Exeter Times, 1904-8-4, Page 7P OVING
A Battle
AN QtrTLIN4 OP THE nasiir
Tura Advisory Committees, One
Impending Which May Tamil). Per Horses, the OtheT for
Cattle, Sheep and Swizeze
ate the Campaiam. In the Year 1900 the Department Tot old°, August 2.-Wheet-No. 2!
O f Agelealture and. Technical Instrue- white and red Whiter are quoted at
tion for Ireland deViSeet a seheine for ieee cast Or Wl?St. No. 2 Spriat, '
. .
' internationel law was confirmed by encouraging traProvameat in the Wheat is nominal at 84. to 8.e east,
premier eiairoue la the }Toltec ox• br,ed a live stock, particularly of and goose at 78 to 79e east, Arent-
eenumons on peedneedase As to the horses and cattle, in that country. ioba wheat is firmer. NO. 1 North -
sinking of tate Knight canunaneer. An outline of the Irish system may ern is quoted tWei .• • ' 0
, .. . a
he ' regretted that informatioa be of interest to Canadian horse- Northern at 941e; No. :3 Northern at
trsies „mows ma this woroam. eon., men, who have for some time bc.ani 91 ee. Grinding in traueit prices erel
=Pt -MTS. ..;PR.04. T4E.: zzAtowel, 1:gaz,romg • ' • •THZ
• • 'TRADE. 'CENTRES... •.•
ces of Cattle, Grain, Chees
and Other Dairy Produce
at I-Tonie and Abroad.
e„, The Chief Dairy LiStraetors
Qutario Give Some Good
The l'uture of the Dairy Industry.
depends to a large extent upon the
efforte pat forth by the indivedueel
farmer. The Departmeat of Agricul-
ture asked the two Ceder Dairy In-
struotore for a statement pr. the
needs la the dairy business tome 'the
farmer's stardpoint at the present
time. The replies remived are given
beCI°Z.:-11. Barr, Loudon--Tbe prin-
cipal defects in the inille being deliv-
ered at the cheese factories at the
present thne are, over -ripeness, coley
flavors, gay, and what. is knew» as
bitter milk. An timer: defects are
emisee by the fetal() thing-intproper
care on the farm, such as unclean
inithing. not straining the milk, ale
lowiug the milk etand over night
in placee aliene the air is made im-;
pore by adheeent hog pens. liaro-
Yards, etc., and not cooTirig the mile,.
to under 70 degtees ilmnediately af-
ter milking.
A despatch from Tokio says: The
Tien-Tein correspondent of the Jell
ShimPo reports that Gen. Kouropate
leln was wonuded in the left shoulder
in the Battle Tashichao, and that
another Russian general was killed. Ur. Balfour ;Added :- • for service througbout the country. a Oets-No. white is quoted. at J2e
'The Itessian casualties are stated to eletere is no anention 1°,4 of ,iunIcient number of sound, well-bred west, and i321 to 33e low freights to
firmed tbis regrettable occurrence." diseussing the proble.rn or obtaining tic above. those quoted,
have been over 10,000. It is report- life. but. I ;AM afraid there is a quesa stalliens of the itioet profitable New York. No. 1 white.. 3:le to 34e
oUIgd that the Taltushan army is prees- tient of breach of international law." types. east, and No,. 2 at 33(• east. /
elai-chena steongiy, compellieg Committee took place under the pre-, In formulating their live stock Barley -No. 2 quoted at 4Ie
he Russians -F0 evacuate, and that eidency of Premier Balfour, at width f s_othemes, the Deliartmentes main die freighte. No. 3 eetret e9e. ond
atter ore now earealiO' 001%4. Lite Attorney -ea -To -al, Sir Robert! oleee:t was to promote improvement ;No. 3 at 37 to middle freights,
Cowed does uot (lewdly atteeel co:waging private enterpriee in the at 60e to 61e west or east.
the ituseian army' has Inca bi- Finlay, was preeent. The Attorney-; in the breeds of the col -miry by en- PeaS-No. 2 elliPPing, peas aominal
0 Japanese captured a number of heete meetinee. Tart it was stated' 'needing of pureeired animals, and (lorn--Nte, 3 American yellow quot-
guns at Teshiermo. 'Their loases the t the einestions at iSSne between in the int roduet ion of um sus. aad ed at 57a c ort traeto 'Toronto; and
were lee.e than wee at first suppeetel. Russia and Great 'Britain were un -Ito do this in such a way thot, the, No. 3 mixed at 56e. Canadian corn,
oeseonot eleeeeding 800. They did not- der diseneelofl. and thell Sir Robert accompanying advantag-es should be 46 to 47e west.
lsb arsue the Russians because of a de- was celled in to aeleiee as to the; prineipallY seetwed for the smaller Ilye-The market continues.
to ee-operete With the fire!. fluestione of internatiennl law in-!, foluets. Since interests of national , prices nentinal r/7 to hih: at
erney in a deeisive battle betwevit volved.
liai-Ctheeg anti Liao-Sht el tinpoitenee were at stake -such for st• ele (lints
r4.putetion of Irish hotetee, the, goo, ed at 33.70 to eal.75 east
tg. P "fear maliere are having. iteree work
MOAN tie the maintenance of the lelome-Ninety per 1,^1-11. e11
oven Itessian officere thhik will re- Jae present thee in mealy of the
,l'rew 9i1 114e7teesitl:ele 3.e4c'''r411
274E 91''9/"E'• An aneasieg marriage bee just ta
ea place near Perm, in Northea-et
a'ciegraphie Briefs '''`z*.ozte Qur
lead Other Counteiee Of 14 Ittieela, on Rig estate of weolthy
retired distiller named Reehentailff
EeCent Events.
