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Exeter Times, 1904-8-11, Page 1
Er GRON & MIDDI ESEX GAZETTt THIRTY-SECOND YEAR -NO" EXETER, O3 T., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11th, 1004 sole agents of tie Torun tor she improvca ii110611011'S 0011i)16 10r66 Pimp This is the only pump manufactured that has no leather suckers, and require no packing or packed joints of any kind. Always Prime and Never Freezes We also handle all, kinds of pmnps, both Force and Lift,Power and Hand Pumps. ZINCS t � eel Cas t Iron and Steel Enameled, Galvanized ast iron Painted. T. i-IAWKINS & S4� or Summer O 0 rr B l allt l,liaI'l ..x.13 Suttin a and ' Trof o>3s nags. We do good Tailoring, It is our pleasure to please you Good Cutting and Fittin g Good Sewing and Stitcliing Good Linings and Show. Taman.W. W Mear'(c ruitzt Tants l/i141C+1^i N+l4'44444444*M4+4444' Baby Carriages Pan neS We have a nice assorttuent of the famoua3 Behvarp Cloths, it will, make you a nice pair of summer trousers, and they are the best geode obtainable made only from specially prepat'ed yarns of selected pure wool, n ge aran- teed tost.'audsnnin any climate. Come in t and see thein and give a i5ui1 Accident We also R S F Disease Polley, good for one year with the Ontario Accident Insurance Co. of Toronto, with every order amount- ing to $10 or over. SVe will close our shop at G o'clock egee t Wednesdays dnesdaq s a d Saturdays during T ue. July and d 9u u st. War JOHNS 'The Prince of Wales Carriages :and Go•0arts are always in it -- ',for style and finish. a nicely as- sorted stock j uat arrived. Bicycles We are again showing the cele- brated Cleveland Bicycles which are the best value in the market to -day for the money. Merchant Tailor NOTICE Grand Bend JOHN W1HTS & SON .410.4!...4.4.++.4400.........f.' inthe Kipaen Sunday school picnic 4.b' f�►4#r4+fP#rgF.i�144�Y4ih.i+W4 •!.> and when Mr. Chambers' 2noth,v 94 * T* + 4'•r4 `2••: 4"i «T. i 44 ,+^ * . 1. TO CORRESPONDENTS. ,oy went into the barn to milk the •'g', clay of it hast Friday. All kinds of 4,-'• we would ask, our comes- cows, she found his deauI body. to , F s y Body ai lzexetie aaports we" indulged' 1111. ` e• fr people showed their syruliathy' by Mt- • d+ m goth- * Fondtnt, to ,raise in their bud - +•••••••••••••••••••••••••• �r zncludiaYp, running, juanpin,, and I • o tending the funeral In largo num- •*1^ �e e [ i 4t eaali wae'k w}tether teary 4 •� e• *"ne «i+ : y -1-leie ,-",",�•i x...(„ i..*."#'"'1':•1 •3••i•+ t'"14 er genies.• are little or big. We aro look- ® hut 2.0 Ml:•hauglr busy wilt}1 the'. Intl - Ing Boys race, 6 and under, -Cordon n s vest" 4o the interests 1 i n less of our t. • in hi, i, lvlektorr 1st, W. Anderson. �`' '�" -On Wednesday evenly, we had '» 'rid i `ubscribcrs in their la'irtie- ! Y • i• wood, Exeter; tor, n1st ;nkEistvn, nnbm u4u xttc•s : l`-hSeonhze etrimites cs yoluift} y. •• eauwere 1defeated by Girls'roe( 6 d uiAHey- may a score of 2 to 4, t largo crowd ®• `ili Exeter. 