HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1904-8-4, Page 5ucsrc:rcncxcv.ar.,oz. ,...s.-n.F .ic^7+J.--»,ser-4-1 IT t�0 he dose it: foil , just one pill l 111itd, certa%.'tley carp • e �tsonCo. 0 constipatioi7, ig,;41.T�sar)a: aweeee•-e-- Want your moustache or beardA d;,Asraaan.a•,ruA ' OY a )eau �: brown or t°icillblack? Use rifted;deedeu.arcQ.,trA.stiva,at,a, MEDIC? T W. BBOWNIN% iti '. D:, M. 0, P. S„ Graduate Victoria, Uni• verelty. office and restdenence, lIoatiniQrt Laboretera•, Exeter, DENT Al. • Eire ,lfA�I, L, D, S, A\L �•!••' T)R, ,A, �. K1NSItlAN, lf, D, S. D. D. S„ Ronor Graduate of Toronto tlntversitY, Dentist Teeth extracted without pin or bada£ter effects, Onice, in Fan. sone block, West side o£ Main Lreet. Exeter' 1),A.: ANDERSON. (O. D. 8, L.D.S. DENTIST. .HonorOrenuate of tee Toronto Untver$ity and royal College o£ Dental Surgeons of 10ClticagoSe colo= bottom 7Dentistryn(with laoeorablel mention. Eeerytbieglemma to the Dental Professioe donein this office, Bridge work, crowns, \—e Shoo mrimttestld nnneric`posibleesAlpe recur :harmless anaesthetic vsedeor painless eS.tree, Lion, °Mee one door south or Carling Rro'setore lexoter, Ont. TO LOAN Private !nude to loan ou Form leoretty at Four FRNEST ELLIOTT rind *Pc bat£ ror cant, NEY TO LOAN hevourtlimited private fund fQr rose t ant moon farm er rtl}tsito prePertY at loves iWS of interest. DICKSON 4 (:ARfaING Exeter. NEY TO LOAN. 17e have a ]urge amount of private trends to orae on farm and Yillageetel er:ties atiow eetee r interest, QLAl MA,N . STANRLRY llarristorsn 'Solicitors. Main St. En ,NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the mutter of the estate of Wit- • Haut George Millar, late of the Township of Usborne in the County of Iluron painter, de- ceased. Notioe is Hereby :given pursuant to R. S. O., 1897, chap. 1n9, that all creditors and others having claims AgAinst %state of the said Wil- liam, George Millar, who died on or about the 11th day of July, 1004, are required on or before the 20th day of August, 1901 to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. (Madman Stanbury, of the village of Exeterr. Solicitors for Azat'ia 111illar, Admin•• listratrix of the said deceased,:their obristian and surnames. addresses and descriptions, the Full partieul ars of their claims, the statement 4f tlicir accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by theta, And further take notice that after such fast mentioned date the saki Adninistratrix will ilroceect to clis- tritruto the assets of the deceased among the parties eatitl.n1 thereto, flavin; regard only to the claims of wllioli silo shalt then have Notice, and that the said Administrtatarix will not bo liable for the said assts or any parr thereof to. any Marson or persons of whose claims noties' shall not have been;, received by her tit the time of snob distribution, tlLAl)MAN & STA D:URI', Solicitors for said Adnaiuistrairix, Dated at Fleeter the �dseil, day of ;rely 1901, Non() F4 TO CREDITORS In the mater of the estate of Am- brose Allen, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron. farmer deceased, NOTICE its hereby gkven that pursuant to R. S. 0..0 1897, Cap. 120.,,, All persons having claims against iC 'SC?v CARLING, the estate of tate said Ambrose .Allen I wito died on or about the thirdday --•— of March, A. 1)„ 1904, are required liatristcrs. Solicitors. Notaries, C;cnsoVaancers. to send by Dost pre -paid, or to delle- Committsionerst, SPiiettors for tbQ oleons er to Kenneth Goodman, Af the town itnak,Etc, of Parkhill, in the county of Mid - Money ta 4oartatlowest ratasoi !mutest. dleatax, Solicitor for tihe Admin- OFFICE:.,T7tA N 8TREF.T, EXETER, istratrix, on or before the 6th day 0,B. ce ruts t ri.. ee Z. it. tarCUON A. O. RAMSAY,' V. S. Honor nraduate Ontario retainer)* ("oh lege ; Honors Fellow in Ontario Veterinar skAssociation. Al' diseases at domestic animals is ntificcailirireatei1. Milk fever treated by tttolataat oxygen treatment, OFFICE a One doer south of Town Balt ItESIDENOE:leceOnd house north of Pres• las retina church. ........1.01.1004.001,1001MelMOWIMMIIMMWormESOW 41.1.01,110111. The Usborne and Hilbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Mur- ano Gompan,. Head Office, Farquhar, On't, DiR OTORs President„—T. RYAN, Dtitl',x;` 1', 0. Vice -Pres.:— W, lir PASi31rtQRB, 'AR(1171BAlt P. 0. F. MORRLEY, WHALEN 122 0. 3. A. NORMS, C110eLeRTY I". 0. 'Wm. Roz IIO1 1IOL,1f P. 0. 3. 1;., Itusszf f., RLYSSELD1r,E P. 0. i,;G ENT.S, • CAiretTcre.ter L. STA B. < ,. ONT. A. DUNCAN Fe.lienalleelt, O/.'n • W1Y.SQ:, I i YLLAR QN, ONT. 3. S. (aTL"k`1LT,:SN, Y,`.t. , ONT. B. W.. F. BEAVERS, Seoy.-Treas. Farquhar. Notice James Taylor, of Exeter North to inform the public that wishes svi not be responsible for any, debts contracted by his wife. Elizabeth Taylor, after this date. Exeter, July 27th, 1904. TJEON COUNTY HOUSE Oh' RE- ZA Fuge and Industrial loam.—Ap- plications for the position of keeper and Matron of the House of Refugeun c and Industrial farm in the County of Huron, willbe received on or be- fore the first day of December: next. Applications to be in writing and ad - (tressed to W. Lane, County 'Clerk, Ooderich,—ll. Spackman, Chairman of II, of R. Com. Dated 1July 18th 1904. FOR SALE Part Lot 23, con, (3, in Usborne. con- taining five acres ofhu3d, Good brick house, stable, good orchard and gar- den. This properly is mile front. Thames Road Post UfSet•,and roust he sold to close estate. Terms easy. For partieu)ars apply to TTio1L&S 0A111Eit ON Esq,, Farquhar Po.; SHORtTHORN D:URH A&t BIU'LLS sale ?pure bred Duh Bulls with pr�dvoree; or eligable for registration :,D?,v urged bull lvhichisthe sire 'of ;the t;therds. � inclutlted in the lxifeming and has proved hitnsgelf a sure'. stook glitter, Be was aired by Riverside Stamp, which did such good service in the herd of T. and, W. lB. Watt. of Salem, and ifs a hal£ �roeher to Star of Morning, recently, , owned by James Snell, afl3ullat" which took first prize at Landon fair and sold at his dispersion, sale for $400. Apply on Lot 1G, Conce�wsion`?, ,Hay, or John Elder,Hensel). P. O. ARM PORI SALt'G{::—.An eacelae::•tsn Ilar.irn of 101 acres situated; on a odd gravel road, ha.lf:' weary between �aadench'and' T.ucknowv F , ll'1'r4 Mame Prem. G I j'�rcnr D�ilngiar;nn•on and ]"l0 •rodira krone The farm. has splendid build- r1CilUUI. .. r .;�- 3l. 0 The barn' rs t inaai . '7 d crop ,n s resentthesearc50acec, in present The fences are in ,SO acres 1n lay,. ,fr;rut �claass cionalittcau• ]\T vee fauitin,r �wy�il frit. �esoell'ent water, a1 aar'cis of nearly 4 miles ,aG" umber; • •ad nn b21�t,, , n y bn E nin�•*: l rrtmecliaato p�osseHs lr.i This will ,be a snap�'to,then ,d�eis,i read quick pt)rciras�er'. tai%fuller •par- Licu1ars apply ta'Dr. D. A. for sale.