The bridegroom, a bantleome peas-
ant, named Yasiliefle of splendid
Physique, and the bride, a lovely
girl of eighteen, were drivel( to
church in I. Reshetailtolte eaeriage
ziConttadggievear-ndas adowry
t 4lalarted, Tu4nedn^
reds of persons witnessed the (ere-
nonY0 and at the weddine- breakfaet
sidering the adoption of one set of X. ila511'2ta°k°11 denv'e;edan
rtik, to govern the operation 01 caz.. ce.yent speech in which be welcomed
the seeond. generation of Me nurse
Considerable injury has bean don
to the eattle in. the Loudon district
by eunotrolte.
The Bell Telephone Company 4offer
Kingston $700 a year for an excite -
site franchiee for five years.
The _Railway Commiesion is eon-
adien ritilWaye.
Zings who are to make Holy Russia
C. P. It. engineer states that bee! an eaStbly Olympus peepled
; fore the end of the month 2.500 Meal Apollos and Ifebes."
will he at 1,Vor11 On the construction! Tile meaning. oe teose stranga ro-
of the Teronto-Sudbury line, which ceeeinas is as folioree; At eime
will cost $8,000,000. of the Itusso-Ti.zierish war, M. Resit-
cnie Page hoes of the House of / etnikoff, struck with the inferior.
Coonnone, Ottawa. want 25 cents a afeerished pla-sique of many' reeruits.
; day more, because' the morning eat aside eau -mailer out of his large
eione deprive them of the titne they 1, fortune the sum. of 10,&)O0 i•eublee for
have hitherto spent in recreation. :late purpose oe eliminating the unfit
Hamilton relatives of the late by oleo:Imaging marriage only be-
exarider Harvey, of Winnipeg, aro twen young people of eNeelaienal
treh.g to ret ah -O his will by wile y, health and lattelligenee,
lifter' Making eceeral bequests, 11e TO attaia this etut. be employed as
left hld
is reene of his estate to t''z-kers on his estate only the hood,
stilt in a Russian defeat and termin- FRUIT CROPS POO
ate the campaign. R.
improvement of the feeding 'qualities; west, for ('s[)rt. buyer:,*
ries to make even a patss a de
so from the quality of milk he-
or the etore cattle, apd the milaing'Stettigat rollers of sperita In•alicle for g delivered, and the quantity of
that Clem Oku's army faced a sea
Official details of the figittieg show e orte Indicate OnlY a 50 Per proiertles of dalrY colvseeana as 10"1/1(Stic Ir8a° (1-119tva "t '"'41•25;-• 1-9 milk reeuired to math.' a Pouini 011
Cent. Crop, laver. interests required that the $1 10 in bhie WenPol ll •-•" ' cheese le nveth greater then if the
Taehiebao, The Rest:tan artillery e • 1 A i al s ea the pi, ,,,,e /.1(1e.1 in, whole, and should not, • patents. 1.50, and et ron3 Wien,' the inaaers are e;irefill 4/1 selecting
014(0' 401 the ailvenee of the JaPan- vitiee fairing the poem weelt in re- in public: i eleenes for its iinprove-!" $1.40, on tritele, Termite. the tuns as us. i.easaiiix wino=
ese. it was eleciaea to moko a stir- eponee ta eesuiriee Font out, n:c Ow meoti, }+P attitehed by the introdite-i hililfeed-At entelde PoInte hran 14 11/pro is not so mere' trouble ie the 1
priela a tto el, at night. The entire horticultural branch of I lie ()uteri° thee e f c t rains 1 tarty t o have in- , quoted at $1 1. and shot te al $14. faetorae weicit leade one t 0 t he eon-
Joie:meg) right wIni hurled against Department, of Aseriadtere indieete^eitraeia general effects on lite nation- °Mandobe bran in &aces, $18; end elusion that tee makers imee, tee
the Hessians at 10 pane resetting in thet the apple erop this year will be al breees, it o•as imeessary that . ehorts at 319 lure,
4 . ,
solution of toe emblem largely in
their own bands, Where we find
(an ln ill,; delivered; and where
tory (end maker are dirty and
Perior fnrce Massions roeL ed Toronto despateh Fa viz t Oa- ttr t 41 he country should be cone steady; No., patods. $-1.:41); No. 2 mile was in proper vomution, teritere
the easY caPture (ff their first Rosie much below that eti last year, end this •schemes sheltie contain certain
tem at Taiiiingling. Their seeped billy 50 per cent. below the average principles of uniform application to Ph011e
por,itteen wee ottaelted at midnight. The plum (Top is a total failero the whole country. It was, therefore, Dried Appleire-•Triple continuos
eud by dawn the Missteps were re- many dintrietst especially along the ; re (4seare' that the live stock schemes 'et. prices wiebeeged at :3 to 3ec
