HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-11, Page 4The Exeter Times Huron
Calendar for August 1904
a&TVADAY• • . - •
7 11 24. 23
W 22 20
9 10 23 ao
10 17 24 31
4 11 1$ 25
5 12 19 23
6 13 26 27
,Tet It
The ratepee lexte,sr
emeing 41.wa/cen tee tea, t
they are iu tt-t•t mere itellt riefi
:Wit 11 the' locat ion *I the e Z "e field
Exeter is deplorably tine!. ef mor
xuanuf3Citurice.. Tre aro -see tte in
:Canada with inttelt smaller popnia-
tion than Ex e; er,vib cen boast
of many more manufacturiee than
eve cenar rapidly forginee
ahead.iothig whatever
et generation leer
O t for that
t o keep
and as s
Q14 enough
selvee they eael
in seeren of °coupe
We are rot f
The Lowe oe Clinton has pa sed
by-lew declaring the rete of taxa-
tion ar 23 mills.
The total number of voters in
Gituton, acceding to the liste just
pabiisited is WEL Number a n semen
voters, 172. The euraber of persons
, qualified to serve as jurers, e80.
On Wednesday eight lire brokt
t in Thoeapsepes saw
and had cousuined the eowerhouee
before it was diseowed, but: was
-tinguiehed before further dam-
age was done.
Will nositieele cure sick headeeir
t px•event its return. Cartere.
• tie Liver Pills. This is not talk
but truth. One DUI a dose. ,See ad -
ver ieesevut . Small jU. Steal
dose, Small price.
Mr. 'Joseph Smith. of the Bronemt
line. has sold his 80 -acre farm, TO MT*
111cDo1a1d, of Parkhill, for the
sum of ,eee,000. Mr. *Mel/Quaid gets
poesession November lst. Mr. Smith
intends taking a trip to the North-
west to see that country and if Pi
suits him will buy land there.
A drowning accident occurred Sat
urdey eikernmen at Bayfield, "Alier;s-
Geo, Cesberne los k hie life. He was
ding TO 0,,plezile ;nee went in
eu, and is supposed to eave
c'u ramps, as 143 Tiain1T1 and was
wnd before help arrived. Be
me at Clinton, seendiag
s with his mother. n Ito is ;
fOF the loan oe. ear
one ;lit/tough irb?-
OtplQ,yed 1101 S
is. • gtOVI
seeurity nemeee
e, It fo
Word mime from
ophdos isgrot
will be a. getuteral
/t is seld that e
he Premier- ne
indeed than the
vard learter-h
A .tf kV.
entre ft
eport ot'
e that Si
pletely brokeJr
report. The 1,reetnie 1•*;„1
stunnioned to the ki
ttt once into tits *
Sir Wilfrid, end 7
is understood
V11 fltcOnce'bftt 1h
rovinctkis is bd
r• lout it i• tha
e nor Mr. eine
'thing of the prvna olit featly
cfltie of noute eou ti1 bt to elon-
real district, Ienel‘r th, termite -
twice.; it was zni1 1vLal' 1*
eke haste el
reed be
Regartling the lo in of $.5,iel It
carry on a tack factory 1,14111) ite
desirous ot loeatine her, the eon.-
gestions offi4vel be .elr. Cdettniertau
the meeting in the ft hall
ere well taken, Mr. Glathnee in
his I' emarlai et to .**1 t hat l'erulel
the $5,000 he loartect 11 trout I be ad-
visabie to deposit tle* money II a
ba.nk, to the en: lit of 1 11 • came . ny
to be used as a' detl.
• *
An UiPzzat 1ntd in Op.
MIX11104101 Act vl the Ilia s^...,sitizi of
t12 Liiis1atur., on:. chitin:, of whieh
'will prevent eteneileral-le trouble.
Candidates for 01* offlae of mayor,
reeve, contra/tete, noucteittuan. water
commissioner in till.- -, towns end in-
volver:1ne1 *Alleges are required to
file ts eh the •el •rl af13elaration of
qualification hy nowt on thc idly or
nomination, This cite tt it tin,.
maw will do away WITII I he inclis-
crintiritite tr*ini ems 1.0 ore en
made at nomin *Ilea na.,...tings
* *
Seven ty-f ivke. c...ot.t.' wort h Or iron
ore when turnat ado bar iron is
worth $5. J you make it into horse
shoes it it, w ort $10 or if into table
knives $180. Seventy -f ivo c t
worth of irOil ore ma1 iul o nteidlee
•ete worth $$6.810. and when convert-
ed into some kinde of fancy button;
it is worth about . $:10,000. If 1 he
iron is made into 1Vnt11 spring -
product is worth te.1 times more
than the Luti one, told w1io i urned
into hair swings it nil' sell for the
enormous sum of $100,000.