2nd. witnessed the game. We :ere prom-®, Boys' race, 12 en(under,-A dudneertlrzrawtattl'o t1n d iced some, more games right away •e; iris' race 12 andsutnsfil,--Clhlixoctet, •� t• sY cs0auorloarvxf1a11rr feWaliittewiromnyosur d;lfzlaa-vyIlcfera$orib}e sseSoeceerdlcoe €afzclrola1taeusI1nl dLanhsarson, lsirkton, Norwich,n nd ,.. • • r •Z ular locality, (anal want the • • our first real football match,when • 1, laud, London, 1st ; T. Gram, London. even otae,,'*ita ri p^oiully op. 2nd. • pyour by thin reader in ti* B oys race, 16 and under, -C , bis -6 • r seotien Seiki •z big bud- '�' •'A 'wI r' finished their fall wheat harvest. The two or three excessive hot days did a lot of -damage to the fail non. London i_rd )ar thagc, London, 1sa. , . L , cC ltrr . • get every week if you can, a p wheat" • not, the small one will be w�el- • T. Young, ladies' race.-- S. Marshall , • mad • - Ciandeboye London. 1st ; J. McCrimuxon„ • o • • London, 2nd. ••••••4PO0*(e*p••4pQ•4444!4** Men's race, 100 yards, -W David- son, Stratford, 1st ; A, JIaYcrow. A It Steinbach, Stratford, 2nd. Vat rutins race,i00 yards, -W. 11, Trovcll, St. .Marys lst ; T. P. Car•- ling. Exeter, 2nd. Needle ;incl 'thread racer, -u. AA'f llestings, Parkhill, 1st W. lt. d*rovell. St. Marys, 2nd, Birdie recce -II, Lettere I'atrkliill : est ;' A, Iia1^huw, Stra,t#ford, u;cl, spent the past few days vision;;` h u Wednesday of r, vi S Jamie of Mr, and Mrs. }ioi Gomm.:, of McGillivray, was the roc :Binh„ wit(. has been visiting him very pretty 'wedding when their •;i• mother, who is very ill, r.turnad daughter, Miss Nevaa, was tllliteclin Tannic oar Monday• marriage to Mr, Woe Amos, of Wet - friends in Myth. fora fogy daJ;s lust ford, flan ci rernonv Evac m:rtorl iebl friends in Blyth fora few days last bee, of AnsaalQraig,botxi eche young xw"eek- couple having Previously been MOM S'ohmidt, of 4eblangvills, ber5 of his claurall. Ilurin„ tete pia:vinl of the wedding' march 1)'* d1Ire. M. Lee, of London. the bridal r e. e party (leccnded to the parlor.. Tlr. bride, who was given away by her farther, was charmingly atiir i i white organdies with t ouches blue,: and carried a largo hOgUe . 5 F in fitiron Co. A place where furniture can ire purahased with so i Loney as at our store? No! such is impossible, We have an endless variety of Furniture of description which is going at a loan figure .dur'ir, house-cleaning time, you are interests wee the •4 WANT lia5 Dale • uac> 0f a ♦ • YOUR TRADE a Button sewing., -O. Wa 1IaStings, enter, Mrs, llartlicb and • othe xivirds, lie returned to Ins horne+ an Tuesday. -"31r .john Sellae r. tante tawny cloyed to Bewail, on Tuesday last Accra Mr. Schafer has puroluteed he butcher business ,of Mr.. G. Pet- e and Mrs. Schafer have insure mends here, wit() are .sorry to see lieta go, but who join with us in visiting thein ranch happiness once irasperity in their new bone, leari;hill( let; Sa, Tonei, London, 2nd. Married ladies' :rasa,- 1rs , ha n dy Toronto, � t ;Mrs, 11Qtan,t, Park- hill, 2n, Three-legged rase,---llayhow and Farrow, lst ; Davidson and Wood, 2nd, flop-stop-anal-jump,---Ilrown, Ansa Craig_, 1st ; Il. V. Lotto), Parkhill, ;nd, 'Wheelbarrow race,-.