treating boin Teshicheo„ the Japan- Georgian Bay and in the north, . sleeted emanate from int, l'eteporated pities, Cie to 7e per
etee Meretting thou, The Takushan where mune" tbo fruit orchards
THE CENTRAL AuriTORITY. Beanse-Printe "S ,q1401.,.41 at s(-1
arenY dot lot to -operate. 'This army 1%ere allied by the setere weether of; $1.25 to aud imem,pieeed at 14,4
army. neeving etortliewestWard, tieallY a failure. and only now is,national alit:Ives they might he 'Tope -foe leatreet uneouneea
ea on. tidy factories, we inverialev
find l
is to the eastward of Gen, Oletes !lea winter. 'The peach' crop is peace; wattle, in partieulare otlier than their $1.ori to 0-10.,
the tqeet the fievere weather a rew modiatel .aceordanee with local oe to :ma aecorelie18 g quelitye would tele that the gTeat need. of the
OKU TELLS THE STOR'ea . menthe ago tieing •Plellukv seen. An oPinkine Med eirelmeetancesea in or-, tioney-eabe mareet, is quiet. preeeut flee. is for people to be more
it 00,504u:11 frou Tokio 5_43,s; (len. leo erops lthat Jaaae maialleh been loae t litwe the aesistance Of the 7 to 7e er lb
tiful . most, repreeentatiye expert opinion in ; Ilue"--TintothY Is OMANI et 10 roil:Sing is done and the place: where-
carefel in the planner in whitea the
. -tie" milk' is generalize of the.
lettere. Cleanliness is the one
re nerve:eery to put our
higeler plane."'
Publow. %pest
refterte that on Saturday titarn-
itK he oceupled a position about
three utiles south of •Mangleld. The
Rule -dun undo Camp lay live 01.11475
along the heights. extending oast end
weet. at right anglee to the railway,
seven miles south-east of Tashichno.
They were sarongly entrencluel. Peek.
main etrongth was on Taipitt, the
higlast hill in the vicinity, ;led flee
very cenehlerahle below the average. Iltreland in the formulation of these' 39,50 on track, the hatter for No• T. in the milli ie kept, and to pay more
' two spezild inleisory committees.- prices tiochengeel. ot 4z5.5,) to so on (poo nmeh streee cannot. Ink up-
the latter, :mutely, coding, 0.151
limit by tato itilvisory conmuttee ands bushel. 'Thee are queetvel at $o to ',handle this ferinffltallon with any of citiea died in Loudon.
f sthemes, the Goerernmetut apPollited Siretw-Tho ruarket With Ht tellii011 10 111i, cooling of' ale mak.
0 NEAT one for horses, end the other for trace. Torouto.
eattle, ebeep tend swine.. Pedaloes - The reareet is quiet e e s ts obere enr John Simon the pion
approved ley the Agebatistural Beetell, eet3,25 per 144. /degree of sailer:Atli/1th it 18 abS0- It, was officiolly stated that Bra.
16e per lie; e'eareirtes. 9 to lee icemled at, the farm -----edia ON' after er iatereene ia the affairs or
Prorien Provisione ATe
of Disease.
Winnipeg tlenerul
r1bS, Antwerp; P. G. West ele:1 niatrimo and.
lik'reeae"girer:itits TOL IflaP14aenr3d*.
3. Bruner. of Itruieeels; J. Ie. Jae- Th 170 aged to eater (MOO
A. Demme, of Paris, four promieent 1 pasement erviapee fete., and on
European rttpltali'tc are in Winna'ane ttb)f,11 a year for
peg. 'Their object In the West is to u•crerv born,
look for proetable investments. t lee succeeded in removing from his
Ur. Perley ;complained le the! estate by rather barsh. means
Senato heatuca of the Coverementh/ deformed and sickly pereons, end a
r• to 6°1414,7 the rifle Oohs with tatreeted handsome giants from all
I ss 11.1)011.)14"• not.yets144eledn tPiael.Mks e•Qafluatbhlee pPrriQvIlieztace.'es.11")ywhgor:enwtig
t ere WaS more neeto supply (Pc 'd of ploughsharesesaitla:Zeftnestr ata°reulutirgeretitnToriitsinlyeTsdlelpeosre't-
I Canada then rifles. / a
W JPors.10:fthStil. c'ecalithlalisrniriePsr, ThalltQc:"Illeads rtiZeinvbeeatuhtey ifIlitsrtrint4tfok)rIlty. model mar -
this hu-
m four ductellege ago., riages have token Place, and
She eared for them for e, while, bat:100 eaildren have been born, nearly
her disgust became more manifest ae of them being outoeueepe superior
tht" auc'13 '1""A°Pe'l. (114 3ka! to 111e average Ituestan peasant chile
died of 0. broken heart. 'deo) in strength and beouty. The
Is in particular are remarkable for
gracerUl carriage, and lithe, ale
the n
liedral a
General or
rmy was received in audi
the Queen.