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only
Hair. Vigor
hair food you can hew. For 60
years .it has been doing just
what we claim it will do. It
will not disappoint you,
" My hair used to be very short. Ilitt'after
using Aye es 'lair Vigor n altort time it began
to grow, anti now it Is foOrteen inches long.,
This scoret a splendid reoruIt tome after being
&Most without any hair."
2tIrts. J. IT. Fromm, ColCrado srringg, Colo.
Moo a bottle. CO,,
All dru Isla. )owl. Mas
1. 0 g' aioo
' at D. yno1rthad
ne to take a fall %%idle
ig and elighted en Ms SllOntd"
o bones were broken, and
wonder, tor he was thrown
°tfl aving tripped on it
lin Many feet away.
eters' List for th Town -
lay. lute ,j11.5t been issued
ake the following statistic;
• 'umber of persons entitlee
;or members of the LTIS.,
ASSPrObly, Sr16: number of per.
titled to vote at Municipal
i 920; total number of jtw-
tlw Zist. 493,
A *rear question of who woull
new aring Edward at Clinton
''tU4, led. W. H. McLean,
rg. an Ohl eexperienced
hotel 'keeper. is the man
the five year lease.
's Itigned 'Wednesday; he
eossession •Oa the liith of
Mr. Cooper gets $600 for
year and e.)809 per Yn:.;tr
or.T WITTIAing four years.
u it' last ten days the Tem-
sernjc uorrs. OT Clinton, bar.'
evil attivelS engaged in emavaeeing
In' town in favor of loecil proltibi-
n and at the Council meeting
preit.l a strong petit ion
sl by /Ito hundred and thirty.sj luniciel electors (being a Ina-
tity of t hoer who voted at the last
client. asking the Column topes;
y -leu ee provided by the statues,
0 be submitted to the people in
January no, and to, put the saute
n (ort' if Ile.* el:*ctors sotlecide at
hat time. The council readily
granted their request, and the cant-
' is on.
L'lIo joint hoird of the G. N, W.
Godericie held a Well
et ended naHtting last week, and
pdvantani og the detail work
for ite coating I:111
• ,i 110!1 for the difteielf 'dee
ate:stems mei other auttters
it The loeal managing come
ittee mill meet each Saturday
*ening, and another meeting of the
hoard mill he held on Saturday, &pi_
11 at 2 o'clock p. xn.
1 W. J. hougbeed, M.A. of Por-
e at peeseut met beniat ical mast-
er the Clinton Collegiate Insti-
to 0, has bean appointed Successor
to :Mr. A. M. Overholt, assistant =a-
dieu:title:it master of the Hamilton
Collegiate Institute at a salary of
8000 a year. Mr. Lou:Jawed gradu-
ate:1 1TVOTIZ the Toronto 'University in
1902, :Jul the Ontario Normal Col-
lege in 1003.
P tin trout indierest ion, elyepep
e ; oe Lee rt eating ito relieved a t
once by thither one of Carter's
Li:11, Liver Pills, la:medial vie* after
dinner. Don't forget this.
Mr. Frank Schuller, .of Senforth,
was the victim of a bad accident at
N. Cluff & Son's planiag miil Thurs-
day morning. While working, ha
had the misfortune 10 have his right,
hand ca.u.ght in a rapidly revolving
circular saw. One of the middle
fingers MIS cut completely off, and
several others badly cut. Dr. Mc-
Ginnis dressed the wounds. Mr.
Schuller will be laid up for six
weeks or two months.
