HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-4, Page 8ALLO Are you getting your share of the hot weather
bargains that are going? Do you ever compare prices.
out )are other dealers'
tryit t, . _
and ante
prices'with Stewart's, you'll find quite a diffe Bance.Here
axe a few pllns picked at random from out big stook,
21 pounds Redpaths extra
1 and granulated Sugarr n3100
10c Bottles best Ex
.bars Comfort rt
r 2 o
6 bars Richards Pure Soap -• for
_ for ? e..
Cr bus Dingnnans Electric Soap, • - . • , ' for 25e
bars Victor soap .., ..... ....... •-
12? -,e package for Orange Meat ,
12110 package for Grape Nut
12.1e package for Swiss Food
i2te package for Shreaded tl• heat. Biscuits
1Se each for best Globe Wash Boards for 50
5 doz. best clothes. pegs3%5
Best Glass' Wash Boards .,.. , . 4e
Sailor Boy Tea, Black, japan, or :lined ...
Forest City' Masking . 'owael.*, quit reale::,. > , per b4'
Royal Bast .Cakes.,...,,• .. ..,.... ,.
10c the eau for best Corn, Peaes and, Tomatoes -
The hest, Inc broom in the trade
sheetstanglefootFs,= for
Pare ward guaranteedk£ua1i y ,,,
>t11e 11 12.4e
rr tie
(f llaanee re47. aauteii , , ' . >
Kippered gerriugs best quality ... .
Eipperc'd Herring in Tomaato satnee .. .
3 plugs .)leOonalds Teleaoeos .........
Eddy's best Uatclses the boy .,...
Best Cracker Matches lan1VA ., ,• ><..
Remember every 'article sold by els must be as repr'e-
cnte oP your money back for ale as rang. Cali you and
better place to _. a
deal? We don't think so, we will protect you
against ail combine .prices we belong to no assoclatigp, of
Any Quantity of Good Batter and Eggs Wanted.
MMES, AUGUST 4th i9O4.
P ♦o s000t♦otott♦coot♦soottoo♦t♦ttot toietottos0000t! ,
Mr. and errs. A. I,amiuto, of De O t l 4.40-, -i,-,~-;s o `• o 11 •.1-I 11 ..• `•'w, .y.;..•,. * , . o d•a 8•.. •F , r c . o+ + •f
troit, are visiting Mr. and. rs. Ed. O '
i Sale
Christie. Miss Gestic emleft an Klotz O StIiIie'1J1111C 'ales
day for 'Taronta, where she will vis-
the guest of Miss Vera Ila,.vksht .
the forepart of the .Week.
Miss, WinniEred Ball, oft Gederich
visited Mrs, d`, A. Ste r ,, the first
part of the weer..
Mrs. Switzer, of London, and Mr.
A. McCallum, of St, Marys, were
guests of tete Commercial Sunday -
Mr. Ed. Crocker. of Toronto, is
spending his holidays here with" his
tech d
4 R c
Mrs. 't L
Mr. .id
Mr, S, Powell attended the frier•.
t friends,
i $1.25 Waists for 75 cents
1a^. I>ivingatone, of Milverton, ,?s
al, at Loudon+ on Wednesday last.
off his uncle, '51.r. henry 0, McCut-.
Anyone desirous of purchasing a
fine farm would
Anderson. ulell to lSto cavi suln
zlr, D . .
auotber column..
g,,s Wanted.- .. Q. liobier is
laying $545 for hogs hl this week.
Shipping day every y
Exeter and Centralia.
The 'voters list for the township
at 'sborzne setons '7S1 persons ilia
i41RR to vote and 389 qualified to
xtervia as 3nrors,
'brans Snell, fill's, Snell ,and
sox tiled slaughter, sit Louden, spent
the Forest Ciry's .a ivie holiday with
Ir. and M-rs, George Se -amen.
a ppc la each ..
a bIa
a ca
„ Desirable
flit for Sale.,..,i., qty yin E,.e tear, with suitable
re aidolace trnereon, Good investment:
tippy 'to. Gladrean Sc $taniaury,
Mr. and l'Ar.s. Shosenberg.and
chiitixeii, of London, are holidaying
x.ith Mrs. Shosenberg's parer/re, Mr:
anal Mrs. W. Hawkshaw,
Mrs. J. T. Lockhart end babe and
Miss Bathe, Barwell, of tungsten,
nig) have been visiting relatives in
St. Marys, are spending a, short time.