leire marriage Was eelebreted
eptional o
t he mid his bride re
le, both of whom sp
when:God by reL, Reshete
get Cause 1'14 iota: hteeeling :where': ne out- with sales of new at $1 tO $1.1 0 per ye'ast fermentation is prevalent. To the modern system' of the San
• ;
A I. Ion deepateh Furs
zni105 iitortlx•owc.st of deuillehe, whop rerence o (111k$11011 taoed
the main body of the Russian cave 48"°° gr C8181118118 in March
airy was fully ei ht miles to tit whether 54(4 VR or chilled ineell
a -w 111 ith la- pi-ova/ea for the. registration of eui- poultry-Sprirer lo -Intely• essential that the milk be well tale would not ellow any other POW"
the able. and tound thoroughbred anti
heel .41.14.111 t tt 1 SI IT'S, anti the seleet ion
has ,
o a numbet of; the best brood maree
west at Chealgittln. All day Sawa, any insalious Neva on eonsulners, eaeli amulet' to be served these
day the Japancee clePleyed along tho 811(1. It r • sh'S. The'' °wHer Inuttere4 1-14, voile, tit , eoverea with mosquito netting or
It mea t
bills immediately north 'and east of enntrihut68 3°' "3; waY t° 411"`.8 4411.!• stallion 18 el1111101. awl" the stheine, 15e• 0411.1e17 to cboic • large ranee roue% other earth covering, to plea
111.7 elnelte, 10 to 13e per lb. ect ete to retard its growth 1. ( to meet,
before It reneliee the hands '
leethee eheeee nutiar cans eltendel h
the hills near the Kcdping roarl bar-
Kaiping. Two Russian batteries 00 it•Tho°itneeilluPelorg, '1111; :1;4 !Slif31 4001i t(0.7„.".17,411,71,11,;1154: P804 1.10 48 inure 1.2 to 1 le; low to needlitin gra.lee, 9 vent flies and inseete front deoppitig.
sant or enquiry into *be camas or 11 0 - nutres se- to 1 le; ereamenw prints, 17 to 18c; into *14e while on the stand ov-
nssed the Jeremese. 'early Sunday rawer, weave' has lean emh.edethe, le' t.°4. 1.1.1 144 tb` l'18'1)","•;•; °./ holies, 16 to 17c. er nig;:it, as I believe flies are a great
a_ea, general adveutre began, and at 9 afe subject, is of tee opinion that • Eggs -Case bits are selling ut, 16 eouree of infeetien to milk."
1.10113; Mg 1 il,P1 Ot ie. ner wont
o'cl 0 Ott tho .1711)1111.050 oceu pied o bluff 1 • • , , . . , 1%1 l'Hli lig% IA hose valUatiOn did. not
4*0 .1 J 10 . 10 I 0 1. 114 0 Her doeen; alieotids, 13 to ft will Ito seen from the above.
facing the Russian main. camp, et committers ass eanoot he hod 1 0 1,.. ' eNCH0l1 1.1.7 tit0 pOOIVr CO Ufa it'S .1:4.50 14 e,,
that the men who have covered the
18110 0114 a ball distant• In any degree aecountable for the in- I: .41.1,4, „, ' .
1 in tbe more WPIti t by C01111(.105 fl
f • Citeeee---the literket is quiet, with whole field are of one mind as to the
the centre meanwhile faced a co - ereaee of cameo. in Great. Brituin '''''''-' prices unehanevci at 81 to See, the importance of the farmer giving
tinual bombardment. It was so ' The firs1 0011r 1111 stallions were i: tt , I. . t ..• -
a ci en ems.
heavy that it is estimated a hundred
( fiTereq 1.01.' registrol ion, of Whiel1 298
guna wero employed. The ground
Was exceedingly difficult, and tem ad- FROM CHINA'S EleIlea."ESS wflry 3h°r9Vithreti anti 13 2 81 tile TIO0 PROM/CV-1.