-liaylaaxs- and \('i1. let ; Davidson and \\good, 2nd, Runnllee ,lump. -Drown, lst ; Tot- ten. 2,2id. `zot-ten.:nd. Tug of war, --Tahoe captaituct by McCaartbarg, of Landon end Wright of tot At T xr ra• Won byWright's tt team by two straight pulls. A masquerade parade and driliby the Calrapers, Mader the direction of Major Malone. of Stratliroy follow- ed in the everting and. was a very successful affair. The masquerade was followed by an excellent di:i- lalaay Sia fireworks, A hotly contested lacrosse match vas played last Thursday between is '1.. M. C. A.. of Stratford. and, the eunpers, the Stratford boys win- ning by a score of 2 to 1. J. If, (sieve, of Exeter. refereed the game and ;ave satisfaction to both sides.' -Miss Beatrice I:Iowcy, of Exeter, is bolideying here. --Mrs. Henderson and daughter vovfeAtia Craig, returned d Iam© this is -Mrs. M. Hamilton, of St, Murys, is the guest of NIr. Hobert llamin- t on. .Tho Y. .M, C. A. boys, of Strat- ford, left this week for their home, after a two ;weeks' holiday here, 13lytlz on Tuesday to attend the fun- -miss Annctt and Miss Dexter, era], of their brother, Mr. John of Zort Huron, returned Loma this tiit1C , Patterson ... Ellis, CO- r week, after a pleasant visit at the -Messrs. Bend. Ment contractors, of tat. Mar•ys,'f tiro 'Unitedcities ' Stotes, aof Ontarrio, etatrtod the building of a content Also ninny -Most oof tthef i , a bridge on the boundary 'just north' ! well represented at ()trend Bend. this !season. Miss Sarah Atkinson, of Anderson, and Mr. Yes. Bax, of St. Marys. were the guests of Mrs. James hemp, the fore part's of the week. -On Saturday afternoon the wv an xsitternin frnn a. trip, ran into the mouth of 0 Kirkton 1 beta asters and maiden hair ferns. fail to call on us, Atkinsons lzrrdturenous cry the And if Prices, 'Variety mud Quality count we should get ft. Undertakers and Funeral Iairectors. ..*� 4 ,..Y J « 'e•. �•"»°' x t d i':7 ',+ �. �• } t #:. `r 4* fA ..° ♦ *'r 444.4444444*444.44444444'4F 44 444.4.444.4 4 444444444 TRY STA7HAM'S READ She also wore a handsome gold ' watcb and chain the gift of the ne Miss Anna Dale, Sister of bride, acted as hrld,srnaid. end Mary Autos, ;eister oof �tllo na. as amid of honor, Both tli(x aldents of the bride were daint%-' arrayed in white, :.tact carried bo- ats or pial;, ester :iia. Linwood bo- o supported the trnom: The 5 the bridesmaid re.<�nt to tI , autifully carved gold brace I thea maid of honor .. very; with 'turquoise and Try Statham's ice Cream and ole, Welty ' .ai" l,awr�' w t .e14 ll � no t a i riends is I.can(lon. 4 . 11, 11,mulpc Made ;a Lu, tie s'a 0 1:(onclen last week. w r. 't%'illiu * Elliott is moving house 'ti; oh#.Davis's Ito h on r VIr, Ii I) r .1 ry 'o, j, Williams went to Brant- ford, <an Thursday lass to visit frienda ..Mr, Thomas llaelle wood , and wife, of Exeter, visited friends in the village the hitter pard; of last week, house, vvberc amid 3a1'ofuse score one,-,' .-^ i+ �.. a ,..hl;r, W. 11, Garr drove to Blyth, t}care, gill laarto0k of :a sumptuous 1:l,tatviltr Sunday last to visit friends for a dinner, attar which tousle was fur - *pie of <t ._., returning on Friday id,ry niched by n ntamher of the nuc,ste. s • rea s T rl . h i en- d bride a lairstw beautifully r ;raved locked of Guinea: gold.. Haw- ng received the congratulations of licrir friends, the newly wedded lair to the basement af" the, CRUST Tu CYUST, right through from end to end -there is wholesomeness, healelifullne :s In the bread that is made here, Care in the making -care in the baking --- makes the perfection that makes ou bread the equal of the best that was ever made. Wedding Cakes a Specialty out received from I Sparkling drinks Cool ar P � J. STATHAM Successor' to J. T. O'Brien, ain -;fir. alio Mer, Keddy, (n Beal2- eveninft. M foul. ti'clac% all again repaired ,,y Miss y4 -., isdat spent Sunday the guest cf .1i • tw •- the d' Ila i 0 in the ha,.c , ant 1 .