. f i la 3.1-v. and Mrs. G. Samwell, .
Harry d'ackson. Miss She
ster Max Shutt, of London„
IOW days of the past week
e latter's parents, Mr, and.
utile iiyudman lett on Mort-
;4limico, where she will vis-
., s for a couple ot weeks a1M
ter wb olf she will take a position in
wholesale millinery house in To-
Trial Trip...Now is the time to
secure two good papers for the price
ai one, The Weekly Mail and Baal-
pire trona now till Jan. 1st., 1905
for only 505. To new subscribers
The Rev. Wm. Godwin willill
Quarterly Meeting services in Main
street Methodist church. on Sunday
Aug. 7th. Lowe feast commencing
lit 10 a. in. and sacrament after the
usual preaching,
"file Canadian horticulturist in
Its August issue will announce that
aRs a result at careful investigations
made throughout the Province it
Linda there is not likely to be any
Shortage otthis apple barrels se-
eon. last year it will be rememb
tiered, thousaancts if bushels ot ap-
ples rotted, under the trees owing
to the scarcity of apple barrels.
The average price this year for bar-
rels will be 40a to 50a each.
AOUTLD quickly grasps the mean -
ng o
But it
ill f b
ac,lla c
often takes .a. lifetime to appreciate
You can greatly reatl assist the child in learning
the; ,v a1ue, .
f the dollar. 11OW By having him open a
the womb o
SAVINGS ACCOUNTwith this Bank and by encouraging
him to aced to it.
A SINGLE DOLLAR is sufficient to start an account.
Smaller Deposits may follow. NO TROUBLE TO EX-
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Branches in Huron County at
Creditors Dashwood Hensen Zurich Clinton
Solicitors. Manager, Exotar, Branch
For Marriage Licenses,
Wedding Rings,
Wattftes, Clocks
Jewel rY,
Spectacles Etc
Watch Repairing a SpecialtT.
Sar eon, OeUUsb,
OV G g
Specialist, Desoases,
Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat
visits Exeter monthly.
Masses .Properly. Fitted
Nasal Catarrh and Deafness treated. O
COMMERCIAL 1-OTEL• Dates of visits,
WEDNESDAYS, July 27, Sept. 7, Oct. 5.
Nov. 2, Nov. 3a. London office 2225 Queens Ave..
General Selling Agent for
C. P. R. Lands
Miss Gertrude Shcere is visiting re-
latives in Parkhill.
1 Miss Edith 'Iiyndman is visiting
friends at Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cobbledick
spent Sunday in Brantford.
Mrs. Baike, of Hamilton, is the
guest of Dr, and Mrs. Lutz.
Mrs. johns and Miss Amy have
returned from Grand Bend.
Mrs. Monroe has returned from
a month's visit with friends at Kin-
Mrs. (Dr.) Harrison and Mr. Ray,
Fanson visited friends in Cromarty
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Sample, of F3Illar-
ton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sas.
Any persons, farmers or others,
who contemplate purchasing lands
in Manitoba or the North-west Ter-
ritories will find it to their ad
vantage to call on me, as I have
recently been appointed general sel-
ling agent for all C. P. B. and C, N.
N. Land. Co's lands. Prices range
from $3.50 per acre and upwards.
Persons who settle on C. P. R.
tafter pus
Miss Ira B. Andrew, and Miss
Brown, of Cromarty, spent Sunday
with friends in
Stella. ,
The Misses . Dow, S p
' t' a
are rusticating r
' h Sanders,
Grand Bend, this week.
Mrs. Arthur Gregory and daugh-
ter, of Bra,tford, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Gregory.
Toledo, i
Frankof of
Mr. _
spent the past week at the home of
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas,, Tom.