• . norioaturi t
aype. , From 1 ire first
— Bacon, long clear. 74- to 7:e per
vane() was chockedabet the Japanese Money Gift ..Toward Raul:dine. it was (leaned advisable to spare no ,, ,
two armies blvottacked within. shout 111800ittisen11744filT111'41ingstalllos'n4eu'Veielvx8flonr- te."(1.i '7'1,1 (C;a; se' (11:1:s 511.50117 (11'1(1111.*k '8:1-1 75 ' 5t2N
hold their position until dusk. The Med' Coliege. 0
'.1'he correspondent of tee Loudon registeal hin, tout, accordingly, be- ,hon
oinsgcodI,icliiIn:aentice othfaetactihteoltih1eters.ianIt fowraces
I noes at Pekin saes t -For the first tore a...e. of (1.44' s t alie
n's offered en- Sul& 04 meats -I . s, light to me-
oonsisted of five divisions and sixteen time 511100 she wiui responsible for (lee the s Ilene. were aceeirteel. the 01n141, 12 to 121;v; do.,htli'v3r' 11 10
bat teries. Two divisions attempt- the government of ('P1811 the dowager Depart:le-owe inepeetors (tad to eerti- 1 12,cruns, 9c; sll°111ders, Ble; backs(
ing a flank movement eloeg the -Hai- lempro-a has publicly recognized the fy, (i) as to aria ()) ah, .1..`1, to 131(e. breakfitet bacon, 12e to
Chem; road on the west were engage xneclical work of the itro test an t min- to the e 0 mem ess or tin, imiluat. A e: -•c• '
ed and repo/sad. The eismosasino sions. Recently the .London Misslori regieter was published in March, Lard -Tierces, 7e; tubs, 71c; pails,
ceased at dark. ' the ,1merican Board of aliesioes and 11.1.01, \oio
l, contan:0d itsc, nameend
s Tic'
the American Presbyterian mission
A t 10 o'clock Sunday evening the PO ig: ees of 9 4 1,1101 01Klii) 1 od and
More atierelon 10 the earn of bis
milk. As an me4:1000e of Ithat noty
Pe accomplished by limper yam, an
stance inav be given of a patron
in the Neeleity of Pederboro*, who
delivered three eans of milk, repre-
senting three makings, to a factory
an Monelay morning. .Tuly 111,11. Sat-
urday night's mid Sunday morning's
nillk was first-elass, but the Sun-
dae./ oight's was rejected because
sour. The two lois bad received
proper attention, but the Sunday
nigitles had been neglected, the farm-
er thinking, no doubt, that the milk
Japanese right surrounded the Res- agretal to found jointly. a colleez.,..e ea florae, it al 1 el 1 i o ns 1. ir t t bad 13LISINESS AT MONTREAL. would 1)0 delivered. the next morning
where nicelern medieioe emu surgeay ii. • `-' li tujo. s iii e .I'. i f‘ 1 .800 efonti•eal, Aug, 2. -Local demand etnel would not therefore require the
skin left and the east slope of Tel -
pia Hill was occupied. At midnight c°144 ls' taught' to medical 1-11185i0ne ft7 naocincinlaon 1 le):11teat st sof °eel each for oats is eteady, and tile market is 911 01 Pull IIDITIAI. 4111I1, lleoe3 uoierceeett
aril', of these three bodies. 111 ac- wire iii.,,,,d`lat 1.30 sb Nes of mares Men. Quotations are still 37c, in eeept a longer tinle. F•ven the intik
(ho Japanese assaulted and took the cordanee with the scheme a medical brIrt ‘7,ne.n, INT. . :1 , 1.11 A ,s. .. d store, for No. 3, and Sc3for No. 2. WhiCil LS to be deliVerefi the same
second Russian inain position on an 0 college is HOW HOtler conetructioe, " ' ' " , , ' . . Pens are about steady at 70ee; No. morning as produced should be Ulm--
, elea...a..... •.tninence south of Taipin II111, the 1 the entire cost of the buimin, and nearly 1,700 of t hese teekets Nvere , 2 barley, 40 . o
- e e ; No, 3, and 38c for ougbly aerated aod coole4.
ef mesians retreating towarcle Tashi- • • , t • h d .011.0011. b. T. hse"ed. leo, 0. Peas are about 02c. Flour Unless the hu•mers are prepared to
hao. The Japanese casualtiee (fur- London mission: t tone stadenie will in Willi em i o subeid iming stallions ,,,,f, i / a . a
• •-- c quot tions uuclianged co-operate witrn the makers and in-
. t
ag the two days' fighting were 800
• 411e4 and wounded.
ehhe rommander of the Takushaa
• .-nty reports that on Friday alter -
non lie surroundee three Ruesum
eatta,tions near the Panting road.
e'ae Russians retreated north, leaer-
ar, I4 killed. Three Russians were
',flPtiiretl. The Japanese casualties
awe 80 killed and wounded. It- is
"eed that the Russians violated
ee Japanese flag, under which they
aeok a Japanese position at the be-
parsing of the fight.
. despatch from Chefoo says :--
aissicon refugees who have arrived
.tere report that the Lieutenant Bur-
-ea:off and two other lewasian. torpedo
.zestroe•oes le were torpedoed and &s-
et -eyed tlie Japanese on the night
e.' July 25.
Freaelmian from Port • Arthur
-Iee-ys that the Japanese Warships are
.a bad Condition, owing to their long
(ervice. Marty of their big guns are
earmoet worn out. The Russian. war-
:et-11ns et Port Arthur have completed
ecreir repairs.
Tho, Viadivostock• sqeadron is ex -
'acted to arrive at Part Arthur.