—The undersigned has for Durham u Andersen, of August, A. 1)., 1904, their naaluos, addresses and de+soription, and n full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the s eo w- ity, (if any) held by them, duly cer- tified, and that after the said day tido Atlnrinistratria will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceas- od among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice )Med at Parkhill, this Rth stay of July 1904. MALVINA ,ALLEN, Administratrix,. by Kenneth Goodman. NOTICE TO OatEDIT 0ItS. In the nutter of the Estate of Jane Parsons, late of the Township of Ste- phen in the County of Iiurottf Widow deceased. Notice isboreby triton pursuant to -The Re- vised Statutes of Ontario; 1807, chapter 120, that all creditors and others baying claims against Um estate of the said Jane Persons who died oa ora]taut the lStlt.day of Starch 180i, aro required on or before the 20th day of August 1,101, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs Gitelman & ;tanbury o£ the i^311a,;;e of excret; Solicit -ore for the I:xoontor 1 ofIt t o said deaarps d their C ( l C]1ri5 fall and d� Cart 1 a e: V a tali a added e.. and , K < lt. ori tiaasthe P , tt full particulars of their clainrs;t)tc t:tatolnont of tilelrnecounts,aud the nature of the sal •itrltles, (if torr) held by them. ,and further take nether that after suelt last mentioned date the amid Executor will proceed to de:tribute the asset,: of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of wheel be shall then have notice and that the said 1 ww • bees ^ Executor win not fab for liable c the staid a,5d,i or any tart thereof to an • or a ms 1 S personr a of P wchnse a•Initn Douro shall not L avo'ocon ramie - ed by him at the time of buds distribution. Dated at Exeter the `20thnay of.)n1y,10)1, GLADbUL1\ & STANEar v. Solicitors for the said Etecutor. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' list, 1904, municipality of the township of Usborne, County o. Huron. Notice is Hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered ed to the per- sonssons Mentioned in sections 8 and 9, of "The Voters' List Aet," the copies required by the said Sections. to be so transmitted or delivered, or the list made pursuant nt tosaid: act, of all persons appearing by the lase: revised Assessment Roll of the said Mutnicipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections• for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal elections, and that said fist was first posted up at my offieec, at Whalen, on the 30th day of July. 1904, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list; and if any omissions or other er- rors are found therein, to take im- mediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according co •laws,' Dated at Whalen, thin 30th day of. July, 1904. FRANCIS MORLEY, Clerk ,of the said municipality. AIIM FOR SALE,—Lots 20, 10 eon, and ilth 'con., Stephen, 6 1-4 miles west of Exeter, being composed of 100 acres on the llth con. and 120 acres on . •the 10th These farms are under good state of cultivation well drained with good ,1)onse an.l out -buildings, thereon al- so' freit bearing orchards . Never failing well the year round. 1'or further pa..rticulars apply to T. T3. Marlyn, Exeter. FARM FoR SALE.—In `` Osborne township, being earls of lots 17 r 25 t. t'ainin 1.,0 on the 13th cal con 18,1 1 , 6 aces. Buildings are:i•a storey c.yv and '1 cand on b ani brick boos hank t ba.t:tl 1 _, t Two orchards, IU rc. cs of 1 P a1 rA ' barn. o a t hush h and is situated 2 1-2 melee front iaktrn, 7 .miles Isom Exeter, .1-i 1-1' mile ,mein 8311001. Must: be ..old to close an estate. For .fur- ther particulars rpply to Wm. Prid- hem, ::Russelttale, \\T.m. Baker, Ful- lerton, Executors. The Exeter Times THURSDAY, (JOUST h.. 1904 EN'ERAL NE\\'S. Lora Dundonald sailed f.•onl QUO - boo, Friday afternoon at. 3 o'clock board the; Allap steamer Tunisian and was ac ordad a quiet but hearty Send-off. R T M S, A U '(* 15 S rl' 4th 1004. Mother's Ear A WORD IN MOTHER'S EAR WHEN. NURSING AN INFANr, ANP IN TVA: MONTHS neer COME NEiQRE THAT TIME, eCOTT'$ . 