Mr. E. G. Hooper, spent a' few
days last week at Buffalo, Niagara
Falls and visiting relatives" at
Miss Gertrude Elliott, of Lucan,
has returned home after visiting
the Misses `Vera and Ethel Cobble -
See M. Jackson &` Son's ad. on page
one ; year - 5. They will buy scrap iron, brass,
lands within ' paying high-
paychase have ten years in which to estcash prices.
rags, old rubbers, etc,
r such lands.
or further particulars apply, to ant visit; at her home here return-
ed last week to resume her duties as
$L75 $1.50
X1.25 ! $1O
Ladies' Whitewear
40c. Drawers to self at 25c.
$1.00 Nightgowns to sell at 75c
$1.00 Skirts to Sell at 95e.
00c Corset Covers to 8011 at 40e.
Ladies' Vests
i0c Vests to clear at Sc.
So Vests to clear at 5c.
20c Vests to clear at 15c.
Wrappers . M
$1.00 kind, good fast colors for 75e.
1.. hind, good fast colors for $1.10
only a few left,
Cotton .Hose._
oz of real Ileasy Cotton Jose, warranted fist black
lsl, re felon 1e for 1.00,
Slmmer Dress Goods
All Cell" hot weather goods to be sold. ontr
We hove only a few pieces left but they are ni
5c, 10e, and 1.21c per yard.
Ladies' White Wear Sale
87 cts
ets 55s
75 Drawers for 5
,7, 57,ZE
\\re male a, specialty of wateb and,
clock repairing. 11. Hartleila,
Mr, Furey Westaway was the
xexL cat Dais sister Mrs, A. T`ord
ler Sunday ,
Iter. Wm. Godwin and family'
baYo returned lacune from a pleas-
aut outiZ21 at Eingsvirlo. i # sort' bappy
event was celebi.ti
Misses Eva and Nina Carlin, have cad at two Grigg residence. Thursday
returned home from a pleas'aut visit last. when Mr. rind Mrs, Wm, Grigg
with friends at Brantford. celebrated the saatletb anniversary
see bow to impress upon a cliild'i'of their wedding. Members of the.
m valine or money in Sovereign I ?ondonireere SeetO es nd othent er placer Montreal,
•tame ad., last Dago, 1 assist in celebrating the patriarchal.
Mr. and STrs. Tosopll 3'ellaev, vilo 1 couple's long life of wedded lnxppR-
rennQVe from IRCs9,
time sego, have returned and , tutee; latony congratulatory messag ds
take up j.b it residence in the house p were received from far and near, giv
who - re-
, R h and ' t c n
Mrs. sem
s Tx the esteem now occupied by Mg evidence of
removes this week to her own sot- spoof in, 'which. tete aged couple are
tag° in Exeter North. field, The home '.+•a:} beautifully de-
Invitations have been issued, an- corated and the day was happily Fa
pouncing the marriage of Miss 1 spent in speech and sopg. L
e ,Tcanettc M. Martin. daughter oft groom, .. ho iriough 01 years of sego ------
It tav •end Mrs. W. M. Martin, 13. D.. lave evidence ilia# airs faeilit gees ♦tt♦t;ttdrttt.ttAtttetttttt
Diamond' Wedding
. and Mrs. Wm. Origg' lebra
the Sixtieth Anniversary of
their Wedding
For the XXarness.To make a good,
harness dressing take one pint of
linseed till, ono pound of either suet
or tallow, ten ounces of beeswax and
one ounce of turpentine. Melt these,
ingredients all together over a Sim
fire. If carefully made it should be
of a bright golden color. This is
Persian recipe that has been ban
ed down for centuries. It giv
great durability to boots as well
saddles and bridles, keeping the
supple and uncrackable in the• h
test weather., and absolutely tate
proof in the heaviest wet.
We elle like to- puzzle our brai
over things which give ccrtai
strange results, but which we can
not explain. Here's, a puzzle that
puzzles everybody. Take the num-
ber of your living brothers, double
the amount, add to it three, multi-
ply the result by five, add to it the
number of living sisters, multiply
the result by ten, add to it the num-
ber of deaths of brothers and sisters
substracb' 150 from the result. The
right hand side figure will be the
number of deaths, the middle figure
the number of living sisters, and the
left hand figure Cie number of liv-
Miss Laura Gregory, after a pleas -
G. E..PlOK&RD, Exeter•
Orthe 7I MES" ,, •
at office.
