tan at 1llonireeaal 115 fallowi: tlttaaw:a, Aug'. :►.--•l aatn sorry Haat busine. prevents Ina. meeting ;vau lit Mont" real. Will se.' you.,Itow'vew, in our owarily of Vancouver, whose honor you hare worthily upheld maid. at Risley. l have a position for you in alis Mar fusty"', customs ~A anoint, in ancouver, if aagrt'eaaI3' to von. My warmest congt'at0lalions. During a severe 1 llriitrl eri i olein wlalcli passed over Sault St:. Marie, Ont,. 'rkursduy nitcanton lot uiei'n a and 0 o'oloela, John ie.enned,w, a carpenter was reeturaaiaaf, bonne at hili wheel, ;and while pta$tin,r the ponce of Mr. 5:IcKenzi N on Wilton Street, received a stroke or light- nittg which killed ltim instantly. Standing ins' de tine door of Mr. e- A(enz}e*''a ]tots, n.'re four ohildt"een, to no were :til rendered unconsac'Loua from the s0U)'; 1 oft ; alt but; one litre recot ter+eat, '1'h a house of Air. Me- Kenzi' was badly aliaaltan no. ;\lra. Murphy, the oiliest is•r.cait in 1'ennsylvani-t it her age is correct- ly reported, (UM Saturday la herr- torn, eget} nearly 131 years.Mrs. 111urpby, a few rnontbs ago, said -- "1 was Lem re in Dublin, 111(100(1, on Maristnnts Day, 1770, and cants to Arnnriaa in May, 18711. when I was iu my ane -hundreds It y ar. I was 28 years old when. the Irish rebellion took place in 1798, and my first hus- hand was at soldier. 1 *tons 33 years old *triton, Robert Emmett was cx'- noted far treason, 8 'ptoanber 20th. 1803," A very disastrous fine, occurred -at Dresden, Saturdty 11101°nisi Tlln following buildings. with their ammo - 1 is were deyt roved, as(ti l from t hu Wescott nous ,, Li, t }u'barber ber shop, W. 11. Pollee.] 's tailor eaitop, 4x`1111 14 ;4 we bt,ild*u;s ; grocery ei is N. Smite., .1, llori's :Wilma patlerr C. 11. Metzger's res taurn nt, all brick. Thompson, a tailor, ]Urine over Smith's grocery, last every- thing. V. \ctIs, living over Cin- nerly's :note, moved pat of his fur Oilurc out With quite a loss. La w- rences st cafe was destroyed by wet cr• ani his building badly (larnaged.'lito total loss is plateal at $20,000. it it ni c 10 (1 r v; of 11 lel w J4 Oraslhing along at 4(arifie tips, I. s crew utterly to -rode. to cont:•ul , street car No. 423 raced down atlrurst street, 'Toronto, Tuesrley. ghi, shortly after 9 o'clock. Part allege street it aped, down the ng sl retch from College to Queen icon King, and then beeoming to 1 t t( b om n fi, Z ; trailed it plunged over the bottle- i Ird an(f stopped ,within sie inches 1 c .'dc wall the Canadian t i ]r 5t 1 of t Iseult', Company's building. And all that terrible journey no one es killed, and only on parson, Mrs. Is. Argue was, injured. Hunip Back SCOTT'S EMULSION *von't make a hemp back straight, neither will it make a 4hort lag ieap, tat it feeds, soft bone. and licca dinned bone and is among the few sel:uire means of recovery in rickets and bots consumption. seta for fro:swot. scowl.' r1 Rowan:, Cecinas, Toronn,,, ow tie, 36+- and P.cc; all de:ea-Ws. tit l ttttitttttttli?MItlMrtttttIMli t "It!t tMrtlfilMrttt rtittlffIttlftlIttrn i *= Sawa w- o - - lR0[ b WILL,"NOT BE tat 11EAVi, • SP- '1.,'he fruit division of th 0ep'irt- ,r•_ d6 meat of . t,'tii ail, m a hos r. G •i ea -I I returns of'tho fruit crop of ill%Do- 1; nation. It s ty.s-- The reports sl1ow a l lodiulu t o fall I g crop of fall envies. In Oat apple, sections, from w3/1ah the Wilk of tbr 1 Winter fruit bill be obtained for 1 ► e?:r, la,'e 1'0» is 10eaii ;; lastpoyetar,tLu0t stay b1c1 las5'•dlarasli�i►at to medium. The r: ports from Greats Uaitain and Europe generally show n. vary l'trge crop of fruit, that will some into direct contp.eeitian with our foil varieties, and may ,li.lta. ly affeeet the urtrk t for %rint"r fruit ; but: up10 the pr;want tint,, European fruit. has nor compared seriously Frith 0111.'M,,'t k 1.'lrirt evar- ]otiresa. •*�.