'MULSiQN OURPf-n ..THE .^: XTEA. arRGri TN Roz NOU?7SHM.ENT n5. NECESSARY FOR, THE HEALTH Q. dOrn f4OTHaR AN CHa r", sand. for fres seraTe. To get relief from indigestion bel- scot c a I,ep;Iente Clemente iousuess, Couatipatio;a or torpid liver„ Te:o:t,, entente wilhout,distIrrbing the stomach or tee aad.Sz. l; atldra.gistr, paten•.. J 1 „sato lite bora 15 t 16' a fewdoscrs . of Carter's Little hitter fills they �'��' '�;+�'� kill pleas: you . t5� Owing to the prevalence of light 'thirty years ago ilia Q.ntral Ates fever and malaria in Toronto, Dr. ihodi.'q church, Stratford, insured ;;heard, the medical health officer, the ;int 0': 'a rntrnber as security fon made a bacteriological examination :a 11.ortE an'o of 57,000.. iia Ttas nus of the water, and bas advised cit.- died, and it is found that in that zany to boil the water before using It pia iod the church laid tit: sum of The unusually high water this sea.' 1:430 in premiums, mora titan son has caused some of the Iiay i thre,' fishes the value of the policy.. water impregnotud with sewage to Recently notice was gi'.:n feat percolate into that filtering basin on rangenteuts had been made for the +o 1ire island, ;IA lwt, iu0 of l.ictori'ul lost cards bar• E. - Do not despair of curing your rich; ing tht entire back covnr•e:l by apie- headache aalten leu can 'so easily oh- tare and half of the address side to .:-- train Carter's Little Liver bins. They the let of the address reserved for will effect a protnpt and penman-. a written communication to tie`* �• slit cure, Their action is mild and .:ataits (g ails l etw�•en Canada a- natural. r,lct utas, United Sta,es and G-andaa s�— ' lt3 Doraeinioct Govexr,uarent h s ile- artd Srvi:!;erlaxtd. ArrautLerments s cidcil to pine. n ino'tr ant•'losti i helve lean made now for na1111tttitn exhibit at the Canadian National I;a ralr'ti of 1110 some to the mui1';~ ex- .` position at 't;orotrto. It is a.glelieftrrgect iit,t}ae;itn Canada at44 UAW. poultry fame. The exhibit will oe- r "Tilt S. Piet of tat klo5t 0:lt'd , having copy fifty square feet of grtiun4l written catrrrnenreations on the dad - and will compriseet remodel poultry i dress side rata now :b , s.ent from, boast', a model Poultry yard, two a C311.151)1 to titer 1'.uitctl T ingrlon:, the tnuvallcs colony laoust's, brood,'ri 1 niteil Scutt's, Prance. Tnni:4, SSMC- £t?tttttitttPtt tittrait?rilIitiiiiitttitttrr iitttttttr?ttfit `tint!tif#tti tit ttit'itittt'... C4 etn- 40, nth e.hici:cns,' ittcuhaior:, .feealar( aa'rlan,I ant Italy-, t,,pgr,5 s „ .. _,.... One ,:,f 111=• lnslt'ct ors a1tl:Pint14d lis : WI'I I CRICK IN THE iIAox the•, Ontario Clove/norm to invesli You are up against a whole lot of ft.std the outbreak of small -pox i1, trouble 1e unless you an hat : a strong Qr, ry Ontario roport;'tl 'th' condition' remedy ljkt' Nervitine to settle pain of things tinge the Provittaill lf;'altli"a:nt dislodge stiffness from, tlu I)e artnienl took hobs, 'firsts Iiav3 a ntusele;i and ,ioirlty, Just rule Ncr- bilen 100 cast's in nil, nasi of th:'so 23: adiia'i' on tit.: painful epotg^- not are'r•o;v under qu•ar,antine.scatterc'i'a's.uelt rubbing because Nerviliite has throughout thi' townships of Hurl-? Tore honer than ordisiary remedies. son,: Ingram, Kearns, Event ural and i ; 't ou won'tsukfer long attar. Ncr- ono construction edam on the Gov- vilin'1 is applied for it relieves al- ernment railway'.. i most instantly:, Mr. Philip. Adana, No one knows better than 1ho - } e 0,11;btn i says, ""If 1 hadn't used. who have used Carters Little Liv?;, N 11 n 1 guess my hack wouldb.. 