Y ATJGCIST 4th., 1904
lie Ctip' foe. '
changes must be ' left
n later' than Tuesday noon. Casual
estisernenta accepted up to noon
dnesday of each week.
`taom .o♦oo♦a♦♦♦os +♦Ot tos
?ter. W. Ilan ksbaw sp:
last with leis father
lTa vkshaw.
gent f y
Mr. l'obn
'hospital nurse at Cleveland, U. S.
Mrs. Brawn, of Wroxeter, who
has - sent 'the past two months- the
nest of her. brother, Mr. W. Grigg,
l month's visit
Friday for a
left on I'rid y.
with friends in London. Mrs. Brawn
expects to return here to resume
Iter 'visit.
Mrs.purchased the
.Ain^th has
brick cottage and property belong-
ing to the late Mrs. Brook, Exeter
North.' and will move therein this
week.The Misses Alma and Mabel
Brook have taken up their res"tdence
with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford.
Mr. Wm. 3. Smith, London Road
south, left Monday"for Toronto
where he has accepted a position, -ac-
companied by his sisters, :Willmet
and Emmato. London, after which
Miss :Emma .
will leave for Detroit,
T) it
and Miss Wilmot will visit friends
in London for a fe-v days.
tl f tiara to ILondou sonic
°me price.
and cheap
4 w 1'* +d• , .. • + o .:• • + .••+ ♦t00tt♦t4ttttttttttt0♦♦t*
+Ate'e^s'✓tt40!*O♦tot1t4'R'+►041r'4 .♦
urn,tur and
Tubo the, summer months we well give
per cent. off for all cash sales.
i a C sable Embalmer, Opera lionso Bloch
or and
Gravenhurst Free Hospital for
Consumptives Poor.- Bev. P. C.
Toronto Parker, M. A., ofpreached
in the Presbyterian church on Sun-
day morning and in the James-st.
Methodist ;church on Sunday night,
and spoke of the necessity of try
to stem the ravages oE the"White
Plague. Mr. Parker showed the
dreadful death record of the disease,
Its, infectous and insidious chance,
Yet it was curable. And he also
asked all the people to take an in-
terest, providing funds for the sup-
port of the Free Hospitals which
were the only ones in Canada open
for those suffering from the dis-
ease A weekly meeting was held in
the town hall on Monday evening,
an 1 a local branch .formed to help
on the good work. A membership
fee of $1,00 a year is solicited which
goes for support of hospitals.
Don't Cross Your Knees.
A medical authoruty has recently
uttered a warning against the habit
of sitting with erre knee crossed' over
the other -a pose, which is nowadays,
'almost as common among women as
anion men. This apparently harm-
seems, is
it s
habit. less t
isciatiea lameness, chronic : lame
numbness, ascending paralysis,
cramps, varicose veins, andother
evils The reason is 'simple. The
back of the knee it isexplained, as
well as the front of the elbow ' and
wrist, the groin and the„ armpit,
contains' nerves and blood -vessels
which are less adequately protected
than in other parts of the body. the
space behind the knee contains two
large -nerves, a large artery and
numerous veins and lymphatic glands
It thepressure f
these nerves
t.. 'sssure o
and; vessel.' which is apt to give rise
eekt.hlye. varions troubles against
which we a re heir o lftrper's
to tile 11,ar 1Z. A. Cranston, B. A., iglu ratirvelously ares.,rved by giv-
of Cromarty. The ceremony wilt in the speech of the day.