Ilio lionor Judge Doyle has given
jutignientin t ha appeal of the town
of Winglinni against the as",essmatit
by the township ef Turnbarrv ot tlii
gliarri electric light plant. This
property is situated in tha township,
and has been liable, for taxes w-hten.
owned by the Wingharn Electric
.Lighting Co. Under t1i lw,
CrOrti property is not liable for taxes
and lite judge accordingly sustained
the appeal. It may be said that the
quashing ot the assessment of the.
plant wilI have the afte,ct, lot in-.
creasing. the school rate of tile Low-
er Wirtgliam sehool sectioo,
lf you are tired taking h taro -o
old fashioned grilling Pi{1:',"try Or-
er.3 Lit Ch.. Liver l'ills tok.
oame comfori. A )fl (11 can't stand
(Vij It i no. One p111 dos,.. Try
A terrible accident ha ppane.d at
ce.1 s new upholstering
factory, Wingilam, last :Priday, Mi-
chael Robinson, an elderly ma
had charge -of the installation of
the W IL had almost been
completed and the fly witeel was
about to be lowered into position,
when the stays supporting it slip-
ped and t he shaft fell upon Mr. Roth
irlSOTI. He -was drawn forward on lo
sonic: bolts ready to bolt it .t.lecure.ly
hese bolls penetrated his lungs
while ili weigbt ef tile 1.N•heel
crushed his lifa out. 'Medical aid
was speedily at hand but of 'no
Coroner TowIcr did. not deem
if -necessary to hold an inquest. The.
dectonoett lea ves a widow and several
al.liciren. Tie was alyout 56 yaa
el 41. • •
't V
0VeraL move ago Mons 1,‘11V
LITO lyiZarti Oft. Josa1i, •Locals
-et 'eel electeic railway project ott
toot The line fr St .1
n esepli woe
located and staked out. The right
at way was 'bought, but we have not
yet heard that it has been paid for
Oectisiotially e nieco ef maebinerY
for construction work would reach
he "City," awl last week two street
arrived on a flat car at liensall
station. They are cars that have
been in use upon some, line but their
.irrival 11111 keop the project in the
PUblic anind. which has been rather
censuring itself for paying so matelt
attention to the seltexue, •The wiz-
; rd is ITOW 02010 filan ever a cenun-
drum to the people of South Ilueon.
We are itot saying that lie does not
enjOY the centre of 1110 stage. -
News -Record,
Oonsiderable ini.erest was display -
e as to tho decision reached
:y the license board in regard to
hich of the three Clintou hotels
under discussion would receive a 11 -
•cerise, and which would hare flit -1,-
141.0s cut oef. Gm Buxton, of the
Waeerly House. who very honorably
osed the bar of Ids hotel. Menday,
because ids lienee expired Saturday
evening, did not need any /
tra pursue:dye power to tell the
oerd alias kind or a hotel .
vould keep. and was therefore
anted his license. The new King
1do-ard also gots it license. hut
QUeWii 1,4rOse 1r1114014. Bare
tioderielt, repreeem- ,
• Uu temperance people before the
I gala mime :tad Lawyer Beattie
cif ter Mr. Cooperle interest%
tr iertsom oeGoderich, being
away 10 the W. -se nee not present
.et ing,
louncil met pursaron to eeljeurn-
nt at Town Bell, .Aue. 5t11. Ab-
0iU etinunilior Muir, Minutes of
us meeting nee11 end cenfirm-
V tied Armstrong -That the fat
ling. accounts be p iseeti 111141 or
tiers drawn ou treasurer for same
Sun Oil Co.. gasoline, e;10.83: *H.
• persons, et reet watering to July 30.
C. B. anell, el. ctrie hebt
to Aug, lst. te93,76;; Harvey Bros,
,al b% 16,00,1 James Willis
but' at e(tatet‘'rea S2.8.es9; nea.OA&
3 ere. labor. 82.011i .Tno, Ford. sal -
,,e $27.00 W. J. Meseta eletrity
MIs. 1elv4 $8,00.-Cerr1ed.
ITT. T. B. Carlin. Hugh Setae
t with the reev and couneillor
Taylor he appointed ,a committee to
latterview :11r. Caned regarding axe
rangementn for teck fact ory.-Car-
Taylor-Armstron*e - That t he
retepayers residing north of tie
river having subscrileel the sum or
.$225.00 in lieu of a frontag,a tax
for the construction of a granolithic
sidewalk on the w.ist sid.' of Main
'ttrcet from he Lek,* Road south
10 the board walk leading 10 the
triage. • Tide deems it expedient to
build said walk and that the clerk
be instructed to tulvert Ise for ten -
dors for said worke-Cerrivie,
raytor -Armstrong.-- Vett • the
-treet eommissioner instructed te
rim the trees in filen of (1.11. Bis-
'rt's residence, using his owe judg-
ment in the nett t en -Carried.