, oglExteaqi, Ina
'• • ternett.i3Onale Law; e :'•
eA-,Leindoei• deenatch SeYssee-The Brie"'
tions -to 'athe•
;Bret:lea ''!eaSibaSeetediirto - Itoasia, to
slnkixig of;•;the:-.13rilitelieSteielnete'ICatight."
b'e(MM:ahder, by ", the
aletthee„ theetete.. te (the':-.1.1eiseielit(teie4;
Cr'tiffient'",the"',greataSt-'..seerec), , w ill.", lie
hut 11 35 kow t1.iat Perou 111.1-
e.;•bee.,made..-. ley eleesslee. 'et r
1;g4,v,:,,C.O.minan.41,er,,,...171 *tee,
undergo live years' training and, at b.v. nlea„hle .., of .tel nomination% o . .
'the recent advance, being' $4.00 struetors in their efforts to better
the end of the course 0. diploma. will met es, eat. etepart. 4 YHML Oriel -V(1111 a for strong bakc•rse and $.1.75 to the quality of the. cheese produced
Pc eTatited. 'The training will be lea few e01111(ics. Whero there. was nn . • ..
eardless of creed bet the bulk' of insullanent fitinther of stallions for eitents $4 ae 1 $4 et). t • • i t •
the students will at first, nature:11e.,
Pc Christians. Thee cost of the
leiteding and equipment is ('1411(7117 1041
et, LI 0,470(7. Towards this the
clowager-Enipress has contribated
1 0,000 taels. Subscriptions are leow
being sought front high Chinese off: -
dais, who are ,expectod 'to follow the
example of the lemorese.
pa. e .s. en er IN Iota I they will he the stifie,rers sooner or
the purpose of the schema:premiums reaera i-4.00 t sl e. ;later. An insufficient and impure
, , . , .
va,..y.his. ..._ . , 0 , •7°. straight 001- water supply is often the cause of
„e Tem in bap, $2,e0 to $2.9.5. Peed- :an inferior' product, especially in
FROM dehiff TO ,t1.00. Manitoba brim in bags, $1 5.50 to
$16.70; shorts, $17 to $17.50 per , creameries, where so much depends
In older to creourar,e fa rntere of I tom Ontario nmn itt bunt- s15 to i: on its purity.
Doctoes Are Much Concerned Over
the Mortality,
A despatch from New York says: -
Babies are ifying by tbe hundreds la
the tenements of Now York, despite
all the efforts of the health depart-
ment. For the week' ending la et
Saturda>, there were 279 more deaths
from diarrhoeal than in the
corresponding week of the year be-
fore, and this increase in infant fata-
lity gent the death rale for the.week
UJ) to 23.46. On Wednesday about
100 persons were investigating, by
the order of the Board of Health
the ' emulations under whieh those -
deaths OecUrred, the character of the
house and general. sureoundinge ate
,tlie care givan -to the .thild during
its Mimes; 'The (metre summee corpe
of deictors and mi I'8(1.$ is concerned
with this probletn,
2.0.T.TG-Ie'T 120,000' ACRES.
Torente.:Man Purenases•Twelefe 04
' • R Toeriiehips
'•• ((00I)1 141.1. AVt
NeWS,p1.:the larcrest It:het:transaction
,of,.,''tlie7:Fea.seri: publiShed :here,
to, 1111.5 „r10 sod,
"t#,61„ve.;',Atiltvnships it. lend,.
'80180'.Pert v: Jai 1 es'. east, , of; VotaSkiWirt;
'e She', tyrant:ft" 'yitilVay.litiV,r.".. befog,
i t!„ • 0 e MI rod, anti ehwell
hheeriiind.". at: i Clad ed ;In 'thl
l'f'' and "„. 1? n i.3)
e r .
small means to provide .1.bemsxlIves
w;th regis•tered euni of
money was allotted lite Depart-
ment for the purpose of grantieg
loans for the purciense of approved
Rives, The money W'as lent at 2-
1)01' cent. interst, payable in five ma
neat instalniertts. et was a condi-
tion precedentetto thoee loans that
the mama] ebould be insured for its
111.11 market value.
As a further means of encouraging
improvement in ,toclt: breeding. the
Dor.ariatamt adopted the principle 'of
royal:ding prentinme and prizes to
.fe ma hi 81 ock. The advisory come
mitOe• on /neat) lireeding. pointed oet
that that incluetry ia Ireland is, te)
ci groa ex.: en a yeti by young
mares being sold out of the coun-
try. thus leaving only secona-elaes
anenals for breeditee purposes, and
the Departe I t aclopted their 100001-
11 -cat trae prizes and promi-
111115 should be mainly cantle ed to
young mares front two to six years
old, served by a regietevett siee, in
the hope the farmete: would
thereby be indueed to retain these
SIN- I311 0
$SOCi ate. reverently and as notch
es You ean evitAl „your loftiest
tboughts. Men's. 'noblest gift to
man is Ills sincerity, for it embracee
hie, integrity also. , The finest uses
of (hinge are tie -0 accidental. leoutilie.