~-Mr, and Mrs. Ilenaiia3oli, former- to 1 dining -room t, a In rat 1 ot', Mitchell and illiss Minnie. oC where they were served ;whit a Zeta Andrew. Y ti i hon -1n- luncheon. of ice-cream uelte and -.The Tp, Council met; on Satin - law, sero, visiting their . law', Mr, Fred Taylor. fruit," Mr, and Mrs. Amos deft on dcty .unci dispensed with the usual -lair, nnet Mrs. 1;, N. Shier. who the evening train for London, amid run of business. have been spending the pest 10 days showers of roe and the hearty-Mr..aollxr Piper spent da ij i P at Grand Bend good wishes of their pillets, The and Monday under the, rives: 1roof enjoying an outing i returned home ell \Vedneeday, many and cot;tly presents' testify to at. Exeter. 1 i "t ��. t,t ,, official � . a 1 wrl • ffi o rtt a , The quarterly u 9 a -aid i which the u u -Mr. Geo. Bendy, c ztdrov 1�. I the ]t ire a wli Y on: 'Monday evening ;and unseated :leis. Cornelius Switzer drove to couple hold, and our best wishes } _ _ follow Them to their hone in Wet- the usual business connected there ford. with, w ` a ._,.__„�,_,.,_. --:wig. and :4[r', S. ><3ulltw alt n Crediton Children, of St Marys. b1)eut Sun- dav the guest df, 1'lr, and ale's. Jas. -Mrs. ,Mellon end grand daughter Earle • M Niagara. -Mr, E. White and Miss Olive .,else Miksa are visiting at \ rb Hawkins, of Rod gerville. spurt -leers S. Brown, of ::carr Arbor, is lI F. ,� Jos. g, r.. aMr,nd.X a s ora o guest s& Sun- day i!i u a- • 1iit- a Mrs. N Mr. .r. and and .e f Hawkins 1 drew. -Mr. and Mrs. Eli Coult ice_ spent Saturday last in London visiting his sister, Mrs., S. CLax'kc, who Maas re- cently gone under an operation for appcndacitis, at the hospital. steam. pleasure beast, h g the cut, and struck a 'stump which badly wrecked it. It rs stated that there were nearly 0,000 people at the Bend to attend the annual sports, Friday last. 0011stantly on hand at Ex- There are at present about 1 500 increas ' i i,• a large; which 4 'n 4r5 w 1 campers, Best I? • eter and Centralia the over any previous year. Cement in Canada. -The services held on the camp grounds last. Sunday were very lar el n .attended. Morbiing er ice • v • 11 'r. Parkinson; n• e ��t10 C1�1' g1Y'a rand were conducted b I y lit the evening by Mr. Gilcrest, of IIPrices lowenough to Slut; Stratford: -The banquet last week, which e p a rr r g everybody Bring in your old wheel and have it repaired and cleaned satisfaction guaranteed, pRICES MODERATE Martin. *•o•vs•••44*•4ov*♦*4•*•* was given e by the young men of Stratford 'Y. M. C. A., was enjoyed e by the invited guests. The young men had the tables tastefully ar- ranged. yyc k pp 1c C i h refreshments t Ne ere r t cti i re. �1VT1. sl i • J BORN SALTER, -In Usborne, an July 24th toe -Mr. and Mrs. Martin Salter, a son: DIED HOWARD: -At London, on Tues- day, August 2nd, Mr. Edwin S. Howard, aged 55 years. THE beet that could be got. -Open air concerts are the order of the day. Last; Monday evening was the concer't of the season. ll was prepared by Mr.. and Miss Trevoll, or St Marys, who