Council adjoutneel to meet at call
f revve.
tThe Kind You liave Alway&BOtertl
Boars he
W. O. T. 1 NOTES.
The next regular Women's Chris-
ti n Tem/Jerome 1 Ilion meeting will
be held at the Jeanne of Mrs. Blasdell
O Wed ne 8 day, Aug. 17th. All the
xaembers are very epecielly request-
ed to be preseatt.
Temperance workere oi Clinton
open the Loofa option campaign.
During the last ten days the tem-
perance workers have been actively
engaged in canvassing, the town in
favor of loeal prohibitioV, and at the
council meeting on Monday night
they presented a strong „geed t ion
signed by 230 municipal electors,
(being a majority of those who vot-
ed at the 'hist election) asking the
council to pass a by-law asprovided
by the statues, to ba submitted to
the people in January next, and to
put the same in force if the electors
so decide at that time.
The council granted the 1.0.quest,
and the campaign is on. It is un-
derstood that tbe adjoining munici-
palities are discuesinatothe matter.
A quiet wedding was celebrated at
Woodharn on "Wedne.sday afternoon
when Frances, daughter of Mr. mid
Mrs. Stephens, was married to Mr.
William Stewart, blacksmit It, Whose
home is itt Wooclhana, but who had
been working in Winchelsen. There
were only the immediate friends
present. The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. C. C. Couzens.
Mise Beatrice Gleason. of ii,larlotte,
WaS bride8141aidt end Mr. Conzene, jr.
best man. The no ty-mar tied
couple will reside at Ora, whither
they go followed by the heartiest
goad wishes *of their many friends.
Arching joirzls
in the fingers, toes arms, and o-ti.,r
parts of the body, are joints that are
inflamed and swollen by rheumatism -
that acid condition of the blood which
affects the muscles also.
Sufferers dread to move, eopeciall1/2
after sitting or lying long, and (licit
condition is vim:I./only worse in wet
"I suffered' Ozoniffolfy from rheumatism,
but have in= rYar...tko,Oy aim/ by lloo:t's
Sarsaparilla, for ,errIt'lat1 am(.11X/Ry p'atc-
tul." Mlos krescott, Ont.
"I had an attack of trse gritYwhieb let't one
Weak and helpless and suffering frorn
znat1xn. I began taking Ilootra Samoa,.
rilla and this medicine has entirely cured
me. I have no hesitation in saying It caved
my life," M. J. McDosia,o, Trenton, Ont.
Hood's Sarsaparilk
,Removes the cause of rheutnatistra-DO
Outward. applieation en. Take it.
See ad. in this issue of sale of
Metropolitan hotel.
Mr. and Mrs, Jrio. .NleKinleY ViT4T
ed. etre. Jute E. Digeau, last week.
7e1ieses Annie and Margaret Law-
son, of Goderieli, are visitiute Miss
Della tlouse.,
Miss Gertrude Harvey is the guest,
at her cousin, Mr. Gal field 13ucliart-
nu of Jarvis.
!,\Irs. Armstrong and children,
Brantford are guests of Mrs,
Rev, Mr. Hohues, ot Myth is vie -
icing ids sister-in-law, Mrs. (Dr.)
Miss Annie Sanders has ieturned
home after a two weeks' vacation
camping Al Kinoardine,
Miss Hazel A. M. Dignan has re-
turned home lawn visiting friends
in Zuriele Varna, and Remelt.
Miss Mabel McKinley, of Seaforth,
WAS the guest of her cousin, Mies
llnzel Dignen, during the past week,
Miss Jennie Taylor,' of Detroit.
*elm was rotting her mother, Mrs.
Thomas Biesett, ar„ for the past
TWO weeks, rettlfrrieti to Detroit
Messrs. Ali7, Chas. and G20. Bayley
•of London, with their families, drove
to Exeter,
Tuesday and spent the
day With friends,
The Willing 'Workers of the Tris
itt Alemortel citureb held it vere
eueeteseful jan n social on the church
grounds, Tuesday eveidoet,
A menet emit belonging, to
. Triebner while pasturing 30
ield wes severely out erouud ibo
melt by coming in contact with
barh tome.