11113 what 1•c•1:ef titre' Itaw glean s,rcf 101. A. four npplac8tioats cie Neer -4 hen 1'41t.e.'x for dyspetlsi'• dizzil: c', w111nc+ tiitik out :sit rl1? voran^ssurnal ltatiti fin the aside.' nOnlitip:atittai, artt-l. stifilt(e$i. I cart recottutl^n°l Nervi - for cauy kind of muscular pain, Trial Trier.—row isalit' ti1G; s;tta for t'lleunaatisni. Price .0e. si'cur, two good papers for tlraprac ot'•one. T'ha Weekly Mail and. I a .- virs• from . nov. till Jan. 1st., 1915' Tor (nil? roc. To new ,a,ubsotibe . "1'hiN neer the yew adi.in :vational only. S,000 IN PRIZES hibition of Toronto, to bo held': Th^ high sebool to suers 0)1 their from August 29th to September 100, Ike* d of Examiners :at, ' o oft t will give premiums to tlnc; extent of have a problem in thele bawls. 11 thirty-five thousand dollars in snee 0 has appeared in tb shoat'rn last * besi fes feints three thousand dollars gouge department, and is over 110 in n.edals anal cups, of which twenty paper in . French s t for t h' jU.uior sl%Ven thousaald dollars Will be devot leaving=, *fie , popt'r is voted til- r.;i i o lIvo stock. Particulars of corn tb togC°r too )tar•il for junior /each= I•efition for this handsome gift of students. Souse of the treaohori money and trophies are given in the Ihoms0lvt»s were stumped wlmnthey good-looking cit a to nnSWcr alta questions that he had an application to Manager J. wer,w put on the toper by a professor' 'Orr, 70 King Street East Toronto: at the l'uiversity. The questionsre'- �,�pi•ire list, which can fee part iculslrly to idiomatic sun- *eneas, T�ey fir, iia the nttureof trick 'illi' Tilncsa ;trot the 1i'amily Ilera d; or freak questions, and thII ability to and Weekly. Star will be sent to any ansavcr thein is no criterion of fir" pupils knowledge of tit, language. If •t pupil has an exceptional anent address in Canada or the United States till Dee. 31.. 1904 for 76c. To take advantage of this offer you ore the paper has bean well answer- must subscribe at; once.' ed. The examiners have on tiff pry. ---o--- linti:n•ary scrutiny plucked about *'t Titer,' is as storyin a monthly pa- per cent, of alta pupils, and this fact ' l er on iha trials of an •editor, which bus lead 10 the decision 1 o V views the may 1 0 new to some. A. 'gentleman papers and pass more lightly on it e<t}let1 al the orrice al an American. Itis the general opinion among th•• paper and slid to the editor, "Sir" examiners that the paper is an use- it 1s announced in your paper that. fair one. 1 .fine need." -Veil," replied the: edi- : o -f i . s ' 1 Car piper C - i t s a a t ) r it is or Toronto 1 P r• a ti'• ale 'at , . 'l ie cin , .anew 0 1 } I 1 } 1rt 01 'Ihtt it is not correct, fur 10 have which a vigorous eampai;.t1,,N.tr. 1' anti ,tiff':, s111.1 1 expect you iii' :for of local optionwhichis to to rortlrennet it.' "No; 1 cannot do 1ha1,' said fife editor, "as we never correct anything 111121appears in out impel.. Ilut 1 will do the best 1 eine . To -morrow l will but you 111U1)ici^ t7Yt " .o)tso option at the l 0 f 1000 } Ut 1 Ile. 75 b'1'I }i„ l.t of s pal election. This scheme is .not t all to the liking of some of the highI IS 'S'O1,n 13llEATH BAD!rollers in the Dominion '.1 luportln.r.• Alliance, who sal in this 'method r:i' tri l,rt lt:i.tisaneof thefiarlysynlp procedure m'.nns of l.tttng 1'.r 201.2; of cnt.arrh wbiah should be wa:inl out oft' (1. \V, Ross' salts, soil. alt eked at one • Awl not allowed to a:1 a elan lois,rn issue- on "••Abut: '1 -run into consumption, The ;surest t 7 •\. s curt• is fragrant, healing, CaCarr fife Dar" is concerned. Rev, J. McDonald endother ps•o.,niue li' Li -1 llozone le Well sus s catarrh by re- crate are end:etvoring to w..oip i h.' movinie 118 ceruse. No cease is too eh - I he extended over at11 the Province. Pet it ions are is amulet ion raqueet- ing thecivic authorities to vas( br-law for a vote on the questica 10, 4410;.: IMISsos 111▪ 11.. e4s•- s▪ -• <a.