with f:riends are spending a, two weeks'' holiday at Grand Bend_ ••O•('i4.O••••444404o®44P4.4 • We are sending out a number • j seeforth, and i.5,v siting for the first • of accounts this week to those `excursion to the west. or the village on Ttccsday last. G. st Mrs. �. row; n, Roadhouse., n r, and 1V1 13 Mrs. T. T a visiting i t. M n ( life. B. t -• r and 4 M,.a ,isi ax Berlin, is Visit- or t -.Mrs. Yager, of l exl t of St. Marys, spent the latterp 1I s ag , of last week visiting their son ;and hli, her mother, Mrs„ H. Moi.zn daughter;, ` (Mr. 'War. Brown) re-, ..-.Mrs IL Dyer, Of Detroit, is turned ton town on Sunday evening. visiting relatives end friends in the -Mr, Hugh Kirk, N. 13. Doupe and J. Iloiliagshed levee. accepted the -'jr. 11, Raley. of x illy, is visit-+ job of stretching the wire for the ing at Mr: \'W m,n Lu '. telephone lino from .SI:, 11ni�ys to Mrs. ek1oeurray and family ,are Tauter. Thero is good pay in it, visiting friends .1t �vipsoir,ri- -Miss Edna ;and Carrie .Marshall ' Ir., Wm. Young and family t,,nd Miss Minnie Switzer left for are visiting Mr. and Mr. John the I3end on Tuesday morning t Young. • spend a week.. If the non on the 130. Cedar Posts for Sale' -The under - does alighting . • e x Ili: head, ww 11first-class s cedar al laet week aI1.,Ikt � soon cease our vi,tlaaiy,. il signed has first ai s postshay s tion da os not.a> are not serious=" Charge of a :. Cllax he InT abi"tants• sole air Centralia, t`tute a it inh forg be destitute F. re has se- village er Passmore -Mester rr B t es"` ;ionweigher-Henry 1' ,la t ith nun t the grain' house - r.David Smith, Y g t M. the of Mr, Il, Smith. .fvrmexly al: the Eilber, Crediton. Ont. our ed the position of telelx z ix vi11a ge is sending a row days here -There will be rt band concert Stratford I3usinoss College. ['' p r, Sunny -1 Tc a n of w I 'ur • 1V L ,a aclasias acquaintances prior:. to his given. on �'1r: D. Swvaitze ass y g return to the Yukon, where Mr. on',l♦''r daky evening', commencing at side, Logan, has rettxrn,ed home at Snaith holds a' lucrative position. S o'tlook, Tee cream and Tomon ade ter :spending three weeki, visiting -M t Ches. Outfield. our popular evdl also bo served. x elatives. in thi's viemity . - s r W 1pa. of i 1�Ixs.. , 1:' , -Ed - r a nd a ,� Mr. I imweek,. while TY ,. last w e ' lengreat'u 1,.,. ad, been making -Ono • coos b gY b a rhea last spent Sunday c n' h e Stephen -e xtt y nand � Short, e �"o t Tucl. xs , casaea •b concession. sax n, Ia his rasedthe �t o )? o e t s to T f provrm n vascula the T'atter's. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben y Xnssmere. -Mr: Mat.. Thompson's new resi- dence, is ready for the carpenters and painters. While excavating for a, cistern in the cellar he struck a strong spring,. so concluded to rise it torr a well?. Osborne. -Mr. 0. English. is spending; his holidays in the neighborhood. -Mr,Chas, Gann fell off a. load of • 4. Y The Wtttle Bat Axa 13a a coin make lie fosyou if you are strife aches. Frontal headacbee (which will never mica l relieved in der by means of glasses. Eyes' tested free. Q p NEW DRUG STORE One Door South of Post Mee r Cht mist and Optical. Mr, Henry A nder�:oIr sold ;Marga amiicor of rat c {ttle last week to 1 tt ni l'ridharmx, of Fullerton, he as