Ed. Vowell, of New York, passed
through Beeler, Sunday on his wet*
to Grand Bend, Ile made most of
Id s journey front Detroit in an
A football match wee played here
on Tuesday night between Eneter
end Crediton teams resulting in
aver of the Crediton team by ;i
core of 2 to 1.
Trial Tripe -Now is thc Ume t
semere two good papers for t11e priee
f one. The Weekly Mail and Em -
Are from now till Jan. Iste 1903
for only 50c. To zw subseribers
We would b.e jI ztd 11 thee* hey-
iog (datives lunt lTilt'nds vie -lag in
NVOTOT1 uotify us of the feet b-
lTore VcduestIay noon of week
140 011 met can make* •tit . announce-
nent in columns ttf the
:Miss FJoesie deckell has ret armee
house from a month's ViniL W1411
friends in' ESSPN. She was accom-
panied home by her sister, eleete
ennui Jeckell, who wilt spend a hole.
day with her parents lora
Quarterly meet her services nill
be held in Jarnes-st church On SUR-
(l)Iy next, Rev. Mr, Wren will
preach in the .morning, after which
sacrament will be advinistered by
:Rev. F. E. Mutat,. Mr. Melo; t will
take the evening servile*. .
A Greet Sehool.-The attendance
ti the Central liusinee,t colkg:. or
Stratford, Ont., has been greaier
t his year than ever before Anil the
good work ot placing a large num-
ber of students in good positions
mit veer gcg.:i cat succesetatly. W.
J. 1IIiot is president of the col-
lege And D. A. MoLechlen is the
Princi1s4. 'Write to the 0011 3g0 to
a natalcigue, The fall 1 erm opens
Sept Oth.
Ifigh School. Nutes.-Parents end
118 reign: intending to enter
stueents for either the commerciel
or fulP English G01117ein Will oonfer
favor by registering at once with
t he teecretaree Mr. 'jam Grigg, as
ten board are anxious to know with-
out delay t he. number ot desks avell-
able for outside applicants. Par-
ties having rooms for one or more
pupils Wiel confer a favor by leav-
ing their names with ths secretary
or chairman with Amount of ae-
cozotiodation available.
By a fierce fire which raged from
10.45 a. ne„ until 1 o'clock Tuesdar
Zrernoan the barns or' the street
railway company, and the rona and
broom factory of Welford Bros. in
East London were pramically gutted
and 1 he blaze was only ' prevented
from being more disastrous by' the
timely nork of the fire depart:rear:I'.
A strong west wind rendered the
checking of the flairw.s almost im-
possible for a 1 itns, find ]iad 11 not
abated to a great extent a o.00d
portion of: ihe businasi sacqion
might ha ye been wiped out. As
it "as the fire puts the street rail-
way in a nasty Predicament for a
time as 1 he barns are useless. The
broom factory lost the greater
part of its machinery, and all of its
stock. Fortunately the- insurance
on the damaged ' buileiegs was
enough o cover the loss.
Is liable 1 o cause
but Dr. IIturniltoa's Pills of man-
e Peke and 13utternut never gripa.dr
ca ust a ny pa in w ha Laver. Tho.
mildest and eft...Icily-0 physic. Sure
cure 2or headache and billionsirs4.
Use •only Dr. HamiltOn'S -"Tilt 3.
Price 23c.
-111 Samout,1 S ta nle ke coati 1111.Ln s
very ili.
-Mr. W. Carrack has gone to the
lake to assist: Mr. II. Isaac ill har-
-A roimhar went froro Sodom and
tirinity Lo visit tile "Invisible City"
on Sunday last.
--The boys have finished pulling
the Jior in the la rg a fiald nau Black
-Mr. 'Isaac and wife Son
da yed with Mr. II. Isaac.
--Mr. 3. Stacy- is again on the
oad with his threshing machine.
Vrad Green has got Ma barn
ready to 1 flt.t 1 VC: his crop. The base-
ment is not yet completed.