� Tato apple crop in C:a<aa(1:►at} is pears to Le s;ingula*l, free this Year fram the a tat rias of an,reeia and fun - gouts diseastes. It is elute^ Itrttifatbl' 1ltlt the coming moth eats not Ise a 801100:4 JIOSi, but . tdl'r • aro indica. tions that the riot may yet 42avo10yl to it slight if not dangerous de rtye,. Pears, except iia British Columbia 1111 be a light crop. Peaches an'l flute` rat e. almost an rabrotit10 .tnil- tie0, a+asset in a any favorod sections lateen.+ tiiti wintoc ( ice trop, rrtat7riall;v lfle'et Item. '1'l*a grrlr crop nIU airly 'good. hut in the large pro- tlucitag districts or 1 h Nirgar:a P'en- iusula black rot :has shown to 0 Fez"- itOust emelt*. Cher ri's 3101 currant'1 tree as ion crop. Tho oxdort tra(lsCaalidiots arra American fall app] ;'s R ill ire some. what rest de( ed. l,ue orti4Of 40 11l`" better (uatit r of out' I;aaa}ti^, t flay will 81111 Imre 411;' }Ir:el'r -nee itt tine European 100rketst Ther- will he t lata air ce ssit y however, of al sillyeex• aludin': all second qu•►lily fruit. 311:i supply of good reinter stock of eapplos suitable for th'. lititi,lt mar- ket during tate lnont las of January. February and ;►Marcia is not eacasaivee and it seems raasonaahl e to expect t flat t he dentana will ,la a almost equal to that of last veer. t1.1'l'AItR}I IN THE 111::\'I) Is very common but aavfolly daangerous Meccas it. a :010 (8 &atom.; and leads 10 consuinlatialt. Cure is as carta.in to ;ofloan the use of Ca- tnra'hozone, aa day is to follow night. You simply breathe 'the fragrant, healing Caiat'i'hoxon * which spreads through the nasal passages,: throat. and lungs, driving out every vestige of Catarrh. '•1 was Cured of eh;r0nie catarrh of the nose and throat writes Inns, :*T. Wilkinson, of Lauaencetola "after many years of misery by Catarr•]tozonee which is a splendid remedy to free the air pas - ages from rane(tn.. Catarrltozone relieved quickly, and zuy`cure ]las boon permanent." Price .' 1.00 for two moist hs' i reg; melt( ; trial sial: W'Viill:erviIle is to lairs a park which will be a credit to any ci'iy' in Canada. O,r 4 be west *side of the Walker road ;here is a beautiful oak grove containing several acres of land, and a 11e ,rl ti•,r ,, Walker havedecided ta transform r. piece tat 4 c i r of property into or t rt ( public t ,a a bale ia k 1. l s r, 1 1 A base ball ;'r l i, a Hock ey rink,and ar large 1.1:1 aor starters will be pre- vi(icd. • A S1137+`.,LV HAPPY MAN. Is lel r. '1lrotuats. M0Cl•asban of North Pelham, who was oared of muscular rheumatism by Nervilin:, ha mos t' powerful rheumatic- re- medy in the World. "1 suffered all manner of pain for years, be writes I t( r '' i. tees r 1 earl *al ea,, the Ithing N on Y hat dial me any goad.I can heart- ly : recommend Na rvilme for all -arms of rheumatism is .033 to the very Co oA tale pant and brines '1 rr la 9 11 71,111:1' 1i' V( I" sufferer lasting Lc u r s rfe( from lame bac] 41ch11re joint* and swelled limbs use Nervitino. sure• to euro 41nd coat, 350, for a large bottle. A very unfor11111:Itt ec-11 .ent. ke_ell alae.a a J walker, Thursday morning While at work in Cooper's lumber- yard, Clinton, ale•: was passing a 1ile of lueber ofee Itom soe u - forseen real • it tci1 over on him, snapping the bonos' of his left leg below the knee. and otherwise in- juring - ]rile. Trial Trip.