nli o taurchased as grand 'nowv r•rvall for his accommodation.. -A cerres 1ondenu writes of ilia ' 0 of the dilsl,idaaed condi tion cfbou� bridgee near the line between II borne and Blanshard. Particular at- tention is caned to one of the old wooden bridges oast of the Sunshine church, :w 1zic11 has a large hole in it, the only- protection to covering v[a,few • being a o a horses 1 n o Ix ants, surroundings, by putting a 'cement wall under the house and surround- ed by a newComm and adorning the. whole by paint in' rich colors. iieiman G d Sutherland Notary Public, Couveyan car, Commissioner; Fire Nnsurance Aggent, and M Licenses. Legal documonts Usurer of Marriage carefully drawn at reasonale rates. Money Clic to loan on real estate at low rates of interest; O51ee at the Post O9laa lensall -Ntrs. \V reef]!, and sora 1 i aiakie, William Phillips is home front of Vaineouver; acre visitin;.' , her sister, Mrs. Teeplan. -Miss Johne, of London, is visit- ing: her sister, Mrs: Robt.: Wilson„ -Mr. Wren Sheardow:n, of Lucale spent Sunday- the guest of Miss Scott 13aynham. -Miss Annie Glary, of Seafor11t is the guest of Miss Mary Curtin_ f Bii nsie ' milton of y - r: J. Hamilton, M R e at Ir. Samos Beliefo.ds or visited t Zw Thursday last. Miss '�'I• 1tuet.a.ble left .for Lon- don, on Monday to attend the an.il-1 linery openings. was ploughing, he loft the team of colts stand for a few moments. whale they made, a Mush frrr liberty, and ran through the feeds towards the road, and atter. .freeing themselves teem the plow, ram about at mile up the road. The prow wets badly. broken but the horses, escaped with- out a scratch. 4 In arrears for the Times, and* --Mr. G. C Petty this ;meek solei • x • shall be pleased zf those, wvho ♦ his butchering. business lo i ir. Slaef- • O p.ly xeinittna.ce: • r,!e iv`4 i:laem will snake •a.r} ear- • far, of Zurich: Mr. Lorne- S tt of the Sovereign ace40®,�4••••••4••••••0Q4m044 Bank,is spending his two weeks. holldys,artr Araya Ci aa;; , Bayfxel;d and .s...4 +v;) Medd nfamily art, • c,ndinn�''t :wwr days at R iyf:ielcl rchants dank of Caned i h Zur c Nlcssrs. Jacob anis I d: Dcichc'it Sip . J• 'Stephens and dival ter HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL. -14 s 1 wore in .T3ay i:s ,K on Tuesday: have 'gone to spend throe weeks at ...... ....,...$6,000,000 enc'Wed- ,CA er, other e "I� l -brie- Agnes . TSae1Clld,a• sI the Bc .,1 nesday with, mends at Grand Bend. -0n • Wednesday of ,CAPITAL (all pard up) • • iernoan i"ticre. --Miss Pent Nicholson, of Blake, was .1,.3arge.,n1teetin ,ot the W.7+', M . • spent Monday' with friends .in town, S, of the Presbyterian church to 13 1. T • SURPLIS PROFITS,. ,,I$OS'FYS RESERVE • . $3,200,000 IS • $ ,959 NTr..Chas, Shoemaker, of cr ln, hear vo • ' to:cortin;, iidd E. F. IiE7BDEN, visited dtt leis roma cat 1V-ai�ncrs` from hers. Buchanan, wife of , I i rs;i leev. superintendent oP Bra.nches corner last Sunday. er D :Buchanan,' of this place, who has g , l Canada •; [t7 Ci an lraanche s HE na O feneraxl Ma GS BANK SAVINGS allowed on Savings Interest at most favorable current rates g.. I Deposit Receipts. 