Jaw. Es Levan or Yorkton
The co-operative Telephone Com-
pany, of Detroit hi looking for a
oharter in Windsor. A representa-
tive of the concern is aotively en-
gaged in looking up subseribers for •
the company, and so far has been
successful. The company 'desires to
place telephoues- he private * heusea
at a cheaper rate than is at present
given by the Ball CompaUY.,
Qualms, nausea, longing for food
;yet dreading b.) eat, You neat* have
the real thing, but Ferrozone will
cure you like it die S. D. Hunting-
don, or Hamilton, who says .1,1 frequently wns. attacked with suoh
acute dyspepsia that 1 thought it
must be heart disease, 1 Ilse(' Eel.-
rozone and got relict and got relief.
1 kept on using Perrozone and was
mired. My digestion is ein perfect
order and I eon eat anything to-
day." Nothing is as good as For-
rozone for dy,spepsla and those both-
ered with weak stomachs. Price
50e. 01 eruggists,
Exeter .., ..„.„. Sept. 19
Western , London ......Sept, 0-17
Dominion. Winnipeg ,,.„July25-Aug,6
Brandeo, Manitoba ...Aug, 9 -Sept. 12
Toronto, Industrial -Aug. 29 -Sept 10
Center Canada, Ottawa ,..SOpt.164i
Ilarnilt Inf•mtn, 11.1•.• Sept„•15-17
South Perth. Stretford -Sept. 27-28
Northwestern, Wingh4me---$011t. 2940
Ce•ntral, Einelpit „-Sept. 20-22
W, Middlesex, Strathroy...Sept. 23425
Great N. W„ Godericit
Northern. &Ise. Craig Sept,27-28
Glencoe ... .„.,. ..eSeet- 27-28
West Kent, Chatham. „. Sept,27-28
The Times and the Family gorge
and Weekly Star will be sent to any
address in Canede or the United
States ti11 Dec. 31„ 1901 for 75c.
To take advantage of this offer you
must subscribe at once.
et. We are sending out a number +
fv accounte this week to those "
itt arrears for the Tionee and
be pleased if those who
celee Iltem will make 00elr-
,T.ly rentittnace.
- .
aria winaitualerl 'arliP1111114111,ne
Similating ilieFeodamillegea-
ting IttzStOall4.5 and BaNYell of
Opurithorphino uorguleral.
N91,7NA-Ttv °WIC.
117474kerti X‘e-J#
OW ortt,ttatit,
/14"1:?:rircl -
.4'4F/44 ifi•=rt-
ionitrovvio 4r,r4-m:
A perfect Renuldy,tor COnstipa-
tiok, sour stomach
nclLOss or SLgEr,,,,.
Simile Signature of
or Infitut and Ohildren:
The Kind You Have:
Always Bought
Bears tb.e
For Over
Thirty Years
••••••••••••••••••,..... ••• .4, •
(Incorporated by ,Aet of Perliament 1853) 46;
CAPITAL Ainotioneenie,....,..... , , ..„ 83.000.000,00
Capital (ALI. PAID 'Ul9. • ••• • • • • .• • • , • , , • • • • :10.)00•000.00
To be a successful wife, to
retain the love and admiration
of het husband should kfta.
ivailian's constant study. jf
she would be all that she may,
she must guard well against the
signs of ill health. Mrs. Brown
tells her story for the benefit of
all wives and mothers.
-DNIrt Moe, RINI-111AM loYdi 111.
Pi niel lamee Vogt.* tabl e Compound
will make every mother well, strong,
healthy and happy. dragged through
nine years of miserable existence, worn
out with pain and \wariness. I then
noticed a statement of a woman
troubled as I was; and the wonderful
results she bad hed from your Vege-
table Compelled, and ticeided to try
what. it would do for me, and used it for
three months. At the end of that
time, I was a difterent woman, the
neighbors remarked it, and my bus.
band fell in love with me all over
again. It seemed like a new existence.
I had been suffering. with inflamma-
tion and falling of the womb, but your
raedieine cured that, and built -up my
entire system, till I was indeed like a
new woman. -Sineerely yours, Mos.
Cues, le. Bnower, 2,1 Cedar Terrace, Hot
Springs, Ark., Vice President Mothera
Club. --$5000 forfeit If or/gifted of Om lotto
proving genuineness cannot be produced,
Farm Laborers Wanted
Wiil be run to stations on Canadian
Pacific in Manitoba and Aosiniboia,
West, South-west and Noetb-weet of
W.inuipeg as far as
EITE.VAN and. 9
koroUr arl stations .on line of C. P.