15 71 eet•oancl to stead on,- a wall to
will ane:Ilee , c/uvcfraaat 'with th°
1.1,.•1001 iNttt r?.s,1p*aoitt.. y. 0131t1oe 0 lua.eDt jelistal;04101a.1:101::::Iatinaleyt hietnahtt-
noblese . t oi 0111)" -'later e 0S11 -
(ler to.011 the liest •118 'isteincebt let-
eliTg them ,see /leale rhee thie\e it is
1.0 'teed any tees:eta:le
e1.6; shorts, 316 to $17; mouillie [ Prof' P• CI' 'ThIrrisen' (li the Chi -
$.20 to $28 per ton. Rolled oats_e_ 4tario Agricultural Collet.7,-e, is secur-
Considerable price -cutting is going, ing samples of water from a number
on, 1.171(1 sales are reported at $2.15 of the creameries throughout the
to $2.20 Per bag. and $4.80 per province. and will make an examine -
boo, this being away below associa- tem of the seine with a view to fur -
light short cut, $17 to $17.50; Ana-
Cana- nisi:1111g exact information as to the
fur -
( 1.014. price. Proviaion--Ireavy
(11.0.74 short cut pork, 817 to $18; detrimental effect of impure water.
oilcan fat backs. 817.50; compound
lard, 6e to 7e; Canadian lard, 6R
to 71c; kettle rendered, Si to 91c,
hams, 13 to 131,c; bacon, 1317; to
1.4e; fresh -killed abattoir hogs, $8,
live hogs, 85.70 to $5.80 (weighed
off the cars). Cbeese--Ootario-, 71e;
best Quebec 7e. to 71c. Eggs -Sel-
ect, new laid, 18 to 181e; straight
gathered candled, 15 to 1.51e. But-
ter -Fancy grades, 171 to 1Sec; 'or-
dinary, finest, 17e to 17ee; Western
dairy, lea to 144c.
Buffalo. All 2.--Ie1our-Quiot.
Neheat--Easier; No. 1 Northern:,
$1.07. Corn-Sti•onger; No. 2 e -el -
low, 56e; No, 2 corn, 44e, Oats -
Weak; No. 2 white, 45c; No. 2 mix-
ed. 13arley-Noininal. ityte-No. 2
ia store, offered at 73c. Canal
1reights-111-ieat, age; cern, 21c to
brew York.
alinneepolis, Aug. 2.--Wheat----July
99}e, September' 89ec; "December
8741e; No. 1 hard, $1.02c; No. 1
Northern, $1.0a1c; No, 2 do., 991e,
Flour-Firstpatents, $5.10 to $5.20;
mcond do,, 85 to 85.10; first,-elase,
8:3.55 to $3.65; second do., $2.50.
l3ran-In bulk $1.1; .shorts, $13.
311111raultee, Aug. 2.-V1.1e0t-New
'September, 89ic bid. 11*.ve-N0". 1,
7'5e: BarleY---N0. 2, 41 10 42e;
.eaniple, 33 te ;49e. Corn -No. 8,
51 to 5.2e; September, 491c asked.
Duluth, August 2.--Wheat-Nd. . 1
Northern, $1.,02 No. 2 Northern,
98e; jUlhh $1.02t: S'entember, 90te;
December, Se
Two Irishmen seevine 10 an Eng-
lish reg,imont were good clitoris until
Rooney was raised to the rank of
sergeant. Forthwith his chest ex-
panded, and from that time on he
looked down on MeGrane.
One day eleGrane approached
Rooney, and said. "Mike, -I mean
sergeant, s'pose a private stepped up
to a sergeant and called hin1 a con-
ceited monkey, phwat wucl heppen?"
‘`Ire'cl be- put in the gya ed -house,”
"I -le SVH d?" '
71,e'Pose the private on'y
thought the sergeant was a coacelted
monkey. and aleret say a wurd
about it, Wed he be put in the
er'11 lave it go at
Fate() teeth Made of Paper are the
latest invention frem Germany,
Some of the dentists there are ifsing
them, and report them to 'be highly
(1,18)art..):•:,i,1:!a:s:.‘te,v°1.0eYln•a.els lirt'PdthjYeiriettoai a,,11,,Q)tias 2000111.-011,:11100t0ehrtr1-01
(1/4 1)0Si are Very
rlioati, saot break or chip, are not
setisitivo to heat, or cold, nor haS the
inoi.st,ure Of the inout.1).1321yeffsict.
iepon '
The Prince of Wales has decided to
now his father's footeteps and go fereat Forme.
reed his OW.11 1100503,ror horse racing. Ho intent -1a to A school him been open in
on for the study ot '341.137100770
iotor SIViti that Japan
dialeete as. there are t
After twenty-eight years iri the Ihe yoar. It is common knowledge
ministry eV en. evangelist of tbe that at the present day the Chineee
Christian chureli, Rev. H. C. Patter-, characters occupy by far the most
(sic:en, iaou.4d
f 1Irie.i•inbgutosnizalesIs.d., has gone into ,Important ,place in the Japanese
1. tele af writing. As in England, WI-
T! the 254000 employees refuse to feronecs'of dialect ore distinctly ap-
I aecept a, reduction in wages of elle ;parent in various localities, hut
per cent. tee cotton mills of lectil these are not be- any means so
River, Maas., will be closed for AU 21-11rl'7011 as in the ease of China. As
indefinite period, a rule, a inan speaking the pure To -
eons_ leia dialect might tra.vel through
The General Loes Committee,
ore /nearly the whole of Japan without
posed of expert insurance men,
ganized shortly after the Ilaltimore'°xPeriencing 11.11.Y considerable dif-
fire of February 7, lies made its fin- ficultrY• (Xis words woukl generally
al formed report. The report states fully understood, although he
that 3,778 separate claims wer., might now and again be unable to
handled, and that the insurance paid ;catch the true meaning (.4 -0» an -
was e29,074,058.51. Eleven claims ser a Pe received.