-• P s�a�v = �• �P6ARDINE E TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. ONE DOOR NORTH OF POST OFFICE 37 :ieces New Wrapp rettsto sei at 8, 10, 12 1.2c 35feces p New gess Goods to sell at, 50, 751 1rt00$.25. 26 pairs Lace Curtains to e 1.001 1.25, 1.40, 1.75, $1.95 pieces Flan Flannelettes t 4s sell at 5, 6, 7, 12 1.2 cents et so of our Silverware by deal ng with us ew rivals tC crane people into line to sup- topic—even th,t nlos.t: stubborn yield e mHeaven P I P ill a short limit to a he balsamic va- por from earth to Government' , rr 5 ` 1 1rL lost frons and i • 9 were ;rscendrn 1•an CI w e 0 rz l^nsi i scheme, which thee r w por et It makes cur- d t m. 1.i ^ u. that last, ~ l a; 6 1pect; trill - be his battle uta. Tann c: 1 r t l I, foro c Cured by Cs - et, Ihirbcr, M. P. P. (Lieenti) nem is ,a) rhozone you stay cured. Cater We need to take the .s 1 is •'a h Chr' t w ho vola B r i e to use relieves a ,nose instant- same positionsecure re- { upon n which p , looking after it. One of our mer- and decend- chants told h e 1 0 mer- chants me h did S ,0 0 more business asst month t o thesame b i 1 0 It n 1 'CREDITON year." Ti last lowest rungmoat 1, s voluntarily as - to anything like ''aboiitiori r,roioite is It , rs nt cans ni• nt wind weft is , v of 1h, bar,' stated that "it seas co l d that to .y ,inil le eelrantead to cure every dem otion to us,. and rase with Him: • quest fan } 1 bad that the teat 1 lana• L l 1 and 1 oli t ics ever bec tin:; mixed •' 11.e meaning was that . nothingcon be done .for the temperance people by wvay of legislation •so long as 111.' tem -mance people are willing lo be bamboarled into supporting pcopl21 who /hike promises only to tide in- to t ower on them, owl ten (wet temper 03100 people dO',i'Il. aate R - 1 Speaks fez -.itself` ' tt� Cures Sick Headache Cures Nervous Headache ett �g ���!. Cures Neuralgic IIeadache �`, Cures Suinnier Headache 1tel@dt.',% Cures Bilious 'Headache " �k �a'�e, Cures anyHeadache 1 d,jikt, a -e a 1. Is Pleasant to T cel °C1 4.utel.. Safe 114...,.-3.714...„ �y,,,�Is tlbsol �s'�• y Relief `e SpeedyR 1 e �'aS1� ivies G forits -c a box i/sk �'��� -Sells ^s yu, sent free Sample ,, aI 0'S' i P Tun II> Rlti,I) RICIP,DY CO. Mlximeo Montreal lyte of cart•ar1h bronchitis and as- : s- 1hnla.' Use only Calarrliozone com- plete outfit. i11,00; sample size 25e. W. C. T. t'. NOTES Our W, C. T. fr. WI)tcliward for thio year is. all. increased Member slip and an inoleeses spirituality. 1\'c :may very profitably question how :fully' we: are cellowing it to in- fluence us in: this Werk. A broad tell is truly oen and 1•equires con- secreted effort to accomplish re - ,sults. Are we allowing our lives to be circumscribed and oonven-- t tonal, 1 hich must unfit us Lor use-'. fulness. John Euskin, haeno- ously remarks'', in his a utohio'raphica,l sketches,:; "Nearly everything; that. I ever slid of any use in this world bas been done cotillary- to the, advice of my ,friends t and as any 7riends aro un- aanivaous at preemie in begging me never to write to newspapers, 112m eomewrltat under. the impression that: 1 ought to resign my' Oxford professorship and try to got: a suit editorship in the Telegrap.h." We make conventionalism too e four chat: - actor corner Stone c 1, t o o h a, •.p