take piece in Caven Presbyterian 1r. and Mrs. Grigg have been re-
August 1:'tL, r;idexits of Exeter over 49 years,
church, Wednesday. 6 ocated in Exeter. May, 1855: SC6OUU
i haven 1 ,
board ,xn ot
tbo b
t meeting •e enpre-
r -
1 R ta° wore e
At a Those of the family -310 1
of managers of the Leamingtonlair, Mrs» 1Vm. >ti
Methodist church, Rev. IT. W. Leake Wsaoodstoorck, ilMras.nd Walker, LondonGrig, ; 1S. --
was granted an increase in salary, Mr. and Mrs. 13. W. Grigg. Montreal
bringing the amount up to 51,000, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mcl<auls. Seafortl1.l
peryear, Mr. Locke was also grant- stated that Mr. Grigg,
o ' vacation. This action It might be l
od a maanths vaaataa from active FLOUR
although Laving retired
on the board's part wasy business pursuits for some timri,
vof th
-L am n w >c x. ins;, pays, and our files show e
--Leamington Pest. look that advantage 4 y
to none
sem. in
endis an evidence o a a a pltrecrated the first that aidvertiji-
h h lM Locke is held 1 l
Xs' advertising
in the first issue of the
Times and continued doing so
until his business was taken over
by his sou, John, who continued as
1st. All cases, casks and empties not 1 his father' had done,
returned, alter that date will The Times and its many readers
be charged as cash. .All outstanding join in wisbing Mr. and Mrs, Grigg
accounts to be settled by cash 'ort still many more years of wedded
note. A good residence to be sold happiness.
with all modern. conveniences, or
a it property. Forecasts for the 2nd eveek
shanged far 1 n pop b hicks' Forecast
in August. -On and touching the 8th
h d r the influence of retic-
• tionary storm forces, intensified by
the Moon's extreme north decline -
tion and conjunction with ;dun, the
Retiring from Business. -Farmer
ros. having disposed of their busi-
ess will continue to wind up all
business at the old stand until Oct..
Death of E. S. Howar
temperature will rise to :;o xe of the
DIEL) AT LONDON highest readings of the summer, the
barometer will fall and severe
Word was received here Tuesday
morning of the sudden ea a'
storms of bluster
will many
localities " their :sweeps from .vest
to east. This heated spell will not
Customers say
I "1 want nothing better
than the last lot."
same as be-
fore." the
11 "Give
111 "We never had better
are get-
than Brea.
ting now."
When in need of flour for
makingbread call at- the mill
for "Star."
dd death t oca i fes tri
London, of Edwin S. Howard, form- Our Princess makes excel-
erly ofExeter. • Mr: Howard started break down until after the new let pastry.
Y 'clock . moon .on the lith, with strong' pro p y
for work about 8 0 Tuesday the
that it will last into th
arc tl in the best of
rn apparently
m in ya
always i
extending feed
' dp.(fy
E> iU il
health, and in less that two hours: regular storm period
he had expired, heart failure be- from the 12th to the 17th. The
ing the
Irbr. Howard had been enjoying
had made enoc
laint to thmembers of his family?: 12th, and o tl 1 t 1 equator 00000♦O♦t♦♦♦♦t♦000♦♦000 t♦
When' he reached the corner of o ' l Ti period
ss g
Moon will be at new, or in conjunt-
tion with earth and Sun, on the1 t
in perigee, 'or nearest the Sun, on the
e estia
n ]e c
n the 14th the central day of : a
regular storm period its p i
is also embraced in the on -coming
a central
which i.
Venn disturbance,
down on
fice, thinking he would be well after on the; 24th. The warning influence
a short rest. Two gentleman hap- of the Mars disturbance will also
ened along - few minutes later and ;combine with the causes, named. dur-i
pened r .