—Now is the time to secure two good papers Lor the price of one. The. Weekly Mail sled Em- pire from now till Jan. 1st., 1905 F for nl - c. To neat ,-u a ,• c y ..0 5 bscrlb r., only, • .te �a►Mc"�te tiat '�titg ar`t� a►eete 6:t�t� THE HE Chicago Speaks for itself Cures Sick Headache Cures Nervous Headache Cures Neuralgic Headache Cures Summer Headache Cures Bilious Headache Cures any Headache Is Pleasant to Take Is Absolutely Safe Gives Speedy Relief Sells for 25c a box Sample box sent free • Patron It MtEIrS Co. Montreal $35,000 IN PRIZES This year the Canadian National Exhibition of Toronto, to be held from August 29th to September 1.0th -,vial give premiums to the extent of. thirty-five thousand dollars in specie besides some three thousand dollars in medals and cups, of which twenty seven thousand dollars will be devot- ed to live stock. Particulars of cam petition for this handsome gift of money and trophies are given in the good-looking prize ilst, which can be had on application to Manager J. Orr, 70 King Street East Toronto ; The Times and the Family 'Herald and Weekly Star will be sent to any address in Canada or the United Staten till Dec. 31., 1904 - for 75c. To take advantage of this offer you must subscribe at once. ac,.A.ETIcs a. .. • Bears the The Kind You 'lave Always Bought Signature of ra,. O falor ew Arriva 37 pieces New apperettes to sell at 10, 12 I= 17 20, 40,150,7 s�► 126a� Vii a.irs Lace Curtains to sell at , , 50, 65, 1,00, L25 LL75 $L95 89 1 Flan e 12 t=. cents et some 1 on Silverware by de 9, 95; 1 �aNew • 1.rivals t- ca.-• --s EPOPPLESTONEE TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE ii� 1f A young man, night watchman, on the Steamer City of Collingwood was s Ciro a<tc 1 at Icaf rFriday a R 1 t la o d morning, about 2 o'clock.He is supposed to be a soh of Robert Mil- 1cr, of Bognor. nor. It Was is first trip on the boat, and it is supposed that fwharf, e misjudg- ed n Ra°'r Ci to t d- o,k o 11 ih1 c d ih distance to the dock, and. failing into the .ia.tor was drawn. down by the wheel. .11.11111110, i u ie a Buggies! Jo you Want a Buggy We have the finest stock in town ail the latest styles, iu the newts olors. Our prices are low as can be loon • for first-class material and workman ship. BEFORE YOU BUY Of%LL AND SEE US. J F Russell Two Doors South TownHall, EXETER MARKETS Wheat per bnshell (old)....89 Wheat (new) ... 78 Oats new . . 30 Barley . 38 Flour.. Butter EPork live weight' w g Pork Dressed Turkey Ducks Chicken to 91 to 82 to 30 0 8 $5.5 $ 1 A distressing accident: occurred at Sarnia, on Thursday afternoon, a youngson al Mr, ?1 lay !•sr /'1 •a s John I'atkin. the: well-known k *tra buidler and contractor act r 0 of Sarna ! beingdrowned byedal' fatting into the river off the Pere Marqu- ette. Thelad's h body was recovered and Dr . Logia summoned. Every, thing h possible bl Ives done ne 1 o to revive the unfortunate u v rt nate �t: 1, d but - without avail. The boy was named Charles, i and was aged 11 years. . :A t..p ... *M.JACK O &SON* 'i1 ' Junk Dealers. 1:1 Main -St. Exeter 1 :. Occupying J. P. Ross' T. Store, one door south of Metro alt h � p tan. Hotel. �, 'l• -. Will pay highest cash 4 y ,. • price. for the following .g. oller Mill Gristing and Chopping - Promptly Done. giving We are l van excellent � b ce lent sa�- tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our'mill. 1i. Sweitzer goods,such as all kinds of � + ScrapIron 4 + 4- 4.- 4. Brass 1 Copper Zinc ;. i Lead 4. .1• Pewter Horse Hair' 'l' .° Wool Pickings + 5 4 Rags 4. Old ' Rubbers Bones and Bottles 4 4, 4. 4. 4. $2.50 •;. 18 5' 4 141,111 5} r Noy 6.2� 4 ' 8 4 a- a 4.4.4- §'o°el•°lt•4i a :•o'' 4 •b <1•:-.4.•l Cr 'T'^s;•' . 50 .YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DEGIGN$ COPYRIGHTS &C. Angono sending a sketch and de4tcrtpt4on tear quickly ascertair our opinion free wbether axe invent -.on is pro* ably patentable. tlommunlca- q , tions strictlycen:idential. ftandbookonPatente, sent free. Oldest agency for eecuring"patenta. Paten g , t cel.wi t�u�h Munn h Qp, reco,gm pe Kr notice, without dlUalrQo, at the y Sien1 A handsome4' Ilhietrated weekly. 7,arge(t, cfr. culatfon or any selentinc.. journar. Terms, 3a; �. year: tour months, $1. Sold. byall nowadealern, MUNN & Co 61Broadwny,W la7l Yo 1 k Brunch Office, G25 EL„'h:An11:17etaex