1~' Accounts and: Dep Cattle- men, Fanners and C ttentiongiven to the.business of Special a names, men, to whoa i loans are made on approvedin all parts of the Credit issued to' travellers, payable Letters of r l d. w .r.B D ANSA. BANKING BUSINESS. TRANSACTED GENERAL p� EI� I: N A Ca CREDITON BRANCH W. S. CHISHOLM, Manager. -M155 'Mabel - week spent ww", been for some years it missionary in friends clayti of .last week 'visiting the Argentine` Republic, and is in'town • ss Lizzie Either and Miss :Doi a. x u r". Detroit, arc sicca ing' a , e • 'lin ida- s at horns hare. few:e e o pcndizpa her 1 y fewv :weeks 'with: Mr. once 1vLrs. C. '1_,CeynenC foundations have been Eilber.. put' under the Queens Hotel, and -Mr. and Mrs.' G. F. Baldwin p.f, started to. brie]:; i(� v with the tatter's par i day in town Mi , -Miss Murdock, of London, is d ITa1 1 bT.r. un_ workmen have Se rtortli spent Saturday once S u) It will be t great. tmpi ovc. Sirs.'" Keller : -Tice funeral of the Slate W. J. visiting her sister ChaiubC-s was largely atten�dec malar, of "Dashwood, has return- From, all. sections The procession Rev, long. R c miles m two 110 over ed Mein o -Mrs, W. 1'inkbeincr, of Milver- ton is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Faust, end ether relativ- es at `present. Anderson lluiuphrey Anderson a=gent Sunday with his parents, -Miss Switzer ;lad Miss Maggie Anderson visited : riends at Lake- side Sunday. -b r. and Mre. ,;,cares Atkinson. visited their son, Dr, J. W. Atkin- sort, of Mitchell, las: week. White e and "vZ. � lit c .IxK+. 3. and and, , n �. o Detroit. roth f atu liner, Dorothy, d R y Miss Tillie White. of Exeter, spent" Sunday with roin.tives here. -Miss Sarah Atkinson spent a few days t:l'irs week with her sister. Mrs. Jas. 1s omp, aft Grand Bend. -Rev. Philip. ifnrding. of Michi- gan i5 renewing : 1c(1.t3Grintannesin Mr. assisted eP. R vicinity. IIs h": v lc t this x 1 y r1 meeting tin quarterly at flit. S Anderson Y d n Aix e el Se et nSunday services held n.t dl .,m morning. -Mr. Jolui Anderson, Sarah An- derson, and Mrs. Chas. Robinson, and daughter, Emma. wdre among those who :Attended tlta Herald ex- cursion to Port Huron and Detroit last weeks. Woodham -'Tlu cslaiai',� h.as begun in this vi - eine a ty. -i\Ii'. George Allen. Sund1aycd ;at a ci Rend Gatti l\ir rdgaii Mill left .for London ora Thursday of last week.' -err. Warden Allen and' 1'1 P. .Loin Joluistont silent Sunday at (,.rand Bend. isoi -.Mi'. and Mn,. Seasroith ecce son, of Toronto returned home' ort Sat- urday after spenclini; the past two weeks witli;F:ircnds in the village.. -Mr. and hers. Routley and Mrs. Tom Johnstone and the Misses Swal- Tiraok lows;: Wliitc, Tapp, Squire, home C n to ;Returned Stephens. ' e h n anti 5t � 1 a o' past s pendia the et 1 A. Shave pastor of thr7.�ippen circ Monday aft 1 cuit, conducted the services. The ;veal>-, at. (randt Bond. ',fli .y report. family had been at Bayfield false attend- leavingng had a good time. : 0 WINNERS ` Twine � Binder and Hollywood �`� Gold ����• Paint. Plymouth_.. are best because theyare evenly f� roes The , spun and go faith o ,r filen any ocher twine. Gold Medal 650 feet to pound. Silver' Sheaf 600 feet to pound. PlSpecial 500 feet to pound. Y Ourd' Prices are 1.1 ate. nluee. Til.: stead Paints d that the Hollywood is good can once be convinced y� Trya `n for inside and outside. Paint 15c per half pint 25c per pint 45c per quart, HERMAN'S HARDW