are unsettled, and in addition there' It is the Tokio dialect that is now
are 1,200 smaller claims which werei being taught to thousands of the
settled direct by the companies. Theavotmg men of Great Britain, for it
total insurance, will be about $30, -?1S the accepted language of Japan
500,000. 'just as Parleian French is accepted
:According to 0, report just. issued everywhere in -preference to that spit -
the prisons of the 1-nited States are; ken in the country districts. 11 is
becoming overcrowded with aliens, 1 this particular dialect that is being
There are confined in the institutions ,taught to young British Army of -
co eared, by the report 28,939 males 1, firers who are obliged to qualify as
and 15,643 females, all of whom I interpreters, either before I eaviug
have not become citizens of the Tillie' Japan or before the Civil Servile)
ted States. Of this number 3,995 I Commission at. home. It is quite
are imprisoned for grave offences, 5,e4probable that our young naval of -
686 foe minor crimes, a•hile 20,379
are insane and 14.001 are paupers,
'People in Difeere
on -
Next year the Legislative Council
of the Transvaal will consist of elect-
ed members.
Mrs. Florence Maybrick has arriv-
ed in France, and is living in strict
seclusion with her mother, Baroness
De Roque.
The French Eegation at Pekin cm-
phaticalls, repudiate the rumor that
the Preach aTe going to vend troops
to Irwangai.
Count Balms, of Berlin, liar. chal-
lenged Henry Von 1Vonden to a duel
on behalf of Prince Von Arnbury,
who is in an insane asylum. The rea-
son is that Wonder( insulted the
Prince in a book the former wroto
called "Tropenteller" (Tropical Mad-
The most valuable book ever pub-
lished by a private citizen woe pro-
bably the catalogue of the Walters
collection of pictures and ceramics in
Baltimore. Only 100 copies . were
published, which were presented -to
the great libraries and MuseUMS of
the world, This small edition cost
inore than $100,000.
In China visiting -cards are in etein-
inon use among the heivilited." But
whereas in this comitrythe cards
are irtictically of onsize and . of
small dimeesions, in‘e Ohlea the size
of the card and the lettere tliei•eit ert-
creases withi the importance of its
owner. The; cardr,. aM usually' of a
blood -reel color,
'DOC B10TiV1iJ,
; he izeing tests for eolice
dogs held in: Bruele,, the mosti ,
terestieg ;wee that of tact dog Sit,teri.;
e4ea ,)-les,.;becrt tOL1.ght. to - 1ip'(b itul-
7041. once , loolte- for *levee the
tea,toidetter,„atia oois lioueee,
firers an the near future, have
to qualify in a like manner,
The most difficult of all the dia-
le?ts, perhaps, is that used in the
Satsuma district. It possesses many
words peculiar to its own province,
so 01.81111 so, indeed, that a con -versa -
tion carried on between two Satsuma
men is often all but unintelligible to
11, native of Tokio, although the lat-
ter, might be able to make himself
understood by either of the others.
In many 'country districts also a pa-
tois is used known only to tho peas-
ants, and presenting great dial:cult>,
to any Japanese of the better class
who comes from a different locality:.
Name of Captain o 'irst English
Ship to Enter it.
Since the Japanese boml)arcintents
brought Port .Arthur into notoriety,
everybody- is asking why the plade is
called Port Arthur, an11 nobody
seems to know tlie reason. The bay
no doubt bad, and probably, still
has, a Chinme name, but nowadays
even the Russians ealt the harbor by
its Engli0i. title. In 1857, before
the war which Peogland and. France
declared against China, an gagliso
ertliser, named the Algertno, =tared.
the bay al- tile end of the Liao Tung,:
peninsula, and is said te b0.ve been.
the first European vessel to do se.
The commander of the cruizer lia.P-
pened to be Captain. IV, Arthur, and
the crew, not leho)ving whet the
Ohenese called 'it,.,gala tile' haebor
the name of their captain, and tho
Ntiotietv. Ilh04:'0:etrti; 6tkPlet:Prelllatelaacn'csk' a1'077101110 s'1'
lt.rd)ilf.ii•oteein6bdlal::7111'lao:et''t1W1:ar:telaht +t hi;it;re:11°P oal:11; oat' gale'llst.,,eP15:(1illoVrget,
IVicho/aS, after the'Clear. ' 'They
if the worst tomes, to thee' Weest
denh 10 •
t SS refer t[1.44,. t
th0y L Ian or p
hall be los
ba", s titan trader.
liatee •ral of t