that Mr bable that equatorial disturbances,
Dr. H'ngsinili who saw t
Queens avenue and Clarencetreet,
he was overcome by faintness and sat
the steps
Oven's of-
assisted him to the office of ing this period It is mote thanpro-
Ho ward vas seriously ill He sent will make their appearance in ihe
word to his wife, who reached her. Gulf regions early in this period. In-
husband's side a few- moments before dications of such storms should be
he expired. looked for and promptly heeded by
navigators of the Gulf and adjac-
ablyMr. Howard was well and favor- all g Exposed interes(a : on
known in Exeter, where ;he re-__ ant waters. Exposed
sided for a number of years. He the southern coasts may be expect -
was the junior member of the firm
Dyer & Howard, who conducted a
large planing mill on station street
tor years, and .vhich was recently
destroyed 'by fire, and owing to
of insurance the firm decided not to
don November last country from Saturday 13th to 'Uta -
ed' to . damage and danger, much of
which `,might" be 'averted by careful
forethought and watchfulness. - The
disturbances of this period whether
or not West India st:ornis come up
from the south, may b'e expected
rebuild. Mr. Howard 'moved to Lon- over -most ` interior ior: part s of the
Mr. Howard was the fourth son of osday the 16th, the culmination fall -
the late Rehert Howard, and is sur inti most likely on Ora Loth and 15th
vived by ti wife the daughter of 'Vicious thunder storms anl - ,high
I .
a the
t . Y 1, i
center about Sue d
will cent y..
nae . 1
Mrs Alex` Tait 'i larme family of gales
children, .andfive brothers and three 14th. ' U equatorial' huirricanes or
sisters. cyclones should make theirpresence
The funeral :will take place this .felt- about our southern coasts at
(Thursu.iY) afternoon from the home this time, the storms il.hat visit:in-
of his brother, .T. N. Howard, inter- terior states a fete d iys Later will
ment nt the Exeter, cemetery.. be followed by unseasonably •cool
r weather. Otherwise the ilea .tea term
•1c until
will,rioi; be broken effectually
r s .
FOR OVT+,RSI%TY laCARS of ter the sto m 7);', ,1 subsequent
_ t.
Winslow'sSoothing strap has 'been used for, Per,io ;.
aver sixty years by Mil 1ponaoi mothers for their
childrenwhile teething. with perfect fact sacce
It soothes the child, softenshe gime;
allays ail,
pain. cures wand collo ii tet
apdie best, remedy
for D pleasant iarrheea, It isto the taste. Sold
by druggists in every part of the world. 25
cents a, bottle. Its value is .inealenlabie, Be -
sure and fake Mrs WinAlow's 'Seething
Syrup and ask for no other kin;t.
Trial Trip. -.--Now t5 t. iC •
time to
secure two good papers for the price
of one. The Weekly Mail and rani -
r. nary ,U , 1.st:. 1905
lire from . 11 .Ta, r
1 r
for Only- 500. • `fo new sable ibers
To the Front
♦ O♦
44 F•all Term Opens Sept.6t11 e
p •
With a :consignment of' short leaf
Georgia. Pine. It makes the
most beautiful interior finish of
any lumber .on the market today.
Lumber Lath
and Shingles
We are in tt better position than
ever to supply our many, customer -
with all they may require either frotxt
shop or yards.
Bee Keepers Supplies ready
Place your Orders for Tanks early..
Estimates cheerfully given.
ea•Call in we like to see you..mit
4 eta s to get a business educe -
tion and it
and pay to s et it in our O
♦ school. Our attendance this o
O year has been the largest in the ♦
history of this college. We have B
p placed more students in positions 0
e+ this year than in any :previous o
o year. O
W. J. ELLIOTT, President.
LAN Principal
al e
♦ D. A. DZcLACH , p O
0 Write to the •College for a magnificent 9
O Catalogue. O
♦♦ t
These Dy dye
Dyes will -Wool. Cotton,
, .
Silk Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath
-they are the latest and most improv-
ed Dye in the world: Try a package.
All colors at C. LUTZ, Exeter.
examine .the dote, on
2 el and if hot correct"kindly let
label e i .er--.
-e, ,a t
.a th
know and
Get After the
For the Best and nd Chea est
Paris Green
Blue Stone c&c 'See
Browning's w Drug Store
Old "``„ Eyes
FuS ,t-
Made y; Young
Dim Eyes Made Bright
I can bring back toour eyes, weak---•--
y y ,
ened.with strain, a clear vision, the `
natural ease and comfort of twenty
years ago. And why not ? i make a
specialty of sight testing, and use the
latest appliances for this important
work. Satisfaction guaranteed..
Graduate of Canadian College'.
of. Optics.
3rowrtin g
Drug Store
y ,.