R., Hamilton, London and Windsor
Sections West of Toronto, also
Guelph Bra tic)), excepting Guelph
City, and all stations south of line
G. T. It., Toronto to Sarnia,
AUGUST 20th:
One Nay tickets to 'Winnipeg only
will be sold, but each :person pur-
chasing will be furninshed with a
coupon on which, after such person
bas been hired at Winnipeg to work
as a farm laborer, but not later than
August 31st, 1904, free transporta-
tion will be given the holder fron
Winnipeg to any. Canadian Pacific
station in Manitoba or Assiniboia,
West. or South-west or isTorthwest of
Winnipeg, but not beyond .Moose
tiV elle St "V CP XL 2C
Beer, ee, The Kind You Have Always
Signature t'a cif i c Agent
of „re4:-/z-,te/7.4, A. Notro.an, Asst. Geri. Pas?,
gen t, Toronto.
]00r parnplets and all particulars
igil t..int tickets aprily to any Canadian.
• Reserved Fund.. •.! .. . . .,. . ., ,. .., . 2,850.000.00
40 17 Branclies in °made, tieiehee, Aleerta, Biltisn'etillitabla and Muiltoba.
0 open mvery Lawful Day trona 10 e. et. to 32'. et. excopt Saturdayl0e. et. to 1 P. 0.
.., Farrticsrs' Sole Notes cashed or collected, Forms &Invited
• On application. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, ("treti.1.1idtalo and Ito.
em lied mates, bought anti sold at lowest rates of exchange,
• Deposits of ff11.00 and upwards received. Interest Com-
te pounded bait yeariee, and added to principal June 36t1t and December Met, Do-
• positajeoceipts also issued end highest current rates of Interest allowed,
4* Advances made to !erasers, etoek dealers and business men at
s lowest rates end on niose favorable terms.. Agents at Exeter for Dom Cie .
• Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N D. HURDON, Manager. .ir`
Galladian Nat1011a1 xhibitioll
1904 ToRoNto, ow'. 1904
Largest and fittest exhibits of Canadian mienufactures,agriculturat
products, live etnck, etc., etc, ever shown. New botildings, improved
Wattles and get eter variety of attractions than ever.
The Band of the "Black Watch" (the famous. 42 Royel Iligbland-
ers) will attend the Exhibition, by permission of his Gracious Majesty
the Ring and officers of the Regiment, and will play three concerts
daily throughout its entire course.
The grandest pyro-military display ever seen in Canada will be
presented before the Grand Stand each eveeing with hundreds of per-
formers, brillianb cesturnes, gorgeous pyrotechnic setting and assisted
by the pipers of the "Black Watch.
"Dave -Devil Schreyer" in his leap from a bicycle 108 feet into it
tank of water; The Bickett Family. world-famous terial acrobats;
Winschermann's wonderfulerained Bears ; Adjie's Troup of Lions, the
most remarkable group of trained animals in the world, and many ot-
her acts of equal merit.
Special Railway Rates. Ask your Station Agent for Particulars,
Remember the Dates, AUGUST 29th to SEPTEMBER 121h.
W. Ke MONACGHT. .1.0. ORR,
PreSident Secretary and Manager.•00.4000.000.000•004.0000.0.004•040.004.00•
0 ....0004,•0000***000.000404. •
0 4.
** London September, 9th to 17th 1904 04-
• .3.
S le*CISC) (.1* IR
• 4.
• 4.-
44)*: A NEW $10,000 DAIRY BUILDING li
Improvements all along the line. Exhibits unsurpassed :4
Celebrated Jap Troupe of 10 People The Flying Ban- • e"
:4* vardS, and the best Gymnasts, Acrobats, and other spec -
.41 ialties that money can procure.
I Five evenings of Fir:works, concluding each
• ing with a realistic representation of the
even- G. :
, ..-
. • 4>
• •
e ...-'
0 ." .
0 .
A holiday outing none sllould miss, Special excursions:over
- .41!
4*; all linas or travel, For all information, prize lists, &c.„ address. .4, et-
: . ' e •
Lt. -Go], W. M. Gartstiore,
O : J. fi. No
President. llos
secreta' IT.
: :•••••••••••••••••44...4444 ••••••••••••••••04,44,„..G 4.