C 1 match t h o aactorr; 'what the -little world 'WC _agrees tocall good, that t, vC'o t o uto ino. t � b tis is good. Can anything short of our entire consecratioln. avail for this Life or the<'at hereafter? It. g -as nl ween .,.cob met God's rc- n o y w geiremenas that hiss name was r e Israel: andhe w s per- mitted changed to T. a l .n a p e mittecl t o secs the ladder• extending Bean; the $igeettnu of tihe Kind You Have hlwaye Bought .r until we Oa.CIl., in the ascending scale x the topmost a •ung. in order that our seal too manycontenting selves with a. stap-ladder type of — _.- _- - _._ —nee. Christianit which will • eventually y, '4 ,L,..L L ••'cendin scale. > < the d.. in terminate 'a Adelaide 1Proctor vary aptly says ;—• 4 + understand mycross 'ol I do not and a et IACKSON SON. ..-t may be effective. We oaten am them -1 ll C.3StOR.=A. u� a s o ht Ki d You Have Alw B Bear the Then Y n e in S attire S f 0 a� to understand my way to see, better in darkness just: to feel Thy hand follow Thee_ From the Tidings we take the fol- lowing ;—"Since the passing of the B l Bl heine,' in + Junk Dealers. 8. >L Main -St. fi Exeter. '1• Locral Option y- awe in en. we heard such strange rumors in re-li Occupying 3. P. Ross' .t.÷ tic 'had been incommoded, etc., we, -1• Store, one door south of 4. just felt as if we would like to take . >L Metropolitan Hotel. a run down and test the accommo- dation for ourselves. But not bo- ing table to do that, we did the next hest thi e—a tote, the Rev. G. B. Drown, Baptist minister, • whom .WC learned had taken a most prominent partin the late contest there. Oar hearts were giaddened and our faith strengthened in "our -people" by the following reply, \--;-Eich came t promptly to hand,. "Local Option is giving great sat- isfaction to the people or Blenheim.. i 'Pilo hotels are all open , to take ., rn and accommodate the public, and: aro yelling' no liquor. The Baptist as- ,t. sedation met in :Blenheim last •. 1010 ce ek about 200 delegates were + more than delighted it our town. L No one saw any signs of drink. Per- feetorder prevailed. edyOld people e o lI e sa Y et thatthin is the first time in40 •i• years that they could go by the •1 4 L a . f cin afraid c It ewithout L h hotelsg 0 No quantity too large ' .� or *li- do � y 4. Ing' profane language. But noww 1 ,F,. a ,t, L rt cl e e is'a panicle e think that there F• 1 do nail tl) toil: SMailr P _, and I a : on 'ii• 4. town, am of. liquor sold in to v , : the ireet s more or less every night, l'.3.' '4 ,5.': '''..4"4"1" "'+'•H'I"H"':. "i•", j ward to the way the travelling pub- 4. Will pay highest cash price for the following goods,such as all kinds of Gristing and Chopping' Promptly Done. We are giving excellent sa— tisfaction in flour since re- modelling our mill Sweitzer •1' r Scrap Iron Brass Copper Zinc Lead Pewter Horse IIair Wool Pickings Rags Labs Old Rubbers bers Bones and Bottles leS 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE •i• .. ...br.-.• .. TRADE MARKS 1- DESIGNS' CoPVRIGHTs &C, 'Anyone sending a sketch and description mop 1 it Whether 113 ' qu1C>;r?:,pucertm am opinion Preow4etho a +�.lu ton 18 prol abippatentable. o. Ctlxn nniai- ' tions strictly rnatevtnl. Eindbookon�atents= sent tree. Old •cwt agency for securing -emotes. et, ' Patents term re Mime et'Oo. rocalre, s eeia2' not ea without ar 0 in t P 1 o a , ho 'Scientific Jlinericaii. a ma ri llt straaedw a •1T. terre sr, COTali1in of anYsci ntiHe JoGrnat Torras, tealit,ra- - year: lour months, �i. Sold nOradeuters. ew 3 1Braadwa & 9, p� �[ jt p M o Rraz fief Qtnoe, 925 Tl' alt.. y�,$ah>`•paton, �. 4a.